>>1070463 That's about when I have my afternoon espresso on my coffee break at work
coffee withdraw, was preaty bad. headaches for days
I almost made some columbian cafe.
thinking about mcdonald
Mahou Shoujo Marsh-chan
could if be that you're craving his mcnuggies
honestly I've already managed to get tired of nuggets I need borgar
how do you have your brogergewrs rare med or well done
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
we dont have rare borger up in the North its against the law
probably for the vest best* have noticed a very faux masculinity competition thing where people try to outdo each other with ordering rawer and rawer burgers
or boomers and their >bring out that steak alive and kickin darling! line
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
we have raw steak tho just ground beef has to be cooked well
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
rare steak*
hm, I wonder why I suppose ground beef could be exposed to more 'stuff' during processing and riskier to eat rare than just cut steak
sorry spider friend, you knew the rules. you signed the contract. stay out of sight or you die. Rest in peace.
>>1070484 >philosophy >french name I ain't reading all this nonsense.
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
>>1070478 its because bacteria grows on the outside of the meat so if you mix it all up in the grinder then it could be put in the interior and not get cooked idk how realistic those fears are
>>1070485 got some cool boccs but theyre DLing dont go anywhere 2nite ill post em
sigggghhhhh I want to play the Ural map on unturned for 11 hours a day like I used to that was fun
if you had to watch one anime with your parents what would it be?
Daughters of Mnemosan if thats how its spelled I forget
>>1070491 do I have a guarantee that they'll watch the whole season? if not I'd wanna limit the episodes or even pick a movie Koe no Katachi or something more action like One Punch Man, Death Note would be a good choice if length doesn't matter
>>1070503 I don't think it's as common of a meme as you seem to think. I've only heard of it a few times and didn't really look into it other than what was said about it is it one of those "borderline hentai" anime or something?
>>1070513 homie there's thousands of anime, you can't expect me to have seen everything I'm over a thousand watch hours as it is, 2,500+ episodes https://myanimelist.net/animelist/Neziwi
Rei !p8eYCadcMo
>>1070514 I'll try not to be cruel when I comment on what you've seen.
Rei !p8eYCadcMo
Ugh MAL is such a pain to go through They use the localized titles so now I have to remember that Asobi ni Ikuyo was localized as Allah forgive me for typing this Cat Planet Cuties.
>>1070515 most of my time is spent playing vidya instead of anime anyway can't be a top500 if I don't grind for 8 hours a day >>1070516 there's a setting to change it to the original japanese title, I'll fix it. Cat Planet Cuties was a horrible butchering of that title, I dislike when they completely change it
Rei !p8eYCadcMo
>>1070517 It's the second worst one I can think of. The worst one is so bad I refuse to buy >>1070519 Gimme a eec *sec >>1070519 Yeah It might be an account setting I'll see if I can change it without having one.
>>1070518 is it CPC on your end? I see Asobi ni Iku Yo on my list when it's open oh weird it's like that if I'm not logged in, hmmm.....hopefully there's a setting to force it to original title
Rei !p8eYCadcMo
Nope Fuck MAL anyways They have a crappy community, basic to terrible taste and rig results when anime the admins don't like gets too high in the rankings.
>>1070520 I don't really pay attention to MAL much, I just use it to keep track of what I watch. occasionally I look up a rating for a show if I'm hesitant and use it as a "general guideline" of how good it might be, but the ratings are plenty wrong sometimes, but usually in the right ballpark. >>1070522 not on my list never existed :) >>1070523 Haven't heard of Rebuild series
Rei !p8eYCadcMo
>Kodomo no Jikan Yikes
Rei !p8eYCadcMo
Well Not as bad as I expected The thing that sticks out to me the most is that you haven't see the rebuild movies. I was only looking at completed. Not a really long list though. >Dropped Gurren Lagann For what purpose?
yeah I was joking, I removed it just now don't want any loli garbo on my list, only watched it many years ago for the memes >Dropped Gurren Lagann so many people give me shit for that one. I've dropped it twice now, hard to get through it, some episodes are a bit slow and I'm ADHD just haven't been able to get through it, nothing wrong with the show. some of my favorite anime of all time were really losing me during certain episodes
>>1070525 I was dedicated to watching every show that people mentioned at one point, even started Boku no Pico to see how bad it was and I couldn't stomach it
>>1070527 Railgun? I've seen the first season Oh Index is like....same universe? I see the main girl is the same at minimum I've seen a couple clips of Index, animation looks good. Not sure if I need to watch Railgun/Index in a certain order
>>1070530 Nope, haven't even heard of that. >>1070531 Oh....I watched Railgun first by itself, so I start with Index? oops. >>1070532 trying to download it on Nyaa but the options are really wacky, 30gb or 2gb lol.....guess it's because it's from 2007 this is the show that a poster named Chiri always posted the girl from so I recognize it, didn't know the name >>1070533 more than double mine, nice. you still lose out to SingleH though by a wide margin, see pic
now I'm kind of annoyed that whoever told me to watch Railgun didn't mention that it was a side story and I should have watched Index first still wish I'd watched Monogatari series in chronological order instead of anime release order, got a bit confusing at times
https://finance.yahoo.com/quote/LLY/ check the 5 day dip
Rei !p8eYCadcMo
>>1070535 Better idea would've been to watch it in release order of the books Kizu took like a decade to come out.
>>1070538 can't really watch it that way though because they haven't finished adapting it, I thought? or maybe I'm wrong... but yeah Kizu was isanely good, the fight scene between Shinobu and Ararararagi-kun was one of my favorite things I've seen in the past couple years
also where he first catches on fire outside with the crows on the roof, beautiful animation
Rei !p8eYCadcMo
I actually never watched past Hrrrmmm I think I watched Nise But never finished the second season.
Rei !p8eYCadcMo
By that I mean the one after Nise Never saw I remember getting really pissed at a scene because it seemed iut of character and contrived. And I dropped it. It was Nadeko Medusa Just really pissed me off.
>>1070541 second season was good You didn't like the scene with Kaiki Deshu and Nadeko? I thought it was a blast >>>/watch?v=Q-7hsMDvPZQ Spoilers possibly then if you haven't got to it
Rei !p8eYCadcMo
I wish Nisio's magical girl light novel would get an anime.
Rei !p8eYCadcMo
>>1070543 Didn't get that far. I know what you're talking about. I didn't like the scene where she eats the talisman, and dropped it after the episode where they tell her what order they need to be killed in.
>>1070545 ah, plot convenience/forced drama then perhaps, I'm willing to overlook a lot of silly stuff but my roommate is a huge stickler for logical plot progression and will drop things immediately if the story/writing annoys him. He was furious at Kimi no Na wa for "how the hell do they spend weeks in each others bodies but **don't know where the other person lives**
Rei !p8eYCadcMo
>>1070546 I generally expect better from him as a writer. I'm pretty sure this is actually an explanation but I don't remember the details. It has something to do with Ougi. >>1070546 Kimi no Na wa sounded retarded from the get go but uf I somehow had started it I would definitely have dropped it at that point .
>>1070547 Some of the plotlines with Ougi were a bit confusing due to the order that I watched the series in also how do I spoiler text, I swear every imageboard is different [s]testing[/s] yikes it's been too many years since I posted on 4chan ah ok think I got it >>1070549 Anime/Shaft release order, yeah. Basically Bake .....actually just look at pic attached, faster this way
Rei !p8eYCadcMo
>>1070548 Did you watch them in release order? Same spoiler text as 4chan I'm not gonna read them though cause I still intend to wstch it at some point. The order I recommend is Bake Kizu OVA then the rest.
Rei !p8eYCadcMo
Or maybe Bake
Rei !p8eYCadcMo
>>1070548 Back in the day Kizu hadn't come out so we had to read the light novel.
>>1070551 sounds painful. I've only read a few chapters of a few manga, One Punch Man and Watamote idk why I have so much trouble getting into manga >>1070554 idk I own several manga, my brain doesn't like it, I get distracted too quickly. I used to read up to a thousand pages a week in elementary/middle school, but I slowly stopped reading in high school, probably since I stopped taking medication
>dead pixel is only visible on desktop, when I play csgo it disappears completely I'm thinking maybe update graphics drivers and restart PC...could be a windows issue hmmm
theres a csgo coop map I want to finish but need a buddy will be ready to play in about a week or so u game?
>>1070616 what's a "co-op" map? if you're being serious then idk what you're referring to >>1070619 do you know a good place to get Rina-chan pics so I can keep building my folder of her? I only know sites that have a lot of lewds and I want more screencaps and SFW fan art
I used Pixiv for a while but they force you to pay if you want to sort by popular, otherwise it's a sea of varying quality, most of it not very good
>>1070620 what do you think a coop map could possibly be... its like the guardian missions
Rei !p8eYCadcMo
>>1070620 Add -rating:explicit on Danbooru Or rating:safe
>>1070622 yeah but those are only during season passes and there's no operation going right now >>1070623 you say that but both danbooru, gelbooru, sankaku, etc. are lacking a lot of pixiv SFW art and tons of twitter stuff and other random sites >>1070624 will check it out, thankies
took a few seconds to see the hidden thing in this Khyle pic references the video of the dentist reaching their hand out expecting a tool from their assistant and the patient does a hand-heart with their open hand
x-ray even shows fully impacted wisdom teeth, nice detail
>>1070625 https://steamcommunity.com/workshop/browse/?appid=730&searchtext=coop these things
>>1070630 I have no clue what this means >>1070631 yeah I mean if you just wanna play workshop maps then I'm down I assume some of those are copies of the maps/missions from operations >>1070633 ah okay. man drugs are so disappointing, I woke up from my wisdom teeth and felt totally normal, maybe just a little animated because I was surprised how I wasn't having much of a reaction took Hydrocodone after, didn't feel much of anything at all, didn't use any painkillers and still have them
recently was given Morphine in the hospital...read all these things about how it's addictive blah blah euphoric...refused it for 4 or 5 ER visits and then needed it for the heart attack aaaaaand...nothing. felt weird going through my neck and the pain massively subsided, but that's it. boring.
>>1070656 eh, that's more funny than scary anime is just a medium, there's always gonna be a band or a movie that will appeal to some but not others. what a goober
>>1070658 I need to watch that one, I've seen plenty of clips, looks rather funny reminds me of Nichijou a bit
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
>>1070653 i have a strat that fixes hiccups for me get a glass of water, wrap a paper towel around the opening, and drink thru the paper towel somehow this confuses my body enough to reset
>>1070660 this sounds a bit familiar, I think I heard a variation of this I usually take a super deep inhale and then hold it while sort of 'pushing' on my diaphram (but not letting air out) as if I was about to exhale, works like 95% of the time but unlucky this time I guess. they're gone now thankfully
I swear half of this species, me included, would probably just buy one of those salt rocks you give to rodents and stuff and hang it near the computer salt is just so good at times
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
i got a salt cellar its a little container made of concrete with two hollows i put kosher salt in one and sea salt in the other
oh also speaking of salt you should give the pink salt a go it's good as hell you CAN taste the difference, trust
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
pink salt eh i need more cellar holes
it's called himalayan salt but I think technically a lot of it isn't even mined in the himalayas but it's pink anyway has it's own particular taste to it never used it for cooking much though, just for other stuff, but I'm sure it's good for that too
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
yeah ive seen it around a lot never bothered to use it tho
man i have cooking aspirations but damn this stuff is hard its going to be a long time fumbling around ive cooked before but like nothing to my standards just steaks if anything
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
and stir fries so man y stir fries
Marsh shitposting on the go via Telephone
Just git gud
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
ju st 4he ad
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
or i could just buy SAUSAGES and fry them and put them in my MOUTH
>>1070709 salt's good for us, if it sea salt and not reg table salt.
loads of minerals.
>>1070715 it really work well w/ deep frying food.
Marsh shitposting on the go via Telephone
I'm a pretty bad cook But I'm also not a very fussy eater So it works out
I cook and bake everyth8ng from scratch every day.
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
i wanna cook tasty food maybe i have kids one day who knows its possible if not immediately likely they should eat well
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
how 2 make a good broth
get veggies get bones add water boil it
you can roast it all first too if you want a darker broth also skim the stuff off the top as it all simmers ezpz broth good job
>>1070702 I've heard that book's pretty educating If I ever have the free time and motivation to seriously practice cooking I think I'll give it a read through As is though the limited equipment and even more limited time I have means the simple things I already know how to make will probably serve me well enough
>>1070741 if chainsaw man didn't exist it would be show of the season I didn't like the first couple episodes a ton but it's been getting better and better with each one
Only watch this if you're caught up like I am: >>>/watch?v=p010N38zFrA I'm pretty confident this scene is done with CG but nobody else is mentioning it granted, Cloverworks CG seems to be a lot better than other studios, even MAPPA, but I'm pretty confident that's not typical animation
Although it might be one of those things like the Kaguya ED where it's just shaded and done so well that it looks 3D up until I saw the storyboards/sketches behind the scenes, I thought this was CG too but it's not: >>>/watch?v=yWp6SXivHBQ
>>1070742 It does have a little bit of a CG vibe to it, yeah But I couldn't say for sure
aaaaa, I wanna read the next honzuki already annoyingly it doesn't seem to have any fantranslation projects, so I just gotta wait for the official translation Cause I skipped out on my JP education for too long, so now I'll have to start all over if I'm gonna pick it up again
my only problem with reading Japanese is there's so much Kanji that I don't know and it's hard to look up a Kanji if it's written in a manga that's untranslated
looking up kanji is a pain in the ass honestly makes learning way more difficult, cause with languages that use an alphabet, you can always just like... type it into google translate or something and get a rough understanding of the word, but if you don't know what a kanji means, you either gotta look it up in some huge fucking dictionary or try to draw it and have the machine figure out what the fuck you're doing, and you better be accurate with it cause there's 50 others that look nearly identical or actually identical but they have a single line either missing or going a different direction
i love myself
Marsh shitposting on the go via Telephone
Just learn all the kanji then you don't have to look it up
I mean you're not wrong, certainly you should learn up to like, the graduate level to read most japanese without issue But it should be said that the amount of kanji in Japanese isn't even really entirely known, it's a damn estimate from what I've been able to gather It's like a damn ancient language being dug up by archeologists
I remember watching some video long ago about languages and information density, and if memory serves, I think spanish came out on top when they measured information:time in speech
I wonder if the presence of the internet and perfect copying machines will halt further development of japanese or will there be more kanjis added in the future
How is kanji even handled in computers anyway? Like how much of the character-space is actually dedicated to kanji? or for that matter, don't they basically need to use a separate method from what we use for our boring letters? Kanji need to be a certain amount of pixels in each dimension to be legible, while these letters can be almost arbitrarily small, I don't even know if you need much more than like, 10 pixels maybe in either direction?
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
97k CJK characters are currently assigned
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
in UTF8 each kanji is a different codepoint in unicode*
but in japan they use their own encodings anyway it's still one codepoint per kanji, but represented differently probably 2 bytes per codepoint on average would be my guess
>>1070774 >Rio >Brazilians cheering insanely loud for only Brazilian teams >Brazilians spit on NA'VI after Map 1 in Quarterfinals >Furia (last BR team) knocked out in Semis, Grand Finals were dead, barely anybody there, all the people supporting them didn't come back for GF lots of arguing going on, but I don't see another Rio major, bit of a shitshow was funny that every possible upset happened though, every 'good' team losing to teams with something to prove I guess.
Rei !p8eYCadcMo
>>1070771 Hold him behind his neck. They didn't teach you this in school/scouts?
my disposable got all gummed up and i'm sad guess i gotta grab another
i love myself
samurai can we get married i want to live in canada
>>1070777 i remember clove hitches and reef knots but nothing of use from scouts don't think they taught lizard handling in school either
>>1070778 australia? theres technically more species of venomous lizards in north america
Rei !p8eYCadcMo
>>1070783 Yeah but you would learn how to hamdle the dangerous ones, and be able to apply it to lizards you don't recognize.
>>1070784 like walking away from it cuz its a lizard? and prob 90% of their pop lives in cities anyways where theres no dropbears and venomous lizards around and schools don't actually teach important life skills
>>1070785 gotta be careful of those dangerous dropbears, always wear full protective gear if you must interact with one, but ideally keep your distance
Rei !p8eYCadcMo
>>1070785 It's in the middle of the road, what if it gets hit by a car!?
>>1070789 would honestly feel pretty bad... maybe add some cones around it till it feels like moving
It actually never really stops hitting me like lighting from a clear sky how much Internet Stuff I know that probably most of my online circle doesn't because I spent so damn much time on 4chan, and most channers ended up... far outside my internet circle It's like being the main character in a Lovecraft story
It wouldn't even be that noticable if not for the fact that the culture of 4chan ended up coloring large parts of the social internet tumblr and a lot of other forums did color it all too, but lurking enough on 4chan meant you were mostly keyed into the Big Stuff from those places, though SA is a notable exception where only the truly major stuff really leaked through, and SA probably ended up as one of the most influential culturally I know very little about SA other than groverhaus and I'm pretty sure moot started 4chan due to a disagreement with some new rules on SA, I think it was loli? Which is kinda funny considering that ended up getting banned off of 4chan eventually
I think it was banned a while back yeah Whether it's actually enforced or still even banned, I don't know, but I do know it absolutely was banned (only the porn obviously) at one point 7chan sprung into existence I'm pretty sure as a response to /l/ getting removed And there was accel, too, at the tail end of his reign he got a lot of support from the residents of /a/ because the mods took the loli away
That may have been the end of it, I stopped really going to 4chan shortly after the loli accel times I was around now and then for a while, but I ended up spending a lot more time on twitter around that time and 4chan wasn't really the same anymore either I dunno whether I just grew out of it or /a/ just changed, but I definitely just didn't feel as at home there anymore around that time I think a lot of it might have come down to how prevalent the tripcode users became
Kirara 🍄 大医 /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
yeah i remember accel and he got the decision reversed by spamming loli i thought that was the end of it havent been on 4chan myself in like idk 5 years? probably longer now
Hell I think I posted as anon here for a very long time entirely because I had really, really internalized the 4chan energy of despising like, "making a name for yourself" on imageboards, that kinda vibe It's a bit dumb looking back on it, but I still do feel like 4chan was better when tripcode usage was actually culturally discouraged outright, like ignored and shunned, rather than how it ended up with them getting a ton of (You)s and response (albeit primarily negative) every time they showed up It was just more comfy when everyone was Anonymous and nobody was anybody For me anyway, it was just a lot easier to feel like you were no different than anybody else posting
>>1070848 hes the guy who ran FTX and blew up like a billion dollars of customer funds
turns out the NYT article pictured above is a puff piece tho current theory is he's deleting incriminating tweets at the same instant that he posts the distraction tweets
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
if you do that then your tweet count stays the same so bots are less likely to notice something has changed and re-scan for deletions
... pretty esoteric theory idk
>blew up like a billion dollars of customer funds >american but lives in the bahamas or something so if he returns to the US, he'll get a bailout and a medal and the key to the the city? or do people in the crypto space not get the treatment traditional finance criminals do yet
Lol i had a full karen spazz at this website that had published my personal home address >I'll call the ACCC >ill lodge a complaint with the state privacy commission >this is completely unacceptable
Worked though. They took it down
I mean your full address is still available online if I have your name and you're an owner of a house/apartment/etc. if you rent then it's not.
assuming you're in the USA pretty crazy you can just look up where anybody lives if you have their name and they own property.
>>1070862 was this one of those data leaks or was it something else
Marsh shitposting on the go via Telephone
Unrelated Although the fact that data leaks have been in the news probably helped In the sense that they took my complaint seriously
>>1070861 ew a sample https://files.catbox.moe/qw1i2x.png wont load its 2big i guess
>>1070871 they're marshmallows like that japanese social network service twitter alt where people talk to eachother without meanness "as if throwing marshmallows" at eachother.
>>1070886 Well I have no idea where you are other than NSW and not near Sydney. Also it's very hard for me to spot you without your name unless you are posting phitis/talking about your roommate, Australia, work etcetera.
Mahou Shoujo Marsh-chan
maybe there's an imposter amongus
unfortunate that rei can't tell three(3) whole different anons apart now infact everyone should drop their name just to make things more challenging
>>1070902 NSW is a pretty big state, even though it's only just smaller than SA
https://pbs.twimg.com/media/FhlFtm3aYAAX_0S?format=jpg&name=orig >>1070912 bro it's just Marmite with a slightly altered recipe why is this stuff considered a national treasure >>1070907 what'a the bee video
>>1070913 I've never tried it but I'm told it's terrible if you eat it the wrong way and pretty decent if it's on toasted bread and spread thin or something, i don't remember the details
>>1070930 haha nice comic yeah I'm aware lots of people don't like it, it's a bit divisive I guess I drink lots of coffee, tea, and sparkling water I'd probably try lots of beer/whiskey/bourbon if I drank but no alcohol for me
>>1070932 it's just water with natural flavor and carbonation, not bad for you but like tea/coffee it can erode your teeth I guess, same with soda etc. >>1070933 Lacroix sucks dick, san pellegrino is decent but they only do flavorless and maybe lime I think...hmm apparently they have more flavors but I never see them. Perrier is pretty similar
>>1070934 san pelegrino lemon slaps one of the few lemon flavored things that actually tastes like lemon
>>1070937 naisu >>1070938 yep, they're a pretty good brand a bit expensive at restaurants usually since they upcharge, I don't think it's actually expensive at the grocery
Lacroix is more like "a hint of a hint of lime" or "the sensation of walking past a lime tree"
>>1070939 They're somewhat frequently on sale here, actually, in the one store carrying them They were like 10NOK each (+like 1 for the recycling thing) a while back counting the recycling is kinda stupid though since you get it back anyway
well no I mean I do actually know oreimo is siscon given form, but I did think it might maybe have something going for it beyond that
There are undertones of embracing yourself and not being ashamed of your eccentricities -- which in retrospect is one hell of a funny lead up to a serious romance conclusion between two siblings -- but also for your hobbies and passions which might be looked on disapprovingly by others But there are probably better series to watch or read if you want that emotional beat than something like OreImo
Fair enough
Kirara 🍄 大医 /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
imouto saw ireba ii is a much better siscon anime (the MC doesn't have a sister) and it's also pretty mature
I do want to stress my slight interest is wholly unrelated to the siscon aspect and entirely based on kirino and ayase being cute Not that there's necessarily anything wrong with enjoying siscon or anything, I just don't
>>1070977 >The MC doesn't have a sister Well Doesn't know he has a sister
I feel like it's actually worse if the siscon thing is specifically about the blood relation itself rather than the brother-sister relationship Like "I wanna bang her because it turns out we're blood" is way creepier than "I kinda wanna bang my step sister"
I'm of the other opinion Making them not blood-related is cowardice
Oh no, I'm not saying it's more creepy if she's blood related, I'm saying it's creepier if the blood relation itself is what makes it count for someone blood related or not for just regular siscon is the same as far as I care
but if the siscon neuron activation happens after a character is revealed to be blood related that's way creepier
I've yet to find a series with an incest plot thread where the fact that they're siblings is why they fall in love and instead they're siblings who fall in love
Marsh shitposting on the go via Telephone
>>1070984 I can see you've got a very specific fetish
Oh I've got more than one very specific fetish, buddy-o
Marsh shitposting on the go via Telephone
Cool like what
Legs And I'm not talking parts, like thighs or calves, or actions like crossing them or anything I mean like, the flow of a leg from top to bottom, how the lines of the shape of the limb gently curve as it transitions from flesh to muscle It's hella attractive
Marsh shitposting on the go via Telephone
Ok gross you called my bluff i don't actually want to know what gets you off
Don't play games you don't want to lose~
>>1070988 this sounds more of an interation of a personal & artisctic expression, rather then any buff.
>>1071037 nah my sleep schedule is backwards, gonna stay up until at least noon to work on fixing it, drinking covfefe >>1071039 I just drink the broth out of the bowl by picking up, the authentic Japanese way (not even joking) but I use chopsticks for everything else if it's not rice
>>1071041 bcuz theyre heavy and the handle is 2short and they have less capacity and are more fragile than a normal metal spoon but weebs defend them cuz "ohhh muh traditional ramen spoon folded 10000x times"
I hate having all this motivation and energy to do things once I'm home and free, that builds up in the final hour or so of work, while knowing the transit home is long and exhausting enough that by the time I'm actually home, all that energy will have dissipated
>>1071076 I wouldn't have any problems maintaining it, but then I'll either have arthritis pain/cramps and can't sleep, or my roommate will make a beeg meal for me and I'll eat too much and pass out at noon having a job would help too, I just wanna deliver pizza or something but nobody responds fine, keep your slave labor to yourself, I'm a good worker bee slave but if you don't want me!!!!!
>No ones hiring pizza drivers Are you being serious or... ?
speaking of which, might as well do a few more apps I want my car to smell like pizza while I'm driving and listening to music
What if you think it would be really rad at first, but then after a few weeks you get tired of the pizza smell and of having grease/flour all over the interior of your nice car I ask as I've talked to a pizza driver before who experienced the same line of thinking and regret
I was more-so joking, I'd be getting a beater corolla to deliver with. I have no job and any job is better than nothing right now. What moron doesn't lock their car when they leave it? That's on him. I'm used to people being rude and not tipping, I worked Valet for 6 years >>1071084 ok? if they break some shit I'll fix it myself, toyotas are cheap. these all seem like minor inconveniences, have you told your friend he's a pussy?
Also if you get lots of deliveries to.. hmm how to put this.. 'certain neighboorhoods' it really erodes your faith in humanity like how their little kids run out and try to steal stuff from your car while you're walking up with the boxes, or how rude they are at the door, or never tipping, or how they grab bags/soda bottles from your hands before paying etc >>1071083 they still try to pry your doorhandles off even if its locked
Maybe rather than using the "noble pretense" of losing faith in humanity, you should be finding blame with the socio-economic choices of your government for systematically depriving these people of the resources they would need to not possess the desperation to harass your car
>>1071086 I give her an A for service. >>1071085 I mean he was talking about little kids grabbing your door handles, kids are stupid, have you never met a kid before? they do dumb shit like that all the time if the parents aren't stopping them
>>1071089 agreed, the mouth is often even creepier than the eyes on these face mask things but obviously it's much better without the mask... >>1071090 I mean the car will keep driving and polluting with or without door handles :3
Sometimes when I stretch out after sitting still for a while, I can like, puff out my chest and I'm pretty sure my damn ribcage starts making popping noises, like when you crack your knuckles and stuff? the hell's going on with that? aren't they like, a singular piece? There aren't joins in the ribcage, right? So what's popping?
I'm kinda fucking miffed that I have wednesday and thursday off this week, but because I already had a meeting with my counselor on thursday, I'm still gonna have to go down there I guess I'll just have to count it as an excuse to get some other stuff done, like going to the pharmacy for some melatonin or whatever And maybe pick up some more bubly drops, since I've been out for a while
>>1071103 I'll get to it in a week or so, still working through Blackberry Lemonade >>1071105 >>1071104 I might try Grapefruit then since I've always disliked the fruit juice >>1071108 what's blue crystal
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
the cleanest product blue crystal
melatonin is good, exercise works better for me though. can't stay awake looking at phone if I'm exhausted and drained and need sleep
Not really sure what I'm gonna do for the extra like, hour of time I've got on my hands before the mall opens after this appointment though Maybe I'll just go get some mcdonald's
>>1071095 the bottom ribs are 'jointed', not like fingers/wrist but still flexible you can see if you have your shirt off(lewd) and look down at your chest/mirror, suck your tummy in and exhale and inhale as deeply as you can, the bottommost corners should expand and contract several inches https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Costovertebral_joints
>>1071112 I only go to Macca's for sweet tea or peppermint hot chocolate, stuff like that their burgers hurt my tummy
>>1071114 oh, didn't know that maybe that is what it is, but it's weird for it to pop like that
>>1071115 I like their burgs, and some of the other real unhealthy stuff on the menu, like the fucking cookie shakes and stuff But I only ever get the cheap cheeseburgers, or double cheeseburgers
>>1071120 damn i hate you i can look at a pack of oreos and gain 5 lbs this body sucks, unfair >>1071121 meh, you can learn to eat healthy and exercise later :3
I'm also the type who's always been able to eat whatever I want without gaining weight Which is an underutilized blessing, as I rarely am particularly hungry Another hour to go undtil it's time to leave for the appointment Actually maybe I'll go replace this monitor since I've got the time to burn
Rei !p8eYCadcMo
Wordle 516 2/6*
⬜⬜⬜🟩🟩 🟩🟩🟩🟩🟩
>>1071123 yeah yeah rub it in guys!!!! what's wrong with monitor? gonna get a 140+hz?
damn thing's got this line of whatever the fuck in the top that comes and goes, hard to really put into words I'm just going back to get them to replace it with the same one or an equivalent
mathler 288 2/6
⬜🟨⬜⬜⬜🟩 🟩🟩🟩🟩🟩🟩
round bread? no way it cant be
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
im bakin chicken thighs in the oven with a random sauce of everything including like way too much paprika
but i forgor to put garlic in so its RUINED anyway
Wordle 515 3/6
🟩🟩⬛🟩⬛ 🟩🟩⬛🟩⬛ 🟩🟩🟩🟩🟩 lookit how close I was rei fug
>>1071130 ah yeah I'm sorry your dish was ruined gotta remember to put 3-300 cloves of garlic in everything you cook
>Uber Now Lets You Record Your Uber Ride Using Uber App gig economy one of the most horrible modern mistakes imagine every second of your '''employment''' being recorded and under review now
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
cue political cartoon with a gaggle of old timey cowboys all pointin smart phones at each other
>>1071133 yeah hell nah I'm not doing any kind of job where a customer can just film me all day long I had a guy whip out a phone and record me at work once cause he was having a temper tantrum and my manager was like "yeah we're not giving you your keys until you delete that video in front of me"
>>1071135 :( at least the manager stuck up for you, pretty rare these days when customers are abusive
>>1071136 yep, I've had good managers, bad managers, and everything in between ended up quitting because of 2 new managers that were incompetent assholes, oh well
I found out that I accidentally bought a second copy of a $7 magic card that I only needed one of. Luckily I got it for less than $7, but it still feels like a waste its only useful under super specific circumstances and I don't see myself putting it in another deck.
You would almost have to design the deck around it.
Rei !p8eYCadcMo
Oh God i just thought of a super dumb combo. I might have to ask a judge about it, but basically it would let me prevent my opponents from casting spells in colors that don't normally let you do that.
I can't believe there's a rule for chess that I never heard of, I guess just because it's even more uncommon than Castling you just kill their pawn anime style while going past
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
spreading plag
Rei !p8eYCadcMo
>>1071148 There are definitely more you haven't heard of. Most chess engines don't even implement >>1071148 I fucking knew it was gonna be en passant.
>>1071150 I haven't played chess a ton, tbf. it's fun but I either get outclassed online by people that have studied it and are genuinely good, or I cream people IRL that don't know what they're doing. >>1071152 What does a pawn push mean in this context?
Rei !p8eYCadcMo
>>1071152 I think that was the one I was thinking of. Among others I remember a bunch of shit like that from a paper about the longest possible chess game under chess federation rules.
>>1071155 ah, yeah that's only even possible because of starting off with knights and then I'm not sure how much you can do from there tbh >>1071156 sorry didn't know how to use it, usually there's a way to check 'spoil image' in the post submission or quick reply field >>1071158 oh wow, no wonder I didn't see that. it's just a blank, very light image of a rectangle, I can barely see that with my current monitor settings thankies. i shall now upload more spoilers, nobody can stop me
>>1071161 that's a shitposter heaven if I've ever seen one, no thanks I don't really like joining subreddits until after I'm good at the game anyway and I don't live up to my own standards of 'good' with chess yet
>>1071172 ah yeah, I hastily counted that as the same one on his right shoulder but you're right, the distance and angle would make that a different gun
Fucking electronics store doesn't open for another hour lmao So I guess I'm burgering first
I'll just budget my way into a new, benq monitor instead
Fucking ASUS wanting me to be monitorless for a damn month while they "look into it" or whatever the fuck BenQ sent me a new monitor when my last one ate it, told me to just send the busted one back in the box the new one came in, no problems at all
>>1071198 yeah it's also illegal in florida, two party consent for recording some states you can film people without their consent although I believe this law doesn't apply to public crowds as I've seen crowds filmed where they didn't blur faces idk I'm no lawyer....err sorry, I mean IANAL
In Florida, recording is permitted without permission in situations in which there is no reasonable expectation of privacy. For example, a crowded mall, a park, walmart, the t-mobile store, etc. So you're correct.
>>1071207 Could be they were also cycling through the languages they know hoping one would stick
Marsh shitposting on the go via Telephone
Also true
I think there might have been a little bit of Korean in there so that's a good theory
Kind of strange that at least extremely basic English wasn't in that though Unless it was an elderly person, but even then Maybe you look vaguely Asian so they started with those languages
Marsh shitposting on the go via Telephone
I can assure you I don't look even a little bit aska Asian*
I think they were a bit older and just hadn't been in thr country for long. There was a little bit of English but that didn't take us very far. No, we went with the Japanese. All that anime coming in clutch.
I guess Europeans wouldn't think anything of it Using a third language that isn't native to either party as a middle ground. They do that shit all the time Still For me a new experience
fucking.....you have to spoiler before you pick the image okay sorry that's a bit annoying to remember but I guess it's necessary with the Live typing feature? jeez >>1071219 yeah it's not for everyone, lube and go slow but even then not everyone enjoys it I guess
>>1071223 no need to ask, I remember those days quite well >>1071224 that's what I thought until I tried it >nobody cared who I was until I put on the ma- cage
carefully selecting the correct jpeg, this morring.
what are your other plans for this morning?
I had a full itinerary, schual changed it seems. Was looking forward to getting much done. That happens, if it changes back to eing busy again. Complicated stuff, I su supose**. schedule**
>>1071257 >heheHE im SEXY im a GIRL and i act so FEMININE and SEXY teeheehee everything i DO is SEX lmao .... look at what im doing right now what does it remind you of oh yeah SEX SEX haha SEXXXX
>>1071271 great, now I can't find the disturbing fan art of Najimi Osana where he's 20 feet tall and 90% thighs, it was horrendous and I guess lost to time and space, probably for the best though.
so anyways its interesting it takes a lot longer to cook I notice, the texture is different, its less 'sticky' so easier to clean, but doesn't have that mixed yolk and white 'feel' that even well mixed real egg liquid has taste is ok, kinda bland, doesn't have that cholesterolly vibe but its been so long since I had a real egg idk I forgot what the price was, probably more expensive. would say its good I like it though(its the ju.st stuff, also a funny name like Im getting just fuck my shit up'd)