My god I've been a fool You're supposed to leave the fast food bag open in the car, not close it, it fucks up the fries
when the game blatantly forces your FPS from 144 to 60 for the minigame, you know they couldn't get the physics to work at a higher frame rate and gave up to lock the scene in order to prevent bugs
Tracer Bullet
>>1078544 At least there's a fix for it, Unlike Resident Giaffe Blowjob Evil which forces you to just fail the minigame because you're setup is at more than 60fps
>>1078545 also when you were playing Halo with Neppy and couldn't finish the mission at higher than 60fps
Rei !p8eYCadcMo
♍︎/人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
>>1078547 sup gunna take the bus 2day got any tips
Mahou Shoujo Marsh-chan
tip #1: Don't take the bus.
Rei !p8eYCadcMo
>>1078548 Don't sit near homeless people, they usually smell.
Rei !p8eYCadcMo
Make sure you know the name of your stop. Make sure to look for your stop.
>>1078567 realistically you can eat anything if you're being strict about counting calories and not going over limits I'm trying to eat a lot of protein though and avoid sugar/carbs since it might help lose weight but mostly just calories + exercise
no that was an older job should be getting the new job early this week assuming nothing goes wrong won't be able to talk about the job much if at all though, but hopefully it goes well. >>1078594 thanks friend. it's been a rough 1-2 years, this would be a life saver opportunity. gonna keep losing weight too. idk why so depressed today, maybe since I'm sick and didn't get enough sleep
good thing you can do delayed delivery for steam gifts, so I can still get the $5 price for Yakuza Zero while having it sent later so my friend doesn't get annoyed that I got another gift so soon he'll get it in a couple months on the weekend
wow the inner side of the door of the bathroom in this speakeasy above a Five Guys has like 150 shiny bronze doorknobs installed on it id take a picture but they're all mirrors
streamers fucking up is some of the funniest shit, cause they keep doing it in the most unhinged ways possible DSP will of course forever be the champion, but some guy just managed to show his like, splash screen? what's that thing called that opens on the newer windows versions when you hit the windows button? all the windows side by side and stuff
anyway he showed that and he had a chrome tab open with deepfake porn of some other streamers
Like how do they allow this to happen? streaming is their job, shouldn't they be a bit more careful about what's running while they stream?
There is a Japanese NIJISANJI Vtuber who accidentally revealed he had pirated a few adult video films on his stream Had to put out a public apology admitting to it too I can't remember if it was attached to that, or when he came back from the imposed hiatus penalty, but the actresses in the films he'd pirated lightly roasted him on Twitter for doing so
>>1078654 well, that's at least sorta an understandable reaction, though god knows how you manage to reveal that on stream especially in Japan where they're kinda wilding when it comes to stuff like piracy from what I understand
>>1078682 I would have gone pro in Overwatch if I was good enough, only got top 500 a couple times, not quite there. I think csgo pros get paid a certain amount per kill, like $18 when you break it down pretty sure FaZe clan was making like $100+ per frag in the major well yeah they're getting like $30k a month salary plus tournament winnings split amongst the team, just meant if you do the math it's fun to see how much they earn per frag >>1078681 can't really talk about it much now, maybe later, but even then I won't be able to say much.
A new month! What a great day to give all of my money to my landlord!
/人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
I just do mine weekly softens the blow I think
you ever astral project and meet a vampire who tells you all about how they're real and actually alien\human hybrids, and that Blade is basically real?
poggy wash and (not) fold same day only 12 US dollars plus tiiip same 6 lb load but with same day folding would have been 36 plus tiiiip you gotta love iiiiit
How does it cost twenty four dollars to fold a load of laundry
for just wash a flat rate ip to 10 pounds and then some more tiers above that which makes sense since they just throw it in then stuff it in a bag after >>1078772 nah my clothes i would hate to give a suit to a laundromat lmao
i love myselfSearch [iqdb](6.8 MB, 3070x4096, ceobe!.jpg)Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
hey baaang
i love myself
hi hi
i love myselfSearch [iqdb](7.1 MB, 4498x6043, texas.jpg)Rei !p8eYCadcMo
>>1078773 You paid $12+tip at a laundromat? Did you actually pay them to do your laundry for you instead of just sitting in front of the machines for 80 minutes and paying like $3?
/人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
>king Charles won't be on the five dollar note and will instead have a design commemorating indigenous culture owned get chucked fuck
>>1078820 no, no. In the /moe/ band I'm on keyboard. Like Mugi. I think I still remember a bit of piano that might carry over. >>1078821 That is good news.
And for a fun fact, if you remember back to the early episodes, when Bocchi had a system failure and was screeching like electrical feedback on the ground? That sound was 100% completely natural, no editing Her seiyuu just pulled it out of her pocket and made the sound director extremely concerned that something was wrong with her
>>1078821 yeah BTR sold like 15x more copies than Chainsaw Man looool >>1078822 neat, I play piano too. much easier than guitar >>1078823 ya I saw the youtube video of the VA screeching reeeeeeee
Bocchi the Rock is one of those once-every-few-years CGDCT shows that taps into some social consciousness desire and goes crazy Yuru Yuri, Coffee Cuties, Yuru Camp, now Bocchi
Oh of course, K-On! and Lucky Star before them Although Lucky Star is far enough back that while I feel it was a cultural touchstone, I don't actually have the evidence to back that up
It is currently sitting at 1°C outside before windchill Over the next twelve hours it is going to drop seventeen degrees, before going even further to be sitting at a comfy -18°C before windchill, which means it's going to feel more like it's somewhere around 32-35 below in the mid-morning I really don't want to go in to work in that kind of weather
theres a jameson brand ambassador at this bar poggy
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
im easily impressed by a free shot of low end whisky i'm 17 batchest
And I shine like gloss
Rei !p8eYCadcMo
>>1078831 You should get it. Actually link me, i might buy it if its cheap. You guys make very silly coins.
Rei !p8eYCadcMo
>no blobfish Nevermind It's interesting But not interesting enough for me to spend 50 dollarydoos + shipping on.
Rei !p8eYCadcMo
Oh hell yeah Unfortunately the AC/DC coins are all sold out.
im stayin in this hotel and the coffee cups have lil inscriptions like "You got this." and "But first, coffee..." inside the rim. Typical yuppie hotel stuff. There'd a notepad that prompts with "What's up williamsburg?"
but there's also what appears to be an ashtray here despite this hotel being non smoking what in the world or is this for tea bags?? ohh
Dude what the hell I'm having chatgpt make me a bash script to hold super and scroll up/down to adjust the opacity of the selected window right? And it spit out a script, but it's not working, so I'm troubleshooting a bit, and it turns out one of the commands it's using doesn't actually exist within the software it's trying to use So I go "xdotool doesn't recognize that as a valid option" AND IT GOES "sorry, my mistake, it turns out that's not an option in xdotool, it should be <whatever>. Here is the script again with that rectified" Is this thing fucking sentient, my man?
*spooky X-files theme noises*
it still managed to fuck it up, so I gave it the error message, and it's trying again
as it turns out, xdotool doesn't really have this function at all, can't do it on its own so I googled a bit, found someone who made it work by using xprop, but that script is made to be bound to hotkeys in the keyboard settings, which doesn't support mousewheel scrolling as input for some reason So I just told it to do it again, but use xprop as well
let's see what it cooks up
lets see what the Rock is cooking
it's still spitting out code that either doesn't run due to syntax errors, using the wrong commands, or some other stuff I can't really parse myself, or possibly even a combination of it all I'm just having it spit out a generic script that runs x and y commands when I hold super and scroll up or down, and I'll fill it out myself lmao
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
>>1078908 not really sentient, just riffing from the stackoverflow latent space, but definitely comprehends structure and meaning to some degree
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
how tf does bash know how to listen to key combos tho didnt know that was customizable i would expect that kind of kb shortcut to be handled entirely by your terminal not your shell
I mean it's not like bash does it, it just runs other software that does it lmao well, it's not even like "bash" is what does it, it's just the terminal running through the code in the file, I guess
Like I know bash is its own 'thing', like a language onto itself, but I kinda use it interchangeably with "stuff that I can type into the terminal on linux"
I want to be a blahaj cute femboys cuddle me all day and I lay in bed doing nothing. sounds amazing
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
>>1078916 bash is the shell that accepts commands and runs programs its different from the terminal which is the window that accepts keystrokes and is resizable and themable and stuff
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
i wanna be a giant whale thing from Avatar 2 and swim around all day and get harpooned
the stuffing is white? The * It's not that swimmers are unvaxxxed, as much as the swimmers are unvaxxable it would seem.
>>1078923 nice blahaj pic another fine addition to my collection idk what vax nonsense you're trying to imply, my brain is unable to interpret conspiracy nonsense
>>1078930 I've cleaned my entire room, are you proud of me dad? you couldn't see most of the floor years ago when I was depressed. just a lot of stuff/mess now the whole carpet is clear and everything is put away or thrown out. I need a dresser for clothes but otherwise it's pretty much finished. >>1078933 ye, I vacuumed the carpet and got all the cobwebs/dust in the closet with the hose attachment there's still some cables on the floor for guitar/amp and gaming stuff but otherwise it's looking pretty tidy now. I gotta assemble this bookshelf later today but I'll get food first I found two Dakimakura pillow covers that I never opened. They are quite lewd.
when the apocalypse hits, we gotta protect NL at all costs, that man's brain is the key to rebuilding civilization from the ground up I bet he's got step by step instructions for setting up a nuclear powerplant in that thing, cause at one point in the early 2000s, he skimmed through the wikipedia article on chernobyl or something
I don't think the Wikipedia article for Chernobyl has a thorough breakdown on how to construct a nuclear power plant
how come ritalin makes me so fucking horny? like extremely why is that?
stimulants usually increase libido as a side effect of increasing dopamine and serotonin it's just an auxiliary interaction that happens to work off the same principle as the intended effect
>>1078942 It's the dopamine combined with the way it affects your blood flow. More blood flows to the genitals which, when paired with the dopamine, results in higher libido among a certain percentage of people who use the stimulants.
It can also depend on the episode of treatment. For example, I used stimulants for over a decade and it never affected my libido (which to be fair has always been high) but then there was an instance where, after cessation of Vyvanse for a few months, I started it again and I could not get any work done whatsoever for about five days until that side effect evened out.
>>1078945 In case you haven't noticed, I have like, EXTREME issues when it comes to the topic of sex if I wasn't 3 beers in, even thinking about posting >>1078939 would have given me a panic attack and I'd literally be paralyzed right now I can't fucking handle it, at all
>>1078947 ah yeah, know someone like that. ruff times, I can only sympathize. I've had panic attacks in the past but it was due to conflict/people yelling at me. >>1078950 ah yeah I used to take Vyvanse adderal, ritalin, concerta, then Vyvanse I could never eat food on those fucking pills, plus I'd space out and go zombie mode, couldn't hold a conversation. otherwise they worked pretty well
>>1078946 vyvanze gave me massive headaches, which kinda stinks cause like I mean it's not like I don't realize my abuse of these things is Bad, you know and vyvanze wasn't really abusable in the same way
>>1078949 Realistically that'll never actually happen, because my issues aren't rational in nature I've tied it up in sex because I was born male, but really the core of it is I want to love and be loved, like, I don't care about my virginity in and of itself, it's just tied up in it I don't actually want sex, really, I want someone to want to have sex with me and that's very different
even fucking chasers don't want me, that's the fucked part I ain't even gotten STARTED, man, it's fucked up
I genuinely feel like a fucking predator half the damn time, just even saying I'm trans, cause I've done no voice work, I don't dress different, I'm scared of bringing it up AGAIN to my doc It's like I'm a fraud but also that makes me a predator because my brain is a fucking disaster
>>1078959 well trans woman are different than femboys
>>1078960 yeah i mean someone good enough can it has a high barrier of entry though
>>1078961 I'm well aware. I've taken a trans friend to planned parenthood to get them started on HRT. I also know another trans person that doesn't exactly present very female but they're still a she.
I am by absolutely no means a femboy lmao Not like I'm chadpilled or anything, but I'm not exactly feminine or nothing, I'm overall fairly masculine in terms of like, presentation Very aggressive creature
>>1078960 really it's an OP diet pill go three days without eating and not even realize it until you start feeling more shit than usual >>1078965 I've been in a lot of online communities with anime/femboy/trans/furry/etc. so I've made all sorts of friends over the years. lots of good people, some really awful people, everything in between.
the problem with abusing vyvanse is it isn't actually like, The Stuff in the box It metabolizes and becomes The Good Stuff, which means you literally can't actually snort it or anything
aw man, that reminds me of when I got WAY too drunk and WAY too fucked up on ritalin and I posted some unhinged shit here beggin saku for help cause I thought I was gonna die that was a fucked up night, goddamn
>>1078968 I'm cis but ngl I wouldn't mind if there was like a light dose of estrogen or something to make me a little feminine, body hair and stuff is annoying when you like being on the feminine side of being a guy >>1078972 >>1078973 now kith
>>1078978 me too buddy two months and it'll be 8 years not a day goes by that i dont think of him
>>1078976 damn, I'm jealous I've been losing a lot of weight though so I can hit that goal femboy weight but otherwise not much I can do without making serious changes that I probably don't wanna do
i need to visit saku again soon or i'll become a bad buddy forever
>>1078979 i think about him all the damn time, man I didn't even REALLY get to know him that well, but I miss him a lot anyway but my emotions around it are complicated like with everything
>>1078980 i just got the metabolism for it but any body type can do it with the right knowhow i can make any masculine looking person look feminine with the right equipment
>>1078982 he was my brother and more than a brother too one of the most amazing people to ever live
If you guys go and don't bring me I'll never forgive you
wtf how are we supposed to kiss if we dont have privacy
what pisses me off the most is my hair's fucking curly and I want it to be straight so I can grow it long instead of into a goddamned fucking afro >>1078987 I am not going to be sylvester stallone
If you tie it back into a ponytail for the whole day for years, you can condition it to flatten out and be more long than afro-y I can speak from experience, because I have extremely curly hair that has straightened out a fair bit over the years Also tying your hair back thins it out a good bit, which can help clamp down on afro tendencies
I gotta get some more big sweaters too winter's about to be over, but there's always next year
I overall hate the cold, but its one saving grace is it gives me license to wear oversized sweaters that go a little bit too long on my arms, so I can hide my hands in there so only the fingers poke out makes me feel good feels "girly" somehow
>>1078988 nah lets do it inside that big family crypt they aren't using i
>>1078983 >i can make any masculine looking person look feminine with the right equipment okay let's meet up and you can do my makeup and hair, dress me up :3
>>1078993 so you're saying I'm a lost cause.......too masculine of a femboy....... >>1078994 I already have a maid outfit, it's a little small tho but I still fit in it
there are most likely already people who would burn kirara at the stake maybe for witchcraft
my damn emotions are going HAYWIRE, man I'm up and down like one of those, I duno what they're even called the ping pong ball attached to the racket with a string like that
I'm fucking miserable, then I'm good, then miserable again wild shit antidepressants are something else, man
>>1079017 Just become cute! Being cute is really just about understanding how to present yourself.
When I take photos as a woman, I can make myself look pretty cute because I understand my proportions well enough to pose myself and present in a cute way for the camera. In that photo, I'm posing in a way that makes my shoulders seem less broad, and the way I'm wearing the jacket also slims my shoulders.
When I take photos as a guy, I have virtually no understanding of how to properly pose myself in a way that makes me look appealing in a masculine sense. It's just not something I've troubled myself to learn.
>>1079021 look appealing is an important skill. Most people when they get into taking this kind of photo, they're just trying to show a body part But that doesn't make an appealing photograph.
I need moar calisthenics, I used to runn 8kms in heat. :( Got into a bad car accident, a couples years ago. I'm at the hosp get an xray and they wont xray me, and trying to give meh chems. Declined.
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
its bloody windy out bought some deli foods to stay huddled in the hotel for 48h
Rei !p8eYCadcMo
>>1078943 Depends on what type My antidepressants don't diminsh my libido but they do cause anorgasmia.
>>1079037 was super windy last couple days here too the weather seems to get bad only when i have to work outside!
also where do you get your thigh highs I'm like 5'10" so they're usually too short because asian sizing
>>1079037 Yeah a pretty wild windstorm has blown in with the cold here I'm probably not going to go outside much this weekend Not that I usually do anyway But now I actually have a pretty good excuse It'll be like at the warmest -25C after windchill until noon Saturday
thats why I type awkward, sometimes. But I'm on the mend, pls belive.
he's lying he got the numbers mixed up
>>1079038 >anorgasmia huh I didn't know the term for that thing I had >>1079043 you're six foot tall're EIGHT inches? wow.........hmu >>1079047 yeah same :( I have to nofap for like a week to even have a chance of someone else getting me off
Rei !p8eYCadcMo
>>1079046 It's not impossible for me to get off, but it takes a lot of work.
also, amd I going to have to explicitly ask for anxiety meds from my doc?
I kinda figured telling him this shit is fucking unsustainable would be enough for him to bring it up but he spent fucking 15 minutes talking about my future job prospects instead I do not like this guy, but I don't like anyone I interact with in the medical system to begin with, so I'm not a good judge here
>>1079065 injections for autoimmune disease although I just learned the hard way that you really shouldn't do them after a workout I guess because of increased bloodflow from cardio, had blood running down my legs after when there's normally no blood
/人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
>>1079068 Angus beef p sure Angus beef is just a marketing thing
Just absolutely fucking SENDING IT, asking dutchfriend questions about The Thing That Happened that come off as accusatory from my end I may be worried, but I'm very aware that a lot of my worries are, inherently, accusatory I'm not worried about myself, I'm worried about other people being WRONG
really where the fuck does he get the stones to be upset about me not remembering that shit like "and honestly the worst thing is you don't even fucking remember it" motherfucker that's MY problem it's bad for ME, for you it's fucking irrelevant asshole does he fucking think that *I THINK* not remembering that shit somehow absolves me? Does he think I consider it to be OK because I blacked out? I don't get this motherfucker sometimes
IM THE ONE FUCKING UPSET I CAN'T REMEMBER, asshole how the fuck am I supposed to even be genuinely sorry about something I literally don't remember happening? It's not even about believing him, he would never lie about this, ever, not a fucking chance It's about being able to genuinely actually feel remorse for something that, as far as my own mental world is concerned, I never actually did' how do I even do that? I can apologize to him until the sun sets the final time for this world, and it'll never be genuine, because I'm apologizing for something that in many ways, never happened you know? I can not be genuinely sorry, even if it's the single thing in my life I regret the most, without any contest
for him what the fuck does it matter if I remember be fucking mad at me blackout drunk isn't absolution
also yes nezi, I was blackout drunk and said some stuff that, and I try to impress this on moe every time I talk about this, SHOULD have him burning the bridge and ending my online existence I won't actually say what it was because doing that would effectively be to end my online existence on the fucking spot it's that bad, that's not my paranoia and anxiety talking, no reasonable human being could know what I said and associate with me anymore
you're relatively new so you don't know this, but I've been an overall unstable person for like, years and years and years I've been using suicidal thoughts as a coping mechanism for a real long time at this point, to the extent that my occasional (really, frequent) meltdowns where I completely lost it and whined about how I'm better off dead just sorta, got boring to most of the people here or rather, it was very apparent that I was or am, depending on how you look at it, just kind of a lost cause I've only really "tried" once, but I dunno how serious I was about it really I mean I expect it might have worked one way or the other but for whatever reason I didn't follow through
yeah I feel you on that had a lot of struggles myself everyone has their own battles and story, just do your best with what you can manage. ganbatte friendo
Nah, I'd argue that the first step towards positive change is the hard part. Giving up is much easier. Getting on my spin bike and riding even though I felt like I was dying and gonna pass out was rough. Getting on the spin bike today was easy as fuck and I felt pretty great after. Change takes a lot of effort. I played thousands of hours of FPS while I was depressed and struggled really hard to quit playing. I haven't played in 2 months and I've been improving a lot as a person as a result. Used to be a 8-12 hour a day addiction.
Yeah I took Friday off for just general "I don't want to work" reasons And then ended up sleeping from 09:00-16:30 through the entire day I'd been on a poor sleeping schedule (not that this improves it) and feeling a lot of general fatigue throughout the week, so arguably I needed the sleep But it sure didn't make me feel any better losing all that free time
/人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
apparently I'm not supposed to work six days in a row but I'm on day seven rn so r
Man I can't even sleep well when I give myself a chance to My cat's not eating enough kibble to carry herself from one feeding time to another so she's been whining at me for food in some manner or another since 05:30 It's now almost 07:30 If I put her outside my room she continues to whine in addition to scratching at the front and underside of the door, which is even harder to sleep through, especially with the added concern of what that's doing to the door
I just want the capacity to get my sleep in order but I'm not being given the opportunity to
Yeah all the mobage are encouraging you to use literally anything besides Twitter to link your games Since understandably they don't want to start paying these jacked up prices
It's warming up a fair bit here Actually it's warming up a ridiculous amount It was sitting at like -20C before windchill last night By Sunday around noon it'll be around 3C That's absurdly fast for such a big temperature swing
I actually got it delivered to my parents house since i live in a flat and there's nobody home during the day. It's just easier. I don't really want stuff left on my doorstep.
And then I was talking to my dad about it and I'm just like >oh yeah. it's a t-shirt for a band. And then he's like >what band.
And I didn't really have a good answer just kind of skirted around the question