I'm sure pretty much everyone's heard of it by now, but apparently some guy at google got convinced the deepmind has become sentient which seems unlikely to me, but it's still interesting
Rei !p8eYCadcMo
>>1050253 Yeah, read up on the guy He's a total nutjob.
Rei !p8eYCadcMo
In other news My friend just texted me And said that we need to watch the David Lynch Dune movie And that '"it's really good"
It's a fairly good movie, yeah
Rei !p8eYCadcMo
>>1050256 The Dune movie from the 80's? That David Lynch disowned >>1050258 That's what I thougjlht
the 2021 one oh, shit, no that one is fucking trash lmao Actually one of the worst movies I've ever sat through in my entire life
possibly THE worst movie
I mean as far as accuracy to the books, I guess it's not... well, I mean, it's not exactly a 1:1 rendering Actually thinking about it I'm not entirely sure the story's the same It's kinda hard to say because it REALLY rushes like it covers the whole damn book, and that's saying something when even the new one covering half the book is skipping a fair amount of stuff in the interest of time
I wish I could at least tell you it's so bad it's good, but it's really not It's just a fucking awful movie I wish I could go back and tell myself not to watch at all
isn't it actually kinda weird how just about everyone in Log Horizon is at a level somewhat corresponding to their age? Like shouldn't there be at least a few max level children? or for that matter, adults who just started out and are like level 2 I guess there are a few adults of somewhat low level, though
>>1050276 lots of things going on in his little head
Yeah well there's nothing going in my little head
This is the second time this week I've seen someone with a cat on the bus Of course if you find -you don't have a car and your vet isn't in like a ten minute walk it makes sense But it's also a really rare thing to see
I still have overlord, at least and a monthly release schedule isn't too bad, I guess
still haven't gotten my damn glasses yet either mou
> The publisher is not responsible for websites (or their content) that are not owned by the publisher. What a strange thing to put in writing There is obviously no way anyone could hold someone responsible for something they don't have authority over
I forgot Epic bought into Bandcamp I wonder how that venture is going
Hopefully poorly Or, well, it's not like I want Bandcamp to fail I just really don't want Epic to succeed It makes this particular case difficult
Marsh shitposting on the go via Telephone
If it flops it will be an Epic fail
/人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
you know what I hope it succeeds just to spite that stupid pun just there
Marsh shitposting on the go via Telephone
Well then it will be an Epic win
/人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
fuxk screwed either way
/人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
having some real blonde moments today misunderstood 1/2 kg to mean 1 2kg was looking for my keys desperately when they were in clear view, cause I thought they were my roommate's keys hanging up
I went to bed at 11 and woke at 9 though that's early for me actually I lie I remember doing the Wordle still not late
Marsh shitposting on the go via Telephone
Yeah see. Thats negative two hours sleep.
Marsh shitposting on the go via Telephone
>>1050318 Sorry. I was trying to give you the benefit of the doubt Guess you're just retarded
/人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
tell me something I don't know some guy has a ute with guy fawkes mask stickers on the back and big "SPEED CAMERA AHEAD" signs on it parked just before the speed camera car
I don't remember these people existing before they put the signs back on the camera cars
Marsh shitposting on the go via Telephone
/人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
dude got his heart broken by a speed camera some other guy obviously hadn't secured his tools because I just saw a hammer fly out of his trailer luckily the guy behind me had his wits about him to dodge but I'd be pissed if I were him I tried to flash him down in vein
I hate that normalfags like comics now. I mean I know I'm over a decade late in my complaining But I hate my hobbies being dumbed down. Also Tadaimback Office Space was good, screen was smaller than I expected though.
Well, I'm caught up on Overlord again the release schedule really is slow
Most official novel translations move pretty slowly And Overlord itself is a novel series written like it's a light novel so each volume is much longer than its contemporary isekai series
It certainly is very long These last two books were a lot of fun though Having pretty much all of it be from the perspective of someone other than Ainz was neat
But man they really are long, I haven't done anything other than read the last one today The next one's coming out later this month though And the new anime's coming out next month
supposedly nr 17 will be the last one, which is kinda strange I wonder if it'll get wrapped up somehow, or if Ainz is just actually going to fucking die There's already so much stuff in motion and unresolved, it's difficult to think it's all gonna be finished up in 5 more books
>>1050411 i regret to inform you that i'm too emotionall distraught to have read the text i was just looking at the image to glean whatever shreds of happiness i could find but it did work so thank you
I should give this to my brother in law, he'd probably get more of a kick out of it it doesn't smell bad or anything but it also doesn't really stand out
he is the biggest pisshead second only to roommate we used to live with haven't seen that guy in a while
Rei !p8eYCadcMo
Tadaimback 2001 was great It was an interesting experience hearing people laugh at a bunch of HAL's lines. Every time that happened I tried to imagine how people reacted in 1968 and thought about how influential this movie was on pop culture, particularly it's depiction of artificial intelligence.
sorry i was playing with the text selection interface still kinda blows my mind that it's so smoothly integrated into the OS that i can expand an image on a website and nearly instantly copy text out of it
>>1050472 no its a fuckin sweatshop burnout asshole corporation
Rei !p8eYCadcMo
Speaking of asshole corporations A buddy of mine quit his job working in tv and gkt a new job, at a power company He does social media and works from home 3 days a week.
Rei !p8eYCadcMo
I bumped into a guy from my highschool graduating class at the movie tonight. Apparently he also dropped out of an expensive private school and transferred to the shitty state school im going to this fall . He graduated a bit ago and works for the city of Chicago. Next time i see him I'll ask if his boss writes off the money he uses to bribe people off on his taxes.
>>1050469 I saw earlier that an internal memo was leaked from Amazon where they admit they are running out of people willing to work for them Although I'm pretty sure it's mostly related to warehouse working But it seems partially applicable to their other career fields too
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
>>1050476 yea i saw that on twitter too im sure its a thing in the software engineer pool too they have probably churned thru so many
>>1050478 His boss Chicago's city government is notoriously corrupt Well Cook County is I shouldn't just assume every alderman is corrupt. The joke is that it would be a tax writeoff because its an expense for politicians.
Rei !p8eYCadcMo
The Chicago public school system also has a lot of corruption. I've heard some crazy stories from some former teachers I know.
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
sounds like america to me
Rei !p8eYCadcMo
I heard from him that another guy from our graduating class whom I haven't seen in a few years is still really into Star Citizen™. But so he bought a condo *also Despite working at Microcenter Maybe he made some good investments or something, I can't really imagine him being approved for a mortgage flrba condo where he lives on his retail job paycheck.
On the subject of ogey rrat, when my best friend started spamming that in our chat I discovered that I can no longer roll my Rs. So I can't say it properly. :v(
>>1050486 Yeah >>1050473 >thumbnail has Dick amd Jane joke in subs Didn't you call me crazy for making a Dick and Jabe joke *Jane joke that you didn't get likke a month agl?
new glasses acquired pog They're self-shading and stuff which means I am effectively always already wearing sunglasses, but they go away when they're not needed It's like magic
They do seem to yellow out whites a little though but I guess that can't really be helped Maybe that's just a result of the bluelight filter actually
I can just chug coffee or something if that's an issue, but I doubt it will be I might wanna go looking for an extra pair with just some regular lenses though, selected just for how they are to wear with my headset on it was a bit of a problem but I got used to it with the previous ones, so maybe it's not necessary, but my headset's really squeezin' em into my head, that is it's not a big problem, but it could be
That or I could get a new headset, but I really do kinda like these ones, they've been with me for a long time now
/人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
pretty fun night still don't understand werewolf/mafia that game made by The Oatmeal guy is okay
Isn't it just Town of Salem Or rather, Town of Salem is it?
/人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
probably I don't play games like that though I have no reference for that this one was a varient too one night of werewolves or something
I've ended up reading the spider isekai too now I didn't remember it being written in present tense, that's pretty rare
/人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
which spider isekai, isn't there a few or at least a couple
I wish phone plan people would stop calling me if they're not gonna offer me something cheaper than what I've already got I'm not gonna pay you 20% more than I already pay for the same thing and a 4% kickback as credit for some stores, that's just stupid?
And I need a guarantee similar to what I have anyway to be interested I'm not signing up for a damn thing if it's a 1-year offer and after that the price can (will) change
For whatever reason, reading with these is fine, but whenever I try to like, navigate the area around me, it's like I'm dizzy Hard to get a grasp on for some reason, can't explain it
>>1050543 assuming the prescription is correct then that's just your eyes adjusting they'll get used to it
hopefully, yeah I don't remember if it was like this with my first pair, but apparently the prescription hasn't changed much, so it's very unlikely to be a bad prescription
>>1050574 Well most of the paid lives are on stage in IRL halls and such So it's not like they could run one at a sane time for us who live in North America I get the feeling Cover is running the logistics planning for what it would take to do one actually in NA though So maybe half a year, a year down the line, we might see something like that
spider isekai is losing some of its appeal if I'm being honest I'll finish this one, but I might just go ahead and stop reading it afterwards if things don't pick up again
It's less a matter of "wow this is boring now" and more of a "I can't imagine how the rest can even be interesting without being fucking stupid from here on out" thing
It's like if Goku already hit SSJ3, but they hadn't even gotten to Namek yet, and you already know he's gonna fight frieza, even if you dunno how strong he is exactly What do you do in the meantime, you know?
>>1050633 Uh Like fantasy of the kaleidoscope? I remember watching some of it a while ago. Does Touhou M1-GrandvPrix count? Cause I've seen a bunch of those.
>>1050668 nothing much cooked up some frozen pete za pies doesn't take much to improve those store bought pies cut up some capsicum and cabanossi and add extra cheese
>>1050748 Going to any concerts this summer? How's you're wild romance going?
i love lappland
wild? yes romance? yes going? not really
i love lappland
dance gavin dance got kicked off the tour so i guess i'm just gonna see coheed that day alkaline trio is boring af and i don't know the opener it's bad enough they kicked DGD off, but alkaline trio? jesus >>1050754 i'm not saying people should like coheed cause honestly i get why people don't but not having heard of them is kinda sussy
i'm seeing Ghost, Mastodon, and Spiritbox in august might show up at some other random shit Enter Shikari in september fo sho might see Joji then too Second Sky fest in october
Rei !p8eYCadcMo
>coheed >alkaline trio I recognize these names I think they played at Riot Fest or something
I don't know if that's a good fix but it's something to do with windows 10 >>1050753 why were they kicked off I can't even remember the last DGD album I heard
i love lappland
nah i mean that looks like it'll do the job thanks
Rei !p8eYCadcMo
This is stupid but I'm thinking of raiding my savings again for music festival tickets.
/人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
oh looks like their frontman was doing some sussy baka shit of course
>>1050760 >>1050763 yeah i mean as far as i can tell both parties were just shitty to each other bad communication bad boundaries bad substance abuse bad times all around but since it ended up exploding in public, now i don't get to see my favorite band right before their new album comes out and my role model is exposed to me as a toxic addict so you know i'm having a great time yeah everything's great
/人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
juts bring back johnny craig
Rei !p8eYCadcMo
Wow They kicked out three vocalists in 17 years.
i love lappland
johnny craig got kicked out for being an abuser, if i remember right
kurt travis just got kicked out for smoking and not trying hard enough, as the rest of the band saw it iirc
tillian hasn't been kicked out yet he might be, but he might not be
his rehab was voluntary, albeit likely highly highly highly pressured but technically speaking he's on hiaturs hiatus >>1050771 it was drugs but iirc he was also doing some other bad things >>1050770 bro like you're into all this obscure shit like you're not under a rock when it comes to music yet somehow you have, almost certainly by volition, not seen-and-had-the-desire-to-learn-the-definition-of the term "post-hardcore" how does this happen
>>1050768 I'd say the only actual obscure genre I'm into is cow punk, and even then there were two cowpunk albums on pitchfork's top 100 albums of the 80's list >>1050774 I was afraid of this
post-hardcore is one of those terms that means different things to different people but generally it means high pitched vocals, also screaming, heaviness, very emotional lyrics, and like a simultaneously very varied but very specific set of recurring rhythms and overall song structures
>>1050775 okay well post-hardcore is like when some emo dudes were like "we like hardcore, but what if we made it way more complex and added a high pitched clean vocalist" i'm like kind of kidding but also really not
Rei !p8eYCadcMo
>>1050780 Cool I'll look into it. Not sure about high pitched vocals though.
Marsh shitposting on the go via Telephone
These fucking spambots on moe are gonna get someone in trouble one day And i just hope it's one of you and not me. >>1050779 I'm just in it for the ads
Rei !p8eYCadcMo
>>1050782 You should get the bowl amd *and put it under the leak in the pipe under your sink.
Rei !p8eYCadcMo
>>1050782 I've been telling Sam a while to add captcha.
Rei !p8eYCadcMo
*for a while
Rei !p8eYCadcMo
Like captcha to make threads Or captcha to post at all (expires every X hours)
Rei !p8eYCadcMo
Obviously the captcha would be anime girls. Or we could (Sam will never agree to this) require a password to post.
i love lappland
i was gonna make you a list of some post hardcore but like lots of very different bands but i have to go do something so i only got one song in before the text i was waiting for came >>>/watch?v=-k9qDxyxS3s
and sometimes when i look in her eyes that's where i find a glimpse of usssssssssssssss
Rei !p8eYCadcMo
I found out that one of my all time favorite punk bands is considered to be post hardcore by some people. One of the main guys had this to say about the band being called emo. >Picciotto himself doesn't recognize the attribution of having "created" emo. When asked about it in an interview his response was, "I've never recognized 'emo' as a genre of music. I always thought it was the most retarded term ever. I know there is this generic commonplace that every band that gets labeled with that term hates it. They feel scandalized by it. But honestly, I just thought that all the bands I played in were punk rock bands. The reason I think it's so stupid is that - what, like the Bad Brains weren't emotional? What - they were robots or something? It just doesn't make any sense to me."
i love lappland
i know i was talking about a genre earlier but it's hard to sound annoyingly flippant over text without trying too hard but like genres suck and stuff it's useful basically only when you're trying to describe a band without just playing their music or when you're looking for music but otherwise it's mostly just bullshit and i hate it more boxes to stuff creativity into
Rei !p8eYCadcMo
Anyways I really did not like the song you linked, it reminded me of a lot of bands I really disliked. Oh the band I was referencing in >>1050802 Is Rites of Spring They're a sort of proto Fugazi.
Seems like Discord is down for a lot of people too Although it seems up for me Might be a more Asian Pacific thing
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
>not worldwide but a lot of places. Problem with our backbone. We know what. Rollbacks etc. happening
it's funny most Official Status Pages are useless cause no one in charge actually wants to go and admit that things are Broken (it's just a little blip, it's nothing) like especially amazon will never admit their shit is broken so now you have a competition to lie the most and the result is you gotta go to the forum where the techies post to actually get a straight answer
Rei !p8eYCadcMo
Was down here too My guess is someone was testing out their new botnet. I heard about some record breaking ddos attack recently.
>>1050823 I might be persuaded to have one or two of the cinnamon ones Like Ina said, all Poptarts kinda just taste the same and what they taste like is sugary cardboard
If we're talking tastiest breakfast I'd say challah french toast, hashbrown casserole, some ham and some sausage, with blueberries and strawberries mmmmm
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
you can't eat pork with challah! you will regret this!!!
>>1050814 Honestly not sure if I dislike HN more than reddit. Cause there are actually good subreddits, but HN is guaranteed to have pseuds with Dunning Kruger Commenting On Every Article Not sure Why each of Those Was Capitalized Interesting
>>1050859 HN is way better because of the anti cliched joke rule even though you get Orange Site(tm) comments here and there at least you're not absolutely innundated with the same shitty joke threads constantly
Rei !p8eYCadcMo
>>1050865 Okay yeah but I was talking about good subreddits. Also I went to hacker news and I'm stuck in a loop of clicking and reading interesting things.
Rei !p8eYCadcMo
>>1050865 Do people who aren't drunk pee onto the train platforms in Canada or is that just an American thing? What about smoking inside the train?
Rei !p8eYCadcMo
Tadaimback Also https://www.theguardian.com/science/2022/jun/12/mass-frog-burial-baffles-experts-at-iron-age-site-near-cambridge
>>1050881 it's super good my only complaint is that theyve spent way too long in the episodic phase i want to see the deep dark grimdark shit when they go to the digital world and find out its ending like in every other digimon
Well, I say that, but this show is pretty dark Almost every single episode a ton of innocent people die for no reason, it never gets undone, and their killers never face consequences They just learn valuable lessons about how to get along with other people It's super funny
I did something pretty retarded while driving yesterday
there was a whole heap of cars lined up near a road works site and they were all 4wd ute kind of things, so I just assumed they were something to do with construction so I went around
TURNS OUT they were lined up along the side of the road because there was a guy with a traffic control "stop" sign standing in front of them since they were only allowing one direction of traffic at a time for that stretch of road. and I just fuckin Rambo mode. Went around. Jumped the queue. Luckily there weren't any cars coming in the other direction so nothing really bad happened. got quite a few looks though.
I can't believe you Marsh They were all being responsible and patient And you endangered not only yourself, but potentially anyone who was driving the other lane
do north americans still carry cash in ye old pandemic
Rei !p8eYCadcMo
>>1050928 I try to But I don't reallygo to the bank much, it would require me to get off the bus on the way to the train and get my cash from the atm, then wait 15 minutes for another bus.
/人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
or do you have contactless tips I suppose retailers can add the option to tip xyz dollars
Rei !p8eYCadcMo
>>1050930 Retailers have had that option for years.
Rei !p8eYCadcMo
It's just better to tip with cash so they aren't taxed for it and you don't have to pay sales tax on the tip.
Rei !p8eYCadcMo
Wait no that last thing shouldn't happen
/人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
I think they found covid virii didn't actually survive all that long on surfaces so it shouldn't be a problem >>1050935 you would think they would stop the obsessive cleaning of surfaces but I guess they're just covering their bases
I'm very disappointed in the supreme court right now. This was a clear cut first amendment case and they fucked it up. Scalia must be rolling in his grave.
if only I hd visitors I would say an ai painted this >>1050978 i like the two dudes celebrating in the top right wr left >>1050990 yeye you got it right
>AI founder John McCarthy said: "Artificial intelligence is not, by definition, simulation of human intelligence".[168] Russell and Norvig agree and criticize the Turing test. They wrote: "Aeronautical engineering texts do not define the goal of their field as 'making machines that fly so exactly like pigeons that they can fool other pigeons.'" Kek
/人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
briefly turned to the Christian radio station to hear a woman doing a zoom call that sounded like an ai
/人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
finally classic radio read one of my texts they wanted recommendations for tv shows and movies and I recommended everything everywhere all at once
/人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
I haven't seen it or anything but I've heard it's good though
She definitely has that energy It's a bit more complicated for reasons I wish not to divulge as this is from the latest novel in the series, but you're still pretty much on the mark I suppose