this artist does really nice coloring unfortunately the other stuff is r 18 but it has a warm and vibrant feel >>1056508 moderation police arrest this man I don't really care about uzaki
>>1056514 My friend wanted to know if any of my Australian friends had ever been on a brumby shoot.
/人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
idk I guess this milf is alright >>1056516 nah the closest to a hunt I've been was when we went on a family picnic down at the river with our cousins and their friends were off in the distance and you could hear their dogs killing the goats but never a brumby hunt
Rei !p8eYCadcMo
>>1056517 Why were their dogs killing goats? Does Australia have a feral goat problem too???
/人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
because they were hunting them idk cheap dog food >>1056518 maybe
Rei !p8eYCadcMo
Okay the answer is yes. Still pretty cruel though. Were they at least shooting them after the dogs maimed them?
Fun fact MALD is a registered trademark of Rayhtheon missile defense
>>1056529 Speaking of malding About ten hours ago I put on a Mori stream It's 11.5 hours of her failing to beat Malenia in Elden Ring. It's been on in the background while I read manga/shitpost/etc. She's brought up Adam Sandler countless times. Apparently people don't like that she talks about Shrek and Adam Sandler. I personally find it to be endearing
oh here's an embarrassment tidbit from last night >lady tells me she'd come out to help with the groceries but she's isolating >think she went inside to do something else, start sort of mumbling/singing >>>/watch?v=6YBDo5S8soo while I pack the groceries >"it sounds like you enjoy your job" >turns out she was hovering around the screen door watching me
>>1056535 She's pretty self aware about it too At her live she said something like >cringe is my brand
Rei !p8eYCadcMo
Finished her 11.5 hour Elden Ring stream Only to find out I'd missed two hours of her Elden Ring stream tonight that Ibwas watching the old one to prep for. I'll just watch it tomorrow.
Also Im sitting down and enjoying a cigar, rapt with anticipation
Rei !p8eYCadcMo
The reason Kiara's roommate couldn't stay in Japan and fulfill her dream of becoming an idol is because she could not get approved for permanent residency due to her lack of a college degree. Her roommate actually never graduated from highschool either. And then conversely, Calli has a degree so she can get a visa more easily. Ah wait not permanent residency but like A better visa, she couldn't extend hers and she had to go back to Austria.
Rei !p8eYCadcMo
Marsh feel free to correct me if I'm wrong on any of this.
Rei !p8eYCadcMo
Or Kirara when you read this in 4~ hours.
They will both carefully examine the statement you've made for accuracy, the ramifications for being wrong in such gossip could be tremendous
Either of them should have claimed Japanese spiritual ancestry I think the country has some albeit restrictive right of return clause for overseas kids/relatives of ancestry Hmm, they should have gotten married then!
>>1056572 they have some recent civil union thing I think, not with as much protections but idk or 1 of them could have changed genders on paper probably counts if done overseas beforehand
Rei !p8eYCadcMo
>>1056573 That sounds like a lot of work to have been done like 8 years before they knew each other.
Gotta look ahead Make 5/10 year plans
Marsh shitposting on the go via Telephone
>>1056566 Idk m8 i dont follow that shit The personal lives of the talents
>>1056589 She was already dead before the series started.
Rei !p8eYCadcMo
>>1056589 Also there's a movie coming out this year so you shouldn't spoil stuff.
Rei !p8eYCadcMo
Ostensibly you are supposed to put spoilers in the spoiler tag, god knows I've gotten a lot of shit on /moe/ for spoiling manga/ln adaptations of stuff that happened ages ago.
Remember when ken lewis of BofA and his buddies chris cox, ben bernanke, john porzieng, tim geithner, jon corzine etc destroyed the entire world economy in 2008 and caused billions of people to suffer and got away with it?
sounds about right for the fuckin jassholes who turned real estate into a hot investment oppo
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
i dont actually know mych about the history of that crash or the major players despite ostensibly living thru it
Oh the guy who crazily rants about stuff I can't really understand because of his accent on this subway platform is back this morning I think it's something about political corruption but between his accent and the noise of the trains I really can't make headway on it
>>1056653 I see at least two factual errors with this statement.
Samu !KW2DbpWwls
>>1056648 I mean, I would love to embark on a journey of self-discovery as I would assume the role of Velvet, a young woman whose once kind demeanor has been replaced and overcome with a festering anger and hatred after a traumatic experience, I find that quite relatable. I don't think I would really get too much out of the core gameplay loop however and for that reason I'm out
ive lost a lot of capital in this crash easy to think about what could have been but hey i'm pretty lucky overall just gotta hold on for better days and figure out a healthier way to manage risk
Samu !KW2DbpWwls
now to eat my own ass
/人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
true true no wait well you can eat your ass if you want i spouse
/人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
who am I to tell how to have a good time
Rei !p8eYCadcMo
>>1056671 Not that I recommend snitching but that name can probably be construed as violating one of those vague parts of the github ToS that lets them ban people for being offensive.
Rei !p8eYCadcMo
Although jokes on them for making their first two repos after Microsoft already bought github.
Samu !KW2DbpWwls
yeah microsoft would easily ban their asses
Rei !p8eYCadcMo
I am still hoping there will be some kind of legal action against Microsoft for training that ai on gpl licensed code.
Samu !KW2DbpWwls
>vague parts of the github ToS wow it's almost like this world is not a strictly well defined crystalline embedding of virtue and sin but rather a subjective changing mish mash of everything everywhere all at once
but i also can't see how having an AI trained on the output of human creativity is really any different from any particular human's output when you get down to it we're all remixing other people's shit
Rei !p8eYCadcMo
I'm sure people who know more about this than me have actual arguments.
/人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
except that one guy who drew on the cavewall he was copying nobody
Samu !KW2DbpWwls
protip: no one in this world knows what's going on at all
>>1056690 maybe their name is a comment on how the us has committed more war crimes than any other country over the past 70 years which is denied
Samu !KW2DbpWwls
it's true when it comes to anything new we're all just making it up and what could be more new than ML
Rei !p8eYCadcMo
>>1056703 It's not, I looked at some of the stuff in his repo. Okay Well maybe Maybe It's just ironic Which is still bad And basically indistinguishable And fyi Myon, if you sperg out on here like you used to on tano you will get banned even faster.
Rei !p8eYCadcMo
I should probably see a doctor about my wrist if I have to take a break from cooking due to pain.
>>1056705 haha i've seen enough shitty white nationalist scum who try to play the irony card literally no one else has the same braindead focus they do
I wonder if that guy who just continuously walks around my parents neighbourhood is still around there's a wojak pic that matches his demeanor I might see him while I'm out
>>1056722 there are like fully suited up dudes standing 7+ feet tall zoomin around on those electric big wheels everywhere segways are here and it looks like star wars
i mean my understanding is aikido is basically useless like every martial art pretty much but if you had some kind of ruleset and understanding where people could only use karate approved moves or something then maybe that could be a fun spar
Samu !KW2DbpWwls
isn't brazilian jiu jitsu like S tier compared to all the other fighting styles like unfairly OP
>>1056788 Aikido is a lot different from most martial arts in that there's very little striking, its really for self defense. It's not useless, but also its not useful in MMA which is where a lot of contemporary criticism comes from. My dad has studied it for a while and he's been able to disarm muggers (twice) on public transit.
/人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
i have also been able to disarm muggers (I'm poor so they don't bother)
The first time all the different fractions of ninja girls met up to go to the pool together, I understand was absolutely essential to the narrative pacing of the plot.
However, the second timee in three episodes is possibly a little gratuitous
>>1056823 That guy drowned to death while on the way to or back from training his female underage student on an uninhabited island. They were traveling via kayak. I used to know his last words, they were kind of funny.
>The wind blows. It is 7 in the morning, Ken-sama woke up to the cold morning. He got up, and went to the bathroom to wash his face. Ken-sama live in a traditional Japanese house, he only rent a room though. The old couple is nice enough to let him stay in their house. Ken-sama grepped his kimono and wear it like a proper nihonjin, he walk to a window and smell the fresh nihonjin morning. "Ah, konbanwa anatas. What beautiful morning desu." Ken-sama zoned out looking at the beach from his room. Ken-sama went downstairs to greet the old couple. "Ah, ohayou ojisan and obasan". The old couple replied him with a warm smile and proceed with their breakfast while inviting Ken-sama. Although Ken-sama can not understand them, he easily could read what the old couple is trying to say, he is born with this talent. "Arigato." Ken-sama said, he then went upstairs to take a few things. He took a bokken and a katana, the katana is hidden in his kimono and the bokken is on his obi, this is to avoid being arrested by authorities as he was warned last time. Ken-sama will be going on his usual morning walk to sightseeing the glorious nihonjin country. "Itadakimasu obasan and ojisan", they gave him a mixed smile and a slightly confused expression.
>Ken-sama reached the park near the beach, he like to watch kids playing as it is a something that can warm his pure heart. Suddenly, a sudden tremor. No, it's more terrifying than that, it's an earthquake, a huge one. The ground was shaking and beginning to crack, Ken-sama look at the children, they were running away terrified, "minna san! do not run around! Stay in place!" The kids couldn't understand what he was saying, he gestured what he was trying to say, he ordered the kids to stay in the middle of the park as it is too dangerous. But that was Ken-sama's mistake, he look at the beach from afar. It was huge, a tsunami is coming. Ken-sama widened his eyes and look at the children and yelled every Japanese word he knew "Arigatou gozaimasu! Gomenasai! Run away minna-san!" The children ran away, the wave is coming, it was at least 100ft tall. Ken-sama was ashamed with himself, he should have anticipated this, if he did the children would be far away by now. "sumimasen mina-san, it was my mistake", he took his hidden katana and dual wield with the bokken and katana. As he ran towards the tsunami trying to stop it, he uttered his last words. "Arigatou obasan, ojisan. For taking care of me" The wave rise even higher. A shout is heard; "Nippon banzai!".
>>1056855 I'm not sure what kind of angle of complexity the fact that this is written by an AI adds to the post But it definitely adds some kind of angle
Rei !p8eYCadcMoSearch [iqdb](32 KB, 769x428, f89.jpg)
It's driving me crazy. Initially when the pandemic started and everyone was staying at home flr the most part. I moved in with a friend, and stayed there for five months or so. He lives in a big house by himself, and he's my best friend so we could keep each other entertained pretty well. But now I'm quarantined in this tiny town house with both my parents.
My dad has been going out a lot. Apparently the state sats its okay for covid positive people to go out and do stuff, so he's been going to cafes to work on his screenplay. My mom is actually somewhat sick. Shes been coughing a lot, and just lays on the couch all day watching stuff on netflix. But tonight she found out that her out of office auto-reply thing wasn't working so she has to do a meeting tomorrow. I just basically lay on the fold out couch in the basement all day. Shitposting/reading manga/chatting
>>1056887 My dad going out or the state saying it? I think both are stupid Oh I forgot to mention they say "only if you wear a mask" But still I don't think they should be encouraging people to go out for anything other than like medical appointments and daily essentials if they have covid. My dad shouldn't be doing this but I don't habe the energy to argue with him about it.
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
yeah going out and spreading covid seems like a stupid move
>>1056892 This argument can be extended further to, "Any work which doesn't start with the creation of the world isba cop out".
Rei !p8eYCadcMo
Also I sort of forget that @Eevee is more relevant for things other than "Php a fractal of bad design" That's all i knkw him for And also that he's a furry
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
every video game should start at protag's birth or they have amnesia otherwise the knowledge gap is too dissonant and compromises the gameplay whats that im getting reports that almost all games are on rails to a single ending
Rei !p8eYCadcMo
>>1056895 Is Index still in media res if Err Since the protag gets amnesia before his backstory is revealed?
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
i dont know man i dont care enough to define such semantics
i feel like index is a bunch of vignettes more than a coherent single narrative? i havent seen or read that much of it
Rei !p8eYCadcMo
>>1056898 That's based Reminds me of how in old school Traveller your character could die during character creation. Iirc The way jt worked is that during the creation process you would roll for various events that would've happened in their life up to the age of the character. But sometimes you would roll that they died in an accident.
Rei !p8eYCadcMo
>>1056899 I'm actually pretty surprised you haven't seen at least season 1.
Fuck, my eyes My red light filter randomly *blue light filter Randomly turned off
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
i never watched index s1 i got bored by episode 1 i always liked the setting though and then i watched some railgun just because it was a moe show back in the moe heyday
My laptop got here. I don't actually habe the space to set it up. Or the stuff I need to install win10 for education and import files from my old laptop.
Isn't Vancouver like the most expensive city to live in in North America?
Samu !KW2DbpWwls
if you compare salaries to cost of living probably yeah lucky me being able to get a US salary
Samu !KW2DbpWwls
this is why we gotta build a new city here somewhere on these unceded lands the boomers fucked up housing for everyone im lucky but many of my friends arent and had to leave
If you really are buying a place, do some research about the expected effects of climate change on the area its in, a lot of Vancouver is going to be uninhabitable within a few decades.
Rei !p8eYCadcMo
Well Not like "uninhabitable" But underwater or unstable
Samu !KW2DbpWwls
bro really tried to lecture me on climate change
Rei !p8eYCadcMo
>>1056926 Yeah I don't know why I don't think before posting
Rei !p8eYCadcMo
It is a mystery.
Samu !KW2DbpWwls
step one of posting: don't
Samu !KW2DbpWwls
anyway van is not gonna be uninhabitable but many places in the interior of the province will be already lytton set the temperature record last year other towns burnt up
reading for work purposes such a nostalgic read perfect for a broken heart, so long my love
You know I've always had phones with a 3.5mm jack, and because of that I've developed a habit of always putting my phone in
my pocket top-side up, even when I don't have anything plugged
into the jack But my new phone is going to be the first without that jack, which makes me think, a) I can break the habit, and 2) I might want to pick up one of those conversion dongles so I can keep using my good headphones with my phone
Also I guess the habit was also convenient for the fingerprint sensor on the back of the phone, but now the sensor is on the front of the phone
Samu !KW2DbpWwls
i can't go back to wired headphones man no more tangles
Samu !KW2DbpWwls
ahh, ESL women on the dating app prompt is something like >An unusual fact I'd like to share and they put watermelon 🍉
Actually I guess it's Caesar Always trips me up a bit because Caesar is obviously NOT pronounced that way, right? It's from the title, no? And that's pretty obviously pronounced like.. kaizar
Samu !KW2DbpWwls
is the joke that eating lots of italian smoked meats will give you butt cancer cuz i could believe that
>>1056954 I don't know but it's the name chat gave the hypothetical tapeworm
>>1056948 Fair, I mean that's the driving reason I started using Bluetooth earbuds at work But I've also got a really good pair of headphones at home and if I was traveling or spending anywhere more long-term than like a day or two, I'd much rather be using them So I'm probably going to have to problem solve that before long
Samu !KW2DbpWwls
oh yeah i have some decent headphones at home those are plugged into my audio interface with a 2.5" jack
its a DAC and ADC two inputs (XLR or thingy or 2.5") headphone output, usb c output monitoring adjustments the whole dealio its p smol and basic and honestly the software is kinda ass or rather Discord's support is bad but it lets me plug in my condenser mic and also my bass with phantom power
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
i like being able to power the whole thing with one measly usb C
Sounds pretty nifty I'll have to upgrade my audio setup one of these days
well, it's hard to know how hot it is outside, I guess, but that's how it is inside I don't have a temp gauge for outside, it's overall unnecessary
for whatever reason, they've stopped even turning on the streetlights recently, too It's fuckin' pitch dark outside they're on in like, the main street but up here in the residential area it's fuckin' dark
>>1056973 Oh I thought you were looking at the local weather. I feel mislead. Any chance you can go check that and report back? Cause aren't houses that far nrth generally built to retain heat? I wouldn't be surprised at all if its like 3-7 degrees colder outside.
Says 12 I'd think it's a bit more though
Rei !p8eYCadcMo
>>1056976 Probably cause of the humidity. Do you have your pc on and all the windows closed?
The prices haven't fallen since the winter spike yet Though really they've gone up overall here since our bullshit right wing government decided to hook us up with the EU's power network So now our cheap, overflowing power is being jacked up to the prices common in the rest of this godawful continent It used to be so low, nobody really thought about power expenses, and now it's like, $0.25 on the KWh well, it goes lower, but it used to be an amount not worth expressing in dollars
people overall are really against nuclear power because they think chernobyl is like, a realistic worry >>1056991 sure, but the structural details of nuclear powerplants and deep analysis of why Chernobyl fucked up isn't exactly covered in our k-10 program, y'know
Rei !p8eYCadcMo
>>1056990 Aren't you guys supposed to have a good education system though?
Rei !p8eYCadcMo
What do you use instead? Coal? Diesel? Hydro? Geothermal?
oh well, really it wouldn't matter for our prices anyway, probably, since we're matching the EU prices either way I think I dunno for sure, but it's just a fact that they shot up after we hooked up to that bullshit, against the wishes of every labor union in the country >>1056998 >>1056999 our power is already like 99-100% water in terms of power generation, chiding norway for our environmental impact is pissing up the wrong tree
Rei !p8eYCadcMo
>>1056997 Yeah but nuclear is better for the environment.
Rei !p8eYCadcMo
Well, better than fossil fuels.
Rei !p8eYCadcMo
>>1056997 I'm not chiding you, I asked what type of power Nevermind It's not important
I'd like some nuclear power though, it's overall good even if we're still not entirely sure what to really do with the waste you can "just bury it", but like, fuckin' where, man it'll scuff the whole area around it, there's so many things to consider
I can't actually read through Nagatoro because I find Senpai's behavior to be repulsive. He's disgustingly beta. However I do really like Gamo's design.
Youjo Senki sure is written in a strange way it swaps between perspectives with like, only a few sentences for each sometimes, so it's a bit difficult to keep track on whose perspective I'm even reading at times, and the main perspective even swaps between first person and third, sometimes within the same sentence I suspect there's some method to that latter madness, but I've yet to really figure out what it signifies when she's "Tanya", and what it means when it's "I" At first I thought it was merely a distinction between the flesh and blood vessel the main character is inhabiting, like the physical body is "Tanya" but the MC doesn't recognize that to actually be himself, which is understandable for his situation, and thus the mental portion is "I" But that's not the case On many occasions the text talks about Tanya's thoughts, and they're not distinct from the first person perspective in any discernable way, and likewise on many occasions, the physical body's talked about in the first person, too
son, are you aware of how fast you were /moe/in' back there?
Samu !KW2DbpWwls
Samu !KW2DbpWwls
i want to feel things deeply basically the opposite of being sedated
Samu !KW2DbpWwls
nananana pineapple beer
What if I sedate the deepest part of you
Samu !KW2DbpWwls
>>1057014 ok here's what you do stop all social media interaction, including scrolling through agregators or twitter cut all screentime get out into nature for hours at a time take 0.2 grams of mdma
easy 4 step process
Samu !KW2DbpWwls
bro you coulda skipped the first three steps if only i had the hookup
Samu !KW2DbpWwls
oh wait thats the joke aAAH im still sedating myself with ethanol its a way to cope with the rigors of being required to write software on a schedule
hi, not trying to be obnoxious or intrusive, but i'm working on a livesite type thing and have been looking for some people to help test it out and give feedback
i don't want to shill it here without permission, though. and please feel freee to tell me to go away and i won't bring it up again
No In reality I only have an 8.5 hour shift But between transit and needing to get ready, it's not like my day can be spent on anything but work as the primary focus during that time
>>1057063 know that feel, sucks. used to work on airplanes and we had 12 hour shifts, but they were always 14 cause you had to show up/stay an hour late to get tools, check in, do paperwork and turn things in.
work is a scam guy up top makes 5000x more money, sure doesn't work 5000x as hard as the dude on the floor
/人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
>>1057067 This store's owner literally stays at home and watches the store from remote feed of the security cameras and collects a salary that has to be insanely more than the low-class wage I do physical labour for forty hours of the week to earn
Surprisingly, Youjo Senki had season 1 cover volumes 1 and 2, then released a movie covering 4, and season 2 is announced but without a release date Volume 3 isn't eventful enough to justify an entire season, going by the pace and focus on the action bits of season 1 season 1 even rewrites liberally in order to move things along at an accelerated pace things that spanned 4 battles in the novels are wrapped up in 2 in the anime, even going to the extent of merging two battles into one, so I really can't see why they'd cover volume 3 in a whole season, it's such a deviation from season 1 and the movie for that matter But just skipping volume 4 in season 2 and going straight for 5 after 3 is also unlikely
>>1057072 Yeah we need to keep going until we finally hit the point where these manmade horrors are beyond my comprehension Because we sure ain't there yet
>>1057078 Yeah that's more like it! But it's still just Junji Ito's Gyo but with spiders instead of fish so we're not quite beyond human comprehension yet
im gonna make a bowl of oatmeal and 4 eggs i think right now
4 dozen* eggs
nah i just eat 4 a day now and a bowl of plain oatmeal
I really need to clean up my kitchen space a bit It kinda limits how much effort I want to put into making dinner I haven't really made much more complicated than pasta and tuna sandwiches for like two weeks
>>1057116 Which ones if thats not too personal? Do you notice a big difference before and after?
Rei !p8eYCadcMo
>>1057118 That's too personal. Most people would not like being asked that, especially in a "public" place like this. They help a lot. I would not be ae to function without them. *able
Yes because its way out of line awkward to specify "yah im on Zoloft or Welbutrin etc" and instead say generic anti depressents in a place where people talk about all other various personal aspects
>>1057126 Not really withdrawal is only an issue if the pharmacy is out or I wait til the last minute to refill the one they never have. I worry about dependency in the sense that I will have to be unmedicated when industrial civilization collapses and I will not be as able to deal with it as well as I would like to.
>>1057129 I dont mean retarded doomer scenarios, but things happen like prescription prices shooting up suddenly or people being dropped by coverage overnight because of plan changes etc >>1057131 Millions of people have what they think is "very good" insurance and still get fucked over You must have some good connections then!
Rei !p8eYCadcMo
>>1057130 I have very good health insurance for the forseeable future. One of my meds is so expensive without insurance that it would be cheaper to fly to europe and buy it there and then fly back than pay out of pocket.
Rei !p8eYCadcMo
>>1057130 I'm not going into details but the company I get my insurance through Okay Well Like I don't feel like having this argument I am aware that those are risks that exist. But it would not be good for my mental health to constantly worry about losing my prescription coverage.
Rei !p8eYCadcMo
Also the point about that medicine's price is more about the state of the American pharmaceutical industry and healthcare system.
>>1057132 Its not an argument, just friendly chat But one thing is that people severly underestimate the chance of bad things happening to them in regards to assessing risk, probably by 10 or 100x fold. So if its something that important for you to """function""" then its not that bad to prepare for eventuallities Its like saying, oh idc about my food and water its no big deal So for example if you take a regimen of your $100 a tab goofy pills 7 days a week, then say every 2 weeks you skip one and keep it in reserve. Then half a year later you've got a good backup.
Rei !p8eYCadcMo
>>1057134 A lot of I would have to lose insurance coverage and also a lot of relatives on the same day to not be able to get my medicine.
Rei !p8eYCadcMo
I keep extras Not a ton, byt like a week's wkrth. I will get withdrawal symptoms from most of the meds I take if I skip a dose so I try not to. Not the stimulants though Also I habe a lot of old bottles of stimulants around the house
Or skipping a dose would be too risky, then halving or quartering them. You get the idea >>1057136 There you go, smart. A week is decent.
>>1057141 Do you watch HoloID at all? Indonesia just set up a new censorship thing and currently steam amd origin are blocked, its also illegal for residents to access those services via vpn while they are blocked by the government. So HoloID may be affected.
/人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
the only one I would consider watching is Ollie
Rei !p8eYCadcMo
>>1057145 I like Kaela a lot. I watched Ollie a bit a while ago and got annoyed with her. Do you watch any ENs?
I mean, after she broke her back, and then the dog dying, she had to take a lot of breaks. She lost a lot of momentum and especially with the broken back, she can't really do a job where she has to sit in a chair for hours at a time.
>>1057201 Cover is a loving company from what I understand Apparently they tried to give Sana more opportunities and she chose to leave instead of dragging it out
hotdoggu >>1057207 i should have instead i simply launched mental lances
is that a diakon dog?
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
yeah honestly not that good but on a day with the heat like a warm blanket such as this, slightly more refreshing than a dried seaweed mayo or bacon dog
/人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
Consumer Products on the front page
>>1057199 what doea recovering from a broken back entail, wonder if a bedposting setup would work
Rei !p8eYCadcMo
>>1057194 Not really, she barely streamed. I watched her collabs though.
Rei !p8eYCadcMo
>>1057213 You ever see the third Nolan Batman movie?
>>1057213 We're not sure; for starters, "broken back" is a catchall used for a lot of various injuries which can happen to a back Some of them are less of a concern than others, others like nerve or spinal damage are pretty much untreatable and healing can be incredibly long-term Sana exercised her right to privacy and didn't go into further detail from that so we don't know how severe the issue is or what she's been doing, if anything, to overcome it
this is shoe in for the greatest reaction pic of all time
Looks like someone took that shot of J,J from one of the Raimi Spider-Man movies with his head thrown back laughing And made it a shoe
Rei !p8eYCadcMo
D&D was decent tonight even though we only played for 3 hours. I soloed a behir.
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
that sounds pretty hot
Rei !p8eYCadcMo
>>1057254 They're an electricity monster, not a fire monster. They're still phallic though.
Rei !p8eYCadcMo
Our enemy had the ability to erase things within his zone of influence by spelling them wkth scrabble tiles the dm had but he had really bad tiles the whole time and only erased two characters.
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
what happens when your character gets erased?
Rei !p8eYCadcMo
>>1057257 Well We negated the guy's power pretty soon after, but your figurine gets taken off of the mat and your character can't do anything.
what is the chain headband for and the millenium puzzle looking piece
/人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
>>1057287 eeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeerreeeeeeeerrrrrrrrrrreeeeeeeeeeeeerrreeeeeeeeeeerrrreeeeeeeeerrrrrereeeeeeeerrreeeeeeer I eeeeeeeeeereeeeee
>The memo comes amid a push by the Federal Reserve to “cool down” the economy, informed by much of the same rationale — that high wages are driving inflation. Curious
>>1057348 What's the context for this? Also on the subject of some of the comics mentioned, I've met the 3 panel soul guys and they made a comic loosely based on our interaction.
Room cleaning os on hold because the lught fixture is broken and the lamp I put in broke when I accidentally knocked into it. I didn't hear the bulb break but I'll replace it tomorrow.
#d100 (28) >>1057377 checking my doubles as the thread starts to die
/人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
honeypot on the- nice catch modo san
hmm at the gym shoulders and bis today dunno what other exercises i want to do before i leave maybe ill do the stare at the fat ass white girl in yoga shorts exercise