Suicide rates among young people dropped substantially for the first time in like 30 years when schools were closed due to COVID and people had less homework. Almost every kid I do therapy for describes an amount of homework that's probably three or four times the amount that I had in highschool and that was only 13 years ago or so. The amount of stress that school puts on kids is immense and it stunts their development because of it. Anything that reduces stress on young people and gives them more time to learn, grow, and develop in free time is a complete win.
Homeschooling is fine as long as it doesn't involve a set standardized curriculum and is mostly just kids following their parents around, learning how to do daily stuff, and having fun.
And if homeschooling isn't being used by the parents to avoid the public school curriculum teaching their kids about history or topics they find offensive to their narrow world view
Also I think there are broader concerns about homeschooling not giving children the opportunity to explore various fields and skills that their parents aren't strong with, or have little experience or interest in e.g., A parent with poor capacity for critical analysis would be less likely to impart that skill on to their child, or one that doesn't engage in much mathematical or creative work would be less likely to give their children opportunities to explore those interests A standardized curriculum isn't the ideal solution either, but it does usually give children opportunities to explore how their early developmental period has engendered them to specific fields of interest
Homework overall does suck regardless though, especially rout learning drills used in mathematics and adjacent classes
The things I dislike about homeschooling are as follows: Religion being blended w/ curriculum ( have a separate class theology class) becomes confusing, sort of like God and politics.
Second it breeds agoraphobia, being able to be still have friends and time to interact with them, massive importance.
Third: would be exercise, it's kind of hard to do so w/o other students, so my suggestion would be running. I had a trampoline and it was good for many activities.
Kids should mostly just be running around, fuckin around, havin fun, doin what kids do. No school or learnin!
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
so true
learning has its merits too but not the school way
anyway school is mostly daycare tbh
I don't really agree I think learning is an important part of being youth, and that school is an important social scenario as well
Kirara "Ikkyū" 🍄 大医 /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
>>1077764 Yeah, school is basically indoctrination daycare where they teach you to behave and avoid thinking outside the box.
But I also don't really want to get into this I'm obviously not going to change any minds here
Kirara "Ikkyū" 🍄 大医 /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
I think kids would naturally socialize if they were just out and about. That's what they did before school
Yeah and we also now have had school for like, 150+ years Maybe in a different timeline where we hadn't settled into this kind of culture, sure, things would be different But the cultural norms right now are strongly against kids being stuck in their small local neighbourhood bubbles
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
destroy all suburbs
Kirara "Ikkyū" 🍄 大医 /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
>>1077769 thats true but i think the only way to change that culture is to disrupt it with something like noschool
I think the damage in doing that far outweighs any long-term theoretical benefits
one good thing about HS, you can trips (not feild trips) i.e. learn on the go, while seei g new scenery. plan trips**
Jan like dropped out of second grade and he's fine!
Jan is also an exceptional person and I would never hold the average person up to his qualities He's also lucky to have had a good family for learning outside of school and I am absolutely certain there are not enough families out there who are as good for that, for abolishing school to be healthy for the mass majority of kids to turn out as well as he did
i know people with lymes disease its becoming pretty common
Kirara "Ikkyū" 🍄 大医 /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
relatively compared to the prevalence rates like 10 years ago
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
thats wack why? big surge in ticks?
i like cold biomes for this reason fewer bugs can parasite it up
Kirara "Ikkyū" 🍄 大医 /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
the deer ticks that carry it have been able to spread more throughout the US as the world has gotten more consistently warm the changing climate allows them to thrive more
>>1077790 moar like an up surge in auto correct >>1077786 hey, I didnt say bringing limes along on the voyage was forbidin or any thing. ;)
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
gotta love auto correct injecting some chaos into our lives
>>1077804 I actually thought they abandoned this whole project cause the first trailer with... well, that voice segment feels like it showed up like 5 fucking years ago
>>1077817 That's pretty neat I wonder if there's anything like that near me Vocational education isn't terribly supported here I don't think, and it's usually more conventionally applicable skills
Also the anxiety of being surrounded by either younger kids and/or obvious weebs kinda intimidates me from even considering it So you got that one up on me
some ppl are 1-uppers Im a 7-upper
Yeah, some people need to put in seven times the effort to achieve what others can But I won't judge you for it
love being judged love attention tbh have never achieved anything of note though
Same to be honest
Rei !p8eYCadcMo
Wordle 583 5/6*
⬜⬜⬜⬜🟩 ⬜⬜⬜⬜🟩 ⬜🟩🟩⬜🟩 ⬜🟩🟩⬜🟩 🟩🟩🟩🟩🟩
Rei !p8eYCadcMo
mathler 356 2/6
⬜🟨⬜🟩⬜🟩 🟩🟩🟩🟩🟩🟩
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
i was on a very serious and comtemplative ride on my new bicycle around the water then somehow youtube music started shuffling through my likes and i got hit by, first off, a certain song by rick astley which is apparently in my likes and then this: >>>/watch?v=nO-tljwT3tc mood breakah
>>1077833 Two dollarydoos coins Dunno if they have those initials
/人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
>>>/watch?v=RQHW9fpZUzA >>1077834 1988-1989 will have the designer's initials on the elder I've read somewhere that they took it in 1990 because it could be considered branding a n aboriginal but that could be fiction iunno there's too much misinformation already about the 1988 coin
>>1077867 they haven't determined what it will be yet. They'll be "working in close consultation with the community" to ensure that what ever they end up developing is "a good fit for the game" and good for "healthy, long term development".
my betting returns have taken off big time since I started mostly limiting myself to 10% bets Not huge returns, but no big losses either Well, the few 250K bets today were kinda scuffed, but it ended up evening out surprisingly
is this what it means to be too big to fail? failing upwards?
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
i usually just bet like 5k lol
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
you're just built different i tend to go belief way too much even when unwarranted
damn there was this really sweet hololive clip where watame nervously asked fubuki on stream if she could drop the "senpai" when she addressed her and call her fubu-chan. one of my favourites and I swear to god it's been removed from the internet. can't find it anywhere. The clip at least. The stream is probably still up. But I have no idea which one it was from.
Damn some of these raids on my base are fucking massive Easily handled if I didn't intentionally gimp my guys though I guess Maybe they're strong enough to let off the limiters now
After like half a year of the front stairs to this store being out of commission and the accompanying ramp being decrepit, they're finally ripping out and replacing the whole thing But today they're doing either some intensive drilling or jackhammering as a part of the replacement process And the site of the focus of that work seems to be literally right above my head Hopefully this doesn't run the whole day
spicy line but pretty fast im on time just barely phew
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
new york here i come
fuck my bag is too tall they're checking it farewell bag
last time I traveled I gave up on checked luggage, just one smol carryon bought new clothes from thrift store upon arrival, and just threw away dirty socks and underwear instead of dealing with them
>needing more than a backpack of clothes actual female? on my internets?
>>1077954 have you ever lived/worked where its actually cold? stuff gets bulky to to stay warm
>>1077955 actually funny, wp >>1077956 yeah it was just a meme yeesh that's insanely cold it was in the 50s in texas so I didn't really need much more than my hoodie but I think I'd die in those temps
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
im goin to NYC for a week then im going to (unplanned) for a week then im going to UTAH for work trip/ski
>>1077958 dang that's a lot of traveling, I assume some of it's business? hopefully you get decent seats on the flight
just remembered when I left MCO our plane had two people arguing before takeoff like they were gonna fight, I guess someone's baby broke her headphones and she spent 10 minutes yelling at the person and telling them to meet her outside after the plane lands LUL >>1077960 wow you just sit there and raw dog a flight for 10 hours? that's nuts, I was playing Let's Go Eevee on my switch >>1077961 fair enough. I always sit there and watch takeoff/landing for 10 minutes or so, it's fun to look out over the cities and see all the lights at night
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
business? ive never taken first class before dont need it tbh i can happily sit in any plane seat for 10 hours staring at nothing and be content
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
i mean im more likely to read a book and or watch something but realistically its not necessary and sometimes i just want to experience existence without distraction
I have acquired The Peeler I'm gonna make my whole squad into utter demonic presences with limbs that effectively can not be damaged, while dishing out even more damag Despite already being robots, Kenshi's mechanics are such that you have to lose your limbs through trauma to replace them with prosthetics, you can't just go "lop 'em off" This is what The Peeler excels at It uh It peels off the limbs
Kenshi is an absurdly deep game with a lot of wild shit like this One fun thing you can do too, is if you drop someone off at a slave trader, and they were unconscious the whole time so they don't know you did that shit, if you rescue them afterwards, they might join you because they see you as a hero
>>1077957 you should def go on an antartic expedition!
In any case, the purpose of the Peeler in the lore is actually to make skinsuits for a cult of robots on the edge of the map They believe not having skin makes them susceptible to contamination, so naturally, the only solution is to kidnap some poor saps, flay them, and make fucked up skin suits They're led by a regular guy though
>>1077965 how about no I'm lucky I didn't get sick while flying (so far), even a small infection could kill me so I don't think I can handle extreme weather. I get altitude sickness, even >>1077968 yeah I had some fucker 2 rows back coughing the whole flight, couldn't see if they had a mask but I was wearing one
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
uh oh someone's coughing god i hope they're wearing a mask
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
i should have brought my heavy duty mask fuck i forgor what was i thinking
Also turns out martial arts are busted good, it's just kind of a pain to level up because unlike with a big stick or a big sharp stick, you're gonna get your shit rocked many times before you're capable of dealing the damage you need
But once you do, oh fucking man, my opponents don't need the peeler, that's for sure The few who survive me rolling up to their base are crawling away with 1 leg and one arm
>>1077970 I may be fragile but I am not cute!!!!!!! >>1077974 they use hospital grade HEPA filters I believe plus I think covid is mostly spread from droplets or whatever and not airborn, I think
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
why dont they just have UV air filtration on the plane maybe its too heavy
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
the droplets are airborne its water vapor
but yea seems like conventional UV air purifiers dont do the trick, without a looong exposure
>>1077973 yah those reddit filenames are p. uncute
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
seat next to me is empty forever alone etc
>>1077976 which ones are reddit filenames? the imagejpeg.jpg ones? I don't really pay attention to that >>1077977 wow that's lucky af, more arm rest for you my roommate got a morbidly obese lady that didn't wear deoderant one time, he said it was the worst flight of his life and he got sick from it too. sucks when you get put next to a person that causes problems
sometimes you want to look good for the people you like. plus I need to be in good shape after I had that viral myocarditis/heart attack. idk if being fatter would have killed me or not, I need to stay healthy. plus exercising is helping a lot with my mental state in a lot of ways.
>>1077996 getting huge is one of the most worthwhile things a person can do
can't bulk up due to my joints but I don't like that look anyway, I lifted weights when I was 16 for a few months and my upper body was putting on muscle fast and I didn't like how it looked. felt nice though
Doubled my antidep prescription today But honestly if I can't get these panic or anxiety or whatever the fuck it is episodes under control i think I'm gonna have to quit because I am melting down as I type this
And it isn't a good time
It wasn't this bad before
/人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\ >>1078010 yeah just annoyed at myself
/人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
instead of swerving I just ploughed that bad boy and I even had a second or process when I saw it
>>1078012 I had several panic attacks at my first job and had to change roles before ultimately quitting for a different job that was less stressful. ganbatte, hope it works out. anxiety is ruff times
I've calmed down a bit now at least Still feels like I have enough adrenalin to fuel an army coursing through me, but I'm calmer
It's always the same bullshit but these last times have been really bad Intrusive thoughts, difficulty thinking properly, eyes won't stay still, and that fucking emotion I don't know what is It's not anger but it feels similar That's always been there but even that was more subdued before I think
when blood flow has a problem cirrulating, it can create anxiety. I have sloved this many times, after learning and practicing prana yarma breathing technics. Research it, you can supress oe side of the nassle passage and channel flow in a way that can either stimulate seratonin or dopeamine, depending on the side side of nassel passage blocked while breathing in. Theres a paturn patern*** to it . Right nostil breath in while supressing left side and switch to breath out. It's like coffee or sativa! Balancing brian chems naturaly the drug bags we be.
I'll give it a look i guess, but I'm not really sure blood flow is the issue with this
I just have mental hangups that have dug in deep and were left unsupervised for way too long But it can't hurt to give it a look
Fucking head is starting to hurt too So I guess whatever it is, it is anger adjacent
My head always hurts after I get genuinely angry It's rare nowadays, but it used to be a common annoyance Same when I cry, but I honestly can't remember the last time I Oh wait no, I do remember the last time, was like maybe 3 years ago
deep breathing and cold water to the face usually helped me a little bit last panic attack was in public, really embarassing to be laying on the floor hyperventilating with water coming out of your eyes while a crowd of people are staring at you
I have the head discomfort as well, not head aches but subtle pain some days its in a dif local. From heavy meats we breath, doing the best to antioxidize, coffee, tea. But h20 is hardky pure any longer, treating water it time expessive but worth it.
>>1078021. heavy meatal, **** meats! :p. metal****
Well the adrenalin feels like it's giving now, so I'm gonna get sleep
I had a speeding fine given to me by a copper at the start of last December and it still hasn't reached me I'm happy to pay it but if just doesn't exist anymore for some reason that's Gucci too
>>1078028 what do you mean it hasn't reached you? normally they give you a physical ticket with a court date listed on it >>1078030 huh that's just a little different. well idk how it works there, but in USA there's a listed court date and the cops will basically schedule lots of cases for the same day so they're only making so many trips to the courthouse, so if you manually reschedule the ticket for a different day there's a good chance they won't show up for one case on a random day >>1078031 please don't bully me, i'll cum >>1078032 congrats
/人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
nah bro not over here they send it by snail mail or in this case email
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
>>1077980 Playing video games on an airplane is Definitely a Menace to society
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
Pilot said Welcome to New York
/人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
the multiverse do be testing me today >>1078032 doxxed
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
Do not come. Do not come.
Don't worry, in reality I have a lot of troubling coming, they call me "5k", cause I can last for miles.
not sure if that's better than coming too fast but I'd say it probably is.
my baby learned how to play the baby maracas yesterday :)
>>1078054 I was like 12 or something, wasn't exactly my decision. we built houses out of cement/cinderblocks it was pretty neat actually, helps you appreciate what you have and see how people can live with so little but be happy.
>>1078062 I lived in a mansion for a while it's stupid af, you have to walk so far to get to any room. apartments are best, kitchen, living room, bedroom, bathroom, everything is right next to each other >>1078063 a temple...of doom?
i havent slept basically except for 1 hour last nifhr and about 2 on the plane but im wired im listening to some band at a bar called Ponyboy drinking a super overpriced can of beer
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
debts will have to come home but ive sorted through most of the 3 year pile of accumulated mail
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
got 2 replacement debit cards one of them replacing a card expired 2 years ago, the other replacing a card expiring in 6 days which was kind of the impetus for me finally getting my ass over here before my last payment method expired and i wouldnt be able to maintain the PO box receiving the mail thus collapsing my US presence for good
not sure why im maintaining a US presence really but it do be useful when visiting
people use debit cards? why?
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
its a bank account
yes, I know I mean compared to a CC which seems to do everything better
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
in america thats true
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
i aint about to get a cash advance to buy tacos tho
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
also the only US credit card i have is a chase-backed amazon prime card which sucks ass
my canadian card is alright but has a freakin annual fee
might get one of those tattoos that gets you free tacos for life
enhancement is happening poor guy had to undress because this isn't exactly a surgical procedure, and it'll destroy his clothes if they're still on while he's in the machine It begins with clothes, then does limbs, then vitals
So in the United Cities in Kenshi, hashish (and the hemp it's made from) is illegal yet This also means if you're farming it in their territory, and they see it, they'll not be happy with you But because they ban it, it's very profitable, understandably
So I'm setting up a little grow operation like this
Well, the place has piss-tier water availability and arability, but it does technically have both, so I'm just setting up additional wells and I'll set up additional farms I suppose lmao
>>1078135 >>1078131 it looks like that when zoomed out close up like this I'm on very low settings for performance, but it's really not much better than this on max either
Yeah Kenshi is not a very pretty game
It's got that DF "Not pretty, but actually amazing if you can get past that" thing going on though
>Fairly heavy snowfall >Mild temps turning much of it into a slushy mess >Transit website currently down so I can't check for service issues >Only learn that my streetcar is being diverted because of a helpful passerby after waiting for it for ten minutes Yeah, getting home tonight is going to suck
Oh and now this streetcar is only going like 40% of the way I usually need it to go to get me to the subway station I get on at, apparently Guess I spoke too soon Getting home tonight is going to be fucking miserable
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
It was wet snow today kinda nice but basically rain
I did end up making it to the subway, after some delay And the the car I get into has some guy pretending to play the accordion trying
to busk for money Tonight really isn't my night
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
subways all fujked up today woo
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
sorry bout your commute
I've been getting home now for seventy minutes And at best I probably won't get there for another twenty if the road conditions are favourable Which they certainly don't appear to be
Well, the desert base is coming along nicely Hashish do be profitable stuff, that's for sure Running up against some manpower issues, though primarily it's resource scarcity because I've set up a farming operation in uh, a literal desert Ain't much water to go around in this motherfucker The wall isn't even finished yet because of manpower Might need to install the recruitable prisoners mod so I can actually get some additional skeletons into my crew, cause there's not a lot of recruitable ones available surprisingly enough
Even beyond the need for manpower to run the base, my goal for the run is to annihilate the holy nation, and for that I need significantly more fighters than I have, even if the 6 I have are absolute units. I do not envy the new recruits who will be sped through the program of getting up to their level of power
Gonna have to grab some strong fuckers for them to duel until they start winning
I also wanna kill one of those huuge leviathan creatures at some point Damn things have like 2500 hp per body part or something and dish out utterly absurd amounts of aoe damage But that's end of run stuff, they could easily kill several of my guys through sheer aoe damage output
they realised they put too many drivers on for this afternoon and were like "do you want to go home and not work" and it's like I drive all the way here and even clocked on so they called up the last driver to start who lives 15min away and cancelled his shift
>man getting animal skins in kenshi is a bit of a pain, but necessary for leather crafting >wait a moment, I have the peeler It produces an animal skin when you run a person through it An action I'm sure is looked upon with some disgust by the faction whose man just got fucking owned, but the holy nation hates me by default cause I'm all robots anyway
>>1078206 the miata does #6 but it's just ticking from the hydraulic lifters sounded like rod knock for a second but I quickly got used it, goes away after a bit but usually happens when the engine is hot and idling
meant number 5 anyway time for meeting what's the worst they're gonna do, not hire me? only way forward is up
>>1078210 woww nice i sent my // gave blood to the lab on monday hoping for same
I just did one and they said my HDL (good cholesteral) was low and I need to "exercise more" which is annoying to hear when you're exercising every day until you're drenched in sweat
i gotta eat better and do some more cardio for sure then it's not bad but it's borderline high
I am probably not particularly healthy But also not particularly unhealthy But probably on the side of "fix this before it becomes a problem" than not But I also haven't seen a doctor in like, at least four or years minimum
gah, half hour meeting where they ask questions and I have to sell myself think I did pretty well but it's stressful, yeesh I wanna start working already :(
I mean like an actual cult Not one of those weird ones that are just about hovering up money and controlling people Heaven's Gate, not scientology
Arguably Heaven's Gate was also very much about controlling people We can't know what the founders' true intentions were with their devotees anymore, after all
Regardless the answer is, no matter how "real" a cult is, pretty much all cults have the same method of attracting members Word gets out, whether through word of mouth, actual advertising, operating within some ecosystem like self-help or spiritual needs, or whatever other creative ways the cult's management can figure out how to draw in members Then you go to either a branch or main location, or some kind of recruiting agent, or just the house / personal office of the leader if they haven't gotten off the ground yet, and seek help through whatever bullshit the cult is pandering Scientology and Heaven's Gate both offer a very similar initial premise of wanting to help you improve yourself, or seek happiness or purpose Even with your presumed "actual" cult of Heaven's Gate, you don't get all in on the space godliness or whatever thing until you're well and stuck in the cult, just like how you don't get the whole alien divinity of Scientology until you've clambered your way through the levels of it
How come they keep that stuff for later like that anyway I guess I understand not wanting to dump the heavy shit when you walk in the door, but why is it even in scientology when the whole thing was made up from nothing? At least other cults you can at least buy that the founder maybe believed that shit, but it's kind of out in the open that Hubbard legit just wanted to start a cult, so he did
Well I think you can look at it through two main angles. If you're supposing the cult leader(s) seriously believes in the spiritual or supernatural angle of their cult (as evidently a fair number of leaders who don't at first even begin to believe as more and more people call them a walking god or whatever), then perhaps they want to keep things among those they believe are truly worthy of being a part of their divine journey (To the best of my understanding, this is close to our best assumptions of Heaven's Gate), or they understand for a culture like America which is already heavily Christ-focused, trying to convince others of their own divinity or holy purpose, or radical beliefs, is a hard pill to swallow, so you soften them up to it by indoctrinating them into the more realistic angles of the cult before selling them on the metaphysical On the other hand, if you're supposing the cult leader(s) never believed in the spirtuality, then you can see the crazy shit as sort of an endgame strat for keeping people chained to the cult. Whether through conscious design or the narcissistic determination of the cult leader(s), cults almost always form ways of entrapping their members within the cult's culture and environment. Becoming a part of a private and often publically looked at with confusion, concern, or simple bewilderment, faith or belief, will pressure the members to form emotional connections with the people inside their community, rather than seek acceptance with the public which, in their eyes, doesn't understand the importance of the cult's practices, beliefs, faiths, etc. I would believe that Scientology's sci-fi religion angle is very much this, forming a tight chain which binds its inner sanctum tightly to the core of the cult, as well as operating as a sort of curious mystery to the lower eschelons of the cult, who might hear bits and pieces about this as they work their way through the ranks, getting tidbits of the "true purpose" of the cult and getting
hooked on the mystery. By the time they actually get to the reveal of what it all is, they they've spent years of their life, excessive amounts of their own money, and likely severed much of their social connection to the outside world, in pursuit of it. For a lot of people, the amount of effort involved in that needs some kind of payoff, any kind of payoff, and combined with the persistent subliminal messaging of the cult to trust in its purpose, has left them highly susceptible to coming to believe all that they've spent reaching that point is worth this secret they've been shared now, so they go all in on believing it. But if you don't have some kind of higher secret at the core of the cult like this, then the cult leader isn't neccessarily providing their cult with the kind of drive the members need to truely get hooked on staying long, long term.
there's some schizo spammer going at it hard in the marsh thread
/人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
oh guess it's the new cp spammer new cp spammer just dropped
/人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
ok that's
/人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
great they're just invading here
/人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
who are you trying
/人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
to convert nobody cares about your shithole
Uh, looks like we need some heavy clean up on the front page
/人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
cleanup everywhere babey
Guess so Man Samu I'm sorry if this is being a little demanding but you've really got to do something about this spam It's hard to want to come to /moe/ at all when it's like this
the captcha should just have you explain why Evangelion is a bad anime, only a robot would fail this test
>>1078323 As long as it's nothing like a captcha It's just not a good system for live-posting If I want to write something up and I see I've got to do an annoying picture identification minigame, I'm just going to not post It's different if you've already written something out, the invested cost is already there
I was honestly thinking more of like a \\\ honestly, maybe we should just have regular login and signup at that point
There really isn't a great solution for how small /moe/ is, when it comes to asking us for verification, and the nature of how the board works Pretty much any verification system is far too much effort for a dozen or so posters and actively discourages new people from becoming invested, or discourages the kind of posting Doushio is designed to encourage
I've finally understood how to actually make a training setup in kenshi And, vitally, I've realized a massive error in my previous attempts at creating the god of martial arts
You see, I've been training up strength first This seems like it makes sense, you're getting stronger so you're gonna be better at martial arts if for no other reason than doing more damage the times you do connect However, Kenshi awards combat-skill exp on a per-hit basis, not per-damage basis Essentially, this means you're fucking your efficiency by being strong enough to put people on the floor too fast, you actually want to be weak while training up the skill, and there aren't any ways I know of to artificially nerf your strength specifically Also very advisable to have a small amount of sparring partners locked in cages, I've only got two, and skeletons are by far the single best type of sparring partner, because not only are they tough as nails from the outset, very very unlikely to die, but they can also be healed very rapidly by way of a skeleton bed, and even if you don't have that, healing up their body parts with repair kits is "instant" as opposed to with humans where you're only bandaging a wound so it heals faster (or at all) which will let you get a lot more juice from each squeeze by just repairing them until they're in a coma, at which point you put them back in the cage and get the next fucker out of his cage Skeleton beds are kind of a must though, once you get a bit up in skill, because you start doing so much damage, you need to use it
The main thing I discovered though, is there are a handful of enemy types that simply do not attempt to escape if the door is locked nor are they hostile until you attack them
The main reason for only having a few, too, is that in Kenshi, NPCs are actually gaining EXP just like the PCs are This matters very little for most of the game because I don't think it ever simulates any of that off-screen, and likely a lot of NPCs are simply despawned and do not persist once they leave the screen anyway But those locked up in your base are persistent, meaning your sparring partner will also be getting stronger together with you. Very important because combat-skills level up additionally based on the difference between your and their attack vs defense skills.
Kenshi is very deep in a lot of ways like this
Basically, if you suck ass at martial arts, and you land a hit on a grand master of the way of the drunken fist, you get a fucking assload of points Meanwhile, he gets just about fuck-all if he hits you, because you know... of course he's gonna beat your ass into the ground, he's WAY better than you
One thing about Kenshi that I don't quite get though, is how people say it's super punishing It's really not, unless you deliberately do stupid shit that makes the game harder Like, your characters need to practice, they start off super weak and squishy, so of course you can't take on the paladins from the get go But you can relatively safely get your ass beat by random bandits until you're strong enough to beat them, cause it's not like they're gonna kill you. They'll steal your food, but they're not out for blood or anything
In fact, only a few types of enemies in the game are actually like, attempting to outright kill you Like cannibals, I mean they're not trying to kill you in combat, but they are gonna eat you if you go down without backup, and carnivores in the wild are the same But most just beat your ass and usually steal your food or enslave you, dying in Kenshi is relatively rare if you don't act stupid Might lose some limbs or just get screwed by the RNG gods though, and have someone crush you so bad you're left bleeding out in a coma, that happens if you punch above your weight class
>jar of instant coffee falls of the bench and breaks >get the vacuum cleaner to clean up >cheap shitty $50 kmart vacuum cleaner breaks when I pick it up by the nozzle what is this
dude, chatgpt is something else I've got this thing generating actual bash scripts for merging two images and setting the result as my wallpaper, and just looking over what it's giving me briefly, I think it'll do what I asked Can even go "can you make it do this too?" and it'll edit the code to accomodate Insanely advanced shit
>>1078429 It is real good. But also that shirt in particular. Since it's good "hidden power level" merch. and I'm mostly wearing black t-shirts anyway. and I like the band name.
Yeah Even people who can read Japanese and don't know Bocchi wouldn't get it
Rei !p8eYCadcMo
>>1078428 Be jealous? PayPal her money and ask her to buy you exclusive merch? Ask her to send you photos. There's a lot you could do with it.
>>1078423 I look forward to being HoloFes buddies again I'll probably even take the requisite days off I need to not be up at four in the morning and have to be at work the morning after
>>1078435 The live experience is pretty fun though And unless you want to socialize and find someone who can mirror the stream, the easiest way to watch live is pay
In the end this is the only consistent thing Vtuber-related that costs money for me, so I'm not too bothered by occasionally shelling out money for it
I'm watching this video series of a guy playing a solo kenshi run with the intent to harvest all the unique weapons, while only using martial arts And he showed a character he has on another save, that's already mostly done that solo, and he showed his stats like "here's how beefy this mf is" ...and he's worse than my main guy in my run, and I'm not even confident I could do that shit in my run yet
Though, he is playing vanilla, which is significantly easier for various reasons, primarily the attack slots In vanilla, only 1 person can actually attack you at the same time. They can attack in quick succession, but at any given moment, only one attack can be done to any one character. In UWE, the mod I'm using that changes a lot of stuff in the game, that's increased to 5 Which makes it fairly challenging even with a very strong character, since practically everything travels in packs. Sure my guy's beefy enough he can mow down huge groups of most randomly spawning NPCs, but it's gonna be difficult if not impossible for him to actually sack a town on his lonesome without some heavy micromanagement (read: cheesy AI abuse) on my end
Making money in vanilla is also absurdly easy Like some weirdo guides and newbie tips will tell you to mine copper because it's relatively valuable, but like, right out of the gate mining enough copper to buy food will take you a few real life minutes, and you won't have shit to spare But just baiting a bandit gang into the guards of a city or outpost will net you like, several thousand coins, so you'll have a ton left over, and it is super fast comparatively
Meanwhile in the mod I'm playing, the copper strat is... pretty much the most viable way to do it at the very beginning. Once you have some food, you will want to bait bandit gangs so you can nab one to train on and stuff, but at the very start, copper mining is both more time efficient and useful for the lategame since it builds your labouring skill, even if not by much by the time you're done with it (though, you'll be happy you have it when you need to get iron for strength training after a bit anyway)
ever go into abandoned crackhouses and strip the copper wire i hear its good scratch
I've heard that too, but I think it's good money in the context of like, being dirt fucking poor and requiring little else than access to copper, be it legal or otherwise Hell, it can't be THAT good money if the copper wiring is even in a damn crackhouse, those mfs are definitely gonna be scraping any actually valuable stuff so they can buy more crack, right?
They did strip copper from some crackhouses in The Sopranos though, so I guess it's not entirely meaningless. You just likely need to be able to transport a lot of it at once to make any real money. Like, the amounts you can carry in a backpack is probably not gonna be worth it all things considered, but if you've got a van to haul it with, now you're maybe looking at some decent money, you know?
It's like $10 a kilo as of the moment, at least, so it doesn't seem worth doing unless you're really struggling for money And that's even assuming you'll be able to sell it at market rate, which let's be fair, you're not Ain't nobody buying bits and pieces of copper at market value from random people showing up with a backpack of wires and like, pipes Cause like, why would they? It's not gold, not a real store of value or nothing, and they're gonna have to melt it down to sell it or use it, right, so you're gonna get less. That and it's probably not entirely pure in the first place, maybe
Though actually now that I look at the chart, maybe copper is a legitimately good investment? It's gone 5x in the last few decades, that's big pog
Not that I know where I'd store like... 50 kilos of copper to very optimistically make what, $500 in a decade or three no, more like $5000, I dunno Either way, it doesn't seem a very viable way of storing value I guess it's just like, 6 milk cartons worth though, so maybe I could store 6 milk cartons of copper somewhere
what in god's name how do you have that much and what game? You spend money on that shit?
if I hadn't been forced to sell my dragon lores and Howl my inventory would be like $25k+ but I had medical bills and rent to pay, at the time. yeah csgo I made money trading skins and investing there before I ever bought a single share in the stock market, kind of precursor to the success I had. yeah if you have a lot of $10 skins or whatever it might not be worth it, but I have a $1,200 knife, two Awp Fades, and a shotgun that's worth ~$1,000 so I'll unload those first >>1078460 I made my money on big ticket items, unless you were dropping $500+ on skins you didn't buy any of my stuff. >>1078461 you can unironically have my P250 Sand Dune >>1078462 scamming? come on bruh. messed up. not that I'm stupid enough to fall for scams but still, smh my head fam tbh
o shit I've been pondering unloading my inventory too, but it's only like, i dunno, $300-400 or something, and besides it's all just a LOT of middling value items, so I'd have to fucking DEAL WITH THAT, and I don't wanna
If you wanna buy that shit off me or something that'd be sick but for real it's all just like, limited edition boxes and other bullshit like this
Oh I made most my value in TF2 on trading (though really it was scamming being entirely fair) too I got earbuds that would be vintage and worth like 40 fucking grand for a pair of heavy boxing gloves once, but I gave those earbuds to a friend and he's since traded it away ENORMOUS L
so you were one of those annoying steam "traders" I bought $3 dollars from once or twice
I didn't even trade much at all in CSGO though, and somehow that's worth way more than my TF2 inventory, despite all the scamaraming I did in TF2 It was an absolute blast to hunt for dummies with valuables in TF2 though, I wasn't even really in it for the value to the degree that I'm not even sure I considered I could sell stuff for real money while I was at it I just wanted More Value in my backpack, and making a good deal is fun in and of itself
I even had a little challenge for myself on how many Genuine Angers I could gather I had 8 of those fuckers from trading weapons and junk crates and other garbage One of them was my own because I'm one of the dummies who actually bought and played BRINK
why would I want to play with some cringe lord that posts anonymously
it could be fun remember having fun or is that too distant a memory
though BRINK was actually kinda fun It just sorta died for some reason or another that I can't remember anymore, I think it was just buggy? that or it was just a bit generic and had some real balancing issues that I vaguely remember though I don't know exactly what it was Some stuff was just too good, I vaguely recall
okay I thought diet coke had stevia but it's the same sweeteners as zero kaomoji man shrugs violently
yeah its all saccharine aspartamine n the other bad *ines in diet drinks >>1078500 some rare chinese fruit its the hot new thing for less harmful sweeteners
went to take a 10 minute nap and had the timer blaring next to my ear for an extra 20 minutes