My closest (and probably only) "work friend" got a massive promotion. She's now the new boss of our area. Trying to mostly just be happy for her But.. A bit mixed emotions
>>1067795 changes in such things can be scary but thats probably a good thing overall (as long as she is happy and competent in said role whcih im sure she is)
/人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
rene licence plate spotted
Marsh shitposting on the go via Telephone
>>1067798 Yeah And don't get me wrong - it's deserved. She's always working long hours and weekends and shit. Goes the extra mile You just Can't really be mates with your boss in the same way you can with your peers. She's fuckin younger than me too Which is hmm
/人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
also "BINAIR" "FATCRK" and mr baba
Rei !p8eYCadcMo
>>>/watch?v=rCxLpte5loY >>1067801 I regret not seeing Sparks this spring. I could've gone but I went to a Brazilian steakhouse instead.
bro i defrosted some chicken breasts in the microwave and there was this like gob of thick white goo on the underside of the meat (not cum). I guess it was like fat that melted and re-solidified? either way it was pretty gross.
yeah that would be the fat
/人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
>>1067805 how have you never encountered the chicken cum
>>1067812 ohhhhhh SNAP not really though, I pay rent so therefore I am an asset plus this house has an extra room besides mine, they'd be empty if I wasn't here
Bruh they removed a line from one of the osrs quests where a character says to you "those clothes make you look fat" because it was >needlessly insulting.
>>1067833 Yeah but he just respawned in Lumbridge >>1067834 It's in the context of the NPC trying to deliberately provoke and insult you in the middle of a fight.
oh seems a strange one to go for in that context, either way though
In other gaming news, I've basically become part of a ragtag cross-clan group of people in Foxhole, as a result of trying to steal a guy's armored infantry vehicle moments after meeting him, not realizing it was his We ended up teaming up to drive an actual tank of his, and from there we joined up with like fucking 8 other tanks plus a fuel truck and scouting jeep to do some crazy sneaky shit behind enemy lines
oh sure you can figure it out based on context and logical deductions but it's not going to tickle your funny bone in the same way as if you knew the reference.
I don't think it would either way to be entirely honest with you
Thank you. It was very important to me to know your opinion in that regard. I appreciate you taking the time to provide it without me even having to ask
would it really be useful to have pockets on the boobs like that? I reckon it would get in the way too much to be useful. Protrude too far to the front
I don't get the point of fancy cocktails The only reason to drink is to get as fucked up as possible before you pass out or vomit Why waste time and energy making it all colourful and fruity
>>1067957 If you really want the 00s chuuni one-two punch, I later figured out who was playing the Linkin Park and other nu-metal and it's the guy going around work in a Naruto Akatsuki t-shirt
>>1067959 I don't like much straight liquor Also the flavour nuance of cocktails is kinda fun to explore
Man I can't believe people still be swiping cards and signing here in 2022 god dammit
do people pay with their phone/tap their card there as well?
I know in the States, chip and tap technology is exceptionally behind pretty much the rest of the western world I think my debit and credit cards have had chips for easily 11+ years Some people I know from the States have only gotten a chip in the past couple years And certainly don't have tap functionality
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
They've had tap and chip fr a while but its like suuuuper inconsistent And it looks like it basically hasnt changed since i left 55 years ago 555
Of all the parts of the States that isn't New York, I would have imagined San Francisco would have adopted chip and tap by now
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
everything feels so stagnant here It makes me remember wy i left cali Do be dry and dusty and car brained there are good people at least
Rei !p8eYCadcMo
California is a hellish place. They need to get their shit together. Did you know the grow rice there? That's an obscene waste of water. They also really really need to modernize their power infrastructure. It's caused more than enough wildfires already.
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
yeah it's a absurd place But also avery strong economy idk why everything cant be upgraded i blame the NIMBYs weirdos gumming up the political gears of everything tryna prevent progress
"But your progress inconveniences the way I've lived my way of life for four decades!"
Rei !p8eYCadcMo
>>1068005 Well That's definitely a lot of it. But it's not nimbys preventing the power companies from being held to reasonable standards for power line construction. I fucking hate corporate personhood so much. Fucking corporate lobbying On the rare occasions when good things result from it, its usually cause someone else was lobbying against it in the first place requiring lobbying in opposition. We still don't have net neutrality back yet. Biden's FCC chair nominee hasn't been confirmed by the senate yet either. It's been like a year.
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
i see it as the nimby philosophy, that whole sort of ideology, that votes for status quo preservers, that goes for deregulation and stagnation, that also votes for shit like the utility companies being left off the hook for their terrible negligence
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
idk if thats a coherent take on the jackasses tho
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
anyway ive basically given up on america im just a tourist
>>1068008 >We still don't have net neutrality back yet. Why would you expect rights/privileges/nice things in general to be given back once they're taken away?
>>1068011 Really the only good way to experience America
Rei !p8eYCadcMo
>>1068012 Cause Biden undid lot of things that were fucked up by Trump. Net Neutrality was a high priority. I'm also bitching about that in particular because it matters a lot to me.
>>1068014 why don't you vote or write your congressman or smethin
Rei !p8eYCadcMo
>>1068017 I usually vote, but actually my district always votes democrat anyways. Congress actually can't even do a vote on nomination until January anyways.
There was a guy reading "The Subtle Art of Not Giving a Fuck" on the subway while unapologetically spread out over two conjoined seats And I was just thinking, mate, there's nothing subtle about how much you don't care you're being a dick this morning
that's why he's reading the book to learn he wants to become a subtle asshole, he wouldn't need to read it if he was already able to camoflague being an asshole
/人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
Wordle 497 6/6
⬜⬜⬜⬜⬜ ⬜⬜🟨⬜⬜ ⬜🟩🟨⬜⬜ ⬜🟩🟨⬜⬜ 🟨🟩⬜🟩⬜ 🟩🟩🟩🟩🟩
>>1068031 whats the point when its just going to grow back
I ain't bothering with it this war because surely it's gonna start crawling towards a win for one of the teams at this point, but next war I'm definitely making my own production facility and I'm gonna just pump out artillery shells and become a wandering God of the battlefield, shuffling heavy ordinance to the various frontlines and shit
Few things improve morale for the infantry quite like armored and artillery support
>>1068055 fortunately or unfortunately, depending on what end of the cannon you're at, the artillery in foxhole doesn't have killzones anywhere near that close For one, even the big boy's max range is like 350 meters
Everything's scaled down quite a bit You basically have even the 250mm shells somewhere in that hellfire area of effect But at the same time, you're dealing with a war game with significantly less units in any given engagement than reality, so you kinda have to If you could deny like half a kilometer with artillery shelling, the game would grind to a halt the moment artillery was researched
Even the tanks tend to have max ranges in the 30-50s of meters Which I suppose is partly a pragmatic solution to the game being top down
All that said though, the battles themselves are similarly scaled down as a result, so the 15-20meter impact still does a LOT of fucking work A single cannon isn't gonna deny an area or anything, but it does make it way scarier for the enemy to get out of their trenches, and over the course of maybe 40 rounds it'll reduce well defended positions to wasteland
If you get like 3 cannons firing alternatingly though, you're gonna make the other side feel fucking hopeless You can sync them up, too, but they end up catching on fairly quick to the
>>1068058 to the time between each salvo, and they can use that to keep their fighting going but when a shell is landing effectively immediately after each fucking shell, that becomes more or less impossible
The primary issue with artillery shelling in foxhole is the sheer fucking time and resource cost of the shells, as well as needing at minimum 2 guys per cannon, and ideally one extra guy per 2 cannons to load them, plus a spotter or two to direct fire Since obviously, you can't fucking see where you're shooting from the cannon itself
Like, using a mass production factory, making 40 shells costs a lot of HE materials, which take a long time to make on their own, and then you gotta add on the time of production for the shells, and then unloading them from the crates, and finally transporting them to the front More people working on it cuts the time cost of the unloading, but it still takes a while
well, the production time itself isn't massive it's like a minute per 5 shells but that's still pretty time consuming if you wanna load up a pallet of like 200 of them
Foxhole Persistent war MMO Each game lasts until one side wins, whether that takes a month or a year As of right now, we seem to be losing this one on the server I'm on though There are three, and "Oficially", the winner sorta is whoever won 2 out of the 3, but nobody really cares about anything but their own I'm pretty sure
Everything from the defensive structures to manufacturing the guns you go out and shoot people with is produced by players, the logistics of getting them from the backline to the front is done by players driving trucks back and forth, it's really a very unique game It ends up with battlefields utterly scarred by trenches and stuff, territories you've secured will have leftover trenches and other defensive structures strewn about like old relics, it's pretty cool And the same goes for stuff like artillery shelling, they ocasionally make craters that can be used as makeshift cover, and unless filled in, they stick around
The only things that don't need to be made by players themselves is pistols and magazines for said pistols, as well as hammers for building You spawn with those But even the ability to spawn in the first place is governed by a player-made resource
Clans will have these huge operations where they prepare for like a week at a time, getting all their logistics and stuff in order before pushing in according to a plan to take and secure a single point I was part of a big operation of 9 damn tanks pelting an enemy fortification in their backline earlier this week, hoping to disrupt their defenses. Ultimately we failed, but we sure scared them
This chick called me "highly cognitive" which I guess kind of sounds like a good thing - like I can think smart but also in the context I think she also meant it in a way like I'm emotionally dense
>>1068069 get a gamecube and become a melee pro >>1068071 my therapist said i intellecutalize everything which means im basically expending brain power for most tasks rather than relying on a more natural intuitive feeling way which is kinda exhausting maybw thats related i need to feel what my body is telling me more clearly
>>1068073 Yeah but how do you feel what your body is telling you more clearly when your whole life you've developed a specific practice of disregarding what it's telling you
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
wait a sec why wasnt i loitering outside Twitter HQ this morning it was so nearby i coulda seen history >>1068075 you do it by doing
How do you do anything though
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
thats my secret i dont i just stare catatonically at the ceiling until things happen
had an interesting wake up this morning fell asleep to these lectures with Sagan, Hawking and whatnot from the nineties but also fell asleep in a really awkward position so I woke up paralysed to a sort of white noise of an audience clapping compressed
sounds comf
/人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
nah I had a crick in my neck for an hour got to see some cool hallucinations though
what if body mind n soul sez that life sucks without intimacy/companionship would kinda bypass the pricey therapy
>>1068108 I drink a lot of water. But fuck that healthy meal crap. Shits lame yo
>>1068109 I do wonder if Cameron will be able to do a repeat performance Have a movie which under any other circumstances would be an utterly mid production be a massive commercial success by being technologically impressive and having his name attached
Rei !p8eYCadcMo
My dad knows a guy who used to work fir Cameron's sfx company. Like from the early 90's.
>>1068093 going to induce kidney stones, wish me luck 5000iu of calcium a day
>Multiply your body weight by 2/3 (or 67%) and you will get the exact idea of how much water to consume daily. If you weigh 79 kilos you would multiply that by 2/3 and learn, that you should be consuming about 3.5 liters of water every day. though that probably is inflated by bottled water company studies
I'm really just struggling to figure out what numbers they were actually using for it is it a robot translation of an article using like, pounds or stone or something?
No, I just checked, and that's not it Maybe the liters are the altered part, and used to be gallons or pints or something?
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
oh yeah probably just yet another AI generated article the likes of which have clogged all Google search reuslts
Idc what anyone says sf is not really that walkable of a city It's too car focused and dirty to be enjoyable even if some small parts here and there are dense enough
Mahou Shoujo Marsh-chan
/人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
I was the one saying the contrary
Mahou Shoujo Marsh-chan
If you insisted on cities being walkable in Australia you'd be completely fucked
I think you could build a walkable city in most reasonably nice locales You have to build it much differently than a car centric city thouvh Invest in the pedestrian experience, build everything closer together, provide shelter from the elements and community spaces In the case of Australia, build giant machine gun turrets to take out predatory fauna
>>1068150 I'm not saying it couldn't be done. It's just not there at the moment.
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
>>1068151 You know what's expensive as Heck? Maintaining road infra
Rei !p8eYCadcMo
>>1068153 You know whats not economically viable at all? Building an entirely new city.
Rei !p8eYCadcMo
In an ideal world we could have what you want, but in reality its impractical.
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
jeez sorry im not a billionaire
Did you know that new cities have been built before and wll be built again? True story
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
>>1068155 Also this is such a shit attitude to have And many people in America especially have this extreme status quo bias, it's a big part of the reason why the country is so crappy and crumbling
Rei !p8eYCadcMo
I should've said "building an entire city at once is impractical ".
>could not autorotate JPEG oh well it worked on this one people sometimes send me jobs and someone sent me a job listing for Amazon I think I'll pass on this one
>>1068176 does "walkable" really just mean "no cars"? I thought it was a more ambitious idea about actually changing the damn logistics of a city, putting everything closer and in a more sensible manner, with alternate paths that maybe go over the roads and stuff If you can get there by just going "here's a road, but no cars" it seems very quaint compared to what I thought it was
Well, depends where you are. There are a lot of areas in the US that simply don't have sidewalks. And our bike lanes in most places are also like, 30cm wide
I dunno the situation at all, but wouldn't it maybe help to actually achieve the thing if people just said "we want some fucking sidewalks" instead of coming up with this other term about "walkable cities"? I mean I understand it's an accurate description, but I think a lot of people are kinda in my situation where like, their experience with cities are that they have sidewalks and are absolutely walkable, so they end up having to imagine something more drastic for that slogan to not be nonsense Or maybe that's me
It's not even an optics thing, I think it's just doing a poor job at getting the message across to people whose cities already meet the criteria
Man we're getting to the point where saying walkable city rather than car free city is gonna be less popular, I think people are getting fucking fed up with cars You basically have to redesign the whole damn downtown area for that to be a reality, obviously, but it would be Cool and Good if it was done
Your average American has never even considered what life might be like without a car. It's unfathomable outside of a major metropolitan hub. Americans love cars. They love big, disgusting trucks. The ratio of trucks/SUVs to cars in the dealerships here is about 3:1 now. Cars are out of fashion and big trucks and SUVs are now what everyone wants. Bigger, and bigger. My mom's truck doesn't fit on some roads. I saw her fail to make a u-turn the other day because her truck was too big.
people whose transportation car is more than just for transportation are weird just actually strange, alien versions of humans if you're not using it for anything more than getting from A to B, why's it gotta be more than a thing that gets you from A to B, you know? Even my own car is probably more advanced than it needs to be, though I'd have to start nitpicking admittedly very basic vehicle
"What if I need to move furniture? What if I need to pick something big up or go to the dump? What if I decide to go camping even though I've never camped in my life? What if I want to be the biggest thing on the road?" Those are the questions people ask.
I could go camping in my little car, too I don't even have a damn trailer attachment thingie on the fucking thing, though, so moving furniture and shit I'm basically outta luck But I could get one, I assume, if it was necessary Or like... ask my dad
You're trying to say that these things aren't problems, and you're right.
But here's the thing. Americans don't care. They want big, disgusting trucks. And then will justify their decision to get one by the fact that once every three years they might move furniture or drive off the road. Americans want more roads, bigger roads, to accommodate bigger vehicles. If Americans could drive tanks on the streets, I guarantee you they would. Americans want to drive machines that kill and maim and destroy and disrespect. Because that is American culture and that's not going to change in the next five years or ten years or probably twenty years.
like I get planning for the future to some extent, but your hood doesn't need to be taller than a teenager
This is also why there will never be a revolution or anything like that. Why there will be no green new deal. Why there will be no public healthcare. Americans crave status, privilege, control, a position over their neighbors. They want to be the biggest and the best.
Obviously not every American is like that, but it's the dominant culture and all Americans are influenced like that.
If there's public health care, then my healthcare isn't special anymore, and we can't have that, can we?
Don't forget that the American ad industry pioneered manipulation tactics far greater than even the Nazis did. They did rigorous research on control and manipulation, how to influence people, things like that. And then for the last 70 years, they've fed ads about how if we buy a product, it'll make us better than other people or better than how we were before. It created a culture like this.
that should be about the same everywhere though, no? Though I suppose at least here there are regulations, even if I don't know the details for the most part and maybe just the sheer capital of the US drew a lot of the more effective people over there from the rest of us, leading to one of the few good brain drains that can happen
Well, it also fed on American exceptionalism. That we are a special people with a special history, and that through war, especially WWII, we've proven that. That we, as Americans, are uniquely disposed towards manifesting our destiny as the leaders of this world. Because we are uniquely capable, uniquely powerful, and uniquely moral.
>>1068195 construct a car dependent society where the larger your car the "safer" you are individuals are selfishly motivated to buy larger and larger vehicles in an escalating arms race it's why you can't leave urban planning up to people they'll just do what the car commercials say is good every time
I mean I still think boycotting it is cool and good, unless there's been some actual evidence to counter her initial claims, which seems unlikely I just don't see why her being a scummy person should overrule the part about sending a message to corporations about treating their voice actors with more respect
Though, I also don't think the boycott was actually real in the first place, I've been online and seen video games happen for long enough, I know 90% of the people going "well fuck you, I'm not buying it now" already preordered it and will take a sick day from work on release day to play
Her initial claims have as much evidence behind them as the counter claims do, private investigations which seem to indicate she was, at the most generous, horribly misunderstood about what Platinum Games was offering her And in almost any realistic situation, lying publicly to stir up a shitstorm against them for whatever reason
I actually have never played a bayonette nor do I intend to
I didn't even know it was raelly sensible to have her in a relationship or something in the games, I thought they were just like, DMC type beatemups without much character interactions
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
it was heavily implied in the first two games is my understanding idk maybe im just projecting my misunderstanding of someone else's headcannon
/人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
we have been bamboozled, swindled and even hoodwinked
Trench warfare is a FUCK man, I'm spending tomorrow churning out artillery like a hero cause the damn wardens are SO dug in it's the only reasonable way to get them to lay off At least we managed to get white chapel set up and reasonably well defended
I still need to play 2. Oh but on the subject of 3. It probably plays better on an emulator, cause of framerate issues in certain parts.
>>1068236 Ive been extra o cd and played with framerates untill the render properly. Not all roms render but, it pays off if one finds a clear/clean gameplay.
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
why does every Asian person here wear a canada goose jacket lmao
>>1068234 bayonetta would fuck just about anyone, she openly flirts with every character or at the very least sexualizes their interaction well aside from the actual child I guess getting mad that "they made her straight" because the devs put her into ahet relationship instead of a gay one is kinda dumb because you'd be ignoring so much of her character
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
Damn they removed like half the capacity of the Westfield food court This place seems neutered
There's something inside you It's hard to explain They're talking about you boy But you're dtill the same
[stupid robot vocoder voice why is this in the song lol]
>>1068247 yt-dlp worked for me getting the vid, its in french and needs subs tho its a depressing movie to drink to so understandable if you dont wanna starting in ~25min
le fin, finally. If you go to the beach, dont order the clams. The movie had a decent sound track. Look like it was filmed in paris, icbw.
cried a bit when Tisserand died A virg At least he tried though, still that fkig hurt Might read the book the movie was based on, but idk whats the point knowing the ending now And it was so on the spot about everything And not saying that from some 'misogynist' point of view, which I would disagree with. But just in general about lonliness and isolation, and about waging forever at some job unappreciated and not getting anything in return Dont even want to think about it any more cause 2 depressing
I would go as far as too say, it's more a, concurance.
I must say it been a pleasure, all the same. Yaw, tc anon...
Marsh shitposting on the go via Telephone
If I'd politely ask some lady at the gym who isn't wearing earphones to turn down her music But I wouldn't do the same to some jacked bogan cunt who looks ready to fight Does that make me a coward Or just pragmatic
I wouldn't say that makes you a coward, just practical. Picking your fights is always smart, reminds me of the plebbit users that swear they'll crash their car into another if they have right-of-way, or get in a fight on principal. Doesn't really matter if you're right or doing things proper, some things just aren't worth the hassle of the negative consequence.
passively agressively throw the weights around and set off the lunk alarm
>>1068320 I kind of fw it they played a bunch of race music last friday for classical video game hour stuff like project cars, forza >>1068318 very bouncy
> It is a theological drama dealing with problems of faith, doubt, and reason Gotta be real with you Samu, this feels like I'm just not rich enough to enjoy
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
it's only one of the finest pieces of literature known to humanity for all to ponder
wait holy shit were the dogtags back then for real made like this, so they can be easily snapped off to collect? I mean, I know that's BASICALLY the purpose of dogtags in the first place, but the way it leaves half of it behind is kinda, I dunno exactly what kinda feeling it evokes, but there is something there It's like between cruel and weirdly compassionate?
I actually always thought dogtags came in pairs cause they had more than one set of info on them, but I guess the 2 dogtag thing they do nowadays is the same anyway, except you don't snap them off, you just take one of them Hell I don't even really know if dogtags are in use anymore
One of the things that really sucks about living with a garbage chute is that somehow total idiots manage to get it jammed by dumping things which have clearly no business going down a chute down it But then also when it doesn't get looked into because I guess most people don't want to do the work to fix it on a Sunday But also also that chodes just leave their garbage bags piled up in the chute closet rather than bringing them back to their units like decent people
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
>>1068384 just another indignity in the hell of war
I suppose that's one way to view it, but isn't the fact that one's left behind also like, in a way, a slight touch of grace in the depths of hell? That's a human touch, not a result of raw, cold, military logic It serves no function beyond the human to leave one on the body, the machine only needs to know how many and, ideally, who it lost
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
sure it does thats how you know if they were already counted or not
Oh, you mean like, you know easily whether they just lost the tag or someone already counted them?
I guess that does actually make sense, but in the same sense, neither of those are really all that different for the machine If there is no tag, what does it matter if that's because they were already counted or because the tag's missing? You can't count that one either way
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
if theres no tag then your job is made difficult, are they a soldier, or a citizen, or an enemy, and were they counted yet so the double tag solution avoids this ambiguity if they lose the redundant tag then that makes things harder but the typical case is improved
Yeah actually thinking through it a bit, you do have some good points there If nothing else, no tag with the double tag system means you know they weren't Properly Counted, even if maybe someone already went through the trouble of identifying and filing some paperwork on it already And one tag means they were almost certainly counted
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
thanks im just thinking about it algorithmically maybe its for romantic purposes tho who knows not me
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
aah, lovely moisture in the air none of this dusty desert nonsense
Naw, I think even if the romantic function is there, it's definitely like you say purely pragmatic in reason for implementation The romantic aspect is just a coincidental aspect I imagine Though, I suppose, no less real despite that It still ends up giving up this hard to place feeling between cruelty and compassion
It just has this sort of air to it you know Like, you rip off the one dogtag for purely pragmatic identification purposes, but there's still one there, the corpse still has an identity left with it until and if it's ever collected
There's something kinda morbidly beautiful to that, isn't there?
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
extremely dramatic metal gear solid cutscenes come to mind
>>1068396 btw theres a new crypto coven mint goin on you can get a free artifact (just pay gas) at
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
if for whatever reason you feel inclined to do so, be sure to check the historical gas prices at to see what a reasonable gas price is probably could get away with 5 gwei
I pig out piged * out this morrning, its been 10 years or so, since I ate eggs benidict. So I taught my self from a vtube, the hollandaise was bomb!
I remember making it once for father's day Will have to see how just eggs substitute works
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
i minted a shiny axe
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
wtf theres a crypto coven event tomorrow in SF i just left today what was i thinkinggg
whats the male:female ratio at crypto events
like 9:1 being optimistic, I'd imagine
>>1068410 Out of generosity, someone bought me a breakfast english egg muffin a couple of weeks ago. it must have been about 20 years since I ate egg on the reg. 20 years no eggs, cheese, bacon, or mooo products.
i think its because im tryin out playing support again after a looong time of playing tank and im probably basement elo and everyone's movement is so crap
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
bah screw healing gimme the tank role i wanna get beat up and do some beating up
Rei !p8eYCadcMo
>>1068446 Overwatch 2 doesn't use Elo It uses some other thing. I remember hearing about it Cause Elo is designed for 1v1 games.
>>>/watch?v=9acxn7qAST4 oh god what happened this is such a shoddy anime disney ripoff not like the genji hanzo promo video which was an excellent shoddy anime disney ripoff
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
i think the main difference here is the music the other one had full orchestra this one has midi keyboard and then riot asian rap kill me
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
my mom got me some parchment paper and ink and brush so i can practice calligraphy ha i havent tried to write any japanese in a decade
I think I might just be a damn sleeper agent man also yeah I opened it cause honestly I doubt whatever malware it has embedded, if any, is made to function on linux in the first place that and it's 204 kilobytes, what could it realistically even do?
>>1068492 oh if you're on linux yea thats probably safe 204kb could contain a lot of code
>>1068509 nice I tried the mint timtams and they were like GS thin mints, but both kinda meh
i used to be big on thin mints but now I love the Lemonades, both are good in fridge/freezer tho
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
>>1068492 the fact that its an ETH airdrop email suggests to me the pdf has some kinda windows exploit that monitors your metamask or something
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
mints are alright kinda toothpastey tho i prefer just some dark chocolate or like a few jelly bellies if i really want to go for sugar get some variation up in the flavors if its ice cream then get me some classy italian savory flavor nothing too strong u wanna taste // i wanna taste the ice and the cream
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
she spumoni on my gelato till i pistacho
My Canadian soul has to swear by moose tracks when it comes to ice cream Although if you give me a rich, multi-variety chocolate ice cream I'm pretty happy too
>>1068514 it goes to, and I'm pretty sure you're right the link has some junk on it that, when actually opened, does nothing, and I suspect it's literally just a "put all my stuff into this address" command that you acknowledge once it loads and then you're broke
yeah it actually seems to just be a dumbass "hello you have unclaimed eth, give us root access to your cryptowallet and we'll sneak it right in there for you :3" which is honestly strange, I wonder if they even get anyone with this surely nobody's stupid enough to actually do that
mint chocolate chip is gud ice cream flavor but my favorite is coffee =w=
I mean It did just accept my fresh metamask, and it's just saying I need .0048 eth in there for gas, which I dunno if is actually reasonable, but it's certainly doable and not actually a real amount of money Do I just chance 7 bucks on the offchance this is a single legitimate result of some weirdo having used my email for stuff and not being able to access it because.. it's my damn email?
>>1068528 yeah the only thing is I'm fairly confident some American boomer is using my email address for stuff, for reasons I couldn't possibly hope to understand
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
i think a lot of weird emails these days are sent not to achieve a direct outcome but just to try to convince the spam filters that they're a legitimate source of mail
like pentesting for spam filters basically? waiting for someone to bite so they know it got through and then they send in the infantry?
pentesting is a bit different but yeah some of it is testing to see what gets thru and some of it i think is just to emulate the traffic patterns of legitimate mail senders anything to fool the spam algorithms
i found out the crypto coven artifacts actually boost the witches' stats and here i was thinking i should get the ones that correspond to the highest 9/9 attributes but really that doesnt help
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
i gotta do so much god damn coding but i dont have any customer data to work with still lol all blocked
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
so im just coding up weird little examples of what could be useful in the hopes that it'll be useful later feels way too unconstrained this is all gonna become tech debt isnt it
reminder any day now the grid will go down and internet pennies will be worthless
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
>>1068551 didnt you mint the valentines one to // that might be what you're lookin at
OH yeah it's 11th feb, not second of this which would be fucking 2 days from now anyway lmao
OK so I get one ingredient for free
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
yeah if you click on them from the hub world it tells you what kind of stats they affect
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
i have no idea what these stats are supposed to do tho maybe in a few years they'll make a card game or something lol or wait for someone else to develop Super Auto Tokens
it wants 4 bucks outta me but whatever I can't be fucked to deal with this shit I dunno how to do this metamask sent it through already, they can have 4 bucks for the damn thing
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
what are you using, rainbow? its
oh metamask just click ahere it says "market" and change it to Custom/Advanced
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
the proof of stake validators thank u for ur contribution nah im sure the block was gonna be full anyway give
how'd it even run out of gas shit what does it even mean
well it's not like anyone can do anything about it anyway, I suppose I'd just try again but shit man, maybe that'll bounce too, and then I'm down 8 bucks
I dont care if I sound like a loaner, but that was in, a handful of the kindest things, said to meh all year anon.
screw it I'm sending another through
god knows what went wrong, but I probably just fucked up a setting on the first one
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
lol wtf idk maybe itll work but its a deterministic algo so really its weird it ran outta gas they mustve fucked up in the JS somewhere let them know and they'll probably be grateful for the bug report >>1068584 oh okay
if you decreased the gas limit yourself yea thatll do it gas limit = number of code steps the tx can perform before failing
>>1068582 I mean I was mucking with stuff in the metamask trying to skimp on costs, but I didn't expect it to let me do it if it was gonna run out I didn't know that could happen
but I got a pearl now at least, it's worth more than I spent on both already
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
nice yeah theres probably a blanket offer on artifacts or something you could hold or just flip right away though the gas cost for accepting an offer is on you plus the commission if there is one
somebody already got the same one up for .17 I mean some of the stats are different and mine's got a reddish background but the damn thing looks more or less identical
mine ain't attuned though dunno if that's bad or good, but it's certainly way more rare seemingly >>1068590 it had ursa selected, yeah like 3% are unattuned it seems
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
wtf how you minting an unattuned artifact did you pick a witch when you started you must have, thats the only way to get a free one
it doesn't even have the unattuned stat box it's like a schrodinger attunement >>1068593 I mean the attuned one I was looking at said "yes, 97% have this trait"
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
wack i wonder how many other unattuned ones exist maybe itll be tradable to other witches or something? i have no idea what mechanics are in play
thats cool you have ether shards in the bottom thats always desirable
there are literally 4 with an "attuned: no" and uuuh I dunno how to find out how many exist total but it seems to be between 0 and 150 somewhere that have the same condition as mine with neither attunement nor unattunement
Maybe it is actually bad, because it is literally lacking a statbox
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
wacky i would assume unattuned mints are by witchless randos who paid .07
It COULD also maybe be a result of the botched attempt
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
yeah thats probably it super weird
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
i asked already my phones about to die tho
there are 43 total like mine, yeah I tallied up all the artifacts by type and compared that to the total with an attunement stat, and 43 are unaccounted for
But maybe also glitched NFTs are valuable on their own?
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
yes lol
if they're unique like this and weird glitches im sure you can get something for them and i doubt the devs made a trapdoor to be able to delete them so they're yours
fuck it this ETH isn't doing shit for me anyway I'm sending through another few, I dunno if I have the eth for all 5 though
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
i shouldnt have said abything on the discord lol i didnt link it anyway this is great you could probably flip a couple for floor price right away >>1068614 no not when i did it one free per witch
wait is it maybe just supposed to be one free of each?
well I can only make one of each at least, but they are all free+eth free+gas I mean
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
ill send you a bit more gas if you run out
I'll see if I run out, but I think I need like, another like, 2 bucks at the end of this lmao
axe pending
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
lol set ur gas price to like 12 or 14 save those cents
I don't know how to do this shit man, I'm scared of sending another dud through
I gotta wait for this one to actually confirm before I try the mirror cause I think I might be out of funds now lmao Leave it to the person who has NO idea what they're doing to happen upon a gamebreaking bug
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
just dont adjust the gas limit i know its like more confusing than it needs to be this shits all gonna be automatic on L2 one day but not yet
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
haha this is great just sell one for floor before you run out
althoiugh i guess setting up the sale will cost more guh
>>1068623 It's not letting me make another free one, and I kinda wanna actually keep 'em all until I can get a picture of whether they're valuable as a result of being glitched like this
Like I could sell all 5 as a set, you know?
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
yeah thats true
aaa phone dying yeah keep the full set leave that browser open i can send you a bit later
...wait, it's only the pearl it won't let me make more of? ...dude have I found an infinite money glitch that I could use to just siphon these damn bots for all they're worth? Samu I think we might be on the cusp of something great
Well samu it fucked me up but I think I figured out the trick if you wanna give it a go tab out of the hut while you' re minting it, and wait until it's done and fully made with the image and everything before you go back
I got 3 freebies outta it I guess, so that's nice
not that my last one's attuned either though
can't even make the last one cause that'd cost fucking 100 dollars lmao what a ripoff the busted ones don't even have preview images for some reason
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
100 bucks in gas? nah they're probably charging you .07 eth like normal
It's unfortunate that I accidentally unfucked it before I got the last one though, would have been sick to get a full set on my hands But I'm not burnin 100 fucking bucks for the last one
discord says they definitely are attuned and that part just takes a while to like, render?
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
just refresh the metadata it should be near instant