well I'll just have to try to generate a new friendgroup I guess somehow or other as fucked as it is, I don't have a network, I just have this guy and people connected to him
well I can feel the dizziness of a breakdown coming already really I'm sure this will all pass anyway, I've always been a bit too cold to really feel much when it comes to stuff like this anyway, and our friendship has been effectively over just not explicitly like "and never speak to my friends again" for a real long time but I'm still pretty lost because I don't have anyone else
"Now the water is cold. I am far from shore. So far from shore I swim on, but each stroke takes me closer to drowning. I am choking, my lungs aching. The water seems colder, more and more bitter. I am not so young anymore. I'll die one day. But I keep going and remember how I entered the struggle."
>>1073963 have some food and drink everything passes
deito thread is aboutt to die fitting pehaps
>>1073963 well you got /moe for support, in rough times.
I don't think it matters honestly Pretty sure I'm done
Can you think back to times when you were happier and recreate them?
It's not even that I'm unhappy though I am I just sorta don't see any reason to keep moving forward anymore now that's all I mean I was prepared for this to happen sooner or later but I never had anything decided for afterwards I just knew it'd happen eventually
And today it did
So now I'm alone in a way I haven't been since I was 14
>>1073970 Lots of people in modern societies are alone. Ironically theres solidarity in that i suppose. >any reason to keep moving forward What was a reason at 14, if you can remember or had one? I admit I cant go back that far.
I didn't have one but at 14 everything is still just moving on its own around you You don't have to put in effort to keep going at 14
True. Effort and motivation aren't like a faucet you can turn on and off as other people would like. idk. maybe it will get better maybe it won't, gotta stick around to see
Like I keep going, I get myself sorted out maybe I even get a job and financially stable but then what There's nothing there There used to be something there
But there's no point anymore And I just don't really wanna I don't wanna make it to 31 in the first place, this is just sooner
Weather's absolutely dreadful here Somehow managing to simultaneously both snow and rain at the same time
>>1074012 Nah so I can brag to one of my friends about your skills at 99.
wish I could find that old video of a little kid hitting a tree with an axe and talking about some runescape forum in his squeaker voice it was pretty funny
>>1074013 I always wanted to try a PSP but my parents only let me do Nintendo family friendly gaming I got a psp from a friend a long time ago but no battery
name 5 games that arent ridge racer
Ridge Racer 2 Ridge Racer 3 Ridge Racer 4 Ridge Racer: Deus Ex
how do you deal with open spaces on the surface of your dwarf fort anyway? I've tried using floors to just patch it up, but it seems like sunlight still gets in cause it gives me the option to plant barley and stuff do I gotta make a wall?
Almost done with my first bag of coffee grounds, only 7 more to go after this. Hazelnut, Blueberry Cobbler, Pecan Praline, Holiday Blend, Vanilla Macadamia Nut, Cafe Mocha Truffle, Creamy Buttery Caramel (those last 2 suck, Barnie's is awful), and finishing Caramel Macchiato.
Rei !p8eYCadcMo
>>1074032 If you work on your alcoholism maybe he'll forgive you. Not promising it, but making up with people who you fucked up your relationships with is often part of the process. *trying to make up with
He already cut contact, there's no forgiving from here on out, we're not gonna talk again
Rei !p8eYCadcMo
>>1074044 Sorry to hear that, but also work onyiur alcoholism anyways.
I don't really drink much anymore, but yeah
Rei !p8eYCadcMo
>>1074046 Except when you get completely wasted and throw tantrums on here.
well yeah, when I do drink, I tend to get utterly shitfaced
which obviously isn't good or healthy, I just dunno if that's alcoholism exactly
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
alcoholism is when it interfers with one's life and relationships
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
man i wrote some good code yesterday maybe ill just do errands and send emails today
>>1074040 It'll be hard to explain this maybe, since I'm at work and a diagram would work way better But you might need to fully enclose the space you're trying to farm on So some manner of ceiling or floor above the space, the space entirely enclosed, and if you have walls at any point, you have to make sure those walls have floor tiles on top of them if they're open to the air Since there's this weird thing where DF doesn't consider, for example, the top of a wall built on Z=35 and a floor tile built on Z=36 to be level with eachother and therefore a perfect seal But if you build a floor tile at Z=36 on top of that wall, then the roof and floor becomes properly level
Well we kinda got back on talking terms, though it's just the two of us now
My moods just sorta going up and down now, because I wanna keep the friendship but it still seems like it's dead and we're just fruitlessly trying to shock it back
So I dunno It hurts a lot knowing it's painful enough to be around me he broke down and just sorta excised me from the whole social circle
Just really struggling trying to sort out my own feelings on it all. I'm not even sure I want to or can accept and believe we're good again because this broke me and I'd rather not go through that again
Maybe I really just sorta should be on my own, you know? Cause all other friendships just feel so shallow in comparison But I'm kinda fragile and don't know if I can deal with it if it breaks again. Really, I couldn't deal with it this time, I shut down.
I'm not even sure if I'm looking for advice or what here, honestly. I'm just kind of a mess
dwarf fortress really is a lotta fun by accepting some entertainers into my fort, I have inadvertently ended up with two goblin citizens just two legit goblins, running about doing actual work in my fort Truly astonishing stuff there's nothing on the wiki about this, and I don't know how to make them clothes
Rei !p8eYCadcMo
>>1074151 What kind of 7/11 doesn't have Twinkies?
non american ones iunno admittedly I wasn't keen on inspecting the nooks and crannies because the freaks come out at this hour
Just lost like 30 dwarves to an artificial river, because they saw a boulder go in, so of course they went INTO THE RIVER from topside, and then they fucking drowned at the bottom, unable to get up I did not know they would do that, so I didn't build any countermeasures up there
It is still not strictly speaking fixed, but at least there are some grates now
Rei !p8eYCadcMo
>>1074164 Do they still go after shoes of dwarves who die in combat?
I manually set them to, but by default they don't go after stuff during sieges I'll likely take that off
Rei !p8eYCadcMo
Okay I'm thinking of like A really old comic about DF
Gonna be honest I did not expect it to get this bad this fast. I thought it would take longer, but I thought long. *wrong Maybe he could hire John Carmack to replace a bunch of devs though. I know he's free, I'm sure he'd love to work with Palmer Lucky again.
Also I wonder what Carmack made at facebook that he stole (again) as he left.
Rei !p8eYCadcMo
Not that I have much of an issue with people stealing their own software. Especially the zenimax/Bethesda thing. Cause God knows whatever me made over there was never gonna get used.
well, nothing exciting has happened in my fort, but it's gotten to the point where it's just not really playable due to the FPS I guess maybe some day I'll give it another go
Once you understand the mechanics, it's not particularly hard to make a fortress entirely sustainable So you're kind of left up to your own devices to increase difficulty or seek objectives Training a small army and going out into your neighbouring civilizations to conquer can be fun Or breaching the deepest parts of the earth and seeing how long you can last against that which slumbers beneath the magma seas I like building massive construction projects personally
The main issue is really that the fps crunch makes it very uninteresting to keep going for the more elaborate goals Apparently it's pathfinding that crushes it, but I don't fucking know how I'd even deal with that, and not even 200 dwarves in my fort makes it so mouseclicks stop registering on occasion
Might look into it all at some point though
I think the wiki has a pretty complex documentation on the best ways to resolve pathfinding lag because you're right, it is by far the biggest issue which plagues a fortress The simple solution is, reduce the number of options for your dwarves to use to get from one point to another. Additional route possibilities mean your dwarves can regular reassess if the route they chose is the fastest way You can also use an in-game tool to set priority routes to be used for trying to get from location to location, and if you're willing to get really into details, you can use burrows to restrict specific groups to specific parts of the fortress, which means their pathfinding checks will be much faster as they'll only be able to calculate based on the burrow they're assigned to
I've honestly just been too intimidated to try dealing with the burrows But maybe I'll fire up another fort and give that a try sometime
I was for most of the time I was actively playing Only really got into experimenting with them after I had the business of developing a fortress down pat and was getting frustrated with DF becoming more of an idle game because of the FPS crawl These days I've forgotten much of those skills and ingrained knowledge, plus the game has changed a lot with the cultural additions like churches and taverns, so I'm concerned about how to integrate burrows into that Plus I've got a pretty strong CPU now and hell, I kind of want a game I only need to check in on every fifteen minutes or more So I wonder how pressing I really need to learn burrows
Another aspect that kinda adds to the kinda draining nature of the game once things are set up is like, relatively minor stuff Like I can set the kitchen to make 10 meals if there's the ingredients for 10 meals and I have less than 200 meals, but very, very often it'll kick back "can't make meal, no ingredients" after a short bit because for whatever reason my manager re-upped the order despite the conditions not being met Or like these idiots who drowned, I needed slabs for them, which all have to be individually scheduled, and god forbid you don't have a slab ready when they come up in the order because that cancels the engraving ticket and you gotta set it again, and then when you place it you have to search through the enormous amount of slabs you made to avoid that first issue and manually select each and every one, which number in the 10s and 30s because the engraving menu doesn't tell you which name is your own dwarves, a visitor who died, or even a raiding goblin you killed 3 years ago, rotting in your Bone Yard
There's just A LOT of minor nagging issues like this Like how the task manager menu isn't sorted AT ALL, and every time you add a ticket to it, it goes to the bottom, the least accessible place it could go considering you're 9/10 times going to edit its conditions directly following it, and god fucking help you if you wanna make a damn instrument cause you're gonna need to just chance upon an instrument name in the selection menu, add each piece to the work list, and go into the conditions to even figure out what the fuck its made out of, and then you go "ah well shit, I don't even have sand in my entire fortress, guess this was all bullshit
There's just SO many small issues like that, it becomes a genuine chore
new animals coming in with migrants have to manually be checked in at the pen too, which can only be done at the pen, which is topside, an area you are only at once every 3 years to chop down some trees so you can keep making beds and bins
There's just a severe lack of reasonable menus Like why isn't it more like rimworld where there's a menu for "animals" and you click a button and one of your little guys goes and puts the selected animal in A Pen knowing how much farm plot I need feels like I should have microsoft excel open on the other monitor too, because god have mercy on my soul I am drowning in plump helmets and know full well that I can do naught but look on in horror, as I will tumble blindly into oblivion were I ever to allow their use in the kitchen, because I'll suddenly just be fucking out of seeds and then my drinks start ticking down as I scramble to plant and recoup using the 15 seeds left after the damn massacre
If you're concerned about seeds getting consumed in meals, setting
oh no, they don't But if you cook the plump helmet, you don't get seeds and no matter my stockpile, I always get a fucking shitload of "no plump helmet spawn" messages each sowing period, so I wouldn't even notice if suddenly they are actually about to run out Rimworld too kinda has that issue of "holy shit I have way too much food", but at least it's relatively easy to get a bead on how many rice you have left over since last harvest and just sorta slice off some farmland to even it out
I dunno, it's not any one particular of these issues, it's just the cumulative effect of a whole ton of small things that make it really hard to let myself experience the game to its fullest Like I have had this same dwarf in my fort, too, since the wagon came, that's like 5 years, and not once has he deemed fit to actually go fucking pray to his gods, all of whom have their own bespoke, smoothed and engraved, decorated praying chambers, but he's PISSED OFF because he doesn't get to pray He's the only guy in the fort of nearly 200 who even worships one of them, the damn temple hasn't seen a soul since the last wall was engraved 2 years back
Lotta notifications also feel like error messages meant for the dev, too Like "dwarf child something or other stopped hauling, misplaced item" what am I to do with this information? I know neither the item in question nor what the message means
All this said though, the game's a lot of fun, really I just wish it was more user friendly
>>1074175 tell me the virg/non virg status of all the major fate chars
Rei !p8eYCadcMo
>>1074200 At what point in the game? Which routes?
Rei !p8eYCadcMo
Actually after all routes is the simplest Even though i never finished heaven's feel Shirou non virgin Sakura non virgjn Saber non virgin Rin non virgin Gilgamesh probably not a virgjn Lancer definitely not a virgin, was having sex with adult women at like 8 years old Archer non virgin Kotomine Kirei his dad is a priest so ... JK he has a daughter Uhhh Medusa Umm Probably not a virgin Assassin??? Not well defined Berserker, definitely not a virgin Caster, non virgin, had kids killed them and her husband. Anyone else you want to know about?
Rei !p8eYCadcMo
That's just FSN I'm not getting into fgo Or extra Or apocrypha Or Zero Well actually i could do zero Not doing HA either
>Urist McGregor has become attached to a copper shield!
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
if my experience in dwarf fortress has taught me anything, it's that it's incredibly easy to set up a thriving tourist industry by just building a giant room and calling it a tavern there's like so many god damn visitors
i guess y'all can just haul i need to set up new work details i guess
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
DF is fun but like man its a lot of micro menuing i wish the UX was even better than the improvements in the steam version like i wanna search quickly without having to click every time and search more flexibly
my ass hurts from bike riding Samurai Champloo was amazing, ending was very good
>>1074215 It's a kind of bad game but an amazing simulation I hope with a dedicated team for working on UX, since Tarn and his brother can continue just focusing on the mechanics and systems of the game, they can take community feedback and further improve on making the game more manageable and the information digestible Especially since the Steam release has been a massive success
i put some habaneros in some vodka sliced up and removed the seeds and pith even so, i felt the heat on my face i hope it will make for some gentle heats tomorrow
do you guys like spicy food? I like hot sauce when I'm in the mood, I have a fairly high tolerance but I think hot sauce is better when it has good flavor instead of just pain/heat
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
yeah i think like just putting tabasco sauce on eggs is bad it makes everything taste like tabasco but you can absolutely concoct spicy dishes that actually have flavor
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
>>1074226 no i didnt drink it i was slicing up habaneros and seeding them and puttin them into vokda to extract overnight
>>1074228 yeeee I agree, hot sauce goes well with some foods and then other dishes straight up need it. pretty sure my jambalaya recipe uses it, haven't made that in years tho >>1074230 hi marsh!
>>1074217 Honestly kinda disappointing that the modding support appears to be real limited Like one of the most popular mods on the workshop has something like "several of the icons have the wrong hotkeys on them. this is not possible to get around" and all that's trying to do is add the hotkey as a visible icon on top of the menu buttons Apparently several of them use the same file for their icon and at least this person has no idea how to make it use two separate ones, if it's even technically possible at the level modders are given
>>1074240 Considering the extremely extensive modding community that already exists around Dwarf Fortress' original game, I'm pretty sure better mod support is on the devs' to-do list It is kind of evident that the Steam release was prioritized for sufficient stability and the core features Eg., Adventurer mode, the mode in DF which allows you to play the game essentially in single-player roguelike fashion, isn't available yet, and that the news bulletins have been saying they're working on a classic mode which will let you play the game in the original ASCII format So I think it's just useful to have patience here. Once the mod support comes in, I wager a lot of the people who have made mods for the original game will be eager to convert them to be usable with the Steam release
I mean especially when it comes to the UI, mod support is absolutely vital It's a well known quirk of game development that no matter what you do, if it's at all possible to mod the UI, the community are going to make a far better UI than you did, to the point that legit every game I can think of that's at all known for its mod collection has a UI mod as one of the absolute must-haves, even if you're not gonna mod anything else Stuff like the skyrim UI mod that literally every pc player uses, for example
And DF's UI is... really bad
Marsh shitposting on the go via Telephone
Still watching >>>/watch?v=sLLQFLXz6VE Don't know why I'm so fascinated by it Maybe because I actually know people like this
>>1074243 There are already for the original game some pretty infamous UX support mods Most notable that I recall being Dwarf Therapist Like, no matter what greviances you have with the Steam release, the UI in it is leaps and bounds more intuitively digestible than the original game I think Toady and his brother, before circumstances dictated they needed a better version of the game they could put on Steam, were set on feature completing the game before considering how to reinvent the UX to be more palatable to the player Which is why the game feels more like a simulation and inventory management software rather than an actual game
Of course nevermind that "feature complete" for Dwarf Fortress may be anywhere between ten to twenty to never years out, so, well, it's good they have someone else working on making the game understandable to players
Rei !p8eYCadcMo
>>1074244 Really digging this. But why are so many words censored in the text?
>>1074232 gonna use some spicy peppers for stir fry tomorrow, I think the ones at the grocery were finger peppers, they're fairly spicy so I can't use a ton
>>1074311 pretty bad even if it's just a short burst the gun itself is like 10 or 15 pounds or something so any recoil at all feels way crazier it was not fun to shoot
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
the key is to start laughing like an insane person and then just shower everything in bulet
shine bright like a diamond
Kirara "Ikkyū" 🍄 大医 /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
>>1074314 you'll get banned from the range if you do that ):
surely you could get away with just talking like a mobster u nless you start talking about whacking
went to the dump and dropped the card for the weighbridge down the gap the guy just looked at me defeated and let me go without paying also found a dollar there so if you don't take into account petrol I made a dollar profit
apparently if you want more capsicin you can soak the pith where most of it resides but i scraped the pith and seeds off and i think that was the right move because damn
whaddaya mean there's a weighbridge to measure up the difference it's gated with some kind of rfid card reader I dropped the card when I tried to tap it and fell into a gap on the bridge
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
oic oic
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
whats the bridge made of
metal gotta hold heavy vehicle
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
so everytime you show up you're gonna have olive oil all ver your hands
what is this story arc what is this episode >>1074346 19 hours between us wowza
There was this lady on the subway with a paper bag that had presumably her name written on it, followed by "Don't fucking touch!" And there's probably a pretty good story behind that one
>>1074362 don't believe tge lies big noodle don't want you to know
>>1074363 GMOs aren't bad, millions of people would have died, especially in countries with not enough food, thanks to GMOs >>1074364 I've got a big noodle for u
I.. I think we might be like Not "good" good, but good again we talked a lot, about random bullshit there's gonna be severe trust issues that may never heal, but I think we both still want to be friends me because I need him, like I need him, him because he for whatever reason actually kinda likes being friends with me
but I think we're good In a moment of weakness I told him exactly how important he is to me and he told me that's not gonna stop him from cutting me off, so that's a big relief
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
glad to hear you're working it out
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
i gotta not ever buy a bottle of liquor just stick to beers and those premixed things i hit the bottle way too hard otherwise hi my name is samurai and i'm an alcoholic
I remember one of the sparse few times I went for a check-up with my family doctor as an adult and the topic of my alcohol consumption came up And I mentioned that when I drank, it wasn't uncommon for me to go through half or two-thirds of a bottle of liquor And my doctor was a fair bit concerned about that hah hah I tried to explain that I drank pretty infrequently and it was by no means a reliance, but I don't think he quite got that
Anyway I'm probably pretty strictly limited to liquor or wine if I want to drink since I don't much like beer
>>1074388 just meme'ing since everyone likes to joke that Vtubers are just guys with voice modulation since they use a 3d avatar :p she sounds pretty damn sick tho ngl, maybe take a break from strea- ".....what's that? corporate says I have to do another 12 hours today? oh.....well....alright...I'll make it happen...."
Rei !p8eYCadcMo
>>1074392 It's Kiara, she's forcing herself to stream because most of the HololiveEN girls are sick or not streaming right now. Also the parasocial relationship goes both ways for her. She was literally coughing up blood the other day. Which is moe.
Rei !p8eYCadcMo
Cover doesn't force their vtubers to stream or give them quotas. If there were quotas then Gura would actually stream regularly.
>>1074393 eh.....I mean I guess if she wanted to stream but sounds like she's doing it on behalf of the others.......idk doesn't sound like she should be streaming, needs rest.
Rei !p8eYCadcMo
>>1074395 I forgot she made sock puppets of her coworkers. https://streamable.com/i2aal7
>>1074420 arigatou >>1074422 yeah sounds like they're gonna send me an offer in a few days so I pretty much have it don't know how I'll do in the position but I'm a quick learner so it should be fine since it's entry level
>>1074443 hehe, PC is space heater when gaming :3 I am watching Reincarnated as a Slime it's....kinda good but not worth this many episodes. Samurai Champloo also had a few too many filler episodes because I think the 24 episode format is awful for anime, but at least Champloo was a 9/10 even with the filler
>barclay episode ugghh
>>1074446 apparently this is a star trek reference? haven't heard of barclay
>>1074451 Kind of depends on the product Doubly so if it should be refridgerated I dunno, be tentative at first and don't just swallow the whole package
And y'know Giving it the ol' sniff test doesn't hurt
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
i didnt even leave my place today i know someone who's trapped in calgary airport rn man glad i didnt have to travel for xmas this storm is fuckin the airport up bad storm or maybe just mismanagement by airlines who knows
Snowstorms are generally pretty dangerous for airports They take plane safety extremely seriously and the combined low visibility and maneuverability problems of heavy snow are enough to easily trip those safety precautions And I mean, I get it, being stuck in an airport sucks But better they're grumpily stuck than going down in an airplane crash