no i mostly filter wordle out mentally since its everywhere
Rei !p8eYCadcMo
>Peyronie's disease treatment commercial
Rei !p8eYCadcMo
Wordle 293 6/6
🟩⬜🟩🟩🟩 🟩⬜🟩🟩🟩 🟩⬜🟩🟩🟩 🟩⬜🟩🟩🟩 🟩⬜🟩🟩🟩 🟩🟩🟩🟩🟩
Rei !p8eYCadcMo
God I hate discovery channel so much.
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
nice minecraft book
Rei !p8eYCadcMo
>>1039509 I took my box of frozen waffles out of the fridge this morning and noticed that the art and design was heavily pixelized because they're doing a Minecraft promotion.
Rei !p8eYCadcMo
Anyways my friend leaves discovery channel on 90% of the time and its been showing some stupid paranormal show for hours. The science channel is somewhat better but I really dislike that in the universe or whatever its called they always explain the same shit over and over again. Even though something has been explained in a previous episode, if it comes up again they explain it again. It doesn't build on itself even though it could, abd ultimately they are limiting themselves on how much educational content they can fit into an episode.
discovery channel should just air crocodile hunter and how it's made 24/7
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
>>1039511 yeah that's literally every educational show a british guy painstakingly explaining the same pop science factoids over and over for 26 minutes with foleyed up nature footage so you stay for the commercials
maybe I should watch the umineko anime again it's not particularly good, I guess, but still
Another morning, another night of eight hours of unsatisfactory sleep At least I don't feel as congested today as I did yesterday Although I think I'm trading that for my usual post-flu sore throat
To think Sakutarou would become even greater than Harry Potato
Sure, I don't think I'll be reading the supplemental stuff so I'd like to know
Some establishing stuff, the main culprit is of course Sayo Yasuda, who appears "in reality" as both Shannon and Kanon Additionally, they have the regular assistance of Genji, Chiyo, and Nanjo, as they are the head of the Ushiromiya family and are owed a debt by Chiyo and Nanjo in particular. As well, although she does not get involved with murdering, Maria is often made privy to the plans and assists in distraction or carrying of messages from Beatrice to the family. With these facts in mind, the rules are, to simplify from the dramatic prose they are written in, Rule X: All the adults are in desperate need of money. On each gameboard, Beatrice is free to convince any of them to go along with her plans by bribing them with the gold. This means, on each gameboard, there are different co-conspirators each time. Rule Y: Any lies that all parties agree upon are depicted as reality. This is, in effect, the Gold Truth. It also means that, if a scene features the co-conspirators, accomplices, and/or Beatrice, you as the reader can not trust their account, not just for magic, but also their general perspective. This rule is valid until thirty minutes before the stroke of midnight that the bomb goes off, after which everyone's account becomes fantasy. Rule Z: All the murders are solvable.
Really, the identity of the culprit alone is enough to probably start unraveling it pretty heavily, I feel like
hm Well, they're nice to know, though aside from the last part of Y, I'd kinda reasoned my way towards it either way Good to have it confirmed though That last bit doesn't come up more than a few times, obviously, but it did trip me up a bit in at least some of them cause I interpreted it differently
It actually comes up very regularly, as it explains all the elaborate and fancy magic battles that happen before many of the murders take place The first half of Rule Y explains how people like Beatrice and Maria can have a cutesy magic scene in the garden with Beato repairing Maria's candy, but the second half explains how Kraus s can have a boxing match with a goat
Of course, but fantasy being allowed to explain the death process to cover over reality was always extremely obvious. Without it, those scenes wouldn't have any way to be presented at all
My point being, the first half of Rule Y contradicts that. The second half accounts for it
I just meant the 30 minutes before the bomb goes off part, at least some of that I'd interpreted wrong in an earlier Game Like I interpreted Beatrice's appearance at the very end, talking to a human being, as the actual culprit talking to them, but that actual culprit was, well, dead at that point I know now, and it didn't really match up too well with the rest
>>1039559 I've seen it as both thirty minutes before the bomb and thirty minutes before their deaths. I went with the more final version there, but I do believe both are true
The other thing I will say is, the rules are only really good for the first five episodes They're still kind of applicable to Episode 6 but things go off the rails, and then Bern is such a huge bitch being the Gamemaster for Episode 7 that you can't really use them at all for it
Well Bern's game was kinda deliberately easy I mean the player was supposed to solve it, so Or well, maybe it wasn't more easy, but it laid bare some things I guess I hadn't fully thought through before
It was deliberately easy because she was trying to make Ange miserable, because she's a huge bitch
Or maybe it actually is what happened, well minus Eva actually being dead
That part was never actually relieved, \\\ revealed, I guess I mean I get that it's kinda the point, but the lack of actually being told what really happened is kinda stinky All the tricks and magic obviously don't really matter considering how it ends at midnight, so it'd be neat to know just what actually went down
fucking cat boxes
One of Ryuukishi's most insistent things about Umineko is no one except whoever was on Rokkenjima truly knows what happened All the gameboards are fantastical interpretations of accounts written as messages in bottles found years later in the ocean Some are clearly written by the main culprit but signed as Ushiromiya Maria, but others are forgeries as , in universe, the curiosity of the events of Rokkenjima caught hold in the public eye It's from this stew of fan fiction that characters like Erika enter the narrative, at least in an anti-magic understanding of it If I remember correctly, Episodes 1 through 3 are confirmed written by Sayo -- actually doubling back it was Episodes 1 and 2, and the canned Episode 3 before Ryuukishi wrote Turn of the Golden Witch Other accounts are forgeries, some written by the amnesiac Battler, or accounts like Eva to Ange
I still kinda don't get the reason Beato had for it all, at the end of the series I now understand SOME of the stuff that seemed real strange, but the overall motivation for wiping the island clean is still wholly beyond me So what if Battler returned.
They need to hurry up and tell me that they're doing a new Umineko anime.
It might be a long shot I wouldn't be surprised if Ryuukishi considers Umineko a complete story at this point, versus how, at least since finishing Higurashi, he seems to have decided that there was more to tell, so we got Gou and Sotsu And that might change as Higurashi probably changed But also, Higurashi has always been really big in Japan. I think Umineko was successful, but it didn't hit the same weird cultural touchstone points that Higurashi seemed to. It might be a harder sell on a production committee
>>1039568 The fact is, he didn't. For all those years, Sayo was stuck playing servant to all these pathetic adults who constantly whined about money and sucking up to father, who all acted like pompous, self-interested human beings. And even if Kinzo may have treated them kindly (I can't recall when if ever he discovered Sayo was his child), Sayo would have had to learn they were the child of incestuous rape, that their mother had died in ridiculous accident which Rosa was the fault of, and that their chance at knowing what their body was supposed to really be all along was completely destroyed by Natsuhi's inability to love a child which wasn't hers. It isn't really Battler's fault that the Rokkenjima murders take place, but that he could have stopped it by offering a pressure release by not forgetting his promise to rescue Sayo from the island. The murders take place not because Battler never returned, but because life on the island was an unbearable experience of trauma and hopelessness for Sayo.
Even just a series of anime movies would be fine with me! I mean, it did just get that stage show, right? Ryuukishi, please! I'm begging!
>>1039571 Provided the account of Clair is accurate, he was made aware of it fairly shortly after the epitaph was hung up, but whether it was a full year or maybe more I dunno. He knew before the events of the story though, assuming that account is actually true
>>1039571 I guess that does make sense, having it laid out clearly like that Explains the reason for all the plans and stuff too, despite the intent to midnight it all at the end either way
Kirara 🍄 大医 /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
they did nothing wrong
There are certainly some innocent people on the island who die because of Rokkenjima murders Maria, clearly I would even say Jessica and kind of George were not deserving of death either Battler is an extremely hard to pin down decision
And lets not forget Gohda, who was a relatively new hire and had no history with the family at all! Poor Gohda! He just wanted to cook!
I mean blaming Battler for anything is dumb, but it's still understandable for him to end up being blamed He was 12, talking to someone he met like, once a year
and then when he came back, even if he had remembered, the right thing for him to do would be to keep quiet about it because Sayo had clearly moved on and was happy with George. They were gonna get married!
>>1039579 I don't agree; Shannon accepting George's pursuits was a newer development and likely happened long after Sayo had committed to the Rokkenjima murders. I think more realistically, it was Sayo chasing some small happiness before death, or giving George some happiness before he died
>>1039580 very possible, but to Battler, it appeared like bringing up their own relationship would be uncouth, to put it mildly, even if he had remembered it at all. As far as Jessica who lived on the island could tell, the two were happy, so it really wasn't Battler's place to show up after 6 years and try to meddle with it
Unless she actually confronted him directly about it at some point. Obviously then it's on him for forgetting, to some degree. But it'd be pretty shitty of him to bring it up without something like that, knowing what he did when he showed up to the conference again after so long. She waited for him, he never showed, she tried to move on, she found a new love. That's what it would appear as to him, and he had no right to come between them
What I'm saying is, Sayo giving up on Battler coming to save them, Shannon accepting George's interests, and planning for the Rokkenjima murders was all in the same motion. By that point, it didn't matter if Battler returned, seemed jealous or not, the plans were already underway. Maybe if he'd apologized for forgetting his promise, it may have called off the murders, at least before the weekend they took place. It's also important to understand the delineation of personalities with Sayo, because they are an extremely fucked up mental state. Shannon may have been happy with George, but Sayo/Beatrice was committed to the murders regardless
well since i read it the first time with the originals i wanted the other art the second time through. especially since there are cgs for scenes that otherwise arent there
Kirara 🍄 大医 /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
that one CG of eva with the double guns in the garden is pretty cool
>>1039614 Sayo is free to kill off personalities, and honestly, the whole people/persons/humans thing is weird I can't quite remember the rational behind it at the moment
>>1039617 Killing off personalities is one thing, but selectively counting them seems kinda cheap. Also I think at a few points the red text specifically clarifies human beings, though I could be mistaken. In the one where Kanon saves Battler from the closed room, it does actually clarify bodies, but that much does track because it's absolutely part of the trick for it to be only one body, and an unmentioned and unspecified amount of people
I would imagine this was all premeditated on 07th's end though, so I would assume it does all actually fit nicely together when you read through it again It does also, admittedly, take a fair amount of suspension of disbelief to accept that this whole damn family was unable to recognize Kanon and Shannon as being the same person throughout it all, and even Natsuhi who badgers all the servants didn't so much as mention it when somehow, Shannon was "found dead" in the garage Kanon opened for them. That's really hard to accept.
>>1039553 To clarify this btw, it doesn't say anything about the co-conspirators having to actually survive, right? Them dying is allowed?
>>1039625 Anyone can die at any point during the murders, even Sayo, or any of their personas
>>1039626 Okay~ Just had to clarify because in at least one or two of the later games, the culprits dying was explicitly forbidden
>>1039614 I rooted around and found the answer to this This is harder to parse in English, but in the Japanese, when Battler says in Episode 6 that there are only 17 humans, he uses a term which generally indicates more a physical counter, eg. there are only 17 (living) bodies on Rokkenjima. If you subtract Kinzo from the counter, there is only ever 16 bodies on Rokkenjima aside from when Erika is on the island. In previous Red Truths, including with what Erika uses immediately previous to this, the phrase is "17 people" in English, and in Japanese is more indicative -more fuzzy on if they're actual humans or personalities. You could still say Beatrice should count as a personality, but I think that's a bit of the meta-world leaking in. Beatrice was never really on Rokkenjima, after all.
>>1039628 I guess it's entirely fair to not count Beato because she's never actually in control of the body during the events, she's a "witch", always in the background and acknowledged by Kinzo and the other servants as inhabiting the body in a very metaphysical sense.
Is higurashi comparable in length to umineko? Just counting the VNs, I mean
>>1039615 >>1039617 sayo doesn't count because they are furniture, not a person
>>1039632 By that logic, Genji doesn't count either. I don't think the nomer of furniture is used by the end to actually count people on the island, it's just one of those things that gets thrown about early on to show how weird the Ushiromiya family is in regards to their servants
Magic is the only thing actually limited to culprits and coconspirators, right? Natsuhi "meeting with Kinzo" is possible without her being a conspirator because it's just her lying, right? Or am I misinterpreting?
>>1039642 Remember, Rule Y says any lie all present for agree on to be truth, can be shown as truth Also, don't take the anime as any kind of canonical demonstration of fact
>>1039643 I just wanted to make sure it didn't NECESSARILY mean the people in question are murderers Just that they lied, which someone not in on the ceremony can do And yeah, the anime isn't gonna be taken as canon by me, but it does so far follow what I remember, if very rushed
I guess Rule Y in and of itself makes solving at least the anime's cases so far entirely trivial, hah
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
having more than one google/gmail account is suffering
Battler thinking the red truth left him at a disadvantage was always so dumb lmao From the very first red truth uttered, it was Beato tying a noose around her own neck
Well, as for the actual mysteries, I can't deny they all stumped me entirely, too So at best, I'm as stupid as Battler in that department, but at least I didn't think the red were a weapon Beato could use
For Beato, the games were always meant to be solved, and a part of her wanted them solved So she deliberately left openings and hinted at things using the Red Text But even then Battler couldn't see the proper solution and by the end of Episode 4, she was just tired of it, so she gave him "wins" even when his solutions were absurd and could have been countered (even by pre-established truths) Lambda in Episode 4's ??? goes as far as to drive this home by overturning all of his solutions for the first two gameboards
I only noticed now, but this coalgirls BDrip actually doesn't have the OP and ED on each episode They're provided as separate files, but the episodes lack them Strange I guess it saves on filesize, but that runs counter to the coalgirls philosophy
More bluntly, it's a simple fact. Though, Bern did arguably make one false statement with it at the very, very end when she said this game won't have a happy ending. And then it did
>>1039660 There are a few occasions where the Red Truth enters a weird state of subjective insight on a matter. It's at least consistent when used to address matters of the gameboard when trying to solve the murders, at least. With Bern's statement, you also have to wonder what she means by happy end, and which game she's talking about. As the reader, it's easy to see it as a snide meta comment, which is probably part of the fun. But she could be addressing the original layout of her game she presents in Episode 7, which by its original design, very clearly was not meant to have a happy ending. And even Umineko overall, doesn't really have a happy ending. It's a tragedy, and while it ends on a cathartic conclusion, a family is still dead, and Ange will likely never know the truth, regardless of whether your player choice at the end has her accept that or chase the truth
Yeah Even the ones that are a bit strange though, I think they're only arguably false, and can definitely be argued to be true at the end of the day. Whether the end of the book is considered the end of the game or if it ended in advance, or even if the ending IS a happy ending are all kinda hard to say
Well, Ange does actually know the truth, as far as we know, cause she did read the diary, she just decided not to accept the contents, and they were Red Texted to be the actual truth of what transpired
Well, provided red text can be trusted outside the strict confines of a game board, which may or may not be true The diary she read was on a game board though, technically, so... hard to say really
>>1039663 Red text is only a figment of the meta-world, it's magic, not real. >>1039664 Technically Eva's diary is the gameboard for Episode 3. It's why things in it diverge so harshly from the original two gameboards Or well, it's either Eva's diary or amnesiac-Battler writing it out, which in the end is close to the same thing
Kirara 🍄 大医 /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
yami wo kirisaku
Kirara 🍄 大医 /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
the only thing good to come out of the anime
Imagine not having a picture of the golden witch, BEATORICEEE in your shower
Yes you should A big one Hang it so it's the first thing people see as they enter
Kirara 🍄 大医 /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
people will be like "what is that" and ill be like DESIRE
>>1039668 Hey they nailed the seiyuu choice Can you imagine any other seiyuu from that time period nailing Beato's cackle
>>1039665 I suppose so Either way, reality is less that Ange will never know, and more that she'll never know that she knows. Whether she knows the truth or not is kinda hard to pin down, but she'll never be able to actually know that it is the truth because she's limited to human reality
Ohara Sayaka is still taking roles even in recent seasons If they were to do an Umineko re-adaptation it wouldn't be hard to get her back on board
Kinzo's voice also a great choice, an obvious choice, not even a choice. A decision made by fate.
One of the biggest travesties of never getting to the Chiru arcs was not getting to hear Sawashiro Miyuki as Dlanor At least all her dialogue is voiced in the PS3 port of the series, although I think you have to mod the PC release to get them in Maybe they'll localize the Switch port of the PS3 port
>>1039675 You also have to remember, the Ange we see jumping off buildings and avoiding the Mountain Dogs and all that jazz, isn't Witch-Ange we see in the meta-world, no matter how much she hallucinates Sakutarou or other magical creatures That mundane Ange will never know the truth of her kakera This is kind of where Umineko does start to match pace with Higurashi too, that each kakera is its own "truth", ie., the fact that Keiichi bashes in Rena and Sh/Mion's head in the first arc, doesn't mean he's a murderer in the next arc What's different is where Higurashi was a looping pursuit of the culprit to stop them before they get their plan off, in Umineko, the murders have already happened. Everything we see is just Beato trying to get Battler to understand why.
hm yeah that much is true I guess The chronology is a big hard to follow when it comes to her jumping off the building, to be honest
>>1039682 So in a way, where Umineko is a game that's already been played and the "player" is a mere observer, in Higurashi, the player has their own piece to play with in real time? In a way?
I would substitute "player" for the actual character, Battler in Umineko, and Rika in Higurashi >>1039686 It gets a bit blurry at -in this medium yeah, hah hah
Yeah, that's what I meant by player, not the person actually playing the video game I guess I could have been more clear
It's not so cut and dry of course, because Ryuukishi experiments a lot with Umineko's later arcs, taking the concept he established throughout Higurashi and Umineko and tries to break the mould Like in Episode 6, the "player" is more Erika, as --or egg-Beato, as Battler steps back from the role of protagonist after solving the game in Episode 5. And in Episode 7, the "player" is more Will/Lion and Ange, before Ange takes the forefront entirely in Episode 8
Kirara 🍄 大医 /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
when you think about it,, isnt umineko a lot like among us?
>>1039688 Not really were it amongus, most of the games would be impostor wins by default before they even begin
In fact, realizing that they're not restricted by such a thing is one of the things that really opened it up up until very close to the end, I always thought there were only a few culprit, maybe 3-4 at the most, but it turns out I was extremely wrong Such an assumption killed me, and likely Battler as well
That's kind of what I was hinting at, a few days back When I said something along the lines of, without understanding Rules X, Y, Z, you might come up with a few good theories for specific Episodes, but you'd probably not get them all to fit together for the game overall Most people, once they "solved" one of the Episodes, would then try and take their culprit list back or forward to other Episodes to apply it to them, only to find eventually nothing worked. I saw this scene play out many times as I browsed forums (and later /jp/) and it's only in retrospect that it makes sense why it was so futile
I suppose the clues were always there, but it always seemed like you'd have to be missing something if you actually got the correct theory, hahah It might work, but without knowing the rules, you end up going "there's no fucking way this is actually right..."
Those really were halycon days for me I always come back to realizing how formative it was for me to be way into Umineko in my later teen years Without that I might have never really started lurking and talking in weeb forums; on account of my mostly shy and private nature While I knew of 4chan I had a mostly outsider-scared opinion of it and it was only really because of Umineko that I started going to /jp/ And it was in /jp/ that I met a bunch of my early online friends who I drew a lot with in apps like FlockMod, which prompted me to really try doing digital illustration I probably would have missed out on R/a/dio's exodus from /a/ if I'd missed that timing on coming to 4chan and without that, would have likely never found my way here
And that's not even accounting the interest I have in mystery and the kind of gently-bitter tragedy genre of Umineko And my preference for haughty older sister types
I do still feel like the Kanon\Shannon thing is kinda... well it's really hard to accept as fair.
Shannon has big bazongas, you know, it's hard to believe she pulled off looking like a 12 year old boy and not even the family that lives there caught onto it
>>1039695 That's probably about the timeline for me too The anime wrapped up in December 2009, and I know I didn't start reading until after that, but I can't quite remember when. I think by the time I started reading the VNs, the fan translation patches were up to Episode 5, and I don't think Episode 6 was released yet, because I think I recall being up to date before the spoiler screenshots for the just-released Episode 6 were circulating Actually no, that doesn't line up, because Episode 6 was released December 2009 So it was probably somewhere between the fan translation patch's release and December 2009
But I did make up for it by really diving into the animesuki Umineko forums and later on /jp/ threads There was probably a solid year and a half or two where I lived and breathed Umineko
Kirara 🍄 大医 /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
>>1039698 to be fair, japan is like 40 years ahead of the west when it comes to gender changing shenanigans with binders and make up and stuff
>>1039700 Still though. I mean it's not an extremely big deal, but it's really hard to fully accept as an explanation from the author because it's the kind of thing you really couldn't ever have guessed your way to until the latter part, and even then it took a big leap of logic
Kirara 🍄 大医 /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
>>1039701 i think it's easier to accept once you realize how unreliable some of the information we have is. in the actual events, it's possible the boobs were not as big as we're led to believe
That's fair Ultimately it's alright, but I still feel a little bit cheated and can't help it
Alternatively, Sayo's sex at birth was male, or the accident which mutilated their genitals destroyed their body's ability to produce the puberty hormones which would develop breasts if female, and Shannon's breasts were always just convincing fakes
Oh, I suppose she could have just used pads or something, yeah That makes it a lot easier to accept, at least as an explanation
A common rational I've seen even when Shannon and Kanon being the same human was just a theory to explain the headcount problem was that Shannon wanted to be, either for Battler or George, the busty, wife-able girl of their dreams, and so regardless of their actual bust size, was accentuating it to cater to them
Oh I guess she did actually bring it up to Battler's face, or at least she did in the third game. Which I suppose does make sense if that's Amnesiac Battler trying to retell the story?
well, assuming the anime is accurate-ish, and I do think it is, cause I vaguely, vaguely remember that actually happening in the VN too The anime is alright enough, it's just VERY rushed and plowing through the VNs at a rapid pace
The music in the anime is also still pretty good, when it is used
I might just order some Indian food from the place near my condo for dinner tonight I've already spent a bit on takeout this week but between being sick and not having a whole lot to cook with here, having someone else make my food sounds kind of nice It'll be a bit pricy but they have a 10% off on pickup and it might be more than a single person's portion maybe I just have to figure out if their "no side of rice for meals ordered for delivery" extends to pickup too, since it don't want to order two servings of rice
I got their chicken tikka masala, spice level medium, and lamb roganjosh Although I was right and they did put enough in one entree for two-ish portions so I've only really had the tikka masala I think I'll go and have a few bits of the roganjosh to help finish off the rice and naan I have though, and also so I can see what it's like
For spice level medium though, this was, well Well it's probably actually pretty accurate Hot enough that I was having a slight struggle with it, especially since I didn't have any spice counters beyond rice and naan But also not intolerably hot I think I could probably go for this level again, especially if I remember to buy milk
milk helps cool it down, ( goat milk, best imo). I cooked w/ cury, curcumin, and cayenne, civonut oil and black peppers ,sea salt.
>>1039748 ye if you just hand out your feet pics for free it will ruin your whole business model
I think my c drive broke
s c
Yep definitely looks to be broken This is bad
Have you checked the smart data thing?
s c
the what? I dunno, but it's not visible in BIOS I'm gonna try swapping the port to see if maybe the port just malfunctioned, but chances are I just need a new drive
If the drive's going to be corrupted the boyfriend also needs to watch.
it's busted lmao
s c
oh well, guess it's linux time I got a new drive, so I'll probably put both linux and windows on it honestly, cause linux is a pain when doing anything like video games
I am become Mint I gotta figure out how to get hydrus running on this damn thign I mean, getting it to run is easy, the issue is whether I can get my database over
It's by no means familiar, being on linux again, but I'll just live with it I don't play enough vidya to warrant running windows anymore anyway, and the few I do, I can just spin up a vm or something
AAAAAAAA My damn HDDs are mounted as read only
praise be, the issue has been remedied Turns out windows fucking locks up the drives it has going and a scuffed shutdown will leave them like that luckily there's a command to just fix it outright
research about changing disk attributes, and in diskpart somethimes deleting vol can help infections. diskpart - list vol - select vol - delete vol.
The issue has been fixed now anyway I'm not trying to repair windows, that drive is actually inoperable, even BIOS doesn't list it anymore So I got a new one and it's running Mint now It's just having to deal with the vestiges of windows that's kind of a pain I'll probably just stick to Mint from now on, maybe run a virtualbox for windows-only stuff like a few games and whatever
Now to begin the process of attempting to resurrect hydrus
dualboot works awesome w/ v box. lm not a fan of mint, dark mint was kool. debian all day.
at least your back on up
When I installed it, it commandeered the entire 1TB drive lmao I didn't feel like fucking around with it, so I just let it
...what fucking version of hydrus was I running fuuuuck I didn't keep it updated
maybe it can just import the DB file or something
Time to give it a spin Just copying over 50 gigabytes in the hope of the database update function being able to work that far backwards Otherwise I'll have to just drop down a buncha versions and try again
gl, hope it works out for ya.
Worst case, I'll scrap my own weird tagging format and just hook it up to the tag repository I ain't starting from scratch again
probably because it was dark but somebody called me darling
I played the uncensored version Or well, there were mosaics You don't lose much of anything by scrapping those scenes though, honestly it'd improve the story IMO The One Towards The End is kinda necessary in a plot sense though, but it's also without visuals >>1039785 Oh yeah Generally I can handle it if it's stuff like this
It's kinda specific in some ways, and stuff like a VN doesn't really do much of anything, most of the time anyway
Rei !p8eYCadcMo
>>1039784 Just given what you said about your trauma stuff it made me think.
yeah rip Oh well, the new one's a full TB so in some ways it was a blessing to swap it out So much more space now, I was always running up against the wall with the C drive (though mostly because windows is a bloatmonster)
are you enjoying your linux sounds like you're hittin a few speed bumps
>>1039808 I'm not really enjoying it exactly, but I don't wanna deal with windows anymore
Also did you catch that grenade stare? Deer in headlights moment
for one, my headset is REALLY quiet compared to on windows, likely a driver issue But these are old enough, if they're not compatible by now, they're never gonna be
I'm going all in on doubt on this There's no way they pull out a win in pubg Copium
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
if your audio is wack you might need to switch to PipeWire or something idk i had to most stuff but not all is auto-configured
S C >>1039812 I guess I'll give it a try
how uh how do I use pipewire instead of pulseaudio
but man, my computer is SO much more responsive now windows really is a piece of shit OS
I open hydrus after it's been minimized for an hour and BAM, it's right there ready to go And hydrus is a resource hog on its own, usually it takes a while after being off-focus for a long time before it's ready to use again
Gotta figure out a way to hook up my VR set to this too, I guess
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
i gotta try out the improved windows emulation in Steam at some point for now im happy just workin on code and not gaming tho
not really playing many games anymore is one of the main reasons I'm actually sticking with this I tired of elden ring already, and at this point all the games I'm likely to spend much time on are like, the kinda thing you can run a VM for anyway Just VNs and the like
How the hell would I go about making a bash script move all jpg files to a separate folder? I've got mv $1.jpg ./images/$1.jpg But that ain't doing it, and I don't remember a damn thing about bash with batch it's legit just move *.jpg /images/ or something doing that with bash will of course move all the jpgs, but it'll move all of them into a single file called images which is not ideal
>>1039840 You don't need a bash script, just use mv
Rei !p8eYCadcMo
>>1039838 WTF? I hope Biden pardons Gootecks so twitch can bring back :pogchamp:
Rei !p8eYCadcMo
Oh it was in 2016
>>1039842 yeah but I intend to put this in the folder where everything's downloaded to filter out the images and put them in a different folder, which hydrus will then hoover up
I shoulda considered making my synced folder read and write, but alas now the rewrite has begun, so maybe next time I gotta have a synced folder for my wallpapers and stuff on my phone after all
And really, it's only when I change my whole damn OS that it matters whether it's read only or read&write
I've at least finished setting up the basic desktop environment now I've got a taskbar at the top with all the stuff you expect from a taskbar, and that's a big step cause I had no idea what I was doing while setting it up Managed to make a shortcut to hydrus on it, too
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
do you want an ubuntu tip? $ sudo apt purge ubuntu-report popularity-contest apport whoopsie to remove some spyware
Literally nothing was removed I guess mint doesn't put it there in the first place
I mean, I did get the most minimal mint version My dad's net isn't super fast and I had to use his pc to make the USB stick
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
oh mint, well then that doesnt apply
I got guake installed too Convenient terminal interface, much better than the standard free floating window
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
do you use mpv its my media player of choice in linux
I haven't installed a video player yet, but I'm installing that now that you mentioned it I was thinking of grabbing vlc, but vlc has always had a spot in my mind as a bit stinky at times probably no longer warranted, if it ever was
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
yeah it's probably left over from /a/ 10bit nonsense it doesnt really matter in this day, there's support for everything everywhere
There's gotta be an edit of the trollface with the shotgun encircled by the UN where he's going "I HATE DAIZ I HATE DAIZ"
Rei !p8eYCadcMo
>>1039881 Probably not, that meme is really recent while Daiz stopped being relevant years ago.
yeah but daiz hate is eternal
Rei !p8eYCadcMo
>>1039883 I honestly much preferred him to the current fansub cartel. For one thing, the current fansub cartel is more of a cartel than he ever was. Also there's an uploader on new nyaa that has preferred status that was banned on old nyaa because he only dies hard sub encodes. Which pisses me off when I can only find his bd encodes, and other would be encoders are less likely to do their own encode because "oh its on. Yaa already".
>>1039885 Tiger and Bunny will probably get fansubbed.
Rei !p8eYCadcMo
Also I know i said "fansub cartel", but really what I mean is that they run nyaa and mangadex. Really what the Daiz fansub cartel thing was about was that he ran nyaa and was also a fansubber and fansub groups had all these connections and people accused him of having a conflict of interest.
Rei !p8eYCadcMo
Oh and he's a nice guy, I used to chat with him on a super sekrit klub irc channel pretty regularly.
really I only ever knew of him through the memes my most intimate interaction with fansubbing has been pressing the torrent download button on nyaa and tokyotosho
>>1039890 You never went to a sub group's irc channel to dcc something with no seeds?
I to this day have never xdcc'd a file I tried once or twice, couldn't figure it out, just waited for the torrent instead
Rei !p8eYCadcMo
>>1039893 I'm hesitant to say you're missing out, but it does have some advantages over torrents. For xdcc you can watch the file while its downloading because it downloads it sequentially. You can do that with a torrent sometimes but it doesn't always work perfectly. This is assuming your dl speed meets or exceeds the bitrate of the video.
Never really been a problem I had an animebytes account for a while and got old stuff from there That account is no longer around though, it got snuffed out
Which kinda stinks cause I got music from there, but oh well Inactivity will sneak up on you
Also, workspaces have gotta be a vestige of when everyone was stuck on like 1280 monitors, right? I can't imagine a real use case for it with the sort of real estate we've got now with 1080p being the normal and 4k on the way in There's just so much space on the taskbar And on the screen itself, but obviously you'd want to fullscreen stuff if you're gonna be using workspaces
momentary panic as I realized my steam password is stored in the damn shortcut to steam on my taskbar on a busted harddrive
thankfully, it's also in my password manager
damn account is good for like $300 not even counting the games, man
>Wait all day expecting a call from my job's HR person to discuss my Covid situation >No call >Go out to pick up some groceries and check my phone a while later >Missed call from my job an hour after the workday ended Of course
i guess that's all you can be im waiting on pcr results after my aunty tested positive
I was feeling exhaustion for a few days of the week last week, but at the time I attributed it to general work/stress exhaustion But Friday evening I pretty much keeled over and woke up in the early hours of Saturday feeling very much like I had a flu And then rapid-tested positive on Sunday So now I have the week off to isolate
I have a feeling I'm positive too but it doesn't help I worked a 16 hour day before feeling like this fingers crossed though
Used flatseal to give it permissions, basically Also turns out it could always save in downloads, but that wasn't the default folder it opens for some reason
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
ah, flatpak truly a mystery to me why does linux have so many pkg managers snap flatpak native and nix-pkg i have all four of those operative in my sys
flatpaks are nice though, they feel kinda like an exe >>1039918 shit, linux mint comes with 2 preinstalled software manager and synaptic package manager software manager is probably just the flatpaks though, or at least they open in that
I dunno if they come with any sort of autoupdate functionality
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
the flatpaks will self upgrade snaps are similar but they're more proprietary i think and also they fill my freakin mount list with snaps
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
if you want to feel like supaa hakkaa install bottom aka btm its a nice terminal based system monitor written in rust
I'm just glad I got it fixed I NEED tweetdeck to feel normal, and running it out of a browser is actually ass >>1039921 Eh, I like the regular gnome system monitor I've got my graphs, I've got my task manager, and even a space overview which is neat I don't need anything super fancy. If I did, I wouldn't be using linux, cause I'd need it to monitor my rig while gaming
why in the goddamn is it using swap when there's perfectly good RAM right there? Stop using swap, you're gonna burn out my goddamn SSD
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
do nt qorry about that linux tends to do that with really old memory pages after a while even if theres no memory pressure just to keep your actual ram headroom as high as possible i guess?
I guess technically the software isn't able to manage anything, it's just sending a request and asking you to SUDO it Still kinda funny though
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
having a relatively sane OS layout certainly helps even though the unix layout is decades old and suffers its own tech debt, its leagues better than windows' special brand of insanity
user friendliness could certainly still use a lotta work for linux, though I mean shit, this is mint, which is like, ubuntu but less bloaty, and it's still like, you're googling how to install a fucking music player It's 2022, windows had this shit locked down in '98 or some shit
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
do you really want to use the windows defaults tho Windows Media Player Edge
Well no, I'm just saying there's a very big barrier to entry, even after all this time If you want a different anything software for windows, you download an exe file or a zip file with an exe file in it, and you double click it With linux it's like "OK first open the terminal, then paste in this one magic spell. Then, paste in this other magic spell. Then recite this charm into the terminal and the installation process will begin. Make sure you've instaled the dependencies, you can check whether you have them by getting another terminal out and opening pac-man (remember that name, you'll be using it every time you want to edit a text file for the rest of your life)"
Like it's a LOT of shit to go through to install software you find on linux Granted there are easier methods being used now than before like this flatpak stuff, but holy shit you really gotta be willing to go through some steps >>1039933 that's the thing, MOST of the time you don't even really need to think about it, but every "how do I install this?" page (which existence in itself is a fucking disaster honestly) has a section for dependencies
Holy shit you made the damn post limit VISIBLE when you pause typing now? You genius
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
wtf youre installin dependencies manually? how retro
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
you really shouldnt need to be worrying about all that stuff i just do like `sudo apt install mozilla-firefox` and 20s later its done idk and i could be using the GUI software installer but im more used to typing it in
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
its actually way faster than windows which is a whole process of googling and finding installers
but oh man have you ever tried to build software from source on windows? absolute nightmare
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
mpv is actually kind of a pain in ghis respsct it has like a bajillion build options and deps it has a whole other tool called mpv-build just to make building it easier best bet is to find a good pre compiled binary or snap or flatpak
>>1039938 Yes I actually have and yes you're right it is an experience I would wish on nobody
Also this is extremely minor, but to this damn day, if you set the "last?x" x to be something other than 100 in the options menu, it will ALWAYS take a refresh, specifically, before it kicks in, you noticed that shit? Loading the page fresh in a tab always has it at 100
salespeople offering phone plans keep calling me and offering me the dumbest shit like "we can't offer you the same deal, but since you don't use all the data of your current plan, we can give you 2 GB less per month and slice $0.25 off the monthly bill" y'all serious? You're not gonna get me to swap off this sick deal I've got for a few bucks per year
that's not even an exaggeration I was legit offered 8GB for 247 NOK/month because I told them I pay 249 NOK/month for 10GB they gotta be out of their fucking minds I don't use the data, sure, but like, that's fucking insulting
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
lol thats awful
Rei !p8eYCadcMo
Oh boy Time to get stupid shit I don't need off of Craigslist.
Rei !p8eYCadcMo
Okay well actually the heavy duty vinyl carrying case will actually be really good for carrying magic cards around. But 70's anime soundtracks on vinyl are pretty unnecessary.
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
heavy duty vinyl barrier, staple gun, garbage bags, rubber gloves...
Rei !p8eYCadcMo
Actually on the subject of buying vinyl on craigslist, I've never actually done that before. Should I make them play it for me to make sure that its not damaged?
Rei !p8eYCadcMo
>>1039951 Oh holy shit, I just looked up the exchange rate, thats a great deal. No way you could get 10gb for that little here. It would cost over twice as much.
I mean it's a pretty sweet deal here too, but not by that much
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
guh data plans are overpriced in canada im still using my tmobile
fsearch opens the damn folders in a disk usage analyzer program instead of thunar and it has no option for overriding it
oh, nevermind, you can, and I already did, it's just case sensitive I had typed in "Thunar {path_full}", but it needed to be "thunar {path_full}" case sensitivity in linux always trips me up big time
Are all the higurashi seasons seen as good adaptions, generally? I know umineko's scuffed, but higurashi I've gotten the impression is actually fairly good?
Kirara 🍄 大医 /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
it's... ok
Kirara 🍄 大医 /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
gou is good
what's really so bad about the umineko anime anyway? I mean, of course it advances super quickly and skips a lot, but that's just a necessity when you try to adapt something so long I guess they should have maybe stuck to just doing one book per season or something, but then they'd be left with a first season that kinda... doesn't really get started
It'd be like if the muv-luv anime started with Extra
I mean it SHOULD have started with at least a few episodes of Extra And then also not skip Unlimited
Gou was a lot of fun in the buildup to its release too All the promo stuff just focused on stuff we know from the original question arcs, and the project was generally just referred to as "Higurashi no Naku Koro ni" And then episode one plays out more or less by the books, but when episode two rolls around things quickly go off the rails, and by episode three they're now calling it Gou, the reveal fully unveiled
Homestuck really is unfairly maligned I wouldn't actually recommend anyone read it, but it is actually fairly good The main reason I wouldn't recommend it to anyone is it's absurdly long, and also more of a relic than anything
I have a fairly highly positive opinion of it I think you can really tell the weird passion Hussie has for the world and storytelling, especially once he starts to move away from "lolsorandom for the sake of lolsorandom" and into "lolsorandom as a vehicle of chaos and plot device" He doesn't pull punches and constructs some pretty harrowing moments for the climax points of the narrative It does have possibly the original Insufferable Zoomer Fanbase and sure, not every bit of comedy or storytelling device sticks the landing But overall I think it's great
Also what does it mean when higurashi opens with "this chapter is very difficult"? Are there choices, or does it just mean it's very difficult to really understand what's happening with the hinamizawa syndrome at this stage of the story?
Oh no the updated art is actually worse than the original
I mean if the original wasn't Ryuukishi's art, I think that would be fine for the original Higurashi release Remember, these are games put out as entirely independently produced, sold at a stall in Comiket If you bought a game with art like that in that situation, you'd probably go "Yeah about what my money's worth was going to get me"
Well yeah I'm not really complaining, I just think the original art had some charm to it that's kinda lost with these admittedly far more competent character artworks
I would call them "an amateur that kind of seems to know what they're doing but isn't all that good yet" Where as Ryuukishi during Higurashi had no clue how to draw he just kinda did his best
It's honestly incredible how someone can write something as dense as both higurashi and umineko, like, just on their own? I guess it's easier to stay motivated when people pick it up and like it, but it's not like the guy had a publisher or anything backing him up
man I really did read a lot of this already, I thought I only got a short way in before I went to bed when I started it up before, but I'm just skipping through a large part to get back where I was at this point
all the text being at the bottom instead of covering the whole damn screen is a welcome change though It works for some parts of umineko, really well actually, but for the majority of it, it'd honestly be preferable if it was more traditional about it Like dlanor's DEATHDEATHDEATH spam, that wouldn't work as well if all the text was confined to the bottom quarter of the screen
I wasn't able to get pipewire to work, so I'm probably just gonna live with the decreased volume It's not like I ever really set the volume to max to begin with, so it just means I gotta put it near max now to be at where I usually have been
also there's a toggle for art styles in this and holy shit now actually the remake and console art is way, way better, turns out I just got really used to the umineko art so it stopped being so jarring, but seeing them side by side here deals psychic damage
well, time to put higurashi on pause while I watch the stream
Rei !p8eYCadcMo
>>1040012 I dropped Homestuck. His pre Homestuck stuff is much better. Like Fuck I forgot the names It's been so long. And no I'm not just being a hipster I read his stuff before he even started Homestuck.
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
lol these dang packs are literally NFTs they even have trading and channel points are a erc20 coin someone has got to build web3 twitch already
hey samsam, does it make sense for some programs to take noticeably longer to start on xcfe or whatever than on ubuntu's default, KDE or whatever it is? Like is that something that tracks, or am I going fucking insane? Because strawberry takes a while to start on this environment, and I'm pretty sure it doesn't if I set it to ubuntumode when I log in
Rei !p8eYCadcMo
>>1040040 Oooh Mystery performance issues One of the many prices you have to pay for freedom
It's not even really a performance issue, really, it's just on startup for some programs I guess they're written under one environment, and while they work anyway, they're trying to do stuff that requires some redirection or something
the flatpak manager actually isn't stable worth a goddamn though, for reasons unknown to me it's not like it crashes exactly, but it'll like, stop actually doing the installations and the only thing that helps is a full on reboot well, maybe just logging out would work too
I was at the meats section at the grocery store today, and I happened upon moose sausage with blueberry it's.. actually pretty good don't really taste the blueberry much, but it's good
it's unfortunate, but it won't really be an issue once I'm done installing all the stuff I'll ever really use the programs work anyway, the software manager just breaks
I really just went with mint because Ubuntu's kinda stinky, or has been in the past anyway Mint's always seemed more lightweight to me And I primarily got this to see if I could rescue the windows, I didn't initially intend to actually swap to linux (yet)
But now that I have, honestly it's becoming apparent to me just how much better it is for my use case For the most part, I play VNs nowadays if I play games at all, I really don't need an actual gaming OS Maybe I'll get an external drive and put windows on that sometime You can do that right? I know you can with linux, but does windows let itself be installed on an external drive?
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
ubuntu's fine really just strip out the analytics program and if you really want to, use non ubuntu sources for like ntp and stuff then you get the fairly easy It Just Works experience most of the time and big support base thats what i do now i cant be arsed to mess around >>1040056 i dont know if you can, i would really prefer to set aside a partition for something as crucial as the base OS
unfortunately, I don't think I can do that without reinstalling again and going through all of it manually And mint's guide on that isn't very helpful
Maybe I'll dualboot windows then Or maybe I'll just VM windows because let's face it, it literally isn't worth having it as an actual desktop environment with real access to my real files I pirate A LOT of stuff, that old drive is probably infested with multiple trojans, maybe it's best to VM from now on to avoid said trojans having access to real sauce
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
given the SteamDeck windows emulation rxperience i dont think you even need windows anymore
so i'm doing the property purchase for this flat, right i got a loan for about half and I'm just paying the rest.
and ever since yesterday I've been freakin irrationally paranoid that I sent the money to the wrong account even though I checked the details like 10 times.
>>1040080 well yeah I could have just paid the 10% deposit and borrowed the rest but why the hell would I want to take out a bigger loan than I have to
why use your liquidity to reduce your debt when you could take on payments for basically the rest of your lifespan just keep taking out more debt so you can buy pokemon cards today
is there a damn options menu for mpv or do I have to start digging around in a config file like some sort of gremlin? there's no right click menu or nothin'
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
>>1040097 nope if you're lucky you might get the GUI when mousing near the bottom of screen j/J - subtitles # - audio track [] - speed up/slow down >>1040099 oh idk about that functionality i mostly use it to watch movies and anime
l - set loop marker L - loop forever
where's the damn PLAYLIST
watching anime is kinda what I'm gonna be using it for too, but not being able to set it to go to the next file when it finishes is a pain I GUESS I'LL LIVE WITH IT
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
mpv *.mpv er mpv *.mkv
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
yeah not ideal if you want to manage playlists a lot
lol i guess if i wanted to watch 3 episodes of railgun i could do mpv *Railgun*{05,06,07}*.mkv
I mean it's not a big deal, but being able to just double click a file and then reasonably expect the media player to load the next one when it's done with that is like... default shit EVERY media player does that on windows
seems like you can make it make a playlist by just dragging all the files into it at once it works well enough, even if you have no ability to manage that playlist
Maybe I'll just get vlc for this kinda stuff
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
hah if you want autoplay theres a freakin lua script for it
you can't make it NOT automatically size itself to match the video resolution, huh? >>1040107 No I mean I want the literal opposite, I want it to be a small window that I can then fullscreen when I want to, rather than have it size itself up to cover my whole damn monitor Like, just stay a small window until I resize you myself, media player PLEASE AAAAAAA
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
idk i just press f for fullscreen
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\ apparently you could add this to your shortcut and/or your .bash_aliases
see this is what I mean by a lack of user friendliness, men
I gotta dip into my middle school algebra to make my damn video player stay in a corner of my screen until I tell it otherwise
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
any men in the chat?
but yeah this is not somethin i would claim to be easily user configurable i don't need bells and whistles and menus tho i just `mpv file` or double click it and i'm happy
Like how does there not exist a straight forward right click menu with an options dialogue? Just a checkbox that says "remember and keep dimension+position" is literally all I need and I'm fine with this player, but the lack of that makes it REALLY annoying to use I rarely watch stuff in fullscreen the whole time, I usually dip in and out between whatever I'm watching and my browser, most of the time it's in a window covering roughly 1\6th of my screen on my main monitor, cause I can watch it there while Posting >>1040114 But I actually really like this one other than this!
maybe I really should just go with VLC I know VLC
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
sounds like you should use a different video player
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
oh rather than adding command line args you can put config options in ~/.config/mpv/mpv.conf
>>1040115 I mean this works in an extremely literal sense, but the moment I load up a video file it resizes itself I can't even remember the last time I actually launched the video player manually in windows
do I just add that as a separate line? in the conf?
Still no dice unfortunately
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
maybe force-window-position=yes
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
>Forcefully move mpv's video output window to default location whenever there is a change in video parameters, video stream or file. This used to be the default behavior. Currently only affects X11 VOs. lol nvm thats like the opposite why is it called that
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
anyway the options are here
i look forward to your eventually sending a patch to the mpv devs
I've gotten "competent" at like, bash, batch and python though, I guess, but only at an extremely basic level where I can automate my own life I can be surprisingly stubborn when I have an actual purpose
Adjust the video display scale factor by the given value. The parameter is given log 2. For example, --video-zoom=0 is unscaled, --video-zoom=1 is twice the size, --video-zoom=-2 is one fourth of the size, and so on.
This option is disabled if the --no-keepaspect option is used.
How do I slam this into the conf file? the last bit there I mean that's obviously what I'm looking for here
Set the initial window size to a maximum size specified by WxH, without changing the window's aspect ratio. The size is measured in pixels, or if a number is followed by a percentage sign (%), in percents of the screen size.
This option never changes the aspect ratio of the window. If the aspect ratio mismatches, the window's size is reduced until it fits into the specified size.
Window position is not taken into account, nor is it modified by this option (the window manager still may place the window differently depending on size). Use --geometry to change the window position. Its effects are applied after this option.
See --geometry for details how this is handled with multi-monitor setups.
Use --autofit-larger instead if you just want to limit the maximum size of the window, rather than always forcing a window size.
Use --geometry if you want to force both window width and height to a specific size.
POG POG POGGERS This has to be it
I'm still cheesed I have to be a damn conf file gremlin to do something accomplished with a fucking checkbox in every media player ever released for windows in the last 20 years, but at least this should actually do the thing
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
all the options say "initial window size" tho i think they assume youre starting the app with some arguments
> This option never changes the aspect ratio of the window. I am placing my hopes and dreams on this statement
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
I feel like about 90% of the variables in any given linux program's man page is the kinda shit that means you should be on a damn watchlist honestly
Who the fuck sets up a fucking CLI command to resize their video player to a specific aspect ratio and pixel dimension for the sake of playing a single video? A sociopath, and ONLY a sociopath, that's who
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
i feel like these options are more aimed at people settin up like a TV with ads on it or some other commercial use
Another thing I'm noticing like, in my soul, is how much faster hydrus is now I mean, some of it may be down to bloat over time accumulating on windows, but I'm pretty sure hydrus is just outright faster by several magnitudes on linux I might be able to actually clean up all my shitty tags left over from the autotagging AI now
It does make sense though If the dev has a linux version, chances are he's actually using linux himself, so the non-linux version is more like a "if you're not on linux, this does technically work" version
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
>>1040148 for sure windows filesystem operations are slow as hecc
oh maybe that's what does it? just ntfs being a slow as crap file system?
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
its more like the overhead of the windows IO subsystem in general there is backwards compatibility and tech debt and code rot in there spanning decades like, copying a big movie file will still max out your hard drive's read/write speeds, but if you try to use like git or other dev tools there is so much extra overhead
ah right, windows does have that constant need to be backwards compatible into the fucking stone age which probably, at some point, starts building up some issues when it comes to some stuff, and probably in particular the shit hydrus is up to where it loads in a huge database and scours the drive in a certain section to load in a ton of images and thumbnails and shit possibly, anyway
that or there's just always enough shit in the background that things go slowly
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
>I remember this issue when creating few million of files inside one folder and it was extremelly slow because of 8dot3 name creation. It has to go through each filename to generate short name O(n) when this legacy feature is enabled. >After disabling 8dot3 there were no performance issues anymore.
fwiw 8dot3 is the naming scheme from the DOS days when you had a file bigger // filename longer than like 6 characters it would be like C:\PROGRA~1
insane bullshit like that plus windows is case insensitive so every filename has to go thru a unicode normalization step or something
god forbid you want to alter a file in C:\windows\system32 or something, then a billion checks and hooks fire
oh yeah, I've seen that sometimes in the command line
The case insensitivity is, in my opinion, actually positive though I think that's Good, Actually
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
its use friendly but like in the technical scheme of things, the names ought to be on a layer above the filesystem themselves but thats a story for another day
yeah but like at the end of the day, the user is USING the system, not programming for it It's real fucking stupid go to "oh that's stored in /torrents/done/vns/" and then you go there and there's one VN from like 7 years ago because oh, turns out at some point you reinstalled your fucking torrent software and set the tag to be VN instead of vn, so now everything is in /torrents/done/VN/ instead It's just fucking dump to an extreme degree
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
no i mean like a layer above the FS but below the GUI
pretend I put an s at the end of VN there
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
yeah i know im not disagreeing its pretty obviously silly to depend on case sensitivity for normal users, but we're stuck with this bullshit because of how the filesystem is also managing names right in the storage layer instead of having a separation
like basically you want a way for the software to be able to be case sensitive while the user doesn't have to deal with it, right? But I dunno how that can be done, cause they're kinda mutually exclusive as far as files and folders are concerned One thing is like /Folder/file and /folder/file but what if you have varying case usage of both variables? how do you parse that for the user?
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
in practice its tricky you ahve to handle stuff case by case OS X also does the case insensitive thing, but differently
its not hard to understand the basics, you can store two copies of the name, one stylized, one all-lowercased (normalized) then use stylized for display and normalized for underlying operations it gets trickier when you like want to download a file from the internet and it's called Proof.pdf but you already have proof.pdf in your download folder so then it goes "uhh i guess we'll call this Proof (2).pdf"?
Isn't that basically the same as just hiding a file by putting a . in front of the filename though? accomplishes the same goal, I'd think? in either case, you can't really have more than like, 2 variants of the same "name" one for user display, one for software to use
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
i dont see the connection
but i see files within files
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
also then if you switch your OS to french now suddenly all the rules are different
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
in my head there's some cleaner non-filesystem design out there somewhere i been rotating shapes about it for ages idk where files are blobs of bytes, or even structured datatypes that are richer
and then there's a layer of names and tags and pointers above that, which points into the blob layer
honestly maybe there should be a system where you have 2 layers One user-layer that's for end users, and one "software"-layer that has all the files users shouldn't be messing around with
So you've got exe files in the user layer, and all the dlls and db and other garbage is in the software layer, and they don't need to be case sensitive or nothing and they can use the same folder structure but exist "on top" of each other without any issues
it'd certainly make for a very clean and easy to parse user experience, even for the boomer brains
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
nah its just a big mess but something like that could be nice
windows in particular, when you install an app and they spew dlls into your system folder, what a disaster that is macOS actually has it the cleanest, an app is a folder and you copy it into the system and you're done
I for real don't actually know what a dll actually is I just know sometimes software has their own dlls, and most of the time pirated software has their own dlls they forcefeed into the exe to trick it
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
dlls are dynamic load libraries more practically, they're a bunch of code that can be shared between multiple exes so you might have the VC++ redistributable which is like the basic C++ functionality that windows programs need, and you can save some RAM by not having to include a copy of it in every exe ever
so what, they save on ram by putting it on the HDD to be called on demand? But they don't use a centralized storage for it that all software can access?
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
also saves on download size disk space etc >>1040175 no that would make too much sense DLLs were conceived back in what windows 95 days? windows 3.1? idk pre-internet
>>1040176 doesn't it... literally NOT save on download size? because you still need to download the damn dll? >>1040179 see but that's the thing, every game I've ever had installed on windows has its own dx9, dx11 and dx8 dll
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
you download it once per system instead of once per exe
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
im talkin about how things are supposed to work not practically how they do anyway there are loads of common DLLs in the system that come with windows and are used by many programs, not just directx and vc redist
>all this mpv discussion Yeah That's why i don't use mpv I don't mind like wacky command line crap But I do not have the patience to use a video player that requires that.
I'm of the same opinion, more or less needing to "figure out" what is done by a simple checkbox is basically every oher video player I've used in the last decade is itself an insane red flag for further use
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
again there are actual guis for it but yea hey im on time this is great
and you can just do that? >>1040198 well sure but like it IS free here, and I'm having big issues feeling like I can even trust them with the basics well I mean entirely free it isn't, but the cost is capped and that cap counts in my regular med costs and shit so over the course of a year it washes out
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
its not free i had to wait months but yeah good takeaways about my mental state, self esteem and self talk, and such asking the right sorts of questions
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
oh you still have that hangup about not trusting paychologists eh
I dunno if it has anything to do with that directly though I just struggle a lot to trust anyone
I don't trust my parents, for example I mean I trust them not to like, attack me with a weapon or something, but I'm not gonna be honest about how I'm doing with them, that seems insane to me >>1040205 good choise tbh Don't let me get started on stuff like this, I go off
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
well, im not a psych youre not paying me so im gonna go eat
Marsh shitposting on the go via TelephoneSearch [iqdb](216 KB, 640x715, eef.png)
I am not capable of trusting another person to that extent. I have trouble on climbing walls just jumping from the top and trusting the autobelay system to work amd lwt me down safely.
Rei !p8eYCadcMo
Well actually i think it was just that one autobelay system that didn't feel right.
do you have good grip strength?
Rei !p8eYCadcMo
>>1040217 Maybe I definitely used to But my hands are definitely weaker than they used to be.
>>1040215 what if we were battle buddies and had to trust each other?
Marsh shitposting on the go via Telephone
>>1040210 Guess my number got LEAKED it's now all over the darkweb
>song thanking the audience at the end of the Eva symphonic
Rei !p8eYCadcMo
>concert is 11 minutes long Dangerously Based
Evangelion Vox, kinda sounds like destiny's child trying to sound like portishead. The rapper sounds like he listened to lots of mc 8 amd comes from brimmingham. Maybe producing grime these days perhaps?
Okay the answer is yes. My curiosity is sated. Now to see if I can find a picture of Sandcat before /moe/ randomly disconnects.
It's how he makes money, sure, but he could have increased his vigor or just given up on it
did you know sandcats don't drink water, they just get their fluids from their prey
Rei !p8eYCadcMo
>>1040268 Cool A lot of animals are actually like that. I know caterpillars get their water from plants (or animals) that they eat. Did you know that there are carnivorous caterpillars?
>>1040268 Most small cats are in that vein It's actually a small concern for housecats; they can often disregard drinking water because they're not accustomed to needing regular hydration like that Over time it can develop urinary issues and other health complications The problem is compounded in that some cats can mistrust idle water like in a bowl, they don't see it as a "valid" drinking source. Which is the beneficial case behind things like fountain water bowls or ones that otherwise have the water in motion. Ideally it's best to incorporate wet food into a cat's diet to help get them water they might not get otherwise, but I've also heard in lieu of that you can mix a bit of water into their dry kibble, although I've always questioned if they'd actually eat something like that
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
pure carnivore build
Oh yeah Samu been meaning to ask How did you look up the psych you're seeing now? Did you do research or did you have a recommendation or something
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
i think i just googled it i may have been reading ADHD twitter first and then been like 'fuck it i'll just book anything'
Sou sou I've been thinking about asking the family doctor I'm registered with if they know a good place to start looking for psych appointments or intake because I have a lot of baggage I could use some help handling But first I need to get my healthcard renewed and it's also been probably like five years minimum since I saw a doctor and it's a new doctor anyway since my previous one retired earlier this year so the whole appointment might be other stuff
Maybe it would be easier to look into it myself, but it's also really hard to know where to start and what's good
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
my advice would be to not overthink it and just go for the first decently rated one you can find
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
this psych was great very friendly old lady last year i hit up a therapist when i was in a dark time and they were pretty much a robot
You might as well ask a fish to walk on its own two legs! I don't know how to not overthink things!
Most country names get a little bit different names in other languages, like Norge becomes Norway in English, or words are just outright translated, right? But how did Nippon become Japan?
probably came from chipango, which is what marco polo called it I dunno though I'm not educated in this
tilde you play a bit of civ what do you think is the most accessible civ?
>>1040294 Hm, that's kind of an interesting question I think between 5 and 6, they're both kind of par on inaccessibility, like, it's not hard to go up against standard bots and dick around, but to really sink in and learn them, they're both pretty complex 5 might be a bit more straightforward I guess, but you're trading a more flexible and developed set of mechanics for a kind of standardized game Like for example, pretty much every civ type in 5 kind of plateaus in expansion usefulness after around five or six cities, due to incremental costs of science reearch and other systems which calculate costs based on the number of cities you have in your civilization. There's pretty much no civ which can be built wide; eg., grab as much territory as possible and run like fifteen cities Civ 6 does mostly away with costs like that while also strengthening certain civs like Gandhi's India which specifically benefits from minimal cities. Civ 6 also has the mechanic of building city districts, which while definitely is an additional degree of complexity to its mechanics (and therefore kind of makes it less accessible), allows for a lot of fun customization and personal choice in how your cities develop Besides that, both games have fairly arcane mechanics like Faith and religion which are largely pointless, and it's harder to declare a "fair" war in Civ 6 because it implements a Casus Belli mechanic. The science victory is more complex in Civ 6 but that comes with the benefit of actually feeling like you're doing something rather than just completing tasks like Civ 5's science victory Both games have a pretty incomprehensible culture victory but I think Civ 6 ekes out in being a little easier to understand how you're doing once you understand the basic idea, as well as gives you better tools to accomplish it
Between the two I think Civ 6 is the mechanically better game, but is probably a bit harder to jump in to as a total series beginner But I can't imagine going back to
by the way, possible higurashi spoilers I had always been under the impression Rika actually retained all her memories between loops, was this not the case before Gou?
>>1040288 I looked into it on wikipedia, and that seems to be at least part of the reason The other part apparently being a result of Chinese pronounciation of the symbols used for Nippon I always knew Japanese had a lot of overlap with Chinese, at least one of their sets of symbols or something, but I actually thought the pronounciation was the same between those >>1040307 Ah, I actually thought it was uh Not hiragana, but a third set? are there 3 sets? I coulda sworn there were 3, but now I'm unsure
>>1040306 There's hiragana, katakana and kanji. Any weeb worth their salt should probably learn hiragana and katakana.
>>1040306 Japanese Kanji are literally just characters pulled from the Chinese system of written characters They were what originally consisted of written Japanese too, before Buddhist monks wrote shorthand characters which ended up becoming the kana alphabets The Chinese written characters count among the several thousands; Japanese Kanji uses a more restricted count roughly around two thousand
>>1040305 Rika remembers each loop, but due to Hanyuu's imperfect granting of power she can not recall the final moments of a loop, so she never sees her killer's face, for example. Although she does recall the pain
>>1040310 goddamn It's definitely more understandable now how some vtubers for example, like korone, struggles with some kanji Managing to actually memorize all those damn symbols is insane
I'm glad we just have 29 letters and that's it for memorization, after that you just learn to associate sounds with meaning in the form of words
Also samu, I have no idea why, but spoiler tags do not function in my browser, they're always ope- IT'S THE DAMN DARKREADER ADDON Gotdamn it got bright when I turned that off
Rei !p8eYCadcMo
>>1040310 I know you're not going to reply to say that Japanese uses only 2000 kanji Those 2000 kanji are considered the bare minimum for being able to understand Japanese. There's thousands more.
Rei !p8eYCadcMo
>>1040315 You have 29 letters? What are the extra 3? Å ø and what else?
æ ø and å really, we COULD probably scrap those cause the sounds are still used without them, but they've been there forever and there's no reason to take them away other than to maybe reduce the amount of boomers misusing them constantly
Online communication has really shed a lot of light on how poorly people before this generation fare when it comes to written communication They can make themselves understood, but there's an incredible dirth of actually knowing how to spell a lot of words It might be the same for this generation too, really, but it's definitely a little better, and it's harder to really get a sense for it because online has its own language carried over from when you paid by the letter in SMS texts
>>1040315 The idea of the Chinese characters/Kanji being like an alphabet is kind of a misconception As in, a letter in word in alphabetical languages means nothing in of itself But a Chinese character/Kanji means something in of itself and in conjunction with other characters It's more akin to, each Kanji being a word or at the least a word fragment by itself, which can take on more elaborate or different meanings when combined When you think about it, how many words do you know? Surely a couple thousand is a drop in the water
Rei !p8eYCadcMo
>>1040316 *reply to this, to say Japan only uses 2000 is inaccurate This is what I get for posting while cooking.
Rei !p8eYCadcMo
>>1040315 Kanji are orthographic and many kanji are made of smaller kanji that can inform you of the kanji's meaning by their presence.
>>1040322 Mostly stuff like using an æ where there should be an e because the actual sound is an æ and stuff like that It ultimately doesn't really come down to those letters existing though, we've got the "og" and "å" thing where people really just don't seem to know where to use them og is and, å is to but they sound the same in a lot of dialects >>1040323 huh always thought it was dirth
>>1040325 On one hand that would make sense, but in reality growing up without a spell checker makes no difference when your total wordcount by age 50 is gonna be below like, a few thousand outside of school assignments for the vast majority of people
Rei !p8eYCadcMo
>>1040324 Shouldn't boomers know better because they didn't grow up with spell check?
Rei !p8eYCadcMo
>>1040324 I know Å goes in ångstrom and then I can't think of anything else.
No I don't mean vocabulary, I mean nobody wrote much prior to digital communication Maybe some letters, but most people could go about their general daily life without ever really writing much of anything >>1040330 well yeah, people who actually write stuff in their job are a different story, but that's hardly most people Even letters are kinda old as hell after phones became somewhat common
Rei !p8eYCadcMo
>>1040329 >nobody wrote much before digital communication Jesus Christ You know that typewriters have existed since the 19th century right? And that jobs where people tyoed up documents existed a hundred years ago and people wrote them by hand or on a
Rei !p8eYCadcMo
>>1040329 Can you even list 20 jobs that aren't food service or manual labor that don't require any writing?
>>1040332 Not sure what its like in Norway, but here in the US there have been more white collar workers than blue collar workers for like 70 years. Actually look up labor statistics sometimes please instead of making outrageous claims.
huh, I guess I was mistaken
Rei !p8eYCadcMo
Anyways, for a country the size of yours
Your economy would be much smaller if such a large portion were manual laborers and in food service. Because those jobs contribute less to the economy.
Oh no, I'm losing sight again Hopefully it doesn't progress to actually cover my whole damn vision, but it's already kinda enough to make it hard to see properly It's right in the damn middle of my focus, so I just don't see a damn thing exactly where I'm looking
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
rip whats goin on are your retinas falling off?
It's a brain issue, my eyes are fine Some sorta migraine from what the docs could determine
Happens very rarely, but the first time it spread so my entire vission was effectively blank Couldn't see anything at all It's kinda hard to describe, but it's like if the blind spot in your vision just started like, appearing elsewhere as well I "see", but what I'm seeing is actually just the brain's deepmind algorithm filling in stuff like it does for the blind spot >>1040357 Uh, right now it's kinda like a horizontal line located a little bit down and right from my center of vision, but it moves and changes shape over time That and it's hard to really pin down something like this because it does trick my brain into thinking I am seeing, in a way
It's super scuffed on top of a monitor though, looks like that effect you get when you crack an LCD monitor and the colors go all fucky, RBG in weird shapes and lines
It's definitely expanding though
hopefully it settles again
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
oh one of those auras ive heard of what does it look like
it is pretty hard to see a blind spot certainly i dont know how to see mine except maybe thru the use of optical illusions so attuned
the easiest way is to figure out roughly where it is, and then move your mousepointer to that spot It's small enough, it'll be covered entirely and erased from your vision Well, unless you're leaning close to the screen
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
its also crazy how similar like deep learning generated images are to psylocybin visuals i mean psilocybin visuals are all over the damn place really but the vibe seems similar
it feels like we might be at the shallow end of a super intelligence explosion what would you expect a superintelligence explosion to look like idk i see this crazy shit openAI is doing and it kinda feels like that's what it might look like
I'd like to try some shrooms some time
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
dewit or dont i dont care but if you do be sure to have fun
Gosh Samu I can't believe you'd be so indifferent to my curiousity!
this stuff hasn't come with headaches before, but one is building up now hope I'm not for real developing migraines might just be because I'm straining through it to operate a damn computer though it's not in the center anymore, but it's big enough it's constantly flickering in the top now fuuuuuuuuuuuck
maybe I should just lay down for a while
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
the first time i did shroom i did so in a smol apartment furnished entirely in white, while watching the pilot episode of Sword Art Online for the first time and i had a great time i also disassembled a chair clearly this is the best way to do shrooms
When I was at a friend's place for New Years 2020/21 I remember she just pulled out a take-out container which another friend had gotten her as a housewarming gift And it was just full of shrooms
So *Also >Sequence files are what actually controls the audio. The are in .m64 format, which is similar to MIDI, but Turing complete.