Got a trip this weekend. Takin monday and friday off work and heading down to Victoria.
/人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
nice is just oh no wait that's probably a decent drive have fun!
/人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
have fun with whatever you're doing theree though if you want to have fun driving that's your prerogative
Sounds nice I'd been meaning to take a day off for this weekend but kept getting distracted and never asked Though turns out the guy who works with me has taken it off, and we probably shouldn't have no one working this department for a whole day Buuuut I was looking at the timetable for the week yesterday and saw I wasn't scheduled for this Friday it's probably a mistake from my boss, but I could see if I just don't come in and see what comes of it >search is down until sarvo I wait
>>1067227 You think I'm joyously doing this If you're willing to subsidize my life necessities and enjoyments, by all means, talk the talk But otherwise take your asinine sneering and shove it up your own asshole
>>1067231 wasn't sneering, and have been there myself for years just saying, dont be afraid to take non-traditional/society approved ways of escaping wageslavery
dang the audiobook i just paid for is up for free on youtube in full. maybe it is all just a scam. least I got it nicely divided into chapters for me so I can track my place that's worth $17 /mo, r-right?
>>1067273 don't local libraries have audiobook downloads available as well? I'm pretty sure my grandma mentioned she could get those on her Kindle reader
>>1067273 A paid service also probably lets you download the audiobook onto your device so you can continue listening while offline And likely has a wider (legal) library than what you can find on YouTube
Front page again
I'd say you guys need more mods but whoever is mod is actually removing them pretty quick, this spammer is just very persistent I guess
Persistent enough I think we've got posters here who are newer
I feel like the latter stages get out of order Also going from world-changing to universe-altering feels like a drastic growth of scale
Marsh shitposting on the go via Telephone
Bro this is some of the best coffee I've ever had and it's from a road side petrol station >>1067304 Did a machine write this i can't even tell any more
Saw a recommended Twitter post from the Japanese account of the BBC playing an ad for McDonald's Monopoly, which I'm pretty sure is strictly a Canadian event Such a dense experience of different cultures
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
>>1067306 yeah the green background is GPT3 completion text
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
>>1067307 love to get a special weather statement erry day
/人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
>>1067308 we had McDonald's monopoly too such a shit promo
Marsh shitposting on the go via Telephone
>>1067309 It's more witty than most human writers Can machines have a sense of humour?
/人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
>>1067306 ud be surprise at the stuff you can get on the road
>>1067317 Lets play a game, make 3 guesses, I'll tell you warmer/colder(like hair color, grouping ,ie SDM, yokai/non yokai)
Rei !p8eYCadcMo
>>1067318 Is she from Touhou Ten or earlier? >>1067320 Is she a youkai or otherwise supernatural entity? >>1067320 Is she Sumireko Usami? >>1067320 Who? Kosuzu?
>>1067319 No No Though a kin of one so thats a bit muddy No Fun game, I'll tell you one day
Rei !p8eYCadcMo
>>1067320 I went through the character lists of every Touhou game after 10 and Sumireko was the only human character introduced in any of them.
>>1067330 Isn't that obviously more of a case of "properly hydrated" being very different from "sufficiently hydrated"? most people get by just fine
Depends on your perspective of sufficient The health costs of "getting on just fine" are longterm or less transparent Dehydration can reduce energy levels on a day to day basis, and long-term can raise the risks of urinary tract issues and various cellular risks
it's really that important, and our bodies don't even have a system to check it?
We kinda do If you feel yourself even kind of thirsty, you're already starting to become dehydrated Your body is actually very good at informing you of this, we've just habitually trained ourselves out of not worrying about it at the point we ought to And granted This is more like, "do you want more energy in your day to day life? Do you want to reliably live a couple more years in your elderly years?" kind of good health practices than "Do you not want to drop dead in five years?" kind of good health practices
I guess maybe that does go for most people, but at least I've always had a distinct lack of real notification when it comes to hunger and thirst until it gets real bad, I don't get a damn thing So I just gotta like, remember to eat and stuff
The main difference with food and water is, when it comes to food, with good routine almost anyone can fulfil their bodily requirements for food with consistent square meals Water is more difficult because we dehydrate differently day to day, so the way it feels changes day to day So the best we can do is understand in our environment, we need on average X volume of water a day to ensure we don't go too long dehydrated
how do you even determine the long term health benefits of drinking enough water each day? Isnt' that a long term study that's both hard to conduct in the first place, but also very difficult to verify the results of at the end? I'm not even doubting it's probably true, I'm just wondering about the mechanics of finding that out in the first place
Well there were a large number of long-term health and dietary studies throughout the 1900s, which tracked for long-term benefits and costs of various nutritional choices I could see that some scientists observed that in parts of the world with poor access to water, certain health issues emerged which could form the basis of a hypothesis And that could prompt a study of people who would go routinely poorly hydrated in a case study where their health could be closely examined over a long period of time
Actually I guess a sort of yearly survey of a consistent group of people could give you a lot of raw data like that I guess it's not as hard as I initially imagined, especially if you combine it with a bunch of other stuff to harvest data on, so it makes more sense to fund it
I wonder if our collective addiction to caffeine isn't to blame for a lot of people being underhydrated too coffee is a liquid and contains water, but it's actually dehydrating in result, isn't it? but it's a liquid, so you drink it at work for thirst, too
I actually talked about this with a friend a while back He pointed out to me that yes, while caffeine dehydrates you, unless you're drinking liquids with egregious amounts of caffeine, most caffeinated drinks have so much water in them that if offsets the dehydration The most common high-caffeine drink is, after all, coffee, which is predominantly water
That does make sense yeah Don't you need to get enough salt during the summer and stuff to retain water too? At least my dad is of that belief, though I never looked into it
I'm not too clear on salt's relationship to the body's ability to retain water, but during the summer you do sweat a lot, which expels salt from your body So if you're sweating a lot, you need to restock your body's salt levels But I would also wager most people's regular modern diets come with more than enough salt to satisfy that need
>>1067358 I mean go look yourself, I'm exaggerating obviously but over half are bear, a good 10% or whatever are sonic, and then there's sooome twink stuff but it's the minority and there's no guarantee any of it will be good, so now I'm down to like 5% readable comics
>>1067361 other problem is I'm not even a furry so I don't like the stuff that's more animal than anthropomorphic, it's a hard life i tell ya >>1067362 WHAT
some of the comics really are just dudes with cat ears and tail, authors often don't put much effort into the "fur" side of it either because I imagine drawing fur is painstakingly time consuming
can't you just put in tomgirl or crossdressing or whatever equivalent they use as a tag in the search? since that's basically what you're seemingly looking for
"tomgirl" is, for the record, a term I've never actually seen used other than in two contexts porn, and chris-chan
I've got some chicken... legs? clubs? in the fridge and the oven's heating up, time to actually finish up the damn gundam anime honestly surprised they just introduced this fucking killing machine with no other programming than "kill human beings", and then they refused to elaborate on what the fuck compelled someone to make a damn grey goo indiscriminate genocide machine
Are they gonna touch on that or am I just supposed to accept that's something humanity did?
is it even "genocide" anymore when it's just *all humans*? or is there a separate word for that? extinction?
Depends on your interpretation of race If you see different human populations of differing ethnic and cultural origins as separate races, then no If you see the whole human species as one race, then yes, it's still genocide
Well, no, it's more of a question of whether genocide only applies to a subsection, or if "the whole lot" counts as a group that qualifies for the term Like are you committing genocide if you're just nuking the whole planet with no regard for who exactly you're nuking? It's obviously genocide if you specifically target a particular demographic and it doesn't really count as genocide if you're only targeting like, I dunno, turtles or something, cause they're not people in the first place
I just dunno if it's an appropriate term for a wholesale human extermination project
The etymology of genocide is split between "genos", or race, and "-cide" which is killing, so as a word which literally means "race killing", I'd say yes, it depends on your view on the broadness of race
But that's not how it's actually used, practically speaking For one, taking that as the actual usecase of the word requires one to be a racist to acknowledge genocide to be happening at all, and arguably more importantly, it rejects the possibility of genocide directed at any demographic not recognized to some extent as a race, like queer people or disabled people or whatever
Well practically speaking, genocide is not the actual word used in the original Japanese script
>>1067385 Well no, but I'm not trying to figure out how the anime termed it, it just said the machine had a single directive: kill humans I'm trying to figure out if my terming it genocide is appropriate
And that depends on whether you consider the whole of the human species as one race or not Although, I'd say it's genocide regardless, but a more exact term if you don't see the human species as one whole race would probably be human extinction But perhaps that still implies the human species is one race Or maybe not, since if I was to say "turtle extinction" or "turtle genocide", it's probably intuitive enough to understand I'm speaking of turtles broadly rather than a specific species of turtles
I feel like "turtle genocide" does sort of imply you're eradicating a particular type or group of turtles, whereas extermination or extinction is more like, all of them That and extinction is arguably implying a lack of necessary intent from anyone at all, and more like it's "a thing that happened\is happening" genocide and extermination are like, actions, they have a person or group doing them, while extinction is something that does sometimes simply happen (even if a lot of it is directly attributable to humans at the present time)
I think that demonstrates a specific difference in literary interpretation between us Unless specified further, I see turtles as turtles broadly Without an indication of what species of turtle we're dealing with, my interpretation does not go further
>>1067389 That does make sense, yeah My immediate thought would still be that it's about a particular group of turtles though, but some of that probably stems from how that seems more likely overall for someone to do in the first place
There was a vending machine for baked goods in the mall I was just at, which in of itself is already kind of off-putting to me But the machine also advertised its goods as "Baked in Hoboken, New Jersey", which is a considerable distance from the city I live in Not somewhere I feel baked goods from is a particularly good endorsement
that baked goods being from is a particularly good endorsement
Oh that last part didn't get eaten by the subway tunnels /moe/ you lied to me
>>1067403 Unfortunately I do not own that on vinyl. Plus the turntable is not accessible by patrons. FYI this is a very hip bar and the seem to only play entire albums. Also Obligatory
>>1067415 wow that's a great idea, why didn't I think of that? reminds me of that webm I saw recently on 4chan, autistic (actual) 20-something kid rapping to music on his phone, gets his neck slit by a guy that was repeatedly telling him to shut up probably got him on the way out since it cuts to later in the clip, I imagine he bled out based on how much blood there was. wasn't trying to hold the wound and nobody was helping him sadly
Rei !p8eYCadcMo
>>1067417 So you do actually know that people don't want to hear your music but you want to make them listen to it anyway?
they bork the website >>1067422 how did they teach kiwis to play
Rei !p8eYCadcMo
I'm gonna be angy if they don't play my favorite song.
/人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
don't be angy
Rei !p8eYCadcMo
Some guy spat gum on the ground near where I'm standing.
/人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
have you read the King in yellow >>1067426 cool free gum!
>>1067418 yeah I was joking, most of my music is shit and I'm not an obnoxious jackass :) well, I guess some people still think I'm obnoxious but ya can't please everyone.
Rei !p8eYCadcMo
>>1067427 No Been meaning to, haven't gotten around to it.
i dontk now man i needed more time in the workshop!!
the real answer is honestly an ex mining rig graphics card should be fine, the danger is that you might buy some card that's near its end-of-life but as far as i am aware, mining isn't really that hard on the card assuming you do it properly i.e. undervolt to maximize the profit per watt and provide ample cooling which is necessary for these big mining rigs so assuming the miner has done their homework in all likelihood the card should be fine, maybe you should like apply a bit of lubricant to the fan bearings or something, but that's only assuming they aren't some amateur miner who put the card in a packed dell case along with three other cards and stashed it under their desk on top of a shag rug in their tiny humid Florida apartment
>>1067453 rumination can be bad i dont think more thinking is always bad but if uou're stuck in a situation with no way to easily create a virtuous cycle of meaning but // then it can be difficult to not fall into a cycle of despair
"healthy" might be pushing it. I was still up to three o'clock in the morning smashing energy drinks and eating petrol station meat pies. Even took a few hits of a vape
Wow look at you, living a debauched life Hope it was enjoyable
Yeah. It's been good fun so far. They're my old childhood friends. Known one of the my whole life since our parents met in like a new mothers support group. End even though we're very different people now - he's a total normie. Rides a motorbike, plays the guitar and does woodwork in his spare time - and I'm.... me. We're still good mates It's a blast to catch up after its been a while.
why don't they make games like Majora's anymore uh excuse me im getting information that Outer Wilds exists uhh and i havent beat it yet heluuurrrr well however,,,
Haha imagine not using TikTok Not like me (my dopamine receptors are worn down to tiny nubs
I've never been on the app!
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
I've used it for like 15 minute stints Or two hour stints Then delete
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
Two young girls walked by me and the only words I heard was Chainsaw Man God damn weebs
I saw someone reading it on the train the other week
On a similar note, the number and variety of people I've seen wearing weeb memorabilia has grown a lot over the years It's kind of an interesting personal observation for me
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
It's gone super mainstream We were ahead of da curve
We fought in the trenches of the war to legitimize geek culture as valid So that these nerds can go around wearing Naruto jackets and Dragonball t-shirts without being mocked in public Go figure
Rei !p8eYCadcMo
Watching a vtuber birthday stream with multiple wasps repeatedly crashing into the lights making background noise.
Marsh shitposting on the go via Telephone
Not quite in the same tier as anime but when I was with the turbo normies they were all getting into a huge debate over the new game of thrones house of dragons thing Which i know is about as mainstream as it gets but still if you think about it it's all world building fantasy stuff that for a long time was exclusively for nerds
>>1067557 sports is basically fandom marvel movies is fandom
Marsh shitposting on the go via Telephone
>>1067559 Maybe we're not so different from our fellow human beings after all.
About 10-12 years ago there was a pretty considerable cultural shift I think, where a lot of "nerd" stuff crossed out of being niche interests for geeks, nerds, weebs, etc. into acceptable for normal people to engage in Not that it was a sudden acceleration or anything, I think stuff like Harry Potter, or the return of Star Wars and the movie adaptations of The Lord of the Rings, primed a lot of people in our generation to make the switch That and the mainstream acceptance of playing video games Nowadays we see content in the mainstream like superhero movies, or big-budget sci-fi/fantasy adaptations, and take them as normal, but you wind back like fifteen years and not only are things like this not being made (outside of exceptions like Spider-Man), but you're a weirdo for getting excited about them
>This is the foundation of being a young man >You're like, I'm a pillar of individualism >I live according to a set of principles of my design
>and then immediately after doing it you feel bad and run to the internet for validation >and you're like "hey, anyone else as insane as me?" >"can anyone else validate my insane behavior??" >"and yet still let me feel as if I'm a paragon of individualistic virtue?"
I mean I was posting yesterday but I was doing so from a different State that must have been quite disconcerting for you all. Familiar but not at the same time.
But we can breathe easy again now lads we're back in known lands
We all exist in different states from one day to the next
All my energy just up and died, man Was going pretty well for most of the day but I'm just plain sapped in these past couple hours at work I don't want to be sleep as soon as I get home but I don't think I'll have any energy by the time I make the trip
Who the fuck is launching fireworks on some random Monday There isn't even remotely a holiday or cultural occasion for them Like if this was next Monday I could maybe see it
>>>/@zerobeta/1584601789575286784 redditors love collectable avatars which are a decentralized sort of receipt/data packet that can be modified by its owner, and also transferred freely on ____ networks, where they can be sold on exchanges and the original artist earns a commission too
>>1067679 this is not the "rice cake" that I was familiar with good video, just needs the halo announcer saying "BETRAYAL" when the ketchup is poured on it
>fluffernutter is a sandwich made with peanut butter and marshmallow creme usually served on white bread. Variations of the sandwich include the substitution of wheat bread and the addition of various sweet, salty, and savory ingredients. Wikipedia Main ingredients: Peanut Butter, Marshmallow Spread Alternative names: Liberty Sandwich Food energy (per serving): 352 kcal (1474 kJ) Region or state: New England; Massachusetts
what the
is that the anya burger theyre serving in japan mcdonalds?
>>1067773 and whenever someone posts their coin with "Is this worth anything" I have to resist the urge to post "$2" one day I'm gonna slip up and get banned >>1067775 saved
⬛⬛⬛⬛⬛ ⬛⬛⬛🟨⬛ 🟩⬛🟨⬛⬛ ⬛🟩⬛🟩⬛ 🟩🟩🟩🟩🟩 bro you need to antistrat it when you see combos like that
(meaning if you've got matches on section of letters that very common, like XXock where there could be 50 different first 2 letters, you 'waste' a turn with misplaced letters to get more info about the missing first 2, if that makes sense)