I was considering getting the ticket for NIJISANJI's festival event but two of the three EN members who were supposed to have 3D debuts can't attend so I dunno if it's still worth it for me I'll probably just save for the next big Hololive event
Marsh shitposting on the go via Telephone
There's a guy next to me who's shaved his head and then tattooed all the flesh at the back What a look
Kirara 🍄 大医 /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
take a pic
Marsh shitposting on the go via Telephone
He looks like the sort of chap who might take issue with that sort of thing
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
they're gonna rebuild it and it'll get wiped again in 3 years calling it now
And then they'll rebuild it again and it'll get wiped out in two years
Lately they've been popping up a lot in my timeline Although I don't think they're trying to recommend them to me -- despite my affinity for cats I'm pretty good at ignoring them on social media -- but rather the people I follow keep liking and retweeting them
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
i wonder why did someone publish an ebook course somewhere "heres how you can build a massive twitter following easy" caveat: cant do anything with it other than keep scrounging for cute pics
I mean I could probably choke it down if I had to but chances are I'd just start gagging and coughing up white gunk everywhere
Rei !p8eYCadcMo
Wordle 468 4/6*
🟩🟨⬜🟩⬜ 🟩⬜🟩🟩⬜ 🟩⬜🟩🟩⬜ 🟩🟩🟩🟩🟩
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
/人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
Someone at work told me they drank a whole bottle of kefir once
I feel I could if I really wanted to There's a mango coconut flavoured one sold 'round here which I see some times I would say I like it, and probably could drink it in one-ish go if I felt inspired But it is definitely kind of a ... why? sort of thing
im watching what is under the OW2 category on twitch but it literally is just OW1 as far as i can tell i thought people were playing it this HUD is the OW1 hud are they just using the tag
/人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
Wordle 468 6/6
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Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
wow rein will have more turn control on charge and can cancel it this is heresy also doom's a tank lol wht i might end up playin some doom
>>1064919 Also consider it might've been Okayu's idea These lives are often very stylized to the talent and I wouldn't be surprised if they get a lot of input opportunities in the conception stage of putting it together
rowdy custies got told >>1064957 wowzers what did you get up to in your stateside stay
Rei !p8eYCadcMo
I'm at a concert in a small venue. The people here are also very short. There's a small mosh pit in front too.
>>1064959 just went around san antonio texas and at random foods went to a xouple museums almost met bang this werkend but my flight got moved >>1064960 shut up ur short
ah im okay as far as me i think my body has given up though he's fought long enough and is ready to become a turnip
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
get this soul a mecha exoskeleton stat
i wonder how many soul credits we had to spend buying a body ticket and reserving a space or was it just a lottery system i must have been shopping the bargain bin
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
it sounds like its taken some damage over its deployment
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
but hey haven't we all
been through a rough ride that's for sure held up 25 years longer than anyone could have expected though
>>>/@aniceburrito/1576028605662236672 god the dudes who post about the "decline of femininity" or whatever arr so cringe have they ever gone outside do they think everyone's walkin around in burqas out there or something
getting the potatoes just right is always really satisfying I usually end up messing it up though Kinda just prefer to err on the side of caution and have them a little bit undercooked instead of overcooked because of it It's better to have some resistance than for them to disintegrate
I was just frying diced potatoes in a skillet But I let the oil get pretty hot before adding them this time, and basically kept a pot lid over the skillet the whole time they were cooking, aside from seasoning them and the last minute or so I think that helped keep the moisture contained
oooh, frying them like that is also great I usually do that with leftovers though I haven't tried without boiling them first, but at least when I do, they turn out sorta crispy, but mushy on the inside like you said usually I add a little bit of salt too, treat them more like an alternative to french fries than the way I usually do potatoes
After they've gotten a bit of crisp on them I season them with paprika and cumin, and a bit of salt and pepper, and then let them cook a bit longer Grate some cheddar cheese over that and it's one of my favourite hangover foods, or a nice weekend breakfast
>>1065033 aww my post died mid rant i had this whole thing worked up about how smoking was cool and smelled great even if it wasn't worth the cancer and diminished lung capacity
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
it's only cool when Ke Huy Quan does it in an alternate universe wearing a formal suit and wistfully blogging IRL
>>1065034 Heavily depends on the kind of thing you're smoking Some cigarettes, dried tobacco, cannabis strains, they smell pretty nice Others are downright rancid
can't you make it so if a post automatically starts with those links it's like... flagged or some shit simple pattern recognition I would imagine
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
yeah i could its just like a constant arms race once i start doin that tho
I kinda doubt /moe/'s so heavily targeted that an arms race would begin though It's probably a blanket spam they throw at everything on a list If one or two of them set up countermeasures, they probably don't even register
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
someone's like opening the page and pasting stuff idk it's weird i wonder how hard it would be to implement given this janky ass old code
I also try to use 17 in my first equation if possible
i love myself
any aussies awake? what kind of fast food do you guys have over there? what does the common blue-collar worker stop for on their way home?
/人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
/人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
hmm I guess it depends there's the obvious maccas, hungry jacks(burger king), kfc, oporto servo food (pies, sausage rolls whatever) fish and chips takeaway, burgers the iconic beetroot burger food trucks are pretty popular too I had some food from a portugese ? food truck
i love myself
i love me some food truckery sounds pretty similar to the US then
/人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
you been to waco?
i love myself
yeah i do work there every now and then i also went there for a MTG tourney way back in the day
Flights to popular travel destinations, outside of tourist season, are usually the cheaper options That and destinations which see a lot of flight in and out of for business or other reasons Travel length actually factors very little into commercial flights, it's all about how regularly they can book flights close to or at (or over) capacity
i played a bit of OW early this morning just to get my comp record in for the last season i am not ranked well lol but anyway that was a nice little foray guess i'll never see that HUD again kinda crazy given how much i played the game back when it came out
>>>/@SplitsTheParty/1577072759615942656 to be fair the character portraits in OW1 were always kinda stylized and had a certain off model quality to them but ouch that new zarya makes me sad
>>1065206 If you're in the vacuum of space without a space suit you ain't cleaning nothing because you're dead If you do have a space suit then you're not in a vacuum, you're in the airtight environment of the suit, and therefore not a vacuum vacuum cleaner cleaner
Mahou Shoujo Marsh-chan
>>1065267 this is why you don't get invited to parties.
actually looking at the price, it's not even that expensive I mean my econ has been somewhat OK lately, so I feel I can afford to splurge a little bit on something like this it's like what, $150 ish all said and done? that's doable
If you like carbonated water, it's more cost-effective than buying bottles of the stuff in the long run Kind of useless if you don't care for the stuff
do you drink a lot of soda? dont really like fizzy drinks and its a ton of sugar.. but I guess you could figure it would 'pay' for itself over 150 days if you average $1 per drink
also heard the sodastream high pressure bottles are used for making meth so you could do BB
got one now in any case good thing I bought a co2 canister too, cause while it came with a bottle, it didn't come with a gas bottle
it's alright honestly, got a bottle of mtn dew syrup and one with citrus bubbly while I was at it the mtn dew primarily because the only place you can actually get that is the damn gas station, and their prices are jacked, man
I guess it's called bublee, actually, but the brand doesn't exist here afaik outside these little taste drops for the soda stream
get baja blast syrup
would if I could well, maybe I can order it online
I also got some kinda interesting condiments earlier today at the Cheapo Store That Also Has Weird Stuff They're the only place carrying werther's caramel popcorn, for instance What I got was uh, actually spicy ketchup, which bangs, and... mayo with garlic and caramelized onion? I was hesitant about that last one, for one I doubt it's actually mayo considering it wasn't refrigerated, and usually stuff that says garlic don't actually taste like garlic. But it absolutely does and I like it a lot. I'll probably get more of both
Supposedly he changed his mind again I mean twitter was already kinda fucked, but I really don't see it going anywhere but down into a hole if he actually takes ownership of it The man's an idiot, and that's the most complimentary thing I can say about him
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
it would be a fine propaganda outlet for him for a while until it got replaced entirely
I guess he got pissy about all the Ukrainian diplomats and politicists calling him out on the platform for his asinine takes on the invasion
it can really go one of two ways he burns it to the ground by making what little profitability it has evaporate through severe rule changes that makes it utterly unbearable for everyone but the worst people online it stays the course because the people actually running it day to day manage to convince him to at least TRY to have a single profitable company under his name for once in his life
I would really rather Twitter not burn to the ground I like it for the extremely specific and siloed purpose I use it for And I will not use Instagram as long as it is in the clutches of Facebook But I doubt if Twitter falls apart , that Japanese people are going to flock to some new service that isn't accessible to people without Japanese knowledge, or is just Instagram
I quite enjoy twitter too, even if it is kind of a hell site I guess mastodon's gonna see an uptick, at least temporarily again, even if that's not exactly idea either for a lot of reasons
Eh, japanese artists are used to jank and a lack of features they use pixiv
It'll be hard for me, because I follow mostly Japanese people, but the useability of my Japanese isn't great So if they set up some new Japanese service, I'll have a hard time interfacing with it
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
its time to build a god damn collectively owned social media site
maybe we'll all go to that web3.0 token based twitter clone on the blockchain and pay coins to Post I see no way that could go wrong
The vibration feedback from my phone for stuff like typing on the keyboard or other buttons stopped working out of the blue Wasn't fiddling with settings or anything; was just typing here on /moe/, one second it was working, next it wasn't Hopefully rebooting my phone fixes it, not having it is throwing me off bad
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
>>1065313 seems like a very low bar to entry surely it will have millions of users
Okay good, back to normal Weird
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
maybe ur linux kernel killed the vibration process idk i diubt thats how android works
android is made of jank and crust anyway so im not surprised stuff falls apart randomly
Considering one of Musk's dumbfuck ideas for making Twitter financially stable was having people pay Dogecoin to tweet Having any kind of currency to post information is probably a failed idea from the get-go
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
it's pretty hostile to new users so unless you've got a big draw like OkCupid or something to charge cover it doesnt seem viable
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
what i do think is increasingly important is some way to distinguish bots from humans cuz the GPTs are everywhere now and captcha is basically fucked i'd like to build some kind of psuedo anonymous social network where you provr your humanity in some trusted way but then don't have that linked to your pseuds
It's also ironic, considering his claims of wanting to bring "free speech" back to the service, but in the same breath is championing putting the right to speak on the platform in the hands of those who have currency
wtf is the point of charging dogecoin lol you cant even run anything interesting on top of dogecoin that's just credit card payments with an extra step
>>1065325 he has a lot of them what better way to pump their value than create the use case from thin air yourself and then dumping it before it all falls apart
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
it doesnt even make sense he's already worth infinity dollars and dogecoin is aggressively inflated all the time i wonder if the whole dogecoin thing is just a bit to make fun of bitcoiners, like the original purpose of doge
i mean i don't believe in either entity so the king and god can make out for all i care
If enough of us refuse to believe in Charles does he just poof out of existence
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
i think thats how it works
probably there's a backup power source, but yeah over time it's gotta work
One of the things that kind of sucks about Liz dying is how accustomed we got to her anomalous reign Like she stuck around for like seventy-five years Now we go back to monarchs ruling for like twenty to thirty years And all the dumb shit that has to be changed when the crown changes heads
Canada should really just get some nice apolitical Canadian iconography to replace the monarch's head on our coins and not have to mint a whole batch when the next few monarchs bite the dust
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
but that would entail changing the rules and change is bad and what about the precedents you can't just do things anew
We're doing them anewv anyway since Lizzie's in a box!
i adjusted the error message idk maybe `jhead` just hates that particular image for some reason it said "Not JPEG" in the logs tho so im thinkin it doesnt like the extension sigh that code should be accepting of any extension really idk why its written that way
Speaking of things made of jank and crust
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
>Chess Investigation Finds That U.S. Grandmaster ‘Likely Cheated’ More Than 100 Times >An internal report reviewed by The Wall Street Journal alleges a previously unknown pattern of likely widespread cheating by Hans Moke Niemann, the player whose September victory over Magnus Carlsen has rocked the chess world
>>>/@elonmusk/1577428272056389633 as every software developer knows, the best way to create an incredible app is to glue a bunch of crappy apps together
please mre musk shut the fuck up
Marsh shitposting on the go via Telephone
I'm just hoping some engineering type does make the chess buttplug now just as a proof of concept
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
oh they did i posted a tweet about it a few days ago well they only posted the code to connect the openplug firmware to chess engine and morse encoder not sure if they tested it out
I wonder when they'll do more anime It seems to do well enough to get consistent seasons And honestly it still looks like it's animated on a dollar store budget
True, though they also have a significantly larger fanbase most of the time As good as honzuki is, I just dunno if it actually has a comparable fanbase, and the stuff that comes with that Like outside Tuuli and Myne, and I guess Freida there aren't even cute girls in it (yet)
It's cheap to animate though, and minimal on action As long as it keeps a popular following, especially in the isekai hotspots like China, it'll probably be a reasonable investment to adapt
There's got to be some losers out there buying loot crates
I thought they were transferring your cosmetics from the old game to the new I don't play overwatch so I'm really just basing this on random shit I've heard
Rei !p8eYCadcMo
>>1065455 I also don't play Overwatch. I did a little bit a while ago though.
I mean I've tried it like nearly everyone else, but honestly it just wasn't fun enough Or rather, Mercy wasn't fun enough to warrant sinking actual time into the game
If the healer isn't fun enough, I'm not gonna be playing the game that long
Rei !p8eYCadcMo
mathler 247 3/6
⬜🟨⬜🟨⬜⬜ ⬜🟩🟩⬜🟩⬜ 🟩🟩🟩🟩🟩🟩 >>1065457 I never play healer.
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
I like playin tank >>1065457 but they added a weeb healer!!11