this one commentator I watch occasionally, does his videos in his living room and I feel he needs to either film somewhere else or fix his sound because you can constantly hear his wife doing shit in the background and it's distracting
/人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
in fact you can see his wife, I just noticed again I guess he lives in LA and I suppose you can't exactly pick up a house with an office or something over there s
/人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
editing bro his dog is moving the camera now aaa
iktf was watcing a yt vid and halfway through the guys daughter is making noise so he stops and interupts and says something cheeky about family being more important than the viewers really hit in the feels what with having an almost 0 chance of having any of that
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
strays: caught
/人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
did you katch a cot >>1061181 I mean props to this guy for being able to articulate himself well enough to not need excessive cuts
i watched a lot of that st louis chess guy in the past the popular streamer one funny but it gets old kinda quick >>1061209 oh no i meant ben finegold that was when i was into shogi though where all da good shogi strimmers
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
eric rosen? me too very ASMR voice
finegold is just talking nonstop just a bucket of memes that has some witty response for everything that happens on the chess board watching him punish people making the same mistakes in blitz over and over and over did help me learn quite a bit but after a few weeks i was tired of it
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
oh yeah finegold haha Very suspicious! he's all catchphrases
>registration failed, an account under this email address already exists ok ill log into it then? >login failed, please check your username and password and try again >login failed >type in your email address to receive a password reset link >no record of that email in our database. Sign up here!
I'm guessing a second sign up attempt ended up just with the first result
i made a new email address to do it that way, got to the next stage and they wanted my phone number to send a verification code did that, got the text, put that in and at the very end it said an account already exists for that phone number or it didn't say that but that's the reason it failed
i started over to use my google voice number, but this time the email i just made for the previous attempt is now forbidden too as it's associated with that "account" in their system even though it's not a valid account
at that point i gave up because i dont want to use their service anymore powerless to express my frustration in any way other than simply walking away
my brain's trapped in these cycles of helplessness over such ordinary things and shit like this really amplifies the feeling
i could make another new email and do it again or maybe it doesn't accept protonmail emails idk but im just out of hope and out of stamina i dont need it that bad
i just need my brain to pleaase quiet down constant worry and stress is gonna kill me if i dont forcefully detach my self from it
Would you believe me if I told you that if you microwave frozen cheesecake it turns into this weird sort of glop and it isn't actually very appetizing ?
They mentioned the snowtown barrel murders just in passing on a podcast and that somehow sent me down the rabbit whole Rewatched the 2011 Movie about it and an hour-long true crime docco
>>1061247 People who commit multiple counts of murder rarely are
that's not true I am very nice
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
this girl asked me if liked her and i was like kinda she stopped talking to me for two days and now she is again, she sent an update on what she's up to with the word UNCOUTH capitalized
you think that was targeted or was she just emphasizing it for comedic effect or something?
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
it's clearly directed at my tactless behavior lmao but its also funny clasic normie doublespeak
Aaaagh fuck I wanna get a different set of glasses these are good and all for like, wearing generally, but with a headset on for long periods they dig into my skull behind my ears the lenses are damn expensive if you want something good though I mean frames can be costly too, but I can cheap out on those if it's just for sitting in front of a computer
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
definitely worth investing in your eyesight and comfort
why'd they give me the choice between spicy and not so spicy chicken wings if they were gonna deep fry the spice off it the price was the same, but I desired the spicy but there's no damn spice
what kind of restaurant doesn't toss their wings after the frying?
I don't even think these were wings, man they were like, clubs what the fuck did I just eat? are buffalo wings not chicken wings? are they something else?
I mean first of all it's like 11pm on a sunday, and also they're the only place I know of in a reasonable (less than an hour ) distance with chicken wings
I wanted a snack! and they had, supposedly, spicy chicken wings
and their nuggets are real good
Kirara 🍄 大医 /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
i love goods. almost as much as i love services
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
me giving into base level desires for instant gratification: haha this rules me after fulfill my desire and receiving a shot of dopamine: wtf this sucksb
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
sorry i botched that completely im pretty hung over i drank an entire variety pack of alcoholic seltzers well 2/3rds of it
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
i should probably just give up on alcohol entirely it's ruining my life
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
i do like gettin a drink on a date though but thats about it
you're really setting yourself up for disappointment though, the show starts shitting the bed at increasingly faster rates in the fifth season
Coincidentally once the material Martin wrote for the novels runs out
very strange coincidence, what a mystery even some of the stuff he had written, like the sand snakes plot, got all fucked up
Yeah there's a few waffly moments But it really goes of f the rails once they leave the books behind
I still wonder if the show could have been saved if the runners stuck to the original 10 season plan instead of pushing for only 8 so they could run off to that star wars show
That, in poetic justice, ended up getting shelved after the blowback from how they handled that final season
It's hard to tell though Judging from some admission, it might be true that the way the show ends does line up with Martin's vision for the finale of the series Now even if that's the case the finale might hit differently because of the different routes the TV series and the books were going to end up taking But with Bran becoming king "just because" it might not really matter how different Martin's vision of the back end of the series is
>>1061314 wait did you miss the very first scene in episode 1? or did they not explicitly show them? been a long time and my memory is fuzzy
I at least didn't get the vibe of there being zombies I got there was something supernatural happening, but that was it
maybe it' it's just easier to see in hindsight, or I'm remembering that first scene wrong but yeah there be zombies >>1061321 I think it could all line up and characters can end up with mostly the same endings in Martin's story, but how they all got there in the show felt really forced and out of character and Bran becoming king because he "has the best story was just plain stupid I wonder if the next book is taking so long in part because of the reception of the show's ending too must have hurt to watch so many people shit on what was likely your planned ending of a decades long series
Yeah, I've got two pet theories for the delay Either that, that he's extensively replanning it or given up because of how poorly it was received Or the more cynical "Fuck you, I got my money" and he never had much intention to write it out after the commercial success of the series
I like all the individual holomems in umisea but don't you reckon it's like Super forced Like they just put some of the most popular girls together regardless of personality or chemistry Just for marketing
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
whaat are you insinuating that its some kind of business oriented collab designed by people in boardrooms
Rei !p8eYCadcMo
Unicorns are going ballistic because Kronii is doing a collab with HoloStars later this week. I have an intense dislike for these people. They talk about making rude superchats to dissuade her from ever collabing with male vtubers again. It's disgusting.
Marsh shitposting on the go via Telephone
>>1061341 Nah bro they're just friends who do it for fun
>>1061342 just find their addresses and dox them ez fix
Rei !p8eYCadcMo
>>1061345 That's pretty rude. Although actually I think other people may have done that to a few really out of control unicorns. These people need to get it through their thick skulls that Kronii is not and never will be their girlfriend and that she is more than an object that exists to entertain them.
I mean of course everything was always kinda unstable But if Ned kept his mouth shut and just let sleeping dogs lie, there'd at least still be an uneasy peace, though the north and the dragons were kinda happening irrespective of that
westeros is the uh, place game of thrones happens is it the kingdom? the world? just everything south of the wall? I'm not sure, really not that it's A kingdom anymore in either case, at least not after the first season
It's the western major continent in the Game of Thrones world Martin wasn't always the most creative bloke when it came to naming things
delivered to a school and spotted a lizard lizzer removed
Missed my streetcar so now I've been waiting here for fifteen minutes so far for another one Supposedly they're supposed to run on a "ten minutes or less" schedule during the day but that seems like utter lies I wish I didn't work so far from home
Man And today's already kind of been pretty lousy Days like this make me wonder why I ever get out of bed in the first place
Literally every other streetcar which could pass by this stop has done so at least twice But still no sign of the one I need
Marsh shitposting on the go via Telephone
>Canadians call trams "streercars" Fuckin all cars are street cars They're all on the street
>>1061427 Streetcars and trams are different in North America Trams have their dedicated rail lines or separate lanes to move in Streetcars share the road in the same lanes cars and other vehicles drive on, the rails are inlaid in the asphalt
How do people function on less than 7 hours sleep for real I was up past bed time last night watching the holo summer fes and I can't focus on any of the things I'm trying to write for work
You kind of just get used to it As much as what goes for my daily life constitutes as living, I guess Er, as much as it constitutes functioning Developing an inadvisable reliance on caffeine probably "helps" too I can run pretty okay on six hours of okay sleep, and power through most of the day on a good five hours, but that doesn't happen much these days If I'm getting less than six hours of sleep these days it's probably not good quality sleep I guess in the end I just do
Marsh shitposting on the go via Telephone
Tbf it's also the complexity of the task. I could walk a *and talk and ride the STREETCAR just fine right now. Just can't write a word-perfect formal letter.
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
i certainly cant fo my job without some high quality sleep
>>1061433 This sounds a bit like I'm bragging about the COGNITIVE COMPLEXITY of my job. It's really not Most days im dumb as shit I just mean i can't do the tasks im required to do unless im FIRING ON ALL CYLINDERS
>>1061439 There's like 20 vods That's what made it such a hype event Everyone was there. All branches. Streams from multiple perspectives
>>1061440 link the 20 vods it willb be returned with a deposit in the Favor Bank
>>1061433 Well I can definitely write a word-perfect formal letter on five hours of good sleep On top of a day's shift of physical labour and correctly digitally storing stock in an incoherent and labyrinthian warehouse The make or break is usually less the quality of sleep I got and more the mood and mental state I'm in on that day Which sure Lack of sleep can worsen your mood and amplify poor mental health But there have also definitely been days where lack of sleep has not drastically impacted that and I've powered on fine
hey Rei what if you got a tattoo of kroni where shes on a surfboard with a double necked guitar and theres waves and a cross and music notes coming out and a pot leaf and it says 'happy birthday rick' above it
Mahou Shoujo Marsh-chan
>>1061480 oh hey cool are we talking about penises?
Rei !p8eYCadcMo
>>1061492 I'm not interested in getting a tattoo for a couple of reasons including but not limited to the fact that that it is a taboo in my religion and would prevent me from being buried in a lot of Jewish cemeteries..
what about the rub on types like they used to put in cereal boxes
/人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
or just a spray on tattoo ezpz
Marsh shitposting on the go via Telephone
What if he dies before the spray comes off?
Marsh shitposting on the go via Telephone
New irys single is gud
Rei !p8eYCadcMo
Can't believe i got this in two. mathler 210 2/6
⬜🟨⬜⬜⬜🟩 🟩🟩🟩🟩🟩🟩
/人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
>>1061497 who's the guy at the gates who's checking for tatts shit don't make sense
a friend from college has been diagnosed with That Terrible Thing and is unlikely to makei t
didn't realize i'd start having friends go through this so soon
It's scary how unpredictable it can be Doubt many people find it comes at a nice, late time Sorry to hear that, Samu It's a difficult thing for a younger person to go through all the same
>>1061536 She's cute and I like her. Not sure how to explain it. A lot of preferences can't really be rationalized.
>A lot of preferences can't really be rationalized. Thats understandable.
Rei !p8eYCadcMo
Yeah, not only are many of them irrational, some are even transcendental!
what if you get a gf and she gets jealous and says you have to stop watching her
Rei !p8eYCadcMo
I'd talk with her about it and if she still insisted that I stop I'd break with her. I'd understand it if I was incredibly obsessive and spending apl *all my money on supas but right now I've ordered one piece of merch and don't even habe a youtube account to give supas with. Unless being confronted about an objectively *demonstrably unhealthy behavior I wouldn't even consider stopping something like that just because my girlfriend tells me to. I don't even watch most of Kronii's streams. If my hypothetical girlfriend got jealous over that I'd say she's the ome who needs to work on her jealousy and have reasonable expectations abput what other people are willing to tolerate in a relationship.
>>1061541 I bet most would say >omg you watch a virtual girl and have hundreds of pictures of her? Could be wrong tho You should take a survey of your female friends with this hypothetical I would be curious about the results
>>1061557 Yeah Ever since I left Florida. >>1061544 I definitely have female friemds who have hundreds of images of specific anime or videogame characters on their phones/computers. A bit sexist to assume that my female friends would find it weird.
Rei !p8eYCadcMo
Although I do have one female friend who dislikes vtubers because she says their voices are annoying and she thimks its a fetish thing.
>>1061563 Not the first time you've made that joke. I really appreciate the irony of you making jokes about how I have no friends while you have friends you don't enjoy hanging out with because they aren't into your nerdy hobbies.
Rei !p8eYCadcMo
I have plenty of friends I can watch anime with or watch vtubers with or talk about weird Japanese shit with while you always *often talk shit to me including when I post pictures from D&D. I wouldn't normally be so combative about something like this but the whole "Rei is autistic so he can't have friends" bit is tired. Have I been extra annoying to you recently or have you just decided to take out your displeasure on me. *me?
>>1061567 This is more constructive and I am to further discussion of my behavior. Part oy problem is that I am autistic and I have a lot of trouble telling if I am annoying some, especially in a text based setting. *annoying someome If you just act passive aggressive I'm not going to suddenly be less annoying. Fuck I can barely type right now If I am annoying the shit out of you its okay to tell me. I recently had a relationship fall apart because someone I had thought was my friend had been ghosting me for weeks and blew up at me for confronting him about it. It turned out I'd been driving him crazy and he never told me about it, he'd just say he was too busy to talk. While I don't kmow if you consider me to be a friend I enjoy talking to you and I don't want to annoy you if I can avoid it.
⬜🟩🟩🟨⬜ 🟨🟩🟩⬜🟩 🟩🟩🟩🟩🟩 this one was luk and brute force
Rei !p8eYCadcMo
>>1061559 to clarify my statement was that most women would prob find it weird, not specifically applying to your subset of friends but they would have an insight on women themselves.
Some of the people from work out together an end of summer barbeque Ate well Will probably be very full shortly Not conducive to working hard
Free bus ride cause the card reader is busted. Although actually its already free because it would've counted as a transfer and they made those free this year.
Did you know if you don't pay, the driver doesn't do anything and the bus goes on anyway? You could save money.
Some cities have special security which go plainclothes on their vehicles The bus driver can't do anything themselves but the security has jurisdiction to penalize people who do shit like that Honestly your odds of encountering one in the wild is pretty rare but public transit is pretty cheap Why take the chances
Marsh shitposting on the go via Telephone
>>1061596 That's why I always pick one guy at random on the bus to fight
It's the kind of thing I forget then remember then forget then remember
/人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
spam on the front page
/人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
maybe it's my skewed viewing habits but I found sailor moon kinda boring
I never saw more than a few episodes of the dub It aired when I was a bit too young and boyish to have the ability or the interest to watch it And never went back to watch or read it later on I think we tried watching the modern reboot when it started a few years back but it didn't stick
Marsh shitposting on the go via Telephone
>>1061606 Yeah same. I never much cared for it back when it aired on CHEEZETV. it was a girls show.
>>1061671 Twitter letting people edit tweets. It prevents people from being held accountable for terrible tweets. Also allows for trolling. Which is funny, but not worth the cost of the added difficulty of holding people accountable (politicians in particular).
i assume tweet editing will be for small typo edits and with a time limit cuz the alternative would be insanity
Maybe we should just all accept the inevitable and descend into insanity If the digital world bl means nothing is ever truly gone then maybe we should regain our right to be transient by muddying the field with all the editing available to us
Which is to say when can we edit /moe/ posts Samu I don't know where that bl came from
>>1061686 God I wish Although still Fuck that People should check what they type before they post. Yes I appreciate the irony of that statement given how terrible my typing has been lately.
>>1061703 If the frame of the bike is its soul Then what is the frame of a human identity?
yhe the skeleton that's why it stays alive after you die
Alright got one So, was doing an aircraft jack once, you know how you jack up a car to change the tire? Same thing with big airplanes, like imagine a 747, you jack em up in a hangar to work on the gear and tires. But they weigh 250 tons you know, so you need a lot of huge jacks to get up there, and each jack is like 5-10m tall, to get under the wings And its a big process, takes a dozen guys, and a dozen jacks at the front back, left right etc all over to spread out the weight, so airframe doesn't get stressed to much And theres one guy in charge, one guy running the hydro pumps, one guy on each jack, and one guy whos sole job is to monitor the tilt of the aircraft, so you know it doesn't tip over off the jacks while its going up We'll call this guy Mr Plumb Bob, cause he uses that( a weight hanging from a string that points down in the cardinal directions, thinks a compass, to radio the supervisor and hydro guy if the plane is tilting left/right up/down So the plane, prob costs what 50 million dollars idk is going up, and Mr Plumb Bomb gets confused, he switches the directions and says North instead of South, West instead of East you know And so the whole giant plane almost tips over off the jacks before the super realizes whats going on Hes then grabs Mr Plumb Bob, screams at him and tells him to go sit in the fucking corner cause he's retarded That was a good story And no I wasn't him, I was on one of the jacks holding the manual collar that rotates at the top incase pressure goes out but I saw the exchange.
Mahou Shoujo Marsh-chan
hmm. I kind of prefer the one about almost jerking off but then not.
When I was climbing mt Elbrus in Russia I almost didn't make it . Over the stupidest, little thing too nothing to do with fitness but the day we were summiting my gloves were too thin. and I didn't bring a second pair.
so we get up at like 2am, since we need to make it to the summit before ~midday and then get back to camp first couple of hours were absolutely fine. if anything it was boring since we were just walking along a gradual incline in the darkness. But then the wind picked up. We also had to use our hands more for climbing. and my fingers just went numb. Couldn't move 'em properly. Elbrus is a trekking peak, so there wasn't any really technical climbing involved so I didn't really need finger dexterity for anything major. EXCEPT when we stopped to take our first major break I couldn't open my water bottle or get any food out of my pack. since my fingers just wouldn't move properly. And from there it was all game over. Without water or food I was just exhausted. especially when taking into account the elevation.
One of the guides was a cute, Russian onee-san just a few years older than me and had climbed the mountain god knows how many times. She basically had to hold my hand all the way up. At one point she even had to blow my nose...
and the thing that pissed me off is that the main guide thought I was exhausted for a different reason see. since the day before I had done this extra climb - a chunk of the mountain has a cable car set up and we were all meant to take it and I was like "I'm here to climb the fuckin mountain. not CHEAT by hitching a ride up half of it. So I told him I was walking.. and he's all like .."No. dont' you need to conserve your energy". But I did it anyway - and it was absolutely fine. I had energy to spare. But then I almost passed out because of the glove thing and not drinking enough water.
so the moral of the story is look after your hands
>>1061739 I passed out drawing blood for a blood test once went out like a damn light and had the weirdest dreams of my life, all in the span of like 15 seonds or something if I remember Felt a LOT longer though
did you look at the needle? that happens sometimes saw a guy pass out just from watching blood squirting from a video a first aid training thing once
Naw, it wasn't psychological I'm pretty sure Not the first time I've drawn blood, not the first time I've watched the needle go in Pretty sure it was cause I hadn't eaten anything before
>>1061729 wanna hear another story you might 'prefer'?
food thing seems to be pretty big factor, blood sugar and all
yeah Really though, it wasn't entirely unpleasant I wouldn't mind conking out like that again some time, though I'd prefer not to be holding a cup of water next time Thought I'd pissed myself when I came back online, but no I'd just dropped the cup
>>1061737 maybe it's easier as a Woolies driver, but we carry our frozen stuff in an esky they take up a decent amount of floorspace so it's annoying to navigate them you know it's a bad night if you have three eskies
oh i don't think i told /moe/ yet but i'm getting a new job it's a really really good job how exciting
>>1061756 haiiiii I remember you said you streamed digimon tamers a while back and if you still had the vod somewhere came across a txt file reminder if not or too much effort thats ok and nvm!
>>1061760 Of course, it's on my youtube. I never finished it though, it wasn't great for streaming. Too much reading and I'm not good at keeping track of a ton of different character voices www >>>/watch?v=2PBvA-FWRmE part 2 is on the channel too
(I ask because I was reminded of the 4kids digimon dub for some reason recently)
>>1061761 yay thankie also hope your new job works out
yeah!! i'm gonna have full health insurance! mental dental health optical accident life etc also student loan repayment
nice make sure to milk the health bennies as much as possible when you got em like get your teeth fixed if they're crooked and your appendix yanked etc thats what I did when I had coverage
oh and contacts that was some good savings, stocked up on like a years supply even though I never wear em
I can't wear contacts! But I want to get a teeth cleaning and I also want to get my eyeglasses prescription updated. And maybe I'll see a primary care physician. I haven't seen one in like 5 years. Or maybe it's 10 years. Anyway, I should do that.
i get to do a lot of detective work with it too like observing the kid in various situations to build a case as to why the behaviors are happening every case like a pazuru
That's kind of where I'm at It's a weird detail to go out of the way to draw
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
it's hyperreality gone wild the kind of stuff i think osama tezuka would get cranky about just throw a big bag of exaggerated sexual features onto a cute unchallenging art style it doesnt even have to make physical sense just twist her spine to get that boob butt pose
I got depressed when I learned about how low a bodyfat percentage was required for toned abs in women. It's around the level that interferes with the menstrual cycle iirc.
two trucks out of four trucks going out tonight and they still put me in the fucking truck that used to have the back doors open while driving until someone held it together with duct tape and nail
Samu !KW2DbpWwls
>>1061852 bro a random science factoid that might not even be true is depressing you?
Rei !p8eYCadcMo
>>1061854 It was hyperbole Although also its not like I'm frequently "not depressed" anyways.
/人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
I think all the suffering and things I can't change depress me but maybe that's juts me
>>1061856 yea that seems uh backwards its the things you can change that should spur your emotions but hey im not in charge of ur brain honestly i feel sometimes like im not even in charge of my own
wow but they're so kitchy do you prefer hanging out in a drafty tent in a snowy escarpment clinging to life while validating your abilities against a vast cold universe or something
Season 6 of GoT baby I can't honestly say I've noticed all that much change that warrants criticism I heard after season 3 or 4, the quality drops a lot, but I don't really see it too much There are a few things that I could nitpick, I guess, but nothing too jarring
Some things definitely are kinda wild though The mountain is a zombieman now, and Cersei did something uncharacteristically stupid
She's been this calculating force of the court up until one day she, with her incestuous relationship with her brother being effectively an open secret, puts a religious fanatic in a position she can't actually control Overall not that bothered so far, though I hear the final season is an absolute disaster
I'll be watching that too yeah I'm not catching up for that or anything though, really, I didn't know it existed when I decided to watch GoT It's just always been on the backburner cause it didn't really catch my interest the first time around, but I figured I'd give it another shot, and it's actually pretty good it turns out