>>1069541 reeeei that's the reference any Echo albums you can recommend?
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
i bought some rain boots today the store girl brought me a woman's size to start so i was trying to put my foot in to no avail how embarassing then when i was leaving they were like "have a nice Sam!" oh man i bet they will never forget even though on my side idgaf
>>1069554 Sometimes something is basic for a good reason Bluntstones are nice; I just recent replaced my pair after something like seven or eight years, and that's only because the sole was literally falling off the bottom of the boot, and I would rather have watertight boots for when the snow comes around soon
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
im just kidding they're fine i wouldnt have bought them otherwise hahah! im bein a humble braggart
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
im tryna fix this fuckin energy meter thingy in the apartment but its like a proprietary little unit with a transponder and a sync protocol for no reason so that you can detach it from the wall and post it anywhere anyway the thing doesn't work who tf made this WAY TOO complicated this could have been a simple unit in the wall and now the company that made them doesn't exist anymore
Humility is for the cowards Brag about what you got
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
its got like little copper bend pins that have to touch the other pins when the units connect and im like some of these are slightly bent and is it too corroded aaahhg
Sounds like similar mechanics to the absolute shit cargo elevator at the warehouse I work in On more than one occasion the copper connector points have bent too much -- it's a big cargo door, asking people to always close it gingerly is preposterous -- and the doors have ended up locked shut, that or the elevator won't move because it thinks the doors are still open
no way where tf is rei he wont believe it mathler 276 1/6
🟩🟩🟩🟩🟩🟩 you seeing this bro?????? I always use 17 or 27 in mt frist try it paid off
>>1069583 it's a hypothetical :( you can just not answer if you don't like the question...it's not a problem of how to survive the situation being presented, just 'what's your favorite meal'
>>1069584 Ya I'll admit it I dodged the qustion a far bit, but the answer would be; It would have to be something home cooked by some who cared about what tgry were cooking. Probally a steak and maybe like with some decent groovy gravy. I mean going out in ones sleep shall be ideal. ;)
>>1069584 a Last Meal is a very specific situation, different from just a regular favorite.
>>1069586 I know I'm just trying to phrase it in a simplistic way of "here's the question" and not making it about a logic puzzle that needs to be solved I specified last meal because it makes you think a lot harder about what you'd want to enjoy in such a desolate situation, instead of the usual go-to. >>1069585 homecooked meal & steak/gravy are some really solid choices here. >>1069589 yeah cooking is more of a social thing for me, I hate cooking for myself. cooking with someone else to try a recipe is a lot of fun though
a certain type of tendies from QFC that they dont really make anymore
i know i can just make leftovers but like its just not motivating id rather get grocery store sushi or something
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
thats just my excuse for being lazy tho
>>1069590 I always wanna get grocery store/Sam's Club sushi but my roommate keeps stopping me ;w; not a big fan of leftovers tbh, some foods are good but I think a lot of them don't store well, much better fresh
>>1069587 >>cooking with someone else to try a recipe is a lot of fun though
this = something I hope to acomplish, on a regular basis.
homu along another firdey night jfei
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
oh well if you gor roomies to cook with thats great
>>1069593 hell yeah. anime ramen/soup/curry/etc always looks so good. my roommate jokes that it's because the animators have been working such long hours they haven't had a real meal in ages so they put extra effort into the details of the food >>1069595 yeah my roommate's gonna make this sunday: >>>/watch?v=pC7SPx2nvto
>>1069608 you always do the one thats a day ahead of me cuz you start it right away and time zone difference I mentioned before I always try to work in those numbers .... you couldn't just b happy 4 me?
baby's being lazy and enjoying the warm comf of womb
I know I've said this before but I keep coming back to it - just really wish humans could hibernate how sick would that be. Just sleep for like 3 months without waking. I've been having these really surreal, vivid dreams recently and they've been more engaging and enjoyable than anything that comes along in my waking life. I've been fully invested in them. And then there's always that 2 seconds first thing in the morning when you do wake up and you realise that everything you were just dreaming about isn't real and doesn't matter and holds zero weight and the things that supposedly do matter in real life are mundane and tedious. I just really enjoy sleeping. Also think about how shredded you'd get if you could just sleep and burn all your existing body fat. it would be like cutting but without actually having to suffer or try. They really should invent a drug or something that just lets you sleep all the time. although I guess they already exist. they're just not generally available. maybe it's a regulation reform that's needed. although the reason you can't just buy it in the first place is because of like.. the catastrophic consequences that those things have on the human body so maybe they should just give them to me and keep it outlawed. Anybody got a hookup? (i mean drugs not sex)
holy shit bro i hd had a left over tomato so I tried adding it to my blended spinach, celery, apple green smoothie thing I make and it's so fuckin gross i wanna just chuck the whole thing. Which is strange because I usually like tomatoes
yeah it's a thing not a good thing imo but it's certainly one maybe v8 load their drinks with sugar and other ingredients to cover it >>1069691 that's another thing who's out there getting drunk off bloody marys pukeathon
I always thought V8 shoulda had a commercial where muscle cars were racing and then the loser pulls up to the winner and it's Vin Diesel or someone saying "shoulda had a V8" (their slogan)
>>1069695 alright you get two bogans doing burnouts at the train station one gets pulled over by the cops. the other gets away. and as he's driving off he says "should have had a v8" and he takes a swig of juice.
>>1069698 I funnel all my creativity into shitposting and runescape vlogs
>>1069695 yeah they might not be able to afford Vin Diesel but they could always use somebody from Formula Drift or Nascar or something I'm pretty sure they sponsor a Nascar driver already >>1069697 yeah something like that, there's more than one way to spin it
what the hell one of the sets I have, it has no activity listed under it? https://opensea.io/assets/ethereum/0x270488657c6724172372615ea8eb2802b233d41c/1402 like look at this, and this goes for the whole set it was never even minted?
>>1069707 I've never drank or tried Clamato but I saw it at Total Wine or whatever and the very thought of it makes me sick
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
>>1069708 etherscan doesnt lie if you got the tokens and they showed ip on the site they're real tokens
boy I had $12,000 laying around and this ugly piece of junk sound bar seems like a really great way to burn the money >>1069717 Wawa? enjoy your nuggies
I dunno what wawa is, but thanks
east coast gas station with actually good food like fresh subs and starbucks-style drinks, etc.
>>1069723 they're pretty good quality, I like the Mocha Wake up coffee, but really you can't go wrong with anything. I always wanted to try a Buc-ees because I heard those are really great too, but none near me. >>1069725 shoulda got the Szechuan sauce, Morty.
>>1069712I have become, revitialized just you saying that! ty
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
hey morty
/人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
like the legend of the penis rising from the ashes
dont get me wrong its tasty i went to a touristic sandwich place in amsterdam and got some pickled herring sandwich and it was one of the best sandwiches ive ever had
Im not a big fan of the brine, most times is nitrated out. But freash kipper a bomb.
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
i mean most restaurant food is salt up the wazoo
>>1069730 I haven't either but it's probably some generic asian sauce that's overhyped >>1069733 yeah it's my favorite comedy movie of all time. >>1069741 speaking of sandwiches, have you had a french dip before? I had an authentic one in Los Angeles and it was crazy good
>>1069744yes french dip w/ aioli sauce is so good camles would run accross the desert for one.
>>1069755 I'm waiting for my friend to send me a picture from a torn Err Picture from /tg/ of a torn up one. Some guy lost a bet or something Might've been "I f I get dubs I'll tear this up".
Rei !p8eYCadcMo
Assuming this is bang I was thinking of you earlier. While listening to that one musician from Austin I like a lot.
>>1069760 What was really stupid was spending $66.55 on magic cards. But it was actually a comparatively good use of money but most of my money is spent on junk food anyways.
why dont you get a job at a gas station discount junk food
Rei !p8eYCadcMo
Not really up for the "get a job NEET" discussion at the moment.
>>1069765 it's okay I only went up like 10,000% on my initial investment and then lost half of that, so I'm still way up, but it still hurts to know how many things you could have bought with all the money you lost.
this server downtime no I bought those pixel buds really gotta learn the touch controls before I go insane >>1069767 oh what could have been that's the stock lyfe though like pulling $20 out of the pokies and stopping
>>1069744 ive had plenty of french dips but idk whats considered an authentic one tbh
>>1069764 Eh? Was merely thinking of an avenue for you to get cheaper pringles and stuff. Do you your/ parents harp on you for that anyways
>>1069768 the sad part is I withdrew at the top and threw it all into safe investments, then a stock that later doubled after I pulled out, and then I put it in something I thought was safe but got fucked anyway by the market crash unfathomable amount of cash. I get sick thinking about it
>>1069770 I don't really know either but Cole's French Dip has been around for many many years apparently, one of the OG places
>>1069773 I actually held six figures of cash for a while but the market was so unpredictable, it was gonna go down eventually but didn't happen for like another 12 months after I waited
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
we all got fucked who the heck sold at the top and then stayed in all cash and waited for the crash at the perfect timing it is not a realistic scenario
/人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
i see it all backwards but who wants hope
/人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
rei there's a monitor? feeding on kangaroo corspe where I am riding
/人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
he's a big lizzer for sure
>>1069772 if u had 6 figures why do you live with a roomie and buy cheapo rockauto parts I mean that could've been a house downpayment + years of mortgage
I'm gonna watch the valvrave because I never got around to it, and right now I have a craving for Mecha Opening line: Year 71 of the true calendar HUHH
They're just calling it the damn Third Galactic Reich, huh? I know writers who use subtext, and they're all cowards
Katsudon was interesting but I got the wrong cut of tenderloin and it wasn't flattened enough, plus I used the wrong rice... oh well, next time.
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
a katsu that isn't 1mm thick? heresy
Marsh shitposting on the go via Telephone
>tfw too awkward to ask randoms at the gym to spot
Marsh shitposting on the go via Telephone
I kindda need it though. Im right on the CUSP of setting a new bp But i don't want to drop the bar on my fuckin face
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
hire a sex worker to spot
Marsh shitposting on the go via Telephone
It's true They have to be supportive
Marsh shitposting on the go via Telephone
>look when you said you wanted me to come over and take your fat loads this isn't quite what I had in mind
>>1069848 I think the flattening thing is honestly more of a western interpretation Everywhere I've had authentic katsu, Japan included, has let it keep some of its thickness
/人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
front page
Rei !p8eYCadcMo
>>1069856 My friends really liked your lizard photos.
Like surely this whole show is just an extended bit, right? The system reset is on an inaccessible wall somewhere? and it's a single, huge, glowing red button?
my temp guage stopped working after coffee hit it if I never said before I'll say it again it was a dumb idea to put a temperature guage under the cupholders
/人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
as far as I can see the number three is the only one that works right now honestly if I were the big bosses I'd go with a different make or model truck, cause these ones are rife with problems
Kind of feels funny that ten years ago they were thinking we'd have full dive VR by now VR's definitely come a fair way since then but we are still probably decades off having anything in the semblance of full dive VR
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
full dive is easy just take a whole lot of K
I think the point of full dive VR is to do with technology what more reasonable people do with drugs
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
i think the point is to lock ten thousand into a virtual cage match for basically no reason
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
i wonder if a full dive could ever be possible somehow reroute or take over all inputs like a dream REM state maybe a hyper intelligent AI could figure it out
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
>>>/@CbobReal/1589185249317355521 bro posts this and it turns out to be basically terraria notmal but with some halloween sound effects it's like default mission music in FTL dude has got to try like cave story or a toby fox game smh
Having played hundreds of hours of Terraria I can say with expert insight that Terraria's OST is absolutely adequate It strikes the beautifully narrow line of being neither particularly good nor particularly bad
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
yeah a good vibe for diggin but not exactly an emotionally gripping opus not like Robocop for GameBoy Title Theme
missed out on minecraft n terraria just did unturned for a couple hundred hours
Rei !p8eYCadcMo
Having played hundreds of hours if terraria *of terraria like a decade ago I can say with expert insight that I'm sick of it. Also my first pc died while I was playing it so I will never forgive it.
>>1069943 mb one day you can recover the internal mem
Rei !p8eYCadcMo
>>1069945 Well It's old enough that it has a user replaceable batteey. *battery I just nesd a way to charge the battery before putting it in. Bbl shower
I wonder how rei is taking a shower when he says his mom complains about water usage at night Maybe he was fibbing to go do something else Maybe there have been changes in the rei household The things I wonder about from his posts....
Wordle 506 6/6
🟩⬛⬛🟨⬛ 🟩⬛⬛⬛🟨 🟩🟩⬛⬛⬛ 🟩🟩⬛⬛⬛ 🟩🟩🟩⬛🟩 🟩🟩🟩🟩🟩 getting killed by the puzzles today
>>1069951 I didn't know there were different ones Just default, so easy mode.
/人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
>>1069953 just a lil to the and you fill that second line >>1069952 inconsistencies for sure this is one for the internet police
>>1069950 There was a multiplayer version of tetris I remember playing a long time ago, but cant find the site again.
>>1069956 ya there was a couple good sites, but the best is emulating table arcades for tetris imo. 0ne could play multi player if you had, gameboy and the hub adapter.
>>1069956 Yeah It's called Tetris on the NES or the Tetris arcade game.
Rei !p8eYCadcMo
>>1069952 No she doesn't complain about the water usage. She p Okay Well Sort of In the moment she complains about it But never yells at me over the water bill. And her complaint about yhe water doesn't make sense for baths Cause they use less water than a shower Her real issue is that she prefers the bathroom that has the bath tub in it So I take my bathsband showers in the middle of the night. So she won't yell at me to get out cause she needs to use the bathroom.
>>1069952 idk why the hell anybody would want to spend time or energy thinking about Rei in the bath. It's an image I try to block completely from my mind. >>1069971 no offence.
Rei !p8eYCadcMo
She grew up very poor so she kind of does ut reflexively.
Makin me download an app just to log in to email Gotta scan their special qr code Ree Fuck it. Just let China hack us
>>1070003 wonder how they're going to do those exaggerated TV hacking scenes in the future when PCs aren't used nearly as much anymore compared to phones like someone tapping really fast on a phone keyboard an "I >"Ok, now im in!"
Marsh shitposting on the go via Telephone
Somebody gets a single-use qr code tattooed on their back like in prison break
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
>>1069998 yea i should probably fix that we were having frequent ram issues
/人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
>>1069997 they've both been disabled for ages >>1070006 that would be funny
pretty crazy how they stretched prison break out to 3(or was it more?) seasons >they break out >on the run >but then have to break out again???
>>1070006 I like the guy that got the Barcode for Oreos tattooed on his arm and he uses it when he does self check out, kinda funny
>>1070024 Cause of the funny faces she makes, and her awkward Japanese. I guess it was also sort of a forced meme. But there was a lot of really good OC around the time it aired. I need to recover all those files from my dead phone.
She's very moe >You say what. About Chaika? Chaika, graduated top of class. Chaika Seals. Involved, lots of raids. Secret raids! Hero-fighting! Over 300 exploded breads, confirmed! Chaika, trained in eyebrow warfare. Top wizard. Entire Chaika armed foces! You, nothing but another bread. Chaika, cook you out. Precision, never seen before! Mark Chaika's words. You, get away? Think you can? Say stuff over Internet. Think wrong! Secret saboteur network, contacting! Right now! Your house, being traced. Storm, coming! Brace! Storm, wipe out you! You, little. You, pathetic. You, dead. Kid! Chaika, anywhere! Everywhere! Can drive car, over 700 ways! Just with Chaika hands! Chaika, trained in unarmed cuteness. Also, access to entire coffin! All of Chaika's dad, parts. Chaika, use. Full extent! You, miserable! Wipe bum off face of continent! You, should have known. Unholy retribution! Clever comment, bring down. On you. Held your tongue, should have. But, couldn't. Didn't. Pay price. Baka. Chaika, super angry! All over you! You, drown in hugs! Kid. Smothered
am just kinda curious, Im sure the cryptosphere would keep somewhat accurate track of those things for the leaders of various coins
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
in real money probably millions of actual dollars if i had to guess in crypto terms lets look up his public wallet real wuick only 739 ether in there well he's probably worth billions in crypto
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
i think he has like 200 validators running that we know about which are worth 32 eth each and then yeah who knows what else
how much does a validator pull in in like a month anyway?
>>1070053 nah. i wore a cage for a week or two last year I think, not really interested in NNN since it's healthier for you to nut often. less risk of prostate cancer
didn't eat 2day anti pigout mode
>>1070055 Did you really? I mean you're prob joking but you never know these days. and thats bein judgemental or anything
*not bein
>>1070056 das not good, need food to function baka >>1070057 yeah I wear a cage sometimes, kinda fun ruined the magic a little ironically with the magic wand, figured out how to nut while wearing cage
and to be pendantic, you don't technically need food, just nutrition which can be directly inserted into the bloodstream but thats medically complicated and invasive.
>>1070060 no? I mean you just take it off in the shower to wash and then put it back on. >>1070062 Say hello to Hatsoonay Meekoo!
>>1070063 I feel that really defeats the purpose though. Its like being a super important courier who has a briefcase handcuffed to his wrist, but he can take it off whenever he wants Goodness they were being serious.. don't know what I expected. what kind of printer do you have
>>1070064 I have a metal cage and a 3D printed one that you can wear and still wash everything pretty easily but it's faster to just take it off for 30 seconds, not a big deal. I've left it on and washed for a week before but it's a bit tedious, just saves time to remove it briefly
>>1070064 HP Envy 5000 Series it was like $50 but the ink is pretty pricey so I don't use it much
no for 3dp things how ironic the most printed items are gun parts and sex toys... really says a lot about society™
>>1070067 I don't have a 3D printer, you can order cherry keepers from Shapeways, there's a shop that sells rings, cages, sizing rings, etc.
>>1070067 >the most 3d printed items [citation needed] That's just the stuff that stands out in people's memory.
>>1070071 uhhhhh I saw a reddit post saying that anyways you can show a source refuting but all the articles are clickbait
Came across some old pics I took from 6-7 years ago and got depressed(more so than usual) Should probably put them in a compressed file so it doesn't happen again.
I get depressed sometimes thinking of the past, all of the hobbies that my disability has taken from me, the friends I don't talk to anymore, etc. thinking sucks. >>1070078 I use plebbit daily, fite me
I wish I had a proper piano to play again, this garbo electric keyboard isn't the same as the ol' K. Kawai grand piano in that big room with the marble floors. the sound was intoxicating
moping monday it happens >>1070080 what exactly is it, if you're comfortable talking about such a thing etc
>>1070082 I have psoriatic arthritis. it's under control pretty well now but I've had many hospital visits, months where I couldn't eat or sleep for days at a time, etc. my health care will run out soon, plan was to kill myself but maybe I'll find a job first and be fine teehee
>>1070083 :( theres always better options... if its medication mainly prices on generics are coming down, heck maybe even darkweb sources idk the specifics of your situation though people even attempt to immigrate to different countries for better healthcare you never know
>>1070084 these are specialty injections. sometimes the manufacturer will subsidize and give you free meds but if they don't I'm fucked.
>>1070085 jfc thats pricey. probably more than its weight in gold...
alexa, play irwsayh for tge 8198th t time
>>1070086 haha, thanks america! two things that really stick in my mind are my manager saying we shouldn't have free healthcare because 'i'd have to wait longer for stuff :(' and my coworker at my first job saying "you're probably faking it anyway so you can sit down and don't have to stand like the rest of us" despite me standing for years before that location
>>>/@jan_Awija/1589640775972708353 I think I heard about this saur a while ago while listening to the news will have to go to Eromanga one of these day
>>1070088 well as a last resort before opening a portal to Gensokyo, you could try to heist a pharma or wherever thats distributed from >>>/watch?v=ycwDk5Fv2Zg not a joking matter I know, but then again these days people gotta survive.
>>1070078 it's funny because you're the most reddit person here
>>1070126 do u use your trip there is that one still banned
/人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
if clouds come out of nowhere it'll be so fucking typical
Rei !p8eYCadcMo
>>1070133 Banned last I checked. I got it unbanned once But Hrrrmmm I can't remember who I think krony (extra obnoxious tripfag) got it globally banned after shitposting on /sp/ with it. I asked the mods to unban it because Rei#clones threads were /a/ culture but they said no because people use it as a license to shitpost. It was at one point in time the third most commonly used name to post on 4chan Number one being Anonymous Two being Lancedjack + his trip Cause of the april fools prank where everyone was Lancedjack
no alone persons allowed? that makes no sense nice meme
>$4.50 for two small plastic retainer clips for a bumper see I wanna buy parts at these auto parts stores but their prices are so bad, I can buy like 50 for the same price online
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
love to spend half my income maintaining my vehicle so i can drive to my job
>>1070178 would love to fix it for you if I lived nearby :3 maintenance is fun, I like learning new stuff and most of it's not that hard hard to get the time to work on a car though if you're working full time, plus who wants to do that in your few precious hours of time off
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
i feel bad for people stuck in car dependent america you have to drive and spend all this money and time im pretty lucky that way
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
this is why we need to build a carless cult- i mean a carless city
yeah cars should be a luxury that you don't need, cities built around bicycles/walking are popular for a reason. need more of those
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
cars should be not a luxury they're considered a symbol of status and freedom which is part of the problem along with land ownership being investments and the highest luxuries being horribly wasteful things like private jets, yachts and gold courses golf* this world is so goddamn backwards
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
cars are useful for gettin out in the boonies though that can stay until we get private VTOLs or something anyway im bein disagreeable and ranty hello im third coffee in
No don't repress those urges Samu Let your hate flow freely through you We must destroy all but the most essential vehicles
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
its impotent hate i dont have a political party under my thumb
wow crypto exchange FTX is imploding damn another historic day
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
oh damn there was a blood moon last night no wonder
>>1070184 > private VTOLs they already exist, they're called helicopters some smaller autogyros are also capable of it but they don't look like the scaled up quad copter iPod future flying car vision people have in their minds
probably already made that comment before tho teehee
>>1070194 you'd be surprised, they can still do the equivalent of 'gliding' down, just like a fixed with acft if the engine goes it(which in itself would be very unlikey as they have double and triple redunancy systems etc) https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Autorotation lots of vids of it too probably if you did the stats they'd be safer per hour/km traveled than cars, just like normal aircraft travel is but its an understandable feeling.
*fixed wing acft
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
oh yeah well basically everything is safer than a car
I wish I could have got a motorcycle :( rip dreams of riding and going 0-60 in a nanosecond
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
except a motorcyle lol
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
gonna commute 2 work with a hang glider
if you want to get really crazy, this has an ejection seat the rotor blades blow off first >>>/watch?v=aC7Gr8oOQnE
/a/ turned 19 yesterday. I feel old. >>1070237 No, not that interesred in it either. I don't really enjoy videogames with card mechanics. And also My physical backlog os huge, same with my Steam backlog. So these days I don't buy stuff unless I really really want it and it's on sale. I bought a $20+ game on steam a month ago. Like $30 I think that's the most I've ever paid for a game on Steam.
>>1070239 I was in another tab and now I forgot what I was gonna say. >>1070242 Capcom Fighting game collection. Oh and also I'm pretty much not playing games these days cause hand/wrist/thumb rsi.
>>1070238 what game? I bought Elden Ring like 3 times at full price lol but I wanted to gift it to others ah I've never played Capcom fighting but my roommate said those games are fun
Rei !p8eYCadcMo
I don't usually buy those sorts of port collections cause they are often pretty bad. And also you can just emulate them. But I hesrd good thinfs about this one. I was actually gonna get it on sale for $15 or so but I didn't get the money until after the sale was over.
>>1070244 jesus christ it's like a horror movie, those masks are creepy very cute keyboard though, I have a similar pink Sakura keyboard on my wishlist if this one ever dies >not even half of the achievements complete
>>1070234 >I've played hundreds of different boardgames whats your top 5 or rather top 4 after Cave
>>1070246 Hrrrrmmmmm In no particular order The Doom 2016 boardgame Scrabble Gorechosen But actually maybe not gorechosen Iirc I got a specific character that allowed me to use a bullshit strategy making it an easy win so I f I like it just from that I shouldn't put it that high without having played other characters Uhhh Talisman? Betrayal at Baldur's Gate I think thars it. I have yet to play Sea Evil but it doesn't sound very fun to me. The Cave Evil people have another game that is sort of compatible with Cave Evil, but even though we bought it for my best friend like two or three years ago we have yet to play it. If card games count Then The Bloodborne card game is actually really fun. So is Bang! And Mystic Mystic something Can't remember the name
Rei !p8eYCadcMo
Oh wait Yh Cities of Bloodscorch
Rei !p8eYCadcMo
And certain editions of Ascension But not the one that ruined a party I had.
Rei !p8eYCadcMo
>>1070251 *Cities of Dark Scorch The only boardgame I own that has been nominated for a grammy I also like older versions of Arkham Horror
>>1070252 >But not the one that ruined a party I had. storytime on this? and thanks for the list, it is quite interesting a boardgame can be nominated for a grammy
Marsh shitposting on the go via Telephone
Bro i got fuckin scammed my roast chook had no stuffing in it
damn, after yesterday with FTX dying i guess a whole bunch of people withdrew or had to move tokens around or something ETH issuance has gone negative nice
I remember briefly considering getting one of those clip wallets and then I saw they wanted more than $40 (or rather 3x that) so now I have zero interest
i have had the same wallet for years its made of parachute material
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
like probably 8 years at this point its so sturdy or maybe its seatbelr materials idk
Rei !p8eYCadcMo
Is it tyvek? I tore a tyvek wallet once Somebody in my gym class had one And I had a couple of classes with him the day he brought it in For $5 you could try to tear it And if you tore it you got all the money in the wallet. I got like $60.
once upon a time one of my valet coworkers stole a handgun from a customers' car and the local police held us for several hours at like 4-6am because nobody wanted to 'anonymously give up the gun' or whatever. Several of us (myself included) were consenting to have our vehicles searched so we could leave but I guess that wasn't an option on the table so we had to stay there for hours anyway until they gave up and let us go. Partly sounds like you can't be held by the police like that but since they did have reasonable suspicion, I guess it was probably legal to hold us even if they didn't know which person took the gun. still sucked either way, wanted to go home after a long shift of running.
'murica moment
>>1070339 my favorite 'murica moment was when my stomach problems were so bad I felt like I'd been stabbed and I was laying on the floor moaning and crying and was telling my roommate not to call 911 because I couldn't afford the ambulance
>>1070340 I remember one time was at work, and coworker busted his head open really bad on a pitot tube, was bleeding everywhere, we were in a pretty remote location but there was an ambulance available, but I guess they didn't deem it serious enough so I just drove him really fast to the local hospital down the highway. And then when we got there I parked in the wrong entrance and it was embarressing but the nice lady at the counter walked us around the building to the emergency room.
allegedly you can get free ambulance rides if you give a fake name +SSS(like the Lifelock guy's) never know might work
Oh and he was ok in the end(just lots of stitches) and I got the rest of the day off work so it was a happy ending
>>1070341 if you're nowhere near home I would consider doing it, but you might get refused somehow if you come back (like a local one)
I guess they have to treat you if you're dying but there's no obligation to provide medical care if you're not dying and can't pay
>>1070348 I've got a lot more valet stories, pretty interesting job tbh. even if it wasn't that good also got to drive very expensive cars, basically anything under 300k. I think one of the fastest cars I ever drove was a Mercedes SL 65, V12 twin turbo, I barely gave it any gas, less than half throttle and it accelerated so hard it scared me a bit so I just went ahead and parked it.
another story was when my coworker that I liked (still a piece of shit person tho) did something incredibly stupid, he clocked out and then grabbed the keys for a Challenger Hellcat and ripped it around the lot, ended up popping it up a curb and hit a pole or something. parked the car and put the keys back and walked off like nothing happened. anyway there were cameras so he was very fired and the guy was furious and wanted to sue him
>>1070353 I actually haven't seen that one either, people are always recommending it to me but I might have to just watch it myself, roommate didn't seem that interested. fuckin goober. i need to tie him down and force him to watch it :)
Marsh shitposting on the go via Telephone
>>1070349 Careful Samurai will ban you if he hears you like cars
>>1070355 what about motorcycles, are those bannable too? >>1070356 you don't like the idea of netflix and chill? the rope makes it kinky. you know, because ropes can have kinks in them? haha! so funny....... :(
It's such a weird thing to lose but I can't find the top nozzle part of the vacuum cleaner I took it off to clean around some corners and the adjoining part of the floor and the wall (skirting) and I must have put it down somewhere but oh my god I've been looking for it for ages and it's just nowhere to be found.
So now I'm just stuck with a long pole that sucks
>>1070357 honda makes more interesting bikes than it does cars
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
>>1070361 time 2 get a 3d printer print a nice succ nozzle
I don't even know what that is tbh But is this likely to be like, a semi-permanent blow to it all, or probably blow over?
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
a centralized exchange blew up i think it's gonna hurt for a while
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
i dont think it has any long term bearing on the space these exchanges keep blowing up but the price stays up
Ah, fair enough Guess I might dump a little money in about now if that's why the price tanked, seeing as it's the type of thing that isn't really affecting the systems in themselves anyway
they're supposed to be decentralized and resiliant.... yet reliant on all these centralized exchanges? curious
They're reliant on the exchanges for trading your dollars for coins, yeah Though that's as far as it goes
>>1070405 they aren't actually reliant defi exchanges just run on the chain 24/7
the only thing centralized changes are needed for is converting between fiat and crypto
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
but the centralized exchanges have all the advantages of being a company for example they raise a bunch of money and then hire Tom Brady to do a superbowl ad
Unironically used to have a notepad doc where I'd write down every bit of personal information on each poster, but that was when that community was on /b/ and there were like 100+ named posters.
Marsh shitposting on the go via Telephone
Ngl that's pretty autistic
yeah I probably have high functioning asperger's if I had to guess, only diagnosed with ADHD and PsA. well, non-hyper ADHD
Rei !p8eYCadcMo
>>1070429 Aspbergers isn't in the DSM V, its just autism spectrum disorder now.
>>1070438 what kind of tea? >>1070439 why are you rolling dice at me, this isn't dungeons and dragons >>1070440 three syllable explanation is now 6 syllables, twice as long to tell people I can't focus and I'm messy
>>1070443 Meh Irritated about the covid test results Tried to take a nap but couldn't Didn't have much in the house for dinner so I just had cheese and crackers.