Spilled lemonade on the table amd ruined a bunch of stickers and magazines. Mostly stickers Fortunately most of the stickers were free, not sure if I'll be able to replace the magazines though.
damn the latest youtube vid is POPPIN' OFF 10x the normal views. I didn't even do anything different or new. Maybe just got a bit luckier with the algorithm.
/人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
>>1057407 you're really quite the clutz today good thing you're asleep right now because you're only tripping in your dreams
You know my knee-jerk reaction after gaining more subscribers on youtube is just to Privatize everything and shut it all down. More people to disappoint
good luck have fun I did try to play the remaster again like a year ago and it has admittedly aged versus other tales games but at its core it is still my number one
Rei !p8eYCadcMo
Well I still have Bersiria *Berseria to play through And Phantasia And Symphonia
I imagine you're big on classic rpgs but phantasia isn't the most exciting romp. I remember it relatively fondly but can't remember a whole lot. Plus you're stuck with the same party for 70% of the game at which point your playstyle is so ingrained that there's no point putting the two other characters you get in.
That's definitely the strength of the more recent games where they have a smaller party size You have them like 90% of the time and get to know everyone very well, instead of having some weird fringe characters you aren't as attached to.
>>1057484 I plan on starting from the beginning. It's gonna suck doing all that equipment leveling I forgot wjat uts called Cause I did a ton of that But also Now I can get good prizes from the combat minigame.
I think it's user submitted but who on earth can be bothered?
Marsh shitposting on the go via Telephone
I can actually thing of some niche situations where it might be useful. There's a couple of Lifting/Fitness channels i know where they have really good info but they sometimes break it up with 'skits' Which.. Don't really land.
Sounds like the BBQ amenities part of my building is operational now I might actually be able to grill up done -some stuff for myself some time Although having to reserve in advance and have a security check done by staff before using kinda makes it a nuisance if I'm just wanting to like, grill some chicken or burgers for just myself
>>1057678 You hear about this? https://arstechnica.com/information-technology/2022/08/sike-once-a-post-quantum-encryption-contender-is-koed-in-nist-smackdown/
>>1057683 Omocat does a pretty good job of keeping followers posted with inventory restock They might be preoccupied in the immediate timeframe preparing stock for Crunchyroll Expo but afterwards they'll probably restock the Council line before too long
crunchgroll was dope, 1st learned about it a on rss ch's like allmost 15 years ago. crunchyroll*
Rei !p8eYCadcMo
>>1057693 I remember using it back then too. I had a forum account. Not sure if I could get access to it. I don't think I habe the password to that email address anymore. Did they even keep accounts from the pirate era? >>1057695 You mentioned Crunchyroll.
>>1057693 What does this have to do with what I said?
>>1057696 That's probably pretty smart I'm pretty finger-on-pulse when it comes to Hololive stuff on socials but if you've got a better handle on yourself than my obsessive personality then an alert like that is smart
>>>/watch?v=E5yFcdPAGv0 catching up with this stuff I was like "oh, they made a pandemic song" and then I realise it's from 2018 lol
Kinda like how when Hurricane Katrina hit New Orleans everyone got so mad about The Hip's song "New Orleans is Sinking" Despite that song predating the hurricane by like fifteen years
no doubt there's oodles of people coming back to it and thinking the same thing, but a lot of the comments aren't that at all which I guess the song is in some sort of sweet spot where people aren't cotton on to that fact it's nice to see but all it takes is someone with enough influence and the same thought to burst that bubble cottoning? cottoning on? I can't recall how to articulate that phrase
look if the car affords the privacy of a house then its indoors otherwise if its a normal car with like windows and small cramped space and its not indoors itself then i guess you're outdoors
Samu !KW2DbpWwls
there eat your heart out word lawyers
>>1057749 In a sense I kind of agree, although I split on the matter hinging on quality of privacy But why does a house, or a similar structure or building which exists as an enclosed construct separated from an outside world by a door or doors and maybe windows, get to be counted as indoors, while a car does not? What is it about a car which makes it seem so incorrect to consider it indoors?
Samu !KW2DbpWwls
because usually cars are outdoors
Samu !KW2DbpWwls
you're in a car but you're not really at home or in a building
Samu !KW2DbpWwls
words mean what they typically mean till you reach boundaries and then if you're rational you stop using those words and use other qualifiers to disambiguate but on the other hand if you're intent on lawyering semantics then you just stall and drill down on divining people's conceptual boundaries and trying to catch them in contradictions so you can go ah HA it's all a waste of time but i guessi t gets you the clicks on social media
>>1057754 I know you might be disinclined to believe me but honest, trying to catch you in the contradiction isn't really what my point was here I acknowledge there's a point where things get so fuzzy that language falls back on a mutual, social contract-style, agreement that something just means something But I want to know why, because the assumption that there's just some essential quality to a car which doesn't make being in it indoors more than doesn't satisfy me, it annoys me In the end this isn't even about language, because there's a near universal conceptual understanding that calling being in a car "indoors", or whatever other languages have for a word for that which probably conceptually equates to the same thing, is just plain weird I would wager pretty much every human, if they properly understood the question, would agree But I want a better explanation than it being some essential quality of the car
if I went from house point A to house point B, even regarding rest stops, I would say I spent the whole day indoors
>>1057762 a car is transportation first, cover from the elements is a feature made for convenience a building's primary function is to keep the natural world separate from the people and things inside the intent of the creation defines it before the application of it does
>>1057763 But if someone was to stop or call you while in the drive, or walk or whatever method of movement you're using between those two points, and ask you if you were currently indoors or outdoors, your answer, in good faith, would probably be that you're outdoors, correct?
>>1057764 I don't think that argument holds ground, because objects can be redefined by the application applied after creation Spoons are not designed with the intent to be musical instruments, but in the hands of someone capable, can be used as one One entity which creates something with the intent to be used or viewed one way does not limit that thing to be used or viewed that one way by others Intent can only define how the creator views the product, and the people they convince
>>1057742 >>1057744 One intestesting aspect is that legally in some places, a person's car can be defined as an extension of one's home, regarding police searches/things like that. So it actually is word lawyer issue.
>>1057789 Not really, because legal code isn't what I'm preoccupied with here A legal definition plucked from some random part of the world doesn't factor in to my conceptual understanding of cars and in/outdoors
>>1057792 Yes, but a large part of the underlying perceptions is defined by laws unfortunately And it is the 'written in black and white' reference, so as mentioned an aspect of the whole thing. Like there could be some case law out there over trademarks or whatever with the legal definition of a sandwhich
>>1057795 I'll admit I have no means of proving this, but I have confidence if you could find a pre-law society or peoples and communicate to them this problem, the answer would be unchanging The conception of cars being "outdoors" versus "indoors" is not built upon some legal definition The initial question "Does being in a car count as being indoors or outdoors?" was just a starting point for my actual curiousity, in which where does this seemingly essential understanding of the car lay Because I don't think essential qualities hold up under scrutiny, more importantly, I don't like them holding up under scrutiny, and the point where they fall has to exist somewhere
>>1057847 >>1057852 Where should I go to discuss anime, touhou, manga and vtubers and also get memes, art and recommendations instead? At any hour of day, with a wide variety of people. Where there is almost always >>1057854 Lol LMAO
I talk about anime, manga, memes, art, recs, and vtubers with my friends.
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
twitch chat
Rei !p8eYCadcMo
>>1057856 I also do that but there's plenty of mamga none of my friends have read that I'll always be able to talk about on /a/. Even if I recommended it to them they won't necessarily read it anytime soon. Of my friends only one guy can sit down and read manga for like six hours at a time.
Imagine if there was an imageboard except everyone's posts appeared in real time as they typed
could be kind of neat
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
it's a thing that will happen eventually imo better than having Discord Corp own everyone's posts
Rei !p8eYCadcMo
>>1057878 Technically doushio isn't real time because you have a buffer of two words >>1057879 Yeah that's why I haven't started an account despite my friends harassing me about it for years. Although I think Mastodon is a good alternative. I've heard a lot of good things about it.
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
nah federated systems never make it
Rei !p8eYCadcMo
>>1057881 Yeah that's why more people use Mastodon than real time imageboards right.
Rei !p8eYCadcMo
Can't believe I've gone this many posts in this conversation without mentioning IRC.
this has so much meme potential you could make her sign say anything
Rei !p8eYCadcMo
>>1057884 Mastodon doesn't have to be the replacement for discord or whatever, if there's enough people on there for me to talk to iys good enough. Just because there could theoretically be a better platform doesn't mean it should be dismissed.
Also in general I dislike Hrrrmmmm Not sure how to put it But in larger communities than this I like having the veil of anonymity. It's nice I don't have to deal with getting stick with labels like weird or autistic or loser NEET. *stuck
Rei !p8eYCadcMo
Or people being rude to me because I've annoyed them previously.
I used to like anonymity but eventually I just realized that despite the benefits of it, it's a pretty delusional way of living. Just a complete rejection of the innate human need to have and develop relationships. You can have fun, sure, but it's ultimately empty. It's infinitely more fulfilling to be with a person I know who knows me than it is to be with a mass of anonymous people. Anonymity just isn't something I value in this context as a fully grown adult.
IIm going w/ transparency, from here out. Had someone dox part of my local and just dun give shit. Anon does come in handy, bt truth's more important to me. so fa kit.
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
AnnoSearch [iqdb](145 KB, 1024x768, wp4733673.jpg)Marsh shitposting on the go via Telephone
I like the rain.
/人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
i bet it's a bit of a one way relationship though
I bless the rains down in straaaaaya
Samu !KW2DbpWwls
its raining here too a small reprieve after two weeks of hot sun
>>1057936 What are you going to do if he gives you onion grandkids
I'm running a D&D campaign where the party is slowly building up to fighting this dragon, and I wanna show that the dragon is going around fucking shit up, so in their travels i want to include them coming across somemthing like a destroyed farmstead (smaller than a village cuz the dragon is animal-like and only attacks small groups of prey) any ideas for what they could find at the destroyed area or other areas affected by said dragon
Rei !p8eYCadcMo
>>1057941 Owlbears missing the top halves of their bodies.
Marsh shitposting on the go via Telephone
>>1057939 That's still pretty rough >>1057940 I raised him to be into Runescape and anime so there's not much danger of that
Marsh shitposting on the go via Telephone
>>1057939 Meanwhile I've requested a "health and wellbeing day" tomorrow for a 3 day weekend
>>1057941 maybe have te / the dragon beat them to a quest objective something like clearing out a goblin camp or some ogres, but when they get close it's already been razed, corpses partially eaten, etc
or hint to the dragon hunting a farmer's livestock, farmer complains to the party that their cows are disappearing in the night next time they come by, whole farm is destroyed because the dragon didn't find enough food
>>1057942 >>1057945 I like both of these. I think I will include hints of a living owlbear still being around for the party to possibly encounter. I've been needing a way to make the ranger feel useful. ayyyy the cow idea is a good one. I'm sure the party will try to make the farmer leave and go to town. I think either way I'll have the farm destroyed when they see it later.
They should be going to some ruins next session where they run into some prospectors. I think I'll just have the prospectors be dead, because they don't really add much to the scene. thanks for the ideas
no problemo making a ranger feel useful is always a challenge , at least in 5e my dm tries to put us in our ranger's favored terrain fairly frequently but the poor dude is just underpowered compared to the rest of us
yoooo sad This is my first D&D game ever , and the ranger's first too. v sad
what's their subclass?
just the basic hunter subclass OH and they didn't realize they were supposed to have spells :S we went out whole first session with no ranger spells
it happens seems like 90% of the time our ranger is just using his spells to cast hunter's mark rangers just kinda get shit spells, especially since we have a druid that can cast most of them more effectively maybe look into some nice magic items you can give them down the line to keep them at everyone else's effectiveness
I think absorb element sounds dope I just got done playing Sekiro recently and it makes me think of reflecting lightning which is super badass
Another scene I'm thinking up is the party meeting a retired hunter/// this is all a module that I'm making small changes to btw /// the party meeting a retired hunter who has faced dragons before and he helps the party in some way, like giving the ranger some old notebook that grants favored prey for dragons
>>1057952 it can be useful, but I really wish you got the bonus damage on any attack instead of just melee
>>1057954 I thought that too and I've already told him I'll houserule it to be any attack if he picks it
Rei !p8eYCadcMo
>>1057947 Rangers suck in 3.5 too. Not that it stops me from playing one.
Rei !p8eYCadcMo
Wordle 411 4/6
⬜⬜⬜🟨🟩 ⬜🟨⬜⬜🟩 ⬜⬜🟨⬜🟩 🟩🟩🟩🟩🟩
Rei !p8eYCadcMo
mathler 184 2/6
🟩⬜⬜🟨🟩⬜ 🟩🟩🟩🟩🟩🟩
/人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
>>1057943 it was already a pretty raw deal but I'm also miffed they gave the run with the most orders and the truck that the back doors open while driving
/人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
this bennydick cumberbash sherlock audiobook is not too shabby
you'd think they wouldn't let anyone use the truck with the back door that doesn't work
Just watched a lady rushing the closing doors of the subway, get inside but as the doors squished her side she fumbled her phone, which clattered to the floor and promptly slipped down the crack between the train car and the platform This teaches two good lessons: Don't run around with your phone in hand, and don't try to rush the closing doors come on people the subway literally tells you this everywhere
Samu !KW2DbpWwls
that suuuucks
in NYC people would just jump down into the track and grab their stuff if they dropped something down there not a method i would recommend
She might've done that after the train pulled away, don't know But she step back out of the train I didn't stick around to see the aftermath since I wanted to get to work on time
>>1058012 I don't appreciate the dehumanizing language. I get enough of that elsewhere. I still don't entirely know what you mean, but if you are referring to sharing more than surface level emotions then that's probably not going to happen any time soon. At least not regularly. I've been burned too many times.
Samu !KW2DbpWwls
holy shit it's a ramune
Samu !KW2DbpWwls
Hey y'know I can't make you do anything or feel anything all I have to say is if you poke me I'll happily poke you back that's only fair
i love myself
we're all pokers here for instance i poked a buggo crawlin through my window just a little bit ago poor little guy it's not like he had to die but i wasn't gonna let him loose in my room i don't even know what kind of bug he was
Rei !p8eYCadcMo
If a bug is in my house I usually leave it alone. Especially spiders and centipedes, they eat the annoying bugs. Sometimes my mom tells me to kill bugs but I just take them outside.
spiders are okay but holy fuck a centipede is NOT going to live in my proximity nope nope nope nope that motherfucker will DIE
i love myself
>>1058018 bugs entering someone's bedroom is not really to be expected unless you leave a lot of food or dishes around mosquitos enter to feed and bugs exploring are rare but they are not good to leave and let be especially if you aren't sure what kind of bug they are usually allowing one is allowing a high risk for more you don't know if it's about to put eggs all over your room
>>1058034 technically they're two completely different creatures from completely different origins that have basically nothing to do with each other except that the name is somewhat similar and they're both small mischevious and dull creatures
when i say different origins i mean like gremlins were just like a joke among pilots and mechanics like "oh the steering went out randomly it must be the gremlins again" like when my mom would ask who drank all the milk in the fridge and my dad would say "oh it must've been the ghost"
and then people would like try to imagine what a gremlin actually is there was a movie in the 1980's that more or less cemented the modern take on what they look like unlike goblins there isn't like a ton of history about them
goblins are like a much older folklore with roots in a lot of cultures gremlins are relatively new and tbh kinda lame in comparison
well yes, I know what both of them are, but I'm not clear on what their distinction is in internet parlance
https://www.weau.com/2022/08/03/wisconsin-school-district-bans-pride-flags-pronouns/ > MILWAUKEE (AP) - A recent decision by a Wisconsin school district to ban pride flags and the use of pronouns in emails has released an avalanche of pushback from students, alumni and others while the superintendent said it’s simply reaffirming a policy that is already in place.
No more pronouns Absolute state of this
Writing any emails to parents is gonna be such a painful process with these rules Imagine trying to communicate about a particular child and every "you" has to be the parents' names or "parents", and any reference to the child is their name. If more than one person is mentioned, you gotta use both names every time Absolute clown world
Rei !p8eYCadcMo
It's embarrassing to be right next to Wisconsin. Indiana I can understand because its basically the south.
Rei !p8eYCadcMo
>>1058047 That's not what they mean though. That article is very sparse. They probably mean >>1058050 Most Americans even *probably don't even know you is a pronoun. >>1058050 If it's the rule then link me to the page on the school district website or a longer article. Because that article has very little content.
That is the rule It's not saying they're not allowed to acknowledge self-selected pronouns, it's banning pronouns. Obviously I know that's the intent, but that's not actually what they've done.
Oh actually, nevermind you're right, I looked more into it and it's actually just barring the signing off on emails with preferred pronouns? What in the world
I mean it's still stupid but at least it's not as stupid?
In that case it's just misreporting I guess >>1058054 It's really just information, it's hardly worth even having a reaction to beyond "Oh ok"
Rei !p8eYCadcMo
>>1058051 Those are actually kind of annoying. Like I get that some people's names or appearances don't match their identified gender but when dozens of cis people I know who look cis do it it irritates me a bit. And yes I understand that if only trans/nonbinary people did it that that means it could be ised to identify them as such But still Like I get a billion emails from people at the radio station And like We all know each other I don't need to see it at tje end of each of their emails.
I guess I just don't see any issue with it Doesn't seem any more or less annoying than the name, title and department being attached at the end, and unlike the department and title, at least it's always at least useful to some degree? Though, I suppose it's rarely actually useful for replying to an email, because when would you refer to someone in the second person when writing to them?
>>1058058 No, though I watch clips sometimes None of the English ones are what I'm looking for in a streamer, so I can't be bothered actually watching their streams They're funny at times, but it's too RP-y
i feel like crying but i cant here im at the cowork space my family cat disappeared a week ago, i only learned this morning surely she's gone for good she had a wound where she was attacked by another cat
justhad the honor of fighting The Waterloo of chessdotcock
i love myself
so i guess the fact that i have tickets to an event is info that the ticketing company sells to other companies now i have Lyte hitting me up about a show next month telling me i can sell my tickets at a crazy profit apparently the venue is partnered with Lyte as well as the ticketer i guess this is a good thing? if subsurface scalping is hurt by making ticket reselling an official avenue but i dislike that multiple parties are aware of my attendance and i dislike ticket reselling in general
Rei !p8eYCadcMo
I wish ticket scalping were illegal. Scalpers constantly buy up all the tickets for shows I want to go to.
i love myself
i wish it weren't just illegal, but that you had a legal right, or rather, a legal imperative to injure them on sight
i love myself
austin's venues were mostly built with smaller crowds in mind and it was nice when austin was 1/3 this size you know a few years ago... but now it's like if you don't buy tickets to something months in advance you're either paying 3x the price or you aren't going
even throught the night, till 12am at the very least.
Rei !p8eYCadcMo
Cover pulled Mumei's new music video. https://archive.ragtag.moe/watch?v=04X42qloONk My guess is because of the challenger reference, but I still think its dumb to take it down because of that. Titanic and Hindenburg disasters killed more people.
>>1058198 I don't mind the taste of coke zero and sugar free red bull or uh zero sugar red bull i can't remember which one it is I would say drink them on a full stomach though if you do drink them
diet coke and coke zero both use aspartame but zero uses it blended with another sweetener oh acesulfame potassium red bull sugarfree also uses acesulfame potassium but with sucralose I don't like the red bull "zero" though probably it has what looks to be stevia
Dude The Rehearsal is by far the most unhinged show I've ever seen, I love this I'm catching up on ep 3 and 4 now, and it's just... a lot Ep 3 just opens with the woman from ep 2 sharing her rather uh, unorthodox views on halloween as a satanic holiday where people do sacrifices underground
I can't tell if she was scouted specifically because she's like this, or if it was just luck of the draw
moe how much money is a good amount to put away and never spend and keep as an "emergency fund" mind you i live in the midwest and have the lower cost of living
They had gamer lube at the computer parts store. The image will upload any second >>1058241 I would think rather than it being a fixed amount it should differ from person to person. Like maybe a month or two's worth of living expenses. I'm a NEET so I can't really help more than that. It is probably a function of your living expenses though.
2 grand cash so you can get a beater car, payasugo phone and glock
I have had the unfortunate event of having to get a lawyer in my past and it was very expensive and that's kind of what i go off of now but that amount is just way WAY more than what all the finance websites say (which is "like a few months of your living expenses") and i'm sitting here watching all my money rust and atrophy and i'm getting anxious about it
and hell i live in the united states so ANY day now I could get sick or have an accident and then I'll need a sum of money far greater you know?
fine then $500, that'll get you a bike, phone and hipoint for emergencies
>>1058246 at that point i would only buy the gun and 1 bullet
>>1058245 pro tip give a fake name and SSN when you get taken to the emergency room there free healthcare what are they going to do about it, absolulely nothing >>1058250 yah repo man was a funny movie
>>1058250 this how do you think they got all the organs for transplants in the first place?
Rei !p8eYCadcMo
>>1058249 Repo Men Not Repo Man Repo Man is actually a great movie.
Rei !p8eYCadcMo
Speaking of health care prices though Part of the reason hospitals charge so much is because
A. Insurance companies will pay it, and also hospitals charge insurance companies more than people who self pay 2. They have to make up for the losses accrued by people who can't/don't pay ER bills Its more complicated than that, but those are big contributions
Yo So there's 2 types of history channel shows right 1. pretty cool shows like Pawn Stars and American Pickers where they find cool interesting stuff everyday 2. ice road truckers and the like, where they're literally just working and doing the same damn thing everyday so bad!!!
>>1058244 >i'm sitting here watching all my money rust and atrophy and i'm getting anxious about it also welcome to being a financial slave like 8 billion other people on earth
>>1058255 its hard dude i would be super down to be a broke hippie if i wasn't scared of another big expense coming my way randomly and one day i'll have to financially support my parents holyyyyyy
>>1058254 I'm Harambe, and this is my zoo enclosure. I work here with my zoo keeper and my friend, Cecil the lion. Everything in here has a story and a price. One thing I've learned after 21 years - you never know WHO is gonna come over that fence.
Rei !p8eYCadcMo
>>1058254 You completely forgot about ancient aliens and all the cryptid stuff.
Rei !p8eYCadcMo
>>1058256 I'm really glad my parents are savibg a ton for retirement. Though they lost a lot recently cause of the market >>1058260 WTF? I'm really sorry to hear that.
>>1058259 so good my parents are literally about to destroy everything i've worked my entire life for just so they can spend a few years as miserable old people before dying
>>1058259 okay maybe it wont be that bad but that's what i picture happening in the future
Rei !p8eYCadcMo
Also luckily, my sister who has her life much more together than me has a very high paying job so she can support them if they need it.
ideally i would move all my extended family and friends out of this gay country but that won't happen
ah it's also part of his job to generate hype for the new talent
You say that, but he never really engaged much with the EN girls outside of politeness And is pretty hands off with the newer Japanese generations But like, especially with Magni, Yagoo seems to find him really funny
>>>/@tanigox/1550681054625038337 Like two weeks ago he made this comment And now this weekend shows up at CRX with it actually on a shirt
He feels he can engage with The Boys more freely Or without a risk of rumored scandal
maybe he doesn't want to induce an idol-like fanboy rage from their fans
It could be for a mild-mannered middle-aged Japanese guy, keeping things professional with the female talents suits his sensbilities Or that he just genuinely really likes Magni's personality He's a human being, he's allowed to have preferences in people As long as that doesn't result in undue treatment to people considered his employees
>>1058290 I'm assuming it's probably someone on Cover's payroll Also seems to have spent its whole time inside the con building so at least there's air conditioning
really don't click on this one it's spoilered and should stay spoilered "red spaghetti" seems to start breaking dall-e this is just fine somehow but they won't let me use "raw meat" in my prompt without a policy violation warning for obscene content
Tadaimback Not gonna sleep tonight Probably My dad said he would pick up my sleep meds while I was gone and then he didn't.
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
thats rough what does your sleep meds do
Rei !p8eYCadcMo
We take yje same medicine amd I told him this morning that he would also need to refill his because I took his last pill. I asked my doctor to put in the prescription Friday, but she put in a 90 day supply insread kf a 30 day supply so insurance wouldn't pay for it I guess they figured it out today But my dad said "I didn't pick up your sleep meds because you can just take some of mine" tgen two hours later "I don't habe any left" There's also another medicine I need for tomorrow morning that he didn't pick up because "you can just pick it up in the morning" There's nothing I hate more than getting up amd nkt taking my meds before going out.
Rei !p8eYCadcMo
>>1058332 I have a lot of trouble falling asleep without them.
Rei !p8eYCadcMo
I'm dropping out of a magic thing wkth friends tomorrow cause I'm gonna be too fucked up to play properly.
Rei !p8eYCadcMo
Plus also they're backdrafting the rares which I hate, so it wasn't a hard decision.
>>1058327 you got some interesting prompt tactics there i like the results it produces
i couldn't get any flying/thrown/dropped spaghetti either i didn't even save any of them because they were behaving so poorly "drops a plate of spaghetti on the floor, making a mess and spilling sauce all over the carpet" but then the spaghettis are folded neatly on the plate and set gently down onto the floor undisturbed and unspilled
or positional stuff like this one it really likes pushing the head/face uncomfortably far off-screen
like this one i guess there's technically a mess but the mess that's being made is localized entirely on the subject pasta manifold rather than the subject manifold spilling over to other topologies as one might expect
>>1058340 yeah i assume they've trained the AI on like a billion stock images of spaghetti in plates and very few of bolognese sauce everywhere cuz who wants to clean up that mess
yea i was lucky to get in during the free beta and get it out of my system mostly
the price point really isn't too bad if you do have a commercial use opportunity it's been super easy to grab track art to paste onto a youtube music upload can certainly dig a bit if you want to be really selective too
its pretty nice you can create your own logos and art for websites or anything yeah all you gotta do is put a bunch of superlatives and oil painting sometimes to get some crazy results
i try to do one poignant search and then use the variations function to gradient ascent my way towards what i want sometimes it careens off in a totally different direction but the little nudges seem to reinforce it pretty well
i think this is probably my favorite one iirc i trimmed out the sides because it got weird >>1058364 it has limited utility it's specifically helpful when something weird happens like a floating hand or a misshapen eye comes up or something just looks really unpleasant and you want to patch it up but you still need to input a prompt to patch it up and it very often backfires
i would like something more generalizable, like allowing a prompt in the "variation" tool for broader corrections rather than point-specifc erasing
not what i meant by "lifting a hammer with both hands"
Rei !p8eYCadcMo
Can't sleep
Samu !KW2DbpWwls
>>1058379 i like a strong lady >>1058380 have you tried running in circles chasing your tail for fifteen minutes straight till you collapse
sleep /moe
Rei !p8eYCadcMo
>>1058381 It's not that I'm not physically tired. My body is tired But my mind isn't That's always the problem.
Samu !KW2DbpWwls
tired but wired
Samu !KW2DbpWwls
ive been there before generally the issue was that i had drank a bunch of caffeine and was doing something stimulating like watching anime or playing video games rather than giving my brain a chance to relax plus i would never hit the gym so i was never actually exhausted, just generally worn out from being awake for 12 hours +
Rei !p8eYCadcMo
I'm gonna go back to laying down with my head under the pillow. Night
yes exercise helps, running after eating in te evening, or anytime. Defeating sleeping dificulty, can also be master w/ breathing technics, blood flow helps sitmulate melatonin.
Samu !KW2DbpWwls
what kinda breathing technique would you use to induce sleep
deep breathing, nothing to tech.
Samu !KW2DbpWwls
sure there is! breathing is not that simple anyway ima go with box breathing maybe