Sam's didn't have any protein powder tubs last time I went but it was a bit after Jan 1st so I'm thinking that's a purchase people don't make often and the New Years Resolution crowd quickly bought out all the tubs of protein powder so it will take time to restock an item that doesn't sell super fast normally. At least I hope that's the case.
Rei !p8eYCadcMo
@Sam Captcha still doesn't work right on mobile. The images show up but the confirm button is off screen.
did you try in landscape view or broswer in desktop mode or trying a different browser or zooming out
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
i should like hire a dev to fix rhis stuff
Yeah Where on this wide Internet are you ever going to find a dev
Rei !p8eYCadcMo
>>1076639 Works in desktop mode. You can't zoom out in normal mode.
>>1076640 no need to hire devs, just google until you find the corresponding stackoverflow thread :) I really should learn Python at some point, bit busy right now though >>1076644 Yes, thank you Rei, that was the joke that I was making. The reiteration of it makes it 10x funnier, I assure you.
Rei !p8eYCadcMo
You ever just make software then google until you find the stack overflow post where someone has a fix for the software you wrote?
if only there were a dev who had had two years of NEETdom to fix some of this stuff
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
man work just scheduled a one-day offsite in portland in a few weeks I was thinking 'hmm maybe i could take the Amtrak train down the coast that'd be lovely' but the seattle leg only has service once a day in the evening so i'd have to go halfway to seattle, stay there overnight, then take the train in the morning to portland
but now i see the seattle leg is fully booked up anyway so i'd have to take a bus to seattle then catch the train fuck thaat
Trains sure are fucked in North America Shit sucks
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
at least there is service at all last two years its been suspended before that it used to be pretty good i hope they add the full route this year
bruh I wish we had trains here, there's only the Sunrail that goes north/south through central florida for a while, I've never used it but I'd be fine with not driving if the train system was good enough like Japan's still not gonna sell my project/dream car but at least I wouldn't need to buy a daily driver :\
>>1076651 yeah there was supposed to be a train that went through like cocoa but they decided against it i did see the brightline on the cargo tracks a while back though in brevard
>>1076660 it is that bad!!! I hate it here!!!!! >>1076661 I was thinking more along the lines of "florida drifts in the ocean for a while before eventually sinking, never to be found again. rumors circulate of a new Atlantis deep in the atlantic ocean, near the bermuda triangle
Finally getting around to finishing the Suletta anime I stopped at ep 6, so I'm a little spoiled on the ending, but also it's gundam so I kinda expected as much
You know, it really sucks the joy out of shitposting when I know fully well that I can't type a single joke or be even a little sarcastic without a surefire guaranteed response from you where you take it literally and miss the point entirely.
I wanted to rewatch K-On since I'm learning guitar but my bitchass roommate doesn't like watching "cute girls doing cute things", fuckin' hater. missing out on good music too
>>1076672 Well why does your roommate tell you what to do? Watch it anyway
Marsh shitposting on the go via Telephone
>>1076668 Help Somebody on the internet has a bad opinion
>>1076674 it's more fun watching shows with him :( I'm watching Gekkan Shoujo Nozaki-kun by myself, but I definitely prefer watching stuff with someone else he's not into shoujo or anything that's super moe
you're a good man, Arthur. >no.....nah I'm not....I've killed a looot of people sister. I just....caught and released many, many fish over the years... >>>/watch?v=91xwKJLy9jw
>>1076670 heat isn't so bad once you learn how to deal with it! tourists are only really bad in central florida and miami hurricanes are fun mosquitoes won't bite you if you make a deal with satan so that's easy to deal with too
also i live in florida and that makes it the best state
Yeah but being the States that's a low bar to clear
Kirara "Ikkyū" 🍄 大医 /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
Oh yeah? If the States are so bad why did they make 50 of them?
Arguably the States made them themself, with no chance for any of the rest of us to say it's probably a bad idea!
>>1076730 No Are they like emu? I tried emu once, not a fan.
Rei !p8eYCadcMo
Interesting hardware hack. My arcade has this game and I personally do not recommend it as it causes wrist pain.
>>1076772 I'm at 240kj now, I wanna try to get over 250 by the end of the week 300 will be the long term goal, but no idea how long that will take >>1076774 I'm extremely ugly and morbidly obese. Please take care of me :)))
Blingee (founded 2006) is an online animated GIF creator that allows users to create layered images using original photographs and artwork combined with user-generated ornamentation, referred to as "stamps." Blingee was founded as part of a website network Bauer Teen Network, and marketed towards ... Wikipedia >>1076804
>>1076828 This union is why Americans associate unions with organized crime. There were also other unions in the 60's that did some terrorism but I don't remember off the top of my head.
>>1076828 They really did upload her All roughly 4tb of memory Which sounds small for a whole person
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
>>1076829 yeah i know about them how many unions are associated with organized crime? is it more or less than, say, business entities? upscale boutiques? seems like a bit of propaganda to me
>>1076831 Big union organizations are composed of smaller local organizations so wjen we say "The Teamsters are involved in organized crime" it doesn't mean just ome union. Not sure what the statistics are, but unions have a long history of it. Not saying unions are bad, cause they aren't but >>1076834 We still have mafia around here.
unions these days dont have organized crime ties pretty much all organized crime in the US is executives
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
if you actually cared about organized crime then shut down the DEA stop this pointless war on drugs, shut down cartels, and also take fuckin HSBC to task for laundering like a billion dollars for cartels
bought a bicycle today im pogged up hopefully this one doesn't break like the last one the last one was priced incredibly low so i guess it was a lemon this one seems more logical and now i know what to look for
I don't know anyone who is familiar with the math I'm learning right now.
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
whats the order of the least convex abelian group in masahiro's semi-valent limit?
Rei !p8eYCadcMo
>>1076865 Dunno, I'm not great at group theory. But have you heard of geometric algebra?
>>1076857 I remember at Sam's Club they had a limit on Starbucks that was some weird number like "LIMIT 7,499 PER CUSTOMER"
Marsh shitposting on the go via Telephone
Wtf I have my 7500 closest friends coming over in an hour
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
what the heck is sam's club anyway
Rei !p8eYCadcMo
>>1076869 Walmart owned Costco. Probably not as good. Haven't been in 20+ years.
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
sounds like my personal hell
Marsh shitposting on the go via Telephone
Get a load of the hipster Too good for Walmart
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
my city's too good for walmart we don't have one
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
we do have Costcos though and i have childhood trauma from being dragged to them
Marsh shitposting on the go via Telephone
I've never even seen a walmart irl It's like some american tv magic
Rei !p8eYCadcMo
My parents refuse to shop there. Generally We went there when we were stranded in Indiana during a blizzard. >>1076877 Walmart drives locally owned stores out of business so my parents boycott it. >>1076874 Why? Genuinely curious
Marsh shitposting on the go via Telephone
>>1076876 Get a load of the hipster Too good for walmart
theres nothing wrong with costco afaik i just find all the bulk kirkland stuff kinda meh produce is fine i'm sure
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
also its obviously kinda car dependent
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
>>1076875 imagine a parking lot the size of ten soccer fields and then a giant warehouse full of the tackiest mass produced stuff imaginable
Marsh shitposting on the go via Telephone
Bro They left like a full pallet of drinks outside the vending machine. And I WASN'T going to take one I was just standing and looking at it and thinking about how easy it would be if somebody criminally minded WAS SO INCLINED. then the lady came back and gave me the dirtiest look.. Like I wasn't gonna...
Maybe I was too hasty thinking dutchfriend really wanted to hang out Was supposed to be yesterday but I haven't heard from him since the weekend
>>1076885 a fair it, was a fila was 1st gen twist shift gear selection.
>>1076890 if they said they want to hang out they're probably happy to it might take a reminder is all
Rei !p8eYCadcMo
mathler 345 3/6
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Rei !p8eYCadcMo
>>1076890 Have you looked into getting any help for your substance use issues?
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
what kind of question is that
Rei !p8eYCadcMo
>>1076897 It's a polite way of suggesting someone should consider getting treatment for their alcoholism.
Rei !p8eYCadcMo
I don't really know how to bring it up. But SC has issues with alco >>1076901 Okay, I might not be up though. I need to get up early tomorrow.
>>1076870 it's very similar to costco in terms of quality and pricing. I'd have a costco membership but there isn't one near me. >>1076875 Walmart's good for automotive oil, cheap snacks, etc. I usually get my sparkling water and tea stuff there
i get that it comes from a place of love but it hardly comes across as polite or tactful
not that i should talk, i'm the rudest mfer in town
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
man cali is flooding like crazy and im oblivious this planet is fucked
IVe seen that on the news a bit here
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
my boss' house got hit they're up in marin county woof
Rei !p8eYCadcMo
>>1076901 I'll be up fpr a bit longer but I'm on my phome so I may not responed immediately
>>1076894 Might be, it's just a bit complicated for me to initiate anything as things are so I'm hesitant I guess. Might be my anxiety is just running wild lately
>>1076896 In short, no, but I'm also drinking a lot less often just cause I've decided not to. It's not like I have a craving or anything, so it's easy enough to just not drink for the most part. It's probably pretty obvious on here when I've abused my ritalin though, that's harder to stop really just cause sometimes I feel the pull of making my brain do some laps and kinda just feel everything å lot more in a way. But even that's not super often or anything.
Rei !p8eYCadcMo
>>1076908 Okay I don't really know where to go from here, I'm not a professional. I just worry about you. You can still be an alcoholic even if you don't drink often. Not sure what to say about your ritalin abuse either. Thats not something I'm familiar withat all. That's pretty dangerous though. >>1076910 Have you considered AA or something like that? I know you won't realistically get anything out of a therapist/social worker because of your issues with trusting authority.
Yeah I mean my substance usage is probably not good or anything, but I think overall I have a handle on it and I'm getting better at it i guess I think the ADs are making me want to less, honestly.
Never considered AA Might if it becomes a problem in my life, but as things are right now, all the problems are kinda in the past and I've pulled back enough that's not gonna happen again even if it ever becomes possible, which I kinda doubt anyway The ritalin only caused a genuine problem when I was on way way too much on a daily basis, and that was just excessive dosage that I pushed for cause I'm kinda stupid, and no longer relevant
wow its a lizzo song where ive only heard the chorus thanks to t**t**
it's about damn time
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
the whole song is like blue balls huh havent i heard this before the chords keep trying to get there
Could be dutchfriend just had another bout of dissociation too, now that I think about it He mentioned he'd been doing that recently, just sorta lost days at a time Might be He hasn't blocked me again so I guess I'll just wait and see
Actually apparently he didn't block me in the first place, he thought I blocked him, but I didn't either, and both of us just suddenly got redtext on discord when we tried to message, and assumed the other hit the block button because of the conversation leading up to it But I dunno, he was having an episode so I think he maybe did and just forgot he had
His bf got to work cutting contact with me real damn quick though Just completely disappeared from everything in an instant
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
yea in general it's more likely people are communicating badly and/or being forgetful or there's technical problem than any malice
I mean he did start that dm convo with "OK, I'm gonna block you now" so it's not like we leapt to conclusions At least I didn't
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
haha gonna block you... right ... now ... watch me doing it... ... haha
Well like I said at the time, it'd been a long time coming, it's not like it came out of nowhere Kinda wish he hadn't looped in his bf though, we were playing games together and stuff, hah But that's burned now
Wordle 572 4/6
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Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
let me spell it out maybe im missing something but anyone who's actually intent on blocking a person will just block them anyone who's like "okay... gonna block you now..." is looking for an out. wants to connect
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
still has to be handled delicately and all like all human interactions
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
ive certainly been brash and rude with many of mine
>>1076924 Possibly, but I think it could just as well just have been a courtesy, a last like "this is it, sorry" This whole thing is complicated and I know I'm being too cagey with details for it to make sense, but it's entirely reasonable for him to have just wanted to say goodbye cause it's less about being angry with me, and more with proximity and interaction with me being hurtful
It's kinda like how I disappeared from moe for a long time Not exactly because I was angry at anyone, but because being here wasn't good for me It's sorta like that
Marsh shitposting on the go via Telephone
There's a poster of a character outside the tabletop game shop And she's very attractive Some sort of warrior elf? Makes me want to take up cards
Does it make sense that I feel like I've been more anxious since starting the antidepressants? I dunno exactly how to put it into words, but it sorta feels like they're suppressing the "depression" bit, like I overall feel better (whether that's just cause I'm on an upswing or they're actually kicking in is hard to say, admittedly, on this short a timeframe) but somehow it kinda feels like that's lifted something that kinda kept the panicking and stuff in check? Something like If you're not particularly happy about being alive, you're gonna be less freaked out by someone threatening to kill you than if you're actually enjoying life, right? That sorta thing. Like I don't think the meds are making me more anxious, more like they're maybe letting the anxiety wreak more havoc than it used to because I'm not so pessimistic about the stuff I worried about anymore?
It's at least sorta felt like that for a week or two now
Like as an example, right Last week, I got an email before I went to bed, it was just a short automated one that was like "a decision has been reached about your case", from the unemployment etc. office And I've been missing days fairly frequently due to both actual illness and just fucking not managing to force myself to go, so naturally my mind went like "fuck, they're cutting me off aren't they? no more money." right? But I barely fucking slept as a result, I was freaking out, and I couldn't get myself to go look at whatever it was about, pretty much just fucking paralyzed in bed, feeling my whole future just disappear But I think before, in the same situation, I'd have taken it a lot more calmly, just figuring like, "well, worst case..." you know? It turned out not to be anything bad or even noteworthy, legit just a yearly review thing going like "you're still good"
I dunno, I just feel like I'm hit harder lately when I think things are going south, like it's way more fear than before, and while I used to be able to just sorta soothe myself by going through the planning phases of cashing out, I couldn't even collect my thoughts enough to form a sentence at all in my mind, much less do something complicated like that
Is this normal? Or am I just actually getting worse?
I'm gonna bring it up with my doc, but the appointment was rescheduled to next week due to him being sick So right now I'm just kinda worried, but also curious in general
I do feel overall better lately though, so I mean Net positive
Kirara might be able to speak better on this than me, but I do think part of the intended effects of antidepressants are that you can feel things more strongly Which if, after an extended duration spent depressed and not feeling things very sharply, can make also unpleasant feelings like anxiety feel more apparent To put it very simply
So it's basically like they removed whatever capped my emotions at 3-4/10, and that goes for the whole spectrum? That makes sense, I suppose Not that I can say I feel particularly "good" at any time, even now, though But maybe that's just cause I'm emotionally kinda dull to begin with, I think I always have been honestly
sonotoori desu! you'll probably get used to it eventually antidepressants are best used to give you like a jump start so you can get going and do stuff you couldn't before the idea is that feeling more and having more motivation to do things will give you the momentum to recover from depression
hm, that's reasonable yeah isn't it kinda weird for this to be the most noticable change though? I mean I do feel overall better, but that's a very, very vague sensation, it's not like I can put my finger on anything, it's more like I just feel more resilient moodwise? Like the easiest example is I can actually see people talking about sex now without feeling that creeping naucea that comes before I break. I mean I still have a limit, easily lower than average, but it's definitely higher than it was But it's not like I feel, you know, "good" or "happy" or anything, I'm still my same old deadpan neutral mood self, it's just less prone to dip?
I guess maybe it's a bit easier to laugh lately, but that's so minor I dunno if it's possible to chalk up to the meds when it could literally just be that I've been exposed to more funny stuff than usual by chance It's not like a big change, it's more like, I usually genuinely laughed maybe 3-4 times in a month, and this month maybe I did 5 or 6 times watching memes and listening to NL banter on twitch So it's very open to variance in input
it sounds like the meds are doin their job they don't really make you good or happy they just lessen the effects of depression so that you can work towards feeling good or happy but all things in good time, don't rush or feel the need to immediately feel happy
I mean I know they don't make me happy, but shouldn't I be getting more spikes in both directions, you know? If what used to be a few hours of calming myself by contemplating suicide is paralyzing fear now, shouldn't I at least actually feel happy sometimes given the same, overall good enough life situation, all things considered? I just feel like I should be in an actually good mood at least like, sometimes, but I never really am much higher than a very predictable and stable neutral
I don't mean like I'm owed some happiness because I'm getting more shitty feelings now, I just mean my life around me is the same, and I'm sure normal people would at least be actually happy or at least in a good mood somewhat regularly when placed in my situation, at least if they're not made to carry The Mentals
Your brain has to learn to respond to things with happiness again. It's like if you don't walk for a few years, your body has to learn to do that again.
You mean it's basically forgotten what to do when something happens that normally makes someone happy? Like it doesn't know how to respond, or how to make the chemicals?
Sort of? There are certain neural pathways in the brain that are used to send certain signals and it's like, it hasn't used certain pathways in so long that it has to get used to using them again. Like a trail that's been unused and overgrown. If you start using it again, it'll return to being a well maintained trail but for until then, it's hard to traverse.
ah that second part was like An OR question, like which one is more accurate?
I also am absolutely not getting any of the additional motivation, everything around me is absolutely still falling apart My living room is a fucking mess, just unconscionable I've got like 20 plastic bags of cans and bottles, if not more, in my bedroom that I've just not gotten around to recycling for I dunno, a year maybe
It doesn't particularly bother me, honestly, I've never really minded my surroundings being super messy, so being perfectly honest what bothers me about it is if my dad or someone comes to visit, y'know? Cause this place is fucked
Is there some good way to retrain my brain to be happy then, or is it just gonna have to take its time to acclimate to being allowed to do that again after so long? I mean it's probably not really been given access more than very sporadically for the last 12+ years now
well unless you count stuff like drug usage, weed and acid and stuff like that, but I feel like in terms of a unused trail, those aren't so much "using the trail" as they are barreling through it in a 4x4, not really clearing the trail so much as ignoring it entirely and just happening to follow it to the destination
Actually, how does that factor in Drug usage I mean Alcohol I'll leave out, cause I dunno if I'd say I feel "happy" when drunk, it's more like I care a lot less so it "feels" a bit more like happiness, but it's definitely not actually that, you know? It's like tricking myself into thinking I'm high up in the mountains just cause I'm not underground anymore, when really I'm just popping my head out of the hole in a field?
But I mean, when I smoked weed, I think I'd call that happiness, I was happy when stoned, and I was happy when I was on acid I was having actual fun and feeling good, like things were OK That's been a long, long time too though, so really I'm just wondering if that stuff actually is you know, "using that muscle" so to speak, or if they're shortcuts that just fake the result? Maybe I'm not making sense here?
I've been cooking this thing that's like beef mince, chick peas, kidney beans, lentils, black beans in like a chili kind of thing. it tastes great. easy. fast. cheap. pretty health. in many ways it's the perfect staple food.
Except I just cannot stop farting.
Add some diced onion and bell peppers and it's pretty close to what I make
>>1076961 I don't think it particularly influences that, no Might be because I use fewer varieties of beans so they are a smaller fraction of a bowl of mine compared to yours
>>1076874 we have one Costco an hour from here good place to get gas if you live around that area
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
does anyone else absolutely despise that Blue remix that goes "i'm good and i'm feeling alright" or is it just me
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
like i know the bar for EDM lyrics was low but this is a new level of vapidity beyond
oh wow that's david guetta just when I thought that guy couldn't get any worse
shoutouts to his family though
Rei !p8eYCadcMo
Time to procrastinate on packing even though I'm moving tomorrow. Well actually I do need to wait until I'm finished running laundry to finish anyways.
>>1076981 he went to sleep >>1076982 350z roomie had a 370z but he sold it a while back, same with my mustang now we just have the 350z, miata, and a corolla I didn't debadge it, I went from OEM bumper to Nismo V3 front bumper, which comes with no paint, badge, or reflectors. this is a pic from right after I bought it in 2019
Seems like one of those things where it's not a big deal if you've been watching it every saturday since release to stay caught up, but an impossible task if you're gonna start from zero and try to catch up. too big of a time investment
accidentally got blood on my new Makima shirt but thankfully most if not all came out with hydrogen peroxide and baking soda/water next time I'll try the deadpool "seltzer water and lemon" that the blind lady mentions
I have no attachment to the celebrity world but I do think it's a bit tasteless to take such obvious delight in another's downfall especially when it's based on twitter rumors and unproven allegations.
I saw my old roommate for the first time in a while the other night. Pleasant evening and all.. But jesus. some of the stories he was telling me He's uhh had his low points and currently facing an uphill battle through many challenges, a lot of which are self-created. let's put it that way.
loool i was in a chess endgame up on material but only with 6 seconds to their 50 seconda they started talking smack then i premoved like crazy and timed them out with like 2 seconds to spare
>>1077203 gee I didnt know that its not like I have a email address still oh wait i do its not like Im aware theres 500 clones best cause monke and uguu/litter catbox is bad cause linkrot
>>1077202 better yet the imageboard could support mp4!!!!! :3 too bad I can't code or I'd help fix it, probably not worth the headache trying to fix it
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
its supported and all i just need more RAM
we need to download more ram
we have to upload better jokes
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
which is just a matter of setting up an new linux box sometime a simple but tedious chore
Martial arts is strong as hell in Kenshi, incredible stuff My guys punch and kick hard enough to knock limbs clean off now Which sure, is something the opposition can accomplish via their sharp swords, but it's still pretty impressive to palm someone in the shoulder hard enough that it detaches from the body
>>1077232 nice SAW reminds me of playing cod4 back in da day when you had one equppied with a front grip it gave you better hipfire spread no other gun had that perk