Not in the s1 and s2 I watched, and not in the books
I'm pretty sure CR or Funi or whoever does the official translation has always done it as high priest >>1048736 No he's the head priest Which is why I know the head priest has always been a thing because I've complained about the similarity during anime
Actually I think it's just a communication error here Ferdinand is the high priest or whatever, but I keep mixing it up between high\head priest But the bishop's the bishop well, high bishop, but the "high" is kinda redundant cause there's only one per duchy anyway
Er high priest has always been a thing Because having a head priest and a high priest is really confusing for subs
Well I dunno which subs I watched cause I needed to conserve space, but I'm pretty sure it was Bishop cause I noticed the change when I started watching S3, and when I went and read the books, it was also High Bishop Which I am 100% confident of cause I just checked them
I guess it's just another one of those cases where Japanese never had it's own specific term for "bishop" so they retrofit it in terms they do have, and then translation back kinda just directly translates the compounds Sorta like if someone translating a Norwegian text were to translate "computer" as "data machine"
head\high priest is needlessly confusing though It's probably not as bad in Japanese, but if you just put the two next to each other in English, you actually can't tell which is the higher rank, or if they're even part of the same hierarchy They could be the same rank for all you know, the prefixes are synonymous
I've watched the whole damn show and I still can't confidently say which of them is which
I really do love how this show manages to build up stuff gradually though The strictly hierarchical society really lends itself to mentioning stuff and not having it be explained in detail any time soon
If you were watching fan subs, or at least subs which had some care and attention beyond whatever the fastest rip and encode off of the CR servers is, then I wouldn't be surprised if there's some editing of the CR script Especially to fix annoyingly similar terms like high and head
>>1048739 The specificity is that a head priest leads a group of priest, eg., Ferdinand leads the cohort of priests which Myne belongs to Where as the high priest is above all other (local) priests Which of course makes sense to call a bishop considering the aesthetic of Myne's local region
>>1048746 Recently I've been considering getting a rubber desk mat and I wouldn't be opposed to one with a Vtuber design, but there hasn't really been one out from a Vtuber I'm especially fond of Aside from Bae and Irys when I was still more hesitant about the idea And as soon as that idea really solidifieda bunch of Vtubers I like started putting one out Both Fubuki and Watame now Although I think Watame's is a bit too pastel-y for me
>>1048747 The other thing about the rubber mats is that unlike mugs or posters or figures You can only really use one at a time So you'd better make sure it's your favourite
Yeah but you can also have a few and swap them out as your preference dictates Or have one to have out if you're expecting guests and don't feel like questions about the cute anime girl on your desk
>no Vulkan support Thanks Apple I could've sworn Apple was part of the Khronos group.
Rei !p8eYCadcMo
>NVIDIA GPUs are supported but Metal drivers for newer devices (10 Series and newer) are not available since macOS Mojave. What graphics cards do the new mac pros ship with AMD?
Rei !p8eYCadcMo
Okay the answer is yes.
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
idk about the mac pros why not use a cheap and powerful Ryzen and some GPUs instead of that thing if you're doing a desktop PC
>>1048768 Hey man I won't stop you and I won't judge I just want a rubber mat
Rei !p8eYCadcMo
Posting on /moe/ from the bath works a lot better than posting from the shower. I wonder how well posting underwater works. Maybe I'll try that at the pool this summer.
Man This earringing is driving me crazy. I can't wait for the clinical trials to end on that device that actually treats tinnitus. Been waiting fucking years.
>>1048817 Well I can explain what it does, but not why it works. It was discovered during brain surgery when a certain part of a woman's brain was poked her tinnitus went away. So the brain surgeon figured out what part of the body needed to be electrically stimulated to stimulate that part of the brain. And it's the tongue They put this thing on your tongue and it runs a small current through it and you listen to some specific "white noise" generated by some method specifically for you amd you do it for like forty minutes a day or something for a few months.
Oh fuck that's sick My dad's been dealing with that shit for as long as I remember
Rei !p8eYCadcMo
Its called Lenire It's not approved for use in the US yet It might be in Europe I'm pretty sure you can get it in Germany.
Rei !p8eYCadcMo
>>1048819 It's available in Oslo.
>>1048823 Powdered mix is just for people who don't want to keep stock on hand Or can't, I guess Stock takes pretty much as much time as powdered mix to make good soup
I am trying to find out if I left my switch at home from my dad and he's just giving me the most obtuse answers possible and also taking six years between messages just tell me if the Nintendo is there ol man
>In 2022, Baja Blast was announced as one of the flavors of the Hard Mountain Dew line of alcoholic beverages, which would release in retail stores later that year. hoy that sounds awesome
Yeah but Rosemi is wild. Girl can't even use a can opener well. Has broken at least two. >>1048947 She is also a dork also she's a boomer she did an english unarchived karaoke and blew my fucking mind when the second song was Rob Zombie's Dragula.
Rei !p8eYCadcMo
>>1048946 That's not a dork thing, that's a zoomer thing.
Rei !p8eYCadcMo
>>1048946 That's not a boomer song. It was on the soundtrack to The Matrix (only reason I know it).
You mean your mom didn't listen to Dragula on repeat for most of your childhood?
Rei !p8eYCadcMo
>>1048950 No She listened to like Blues Uh "world music" and random stuff on a st louis radio station I still listen to.
Rei !p8eYCadcMo
Anyways I'm
Rei !p8eYCadcMo
Post died I'm sad because my copy of the matrix soundtrack was given to me by my friend who killed himself. Fucking everything is reminding me of him.
Marsh shitposting on the go via Telephone
>>1048930 Oh it's like a play on words because you were talking about a bar like a drinking establishment but I used that to imply that you were physically weak
My university is fucking retarded. I applied for the summer semester, got in Found out that they don't offer any courses I need in the summer, asked if they could defer my enrollment to the fall. The said "no, you have to apply again". This is fucking retarded I'm going to ask for my application fee to be waived. The application fee plus the enrollment fee is like $150.
I just found out that a manga I really like that got dropped by a scanlation group got picked up again and was finished late last year.
>>1049019 It's about criminals who are sentenced to pilot bio mecha shaped like Japanese highschool girls. But if they spend too much time piloting them, they begin to think like a Japanese highschool girl. And eventually forget that they were ever anyone else. It's also loosely based on heart of darkness.
Rei !p8eYCadcMo
It's by one of my favorite mangaka. His manga Freesia was the first scanlated manga I remember reading that wasn't something that hadn't aready been licensed *had already been licensed like Naruto or one puece.
Rei !p8eYCadcMo
Started reading it when I was 12.
I have a nice memory about watching Lucky Star Wanna hear it y/n
Mahou Shoujo Marsh-chan
was it when you saw lucky star?
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
go on
So it was 9-10 years ago at work, we had to etch a bunch of mugs for some going away party I sat at a table with my back to the wall and watched lucky star on my phone with earbuds in working on the glasses, but 10x slower than everyone else
well well well if it isn't saucy Jack
Anno Is this going to be good or bad for eth
>>1049042 beats me i kind of doubt this is real tbh, people were saying telegram isn't so easily exploitable by protocol design, but who knows guess we will find out soon
>>1049045 I'd say its not outside the realm of possibility Corpos with millions of dollars spent on IT security have their databases hacked every other month seemingly and people with their info leaked Exploits are found all the time in supposedly 'safe' messaging systems All of the outlandish claims happen desipte people thinking it doesn't And disgruntled people usually become "whisleblowers" Only real sketch part is the deathbed reveal angle, p. cliche
Also precidence with things like panama papers, recent pandora thing, all the wikileaks stuff etc One thing thats sus is not releasing everything right away though, if they were forged/doctored, then the choice cuts stuff coming out first would be all the hype and people would forget the rest when its not released 2 weeks later
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
>>>/@telegram/1534263475509288961 like telegram messages arrn't like a corpo shitty MS Access database it's end to end encrypted and i dont think you can just download and encrypt group texts without being on the list of keys idk tho but from what ive seen it seems like a way to get people to download some sketchy files
Kirara 🍄 大医 /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
>>>/@AmirisJBrown/1534382832541368324 this guy claims it's real i hope it does turn out to be a real data dump, that'd be juicy sunlight disinfects all im not holding out any hopes tho
Kirara 🍄 大医 /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
i hope its real but either way it'll probably be funny
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
person* girl*
Kirara 🍄 大医 /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
that twitter account is sus as hell nevermind waaay too many hashtags
One must hash with moderation
>>1049048 Not by default still or did they change that? Bigger point being that none of the "secure" messaging apps that norms download and use on their phone really are
But thats a bit here nor there
That also sounds like conspiracy Kool-Aid
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
yeah you wanna expand on that?
>>1049058 Things that are openly acknowledged is conspiracy? >These techniques permit the CIA to bypass the encryption of WhatsApp, Signal, Telegram, Wiebo, Confide and Cloackman by hacking the "smart" phones that they run on and collecting audio and message traffic before encryption is applied.
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
yeah there are exploits now and then on da phones also phones have baseband modem cpus with god knows what on them but why are you pointing at Gab lmaooo
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
that says a lot right there
anyway if you want to run a drug empire obvi you don't use a smart phon once you are at that level of gangster it starts to become worth it for police to pull out the tools
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
none of this indicates to me that spooky anonymous poster with mysterious 136GB torrent with phased leak schedule is anything but trolling for attention
Kirara 🍄 大医 /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
who am i? heh... *tips fedora* i'm just a dying nobody...
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
my life was riddled with regrets,.. and pain.. and question marks cuz im da Riddler babey and im out for revenge
Kirara 🍄 大医 /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
i liked the riddler in the new batman but he didnt say riddle me this enough
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
realization what if i based my entire personality on Jim Carrey's performance of the Riddler from Batman Forever it would explain a lot
>>1049062 The largest drug empires openly conduct their business with gov approval See the prescription opiod epidemic
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
wow soooo true tell me something i can sell for a pretty nickel
Old blackberries are the only secure device
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
old unpatched canadian software yes *totally not a russian op
or that Fed phone the fbi was advertising to shady people
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
like if you want a safe hardware device just get a raspberry pi or some open clone its not that hard
i still gotta see batman, EEAAO uhh morbin time of course
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
top gun im concerned i might be way overhyped for EEAAO and top gun tho
Kirara 🍄 大医 /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
top gun is probably the best action movie i've seen since john wick 3 maybe better than john wick 3 in the sheer spectacle of it EEAAO was also pretty good i enjoyed that a lot very beautiful movie
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
noooo tell me it suyucks
Riddler in The Batman was a better reinterpretation of Riddler than The Dark Knight's Joker was of Joker don't @ me
twitch only lets verified users chat now but at least I can engage in gamba
Oh maybe that will improve the quality of Twitch chat Slightly Marginally
very marginally, since the people who are actually trying to make it shitty are just using like, google phone numbers or whatever the fuck so it's not like it stops them much more than a regular ban does
Oh well honestly I think most people in Twitch chat provide zero quality to a stream once more than there's like a few hundred concurrent chatters So pushing even 5% out because they're not verified users might help calm that abhorrent white noise
what do vtubers even put for their birthdays surely they don't use their real birthdays for their character
Usually something characteristic, or a reference to their backstory or otherwise playing off some aspect You're right that I doubt, at least the ones who work through an agency, use their actual birthdays, and I know at least a few that I've seen evidence that the dates don't line up
/人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
koi is love
Marsh shitposting on the go via Telephone
>>1049119 It's calculated by the marketing team to maximise merch sales between events
Considering the uneveness of birthdays in months like May in Hololive and the fact that NIJISANJI has over a hundred talents in their Japanese branch alone I'm pretty sure there's no broad scheme like that in place here They probably just make sure talents within an agency don't overlap birthdays and maybe avoid some major holidays and that's all
i need to find a way to get more little wins into my daily life just to help lift the depression like programming is just an exercise in constant frustration when you get shit working it feels great but that's a rare event
/人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
try something new
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
yeah maybe art maybe scuba diving idk something with consistent yieles yields* that's not just overwatch
>>1049131 >it's been cold af lately I doubt it. >>1049129 Have you considered reading more manga or watching more anime? There's a chance it could help.
I need to get some more anime figures to display in my dorm room this fall. Assuming that plan doesn't fall through due to the ongoing ineptitude of their admissions office.
>>1049154 What problem? >>1049152 I wish I could help you but I don't really know how. I know a lot of alcoholics and I've seen what it can do to people's lives.
I had a letter in the mailbox addressed to my specific flat (but not my name) >To the resident of... Thought maybe one of my neighbours wanted to tell me something.
But no Just some lady trying to get me into Jesus
Rei !p8eYCadcMo
>>1049202 It's for the guy living under your floorboards.
can't the news report about some other bullshit yeah I know the cost of living is going up I don't need to hear it every thirty seconds >>1049210 it's all good I already know them all keep it y'all need Jesus
are the hololivers playing on a real old version of minecraft or something? nobody's got any netherite stuff despite very obviously being at a point where they could get that shit sorted in like 30 minutes
>>1049232 Most of them don't play that way Minecraft's not a game to complete for most of them, it's a virtual space to good around in with other members Goof around in, even Also Netherite is a grindy process and plenty of them don't even progress past iron gear
I wouldn't really say it's grindy, but I guess it is a sort of single-focuss thing they already built like, mobfarms and stuff though, is all, so it just seems strange not to have gone into the nether and blasted out some netherite
>>1049236 The mobfarm on the JP side was made exclusively by Pekora, who in those times was one of the more intensive players The EN one is defunct with the server merge and I think Amelia, who was again the sole contributor, even blew it up. Amelia also enjoys large scale projects and other design work in the game, and I think clearly doesn't have the interest in the kind of grind to collect netherite Additionally mob farms have very broad rewards to establishing, with the resources and experience they generate. Netheritw Netherite has very little point to getting if you're barely dying in iron armor
I just mean they've got so much gunpowder, grabbing enough netherite for yourself shouldn't take more than like, maybe 30 minutes it is overall kinda pointless outside of pvp and showing it off though, I guess it's nice not to lose your stuff in lava tho
Yeah but if you're only running around in iron gear are you really going to bemoan a zenloss? You'd probably be more upset about losing all the other stuff that would burn anyway
Losing stuff like respiration and aqua affinity headgear sucks but I guess with iron it's kinda whatever if you're not bothered about dying much anyway I just figured some of them would have gone through the detour of putting together some netherite for themselves by now is all It's more work to get a set of diamond gear than it is to upgrade it to netherite, after all
though obviously, netherite is something you're only gonna find because you're down there looking for it, nobody's building shit at level 15 in the nether diamonds you can sorta stumble on, even if infrequently
Kirara 🍄 大医 /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
yeah but theyre all just chillin not trying to complete goals or anything
I think Pekora, Moona, and Kronii all have netherite gear, but at least Kronii just keeps it in storage because she's too scared to lose it
we're gonna see about killing the dragon on our server today which means I'm going to the End for the first time Finally, I will at last actually complete minecraft, a game I've owned since it was $10
I hadn't even seen a silverfish until this server I thought they were part of a mod a lot of youtubers and stuff were using
/人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
I've never completed Minecraft in all my time in it too I think it cost like $20 AUD when I bought it
Kirara 🍄 大医 /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
ive never put more than 30 minutes into minecraft altogether in my entire life
I'm just gonna be happy to have shulker boxes I can use for storage
elytras are nice too, but the shulkers are the real prize Cause man do you build up an insane inventory when playing this game
what if he's lying to me why would he be lying to me does he hate me but he's trying to make me think he doesn't for some reason?
whty do i trust him so much I tell him stuff I don't tell other poepl who can affect my life it's amistake right? i've make a mistake why do i trust him so much
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
wow its almost like this pattern of self doubt has come up before and its some kind of vicious cycle that needs to be broken by facing your fear of intimacy or something idk what were we talking about again?
me trivializing and mocking a severe trauma a friend went through
So you're refusing to interact with this person you wronged now that they have forgiven you and want to interact with you again?
no, but it's tense a lot of the time because some part of me decided what I did can't be forgiven, and so I can't forvige myself ever never I refuse I won't if I did I'd be worse but him forgiving me is suspect how can he? i hurt him worse than he could ever hurt me, and we've known each otherforever he trusted me! he's not supposed to forgive me! how could he? it's not possible and I don't forgive mtyself but that probably hurts him too and I DONT KNOW ANYMORE BECAUSE NOTHING I DO MAKES ANY GODDAMNED SENSE
Rei !p8eYCadcMo
>>1049296 I'm not great at playing therapist and there's not really much of a point to do this while your drunk.
Rei !p8eYCadcMo
>>1049296 I would be up for talking about this again when you are sober.
i'll be sober again tomorrow
Rei !p8eYCadcMo
>>1049299 Okay I'm really busy tomorrow but I'll definitely be on /moe/ at some point.
i don't even know if I'll remmber this
Rei !p8eYCadcMo
I know you won't, but this really is something you should talk about with your therapist.
i won't do that
Rei !p8eYCadcMo
Have you at least let them know that you have trouble trusting authority fighres?
I told her I hurt my friend really bad when I was drunk once and that's why In stopped drinking for a while that's about it
Rei !p8eYCadcMo
Rei !p8eYCadcMo
>>1049305 That's good, I expected that you hadn't mentioned it. It might be good to without going into specifics talk about your issue accepting forgiveness.
i don't think she understood what I meant, I think she thought I like, punched someone or some other bullshit
Rei !p8eYCadcMo
>>1049308 I don't know if you can bring yourself to but it would be good to clarify that you meant you said something hurtful.
I would rather literally kill myself than go into detail
I know she's got confidentiality and whatever but even mentioning it to another human being is more than I'm willing to do on this particular topic when it comes to specifics
>>1049323 ? It really isn't I think a few female characters wear swimsuits like once. And there's also a two page color spread of a lesbian orgy but aside from that it isn't particularly "sexy" or whatever.
Rei !p8eYCadcMo
People just really like the characters.
based on how my mental is developing it's gonna have to wait like, at least a montht then
think a she i shoulda made a move idk i always think that deluuuusions
Rei !p8eYCadcMo
>>1049347 I'm seeing three movies next week. Well Technically I'm seeing two, but going to three showings. Next Thursday I'm seeing Office Space with friends, nect Friday I'm seeing 2001 A Space Odyssey with different friends, then next Saturday I'm seeing 2001 again but with my dad because he forgot we were going Friday and signed up for something he can't get out of.
Man I'm fucking busy Two concerts this weekend, going out for dinner two to four times, then three movies next week My checking account ks gonna be fucking drained. *is
/人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
lewd boat
Going back to sleep is harder than expected I usually sleep on my right side, but that just makes me extremely dizzy and 🦆awful right now Why a duck?
Rei !p8eYCadcMo
Update Might be seeing four movies next week. Alphaville on Thursday at the Siskel Center, then Office Space at the music box an hour after, then 2001 on Friday at 7, then 2001 again on Saturday at 1.
Maverick was pretty good Wouldn't jizz myself over it like imatts did but solid film
Wordle 356 2/6
🟨⬛🟩⬛⬛ 🟩🟩🟩🟩🟩
The front steps up to the door of the store I work for have been out of order for like two or three weeks now They were rusting and on their way out for months by then, I assume one of the steps just finally gave out But they're the same stairs customers are supposed to use so it bewilders me how long they've put off replacing them Sure there's a ramp up so it's not like there's no access but it means for weeks the store has had an ugly yellow ribbon and sign blocking off the stairs It's not a handsome look for what's supposed to be the first look customers have of the storefront
20 minutes until dawn is fun the electric girl is stupidly broken though lmao if you just get the SMGs with her, you're unkillable like, 5 minutes in if you just pick the right perks she gets a drop from the bosses that refills her ammo by 3 every 3 lightning bolts, and each bullet has a 50% chance to do a lightning bolt >>1049390 road to 2K
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
good lord Dan just passed 1000 deaths on Malenia
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
where are team red getting their points at this point lmao
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
guess you farm on team blue for a while and then shove in??
I assume that's how it's done that and a lotta people likely won out on some BIG bets in the past even if you're betting like 50K each time, that's not even that big a deal if you're sitting on a warchest in the millions
also NL's gonna be playing a new interactive horror experience like the one with the vampires in iraq today