>>1074514 pizza hut and domino's are still the best 'fast food' pizza brands, papa johns, marco's, etc. are all pretty shit in comparison. Lil Caesar's, Hungry Howie's, and Cici's are prison food tier. although I usually get my pizza from Mellow Mushroom but it's expensive
>>1074520 I've never seen fate, too big of a commitment. not about to watch the One Piece of anime sword girls there's like 10 sabers and other characters that all look identical with blonde hair >>1074522 old domino's sucked dick but they changed like 5 years ago if you still think they suck dick then idk, not gonna please sauce lovers I guess still need to try making pizza someday but I hate making anything with bread/dough
Although actually Nero was designed by Wada, not Takeuchi. Takeuchi (original Saber's designer) is obsessed with Sabwr. *Saber
Rei !p8eYCadcMo
>>1074525 Only for some of them Saber has the Saberface because she ia descended from Nero. Mordred has the Saberface because she is Saber's son (female). And then a bunch of the other sabers are just different versions of Artoria Cause Saber Alter is evil Saber, and then Saber Lancer is Saber who didn't get eternal youth from Excalibur (or whatever), then dark Saber Lancer has a different lance or something. No comment on Musashi or uh The shinsengumi one And then Mysterious Heroine X is literally just original Saber in disguise because she wanted to kill all the Saber clones in a n April Fools thing from a while ago and then just got added into FGO Mysterious Heroine XX is space cop Mysterious Heroine X. And Saber Lily is Saber from before she drew the sword from the stone. Kirara or ToN feel free to correct me if I got any wrong.
>>1074532 >if you don't sink 100+ hours into this visual novel then you're not a REAL nerd Expected from the anon using the Evangelion name/public trip.
Rei !p8eYCadcMo
>>1074533 You don't need to sink 100+ hours into a vn to know that it was written by Kinoko Nasu and had its characters designed by Takashi Takeuchi.
Rei !p8eYCadcMo
Although in this case I guess it would be "knowing that the characters weren't drawn by the writer".
>>1074538 thankies need to get my bike repaired but I might have to ride it to a shop unless I get a bike rack brakes suck, loose chain, and tires wobble. would really suck to be stuck 10-20 miles from my house if something happens. in case of tire punctures I just pray really hard
started watching Tatami Galaxy but the dialogue is spoken faster than Monogatari and the background has nonstop changing visuals, I gotta keep pausing because if I'm reading it it's fast enough that I can barely look at the visuals. but it's Madhouse so it will probably be worth the watch, have never heard anyone mention it before though, just picked it randomly
4 agitated orioles went to town on my dwarves, killing three and mangling 2 others One of those two seems to be pulling through, he's using a crutch and he's not 100% but he's "good" The other one, I'm not so sure, she's lost her ability to manipulate her hands to such an extent I'm getting constant error messages cause she's unable to successfully store stuff in her own cabinet due to nerve damage and shit
To lighten her load a bit, I'm putting her through art school (I.E she's performing in the tavern from now on)
Yeah these are the fun parts of Dwarf Fortress An absolutely random piece of chaos blowing through and you have to reconsider what you were planning before
ugh interviews suck I just want to get into training and go go go
She just died of dehydration in the stone stockpile She was trying to drink, but I guess it bugged out and she was unable to actually do that, or move, but because she had like, a task she was "doing", nobody from the medical team actually went to pick her up so she just... died of dehydration
And now some adder men showed up and iced another dwarf ...I don't have enough dwarves to even set up a military yet, man At least they killed the last of those damned birds, so net positive I suppose
It's not even the end of the second year, and already this fort has been through tragedies I'm uncertain I can bounce back from Ain't getting any migrants either
Guess I gotta set down some traps and stuff so I can capture invaders and (I assume?) forcefully convert them
>>1074565 how many dorfs do you need for a military really? even a squad of four that train once in a while is better than nothing
Sure, but as easly as I was, even with everyone working around the clock stuff was progressing real slow So i delayed it
This time I've got a few though, right off the bat just in case
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
yeah i guess so i usually am not rrady quick woth the military even though its important gotta get weapons too can always train with wooden training weapons the first year i suppose
>>1074563 Dwarves may need use of their hands to drink from booze
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
cant butt chug handsfree? Tarnnnn!
>If a dwarf is unable to use their arms, they will stall on picking up a goblet rather than drinking straight from the barrel (bug) I can't find anything indicating the bug extends to drinking straight from the barrel, and unable to use arms may be different from unable to use hands But it might be the issue
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
a terrible way to die
>>1074576 >>1074578 Well I mean she was at first near some barrels, but later she managed to crawl up to the stone stockpile, the wrong direction from the tavern, so I think she just kinda bugged out overall
Well, the new fort is going acceptably so far at least Nobody's losing their minds as of yet, we've got stable food, and even seasons which means I can leave a guy on fishing without major issues with him going insane because he's ALWAYS fishing Cause the river freezes in the winter Producing armor and such, too, so I think this one's gonna be good
I finally figured out how to make a SAFE waterwheel Well, a few dwarves still almost drowned, but now it's operational (in 3 out of 4 seasons) and nobody's died I idiotproofed it
That comes later probably As of right now, I'm legit just figuring out how things function in the first place This is the first time I've set up a millstone, I've been using querns up to this point ...many, many querns >>1074594 I just set them to make fine meals and scrounge up the stuff I need to keep that going because the mood boost is practically vital Even if bad mood doesn't lead to berserk rages like in Rimworld, it does apparently reduce their productivity, and that's a cascade effect because their mood is reliant on their productivity as a collective in large part
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
i should probably check out bread baking and stuff ive just been surviving on plants and kitchens and slaughtering the odd ox faol
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
i see i see i don't even know my dwarves seem pleased i just set up a tavern and they spend all their time socializing and dancing anyway then i get 1,000 visitors but somehow my drink stockpile is bigger than ever
Make sure you don't even bother with quarry bushes though Even when you mill them, you only get one seed back, meaning you can't increase production, ever, without trade Sweet pods and cave wheat is where the real stonks are at
Farming is pretty simple really You just set up a plot, you make the kitchen not use your damn plump helmets, and you set up a quern to mill plants for your sweet pods and wheat >>1074599 Oh, that's gonna be the case for most of the time Your dwarves prioritize picking grown plants as like, THE top priority in the whole fortress, I'm pretty sure, so you're practically never actually gonna see more than 2-3 plants But for most of the plants, you get more than one seed back when you process them properly Cooking directly does not give seeds, so never do that with stuff you rely on (specifically plump helmets)
You should also have a handful of plants on rotation because the dwarves like it when they've got more than one type of booze to drink just let the brewer use anything it's got on hand, you get seeds when they use stuff so there's no real loss there unless you're really running your food stocks on a tight budget
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
it feels like the fields are always empty whenever i look at them seeds always run out
i do try to produce potash for fetilizer at least
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
hmm maybe i will have to try settin up a millstone then
i also need to figure out soap production
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
yeah i turn plump helmets off in the kitchen right away
It's also very useful to set up a shell crafting order to run any time you've got more than like 10 shells You can obviously set it for 1 shell, but some crafts take more than 1, and then you get an error popup until they get enough Shells are basically worthless, but your fisherdwarf is gonna stock those up like no tomorrow, and you can at least flip them
I haven't even set up a hunter dwarf yet, and I can't be fucked to deal with animal husbandry at all It's the most annoying aspect of the game to me cause I have no idea how to set the stuff that goes into it up to be automatic Getting some milk and wool does seem useful, but I just can't figure out a way to automate it without getting spammed with errors
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
you could probably put a monthly "catch an animal" work order in or something idk either
you can be like every comedian who gets a Netflix special spend the first 10 minutes doing the obligatory "so how about those pandemic restrictions and woke culture eh?" bit
If you're gonna set up a millstone though, make sure you do it VERY carefully you can do it super safely, in the sense that it can't really go wrong, wrong But then you have to put your damn millstone next to the river or stretch an enormous power transferral thing, and I dunno how to do that at all What I did is I dug a trench into a room next to my kitchen, put up a drainoff in the wall off the map, and then opened the door that blocked the river with a lever If everything goes to shit, then, you can always close that door and at least the water will stop coming, so you can figure something out
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
just dig a tunnel for the water to your base and then employ one peasant to pump it back up over the river
>>1074609 So my kids introduced me to this thing called "woke culcure" never heard of it before Kind of a funny name if you ask me since all their ramblings about vegetarianism and class structure are putting me to sleep!
I do gotta set up a few more military bois in this fort, but once that's done, I think this one's gonna last a good long while I've already got the gear for them Well, most of it anyway
Running outta coal, but there's more coming down the pipe
>>1074628 I'm really just considering moving my entire fortress down to the deepest layers as I get stuff set up The stuff I'm setting up atm is mostly just temporary as I plan out the Real Fort down in the depths I know it's dangerous down there, but that's what soldiers are for, no?
Rei !p8eYCadcMo
>>1074630 Very useful thing Can get rid of a lot of stuff.
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
Rei !p8eYCadcMo
>>1074631 Have you gotten to the hidden fun stuff yet?
Don't think so I had a cyclops show up a while back, but he was slain without issue
I actually don't like that they gave an overly elaborate backstory to Hector's bell. Playing up the fanservice a little bit too much for the sake of the prequel. It should have been just some random thing added as part of his hospital rehab once they realised he could only move his finger.
>>1074662 Honestly it's always a pain when a noble dies cause you gotta give a new one their offices and stuff Which isn't like, difficulty, but it's annoying having to manually assign several rooms again
Kinda wish assigning offices\bedrooms\dining halls had a switch on it so you could go "no, this isn't for a particular dwarf, it's for This Noble Position" Like I just want this particular patch of rooms to be the Mayor's, whichever dwarf happens to be the mayor at any given time
Also migrant animals should be automatically assigned to pastures when that makes sense I've had so damn many llamas turn up dead in the tavern because they starved to death It's not even like I haven't seen them there, it's just that some dwarves or visitors have animal companions that follow them in there, so I don't check every time I see an animal. Most of the time, it's just a pet, and it's fine. What makes it worse though, is it seems animals won't be butchered if they died from dehydration or starvation
>>1074667 there's not much learning involved, you just put water in the top flap until you've got the desired amount of coffee (there's a fill gauge to show how much you're adding) and then you add some grounds into the basket and hit start. much better than buying expensive ass coffee at starbucks or whatever >>1074668 got a link? I was looking at this one but man that will have to be in a year or two if I can save up https://smile.amazon.com/dp/B00DS4767K/
>>1074671 woah woah woah slow down. go back to the flap
>>1074671 you think there's not much learning involved, then you're not getting the proper pre-infusion temp before the pressure mounts so you spend another $200 buying aftermarket burrs that will get you a finer grind and a portafilter that will let you measure the extraction pattern so you can be 100% sure that you aren't letting water sit in the puck while you wait for the actual pour
I've been looking at the flair 58 looks great, seems to make a good shot only downsides I've seen anyone mention are the fairly innaccurate temps in the pre-heating element but that wouldn't be an issue for me unless I take it out camping or something I'd almost exclusively be using it at home with a proper kettle it also seems kinda large to travel with so for camping I'd just use my aeropress or a french press
>>1074673 goober. >>1074674 I was referring to a regular drip coffee machine when I said not much learning. I'm aware that there's some learning and experimenting involved with a proper espresso machine.
>>1074674 I didn't know they made these single use espresso makers. that's pretty cool looking, I figured it would be a bit cheaper because of the simpler function compared to a stainless steel digital machine but it's pretty pricey >>1074676 No, the expensive one is $750 and does a lot of stuff that isn't dripping. My drip machine was like $60 https://smile.amazon.com/dp/B00EI7DPPI/
it's a big coffee nerd machine for sure, part of the price point is the novelty of it I love how it looks tho also most of the digital machines are capable of other stuff like steaming milk
sorry to be the one to tell you this but please, drinking boiled bean juice is not a substitute for a personaility and paying over $100 for a Mr Coffee machine is ridic
incredible revelation
>>1074679 If you drink coffee daily it's really not a crazy expense when you consider going to a coffee shop and how expensive that can be. I know someone that gets a frappuccino from starbucks almost daily, so $5+ x 365 is....$1,825
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
we got some coffee heretics on the board? hmm get the spears ready
spending money on anything but the most base needs is ridic please spend money logically
Life's too short to spend money (entirely) logically
I agree, we should return to monkey. Let's all go live in the forest and build a hut. You don't need electricity, water, gas, etc. We'll find a spot near a river and eat fish and forage for nuts. Let's stop spending money entirely.
uhm, sorry babes, but anno doesn't approve of that lifestyle you gotta only buy things they think make sense
It's just a bad argument because there's always a different subjective view on what's "actually necessary". Some people in 3rd world countries don't have cars and appliances, they wash their clothes and dishes by hand. Or maybe it's someone that lives in a van in a 1st world country. Or maybe "bare minimum" is someone living in a small apartment in tokyo and takes the subway.
nah man value is a 100% rigid concept, no wiggle room, sorry thems the rules
There's an expected windchill blowing in today which is expected to make it feel like -20°C outside Sure am glad I don't have to be outside over the weekend
i forgot what i was going to say something about coffee I think or that all of my opinions are the correct ones and that everyone else needs to shut the hell up.
>>1074687 >>1074688 you're being overly reductive to an argument that you don't need to buy a $700 coffee machine(which NEEDS another $100 of accessories right from the start and it NEEDS to take up a whole meter of counterspace because... because... it just does ok???)
>>1074689 it was around -20C here when I left for work last night was pretty rough driving home
>>1074692 dude it's literally a hobby, no one cares if you think it's worth it or not I'm 100% sure you spend too much money on some aspect of your life
>>1074692 I'm not justifying the cost, I'm just saying that getting upset at people spending their money how they want is a fool's errand because everyone views the world and the value of objects and experiences differently so we all make different financial decisions for our income and viewpoints.
In the same note, a person working in Venezuela would have to save for years and years to even think of buying something that expensive, but if you're making $200k+ a year or something then it's literal pocket change (okay not actually but still a much less significant purchase)
Oh they added Classic mode into the Steam release for Dwarf Fortress So I guess I can switch to that if I ever want to give myself more eyestrain again
>>1074694 nezi asked and got a response and then went into his weird 'well everybody is different theres ppl in tokyo and venezula etc'' so I stopped at that point
you don't need to justify it but you already look dumb enough
oh wow I thought it was fairly obvious that "you ever just have a sudden urge to buy a $750 espresso machine" was a joke but I guess people take everything literal. I'll use a Ferrari for my next joke to make it more obvious
burn yourself with hot steam nezi
The joke loses any value when I have to explain it. You see the way the joke works here is that most people don't spend $750 on a specialty hobby item "on a whim" and that's a purchase that you would do a bit of research and shopping before you committed.
So no, I was not asking that as a serious question. It was rhetorical.
rhetorcially drown yourself in a tub of coffee made from that cheap instant jar
I do have a cheap French Press that sits unused in a cupboard, I think I had some issue with it, like it was a pain to clean it properly. Might try it again sometime. Looking around the kitchen now for my roommates' antique hand crank coffee grinder, it's pretty satisfying to use.
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
sounds more like someone's got some beef with nezi
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
chaos chaos i wanna chaos
>>1074708 if they have beef that's actually very convenient, I was going to buy a 3 pound beef filet for Beef Wellington tomorrow, gotta check a butcher because they only sold a massive $102 one at Sam's
Another funny thing about Better Call Saul is that because they brought a lot of the same actors back, they look visibly older. Even though it's a prequal.
Poor Huell's going grey.
>>1074713 But I know you, and you're the goodest joke I know
Oh, samu, here's a tip that I recently figured out in the dorf fort You can have stockpiles take (or give) items to another specified stockpile, or multiple for that matter, so what I always do now is I set up a stockpile near the jeweler for gems, cut and uncut so they don't spend much time going back and forth, and then I have another stockpile just for gems near the trading post, cut gems that is, and I have that one take from the jeweler's stockpile That way, you've got a ready supply of cut gems to trade whenever the trader shows up, saving a lot of time and annoyance when the trader does show up
It adds a little bit to the overall workload of the dwarves as a collective, but it really does make things a lot smoother
>>1074724 I mentioned something similar to this a couple days back, I guess you must have missed it I usually put up a stockpile, often just a tile-wide ring around any workshop I make, specifically for the raw goods that workshop requires It gets a little more nuanced once you have things like forges which needs both fuel and material, but it works well for single-material workshops
Also with the cut gems you don't need to have a stockpile near the workshop. If the dwarf manning the workshop finishes a gem cut, or any workshop task, they drop the finished item on the ground and don't move it to a stockpile themselves So unless you're really gung ho about encrusting things with those gems, it's more efficient to just have the stockpile for the finished gems only at your location near the trade depot, especially since cut gems will be stored in bins and don't take up a tonne of space
>>1074726 Oh, I thought they only put it into the workshop itself when they immediately went to do something else, didn't realize they did that basically all the time
Maybe there's a weird case situation where they immediately acquire the hauling task for the finished item as soon as they finish crafting, but generally they should prioritize other workshop tasks
I also wish I could set priorities for the tasks for dwarves Putting a mining dwarf as also doing hauling and only those two means they will effectively never actually mine because there's ALWAYS something or other to haul, somewhere
If you set the mining tasks to higher priority Er If you set the specific mining tiles to higher priority, that might have the mining dwarves prioritize those Really by the time you have like fifty dwarves though you might as well just specialize your mining dwarves into only mining You'll have enough idle hands that even if you don't have any mining tasks drawn up, you're not really losing much efficiency by having two or three dwarves not doing anything
yeah, that usually does kick them into gear I guess Just sorta wish I could set one dwarf specifically to always prioritize mining
but it's just a different system so it's fine I guess
>>1074730 Yeah, that's a good point I've ended up usually putting the miners in various misc jobs anyway, like tavernkeep and such, cause it's not like I'm always mining something Granted, it's good to have another dwarf on that as well when I do that, but at least that way they have something to do in their downtime
I didn't know feelings where going to get hurt, when I thanked an anno w/ a meme, but maybe that's was a result of a different bridge that git got* was crossed.
Huh, I thought the US got seasons more or less the same as us It's just weird seeing them slide around Like here we have like, you know, trucks that spread gravel and stuff, but even without them, everyone's got a bag of crushed shells or salt or even just gravel themselves in their house during winter So if shit gets too bad, you legit just spread that stuff in front of you in your own little patch of land >>1074786 damn
I guess they don't even have winter tires over there
A couple years ago I was in Washington State and there was a big snowstorm and it was like 19 degrees out. I imagine there's a big difference between 19 and the negatives
How did the ice in Seattle get so uniform and smooth like in the videos I'm seeing anyway I get it on flat ground, but on a steep hill it makes no damn sense to me did it rain and then suddenly get super cold? There's no snow on the road even
merry aedt time christmas
>>1074792 A lot of North America is suffering flash freeze conditions, which would fulfill those conditions, yeah High wind can blow powdery snow pretty intensely, almost like sand across a surface, kind of sanding down the rough parts of the ice
>haven't played Sekiro in over a year >boot it up on Roommate's PC while bored >don't rush or anything, just play through the game >beat it in 3.5 hours without dying once Shadows die twice? More like...shadows die never.
Rei !p8eYCadcMo
>>1074804 Omedetou I thought there was a scripted death though?
>>1074805 If you've beaten the game then you should proooobably be good enough to win the first "supposed to lose" fight. It's pretty easy if you know what you're doing. That being said, you do get your arm cut off in the cutscene anyway even though you beat him. Because he cheats, the true Ashina Clan way of fighting.
Yeah, but even if you beat Genichiro in that fight, you technically die The game just doesn't count it as a death in-game
>>1074807 I'm not 100% on that being a death though, I don't remember what the Sculptor says afterwards but in the cutscene you lose your arm and collapse. I'm not sure if that's definitely a death, but what the sculptor says probably matters there.
Kirara "Ikkyū" 🍄 大医 /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
if your arm gets cut off like that you would bleed to death, i'm pretty sure it's a death but it doesn't really matter from a gameplay standpoint because the in-game death logger doesnt count it whether you win or lose that fight
christmas cut short cause my dad's fiance's brother's wife just may be moments away from death and they called from the hospital so the three of them are off to there, and I've gone home
>>1074809 >death logger I can't remember but I don't think any of the soulsborne games have death counters, unless you're talking from a coding level. I've always argued it would be fun to have an in-game death counter though when you go through the menus, I wish Miyazaki would add one.
she had another stroke a while back, which takes her into the... mid-to-high teens of strokes? and now she's been struggling even more to breathe lately, like very recently from what I can tell though maybe it's just been gradually getting worse anyway, her kidneys are flagging
they likely want him there as her husband more or less to make the call on whether to increase the morphine to OD levels or not, cause being real, she's done
Kirara "Ikkyū" 🍄 大医 /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
thats rough
yeah it's fucked up the plan right now is to do christmas again tomorrow instead though but for reasons that need not be elaborated on, they didn't want him to be alone during this
>>1074814 is there a way to view it? also I forgot you also die when you first draw the mortal blade when you get it from the divine child
>>1074820 thanks, I'll have to look that up, always wanted to know how many deaths I had for first playthroughs pretty sure my first Malenia kill took like 50 tries
Kirara "Ikkyū" 🍄 大医 /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
dark souls 2 had the universal count that tracked everyone miss that
>>1074821 i got malenia in 5 tries but fire giant took me like 20 lol
>>1074822 what level were you? level and build matter a lot, I rush into boss fights pretty low level usually so it's a bit harder on my initial playthrough
Kirara "Ikkyū" 🍄 大医 /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
>>1074823 around 70 or 80 i think i was pretty underleveled
>>1074825 I just figured out how to dodge it is all. I was using an uchigatana but I don't remember what my stats were or anything since I did all this on release. But like I said, Malenia was easy for me but then I got stuck on dudes like the Fire Giant. I'm good against humanoid sized enemies but when they get really big I'm no good. I hate blocking, I always dodge, so the big enemies fuck me up with their massive and long hitboxes.
For the final boss, I was beating Radagon super easily and then I'd just wipe against Elden Beast every single time. I got so frustrated with it that I had my friends come and kill Elden Beast with me.
Elden Beast just blasted my shit to bits but then it's like, I beat the Godskin Duo first try.
I had more trouble with Nial than most of the major bosses. Hmm who else gave me trouble? Oh there was a fight with some gargoyles that really sucked. I think Margit at the beginning took me a while too while I got the hang of things.
>both Bioshock and the Remastered version only have 3 playable sensitivities: >3 is 5x too high >2 is 3x too high >1 doesn't do anything if you're not moving the mouse fast enough
>the brightness adjustment screen before the game starts is broken >you can't turn on subtitles until you get past the first cutscene, it won't let you in the menu before that >editing controls in a .ini file "Remastered"
>>1074894 What if i want to see my 92 year old grandfather? Or some of my other relatives Like my brilliant psychologist cousin who married an antivax trump supporter and has a kid. I don't really have any others to complain about since my fundie aunt caught corona.
>>1074903 It's driving me insane. She's one of my most liberal cousins on that side of the family. The worst part is that since she's Catholic she is less likely to divorce.
instead of 2-3 expensive games, thinking maybe I get a bunch of cheap games that I've always heard about but never played if you have any ideas for like $5-10 lemme know
Rei !p8eYCadcMo
>>1074907 I do that a lot. Castle Crashers is on sale for $3~ Devil May Cry hd collection is $10 Lemme check my email for the sale notifications
Rei !p8eYCadcMo
New Vegas is $2.50
>>1074908 I have castle crashers looking into DMC HD now, good mention New Vegas is in my cart >>1074911 I considered goose game but I think I'd rather focus on actual campaign/story games that are critically acclaimed, I'm sure goose game is fun but not the thing I had in mind
>>1074910 Wait Isn't Titanfall 2's multiplayer basically unusable because of hackers?
>>1074912 I played a little bit of the campaign when it was free for a while and the movement was fun enough that I think I'll get it for $5 considering it's regarded as an amazing campaign. I have no interest in the multiplayer
>>1074923 I have a lot of hours on console games that aren't going to show on my steam list even though I also own the game on steam for whatever reason
>>1074939 I kinda liked the look but didn't care much about them until I drove an NA. It has a great manual gearbox/clutch, the handling is so tight that it feels like a go-kart (amplified by the fact that it's really light), so it's especially fast through corners. one of those things that you have to experience to see how fun it is, to truly understand why "slow car fast" is better than "fast car slow"
>>1074939 they're popular in the gay community, unironically
I have been forced to specialize my dwarves And as of yet, my military hasn't even had a chance to do anything Not even a hostile animal has looked in my direction
There are a variety of more hostile things in the deeper parts of the earth And some even more hostile things incredibly deep Try to breach the cavern layers if you're looking for something to rattle your axedwarves at
Yeah, I'm working towards it I think I wanna have at least two squads before I start rattling sabers towards the Old Ones in the depths, though
That and really I don't even know what to go into the depths for beyond magma in the first place, it seems overall kinda meaningless beyond infesting my whole fort with mushroom growth
The things super deep are basically just a boredom switch If your fortress has perfectly stabilized and there isn't anything on the surface which really provides a threat or point of interest to you, you can breach Hell and fight what are basically endless tides of demons until your fortress inevitably goes down This was before the game really allowed you to retire fortresses where they'd still truck on their best, so it was a fun, disaster-filled way to send your fortress out
The caverns are much higher up than that though, and provide a variety of fairer fights for your dwarves to combat, in addition to being a better way of finding veins of materials you want than just strip-mining for them Mushroom wood is also potentially the only regenerative wood on an embark site if you've landed somewhere with no surface foliage. There are also a variety of forgotten beasts which will arrive on your fortress through the underground, and some times you can find these neat underground dwarven highways that cut through the fortress layer, although they currently serve no greater purpose I believe
Theoretically, but like I said, they don't seem to serve a purpose beyond being there, since dwarven caravans will always travel by land I assume it's similar to how in the world gen, during the civilization growth stage, they connect land-dwelling urban locations with above-ground highways In the game's Adventure Mode, not yet available on Steam, you can move across these civilization and see all these roads and towns that have been generated along them So if you can locate a dwarven underground highway you could probably do the same once you make your way to it
neat I nearly ran out of drink so I had to make more stills and just set three dwarves to become master brewers over time I'm not entirely minmaxing or anything, not like I made sure to grab someone not particularly good at something else, I just grabbed 3 dwarves with no other already assigned particular work, so maybe I accidentally grabbed a master or legendary smith in the process But I've come to a point where I just really need specialization to make sure everything gets done in due time That and for smithing and clothes and stuff, I can see it being very useful
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
it just makes sense i think might as well have my legendary carpenter only build wood stuff even though they're not always busy
yeah Kinda annoying I can't assign custom icons for the various jobs though
>>1075033 Nice Also I forgot for a second that you were a lawyer, it was actually funnier that way Maybe
>>1075033 You know they could have drawn her using a lint roller and it would have made complete locational sense Why the fuck is she rolling a paint roller along a fuzzy carpet
>>1075047 It's okay you can just set up chess problems and solve them while considering what an intellectually complex person you are as the settings beams of evening sun peek through your drawn curtains
I really should have typed that on my PC where I'm not fighting with my phone's auto-correct every three words
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
god i forgot how wack 3 minute chess is been playin 5 minute on my phone once in a while and timing out almost every game >>1075050 thats okay i still feel savaged and rekt
>>1075047 set up a webcam and move the pieces for the person on the other end
>>1075048 didn't know rockband/smith was still a thing
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
>>1075052 there are some chess boards that do that for you but they're like 1k+
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
>>>/watch?v=Y1yh_L_fgwA i was thinkin of this one i think it has chess.com integration too that would be kinda coo
>after the game is over, the king and the pawn go in the same box some deep chess quote which I saw on one of the cod4 deathscreens
(I suppose the meaning being about death, and how when you're gone is doesn't matter if you were the big important general or the lowly footsoldier, the destination is the same)
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
im 12 and this is deep is about what i would expect from call o duty
I created my own millstone power generator by hooking a pump up to the same waterwheels as the millstone, and that waterpump is legit just fueling the stream that powers it I'm generating excess power, it's self-sustaining
I've had a dwarf making nothing but plaster powder for 2 years now and I'm still drowning in gypsum lmao I have too many bags of plaster I don't even need them for anything, I just figured I may as well process the damn things
My specialization gambit has really paid off, too Nearly everything I put in an order for churns out a masterwork now
>>1075061 The FPS drain for a small perpetual motion machine in Dwarf Fortress is pretty light It's really big waterfalls which are going to chug your FPS
I'm not even gonna bother with something like that I know dwarves like them and they keep them happy
But I mean I can just expel those who get mad
I actually had one dwarf get a fey mood, and she just stood in the tavern for some reason, until she went insane Never went for a workshop or nothing Never found her body either, I think she just vanished
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
maybe she wanted a workshop that didn't exist idk
If you have cavern access in that fortress then she might've wandered off that way once her fey mood failed and she went mad Good luck finding an undetected corpse in there though
this was ages ago and I still ain't got a haunting, so I figure it's fine Maybe something ate her corpse, or something I checked my tombs in case I just forgot about the message or something, but only two dwarves are in there, and I recognize both One died "in battle" with some snake men, the other... I actually don't rememb- oh right, he died when one of those big mushroom trees fell on him I say "in battle" cause the poor bastard was just mining in the depths when the snakes attacked it's a rough life
Dwarves generally fight back against anything that attacks them if given the chance They'll even sock back with fists if they don't have a weapon Doesn't mean they'll be successful, but damn sure they'll try
Kinda wish I could just have everyone carry a weapon if they're not already carrying something else Like just carry an axe, man, just at all times Just in case >>1075074 Honestly probably rimworld DF is way, way deeper in many ways, but rimworld is a lot more directly fun and more tightly focused so you actually care about the colonists to some degree I've got so many dwarves, I don't care about them at all beyond now and then entering the labor menu to chuck a few more into some specialized labor for them to get proficient at, or make a new squad for the army
In rimworld I'm micromanaging their individual schedules to make sure they're having a good time, hooking them up with cybernetic implants and stuff
DF or rimworld you can only choose 1
>>1075058 its apparently an old Italian proverb >War is not nice Barb Bush another banger from the deathscreen quotes
umm didn't WH lore just rip off everything from warcraft?
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
UMM actually
>>1075078 anyways, one of the good ones I very vaguely remember reading was about a boy from one of the farm planet and has one of those becoming a hero story arcs cant remember the title though
>>1075103 If you got good credit you can do a balance transfer if it becomes an emergency But hope it doesn't come to that some counties also hand out covid backrent money you can just apply for it even if its not related to that
and a god damn uhh broken bookshelf replacement is being shipped >>1075121 how bout you
Rei !p8eYCadcMo
>>1075126 A single pair of socks I put off asking for Hannukah stuff because my Hannukah list started blending together with my "what I need for school" list. But tentatively, over a hundred dollars worth of band (mostly punk) tshirts, new headphones, bluetooth speaker, gaming monitor And my sister is getting me some manga and a math textbook.
Rei !p8eYCadcMo
I need a lot of new tshirts because i gained weight again and am now solidly into the XXL range.
Rei !p8eYCadcMo
I'm supposed to get up at 9am to get breakfast then go buy shit I need for my dorm room. But it's after 4 and I'm not feeling tired enough to sleep.
I hate how auto parts employees act like I'm a psychopath or speaking another language when I ask for a part. I know you have the part and it's not a strange purchase, why do you hesitate to answer so much
I have never heard of legend viewer and also no I have yet to encounter such a being Though should I ever have the pleasure, I will be sure to capture it and put it on display by the tavern
I've been trying to dump snake men into a pit just to see how that stuff functions, the overall idea being I'm gonna put so many in there they end up fighting each other, just to see what happens, if they die from the miasma of their buddies' corpses, that sorta stuff maybe I can even breed them
But so far, my dwarves keep dropping down the pit with the snakes, and that's not exactly working out too well for me
What would be pretty neat is making some sort of automatic animal bone harvesting thing like just plop down some animals in there, they'll breed, and when there's too many of them, they fall off or fight each other into a big hole If they just fight, I can use some water pumping to kinda flush the stuff down to the next level and I just flick the switch on that now and then, free bones
>>1075204 People do that for mermaids.>>1075203 No idea, I've barely played dorf fort.
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
>>1075202 yes mister detective sir this post right here
>>1075196 keep it on the dl but having a pic of you playing a guitar(even if you dont know how to actually play it) is allegedly like a cheat code on dating sites
>>1075202 Legends Mode isn't available in the Steam release yet It's basically an encyclopedia and historical record of all notable events in a world you generate You can track the life story of literally any named person in the world, as well as legendary monsters and the like Maybe also artifacts and other important named artifacts? Not sure, I never spent too much time in it in the Bay12 releases