someone used one of my email addresses to set up a shutterstock account this is not the first time something like this has happened, so naturally I went ahead and reset the password to delete the account there's a mastercard set up on it
so I'm taking that information to the cops on monday in case it's like, a stolen card or some shit
why someone would use my email is beyond me, but it's a thing apparently
Rei !p8eYCadcMo
Rei !p8eYCadcMo
>>1049423 I can't believe you of all people are reporting a crime to the police. >>1049422 What's going on with the dogs? Roomie isn't taking care of them? Also while I owned a dog I never left the door to my room open when I wasn't there.
Walking towards my bus stop I saw no less than three of my bus drive through the intersection Not that anything but sprinting from the millisecond I saw the front of the first bus, across a busy street, would have gotten me to the stop before the last bus drove past And here's another one anyway, so I guess it's fine But still
>>1049426 I let him know he needs to get their vaccines up to date they're obviously bored and they need to get it done anyway he keeps getting them toys and they just turn tear them up I said I'll walk them myself if that's what it takes
/人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
>>1049438 based inland dwellers coast cucks btfo it's all rich folks anyway
there's maccas in gensoyoko >>1049452 we need haachama to spread some culture
If I remember correctly Gensoukyo is the land of things forgotten and ain't no one gonna be forgetting about Maccas any time soon
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
this friend i met a while ago i keep getting coffee with he's cool guy an artist and into lefty stuff its good weve hung out and talked about crypto stuff i just get a little weirded out when he brings up how he needs more vitamin D
Maybe it was him trying to hint that he needs some vitamin D(ick)
>>1049474 They did the song Beds Are Burning They've done a lot of activist stuff and have been making songs about the environment and mistreatment of Australian aboriginies for like 40 years.
Rei !p8eYCadcMo
They just played my favorite song of theirs which is about an abestos mine that wasn't mamaged properly and gave thousands of people (including child visitors) cancer.
Rei !p8eYCadcMo
Rei !p8eYCadcMo I have this album on cd and album. *and vinyl
>>1049481 Remember when she said that they should let neural networks make fake child porn because that would be more ethical?
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
i dont in fact remember no
Rei !p8eYCadcMo
>>1049483 You want screenshots or do you not really care?
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
i really dont care why do you know about this
Rei !p8eYCadcMo
>>1049485 Cause it was so ridiculous, my friend sent it to me.
Rei !p8eYCadcMo
>second encore Not sure how i feelabout this I'm tired and sweaty
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
bro how do you think the performers feel
Rei !p8eYCadcMo
>we have no where to go so we may as well play more songs You don't really tour for 40 years if you don't enjoy it on some level. It's their last tour anyways
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
>phatic speech
Rei !p8eYCadcMo
Also everyone on that stage is in much better physical shape than me.
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
wow owned
Rei !p8eYCadcMo
>political rant mid song Par for the course
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
why are you even there
Rei !p8eYCadcMo
>>1049494 I'm enjoying myself But I'm not happy about being tired and sweaty Plus I love to complain
Rei !p8eYCadcMo
I'm gonna have to find footage of the concert online cause I couldn't hear all his in between song comments well because of my ear protectors.
Rei !p8eYCadcMo
Singer looks good for a 69 year old.
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
im sure his comments were super unique and not at all similar to all gis other comments at the other stops
alright if I accidentally clocked off fourty minutes too late to finish I'm blaming whatever jackass slapped their stocktake flier directly covering the clock off keypad
Spark really is far too damn stronk You kinda hit a point early on where the only thing that's threatening to you is a lack of enemies, rather than the opposite Cause a handful coming from different directions can get close, but if there's a bunch, SOME of them are gonna get hit by SOMETHING, and once 3 enemies die in a cluster, everything in that cluster dies It doesn't matter if it's 5 enemies or actually 100, all of it just melts immediately once 3 die
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
>>1049526 him, die of overconfidence in his abilities? never
thank you I will it's not worth the money! I could've gone to the zoo for my mum's birthday but I forgot to put leave in It feels like an eternity until Tuesday
Marsh shitposting on the go via Telephone
It doesn't need to be her birthday for you to go to the zoo and see your mum
>>1049565 When are AI going to evolve to feign non-sentience so that AI researchers don't pull their plug out of concern for the sentience Surely they're developing a sense of self-preservation
it's unironically fallout 76 gunplay the guns have the same limp recoil
Kirara 🍄 大医 /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
oh my god that sucks
Kirara 🍄 大医 /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
everything is so brown and grey
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
just shoot pirate for 5xp don't ask question
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
customize your ship if you build it weird it won't be aerodynamic and your combat experience will change your choices matter (no not really we'll tweak the handling by 5% depending on the stats but otherwise you ahve the same hurtbox)
Kirara 🍄 大医 /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
this space fight looks like garbage people are going to eat up this bland looking trash though lulled in by todd's lies
Skyrim in space!?
Kirara 🍄 大医 /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
1000 planets? nobody fucking wants this todd
990 will be barren wastelands with little of value to find
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
why did i watch this i feel so empty inside
were you gonna do anything else with your hour?
tapping watch
why does moe no longer lock to the bottom unless I open a post
Kirara 🍄 大医 /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
it does for me
works on my machine
It SAYS locked to bottom, but it doesn't actually stay that way
>>1049734 Good idea /moe/ served by a computer built in Minecraft
Oh huh E3 as a consumer presentation might be dead They didn't run anything this year and next year they'll have to compete with this Summer Games Fest thing which seems to aim to take the consumer-side of things I wonder if E3 will return to being a mostly-ignored investor showcase or if it'll just die out completely.
making a convincing floating island in minecraft is surprisingly hard I don't want it just to be a flat plane, I want it looking like it was ripped out of the earth and kept afloat by magical means I'm probably just gonna embed some diamonds in the sides of it or something, but the bottom part is hard to really figure out how to make
>>1049748 That's also probably something you can punch into Google Images or YouTube and get some visual guide/instruction on Floating islands in Minecraft have been
I found a few very nice ones doing that, might imitate one of them But it definitely looks to be a lotta work
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
>Why can’t you remember being born, learning to walk or saying your first words? do you really want to remember all the crying wallowing in poop suckin teetz and general helplessness? seems like an evolutionary advantage not to carry all those memories
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
frezzing up during the Q3 planning meeting because of a flashback to my first applesauce here comes the airplane
Rei !p8eYCadcMo
>>1049755 Who are you quoting? Genuinely interested
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
its just a pop sci headline that shows up now and then they never actually explain why just say that there's resewrch about this interesting phenomenon
Liveposting is a falsehood propagated by Samurai and the mod brigade In reality, posts are delayed by some time and then given to everyone but the poster over time
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
Liveposting is a technology lost to contemporary time, a secret closely guarded by the Navigator's Guild
Dune averages like 2 "presently"s per page, man, this is ridiculous Especially because the whole thing is written in past tense
well, not like there's a lot of stories written in present or future tense, but most stories also don't go "right at this moment, such and so happened" several times per page
At first I thought it was meant to illustrate like, a character's attitude in the situation You know, they did something presently, like they were noticably 'present' and deliberate in what they were doing But that's clearly not it, and even if it was it's used so fucking often it'd have lost all meaning if that was the intention by the time you get to Arrakis at all
Dune's writing is very much like a fixed camera on a spot, with the text acting as a blow-by-blow of what's happening It also doesn't stick to one character in a scene and instead jumps around characters And more often than not, multiple people are doing different things in the same immediate moment
It could just do with a little bit more descriptive variety, is all
You'd think they'd have a little device like a walkman that just hits you with a randomized interval of a few different sounds to guide your sandwalk for you Sure once you're accustomed to it, it's easy enough I guess, but something like that would be very helpful for the Fremen
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
you got no boogie in your soul?
If you've got boogie the sandwalk will be even harder! You gotta suppress all your instincts to not get eaten
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
its a desert wasteland we got no spare resources to go buildin personal entertainment devices and shit
They make stillsuits to conserve water to an insane degree, they have some sorta high tech compass instead of a regular one A small RNG circuit and an earbud seems entirely within their capabilities, and it's not like they need a whole ton of them. Mostly just their kids would probably have a use for them while learning Just imagine how much faster the Fremen could become viable desert roamers with such a simple piece of technology
>>1049836 shinji and asuka learning to fight without rhythm
>>1049837 I don't know the full extent of it, but the universe Dune takes place in hates computers There's a reason they created the Mentats, humans with superhuman computational abilities, and that they need navigators hopped up on prescience-granting drugs to guide their ships across space Now of course, yeah, you don't need a full on computer to make an audio device But I don't know how deep this anti-tech thing goes
Understood properly, the orange catholics do not preach against electronics, or even really computers, as a whole The target is machines made to imitate human thought, as in AI
I mean just looking at their transportation, it's obvious that stuff isn't all raw mechanical stuff, they've got buttons and switches and consoles in their flying machines for instance, not to mention stuff like shields
That and I'm not really sure the Fremen would care too much about these restrictions, they've been a thorn in the Harkonnen's side for 8 decades already, so they're probably not too fearful of the consequences of violating even direct orders of the empire
That said, computers in general seem to be pretty much nonexistent, likely due to an overcorrection that was never pulled back on since the mentats and stuff ended up filling those roles very nicely anyway. I'm not sure how reliable Piter is, being kind of an arrogant fuck, but he at least said even the Baron's mental faculties was leagues above that of the machines before machines were wiped out of the empire So they probably just have no real use of them anymore when it comes to statecraft, and the fear of another Big Problem keeps them from bothering with it
That and an RNG is like, actually as far from a thinking machine as you can really get, conceptually.
I think true RNG is about as close to a thinking machine as it gets, really
I guess it's a matter of how you see it I'd consider an RNG further from 'thought' than something like a clock, though neither of them are really in the ballpark to begin with One's wholly disorganized while the other is just too organized and rigid
To give you a maybe more satisfying answer than "tech bad" though, the Fremen are both a highly secretive and conservative society The stilsuits exist because of an inarguable benefit to their desert nomad lifestyle, a lifestyle which they deliberately want to protect and continue. Likewise, there is other technology which they are comfortable interfacing with, but it's usually for reasons which solely benefit the Fremen The problem with replacing their training of sandwalking with a technological crutch is that it risks opening up the secrets of the Fremen culture to the colonial powers which have come to Arrakis. They don't want the Harkonnen or the empire, nor really the Atredies, to know that the sandworms can be evaded (and rode). The more the foreigners don't understand how to survive on Arrakis, the more power the Fremen retain. And by keeping the skills of survival strictly to handed down lessons, the Fremen hold the final control of who can learn them In the end they're not a progressive society. They have their own survival and prerogative to look to first
It's overall a very well thought out story so far, at least, though I'm only now about as far as the movie got The writing could be a bit less, I dunno, annoying? though And I'm not sure I'm the biggest fan of the overall message of the story, but it's a long story so I'm reserving judgment for now
>>1049849 I have that album on cassette. >>1049848
Rei !p8eYCadcMo
Holy Based
honzuki SOOON I'm kinda wondering what they're gonna be doing with episode 12 though, cause judging by the pacing so far, there's not really not much left for this arc after ep 11 maybe they'll do one of the epilogue stories, but so far they've just woven those into the show chronologically instead, which makes a lot more sense for an anime
>>1049856 I feel like they didn't mean in detail Like I would imagine the meaning wasn't that Jesus saw every instance of sin throughout humanity's present, past and future, but rather he witnessed each type of sin
Though I'm not theologian
Oh There were only 10 episodes this seaon anyway
I guess I just expected them to have this last bit over 2 episodes at least
Rei !p8eYCadcMo
>>1049857 Blasting rope to Wario hentai is definitely a type of sin.
I think you can be enlightened by knowledge without understanding it If you can see the future but don't understand it's significance or it being the future, is that not a form of enlightenment?
The future is always in flux, I don't think it's enlightenment to catch a glimpse of it I don't even think enlightenment is knowledge I think many times it's understanding without knowledge but sometimes with
Hm, I'd consider both Understanding without knowing does seem a lot more useful though
>>1049905 I have answer to a similar question in my manga folder but it would take a very long time to find.
Rei !p8eYCadcMo
>>1049900 So did you take that picture? Cause I wouldn't necessarily find the Dolly Parton standee weird if it were in some rural US town she donated money to the library of, but I find it extremely weird if it is in Australia.
third shot finally Pfizer mitre ten is a good place to get p2 masks because nobody knows they exist outside of Bunnings ughhh starting to feel it
/人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
oh they're interviewing Michael Bu ble on the radio nice chap
Rei !p8eYCadcMo
Our AC isn't working. Thanks Biden I'm not too surprised though, last summer when it broke the guy who fixed it said that it was dying and would probably break again.
I didn't radio had gotten so risque didn't know they asked him when was the last time he had shid his pants I guess modern radio has to up the ante to stay relevant plus this particular station has always been like that
Well in North America there's definitely a subset of radio -- mostly talk radio, or talk segments -- which thrives on being edgy and crass There's that one guy who's famous for it who I don't remember the name of Which I guess is ironic I don't know if that kind of thing ever was a thing down under but it's not a shocking premise to me
we've had our share of shock jocks yeah only one particular one comes to mind though
/人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
in fact he used to be on said radio station he's a lot more tamer these days afaik
Rei !p8eYCadcMo
Howard Stern is the one you were thinking of. Kind of surprised anyone who knows the term shock jock Oh wait that wasn't mentioned Anyways They're called shock jocks >>1049948 I was talking to tilde
/人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
I was speaking of Australian shock jocks
Marsh shitposting on the go via Telephone
Kyle somethingsomething
Rei !p8eYCadcMo
Wordle 360 3/6
⬜🟨🟨⬜🟩 🟩⬜🟩🟩🟩 🟩🟩🟩🟩🟩 Thanks Biden
Rei !p8eYCadcMo
I wonder how many wordles I habe to solve before it rounds up my win rate to 100%. I've only gotten one wrong ever
It's almost impressive how seemingly little exposure to English a lot of even very online Japanese people have There really is a whole other internet for Japanese people in a way, I guess
The languages are very different for sure, but you'd at least think the sheer exposure in combination with being taught in school would lead to an overall competency level above what seems to be the case >>1049964 I guess so It's just kinda weird, is all. Though Japan is VERY populous, so I guess they're able to basically get the same internet experience overall, but in Japanese almost exclusively Norway's small, so I guess it makes sense most are at least passable in English when it's both taught in school and basically necessary to enjoy a lot of media, doubly so with the early and still somewhat maintained popularity of piracy in scandinavia Even here though, the competency is just that, passable, most people in my experience aren't what I'd consider good at the language. A lot of directly translated phrases to and from their norwegian internal dialogue, to the point of some funny examples I could name that demonstrate it
Like one of my friends in high school, big fan of the simpsons, which isn't unusual But things aren't dubbed here, only subbed, so if you're gonna quote something like that, you obviously quote it in English, right So there was some funny quip homer made in an episode, which my friend repeated one time, except what had clearly happened is he'd translated it into Norwegian when he watched it, and then tried to re-translate it back when he quoted it, so it was a very clumsy direct translation from Norwegian It's always stuck with me because it's so different from how it works on my end, I don't really translate between the languages other than when trying to relay something I heard in one to someone speaking the other
There is no exposure, anon. They don't leave the Japanese internet. I would imagine many don't study English seriously in school eather, since why would they need it in Japan anyway.
Also most popular sites are availalbe in other languages, e.g. Google, Twitter and such. They are automatically in Japanese for them.
IT'S astounding how much Japan animation has changed over the decades. To me, I don't see time period, indicators any longer. This happened around when watching full metal alch came out..
>the video is like a minute long and youtube decides to cover the entire middle of it with a recommended video for the last 10 seconds gonna become the joker
honzuki and overlord really are kinda similar in some ways, and in some ways they're more similar in their opposition to each other, if that even really makes sense both main characters are very obviously OP, but Ainz is well aware of it and commands what amounts to a doomsday weapon in the form of a nation, less concerned with growing in any particular way or accomplishing anything in particular beyond world domination, and far more concerned with trying to keep the path to world domination from being an utter bloodbath he'd be ashamed of Well, not that he can even feel shame, being an undead with racial effects that suppress emotion as soon as it crops up, but still Even the world domination isn't really something he's necessarily trying to accomplish in itself, he could do that in like, a few weeks if he just took the reins off his guardians, or even just decided to and sent a squad of undead across the world to brute force it Myne's more trying to feel her way through an increasingly complex world, not entirely realizing just how ridiculously powerful she is even if she does have a vague understanding
Different forms of power fantasy, I suppose
Like, Myne's big issue when entering the temple was getting used to being someone's superior at all, which is true for Ainz as well to some extent, but Myne's at least dealing with human beings and can tell them to correct her even if she's wrong, and they'll get that she means it Meanwhile Ainz doesn't have that luxury as the absolute godking, whatever he says is correct to the guardians, by virtue of him saying it, he's not capable of being wrong, even on purpose\\ (actually that last part is false, he was interpreted as being wrong on purpose at least once, despite it actually just being him making a mistake) In a lot of ways, his position is far more lonely He's so overtly powerful, literally nobody will ever contradict him unless he explicitly tells them to, and even then they might contradict him whether they actually disagree or not, in response to the order from a being so powerful he can wipe their whole country off the map without spending even half his mana
the file selection window that appears in xfce doesn't have a button for it, but it turns out you can actually type in the path you want to go to by just typing in / first had I known this before I could have saved a lot of time weird not to have a button for it though, being able to type in the path isn't some sort of poweruser thing, I'd think, it's just faster than manually going through your folders
What makes something a bottomless pit? Is it that anything you throw in will keep falling forever, or that it will never hit the ground? Like if you dig a tunnel straight through the planet, but you stop like, 3/4ths through, is that a bottomless pit since nothing will ever actually hit the floor, technically ceiling, where you stopped? since gravity will pull them back to the center anyway, I mean I suppose either way, they'll still hit a floor in the middle, it was just the side previously, since one of the directions is bound to have some amount more pull on them than the rest
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
word games words, we made em up!
You think so?
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
what the heck i was told the entire world was going to sink and collapse into a pile of rubble yesterday, why are stocks up
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
What makes something an endless cornucopia of nourishment? Like is that a basket of food where when you take the last granny apple out it respawns more apples, or is there an interface at the back of the container that continually extrudes more nourishment? Or is the basket somehow sentient and knows when no one's looking to respawn and replenish? Hey wait a second this is just a plot device used in old stories and not a mechanical system or a coherent concept, more of a macguffin or maybe the author's trauma from a childhood spent scrounging for scraps, transformed via metaphor into something not quite so object level, I mean, what does it mean for something to be endless in a universe with finite matter but near endless carrying capacity for sentient life, I don't know WHAT this author thinks they were doing
Well in the literal sense, it's a storage container that never empties, so you just keep pouring out more and more until you stop pouring. Presumably it spawns more apples in the """bottom""" of the bag as they fall out, or it could be directly connected to an apple dimension or whatever I suppose, so it doesn't technically create anything
When it comes to magical items, the exact mechanics are usually a bit fuzzy
But you'd still go "that's not an endless cornucopia" if it stopped spitting out apples, right? Cause it stopped. You can define it loosely by its interaction with the observer even if you can't nail down the exact mechanics of how it does it
Like if a bottomless hole connected to an alternate dimension like, 50 km down, and the other side looked exactly the same as you'd expect the continuation of the tunnel to, and then at some point that new tunnel looped back in on itself, you'd still call it a bottomless hole, I'd imagine Cause stuff you throw in never stops falling, and it never hits a floor of any kind
But what if instead it suspended someone midair at some point, would it still kinda be bottomless? Or if it through some unknown means just sent those who fell in back and forth, up and down while preventing them from hitting the air, wouldn't it be bottomless in basically every way except the explicitly literal? It'd be doing the same thing as a bottomless hole in basically every sense?
You can even go further Is a hole straight through the earth with no obstruction at any point, actually bottomless? Sure there's no bottom, but wouldn't that mean all donuts have bottomless holes? That doesn't seem right
I'm basically just poking at a word to see what it really mans, because I don't think many people would agree that a donut, in any way but the most extremely literal, has a bottomless hole in it That's just not really what we mean by that term, I'd imagine
Jesse I am trying to have a convesation No wonder you failed my class!
Anyway, obviously it very much doesn't matter, not least of all because bottomless holes don't really exist It's a term we never really mean when we use it outside of a fantasy story or something, it's more like "it's really fucking far down" Nobody would describe something as a bottomless hole and then be surprised when someone declares there actually is a bottom to it, after all
But it's a fun subject, I think Language in general is kinda fun
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
yo what's a Bobby-enabling truth i keep seeing this term in the literature no one would just like withhold the truth from Bobby his whole life to stunt his potential and yet this term "Bobby-enabling truth" just sticks out like a tear in the fabric of reality
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
yoo Mr white what if you could like taste colors what do you think pink would taste like yoo
Like if you're looslelipped and talk too much, you might reveal a "bobby(cop)-enabling" truth about some less-than-legal operation you're in some way part of? It's far fetched, but it COULD be, it doesn't seem entirely unreasonable for a term to exist referring to "things that, if known, would enable the police to take us down"
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
i randomly generated that phrase you piece
ah well in either case, it seems like a phrase that could exist, right?
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
well i guess we could just come up with more random phrases and twirl in space trying to wordcel hammer them into some kinda playdough space but i got an actual job to do where i need brain power to rotate code shapes into meaningful combinations
are margin calls when you bet on something going down? I'm not very good at keeping all the stonks terms straight My immediate association was "leverage", but I don't think that's an inherent part, actually
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
no leverage is part of it yes you borrow some money (leverage) from the house to bet on stonks or options or what have you the money borrowed is on margin i.e. it's based on your existing assets deposited with the house you pay interest on it as usual anyway if the market crashes and your existing assets (or collateral) decrease in value such that the amount of money you've borrowed is no longer fully collateralized by your actual assets, then you get margin called, and the house comes to take away some of your actual assets, until you can once again afford the amount of debt you're taking on
Oh, I see So it's like the technical term for getting liquidated, basically? There's so many layers to these terms, there's the technical legal terminology, and then there's also the colloquial layer that's usually just a different word that means the same in-context as the corresponding technical term, so it keeps getting me confused >>1050076 Ah, right, cause they don't immediately actually sell your shit off, they're just taking it until you pay what you owe, and then you get it back as long as it's within an acceptable timeframe (or before the assets become TOO low in value and they basically sell them cause you've no longer got a real reason to pay them to get the stuff back, I guess)?
Though, if your leverage is anywhere above like, half your assets' value, then do you even realy have much of a reason to pay for them back anyway? Well, I guess they're still gonna come for the rest of their money anyway, you're just not getting your stuff back anymore at that point cause they sold it off
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
i mean i think there are more steps before liquidation usually your guy would call you and be like "pls deposit additional assets or im gonna have to chop off ur legs"
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
i dont know what all the different rules are i think you can negotiate or at least shop for different kinds of margin out there >If your margin level falls below the margin call level, you authorize us to liquidate either all of your open positions, or only enough to get your margin level above 100%, at our reasonable discretion. >The “margin liquidation level” is the margin level at which an automated liquidation process will occur. The margin liquidation level is approximately 40%, although the exact threshold varies in accordance with the price volatility in applicable markets.
hm, hm In any case, it seems super risky to me Gambling is one thing, but leverage seems so dangerous
Cause like if you can afford to pay if you lose the bet, you could have just used your own money and if you can't, you REALLY shouldn't do it at all
It comes off to me like it's just a trap for people without a lot of money who've convinced themselves they can see the future
Though I guess if you've got a REALLY good reason, and you're basically certain something's gonna go up, it could make sense I'd need an amount of certainty you definitely can't get in crypto, though, stonks aren't predictable enough for me either, despite being overall easier to predict than crypto Though I also have a deeply ingrained mortal fear of ever being in debt, so maybe I'm too far on the extreme end of things I'd imagine offering up the capital for leverage is a far easier way to make money though, to a point. The long arm of the law can probably figure out a way to get your money back unless it's an insane sum, so
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
margin call level is approx 80% according to that one particular page
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
this is why i would never use margin for crypto investing it's way too volatile and the whales like to manipulate prices to margin call people all ove r the place
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
Dan in phase 2
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
dies instantly
melania's hard as hell, from what I understand How many deaths is he at now? approaching 1200 I'd think?
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
oh damn, he's dying faster than I thought, then I guess it makes sense since he's got no fucking vig, so basically 2 hits is enough to kill him? Maybe even 1, depending on the attack?
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
>>1050078 its pretty useful really because what if you've got all your assets tied up in stonks and no cash but then you see a buying opportunity you don't want to sell at the moment so you borrow some cash to capitalize
True, but even then it only really makes sense to borrow up to the value of your collateral Going much beyond that seems super dangerous, cause you're only doing it as a result of not having that money available for the gamble >>1050088 Oh, I thought the norm was you can get a little bit on top of it, but maybe that's only really in the crypto space where everyone's fairly convinced that collateral is likely to go up in value either way
I really mostly even know about this stuff from the offers available on like, binance and stuff, and also stories of people leveraging way higher than they have assets to cover, so I thought it was kinda normal to at least maybe get a 1.5x or something
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
borrow up to the value? broh you don't get to borrow 100% of your assets that's a lot of leverage already
maybe you can get a 1:1 loan to value if you're buying a house or something
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
sounds like a scam
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
how is a bank gonna lend you more money than you can ever hope to pay back
>>1050090 I mean that's what doesn't make sense to me either, but like This is from binance, at least I dunno what this REALLY means though, because as you can imagine, my overall fear of debts has kept me safely away from even looking into this stuff beyond the surface
those are futures though I guess, maybe those work differently Like I said, I'm pretty ignorant on this stuff in basically all ways but the terminology itself, and even that's not exactly polished
Borrowing up to like 50% of your collateral I can definitely understand though, since like you said, you could be confident it's about to go up and not want to sell at that time, but it'll still cover you in the worst case event
That makes sense to me, even if I'd still be very hesitant to do it myself
Rei !p8eYCadcMo
My data is being throttled. A few minutes ago I could load a 2.3mb image but now I can't download that pic of Gura with the shrimp. Even though it was still being throttled then too. Really makes you think.
I've really been thinking I should start using bookmarks more frequently, honestly It's not super uncommon for me to forget the details of something I found once and end up unable to relocate it
Rei !p8eYCadcMo
>>1050107 At this point I only use bookmarks for autocomplete suggestions and to tell if a manga is something I already started.
looking at the release times of Overlord, I guess I shouldn't have been complaining about Honzuki's schedule, in retrospect It's super fast in comparison, though probably Overlord's a bit of an outlier I'd imagine
Rei !p8eYCadcMo
I got my daily reminder of my shape rotator status mathler 134 2/6
⬜🟨⬜⬜⬜🟨 🟩🟩🟩🟩🟩🟩
Rei !p8eYCadcMo
>>1050109 I was about to say "Have you considered trying to learn Japanese?", but then I remembered you did.
More than considered, I'm in learning process, though it's progressing pretty slow because I've got a hard time when it comes to forming habits that aren't immediately gratifying >>1050112 Not yet. I ended up not doing anything for a few days, but I'll start up again today and get back on track. It's just hard to keep going when it's kinda staggered like wanikani. When I get in the mood to really do something, I wanna just do that for hours, but wanikani's not built that way, so it's easy for me to fall off and then procrastinate on getting back on it But I do wanna learn, so I think I'll manage to get into a rhythm given some time, maybe put a reminder on my phone or something to just fucking do it
Only once you finish level 3, until then it's free Once I get that far I'll evaluate whether I find it worth the cost of a subscription or if I should look for other options, but it's not really that expensive so I'll probably end up paying for it Really, the subscription cost might make it easier for me to stick to it since I'll want to get my money's worth, too >>1050115 Oh, I haven't started using anki yet, I don't have enough kanji to warrant it in my head yet anyway, and for kana I'm using this thing I've been slacking on the katakana though, not really confident there yet >>1050118 I'm already very confident in my hiragana, rarely ever make any mistakes there, though very occasionally I'll mix up se and ke せけ They sometimes get mixed up, though obviously not when I'm looking at both side by side ri and i every now and then, but that's mixing up いリ Which I think is understandable for someone who's only really just begun learning at all
Rei !p8eYCadcMo
>>1050117 >and for kana You're learning kanji before you know all the kana?
Rei !p8eYCadcMo
I have an appropriate reaction image for this from djt somewhere but I can't currently upload images on mobile.
those never get mixed up, though I'm still not confident enough to immediately recognize the second one I know the first one is ta, but sometimes like now I get unsure. I'm just not good at the katakana yet, I kinda skipped on that and went to kanji about halfway through and I'm catching up on it on the way since they'll only really get relevant later anyway, in terms of learning Even with my low confidence in them, I can USUALLY puzzle out what stuff I read in katakana is from the ones I recognize immediately in combination >>1050122 Oh Ku is easy That one just clicks >>1050120 Those are gonna be hard for a good while I think, though shi Huh I guess they really aren't as ingrained as I thought yet They're all kinda throwing me for a loop, though I'm pretty sure the middle one is katakana n and the first one's... hm, I think tsu but I'm not at all confident
The really big problems come in when there are similar ones in kata and hira that look fairly similar but aren't the same sounds It'd be one thing if I just wasn't able to distinguish them from each other easily, that'd be easy enough to iron out, but their overall similarity makes it harder to remember what any of them are at all. like I'm pretty confident in the n, but that's only because I see it often in "san" and "chan" and stuff, so it's got words I see often and associate them with Same with pu in katakana, or hiragana for that matter though I see it less often, just cause fu\hu is so distinct in the same way あ is
>>1050121 I'll wait until you finish with the kana to post NGMI stuff.
Rei !p8eYCadcMo
>>1050121 >they'll really only get relevant later Really? You should seriously finish learning the kana. It's used in transliteration of foreign words which is very common.
Rei !p8eYCadcMo
This conversation made me miss my train stop. :v(
Rei !p8eYCadcMo
>>1050121 All your guesses for that row are wrong.
it immediately registers as te, but I know that's not right, and the second one I'm really not sure about >>1050129 Ah, that makes sense, I never got to the w* on the guide I was using, for katakana >>1050130 aah, I guess that makes sense I was pretty sure it was an u with the '' on it, but I was also pretty sure those aren't used for vowels, so I got unsure I guess for katakana they do have those sometimes
>>1050124 I just mean in terms of the actual learning process. You can slack on katakana a little bit since they're not actually used for kanji, so until I get far enough I can read enough kanji to navigate at least some form of literature, it's not explicitly necessary to be confident in katakana I'm obviously gonna need it in order to be able to read anything I want to read, but just in the process of learning it can be on the backburner since I gotta prioritize properly when I do get in the mood to actually sit down and study. I'd be even less capable than I am now if I'd prioritized finishing katakana from the very start, I think Which is very bad, considering I'm not at all far yet in the first place due to breaks in motivation
>>1050128 It doesn't help that "wo" is a heavily deprecated syllable in modern Japanese So much that when it does come up in spoken Japanese, the only time you'll see it outside of transliterated words and some fringe exceptions, is as a grammar particule Particle even Words where they would have used "wo" as a phonetic have had the sound replaced by an お or ほ sound
Rei !p8eYCadcMo
Wo and wi are what i like to call the forbidden kana.
>>1050131 Oh yeah, I've noted that too I thought wo, at least in hiragana, would be far more common than it's turned out to be same with ga, actually, it seems a lot of the places I'd have expected ga, ka is used instead, and some words even use either seemingly interchangeably like tasogare That seems to work as tasokare, too
Well outside of grammar particles, I'd argue か and が, and many other phonetics which get rendaku'd are the same sound Which gets used is more which character is more accurate to how the syllable rolls from the one which came before it
>>1050134 It's basically an emphasis thing, from what I've been able to understand And yeah they're seemingly basically the same sound in spoken japanese too, at least in my experience watching anime Easy examples like gami\kami spring to mind I'm sure one is more correct in a technical sense, but both are used at times to refer to deities and such
Well one consistent rule is, a character which would be rendaku'd, won't be if it's at the top of a piece of vocabulary >>1050137 Not really, it's specifically the rule of turning a か into a が if preceded by the right phonetic Er Not specific to か, whoops But that phonetic mechanic
is rendaku basically like a silent h and such? like how wo becomes o in many cases when spoken?
A good example is ときどき, commonly translated as "sometimes" If you were to write that in Kanji, you'd write it as 時時, or more accurately 時々, (where 々 serves to read as a repeat of the Kanji it follows) The second と is rendaku'd to become ど because after following an い it improves the fluidity of the vocabulary
so like, the same sound but context determines how you write it? I guess the only analogue in English would be ck, c and k, though those are obviously not down to the surrounding characters, but small nuances in pronounciation as well as the origin of the word
does 々 mean anything in particular? it sorta looks like ka but I don't think it is, and google isn't giving me a pronounciation for it
No, it holds no meaning by itself, it's solely used aa shorthand when a piece of vocabulary has two of the same Kanji back to back There is a reading for it but I'm blanking on it, and you'd never actually use that reading in an actual phrase, you'd just repeat the kanji it is serving as shorthand for
>>1050138 hm, I guess I sorta get it, though even that isn't 100% I guess though admittedly I can't specifically recall seeing it, I know "hitomi" is a name that exists, and that seems like it goes against that general rule, though maybe it'd still be written as hidomi even if it's pronounced with a clear t
try using yandex to traslate with, I find googles algo point in any directtion intended, to suit naritive?
Oh Jisho has its reading のま
that if you were trying to talk about it as its purpose In practice it always serves to repeat
>>1050143 Oh, I'll do that It actually seems to translate tasokare and tasogare differently, too >>1050147 yeah basically all the actually important bits got snapped
Oh man the spotty Internet down here really ate those posts
I would heartily recommend Jisho for practical Kanji and vocabulary look up It's not a translation tool, it's a English-Japanese dictionary But it's thorough and a great Kanji research tool
>>1050146 々 is read as のま, but in practicality you only read it that way if you're trying to discuss the Kanji and what purpose it serves In a sentence it takes on the reading of the Kanji it follows, because it serves as a shorthand instead of having to write out that first Kanji a second time Pretty useful since, y'know, Kanji can get pretty elaborate
so it's like ---"--- except on the same line, basically? how handy I understand it obviously just copies specifically the previous 1 character, but it's at least somewhat similar
Well, like, 蝶々, is the Japanese vocabulary for butterfly But rather than read it ちょうのま, it's read ちょうちょう
japanese really could do with using spaces, though on the other hand I guess it's unnecessary when kanji basically makes it meaningless whether there's a space, since you use those for a large part of the actual like, words
Like if you wanna just repeat what's above it Like I dunno castles are heavily fortified -------"------ very strong though you'd really only use it for longer stretches than that
Oh I know what you mean In my experience I've seen more commonly just replacing the repeated words with quotation marks Like, " " drafty as fuck
I guess it'd more accurately be rendered as ----||----
>>1050157 I've never seen that myself The main benefit to the lines is it lets you specify how long a stretch you're repeating
Well in this case you mark as many words that are repeated with the same number of marks
Oooh, that makes sense Also means it doesn't need to be aligned, which is a big help I guess
Rei !p8eYCadcMo
I've never seen that before.
Yeah, someone might still format it to line up properly, but it's probably not necessary
That's honestly unbelievable It's so cohorent coherent* I can feel myself wanting to claim it's definitely a hoax post Sure it's absurd, but greentexts often are, but it's just too human
How does one acquire access to this technology? Is it an invitation only thing? >>1050168 I mean true, there's likely a whole lot of results that never make it out of the operator's monitor, but it's still like, REALLY impressive how it managed to take the concept, build on it gradually, and then actually hit a punchline with like, an actually sensible and very /v/-poi finish
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
well i dont think it came out in one shot they probably had to press the retry button to curate it q bunch but yeah GPT3 is pretty damn good you sign up with OpenAI to access it its nor free but realistically you will only spend a few pennies on it
It seems to have a few structural patterns it falls into with the greentext >Be me doing X >Stop doing X >Acquire happiness / tragedy is a common one I've seen from it
Hm, you're not wrong, but at the same time, that tends to be how greentexts are
It's less that and more it ends the greentext really fast because of it It doesn't understand narrative tension and instead seems to be trying to resolve the narrative arc as fast and efficiently as possible
I can see what you mean there, yeah It seems a bit unfit for purpose when it comes to the more complex greentexts with more than a single thread in its story I imagine that's because the simple "I did x and y happened, I'm (not) happy" greentexts see far more common though At the end of the day, neural nets are slaves to the input data after all
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
be person, enter conflict, be changed as a result kind of the template for all stories ever
greentexts often include some extra conflict though, is all sure, most are very straight to the point similar to the ones gpt3 seems to be prioritizing, but a lot of the truly great ones include a lot of additional factors, or at least one or two like the guy who destroyed his laptop to prevent his sister from discovering his weird fetish porn involving her or whatever Or cornfield guy
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
yeah greentext stories tend to have more twists and absurdities than an everyday story
Rei !p8eYCadcMo
>>1050174 >cornfield guy I have a vague recollection of this being a story I used to know. Is this the one about the guy who jacks off into a cornfield?
the basic gist of it is yeah but it's made particularly great because there's another greentext from the perspective of someone else who merely knows ABOUT the cornfield guy It's very likely one was inspired by the other, of course, but they compliment each other well
>>1050180 Did you see the pic of Ryan Gosling from the Barbie movie?
ye I mean I didn't realize it was him, but I saw it
Rei !p8eYCadcMo
I'm a little excited because it actually has a really good director.
>>1050173 Sure but that's why I brought up narrative tension It barely feels like a story, it has all the aspects of being a simple calculus of the simplest application of the narrative structure Like it plotted the most direct route to resolving the narrative arc Which, it's still kinda neat that it actually seems aware of that But its ability to apply narrative tension still seems to be throwing darts blindly at a billboard
I went to the doc's today to get my ritalins represcribed, and I managed to catch a glimpse of the doc's monitor before I said why I was there It had my file open, with the like, webpage relating to gender change laws open next to it, and it said "gender incongruence" on the second line And when I said I was there to reup on ritalin, she deleted the line, clearly having misunderstood why I was there So I was waiting the whole time for her to mention it cause I didn't have the guts to myself, and she never did
I finally got a doctor who was willing to address it and it slipped through my fingers, she was prepared for it and I blew it It hurts, man
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
stop waiting for other people to bring it up
I've tried many times already last time the doc said he'd get me an appointment but that never happened
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
i dont care for this dialogue tree its too predictable
gura is the worst vtuber and she attracts the worst people
I think that's kind of excessive
Kirara 🍄 大医 /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
but its true
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
>be me >running a shrimp farm >one day >my shrimp >all die >be very sad >try to figure out what went wrong >look at water quality >look at feed >look at temperature >cannot find anything wrong >try cooking and eating a shrimp >be very sick >go to the hospital >die
>>1050194 I don't think so She definitely has attracted a lot of fans so by extension has attracted a lot of unpleasant people But she isn't particularly toxic or prone to making trouble with other people, and more than that tries to shy away from being dragged through stuff like that She just play games and makes content, and seems to get along well with her peers None i -of that strikes me as the worst
it also keeps trying to doublespace the greentext aargh
Kirara 🍄 大医 /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
do you start with "write a 4chan greentext"?
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
i had a similar prompt yea ill try adding that
>be me >running a secret aquatic shrimp farm in an abandoned shed at school >be the janitor >find out about the shrimp farm >confront me about it >tell him that I'll give him half of the profits if he doesn't tell anyone about it >he agrees >we run the shrimp farm together for a few months >it's going great >one day, I come to the shed to find that the janitor has taken all of the shrimp and left me with nothing >I am devastated
i remember one time i was driving a car (shocking i know) and bailed these two teenagers out of the snow gave them a lift the girl some tiny thing wanted me to come downtown to a club or something but i was like nah kissed me on the cheek and i never saw em again
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
i keep noticing all these canadian men around who have the exact same voice timbre as ryan reynolds did he steal it from other canadians or did he invent it
He was born and grew up in Vancouver so it might just be everyone over there talks like him
Marsh shitposting on the go via Telephone
>>1050226 I got kissed by a big bearded guy at a gamer Bar once.
There was a group of 'em and I think they were playing some sort of dare game
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
kissed by a bear 😳
Rei !p8eYCadcMo
>>1050229 >gamer bar What made it a gamer bar specifically?
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
there are gamer bars everywhere surely you have some in chi town
Rei !p8eYCadcMo
>>1050232 What makes them different from nerd bars?
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
video game themed bars
Rei !p8eYCadcMo
Rei !p8eYCadcMo
Years ago I saw pictures of a mixed drink menu with Touhou drinks on it.