I can sleep comfortably in any lighting situation, but I do like choosing dark rooms to sleep in There aren't really any shadows in the dark which spook me anymore
It is finished I The first phone call resolved my problem in under a minute. The second phone call took 25~ minutes and I talked to three different people, the first two people did not know English very well and then I was transferred to the third person about 22 minutes in and my problem was resolved within 3 minutes.
Rei !p8eYCadcMo
Overseas IT was a mistake.
>>1044893 What product? Stopped buying Dells because of their shitty Indian IT support
>>1044894 Even though they "reimaged" my PC at a Texas location when I specifically told pajeet I needed a new motherboard
Rei !p8eYCadcMo
>>1044894 Online transcript transfer support I'd never call for pc support
I had a professor in college who was buying from dell back when he was selling PCs out of his dorm room. For other stuff he's been using apple computers since 1982 Err, by other stuff I mean not high performance computing. Apparently the way early apple computers stored numbers (I don't recall the details) was very convenient compared to other computers of the time and saved him a lot of trouble. He's also been using Mathematica since before it was called that, and has contributed a but to the language. *a bit I generally despise proprietary software but Mathematica fucking rocks. It spoiled other languages for me.
Wonder if the world's neutrino detectors have found anything interesting.
Saw a guy going at a pretty fast clip on rollerblades through an intersection absolutely riddled with streetcar rails And man I admire his confidence but not his recklessness
Earlier today my friend was bragging about being able to bench 205lbs. And I told him "I don't know anyone who has ever bragged about being able to lift that little". For sure I can't bench that much, but I know plenty of people who bench more than that. Including you
>>1044976 To be fair, its probably better than 95% of other adult males in the country So that percentile is worth bragging about compared to the general pop, not lifters
man if these numbers are counting the bar thats pathetic
First up their like >$25 which is like, pretty good
then of course, that's $25 US which was $36 AUD. Then they add GST and the site adds a *service charge* ended up being almost double what I was expecting to pay.
>>1044949 probably the same as what luna did create the stablecoin token, and print giant reserves as people buy in then slowly pay out the stakers with the reserves
an anime avatar's explainer on the Ukraine war https://docs.google.com/document/d/1wgUjmG6Mw99X7Gpl70WgSwmy-QPg-V6eB-W5OuYY_dY/edit 373 pages jesus
Hey weebs can study contemporary geopolitics too
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
their title not mine i assume they're like "okay im pseudoanonymous and want to stay that way but also would like to acknowledge the vast majority of takes by anime avatars are piping hot garbage but hey ima own it with facts"
For me, its the sniper rifle from perfect dark that can see through walls, Vash's revolver, and of course the buster sword
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
my primary would be a 2017 macbook pro (blunt) secondary would be a glock and melee would be a steel onehitter (blunt)
I carry no weapon
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
(kisses left fist kisses right fist)
(kisses left bicep kisses right bicep) got tickets to the gunshow right here
Also also watch Sono Bisque Doll wa Koi wo Suru since you only watch finished stuff and One Piece It aired last season so it's all ready for you to start and it will make you feelthings
It has high quality animated fanservice for all the basic horny teenage boys while also telling an adorable story of love and pursuing the things in life which bring you joy and satisfaction
Yeah but I know Rene really likes it which is automatically a huge minus
Yeah but Kirara, Rika, and I all like it So that ought to be a net total of what, +2?
Rei !p8eYCadcMo
@Samu My dad knows a guy who put almost all of his money into Luna.
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
i watched an episode of bisque doll and was like "why dont they just fuck already" ive become That /a/ poster >>1045053 F luna is tryna revive itself as we speak lmao
its complicated idk part of it was that Luna was this like counterpart to UST Luna-terra like moon-earth Terra aka UST was supposed to be $1 USD always, but maintained algorithmically by either printing or burning Luna as required
>>1045068 So basically, Luna was hyperinflated to maintain UST's 1:1 USD price?
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
no more like burnt to buy USTs in normal operation but then some super hacker did some attack on the whole system and the UST depegged as a result yes the lunas were inflated out of existence trying to bring the terras back to $1 idk it was a pretty shoddy system and people rightly pointed this out but that sweet 20% apr kept people invested until the end
ah, well thankfully I haven't held UST or Luna One because like >holding cryptos, but they're 1:1 with USD to what end and Luna I didn't even really know about beyond having seen the name now and then >>1045074 Naw My dad has some stonks but they're not publicly traded so they're effectively worthless even though in theory they do have some value
>>1045030 >>1045031 I have read the entire bibliography(in the native languages) of Dugin, Gerard Toal, Bernard-Henri Levy, John Mearsheimer, Friedrich Ratzel, Rudolf Kjellén, Friedrich Naumann, Halford Mackinder, Alfred Thayer Mahan, Paul Vidal de la Blache, Nicholas Spykman, Gary Kasparov, Karl Haushofer, Carl Schmitt, Peter Niolaevich Savitsky, Kissinger, Colin S. Gray, Fukuyama, Huntington, Alexander Panarin, Yuri Luzhkov, Konstantin Zatulin, Aleksei Mitrofanov, Vladimir Zhirinovsky, Gennadi Zyuganov, Dmitri Rogozin, Konstantin Malofeev, Natalya Narochnitskaia, Alexander Solzhenitsyn, Yevgeny Primakov, Jace Conners, Dmitri Galkovsky and James Picciotto.
I think I know a little more about Geopolitics than non anime ERPers
Kirara 🍄 大医 /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
>>1045080 Weird how some countries are proposing/implenting taxes on prospective gains from stocks and crypto, but doesn't work the opposite way with losses.
idk i dont want to deal with all the packaging and pouring of soup and stuff i feel like it detracts from the purity of the greasy spoon experience
the greasy spoon it tough to replicate and the packaging is a little annoying you can just dunk the ingredients into the quart deli they give you and it's still good gotta measure out how much you put in though, they always give me way more ingredients than soup
>>1045108 Is the meme real? I've seen people saying that for years.
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
i don't know how wide the rust to femboy pipeline is but it apparently exists
femboy here ama
Marsh shitposting on the go via Telephone
Ah Kind of embarrassing Kind of funny Kind of just a GROWTH EXPERIENCE.
back at the post office Huge line Everyone else just has letters I got a two fuck off huge computer servers in a stolen supermarket shopping trolley Finally get to the front and they tell me it's over the weight limit Left the servers in the middle of the crowded roon. Went across the road and got a roll of bubblewrap and garbage bags from kmart. Just packing and repacking these huge unwieldy packages in front of about 50 people all watching Used a whole roll of duct tape Like a fuckin home made arts and crafts project Just an absolute clusterjam of tape and plastic But we made it
>>1045115 Ahh. She'll be right. I'll put it back later
wtf you cant take shopping carts outside the perimeter of the parking lot, they have that alarm that goes off
lmao what
im sure all 50 people were looking at u thinking.. >yah this is the guy i want handling my important server stuff!
we don't have those here maybe at a select few shops but all of our trolleys just end up in a pond or something it's probably too expensive for the supermarkets to do or they just use that coin system
the kindest thing you can do with a shopping cart is strand it just at the edge of viewing distance from the store that way the cart person has an excuse to take a nice walk over to it and take a break from pushing the big stacks of carts
Rei !p8eYCadcMo
>>1045122 >nobody uses cash anymore Isn't that a Europoor thing?
watch some cart narcs vids with me
Rei !p8eYCadcMo
Can't, watching jp vtubers try to speak English.
hell of a fridey night we got goin on huh
Rei !p8eYCadcMo
Found this cool article though. https://hackaday.com/2021/03/30/hershey-fonts-not-chocolate-the-origin-of-vector-lettering/
>>1045152 it's like a chain of dollar stores that sells real cheapo bargain bin household items
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
with your last lungful of life be sure to tap send on the email with your address, a squad of trained specialists will harvest your collection for future generations
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
feelin morbid and moribund on a friday niiight what am i doing with my liiife
for sure lots of services out there, although can you really trust any of them with something so vital
Has to be DIY then Like in the movie Spawn where the bad guy has a heartbeat sensor hooked up that launches the nukes when his pulse stops
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
whered he get a nuke from
I forget the exact details of the plot, I think he was the head of a secret agency Had the launch codes or something.
Bad guy mercenary leader in Lost also had one, bomb would blow up the boat if his heart stopped Which didn't make too much sense how the radio signals would go through 50 ft of rock underground
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
i wish launching nukes was as simple as having da codez just dial 911 and punch em in
>>1045165 Classic >>1045160 Sounds like a rip off of Snow Crash Which I'm sure was parodying some other cyberpunk thing. But I know the trope from Snowcrash originally.
I woke up with my pillow and the upper part of my covers having like, quite a bit of dried blood on them, but like, no blood on me anywhere It wouldn't be so strange if there was some on me too
Kirara 🍄 大医 /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
I mean even then it'd be strange for none of it to be on me It's not like there's a HUGE amount, it seems like I probably had a nosebleed or something, somehow
I had a yeti mike somewhere aand I haven't been able to find it since the move which annoys me
/人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
I bought these Friends soap bars because they were marked down to pennies and they smell like a less pungent version of the stink beetles we used to have at home
I don't dislike fauna's original song but it's a bit generic. Wouldn't go as far as to say it's a banger. and definitely not a bop or a certified hood classic
like half of my orders are cancelled lmao four drop run pog
/人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
this next order is just one bag and it's dip and fruit tingles lol what even
/人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
I really hope they're not there I'd feel stupid handing over a bag containing exactly (one) packet of fruit tingles and dip, even if it is a redelivery
Tadaimback >>1045357 That anime was fucking traumatizing. I got a copy of the complete series in a blind bag I bought at an anime convention and I had to give it to my friend.
Rei !p8eYCadcMo
In other news I beat a friend of mine in magic and ge *he got really salty. He said that I didn't deserve to win the game and just got lucky. All because I stopped his bullshit infinite combo.
that brightened up my day. I gkt l got * the dfg feelzz good vibe!
/人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
>>1045401 honestly never heard of that channel, just dragged it after reading about the fight stuff pparently that guy beat matt watson in twenty two seconds? idkno
/人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
>>1045401 https://tanoshiine.info/src/1652596794443.mp3 bumper good vibes
what are the "leagues" in duolingo? do they matter? it said I was above the promotion threshhold, but I dunno what the leagues DO so I dunno if that matters at all, for anything
It's global rankings, basically In case knowing how well you're progressing against total strangers is motivation to keep going
Oh So it's just ego stuff, it won't affect the actual app, like with what lessons I get or anything
As far as I can recall, assuming nothing has changed, no And honestly if you're tackling the lessons with consistent dedication you'll probably be constantly moving up in the ranks anyway
Fair enough Really just the streak counter is very helpful, cause I have difficulty sticking with stuff, even if I wanna, but when there's a number going up that'll go back down if I stop, then I gotta at least get some time in daily
You know what they would care about though - if i show up to the next meeting with senior staff looking sloppy
When I was working in the financial district a while back there were barber shops which were definitely set up with the intention of attracting clientele during lunch/break times or when they were on their way home
Man it's sitting at 28C in this apartment I don't want to cook I don't want to do laundry I don't even want to shower These are all things I need to do but I'm just desperate to keep the temperature from climbing higher I don't know if I can take another week of this before the building turns the cooling on This system they've decided on really doesn't work
make a cooler ice fan AC Ive done it and it works if right next to you do chores at night
I hate how work likes to stagger my shifts so I have random morning shifts sandwiched between night shifts and days off yeah nothing having a day off so I can wake up at four or five am the next day
Yeah I've only ever heard it with a "dj" or "j" sound Maybe some dialects in England pronounce it at it's spelled I think both are accurate ways of saying it
>>1045571 ah yeah that's probably what I mean but I'm bad at enunciating we defimitely don't say cordjal is /// do they say it like that in any other states
>>1045572 I'm watching Better Call Saul As much as I'd like to, my brain just isn't made for learning all the time or I'd just be putting all my time into jp
I guess I'm just not used to this sorta temperature this time of year is all this apartment's real insulated which is good in winter, but I think I'll be using a fair amount of AC power over the summer because of it
The meteormen beg to differ Judging by the hole in the satellite pitcher
turns out you can put duolingo on "don't show me the romanji" mode, so I can use it to practice the kana too I'm already fairly good at them, even if I'm struggling a little with the katakana, but having to use that knowledge helps a lot I think
Rei !p8eYCadcMoSearch [iqdb](827 KB, 878x888, Gura.gif)/人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
wow don't whatever me young man if you want to make your shorts embed just >>>/watch?v=GRNnwA8V0gU?feature=share delete be.com/shorts part of the url and make it youtub.e instead
>>1045618 It does make you feel safe knowing these beefcakes are protecting the world's nukes
idk is the content really worth it maybe like 80 % is ripped from tiktok
I'm just glad the shorts have their own little icon so I can avoid them
/人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
#d100 (15)
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
#d100 (64)
Guy across from me has a T-shirt saying MUD DER NAT ION And I definitely did not at first mis-see it as "Murder nation"
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
i saw that too
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
whats a mudder, a mud race or a multi user dungeon player?
I would assume it's a 4wheeler race
the horses mudder was a mudder
>>1045631 If I remember correctly, it's a kind of extreme obstacle competition, usually with a natural environment component which encourages competitors to not shy from getting dirty, which is where the "mudder" thing comes from
The throat singing was pretty awesome Honestly the soundscape for Dune was fantastic
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
i do enjoy me a dune part one OST
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
Herald of the Change
duolingo has me learning ocha as green tea, but isn't it tea in general?
Or is it more like green tea specifically has its own word and there's a different one for other kinds of tea maybe? Thinking about it, the tea in anime is always green after all
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
cha is tea i thought ocha is also tea but like idk somehow special like sake vs osake
I guess it's cause green tea specifically has traditional value in Japan >>1045671 It's not gonna be my only resource, I'm using it to keep myself at least In It when I don't feel like doing anything more The daily streak system makes it easy to make myself at least do some
Rei !p8eYCadcMo
>>1045667 Ocha is tea or green tea Kocha is black tea Also duolingo sucks for Japanese
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
everything japnese is crazy contextual rigid definitions wont go very far
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
i do think sticking O infront of words in general denotes respect and gravitas but i dont actually know if this is the case
But damn, Better Call Saul really is a great show I'm invested in all the story threads, which isn't always the case with shows that cover several characters' separate but occasionally intersecting stories Especially when it comes to live action stuff, it's not even that often I end up watching a show like this
>>1045667 茶, read "ちゃ", is the Kanji for tea, and is generally used to broadly refer to tea as a thing By adding お in front of it, it takes on the connotation of green tea.
Is there some particular trick to learning the kanji in general, or is it just memorization and repetition all the way down? Like is there some sorta system to it? I can see myself struggling with anything more than maybe 5-6 lines, not just in terms of memorization, but even telling them apart when the font size isn't very big Kids in Japan are expected to have 1000 of them down by grade 6, so I'm kinda wondering how they can pull that off if it's all just arbitrary lines that you gotta simply memorize
Short answer, yes, but it's not something you're going to pick up without literal years of immersion into Japanese, but there are hacks I will bring up later on Long answer, most more complex Kanji are composed of what are often refered to in English as radicals, smaller components which are simplified or abstracted simpler Kanji which can be considered building blocks for which the more complicated Kanji are made of. By becoming familiar with radicals, you can often use them to 1. understand the stroke count/order when writing Kanji by hand (of limited use to us, but not a completely useless skill), and 2. use as a kind of mnemonic tool for remembering what a Kanji means. I say a kind of tool, because in the end a Kanji can often actually mean something completely illogical or only through an extreme reach of creative interpretation of what its radicals mean.
However, this is something which I think Wanikani does really well for its intended audience of adult English-fluent users, taking apart pretty much every Kanji into its simplest radicals and attempts to provide you with an English-based mnemonic for remembering how the radicals form into the Kanji. You are also free to edit in your own mnemonics in case you have a better one or the provided one just fails for you , but generally I have found most of their mnemonics to be fairly effective. This is a system you could set up yourself on an app like Anki, at which point you might consider eschewing Wanikani altogether, which might seem preferable if their fee for use is beyond your means, though I do like their structured system and the way they advance in complexity
>>1045679 Hm I'm guessing o doesn't actually mean "green" in the first place, so it's more like what we call green tea is tea with o in front in Japanese, culturally important thus the o?
>>1045681 As far as mnemonics go, the guide I used for the kana used them, and honestly most of them \\\\ a lot of them, anyway, didn't really make too much sense to me, to the point where I couldn't even remember what exactly the symbols were mnemoniticized as for some of them, but merely having something to tie it to made it easier to remember Like na had a "naughty nun" cause it's like a flying cross with someone praying, but I couldn't remember the naughty part at all. I remembered that there was SOMETHING with na related to the cross though, so I still remember it every time without issue
I think it's more important for me to just have something tied to it, whether I can recall what exactly, because I'm able to tie the symbol to a vague idea, and the vague idea to the sound
Like shi? I have no goddamn fucking idea what that's mnemonetized as in the guide, forgot it right away, but I still don't mess it up cause I know that shape has SOMETHING attached that's shi It works strangely, but it works for me. And I imagine the kanji will be very similar
I'm guessing learning to draw the kanji, or at least drawing them while I'm learning will help a lot, actually, because that way I'm actually drawing them out while attaching that motion and feeling to an idea, and if memory serves, that helped me a lot back when I learned to write and read back in kindergarten Well, technically I was doing that at home, but we did have a small group of NERDS in kindergarten too where we read and wrote and did some light math Same with most things really, I learn a lot better by going through the motions of something and burning it into my motor memory
i love texas
time keeps on slippin into the future
i love texas
samu can you alter the codebase so that time is slowed down irl ty
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
>>1045680 kids in grade 12 have been immersed in japanese for like 12 years straight
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
>>1045685 yeah sure we could just adopt the calendar that keeps me eternally 17 tbh
>>1045682 I don't quite understand the "why" for お, but I understand its purpose It seems to elevate some Kanji from being concepts to being actual nouns, if I was to try and explain it So 茶 is conceptually tea (to the Japanese, green tea would be basic tea) and ( ( ( ( ( お茶 is tea, the noun, but as we foreigners understand it, it's green tea By extension, 酒 (read さけ), is conceptually alcohol, and お酒 is alcohol as a noun. What we foreigners consider sake as a drink, in Japanese is actually called 日本酒 (literally "Japanese alcohol")
>>1045688 They do it with some other stuff too, though, right? Like, kami is deity or similar, but "okami" is also kind of deity, but I usually get the feeling it's like, a Bigger Deal Deity?
Hm, while I do think there are other Kanji which become nouns once you put お in front of them, I don't think 神 is one of them What you're probably hearing is 大神 (read おおかみ), which literally translates as "big god", but is also, I think, used to refer to wolf kami of a specific cultural flavour, but this is where my lack of Japanese folk tradition and mythology falls short When Japanese people are speaking to/of gods in a supplicative fashion, or also to refer to the big G God of the Abrahamic faiths, they will use "kami-sama"
maybe I'm confusing it with OU kami Like, ou is "big" overall, I think
Now that you mention it, some sort of fox\wolf deity makes sense there's that game that's literally called okami or ookami or something, and that's a fox or wolf type spirit, and I think maybe Horo was referred to as such too
Japanese really is a vibes based language, after all
Yeah, exactly I don't know the etymological reason for it, but there is some cultural connection Well The Kanji for wolf is 狼, read おおかみ, so there is a very real possibility that it's nothing more than the two phrases, 大神 and 狼 having the exact same pronunciation, which is the link But I also wouldn't be surprised if there's some deeper cultural root for the connection
>>1045698 So it's like a double entendre basically It's like a damn cultural pun Japanese is wild
Also even sake is usually refered to just as rice wine among non-weebs and non-snobs, I'm pretty sure It's still sold as sake though, but that's more like, uh I dunno, a... not brand name or anything, but like how potato chips will be sold as "crisps", that sorta thing, I dunno the precise term for it
I would say in my experience I've found the contrary, most people know what sake is, or understand it's the one kind of Japanese alcohol that has really made international awareness They will either know it as sake or don't know what it is at all, eg, the notion of making rice wine itself is a surprise to them
Huh maybe I'm the one who's off on that one, it's not like I talk booze with a lot of people after all
Rei !p8eYCadcMo
>>1045700 I've never heard it called rice wine except when it's being explained to someone who doesn't know what sake is.
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
tfw you will never grow up learning all the weird puns and childhood meme stories but also you will never have to perform keigo fu kyea
I gotta admit when I first heard of it, it came as a bit of a surprise to me too cause I didn't realize you could make wine out of rice I wasn't surprised they'd make alcohol from rice, because I mean, you can make alcohol from most like, growable foodstuffs I'm pretty sure, but I didn't realize it'd classify as wine until I heard Though I'm enough of a weeb I wasn't super surprised cause I know rice has always and continues to be an enormous part of the Japanese diet To the point where the stuff people eat along with the rice is referred to as side dishes, like the rice is the main dish as opposed to a side itself, which is what you'd assume going by western standards Like how potatoes can basically be called sides even if they're part of the majority of meals here
>>1045707 I'm pretty sure you can make booze outta it yeah Alcohol is like, a byproduct of some organism that does decomposition after all, and it mostly eats like, sugar or something afaik And sugar is part of practically all plantlife
I dunno if it'd taste very good though, but I don't fucking know the process for making booze in general I could probably cobble something together if put at gunpoint, but I wouldn't know how to make good, safe, or a specific type of booze
My dad has some very limited experience with how moonshine's made, though he's never actually done it himself We once discussed maybe making some for fun, but never got around to it and now that he's married again we never will cause she's kind of a stuck up snob tbh
>>1045705 It doesn't help that there are misnomers when it comes to Japanese alcohol Like Japanese plum wine, 梅酒 (read うめしゅ), is not actually a wine It's Japanese plums (also not actually plums), steeped in a Japanese alcohol called shochu, which is a distilled alcohol closer to vodka or whisky
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
i wonder if you started a space colony with zero bacteria, is there such a thing would you be able to being aboard a potato and observe it just sit there and spoil without being converted into mash or is that impossible
>>1045712 Oh, the alcohol kanji's read differently there, huh? I recognize it cause it looks kinda like some old-timey brownbottle for high% booze Is there a system for knowing when a kanji is pronounced a particular way, or do you just sorta learn each particular instance over time?
Rei !p8eYCadcMo
>>1045713 You'd need to grow it without having any bacteria in or on it in the first place. Actually it Hrrrrmmmm Not sure what would happen
>>1045715 Most Kanji, especially simpler ones and more commonly used ones, have bare minimum two readings, and certain Kanji can have a large number of possible readings While, and I want to underscore this very, very thoroughly, this is by no means a system for reliably discerning which reading is being used, there is a somewhat consistent pattern of, when there's two possible readings, one is used when the Kanji is alone as a vocabulary, and the other is used when it's combined with other Kanji for form -to form a multi-Kanji vocabulary As you noticed, 酒 is しゅ when used in conjunction to write 梅酒, but is さけ when alone and when used to write お酒 I'm holding off talking about 音読み (read おんよみ) and 訓読み (read くんよみ) which is how you divide these different readings because it's a complicated topic which is partially reliant on understanding the migration of Kanji from China to Japan and honestly I don't understand it 100% myself, and also because as I said, this is not a reliable system Plenty of Japanese words will mix readings and you kinda just have to memorize the ones which fall outside the pattern I mentioned above
Rei !p8eYCadcMo
>>1045715 >the alcohol kanji ks *is read differently there You have no idea
also that's sha, right, not shiyu SHU* cause the yu's slightly smaller, or at least it seems like it to me some kana seem like their smaller versions even when big to me, like tsu for example, cause they're a bit shorter in the first place
Oh and this is a bit of a side-thing, but do you have specific software so you can write moonrunes, or is it just a language pack and you get a popup while writing romanji like I sometimes see in my animes? I put a japanese keyboard on my phone that's very neat, but I can't really do that with my PC It's clearly inherited from old phone number pads too, it's really cool to look at, no wonder japanese people picked up on sms and mms usage so fast when they were able to divide it into the numpad like that
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
>>1045716 yeah idk do organic molecules just chill if theres nothing around to eat them? probably i assume? its such a theoretical question tho
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
>>1045720 surely your PC will have a native language input unless youre running like windows 2000
idk japanese software do be kinda ancient
>>1045719 Yes, there is a visible difference between しゃ and しや, although depending on the resolution of your monitor and how good your eyes are, it might seem slight If you're not too confident on your ability to tell between them, I would recommend going to Google Translate and having Japanese be the language you are writing in Google Translate has a built in ability to type in Japanese so you don't need to enable Japanese language input on your PC to type up kana
>>1045722 SC might have to enable Japanese language input in her PC, but yeah, it's pretty easy to get your computer to type in kana Oh well I don't know about the Linux side of things, but it's straightforward on Windows if I remember correctly
ya is easy enough, most really are easy enough, it's just a few like yu specifically yu is another one I don't remembe the mnemonic for, I just know it looks like a fish and the fish is yu for reasons I never actually managed to remember even after reading it the first time
If it's just an input thing, then I'll be able to figure it out Limited use, but I can use it for some stuff like searching on pixiv, though even pixiv's gotten a very good english wordlist nowadays Most useful part will be being able to type in a kana I don't remember into a word document to quickly have it show up so I can put it back in the memory back Really, that's gonna be primarily useful for katakana though, the hiragana were all real easy to memorize cause they were the first set, and katakana's more difficult because some of them look similar to different hiragana It'd be the opposite if I went with katakana first
>>1045724 しゅ and しゆ still have what I think is a sufficiently discernable difference Again this is just something which helps to have experience seeing Typing them into Google Translate might help you get a feel for it
Also if you end up having a hard time finding a Linux input for kana then you can just type shit into Google Translate and copy it Their built in kana input is just as good as Windows' I've definitely used it when I don't want to deal with flicking back and forth between alphanumeric input and kana input
I'll definitely look into both, though at least in my experience the google translate method has been a bit shaky usually works for one kana, maybe two, but after that it throws "did you mean different language?" at me maybe there's some settings somewhere I've not looked at though >>1045729 It does look like a fish though!
yu are a fish lol
>>1045728 Japanese input on a standard keyboard pretty much universally functions by typing in kana, pressing space, and then finding in a dropdown menu the vocabulary or katakana spelling you were looking for eg., I'll type in hiragana のみます, which will appear as I type Then once I finish the vocabulary, I press space, and a dropdown menu will appear. Since this is a pretty singular verb, without many common other phrases or vocabulary which share the reading, there will only be one option besides my original hiragana, 飲みます I then can press space or use the arrow keys to select the option and after pressing Enter, the phrase will adjust to be 飲みます. When I'm trying to write stuff I generally try to keep to specific vocabulary rather than typing out a full phrase and seeing if the IME can properly interpret it; I don't know how complexly native Japanese people can write stuff out
I see I see Based on what I've seen in shows at least, it at least kinda seems like they tend to go word by word, but I've only recently started actually learning so it's not like I really knew what I was looking at those times
The other thing you might be running into that I can think of, is when you're typing stuff out in katakana in Google translate to try and pick up the katakana, since katakana are used very often in Japanese to spell out foreign words It might just be thinking you're trying to write a word in English or another language and is trying to guide you towards that
Rei !p8eYCadcMo
>>1045721 I know that oil is made from ancient plants that predated decomposition bacteria, but there was also heat and pressure involved. I imagine something gross would happen over a long period of time.
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
someone should build a social network that requires posters to speak in fluent japanese
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
stutter? banned. hesitate? banned. use the wrong honorific? banned
can't even see the word "green tea" anymore without green owl flashbacks green tea and rice please green tea and water please it's green tea
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
best tea i had in my life was i went to the historic district in kyoto and had a matcha whisked and served was it a tourist trap? probably but damn was it good
ya that reminds me I gota make one of those wisks >>1045740 out of bamboo
I still honestly feel like the sheer amount of kanji makes Japanese needlessly complex, though Not even a complaint exactly, but obviously you can't speak in kanji, so the order you put the kana in ultimately has to be able to communicate what you're trying to I guess in writing you have some other constraints like literally the amount of space available and the lack of spacing makes it sensible, though It just seems like it could have been solved much more elegantly by introducing other elements, like we have spaces, and even some emphasis symbols like é and stuff Of course, no language was constructed in full with goals like this though, they develop over time
They should just go ahead and make a kanji for every single word So you can write whole books without ever making a singular kana The final form of Japaness
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
thats what ive been thinking about kinda, but for code wvery function should have its own symbol
The most obvious issue now with something like that is you'd need a lot more pixels for each one available though I dunno how many pixels are available for symbols nowadays, but you'd need A LOT to allow for that sort of variance without ending up with truly cursed and indistinguishable symbols
For coding it can work though, the amount is lower and also it can be generated at runtime
But for a language, you'd also have to consider the actual space it'd eat on a drive to store all those symbols, no matter how small they are, cause there's just SO MANY words
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
in code its ok because each function can be hashed however many functions are synonyms of each other some researchers have proposed peoof systems that find equivalences between functions but you have to provide an insane burden of proof so its entirely academic
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
>>1045748 yeah i think theres a limit on how many symbols a human can be expected to distinguish so they do the compound kanji words instead
well that, and I mean stuff like, some of them would end up being like, say 25x25 pixels, with every other being black and white, starting with black, and then one would have one switched somewhere in the middle, while another would have the one next to it swapped instead, just due to volume >>1045752 Yeah but it still has to be small enough that you're not basically scrolling through the text when reading twitter too you know
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
cmon use a high dpi display you could easily have 200 or 300 pixels per symbol
what if 3d symbols instead they rotate Way more real estate! you can't write them, but you can type them and truly typing is what matters in the modern age A language for the digital world
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
concept space has like a crazy number of dimensions these symbols can only be entertained in a constrained context which is probably enough for our brains
Alternatively, a language that's as boiled down as possible while still maintaining rapid readability Like our alphabet is 29\26 characters, and that's enough to read and indicate sound in most cases where that matters in any real sense but what if we could reduce it further What if we could accomplish the same efficiency with 13!? You can't go too far down before it becomes a pain to read Like just reducing it to actual binary would be the far extreme of this, but you can't really read that anymore because each word becomes a fucking computing task onto itself
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
the number of distinct characteres isnt too important i dont think because we process more at the word and sentence level its a bigger signifier to see familiar words and sentence structures. as long as the overall language has regular landmarks that your aubconscious brain can rely on you will be alright
well yeah, but I was thinking like the least efficient written language that still remains competitive with the world's languages in terms of reading speed
Japanese is an example of the opposite, it's highly efficient when written because a lot of words and concepts are boiled into kanji, so you save on characters and can cram more information into a smaller space But the opposite, that's a very interesting concept to me The least amount of information density by character count, while still being as convenient to read (beyond that exact fact) in terms of speed and ease of reading
I'd pick finnish over german, considering how they double up on vowels a lot in addition to consonants
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
WOW cancelled finish
bigot detected alert the news mediaaa
though that's just on the level of the actual language, and has nothing to do with the symbol set, obviously Some symbols we could easily, easily scratch out, too Like w and x and z, those are really not that useful when it comes to it C, too, really, cause we can use k and s instead >>1045767 newspeak is very cool in this new field I have decided to pioneer as well It not only accomplishes a very distinct information density, it even reduces the scope of information available, and that's very notable
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
clearly human languages are a dumpster fire see all the rhetorical attacks that are possible lets invent Newspeak doublepluagood
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
i have actually had this dream of inventing a coding language if not a communication language where we assign every discrete concept a unique id
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
good luck discretizing concepts thooo
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
like, hyperified moe where you cannot use a non reified word
hm, explains explain*
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
like by default it provides an english dictionary of 10-20k words and you can only type those particular words or maybe you can mint new words but you gotta pay 1 cent per new concept
oooh English, but Orwellian rules
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
different boards could use different wordsets
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
thing is people would just balk. or find new meanings for existing words to fill gaps
Alternatively, what if you did the opposite r9k but for words you can not use a word that's been used before or maybe just after x amount of uses, a word enters the blacklist given a year or so, moe would be taipyng eeen vari spshaul veiz
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
like a forced obscure vocab board would be pretty neat
yeah, it could be fun tanoshii hell we might even begin using bastardized japanese words after a while because they'd be less used and thus closer to their normal form
An issue might be single letters after a while though not even just a, but just like fun, f u n you know
Maybe it could just have a "usage over x timeframe" thing, so words become available after a while when they're not commonly used anymore it could have a stonks ticker on the bottom with the words on the increase and those close to the limit
is that just smash bros stale move mechanic but for words
mumei and gura having so similar voices they get confused for each other is really funny gura even thought she accidentally fed her mic into her speakers once when mumei joined the call
Rei !p8eYCadcMo
Anyways Bae's lore is that she is a chaos god. Like from Warhammer
Apparently they did some dumb lottery system for the autograph event. Where you buy a chance to maybe get an autographed thing from them. I bet Cover made them do it. >>1045809 It is a mystery.
hi rei what are glyph icons
I got an autograph from Mana at sakuracon cause the manaposter from T mentioned it
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
who is mana
>>1045808 sounds like a good forgery and moneymaking oppurtunity
>>1045804 baths are gross I hope you at least shower beforehand or something...
Oooh, watching the Honzuki anime of this week, I'm realizing I actually didn't get around to reading the side stories for a lot of the series until near the end of what's currently out I should go back and read those probably
Often kinda wondered how come the whole Three Kingdoms stuff is so popular in Japan I know Japan and China go way back and all, but surely there's a reason beyond that
Three Kingdoms is pretty popular all over east Asia It's one of their earliest written works, at least in formats which are easy to carry and distribute, like scrolls and books Kind of like how Grecco-Roman myths have been popular in western society for millenia, Three Kingdoms enjoys a similar spot in the cultural consciousness of East Asia
>>1045834 Ah, so that's how it is That makes sense I always found it pretty strange, since at least I have the impression of it being a very, very large body of work Like War and Peace sorta thing
Rei !p8eYCadcMo
>>1045826 I'm on my phone Also Gonna go shower Bbl
>>1045836 Well my understanding is it's pretty large But there's a point where people start writing stories down and its often those stories which lodge themselves in a cultural consciousness
Okay yeah it's 800,000 words long over 120 chapters That is not a small work
>>1045838 Yeah, that definitely does make a lot of sense It's not even necessarily the case that everyone's even read it, similar to war and peace, everyone knows OF it, though unlike war and peace, probably a lot of people have at least some familiarity with bits and pieces of it
The other thing too is, while Romance of the Three Kingdoms would be classified as historical fiction, even somewhat fantasy at times, it uses historical characters and does kind of follow the events of the Three Kingdoms time period Like by historical records, Kong Ming was a real person, along with the other character he has referenced if you've been watching Paripi While readers probably understand there is a degree of separation from the characters in the epic compared to their real life counterparts, it's easy to suspend your disbelief when reading and really think you're following the records of these legendary military and political leaders
The "romance" bit is very apt, I suppose
Yeah, well, I think the Chinese title translates literally to like, "Historical Record of the Three Kingdoms" But interpreting it as Romance is definitely one of those sensible breaks from literal translation
Saul Goodman is portrayed as kind of a scummy guy in the whole "defends obvious career criminals" stuff, but really the world needs lawyers for those guys too
Though I suppose without lawyers, maybe it wouldn't be necessary to have one when you get in trouble Obviously the system would need to adjust well, not obviously, but presumably
One interesting thing is the disparity between east and west conviction rates. Japan is 99%, China around 90 I think, while the US approx 40%
I actually thought the US was higher than that Japan's I knew about though, supposedly it stems from prosecutors not risking bringing a case unless they've got a fucking watertight case, but honestly I think it's probably something more in the area of people having poor legal representation and cops having too much leeway I don't know nearly enough to say anything like that for sure obviously, but Japan's conviction rate is just fucking absurd and reeks to high heaven of foul play
I guess in the US, a lot of stuff never sees trial though, and I'm guessing those ones aren't counted as convictions since like, technically no conviction actually happened, legally speaking
Why even bother going through the show of a trial at all
>>1045850 Ah, it is higher. For federal charges very much, 95-99% so similar situation. But looks like 60-70 for lower courts >China 99.9% >Russia over 99%
Federal charges kinda make some sense I guess At least for a lot of them, it tends to be stuff where it's hard to be charged without there being evidence to begin with, I'd expect
I dunno what conviction rates are like here actually No real idea what they'd be like
I know our clearance rates are real high at least Not that we've got nearly as much crime as somewhere like the US in the first place, though
Marsh shitposting on the go via Telephone
Plus going to Jail in Nordic countries is just like being put up in a moderately nice hotel
Our jails do tend to be better than many other places from what I understand yeah Different strategy overall when it comes to the system
Marsh shitposting on the go via Telephone
Remember when the guy that shot all those kids went on a hunger strike because they only gave him a ps2 instead of a ps3
There's this one scene in Better Call Saul I kinda wonder about the legal reality of actually At one point, Saul's (then going by his given name James\Jimmy but that's not really important) girlfriend learns of a tape where he admits to a felony She is also a lawyer, she takes him into his office, and tells him to give her a dollar, which he does, and this establishes her as his lawyer, and thus client-lawyer confidentiality How much reality is there to that? Like is that all it takes to establish that? No paperwork or anything? I know the confidentiality thing is real, obviously, but I actually always thought it took more than a single symbolic exchange of money It's fairly common in media I think, that thing where a lawyer gets someone to give them like, a dollar, 20 dollars or whatever to establish it, but I never really thought too deeply about it before now
Hell I mean technically, lawyers can be pro bono in the first place Though I guess being a retainer doesn't really work with pro bono maybe
feel when just a lvl 1 slime
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
LOOKS LIKE YOU'RE [[All Alone On A Late Night?]]
Mahou Shoujo Marsh-chan
nah im with my booooooooiiiiiiiiis
Rei !p8eYCadcMo
I made a poor decision I layed down and thought "I should start rereading Chainsaw Man, I doubt I'll read more than half of it since I need to get up tomorrow " And here we are I have only a few chapters left. I'm definitely done for the night though.
The Securities and Exchange Commission today announced settled charges against technology company NVIDIA Corporation for inadequate disclosures concerning the impact of cryptomining on the company’s gaming business. >The SEC’s order finds that, during consecutive quarters in NVIDIA’s fiscal year 2018, the company failed to disclose that cryptomining was a significant element of its material revenue growth from the sale of its graphics processing units (GPUs) designed and marketed for gaming. >In two of its Forms 10-Q for its fiscal year 2018, NVIDIA reported material growth in revenue within its gaming business. NVIDIA had information, however, that this increase in gaming sales was driven in significant part by cryptomining. Despite this, NVIDIA did not disclose in its Forms 10-Q, as it was required to do, these significant earnings and cash flow fluctuations related to a volatile business for investors to ascertain the likelihood that past performance was indicative of future performance. >Without admitting or denying the SEC’s findings, NVIDIA agreed to a cease-and-desist order and to pay a $5.5 million penalty.
i mean i guess 5 million for omitting one sentence on a form is alright i dont know if that sentence would have materially changed many people's or funds' views?
Rei !p8eYCadcMo
Took me 40 minutes to get my meds. Thanks Biden
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
ok according to HN this slap on the wrist might be cuz they can't prove it was an intentional omission >This sets the stage for shareholder lawsuits, which are better equipped to assess actual damages.
I totally forgot PowerPC was a RISC architecture. Although it's anscestor the IBM 801 predates the DARPA funded Berkeley RISC project. Somehow I've either never heard of the 801 or completely forgot about it. >>1045924 Sup ToN
I'm trying to preorder a figurine from goodsmile a nd their website keeps giving me a weird error. I sent a support ticket, but I really hope it gets resolved before preorder ends tomorrow night.
There's this one very, very common slang expression in Norway, so extremely common I doubt there's anyone who doesn't know what it means when you say it, but for the life of me I never actually understood its origin until today "ama", being the expression, added at the end of a sentence example: "du bruker ikke hammeren, ama?" which roughly translates to "you're not using the hammer?" in a sort of borderline incredulous, but still rooted in curiosity way most of the time anyway But it's also used, just as frequently and with the same sort of meaning to it for something like "du bruker ikke hammeren, ama" (though admittedly that particular sentence is a little scuffed in terms of the use, but it helps convey my point to have the same sentence, and it absolutely CAN be used like that, it'd just usually be "dama" instead for reasons) Which roughly translates to "you don't use the hammer" in a kind of instructive way, like you see someone use a hammer for something, and you can say that to convey that it's unnecessary or wrong to use a hammer in that situation, though with a tinge of condescension depending on how you tone it
Anyway, never really understood how it came about Until today, when I decided to look it up most likely it comes from "da mann", which kinda maps neatly onto how you'd end those sentences with just "man" in English The more you know
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
its kinda nice making all these connections to word stems and meanings behind collloquialisms as time passes i qould cite an example but bad memory also beers