I've always kinda wondered how those things work Well, that one is pretty self explanatory, it's got an actual motor attached, but I mean the ones with the lever
Hm, I guess I can sorta imagine how they work, actually somewhat similar to those screwdrivers you can turn backwards without unscrewing what you're working on
It'd probably be pretty easy to make one if you had the parts
/人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
there seems to be quite a few builds everyone has their own version
Mahou Shoujo Marsh-chan
>>1043906 you'd want to be pretty damn certain the tracks really were abandoned though
>>1043940 Damn The dogs really did a number on it.
/人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
https://www.heardle.app/ now I've heard it all
/人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
>>1043941 yeah haven't properly looked to see how many but they're rags now I don't care how much they cost but the annoying part is ordering them they're gonna take forever to arrive
Is it not the case that you can demand to have a lawyer present when presented with a search warrant? Aren't those the sorta situation you should have someone who knows the law and legalese to explain to you what it means? >>1043950 Well yeah, but having a lawyer or at least someone who knows the law present can be the difference between granting cops access to something you misunderstood the warrant to include, and not doing that When a cop tells you to open a door after you're shown a warrant, I imagine it's very difficult to go "No."
A search warrent /// warrant is granted by a judge, so it's a "lawful order". You have no recourse whether you have a lawyer or not, so even if you demand to have a lawyer, they will execute the warrant while you wait for your lawyer to arrive.
Though at the same time, I guess there are some big issues with allowing you to have some sort of council show up first The most obvious issue being evidence being destroyed
I suppose so I mean it's probably the same way here too, though I wouldn't know cause I've never seen or gotten a warrant for anything I guess I just always assumed that cause it's a legal document, it'd make sense to be entitled to an interpreter before it's enacted
I guess it comes down to the warrant actually having no power over you specifically, it's not ordering you to do anything, the cops are just informing you of their own orders, mostly just so you don't think you're being attacked or something I guess I guess even the issue with not knowing what the warrant covers and what it doesn't can be fixed pretty easily by just responding something along the lines of "if that's what the warrant says, then sure" to everything. You haven't given permission at that point unless the warrant already made your permission irrelevant anyway
My only real concern with it is how it enables cops to exploit people's uncertainty on whether a request was an order or like, just a request Cause "please open that door" can be read as both, and if it's an order you refuse to comply with, you might be fucked
playing mw2 and gta4(pirated) all day working summer job at subway watching anime split into 3 10 minute parts on youtube man dont ever wanna leave 2009
atarted from the bottom now im here started from the bottom now my whole team fuckin here
Marsh shitposting on the go via Telephone
Damn ned Kelly was only 25 when he got killed Just a kid
Marsh shitposting on the go via Telephone
Im thinking about that now cus im at a cafe and Ned Kelly is on the wall
Marsh shitposting on the go via Telephone
What's really funny about that is the owners are all clearly south-east Asian. Vietnamese So its like they're trying extra hard to make the decor Stralya
i wonder were there any asian bushrangers >>1044109 tbf there's probably a ton of Australians capitalising on Kelly as if they have something to prove just look at any Commodore
Marsh shitposting on the go via Telephone
The point is that its kindda wild that he was only 25
This newer guy who's working the loading dock, I can't say he's left the best impression on me In part because I've covered for a few mistakes he's made in the past, and today he's made two mistakes, almost in succession of eachother, which interfered with work I was doing and created more work for me to remedy it But the one that's really kind of grinded me is how much time he spends outside on his lunch break, and it's partially annoying because really he's doing nothing wrong Out of the six people who work in the overall receiving department, three are out for sickness or other reasons, so when I need to cover him when he goes out for lunch, the department's ability to work grinds to a standstill That's a bit of a non-issue for me normally, but two of those three are out for the whole week, so the department is going to be short-staffed for a while, so I want to avoid too much of a wolk buildup for when seven pallets at least come in over the next few days And he could just go get his lunch, come back and eat it in the dock, and I could get back to my work Again, he's not doing anything wrong, but it's frustrating when people doing nothing wrong make my job harder
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
why do you have to fix his mistakes?
The earlier ones were mistakes he made that became bigger mistakes because he didn't catch the first mistake, and trying to explain how he needed to proceed to fix it was too difficult at the time (I had to tackle the mistake to figure out what had actually happened in the first place) The ones today were processing errors he did on work I was working on -- he could have avoided it by just ignoring the work which clearly had my user ID on it -- so fixing them were more about getting my work done than fixing his mistakes
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
sounds like he did at least one thing wrong, so that could be skme legit frustration
>>1044139 Yeah I'm a bit annoyed about having to clean up other people's mistakes, but that's separate from being annoyed at someone doing something entirely fair and appropriate! Or should be at least
Read the wagie story #8ball (Can you repeat the question)
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
>>1044142 true if hes new thats fine, if he's still makin work for you in the weeks to come then it becomes something else
Do you use palletjacks or forklifts
Pumpjacks, which I'm figuring are your palletjacks The warehouse is far, far too tight and small to host motorized tools
Turns out the newer guy did the same mistake he did on my two pieces of work on at least one other piece of work that other people had left unfinished
>>1044147 The warehouse really doesn't have the surface area for anything like that hah hah I think the amount of space the pumpjack can really be maneuvered in might total at most a n eighteen by twelve metre space Maybe a bit more if there's fewer skids kicking around
Turns out by drawing attention to the mistakes the newer guy had been doing that had messed up my work, my manager discovered that he'd been doing this problem to a bunch of work other people had left open And probably hadn't been caught earlier because half my department is off today
Do you just not have anyone to train him or something? When I worked at the factory and the warehouse, I had someone assigned to me for a long time before I was left to do stuff on my own
I'd thought that was standard practice for all workplaces
Put some pollionium in his lunch
>>1044163 He's been here a few weeks to a month, and honestly this isn't a hard job. I'll concede he's been mostly trained by another guy who is a relatively new employee too, but none of the mistakes he's been making >>1044166 Let me finish, because this really isn't an error of practice All the errors he's been making are errors of inattentiveness; like, you only make this mistake if you're not reading what's on your monitor and ignore that its contents don't align with the physical product you're currently handling If anything, he's doing the right practice, he's just flunking on knowing only to work on the things he's flagged with his own user ID Which with this many repeated mistakes is almost undeniably inattentiveness
IT all sounds boring as hell who would bother paying attention
People who don't want to get fired! He's still in his probationary period so he should really avoid making this much trouble
>>1044168 Technically yes, but the stuff he's doing takes a matter of seconds, so it's not like he's being ambitious I don't even think he realized what he was doing, or noticed start afterwards even It was just another motion in the dull series of tasks we do while working here
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
sounds like its not gettin into his thick skull maybe you should teach him a lessun
Don't think I'll be able to go back to a normal job Gotta hustle instead
Saying you're going to hustle is a great way to feel like you have a plan while simultaneously having no means of acquiring even the most basic needs for survival
Yeah!!!!! Pig was so good!!! One of my favorite movies!!!!!
I want to see Unbearable Weight of Massive Talent too. Maybe this week if I can find the time.
I almost went to the theaters to see that before deciding to watch Pig at home got me thinking about Cage and how great of an actor I never realized he was poor dude got memed on a little too hard with ghostrider and wicker man
Nearly all of the honzuki books have already been published, they're just not translated yet And that dripfeed is gonna take years, probably ...how long would it take to learn jp at a level proficient enough to read them I wonder
Just had a horrible mouthfeel incident Going to need some time to recover
Somewhere I habe a picture of a short Sasuke cosplayer with a few Hooters waitresses behind them. I think it was a female cosplayer. But it is just funny for some reason.
the /v/ leak of duke nukem forever (2001) is lit apparently
>>1044283 I found what seems like a pretty good chicken, broccoli, and rice one that I might try some day I'll pass it on you when I'm home after work if you're interested
reading is really all I need I mean it'd be nice to become competent at writing and being able to understand anime without subs or whatever, but primarily I just wanna be able to read japanese
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
reading is tough itll take a lot of erseverance but once you get hiragana you can at least read thr furigana and not be cockblocked by kanji too bad idk learning to hear it almost seems easier to my mind because you get all the emphasis and voiced context clues
I guess so, but like I said I really just wanna be able to read stuff I just mean like, if you can read a language, you can in a very technical sense speak it too, even if your pronounciations will be scuffed but you can't go from listening to reading so easily when none of the alphabet is even shared
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
it would be pretty hardd all the people who take french in achool and then try to get understand spoken french in paris let alone speak it, these are two vastly different worlds
true In fairness though, I'm exposed to a lot more spoken japanese than most of those people are exposed to anything french after they finish classes I don't understand most of the japanese I listen to, but I do pick up on some of it and have a feeling for how things are actually spoken
But again, I really don't think I'll have any real use for speaking japanes, and anime's subtitled anyway
>>1044316 Granted Paris French and Quebecois French, which is usually the kind of French you learn in Canada, are two drastically different beasts
>>1044318 I've reputably heard that Yotsuba is a good manga to start cutting your teeth on learning how to read Japanese due to its child protagonist and relatively simple Kanji Regardless though, learning the kana alphabets is going to be crucial before you approach any written Japanese This is actually somewhere which apps like Duolingo are pretty good for, as they can really hammer the kana in and help prepare you for how they'll look in a Japanese sentence Especially if you'll probably only be ever reading and maybe typing them
I suppose allowing the owl creature to live in my phone might be a good idea
Duolingo falls off once you need to start considering syntax because it strictly teaches the stiff "tourist" Japanese that's kind of a hybrid of polite speech and "I've never actually listened to how natural Japanese sounds when spoken" But it's a good system for game-ifying learning the kana and it does teach some basic Kanji, which is better than a lot of learn Japanese apps
yeah duolingo starts ok but falls off i should still get on the french train again
/人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
tapis tapis volant
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
>>1044327 weird i went into the db and the editing state isnt there i did see that the post was left in a half-finished state tho so that makes sense but i fixed it maybe theres a cache or something keepin it orange idk
/人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
the thread was pruned halfway making that post what is the criteria, like a week?
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
yeah a week maybe we need an indicator for that who knows~
like there's a manual orientation and it constantly gets in the way and sure I'd like Google assistant but not when swiping from the bottom where every other option is
the whole market has gone down and it seems cryptos are highly correlated to trad fi at this point or maybe its the other way around .... correlation doesn't have a direction nvm im stupid
yeah correlation is directionless Though the move towards becoming correlated can have a direction whether crypto became correlated with tradfi or the other way is a question that makes sense and can be answered, though I'd assume it's crytpo becoming ties to the same things tradfi are, not the other way around
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
anyway the broader market is down because interest rates are goin up because the fed is tryna fight inflation
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
inflation is up because the evergreen got stuck in the suez canal and annihilated supply chain smoothness everywhere, also because we're two years into a pandemic where the populace has been somehow 50% brainwashed to believe that vaccines are the spawn of satan rather than an incredibly straightforward way to get out said pandemic, which all started back when Jim Carrey met this nice california lady
the right wingers all crawling out the woodwork and announcing their shadowbans had all been lifted before twitter had even decided whether to accept it was pretty funny
>>1044356 thats not a bad speech so far he's talkin about ego and self actualization and doesnt seem to be getting crazy woo
>manifestation old and busted >cultivation new hotness
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
okay depressed => deep rest is some ted talk wordcel shit
word celibate?
/人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
shape rotator
oh boy here comes the humanism
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
https://roonscape.substack.com/p/a-song-of-shapes-and-words from the lion's mouth
https://socialmediajosh.medium.com/why-jim-carrey-wrote-himself-a-10-million-check-before-he-had-10-million-3618090c9e One interesting anecdote about him i remember hearing though.
What do you think about people having a relatively 'fixed' happiness/mood level throughout their lives Or the theory thats the case rather
I haven't read much of anything the past year and a half Hard to find the time
/人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
what's the last thing you've read?
Probably when I got around a third through Dune Messiah Last thing I read in full ... I'd have to really think back to remember
/人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
oh Dune! that's a slog indeed
Well I blasted through Dune years ago; I loved reading it I didn't have anything against Messiah it's just I've been working full time so I don't have much free time, and back then I had the Uber program here at work so it was a bit too weird to just be reading a book in the back of a stranger's car
>>1044367 >>1044368 I'd have to find the article/study, but it was where they interviewed lots of people who had signifigant positive and negative life changes. Such as lottery winners(the ones who didn't immeadiately go bankrupt afterwards) etc and those who had amputations and were in a wheelchair or lost hearing, that kind of thing. Most of them responding that after the initial shock they didn't really feel overall happier or sadder down the line.
/人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
>>1044376 damn I'd like to reignite that passion i mean you were subjected to awful radio programming I'd let you read in the back if I had uber
>>1044379 I'm sure most might, and at best not take poorly to the subtext of "Don't talk to me, I want to read" But the self-consciousness on my side of being in a stranger's place and reading, coupled with the anxiety of the possibility of the driver wanting to talk about what I'm reading, made it a hard environment to relax in Funnily enough I'm far more comfortable in a bus or subway car reading than I'd ever be in a stranger's car
marsh shows up my happiness level spikes thru the roof
/人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
>>1044385 I think I understand I am a driver of sorts who spends the majority of my time alone so any time I spend on say a buddy shift I want soak in and enjoy so any uber driver probably feels similar and would feel rude to disengage any uber driver
Anyways, the article. Had some interesting bits https://www.researchgate.net/publication/22451114_Lottery_Winners_and_Accident_Victims_Is_Happiness_Relative Similar one https://personal.eur.nl/veenhoven/Pub1980s/89f-full.pdf Gist of them being that adaptation and relativity are very powerful factors
>>1044378 I have a friend that is really into music, hes a professional musician and used to love going to concerts but after he became wheelchair bound he rarely goes to concerts anymore because of how much of a pain in the ass it is. He also didn't have depression before he became wheelchairbound.
It's not terrible But it's a temperature at which I like the ac to be on. But it isn't on And my mom will throw a git if I turn it on *fit Because she gets cold easily
>>1044460 what a giant fuck you to the commoners have to admit though you could not get a more authentic performance an actor could spend months trying to pull that off and not come close
>>1044462 it's such a confusing move get literally anyone but the old guy surrounded by gold you have to wonder if they're trying to sabotage themselves
>>1044475 Is it too late for you to make a birthday post about Hotori from Soredemo Machi?
Rei !p8eYCadcMo
God that anime was so good I fell in love with Kon senpai's voice but her va got married and retired after that role. I think it may have been her only role. What a waste.>>1044480 Slept all day pretty much I made a birthday card for a friend too.
Learning is HARD man How are they still using this convoluted mess of a language Like you learn one alphabet and then they hit you with "yeah A means A, but if it's à then it means very specifically beetle and it's pronounced hiju" What are they DOING
that said I will persevere
Compared to many languages out there, Japanese has a very small phonetic range The fact that at the base level, pretty much any syllable spoken in the language comes from less than fifty phonetic components (not counting the syllables like "mya" or "sho" which are combinations of the basic syllables) means that there is a lot of phonetic overlap Culturally, this may be the fault of the Japanese nobility, who prided themselves on embracing elusiveness and abiguity, but I don't really know Regardless, it does mean that spoken Japanese has a lot of contextual ambiguity and being able to understand what exactly someone means in a situation is one of the skills necessary for learning Japanese You get an easier run of the situation once you start learning Kanji since even with the phonetic overlap, there is far less contextual overlap with Kanji and generally you can use them to understand what someone means from the sometimes five possible ways to hear "kaeru" or whatever
Oh, that bit comes up in honzuki actually, to some degree I'm no history buff so honestly I just figured that was kind of a norm among the nobility across cultures but maybe it isn't
As far as learning the kana go, I would recommend focusing on just tying the phonetic sound (and roman alphabet way of writing) to the written character The kana are closer to being an actual alphabet for Japanese, compared to the Kanji having a more complex relationship. Just like how "A" as an alphabet character doesn't have any meaning until contextualized in a word or sentence, か doesn't have any meaning unto itself. This is much different from Kanji
Also kanji roughly translates to 'feeling' right, so does that mean japanese is a vibe-based language?
>>1044520 Hah hah hah, that's actually a pretty great pun, but the Kanji of 感じ and the Kanji of 漢字 are two distinct vocabulary The former is "feeling", using a Kanji which translates fairly accurate to the concept of feeling and emotion The latter is composed of the Kanji for "Chinese" and "Character", so Kanji as it's used to refer to Kanji literally translates as "Chinese characters"
huh I mean I did know kanji literally does mean "chinese character" because that's what they are, but I didn't expect the spelling to be different with the same sound I just thought it was a matter of "yeah, that kind of kanji (feeling)" coming from an overall thing where getting the right kanji means you 'got' what someone was talking about
It's what I mean by the considerable phonetic overlap of Japanese And it's also what makes the language rich for puns and clever wordplay nisioisin is a master of this kind of stuff
I guess the best analogue to what I was thinking of was like "now you're speaking my language" Like obviously language has nothing to do with that, but the meaning comes across I thought it was that with kanji in that sort of line too
oh yeah a lot of Japanese humor seems to be focused around puns I guess it makes sense with a language like this
Like a really fun example is かえる (kaeru) which I referenced above かえる, or 蛙 in a more formal or old-fashioned way, is "frog" But 変える as a verb means "to change" And 帰る is also a verb which means "to go home" 返る means "to return", as in give back to someone something And they're all pronounced phonetically identical to one another
jp kids are impressive managing to learn all this stuff glad I only had to deal with 29 characters to learn to read, so I was reading before I even started school
Fun fact: The early Pokemon games in Japanese are entirely in kana, no Kanji involved A lot of early reading stuff for Japanese kids is light on or entirely devoid of Kanji It's not as hard as it sounds for kids, just like how your early reading stuff would have been pretty light on vocabulary and complex grammatical forms
Oh yeah, I guess they don't learn it all at once Still though, it must be kinda strange to know a language well enough you actually can read, but there's a whole bunch of books that aren't like, archaic and with words you don't know, you just actually might as well be looking at a chinese book so you can't read them
I guess it's somewhat analogous to kids books here, but I mean, if you want to sit down and read an encyclopedia after learning the alphabet, you absolutely can
Is it really reading if you don't understand the words you're seeing though?
how are you supposed to learn them without seeing them? I mean I may be a special case, but I read a lot of stuff above my age and learned the words fairly rapidly just by context and stuff cause at least I could guess at their pronounciation and ask my dad what that means
I didn't say that reading wasn't seeing the words Reading is a multi-aspect process of seeing the words, understanding their meaning, and comprehending the context of that meaning If you're a kid reading an encylopedia and you're just looking at a word and internalizing its pronunciation or spelling without understanding what that word's meaning is, you're not really reading it What Japanese does with Kanji is it combines the first two parts, seeing the word and understanding its meaning, into one step
I guess I understand somewhat It still seems a bit convoluted but maybe it's not so bad once you actually go through the learning part I'm excited to learn anyway, cause I mean, I've wanted to for a long time I've just lacked a particular goal beyond simply learning so I've never had the motivation to actually put the effort in
For a fair while I was using Wanikani to help internalize Kanji It's a paid service past the first few levels so I can't really recommend it outright, but I think it's a good way of gamifying the process, which always helps with an easily distracted ride However it is really hard to get back on if you pause for a while, which is why I haven't practiced with it for a while
I've had other people recommend wanikani too, so I'll definitely at least give it a try once I get that far for now I need to actually learn the basics though
The other struggle of Japanese is understanding grammar, verb conjugation, and other syntax Of which Duolingo does a poor job of helping with, especially with casual and contemporary converational Japanese, and Wanikani outright states it does not teach you The slow but steady way around this is just bash your head against reading and listening to Japanese after you can understand the meanings of what you're reading or hearing and use your brain to connect the syntax to the context A more structured way would be to read through a grammar guide, which if you can tolerate, is probably the faster way, but 'ho boy grammar textbooks in any language are about as dry as anything
I mean as far as understanding just the structure of sentences, I think maybe my anime-addled brain has soaked up enough to at least manage to parse what I'm reading Obviously with longer and longer sentences, that starts getting harder, but still.
yeah i'm hoping 6 months is realistic but i can wait as long as i need to my rt5700xt is good enough to run anything right now only thing i cant run at highest settings that ive found is re village
It's not just the crypto market crashing, GPU availability has also been drastically improving, so supply has been helping the price trend back down towards MRSP I got my 3070 from a proper retailer for probably around 120% MRSP
guess I'm gonna have to change my booster appointment
>>1044550 >going to lose my mcmansion You'd figure redditors would have some awareness that it takes decades to foreclose and evict a person from their home nowadays And even then the bank gives up in lots of cases
>>1044556 Pay attention to the intensity of the angularity of the characters せ versus サ Or I guess being reminded of it written like that, the direction they're curving Additionally, you likely will see hiragana in a group of other hiragana, and katakana in a group of other katakana
yeah so far I've been able to kinda drill it in by just going "that's NOT se, that's sa" when I see it, using the similarity itself as a memory trigger still difficult, but it'll probably get easier over time Kids do it, after all
Just wait until you've got to parse between シ (shi) and ツ (tsu) and ン (n) and ソ (so) All katakana
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
>>1044550 F i bought some lunas in bulk at a buck each just to yolo also hey its only zero sum if you see it in terms of inflows and outflows, but what about value created within the system that stays there and grows, eh?
AI translation is already gud enuff, and by the time you learn japanese™ it will be better than your ability stack paper instead
>>1044560 shi and tsu are easy enough, but n and so seems like it might be a pain >>1044562 I've seen translations and I am not impressed, also the publishing rights of what I'm wanting to read means AI translation is meaningless unless I've got the software Which i don't
Also that yeah, I wanna learn Japanese Wanting to read honzuki is "just" the motivation
It's also never a waste to learn a language
Going to spend years learning Timorese Mambae then, thats a good investment of time.
It's a better use of your time than being a disparaging, sneering little shit
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
aome kind of cybernetically enhanced japanese annotating reading system would be cool like it augments kanjis with meanings as you loook at them would be kind of a crutch at the same time >>1044566 whoa friend get off ur high horse
>>1044567 If this is a high horse than I'm a giant, apparently
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
i hope apple makes some AR glasses with eyetrackers soon probably still years away isnt it
>>1044561 I can see the basis of that arguement, but 'value being created', especially with digital coins is a little hard to pin down I know the same could be said for traditional fiat systems
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
yeah its hard to pin down isnt it what is value is it all just people tryna steal from each other, or could something constructive be built i am optimistic something good is possible in the space despite the current environment which seems to be a lot of the gwneration of instruments to produce desire
>>1044573 In the immeadiate short term, the ability to exchange for goods and services. Long term value is where it gets a bit more nebulous, with "potential" and growth etc. And the details about what 'backs' the value, like how dollars could be exchanged for gold but not anymore. If you want to get really deep into things it could be shown that really any capitalist system favors short term gains and exploitive practices so will generally be harmful in the long run over all. But then again if you want to go even further, instead of currency look at basic resources, which current nation states fight over in the equivalent of life or death fights.
crypto generally seems to like, have use cases, but most of them are not particularly better than traditional fiat systems for the same thing, and often worse outright because I have never paid $10 to send someone money with my visa card Some areas they are superior, functionally, but they're kinda lacking in adoption and the value fluctuates pretty wildly for reasons I can't say I fully understand, so they're difficult to really use The stuff where it's actually fucking based are stuff that ties directly back into itself too, which isn't ideal Like all the best and most promising things that happens with crypto are just like "this coin has a system that lets you make more of the coin, and thus more money!" instead of stuff that makes it easier or more convenient to use for what people actually use money for
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
yeah a lot of work has gone into financial products cuz its easy and on chain and you can rug many people in the process
idk we'll see. an obvious entity to be disrupted is ticketmaster, the leading example of jerk middleman with exorbitant fees... someone's gonna build a replacement once the fees get low enough
the main benefits with crypto as a currency specifically seem to be kinda limited to those with a particular reason to use something that isn't fiat specifically Like crime and stuff, things you want the government not to be able to get their hands on, freeze, or track some crypto coins are very good for that sort of thing >>1044580 They can it's just a pain in the ass to do it and you lose out on the ez advertising of a shared marketplace by doing it on your own If your ticket's on ticketmaster, they'll want it to sell so they'll let you put a little ad up or something but if you do it yourself, obviously those big platforms won't give you a spot to shill it
>>1044576 Not to bring up dreaded autos, but car dealerships are also a good example. As for tickets, you'd think venues would be able to sell directly without a middleman by now.
A good example of a thing to Molotov
>>1044581 Waste of a bottle, you can poke a hole in the tank.
>>1044579 >Like crime and stuff But 99% of crime is financed with fiat though. Probably 99.99% So the thing about "bad people are going to use crypto!! just like they use encryption!!" gives me a bad feel about letting the criminals who have government positions consolidate their power even more. >>1044584 You know what I mean, I agree though. The better term would be, I suppose non-traditionally societal approved jobs whatever idk to hard to type out.
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
i don't know about the money laundering angle tbh i think that's just a meme, cryptocurrency is a terrible place to launder money even the privacy coins are of questionable privacy much safer to launder through little nationstates, cash, or manhattan real estate
>>1044583 well yeah, I didn't mean to imply it's like, necessary or always useful I just mean that's one of the areas where something like crypto is very useful
I'm not some dork, I don't say "criminal" as a synonym for "bad" prostitutes are criminals
the point in this instance isn't "crypto bad because crime" it's "crypto not particularly useful to most people because fiat is perfectly usable in just about every single circumstance where money is involved"
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
like if we could just agree on a low cost L2 and someone set up a ticket-printing-and-vending machine in the chainz with a web frontend, you'd have a nice coordination point for indie bands to be able to print and market shows, without all the web2 middlemanning. im sure lots of people are trying to build this, i wonder if any will win. we need a clearer picture of L2s, more maturity and onramps for them first tho
>>1044586 prolly nothing, because most cars have locking caps, and newer ones have anti siphon mesh/things to prevent stuff from going in that isn't liquid. You'd have to spend a long time dribbling in little bits that would get filtered anyways.
eh crime is catch-all enough some crime is bad, some is neutral, some is good and some from all of those do benefit from having the option of a non-fiat currency system whether it be for privacy, tax evasion or whatever. though I do guess most of the Big League Big Crime do just use other methods that are a bit more thorough than "pay me in peniscoin"
>>1044590 Maybe. That would be increased work and effort just to gum up a fuel filter. Easier to slash the tires instead.
>>1044594 Non fiat would imply its actually backed by something, like physical resources. being 'legal tender' is an additional thing for fiat, not really the base if I recall.
>>1044595 not maybe >>>/watch?v=hfkbQIaW-y8 you are right about it being a bit too much work make sure you get the technique right if you're gonna slash the tyres though you can damage your ears etc.
>>1044587 Also a very good point Almost nobody uses crypto as a currency, as opposed to having it as a 'store of value' or investment/speculation. So pretty divorced from the original intentions.
It's beautiful its a real live post chan. Incredible.
>>1044624 one could get some work done in that room
>>1044625 I don't know why only guys with big barns and workshops think they need big work benches. Everyone needs a good work bench imo. Sorry for offtopic I see this is a really niche deployment of shamichan.
Everyone loves a big desk Too bad not everyone has the space for one
>>1044627 So how long has this been live? This feels like rebirth or something.
I cleaned my work bench the otherday. It's qaint but, when uou get yhe job done it's rewarding.
>>1044626 >I see this is a really niche deployment of shamichan. Whom?
>>1044630 bakape rebranded meguca in march on the github found this site off one of the old github contributors page https://github.com/bakape/shamichan
v7 when?
>>1044632 Lol this is miles ahead of every other chan he can take as long as he needs
I run a small website and go on 4/biz/ regularly but want to deploy this tech for biz guys
>>1044628 Doushio is the original live imageboard software Meguca, or Shamichan as y'all are calling it now, started as a clone of Doushio which morphed into a considerably different creature as its needs dictated But pretty much all the liveboards can call Doushio their grandfather
I've still got to hook mine into my PC Mostly because I also need to hook up my new motherboard and CPU but that needs me to download a BIOS update for the motherboard and I'd need to unmount my CPU fan and at that point I might as well plug in my new drives and RAM and I need to clean my kitchen island off so I have a workspace and this is just way too much work
>>1044652 What kind of graphic loads do you have. The only games I play can run on a potato and Im not much of an animator
>>1044653 Yeah that sounds super annoying... 2HARD.
>>1044654 Well that's the best thing about it. Got my beast gaming rig all PRIMED UP to play 2007 Classic Runescape
Morrowind and Roller Coaster Tycoon here lol
But I also would like to update my box so I can play Elden Ring
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
https://developer.nvidia.com/blog/nvidia-releases-open-source-gpu-kernel-modules/ gasp the impossible
>>1044657 Heard about Elden Ring: You hold up your shield to an enemy attacking you your stamina is gonna run out before theirs. You have to be on the attack. I love that HIYAAAAA
>>1044652 >what the hell else is there to use disposable income for SALW (Small Arms and Light Weapons)
>>1044665 My OSHA training severely dampened my opinion of filling my house full of lead based products
>>1044666 True. But a few militaries are transitioning to 'greener' ammo without lead and harmful primer chemicals. So theres that.
>>1044663 Sorry What neat potential does this have, is there anything that might be explorable with open source access? I'm sure the more open source the merrier but as someone quite removed from the complexities of software and hardware I don't know why you -why to be excited just because something like this has been released open source
>>1044668 The last thing I'd want to do is turn this beautiful into pol but certain nation states add backdoors into various hardware to spy on people and open source would limit that somewhat Intel is the worst offender imo
Im falling in love with the new anon!
n-no homo
Too late I've already started imaging our life together.
My fiance will be very upset when she finds out 0_O
Its fine, you can keep her on as a sidehoe
I got viral marketed into seeing The Northman and it was by far the worst Hamlet adaptation I've seen.
>>1044668 nvidia has had infamously bad closed source drivers on linux and it seemed like something like this could never happen so if true it's quite pogged open source means you can debug and send patches and integrate more fully
Well I can at least sound out the majority of the text now, even if I don't know what the fuck most of it means One big issue I can see is the lack of spaces I'm guessing there are some wobbly rules you pick up on for where words begin and end as you go along though
I just gotta practice! Just gotta have google translate next to me and type in the kana and stuff as I go along, and I'll pick up on the meaning over time Well, same with kanji, but I suspect going through the 1000 or so kanji you learn through 1-6th grade in japan will take a while And they're harder to draw in correctly too, and harder to look up
But I'll just have to do what I can Just being able to read the kana is itself very exciting, and I've got whole books both translated and in JP so I can use them to compare and stuff
Bus went past some people holding big placards for some political party I'd never heard of before The New Blue party, which as a cursory search proved correct I assumed to be right-leaning However their placards were mostly yellow with only a blue trillium as the blue on their signs Which I feel is kind of some poor branding
for example アルトウール is in here, just on their own But I dunno what the hell they could mean I can read them as sounds, but they don't seem to have a translation that makes any sense, and they're from an untranslated volume so I can't just go check either The only translation google gives me is "alto-wool" which probably is not it
I wasn't able to piece together it being a small u It's a bit hard to tell when it's written vertically, or at least I don't really know how to tell
Honzuki is also going to be a bit of a katakana nightmare Since all the characters are going to have names in katakana Same with places and some other native things which would have proper nouns
I mean really I'd probably be closer to reading it if it was all in kana, be they hiragana or katakana, the main barrier is gonna be all the damn kanji If I understood the surrounding text, even if I couldn't tell from looking at it, I'd piece together that being Arthur from context
>>1044702 Eventually you just learn when to wonder if they mean ゥ or ウ If ウ doesn't make sense and you can't sound it out, then try sounding it out with ゥ If you can't tell from the text
>>1044693 Rather than spaces, Japanese uses the change from Kanji and hiragana to discern between specific words Understanding which hiragana are used as verb/adjective conjugation and which are used as particles for sentence syntax is important Although you'll also have to internalize the vocabulary which shows up just as often as its hiragana spelling as its Kanji, if not more often Probably the most common example being "watashi"
>>1044705 well it looks like this in the text I guess I can see it being a little bit smaller, but it's a very subtle difference when I haven't seen a lot of the other way to compare it to
Just testing it like that makes a lot of sense though, yeah
also I thought that ha should be ga, but it's obviously not
The prevalence of furigana also usually is related to the expected reading level of the reader base Like Shounen Jump has furigana for pretty much all Kanji used in its series, aside from some of the most basic Kanji
So I could maybe read something like HunterxHunter to parse through them? Or at least a lot? I like that manga anyway, so it might be a good pick since it's published in Shonen Jump
I don't know if I'd recommend HxH because it is often a very densely written work for being a manga, hah hah But yeah, picking almost any Shounen Jump series is probably a good bet for familiarizing yourself with easily-accessible written Japanese
oh, that's true Though, that does leave me with a lot more text to practice on too And I'm gonna need to really level up if I'm gonna read honzuki cause it's pretty dense with kanji too, which I would assume is expected for more adult-oriented books
Honzuki is published as a light novel though, which puts its target audience as mid-teens to late-teens So it will expect a higher reading comprehension ability than Shounen Jump, but it will also probably hold your hand with more advanced Kanji
looking through it, there's some furigana, but not much Only choice is to work my way up until I can read properly Probably gonna take a while, but at least I have a roadmap by starting with kids stuff and working my way up via more advanced stuff, in addition to stuff like duolingo and wanikani and whatever
Unlikely to be able to read before the next translated volume is out, but maybe I'll be capable of reading the next one after that and onwards Either way, learning the language is nice in and of itself
I want to get back to Wanikani, but like I said before, it's kind of overwhelming once you slip out of the habit By now I think I have something like over two thousand review reps backlogged While I technically don't need to clear them since I do also have some new material I could do lessons for, once I clear those lessons, I'd have to make enough progress on my reviews before I could get new material I've been toying with just nuking my progress and starting from the beginning, but even then I would likely take a year minimum of dedicated effort to reach the end of Wanikani's program And I don't know if that would be faster than sitting down and seriously tackling my review backlog to get back to where I am, a little past 1/3rd of their program
JP does seem like the kind of language you have to actively maintain in order not to lose grasp on, to me I mean that goes for most languages, but the multitude of Kanji seem like something you really gotta keep using or it'll fade away
Well really, all languages require active maintenance to not lose a grasp on There's some leeway with languages from the same family; eg. the Romantic languages can all lean on eachother But you just don't notice it with your native language because things you learn from childhood have a special kind of hard-coded nature and besides, you actively maintain it by just thinking English is also a special exception because of how thoroughly it penetrates much of the globe WA so If they aren't 2 was Ugh whoops sorry cat penetrates much of the globe, so you're actively maintaining it just by being a part of any western-culture inclined social scene
True Hopefully I'll be able to do the same with JP too Can probably turn off subtitles to manage that
Also turns out I have to sleep because I have a thing early tomorrow
Regular sleep is also good for learning things! Helps consolidate new knowledge into your brain's deep storage Don't let all that learning go to waste!
the kana are so fucking stupid I'm losing my mind even though I'm competent at hiragana now, I'm still mad at them for being full on chaos They're so chaotic, a ton of kana that LOOK like they go together, actually do not, some that do go together do look like they do, and most have no commonality whatsoever Who did this? who made the a like that? why is it so much more complex than the rest of the symbols?
why does a small tsu mean you double the next consonant when you've got a whole set of dakuten and you could have just added one more for that purpose instead?
written language was a mistake, we fought god, won, and didn't realize we should have lost
Marsh shitposting on the go via Telephone
>earphones battery die ay gym >phone speakers activate >anime music blaring Fug
/人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
my wireless will pause my music usually if they die
Well you're not wrong there I'd still argue the english alphabet is clearer than the kana though Not a lot of confusion available with the alphabet, though some letters do have some similarity
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
eth at 1800 yesss
holy brsh
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
is this the greatest buying opportunity of all time or are we going lower
In either case it seems like a good spot to drop some dollars to me I can't be bothered to go through the motions right now though, probably gonna look into it when I get home later
dang coles used to sell these shaker cups that I used to like the thing that breaks up the powder was actually a good design instead of that whisk like design that's incredibly annoying to wash
i was like 'hey this is a good buying opportunity' to my parents and their boomer mindset is implacable they're gonna wait till it goes up again then buy
>>1044747 The hiragana take their design from Chinese characters which are close approximations of their phonetic sound, a practice that originated back when Japanese people wrote exclusively in Kanji It's actually a uniquely different origin from katakana, which originated as shorthand ways Buddhist monks would write Chinese characters when transcribing or copying sermons Although the end result is similar; both alphabets are effectively simplified Chinese characters, they originate from two entirely different classes of people (Hiragana from the Japanese nobility and Katakana from Buddhist monks), and centuries apart, with something like four hundred years between Hiragana and Katakana
>>1044788 Huh I'm guessing them ending up with the exact same set of sounds and rules was a deliberate thing, but that's pretty interesting
Rei !p8eYCadcMo
Fuck It feels way hotter than it should be in the house right now. Maybe my mom turned off the ac.
>>1044790 I don't know when spoken Japanese consolidated into its consistent set of vowel sounds and consonant modifiers, nor if this drove the formation of the kana tables or the other way around But it is also telling that the vocabulary for the Japanese syllablary is 五十音, literally "fifty sounds", although these days when you don't count combinatory phonetics like nyo or kya, the phonetic library of Japanese is actually less than fifty, as some of the original fifty have been depreciated over history
>>1044791 make a portable AC from a cooler fan and bag of ice told you about it weeks ago, it works
Rei !p8eYCadcMo
>>1044793 Too loud for when im trying to sleep I just lowered the thermostat a little bit. Also it's way better in the basement where I'm sleeping now.
>>1044800 She looks like she was engulfed by a gelatinous cube.
Rei !p8eYCadcMo
>>1044801 Not really I can reliably only identify tilde, and Rene by context and then Pan but only when he is insulting me or telling me to commit suicide or that he wishes I were dead.
I would say mint green is the closest It's definitely not aqua, blue, or green Teal is more saturated and turquoise more vibrant I guess aquamarine might be close too
Though regardless colour is weird and subjective anyway so who knows
>>1044792 Yeah the guide I'm using mentioned that for some of them, having their pronunciation changed over time and stuff
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
also depends on your screen color a lot
Looks green to me, but I have a screen filter on
Im wearing those gamer glasses
ah yeah on my computer monitor, it's definitely harder to say, though I'd still probably say green if I were to pick one
what even happened to The Markets? From what I've gleaned, this isn't just the cryptos going into the ocean If that was all it was, it'd be easy to just chalk it up to the goldrush being over >>1044845 Yeah but is there like, a particular thing that happened? It went so damn fast
>>1044838 Could be sliver of green onion, cut length-wise instead of the usual width-wise manner which produces the little rings
>>1044843 Just the war, mostly. As the war continues, the wall street folks get more and more afraid. Every once and a while one of them cracks, starts selling, and sets off a cascade of fear that triggers a crash.
Ah, yeah that tracks I guess it took a little bit for the increased fuel prices and stuff to really get the ball rolling, I was starting to wonder when that'd start having serious ripple effects and I guess we're here now? They've nearly doubled here, and for reasons unbeknownst to me, diesel and gasoline are at the same price per liter now. Which is very unusual, they tend to be separated by a noticable amount, but for like, a month or more now they've been the same price down to the øre, which is 100th of a krone, which is about an... 8th? of a dollar I wonder if some policy was passed to lock them together or something, cause it's never been this way before
It doesn't help that the war came right on the tail end, or even in the newest stage in some parts, of a global pandemic which threw a lot of economic influence into ambiguity Sure plenty of companies report profit and growth, but there aren't many common people who are seeing that reflected in their daily life
The economy likes nothing more than normalcy and predictability when it comes to global events and we've had basically three years now of "Well I dunno, let's see what happens" Even a recession and economic depression is preferable to economics than all this ambiguity
I only made $30k last year and have already made like 25k this year so I can definitely do it but that's because I barely worked last year I don't think many people can. It's just not feasible. But that's how inflation is right now.
I need a better job In a lot of ways But there aren't really many jobs I can get without going back to school for education or training Which would involve debt, nevermind the bold assumption that I would make it through this time when all other times I've failed horribly
I've got maybe one longshot and one moonshot in my current situation but aside that I dunno
I hope you find what Ever's nessary, to retain and exceed the current situation. Plus moonshot's are worth banking on. Kind if make the whole thing worth while!
Goodness shall certainly follow.
Oh I've already fired the moonshot, at this point it's just waiting to see if it lands or goes wide