I visited the local asian store and got one of these fuckers I mean that's not all I got, but it's what I'm most excited about Already ate though, so it's for later
I got this bag of shrimp crackers too It's like, wheat crackers basically, but with "shrimp taste" They're not fuckin' good, man They're OK, but they're not good
I probably should have caught that last bus They seem to be having some reliability issues this morning But I was standing at the door and I could hear some kid blasting their music inside and I just didn't want to deal with that this morning And now I've gone from probably late to definitely Should have just gone back inside and stayed home
these noodles are all fuckin' expired man, what the hell I mean I'm still gonna fuckin' eat it cause it's really not even worth going back to get my money back or whatever but still
Well, as stinky as the asian store turned out to be, the one run by a few arab guys is way better they've got such a selection of drinks, it's insane I even got some damn ramune Not much of a noodle selection though, unfortunately
man these syrups for the soda stream are just Not Good, huh? the bubly drops are good stuff, but the syrup is just... I dunno, too much? maybe I just want carbonated water, not soda
explain the appeal of fizzy drinks after the novelty wears off they just make me feel bloated and have to burp
I mean honestly I just like having something to drink, and soda isn't particularly good for you if you drink a lot of it So putting some co2 into water is a good middle ground, and the little bubly drops add a little bit of taste to it
I do not fucking know, and I prefer not to think about it In truth I just sorta forgot it's an Israeli company I knew about it, but I don't really keep the list at the front of my mind most of the time
Rei !p8eYCadcMo
>>1065500 I was actually about to mention that. Although apparently they haven't had their manufacturing facility on occupied land for a while.
Rei !p8eYCadcMo
I'm seeing my second favorite punk band named after a pesticide next month. I am excite.
uh, I would think so? I dunno, maybe if you buy A LOT, you get some savings, but I'm not really in a position to dump several thousands of dollars into it up front, I'd have to buy like, I dunno, a pallet of the stuff from the store or something And I mean just for like $150 I've got liters and liters of the stuff outta the little contraption sure I technically probably pay for the water, but that cost is so small it can be outright ignored for calculation
Will 3d printing actually do for assault rifles what soda stream did for soda?
Like I mean the co2 canister costs what, $25 ish? I think it's gonna be carbonating enough water to easily surpass $25 at store prices at least and that's the only thing you gotta like, replace I mean yeah the bottles have to be replaced every few years, but by that point you're really stretching considering how cheap they are in the first place I don't even have a dishwasher, so I can just get 3 for $18
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
trucking around pre carbonated water does seem hilariously inefficient compared to carbonizing some water at the source one would hope there's savings there
Rei !p8eYCadcMo
>>1065508 >I don't even have a dishwasher I would hate to not have a dishwasher
Ain't got anywhere to put it, just gotta live with it I mean I COULD put one in the damn bathroom instead of a washing machine, but given the choice I'd rather wash dishes by hand than my clothes
>>1065508 My mother doesn't even use the branded bottles for her water She just occasionally gets a like $2 bottle of carbonated water from the store and fills that up from the machine after it's been emptied
I mean that does seem like it's fine too I like the liter bottles though
I think it's litre sizes she gets Been a while since I've seen though
>>1065522 crisp pratt got on screen and claimed he "always wanted to be mario since he was a kid" it was magical
Pratt's Mario voice was really the only underwhelming part of the trailer The rest of it looked pretty nice Jack Black seems like he'll be a fun Bowser
My buddy is frying oreos. This is both terrible and delicious.
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
sounds fuckin blasphemous to me
Rei !p8eYCadcMo
>blasphemous It's actually a pretty commin desert at street festivals and stuff. I actually stopped myself at two. *common Anyways I can feel my heart filling up with plaque and cholesterol.
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
it's Southern food which is full of absurd affronts to nature
Marsh shitposting on the go via Telephone
Your face is full of absurd affronts to nature
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
look botox is like tree frog poison or something okay it's natural
Not anymore I won't It was either rip it out and kill it for good or have it give off three shrill pips every minute, right above my bed But my kitchen alarm still seems to be in good life and this apartment isn't large enough that a fire localized to my bedroom isn't going to set off the kitchen fire alarm as well
>>1065646 i got my mind on his dick and his dick on my mind
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
im lying in bed with two bags of frozen peas on my knees and a compression thing fak all this from one bad squat
Kirara 🍄 大医 /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
that sucks man wow
were you able to get some medical attention or are you jist hoping for the best?
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
no attention yet ive just been hopin it goes away and stayin at home workin on the codes but it has not gotten better who knew you gotta ice it apply heat compress and also do light exercise to keep the muscles movin i figure even if i do find a doctor rn theyd probably just tell me to do that
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
its also like literally impossible to go to drop in clinics in this city due to limited supply but i think there are nurse practicioners
I hung out with An old friend and his wife 2day outdoors I knew what i was ging into // getting into which is that they had COVID like 55 // 5 days ago And I was like sure you're in town let's g for a walk But wow i did not expect that level of coughing Wtf They're doctors and they said they weren't infectious anymore and she has asthma but like man I am not used to being around coughing people anymore I better not catch anything or ima be pissed
Coughing is the natural end of any flu infection for me, personally Get it for like 3-5 days when I catch the flu every three years or so Got it for Covid too I guess it still makes sense to be cautious around Covid recoveries, but your friend might just be like me and coughing is normal when on the mend with flu
bork and beans borkchops I keep thinking about it, we could have colonies on Jupiter's moons, or be in a post apoc wasteland, thats how different things could have been
The British TV show "Utopia" on the other hand, is FAR from boring I already know how the whole show goes, and I know it ends on a cliffhanger never to be finished, but I'm still gonna watch the damn thing
I just really love how it manages to pull off "There's no 'good choice', there's only the choice that keeps you alive and the choice that kills you" without making it stupid That and I just generally tend to like these kinda fatalistic stories
>>1065961 You might have to wait until 2222 and we have space station cities up and running before anyone considers that worth building That or we turn this planet into a burned out hellscape and need to make airtight cities out of necessity
its closer than that assuming AGI gets off the ground and AI is gettin real good real fast
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
anyway pue in the sky aside it would be like real helpful for dealing with viruses now to jusr have a UV virus destroying light in all air circulation systems i think some places like china are implementing that just an obvious win thats not so expensive
love to play 1 km/h chicken with an oncoming bicycle bro just stay right stop tryna slip by on the wrong sice ots just funny though because we're both approaching so slowly
Rei !p8eYCadcMo
But it could weaken our immune systems Which is cringe It would be potentially devastating if these systems failed.
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
you're right being // bring back the Black Death people have it too easy
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
i think there is something to be said for people going out into nature every once in a while to keep their body resilient but like you can get a good baseline low level exposure to bugs without allowing the insanity of today where people be going to work sick and coughing all over the place
Rei !p8eYCadcMo
Hrrrrrmmmmmm I'm just thinking of how kids who grow up with parents who decontaminate everything are more likely to be allergic to things and have worse immune systems. Maybe don't have these things in schools.
/人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
we need to destroy the sky
No we already tried that in the mid-twentieth century, boring holes through the ozone layer Didn't work out that well
whats that song that goes like un chocolate dos chocolate tres chocolate amour de chocolate and has the black haired girl holding the bowl of chocolate mix its likw a vocoloid
I am straight up not having a good time and I just spilled my fucking guts to dutchfriend and I immediately do not know if that's good or bad
Is it wrong to tell your closest friend your suicidal thoughts are getting worse moe?
That's not a joke. Should I have just not told him so when it inevitably hits, at least he won't feel like he could have stopped me or something? Cause as close as we are, I'm pretty sure he won't be able to. But I also promised him, and ge promised me, to actually talk to each other about like, stuff like this.
But I'm actually a bit worried I misread it and I wasn't actually supposed to go this deep
nothing is inevitable I dont have much to say thats not cliche or a platittude and I don't personally know you so its not my place. I didn't eat for 6 days once cause I thought a rando online I was trying to reach out to killed themselves so Im probably the wrong person to get involved in such things again. Best of luck to you.
Why the hell even resporespond then
To let you know you've been heard. That can help sometimes I suppose. Do you want me to stay and talk with you a while? >>1066076 daijibou I understand and have been there myself Are you in a safe place? Like at home? Please drink some water if you haven't been doing so already. And stop drinking alcohol, (for the time being I mean) Its probably not good to mix it with ritalin. Do you have anyone near you IRL that can check up on you? I just re-read your post You took "a lot" of ritalin? How much? This is serious Hey motherfucker Call 911(or whatever your equiv is, leaf right?) Or start puking Are you sure? What does it say on the pill bottle? Can you please check? It will give you something to focus on You might feel better if you puke anyways Erm
It doesn't when the response of being heard is the same one saying there not gonna get involved dipshit
Sorry that was unnecessary
I'm.. Really drink at this point.
I'm in bed Have been for hours, but I took a lot of ritalin so I sont be asleep for at least a few. More hours
I've had water though.
No I live alone, and the only person even remotely close is my dad And I'd rather literally kill myself than have him worry about me
Uh I dunno, probably like Fuck I dunno these things are like 30 micrograms or some shit and I think I took 3 Whivh isn't "a lot*. Hut it's a lot if uoure yonna sleep anytime soon
No really it's not actually "a lot" I just meant in the sense that I'm way alert
I'm supposed to take 2 of these a day It's not tye first time I abuse my meds lmao
Pretty sure that was just the large spike in alcohol though I am not known for moderation >>1066084 Uuuh 8 think this shit is like 40%, and I think the bottles like... Maybe 0.75l? I'm about 3/4ths through it
I started drinking around maybe 1630,and it's 2200 now You do the math, I'm too gone
>>1066083 How much did you have to drink? >through it Hey buddy, bartender is cutting you off, put the bottle down Have you had anything to eat? My friend, if you're in a bad way, you can take a personal/sick day, thats what they're for, dont try to take pills to make you go and no-go Trust me, your health is more important than work >>1066086 There are tens, probably hundreds of millions of people who have lost work/been unemployed over the past 2 years from the world situation Its good to have goals, but dont make ultimadum on your life itself on such things So what? Neither have lots of people, >>1066088 I see what you're saying, its like a pact you've made then?
Issue is i got work tomorrow and legit the only way to actually sleep, or pass out, when on as much stims as I am, is depressants >>1066084 I already did on Thursday AND Friday Not for literally being blackout drunk but still
My health is absolutely not more important than work. I am literally staking my actual life on this work program getting me employment in the next uhhh 5?6? Months. I won't take a day off unless I just can mot make myself
I I uh Sorry maybe this wasn't clear from earlier My promise to myself to legitimately fucking end it all if I'm unemployed when I turn 31 is what keeps me going at all That's my fuel, I don't have ANYTHING else
So I can't compromise on that end.
I have been effectively never actually employed I am 30
No you just don't fucking get you setknt fug king understand I have been threatening myself with FUCKING SUICIDE since I was FUCKING 20 or some shit because OITERALKY NOTHING ERlse fucking takes Nothing Esse fucking takes It doesn't matter if I want to, it doesn't matter if I want the carrot 9n the goddamn. Stick all that matters,kursealy the only fucking thing that matters is immediate threat and that is the literal fucking extent
I've been using suicidal ideation and suicidal thoughts for å fucking decade to FORCE myself to actually like You know Make an effort At all
But it's just not really working anymore? It's like I've acclimated to the constant threat of suicide?
But unlike the last like fucking 10 years, I think I'm gonna do it this time jf things don't change
Hence, I spammed my friends DM and I don't know if that was ok
Also please close uoutr damn post scrolling up is a pain
I appreciate you talking to me though, truly It does g Help In a way
>>1066091 Thats good, its difficult times, helps to have people to at // be there. >>1066089 Dont fret about such things, if they're a friend they'll understand >>1066093 I do care, know why? You're my battle buddy right now, so we gotta stick together Make sense? Hmm True, parents can be hard to read. Do you talk/see them often?
It just helps sorta to bave some one respond and talk to or with h or whatever
I mean like Of course like I dunno it feels wrong to day but you sint like Care about me right
But it's nice to at least have someone out there not thoroughly fucking *done * with me
I mean I appreciate fhe sentiment but I actually am not able to accept that Even the people I consider friends, it's mostly one sided There's some sort if mental block that doesn't let me like, emotionally accept anyone giving a goddamn about me It doesn't fucking matter what they say or anything, I'm just not actually able to believe it.
My dad and my mom's told me they love me Since, I dunno, as long As I can remember but I don't sctually, genuinely believe either of them
I pretend I do, because I know, rationally, they do But emotionally I think they're lying to me.
It takes a fucking lot for me to trust anyone, as you might imagine
I talk yo my daddad often enough He's the reason I'm in this work program at all. My mom lives to får away to really be An active participant in my life, but I still visit now and then
Really the issue is just me not accepting goodwill
Imats I think said it's cause I have poor self image or something Don't quote me in that, I could have attributed it to him But 8 trust imats a lot
The goodwill thing is understandable, its really hard to ask for help, very society thing, everybody ohnono you dont wanna be reading your messages thats cringe bro Do something else! Have you made some food yet? Hehe Are you ok to sleep? I mean youve got lots of alarms set? Dont sleep on your back? >>1066098 Cute. Flower hair girl from railgun My friend likes her. Easy on that, how about tea or coffee instead?
i think it's good to share those things with your friends
and yeah uiharu cute
Is it really though
Am I not just like Putting extra vurden on him for no reason? .my life isn't his responsibility
And I can't help uim with his so aren't I juret being a fucking kkrexh
Kirara 🍄 /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
yeah, it's healthy to do it >>1066113 friends are there to help us carry the things we struggle to carry ourselves
Kirara 🍄 /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
you're doing the right thing talking to a friend
yeah i burden kirara all the time
Why's it seem so convincing egen you say it
Kirara 🍄 /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
probably because im a doctor and also we've known each other for a long time
I've know him for like at leat 16 years
Kirara 🍄 /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
all the more reason to talk to him about this stuff
But he's not supposed to, care And I hurt him log A lot
A lot
Kirara 🍄 /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
friends are supposed to care
I don't get it Why's he my friend Why's he still my Friends friend Autocorrect is a vut unwieldy when you've got reduced fine motor control
Kirara 🍄 /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
no buts doesn't matter why he's your friend he is
Of course if fucking matters
He's probably lying to me And I need gto know why
What does he sent?
Want What does ge want
No one would just move on from what I did he has to fucking wBt so. Etching and I don't know what butt party of me wants to believe he forgave me vhyr I know it's not possible ge gas to fucking want something
Kirara 🍄 /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
why would he lie and pretend to be your friend
Despite my poor grammar please know I am actually pretty lucid I just struggle to manipulate the small keyboard on my phone
And sometimes I get a bit heated and sorta stop caring so it ends up hard to read
Sorry about they but it's hard to really regulate my emotions
Kirara 🍄 /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
gotta chill things will make more sense in the morning after you sleep off the booze
But he hasn't responded!
Kirara 🍄 /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
maybe he's asleep
Since 9pm!
He fells threatened! He doesn't know how to redpond and he's gonna feel bad about it because he cares but I won't accept ye does so utreR him like a fucking whine bucket
Maybe ute it that nobody sees me as a friend but more that nobody should I fucking hurt everyone who gets close to me, usually on purpose even That makes me bad rufgr? I should be hated right? Or at least not befriended? You're supposed to svoid me i hurt you
How can you even see us as friends when 8m like this I don't have redeeming qualities all in 3 for is fucking tkme and that's not enough yo a To be avfruednd A friend isn't just a damn time and distance equation
Kirara 🍄 /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
idk i consider us friends
I'm at my most vulnerable and uou touch king lie to je You er knt Nobody does I won't let uou I'm moot your friend I gutt y ulyyd vigkn purpose I did I?
I Hutt you. 6ou huty Mr too nuy it essnt pm putpodr
Why won't it fucking SRYPO STOP WHY WON'T IT STOP
why can't I just Believe people
Kirara 🍄 /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
i literally cannot think of a single time you hurt me
I told you i wanted teacup deD
I didn't have ton tell you
Kirara 🍄 /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
gonna be straight with you, i don't even remember that
That's fucked up man
Whatever ve The case
You sen Seeing me ASA friends It's weird
Me seeing you as a friend is not
So you're my friemy friend but I'm not yours
Kirara 🍄 /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
so you want me to hate you?
I don't want you to bur i think you should
I want to be liked but I'm not someone eho van be liked I'm rotten.
I think if you like me at all you're wrong, I've lied somehow vecauew 8f I was go est you'd want me fucking purged from the earth
Kirara 🍄 /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
i really don't have anything against you sorry, idk
Doesn't tell me how you can see me as a friend Ice drive nothing for you Our anyone.
idk i consider anyone i have multiple positive encounters with that i enjoy seeing to be my friend there's no how or why i just do
Then m
You don't use the tern the same way I do
Kirara 🍄 /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
that's certainly possible but i still view you generally in a positive light
That's the part I don't get
I don't give anything
Kirara 🍄 /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
i don't need anything
Like how can you fucking ser this fucking HUSK in a positive light Are you fucking delusional? There's b nothing here It's just anger and hqteed and a lack of direction
There's no fucking friendship possible bwcayae "I" I don't fucking exist
Just anger And jealousy And Envy And hatred And anger A lot of fucking anger
Just fucking cloaked in rhe most easily penetrayed veil of normalcy but there's nothing else
Kirara 🍄 /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
just because you hate yourself doesn't mean everyone else has to
Yes they fucking do if they know what kind of peers in u am If they don't they're stupid or they're being lied to
Kirara 🍄 /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
you might be surprised to hear that i feel the same way often i see mmyself as a bad person and often can't fathom why people like me i have hurt so many people i am a therapist, and also the reason im becoming a monk, is because i am driven by an insatiable need to atone for all of the people i have hurt
You have no fucking idea
If I was honest for å fucking single 240 character tweet i would be erase
SC no one is ever going to see you the way you see yourself It's not going to happen So don't bother asking
My follower count would drop to 0 The only persron who'd tall to me would be dutchfriebd vecayde he already knows If he ever betrays me i Sm socially dead
someone asked me to give a talk to like 400 employees tomorrow they're like hey! how would you feel about teaching the staff some meditation stuff tomorrow at our mindfulness meeting! you only have to talk for 20 minutes!
Sorry about a lot of stuff I just I don't even know honestly I pose control I get angry and it's like I'm not ghr one in charge anymore Or agitated. Not always angry
I wonder how it would interpret something like Touhou characters which even canonically have drastically differing character designs Nevermind the astronomical amount of fan art it's likely tracing from
>>1066227 I've only ever heard it colloquially as "a cup" but I don't know if that's like, a volumetric measurement or just "fill your glass with water and drink that"
I should be jn the clear then
Fuck it's already passed midnight Maybe I'll just call in sick anyway
I dont drink glasses of water to the bottom, half way, and then new glass.
it means, there are lots of particals in h20, and they settle at the botttom after time, thats all. ;)
If your tap water is good enough to drink half a glass of, it's good enough to drink the whole glass Nothing in the water is going to be anywhere near the concentration needed to aversely affect you
I'm still going to let h20 sit and settle, before consumtion.
I had a pretty productive afternoon Got a lot of the mess that had been building up in this apartment cleared out Still probably not particularly clean, but at least it's not an outright mess in here anymore
>>1066255 I got a fair bit of stuff done yesterday kinda had to since they're coming to the house on thursday a bit stressful but it hopefully it'll be a big relief once they're finished looking >>1066254 >>1066243 this character, from the idolm@ster
Twice I've passed my bedroom to see my cat sitting on the bed stuffings, since the linens are all in the wash Both times before I've picked up -picked her up and set her down on the ground I think this time I'll just let her sit there They've only got a bit longer before the linens are dry anyway
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
thats a lewdddd image >>1066258 whats a bed stuffing
In particular here, the padding which goes inside a duvet
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
also hey i didnt pay for novelai to get images i just have credits in my accounts from back when i was paying for text TOTALLY different
>>1066344 are you joking or have you not actually watched Konosuba? I kinda figure most people have seen that one by now with how popular it is although not always everyone's cup of tea
i havent seen it! j dont go for many modern era animes too much real life to attend to
If you have Netflix access, or are happy sailing the seven seas, you should check out the Cyberpunk Edgerunners anime, Samu I think you'll enjoy it There's some things about it which left me distinctly dissatisfied but overall I think it was pretty good
I really like events like this that incentivize different teams and characters because normally it's like my Ganyu is so good why do i need to use anything else
>>1066406 I'm just trying to offer my criticism of the game and why I dislike it but I apologize if I have offended you all hail Wordl
No, you're trying to be the same petulant little shit you were the last time you were here It's really too bad to see despite the years, you are incapable of improving as a human being
>>1066412 I love a good hand-drawn car, makes me kinda sad that Initial D is all CG but it would be impossible to animate the episodes with 2D animation, too expensive and time consuming
I'd forgotten that the streetcar route I need to take to get to the subway station was back to normal this week Which annoyingly is more out of the way and more inconvenient for me than the previous detour it was on It also means if I don't beeline straight for the stop as soon as work is over, there's a good chance I won't get home until an hour and a half after I get off work This transit really sucks
Also not a great time to only have 8% battery left in my phone
The random shit YouTube keeps trying to recommend to me does a good job of making me paranoid that for whatever reason, someone's gotten into my account and is watching things that I would normally never But a thorough check of my (still empty) subscription page and watch history shows no sign of anything out of the ordinary Which instead brings a different conclusion YouTube's recommendations are garbage
>>1066426 I'm pretty confident that they changed the algorith a year or two ago, it never used to be this bad but I also get nothing but garbage recommendations nowadays.
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
>>1066426 they're just testing you seeing if they can get you hooked on some other candy
It won't work I have enough content within the spheres of interest I already have to probably have stuff running 24/7 I'm not so content-adventurous to seek out other things
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
well if you're already goin 24/7 then they're happy
I'm not! I have to work and sleep and there are other things I'd rather watch or play! But the stuff on YouTube I would watch easily surpasses the amount of time I can allocate to watching things on it
Just look at 'em Group of zoomers in my gym Laughing. Horsing around. Having fun Sure you might have your youth And friends And your looks But I can lift heavier weight So... Who really comes out ahead
she's probably asleep idk you went crazy with the hibikis is she easy to generate
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
it's really easy {{ganaha hibiki}}, aqua eyes, long black hair, idolmaster,
and optionally long ponytail plus whatever
/人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
even as an imas fan the style is kind of generic and there's a buttload of art suppose it makes cents why >>1066460 no why I would I do that I haven't read the manga and I have no time right plus I've never shown interest in the past >>1066461 spits in your eye just wait till the yakuza hear about this