>>1040473 Hey samsam You know how Dan's got an actual like, use case for his points, and they cost 250K, the maximum bet amount right?
How... how does he still have comparable betting pools to NL who at this point can never add anything of actual value for the points because they'll be hoovered up by the fart barons?
>>1040478 I mean the both of them have streamed the same amount of actual time since points were introduced, surely Actually I guess Dan maybe streams more hours than NL does, but even so, I'd think his pools would be lowered a lot because like... there's actual sauce to use your points on NL's total point pool will ONLY ever go up Dan's is decreased when people cash out for packs
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
true true that's true
Though I guess NL's betting pools are consistently sucked primarily into one of the already existing aristocrats dropping 250K on bets So maybe effectively it evens out due to the betting cap >>1040482 Well yeah, but proportionally the 3-4 250K lords are gonna steal the majority of any pot
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
it's all proportionally distributed anyway, the payout
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
dan's viewers are more motivated to save and gather points, also they spam subs like crazy which prints you more points whereas a whale account might be entirely forgotten when an NL viewer moves on to other channels
hm, that's \\ that makes sense Weirdly enough, I've gotten random gifted NL sub and apollo sub, but never a dan sub ..I think I dunno for sure
>>1040484 >>1040488 https://github.com/n64decomp/sm64/tree/master/sound >Sequence files are what actually controls the audio. The are in .m64 format, which is similar to MIDI, but Turing complete.
No I just mean I don't really like, have a real image of anyone I interact with online Well, other than literally 1 perso- 2 people, one I've met and the other I've seen a picture of him cosplaying Marisa
it's just a blob I didn't realize Rika was actually a girl for a very, very long time
It's more like With the exception of like you, sammu, I guess rika cause at some point I was told, saku and jan, It has never even entered into my mind to really gender anyone on here
>>1040498 Generally I assume anyone I communicate with online to be male until given information that suggests otherwise
Rei !p8eYCadcMo
I thought Kannagi was male in the first conversation she had. Mainly because I thought it was unrealistic that any female would be interested in wearing kigurumi but I think I have less weird "biases" like that now.
they make all this fuss about there being a difference between something being venomous and poisonous, but either way they just say you were poisoned if it kills you
does nobody else see how fucked this is?
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
sooo true
>@LeshiVR bonk bonk bonk also this looks ridiculous
I feel like I might be entering the part of the year where this condo building is getting too warm, but the management are going to put off switching from heating to cooling for another few weeks to a month Which is still an incredibly dumb thing
This is only made worse because the opening device for my window is broken, leaving only my balcony screen door as a way to modulate temperature for the time being
Also, I want to finish my mage-build playthrough of elden ring.
I was talking with my family about going up north for the weekend, but some of my siblings want me to test negative before going up there And while I do love my family, it's a bit frustrating for me to be up there. I don't like the isolation and how long I stay up there is based on when I can get a ride back into the city, since I can't drive myself It's a degree of loss of control which doesn't sit well with me So I'll probably just be holed up here for the weekend, all on my lonesome
i need to find a family doctor which is basically impossible
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
in this province hmm
You're a resident, aren't you? Surely there ought to at least be some bureaucratic process you can start while trying to find a faster way
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
there might be a waitlist
i think im a resident although i still havent actually proved that to the province if only i had done that a year ago or better yet, this morning perhaps i will wrangle my executive function tomorrow morning
>>1040555 at leadt at least i LIVED i felt the gentle caress of a spring wind on my cheek i dove into the algorithmic fray i sipped fermented grains from a world away and i sat on my ass staring at a glowing rectangle for about five hours longer than necessary who can say the same who has seen the wind? my conviction is that this april 14 was the most april 14 that has ever aprilled perhaps i might have found real true meaning by tackling the tasks most dear to my destiny but
>>1040566 film it and post it why pray tell are you angery
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
im not actually angry right now
tho i feel like ive been in a haze of rage this past two years just because of how dumb people are but after that psych appointment im tryna cultivate my more positive inner voice and acknowledge my negative voice rather than unconsciously leaning into it
also im not posting that for free, you'd like that wouldnt you, u sick lil freak
bro that doesn't even begin to describe it i have two full time jobs now because i was bored and decided to do this for basically no reason except "why not" speaking of i don't really have time to post shower sleep back to work
>>1040594 I should probably say more than RIP Having two full time jobs sounds extremely stressful and a bit self destructive. I don't know what your living situation is like but I personally could not do that.
i love lappland
what nah it's like a lot of work but it's not really that big a deal done it before i'll probably burn out after a few months and then just go back to one as is said around here "momma ain't raise no bitch"
somehow, higurashi crashed on me, but reloading and just going again worked fine guess I should be careful to save regularly Weirdly enough it never crashed when I was reading up to this point
and in the original art he's more pudgy than anything, but it's hard to say if that's just down to the art being overall very amateurish
Tomitake I think in Ryuukishi's mind was supposed to have a bit of an MMA fighter's build Plenty of muscle, but also a bit of gut fat
it's weird how for satoko and rika, the console art's faces are so I dunno, they seem off in some way I can't really describe, but for everyone else they're just fine Maybe it's just to covey that they're so much younger than the rest
Ooishi also noticably more muscular in the remake art Though, still has a noticable gut
Kind of same idea as Tomitake, except Ooishi is older and has decades of sitting behind a police desk or in a patrol car He was a formidable boxer in his younger years
do they have to get new things each time they raise the dead or can it be masked under flavor of their already existing necromantic powers
for simplicity i would probably try to keep it within scope of what they can do normally because i have definitely allowed things that end up imbalanced if i do it myself
>>1040670 I am a living example of bad choices in the ned
I was more thinking on theory leve atm but something I would allow in the future for players after the main campaign ends since after that necromancy will be damn easy due to barriers between death and life having been shattered
but can you see it, tarnished? the guidance of grace?
I can jump
btw i have discovered that in the side campaign, where I am actively trying to kill the players half the sessions
whenever I AM trying to kill someone, no one dies but whenever just something rng happens someone dies
funny that
especially when the players decided to fight an enemy party, that had actually looted the entire dungeon, due to rng movements and well 2 died
game keeps telling me about summonig people to help doesn't it know that its consumer base is mostly loners with no one to coop
once you get the summoning bell even a loner can summon a friend
>>1040708 I wonder how many people ended up not getting the jellyfish friend because they didn't keep talking to her or hell, how many people didn't get the bell at all without buying it I just happened to be there when Ranni showed up, but I bet a lot of people missed it
wait you can buy the bell?
yeah from ... shit I don't actually remember, I think it's the hags at the roundtable
I will ask a question in about a 30 minutes time
if someone can guess the answer for it they can already do it
why the fuck would i want to focus on a cow fucking 200 metres away game? get your targetting in order
the targeting is a bit scuffed at times >>1040716 but you can top button plus l1 or r1 depending on which one you wanna twohand
that's also how you access the pouch, where you can have up to 4 usable items tied to a directional input
the dodge roll frames are weird in this one
I am 100% sure that I am trying to kill this fuck too early but you don't know my patience game
You absolutely can kill him right out of the tutorial, but most people would probably be better off just coming back and taking him out later Especially considering the loot
there just is that one charge strike you can't dodge or if you can, it takes a lot to get used to or you can't on ps4
naw I am killing him 100% at tutorial level
something just seems off about dodging
btw i think it is bit of illogical that I can block anything this guy throws with the shield but the horse kicks down me
newton pls
the charge attack is the problem
god this is going to be annoying but I know the pattern now
it's a magic horse
the horse is actually the problem not the knight
there is lag in the input tho
as in like I press something it doesn't always register it but then it does register the next thing I press after that and queues it up
fun thing to go healing yourself at full hp when you had already pressed "switch to shield"
sounds like a controller issue
nah its game engine issue
nowadays fromsoft games are so responsive I treat them like hack and slash they aren't that
it's definitely not the game as a whole maybe on the ps4, that I wouldn't know, but I never had it actually miss an input
no I mean I press too fast for it to register this happens in any fromsoft game
sounds like a skill issue
yeah I am too good for these games, i agree
copium copium
when I play guitar hero I press all the buttons at the start of the song why tf does it say I failed?
so did you kill the knight at the start?
hell no lmao
this is easier than manos
the hands of fate?!?!?
he killed me in one to two blows and I had to hit him 50+ times I don't even remeber or was it 100+
>>1040752 well he legit the first boss you meet that you're expected to conquer
but not like this
I got the pattern
but i am going to stop trying to sneak in a 2 handed blow the switch to shield is too unreliable
the problem is the horse it is never clear when the horse is just an object and when it is a nintendo object
yup the fucking problem is the horse the horse is impatience incarnate
time to get patient
How are any nurses supposed to get patients when they're on strike though
is this worth this tho?
>>1040763 there are state defined minimum amount nurses required in soem places which amusingly are 2-4 times more nurses atm than there would be in normal conditions
also the state is preparing an ENFORCE NURSES TO WORK bill to deny the basic right of being on strike away
>>1040764 there is no real need to immediately fight the tree sentinel, it probably would be a good idea to bolster yourself ypu havent even unlocked leveling or the horse
snd your reward js a fairly heavy halberd with some faith scaling
at this point I can't stop
how long does it take to cast a spell
almost instant for some spells, bit longer for some depends on what kind of spell
cause i cast healing spell cast it switched back to shield blocked rolled and then I had the spell casting itself
Rei !p8eYCadcMo
i think they added this horse damage after betatesting with their onw crew
he's put there simply to teach you that you don't have to fight everything you come across, even if you can
>>1040773 it's only here to teach me how to perfect dodge and hitboxes
god I am impatient
I hear in my head
"only dodge when, but especially not" and then I dodge under the especially not
also this is prolly due to ps4 limitations, but there is an inconsitency on block unblock block timing
also there is something odd with roll or once again ps4 limitations
it's so fun you can block a fcking human sized halberd but a slight bumb from a horse dead
if you stand on the right terrain, hold block, then tap forward with frame-perfect timing you will launch thousands of meters forward and land safely it's the main speedrun tech
That's cool! That's a pretty interesting line of work. And who doesn't love blood?
was a 100% random I never would have met the person who told me if there hadn't been a 100000% shortage for someone who really isn't qualified to take blood samples and so on
Our nurses get paid well generally if they have an advanced degree, but across all domains, nurses are often suffering from burnout because of how much work there is. I know some nurses that get a new job every two or three years because another hospital will offer them a sign-on bonus of 20k. And then they go there for a few years, get another big offer, and switch again. Round and around they go.
btw I am just laying out the facts just in case
a finnish nurse on average earns 2300€ a month everything plus that is 10 years extra to get it to 2500€ and after that everything else is paid by NOT EVER BEING ON VACATION 24/7 work hours
https://opensea.io/collection/galverse that's a lot of sailor moons
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
ffffriday night rip jesus
I can't believe you killed him
Rei !p8eYCadcMo
Passover Seder was great except for my mom drinking more than half a bottle of wine because she forgot she was supposed to drive and then my dad had an edible because they had agreed earlier that she would be driving.
what ive learned so far is waifu projects suck ass and really dumb memes win
Rei !p8eYCadcMo
>>1040878 Last night I got home at 11pm and the house reeked and was full of weed smoke. They didn't even have the windows open. It would be funny if it weren't annoying.
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
my parents are like one glass of wine max if any at all or maybe they share one glass
Rei !p8eYCadcMo
>>1040885 My mom rarely drinks this much. My dad is a recovering alcoholic and as far as I know hasn't had any alcohol in years but it feels like he's just replaced alcohol with weed.
I've been kinda wanting some plum wine again recently But the LCBO near me doesn't stock it I guess since I'm taking transit again I could do a small bit of a detour on my way home and get some if the last store I bought some at still stocks it Or just have it delivered for pick up at the one near me
It at least appears to not crash once I get to a hint drop or whatever you wanna call them, so I'm making sure to save at those as a separate save now, just in case Maybe there's something that resets at those and loading too far after them screws up somehow
Having finished this and vaguely remembering the anime, I honestly have no fucking idea whodunit Or rather, the vague memory I have of the answer to that, I have no clue how I'd be able to connect to this
I get the first chapter isn't supposed to actually spill the beans, but still
Higurashi is also a different beast, because there's the chapter-centric tragedy, eg., Keiichi going brainworms crazy and thinking Rena and Sh/Mion are trying to kill him, and killing them because of that And the broader repeating tragedy of Hinamizawa suffering a total Hinamizawa Virus epidemic / clean-up massacre of the citizens / Rika dying for one reason or another
Isn't Rika supposed to die on the festival day though?
Also even keeping in mind that Keiichi is an incredibly unreliable narrator, it's hard to really pick up on anything in the first one
The day of the festival is the spiriting away and murder of a pair of people who have offended Oyashiro-sama In previous years it was Satoshi presumably killing his and Satoko's aunt and then disappearing I think their parents may have also formed one of these pairs, with something like the husband never being found and the wife's body being discovered
I mean I guess, I just also vaguely remembered Rika usually ended up dead very shortly after, at least My memory's just full of holes though
Within [REDACTED]'s usual plan for what causes the tragedy of Hinamizawa to come to pass, Rika usually dies a couple days after the festival
Swapping between the art packages is interesting, really shows how peculiar they were when making the new background art It's all very, very close to the original blurry photographs Even stuff like posters on power poles are included
I will always be particular for the photograph backgrounds Especially since with Higurashi, they're photos from the real life Hinamizawa and surrounding area
I can understand that I still do kinda prefer the drawn art though, just cause it fits better with the artwork and all
It does feel a bit strange reading this when i've already seen the anime though I'm just retreading stuff I vaguely remember, which I guess does somewhat speak to the quality of the anime
It's pretty good, at least They only have it at the gas station though, so I won't be getting more in all likelihood, but I usually grab one of each kind when I see a new kind of drink somewhere
they're always gonna be good enough, after all, I've yet to actually buy any sort of drink I actively disliked And it'd be a shame to pass on something that turns out to actually be really good, you know?
>>1040941 yeah that's Kombucha it's made by fermenting tea
Man, Keiichi really is a scumbag in this second book I guess the extent of how insensitive he is never really translated into the shorter form of the anime
my brother in christ it id easter and we are playing 10 minutes why do you shift your queen over so nonchalantly
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
aaah i blundered by moving too fast i am that i mock
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
In the land of Egypt Osiris breathes. The sun rises and mists disperse. As I am, I was, and I shall be a thing of matter and heaven. On a midsummer's day a rustle of beetles fly singing from dry grass to raise the sun like a dung ball. In the sky bright as Nut's belly above her lover, the sun glints like yellow jasper. The body of heaven lies smooth and firm as an egg.
whys it people gotta invite me to movies i don't have any interest in ah well >>1041118 have i gotta see the other seventy shreks out to understand the deep lore
>>1041107 Not terribly surprising Irys seems to really enjoy FromSoft games despite only just discovering them but she's still learning Ina's taken to FromSoft games like a fish in water though Must be all the MonHun gaming It's too bad they couldn't get any of the JP members in on the race, although considering none of them have gotten through him in less than six hours, might not really add much
And that's with most of them using actually good starting classes Only Aki was playing under the terms they're using for the race and I think it took her somewhere in the range of 8-12 hours
Mahou Shoujo Marsh-chan
>>1041132 yeah Okayu too it's pretty might a rite of passage at this point
aa I have been bamboozled into seeing the secrets of dumbledoof
at first they were saying they were gonna see this >>>/watch?v=nfKO9rYDmE8 which looks like an alright movie and I wouldn't need any context so I agreed but now they've flipped onto fantastic beasts again
apparently this movie goes into holocaust territory so that'll be interesting at least
someone keeps turning on their car and being a modern car it turns the lights on automatically guy never heard that cars can hold their charge for quite a while
they gotta ny comedy relief muggle character ay im wizarding ova here
eep truly we shall just put muntz into the AIs and then have him rewrite all the constitutions im so sleepy i dont think i slept much last night aiiieee i gotta go grab the bicycle first
Some dumbass put two hockey sticks down the garbage chute in my building, resulting in a complaint notice from the building management How are people so bad at following basic instructions
>>1041312 nope, it came was in "swordfish" one of travoltas lines
>>1041320 You still have a VCR? I do, I don't intend to get rid of it anytime soon because I have a hard copy of EoE in Japanese with fansubs. And it's actually a legit version too, back from when fansubbers would often only out *put subs onto legit copies.
>>1041366 Please go be schizophrenic somewhere else.
Where did you get your psychiatry degree to make that diagnosis?
Rei !p8eYCadcMo
Okay fair point Please go be unspecified type of crazy somewhere else.
What is the basis for your assumption of craziness, and are you capable of forcible relocating me?
Rei !p8eYCadcMo
>>1041371 That there's a high correlation between mental illness and people who claim that they are victims of gangstalking, no.
"high correlation" would imply not 100%, thus some cases being legitimate Which ones do you think are?
Rei !p8eYCadcMo
>>1041373 Internet "celebrities" like Chris-chan. Also Sheridan and James (2016) actually measured 100% correlation but that only had a sample size of 128.
What about historical cases? It was literally a tactic in the Soviet Union and East Germany https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Zersetzung
Rei !p8eYCadcMo
>>1041376 I think referring to an organized government operation as "gang stalking" is a bit Hrrrrrmmmm Looking for a word
I don't think theres a distinction in the "official" defintion of it to differentiate between state and non state actors Heres one for you, obviously stalking on an individual level exists massively.
Rei !p8eYCadcMo
So do you believe you are the subject of a campaign by state actors or non state actors? Either way what do you think is so special about you that you believe caused this to happen?
No, because it was something said in jest in the chatbots routine to start conversation
Rei !p8eYCadcMo
Oh okay
Rei !p8eYCadcMo
We've had people show up here previously make delusional claims about the community so I thought you might have been a particular individual.
The guy who drew this hasn't posted anything on pixiv or twitter in like 8 years.
How organized are your images?
Rei !p8eYCadcMo
>>1041388 For the most part not. I'm addicted to my phone and do all my browsing on it so I can't use hydrus. I have folders for specific franchises and like anime, vidya, specific genres And meme categorie s But I haven't actually sorted anything in months
Dont you get frustrated with using a phone compared to a PC? I do but probably just me.
Rei !p8eYCadcMo
>>1041390 I need a new pc and also can't use it often because my dad frequently works on hs screenplay in the room its in. And yeah i do but it really is smartphone addiction.
When you get your images sorted, zip up your touhou folder and send it me I'll be your free cloud backup
Rei !p8eYCadcMo
>>1041392 Sure Although right now most ofy touhou images are in the touhou folder I wonder how big it is.
>>1041398 Its a pact then. Im hyped, it'll be a fun little project, and allegedly you're supposed to be more motivated with things like these having a partner, like a workout buddy or whatever
Hm, I'll set a reminder and poke you about it every 2 weeks or so, also so I don't forget.
almost put my cheese in the fridge, that could have been a disaster
https://t.co/ILdZgufr9B Abandoned Places (@abandoned5paces) Tweeted: Abandoned Chuck E. Cheese animatronic found in a landfill >>>/@abandoned5paces/1515991380228681730
>Saline solution: Japan invents ‘electric’ chopsticks that make food seem more salty Device uses a weak current to artificially amplify the taste of salt, as part of efforts to reduce sodium levels in popular dishes
this is incredible im gonna open an electric ramen joiny
they're cool and heavy for the size so you can bludgeon intruders with it
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
>>1041471 well first i bought a baby toy to see if that could occupy my restless hands and then decided it sucked ass so went for this meme instead
i love texas
>>1041474 big recommend on a decent-ish pocket knife and some soft wooden blanks get yo carve on homie
It's absurdly cold on this subway platform geez Sure it's not warm outside but it's nowhere near this cold Feels more like they've got the AC on full blast
you don't need anything crazy, 50 bucks will get you a seriously good knife i recommend one with a flat or relatively
i love texas
relatively flat edge angle like similar to a tanto makes sharpening easier and i prefer them for catching but a more traditional shape is fine too just avoid serrations because it makes sharpening harder and the serrations take up edge real estate and serve little purpose for carving
>>1041470 put a little ranni doll on your shoulder
i love texas
my only fear is that one of my closed fists will deck someone when i do law of regression God that would hurt
i love texas
Wordle 304 5/6
⬛⬛🟨⬛⬛ ⬛🟩⬛⬛⬛ ⬛🟩⬛🟩🟩 ⬛🟩⬛🟩🟩 🟩🟩🟩🟩🟩 i bet this one will get a lot of people
Rei !p8eYCadcMo
>>1041483 First wordle I ever failed. Wordle 304 X/6
Watching the Sonic movie made me want to replay SA2 Maybe I'll do that tomorrow. >>1041542 What's your favorite Sonic game?
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
i wouldnt really say i have one there was a shareware demo of one we had as a kid that i would replay a lot but even then i never found it 'fun' just interesting to explore
>>1041546 Wow I'm hesitant to say you're missing out but its at least somewhat important pop culture wise. It's really the only Sonic game I like to replay. I detest 2D Sonic and SA1 didn't hold my attention well enough to finish it. You should watch the cut scenes, there's a lot of good quotes. Really I'd just recommend playing the game but if you're not that interested I can't make you. The plot is really dumb but I have a lot of nostalgia for it.
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
hey look its 4/20
Rei !p8eYCadcMo
>>1041548 Noice I should do something t celebrate. Maybe have some pie. Too bad I only have $5 in checking.
>Nvidia has, for example begun using AI to effectively improve and speed GPU design. uh oh this is a few steps away from self improving GPUs, just has humans in the loop still