>>1038573 ill have u know i took the bus to the gym where i then sat on a stationary bicycle staring at a screen totally not a massive waste of time and energy
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
of course the more anxiety inducing the better
>>1038594 you could just snack on the coating around the cacao beans your pods look like they need to ripen more though, should be pretty dark before they're ready
i definitely don't want to pick them before they're ripe but at the same time this vine is taking up every square inch it can as vines do
Still so very disappointed by the last like 2 seasons of SG-1 being bad I'll probably pick up Atlantis again a bit later, even though it's noticably not as good as SG-1 was I guess it makes sense though, at some point or another you do run out of ideas, and a new cast means you lose the characters too I know O'Neill makes some appearances in Atlantis cause I've watched it before, but SG-1 proper doesn't.
>>1038658 have legit no idea where you got that from tbh he's definitely conservative though, he just avoids any and all discussions about politics like the fucking plague
>>1038661 It was literally on the Google thing where it shows questions and there's a dropdown thing where it shows an answer. I didn't bother actually doing anymore research than skimming google results because I don't really care.
Rei !p8eYCadcMo
>>1038661 On Saturday my friend kept putting on those Columbo parody videos. Like the death note one and some gamer one.
There's something weirdly comforting about being back in the subway tunnels again Is it worth my return transit going from about half an hour to anywhere between s eventy to ninety minutes? Fuck no But it's still a peculiar familiarity I've traveled these tunnels countless times over the years
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
subways are awesome feels good to be in tunnels and not chaotic traffic
Yeah they're great I probably won't ever live anywhere without subways, or at least some kind of heavy rail transit, off -if I can help it
It's also really nice to be able to hop off the train and pick up from my favourite place for a chicken wrap on my way home Couldn't really do that when I was Uber-ing without an annoying amount of timing and scheduling Still, it does suck to have to take seventy-five minutes to get home
>>1038697 Yeah I've been considering picking up the habit again It's too bad that unlike my previous work and schooling, my route home at this workplace doesn't take me right past a bookstore Also my bag is already pretty full up of my stuff that I bring to and from work so it'll be harder to fit a book in there now Neither are reasons to ditch the idea of reading on the transit but they are kind of discouragements
The bigger reason though is I don't have any bookshelves or good places to put books away once I've read them so I'm fairly hesitant to start buying new ones
guess im stuck here
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
i gotta read DUNE fully at some point
wait you've never read it? I got the impression you were a long-time fan from all the duneposting you should read it, the first book is good sci-fi evem though the characters in this weird sace epic are all called paul and duncan >>1038699 just make a floor stack until it motivates you to buy a shelf
gotta have some regular ass people to contrast the space freaks
> “Three or four years ago, I remember talking to a lot of people, like all anybody wanted at Netflix and Amazon was, ‘Can we have an erotic thriller? Can we have an erotic thriller?’” confirms a producer behind several box-office blockbusters who, like other insiders quoted in this story, spoke on the condition of anonymity, not wanting to be publicly associated with the genre’s still-questionable commerciality.
the one linked>>1038698 absolutely no guts in it was going a 30-40km/h to get up a minor incline
>>1038745 What year, model etc? If something really bad happens to engine/tran etc the ECU puts it in 'limp mode' so you can barely get home/to a shop So thats p. serious if the case.
she came down in a bubble, doug
neat wasn't sure if I was remembering the name right but thats it https://mechanicbase.com/engine/limp-mode/
(I dont mean thats it in being sure its your case but the name of what I was thinking of)
I mean he's been in a steady decline since he started out, really, with a few outliers This at least does sound like how older stuff on a very superficial level though, but the beat is doing all the damn work
Protip: watch youtube videos on a mobile web browser instead of the App so you can use ad-block plugins
>>1038760 With foreshadowing, it's best to take advantage of the fact that as the author, you don't have to approach your narrative in a linear fashion like your readers will Set up the scene you want to be the big twist or hook first -- this doesn't necessarily mean writing it out, you can visualize it in your head or have it consist of shorthand notes -- the important part is understanding as the author the gravity of this moment Once you have that in mind, you can work backwards, or by jumping around, the material that will come before it, to properly time the moments of foreshadowing or other Chekhov's Guns you want to set on the mantle
>>1038779 Yeah it's pretty bad Everyone's having orgasms but there's no running water
that's doesn't too bad to me sound too
Wordle 290 3/6
⬛⬛⬛🟩🟩 🟨⬛🟨🟩🟩 🟩🟩🟩🟩🟩
Man I leave like two minutes earlier and catchan express bus And I get here like ten minutes early, and that's with dwaddling for a good 5-7 minutes to get coffee
My condo building keeps sending out notices about proper garbage disposal and not tossing cigarette butts off your balcony and it's like, I'm in support of following these functions But the notices are also entirely toothless People are going to be dicks regardless
I'm sending 50% each time, but 100% would yield twice the returns so it's tempting Betting belief is meaningless at these odds, they're just not good enough for small bets, and big bets will bleed you dry super fast
Though I guess if you don't have a lot of points, betting doubt makes absolutely no sense with these odds betting 10 on doubt will not even pay you out I'm pretty sure, it might steal your coins
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
feels good 2 believe
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
its 1.01 for doubt im sure you would at least get breakeven back if it rounds down
i see webp everywhere and avif nowhere webp is annoying cuz its apparently a superior compression format but basically all of my tools dont support it so i have to do a conversion step anyway whereas avif is W H O
>i see webp everywhere and avif nowhere cause google rams it downs the internets throat like with most things
i love lappland
>>1038842 i wish i lived near you so i could be ur date jacob collier is goated with the sauce
*cracks open monster* >Ahh, BMP, now THATs an image format
Speaking of not remembering, what is the significance of these dots again? If there even is one They appear occasionally above some parts of sentences >>1038926 not the elipsis The dots over "a memory like this" Is it
Indication of pause in speech
Oh right That's where furigana would have been written Because of the complexity of Kanji you often see hiragana written in small font over or beside complex Kanji vocab
>>1038928 They probably can't remove the text when doing the translation patch-in because of the limitations of the VN engine So they just put in placeholders
OOOH, so they don't actually mean anything in and of themselves, it's just a quirk of translating a japanese written work I thought they might be like, emphasis or how in video games Quest Relevant Stuff will be in a separate color (which isn't an option for umineko due to colored text having its own inherent meaning)
is there any damn way I can increase the resolution of the damn game window by the way? Cause this is fucking painful It's so SMALL
Does F11 put it into fullscreen?
nope alt+enter doesn't do anything either, no way to resize it that I've found I think I was able to increase it before, or at least I did with the 4 first chapters but that was a separate game >>1038932 that works, I guess yeah It sucks but I guess I'll have to live with it for now
You could hard set your monitor's resolution to a lower resolution I can't recall how to manage the actual game program though
I've watched way too much NL streams so all this talk about pieces like "she's just a piece." is unintentionally fucking hilarious I can hear NL distantly in the background shouting "YOU PIECE"
she was plucked out of the metagame, which is itself sort of a game at this new meta layer, where actually it's a story, and sent into another story by the people reading the transcript of this book Interpretation becomes hard
had to get some food but I'm back on the grind I still lack even a faint idea of who or what the fuck beato actually is At least, I have no ideas that make any damn sense
I was going to ask you about an electronic musician the other day but i forgot their name. Oh wait I remember now Do you know of RJD2? Although actually I guess they're more hiphop than electronic. Anyways they had a really good album in 2002 or so.
i love texas
what a post such character it feels vaguely familiar
im sorry to disappoint you but magic is definitely real. source me
Rei !p8eYCadcMo
*for how some people died Their stomachs are blown up from the inside and Battler's argument against the cause being magic is that they ingested small bombs.
if you want the answers to umineko you should read umineko even if it would take a significant amount of your time >>1039002 boredom is more likely to summon me because i am at work and my interests will violently fluctuate all day >>1039004 i havent read umineko in many years however so my memory is bad and also i didnt use my brain a lot
Rei !p8eYCadcMo
>>1039003 I'm more likely to do it if it means you'd be around to discuss it with me.
Rei !p8eYCadcMo
>>1039003 Hazy, Maria and Kokoro are all pushing me really hard to read it but I'm ostensibly in the middle of rereading every translated Type Moon vn.
he's delivering the greatest victory speech of all time?
Rei !p8eYCadcMo
Local theater is doing a David Lynch film festival. https://musicboxtheatre.com/events/david-lynch-a-complete-retrospective-the-return I'm probably just gonna see Blue Velvet.
I think most people could probably infer that you were back since you made another post
Rei !p8eYCadcMo
>>1039011 Actually I often post on /moe/ while outside of my house. Only mods can see if I'm on a mobile ip or my home ip.
Rei !p8eYCadcMo
>>1039008 Did you ever finish that ETH price display thing? I found a faux vintage led 8 segment display. https://hackaday.com/2022/04/05/led-filaments-make-a-retro-clock-without-any-retro-parts/
>>1039012 Alright well if somebody had something important to tell you but it couldn't be said while you were using mobile then I'm sure they're glad you told them.
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
>you think i only listen to vocaloid shoegaze? - NL 2022
Hey Marsh get on your phone I've got something important to tell you
>>1039030 This was posted because I copied the wrong tab The full search was 'elden ring patches shop' but of course only the first two words were liveposted.
Work is paying for me to do it too, which is nice.
I'm only going to be doing one class at a time though since I still have my full time job so it's going to take aaaaaaages to actually complete.
>>1039033 Sometimes it's pride Sometimes it's being too much in the mind of a FromSoft fan where in previous games if you found yourself up against a boss you couldn't beat, the game went "Well fuck you" and you just kept trying until you did Sometimes you're Shiranui Flare who not only enjoyed the experience, calling him "Tree Sentinel-sensei" by the end of it, foughthimasecondtime off stream
at first i was gonna count the hours and be like "30/70 hours complete, almost halfway there" and then i realized i have no days off so it's actually just endless work yee motherfuckin haw
Sonic 2 premieres tomorrow and I had planned on seeing it on opening day (like the first one) but I don't want to spend the money this week. I might go see it with friends next Saturday.
my brain remains too smooth to solve the closed rooms
book 6 feels like it was shorter than the previous ones though
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
i feel like mystery books are just impossible to solve unless you happen to have the exact same set of rules encoded in your brain that the author went out of their way to adopt for the story i am probably wrong about this take though, i have seen articles written about "fair" mystery books loved by fans
In a lot of it, it does sorta come down to you as the reader not being able to gather any information the protagonist doesn't, so you end up stumped up until the very end anyway Other times it's real Sherlock Hours and you're not even given the information outside the reveal at the end anyway, like the detective noticed something but it wasn't written on the page at the time so you're just not in a position to solve it anyway
But I get a feeling Umineko is fair, just very difficult
>>1039152 This band has been together since 1966with
a five or so year hiatus. Also they just did an 11 minute long jam of one of their songs But most of the lyrics of the song are just "here comes $bandmember'sname" 9/10 would sit through again S Although I prefer the version from when Al was in the band be *because the title of the song is Here Comes Al.
i have always found there to be a significant gap in understanding you, between the language gap and also my own distance from typical human relations i think most of us would like to be understood in a way that is special and unique, but it's hard out here in the real world
>>1039206 \having a pet does wonders for some people but it is a lot of responsibility and at least in the US it can be expensive even pet healthcare is fucked here
It's not so much about the responsibility as it is just like, I dunno, logistics I can afford to have a cat and all, but like I can't have a cat flap in this door, and my place is kinda small so I'm not entirely sure where I'd put the litter box I'd need to find some way for the cat to let me know it wants to come back inside when it's outside Those are the main issues though But they're kinda big ones cause I really can't have an indoor cat, it'd just be animal cruelty in a place this small
pet healthcare is a human right
I need cat to live
>>1039210 I'm a big proponent of keeping cats indoors unless supervised always wild how many people are like "yeah, head out there and just vibe bud"
>>1039213 I don't live in a city so there's no reason not to let a cat outside here They usually stick to a fairly small area around the house anyway, hell most of our cats all seemed to understand where our actual lot ended and the others began at my dad's, somehow or other Like it definitely seemed like they understood what part of the long patch of grass was ours, though the fences and stuff obviously helped
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
we let all our cats go outside would suck to not get to see the outdoors
your cat started at being so liking at yours, yes? >>1039220 How old is your cat
my what at my what?
I don't have one I'm thinking of getting one
>>1039216 when I lived with my old roommate I'd let them out into the backyard every morning for an hour or so just worried about them jumping the fence to explore and being hit by a car or stolen by some asshole who wouldn't bother to check for a chip there's also the issue of domesticated cats killing local wildlife, diminishing bird populations and shit I think that's mostly done by feral cats tho
>>1039218 I'll have you know that I am both those things.
That cat doesn't exist yet I'm gonna try to get an appointment to come look at the cats at a shelter soon, and then probably decide after that whether to get one
>>1039225 we have cheap medicine stop avoiding shit and get it shit before something bad happend
>>1039224 m8 you'll get plenty of paper just you waiy
the cold can be counteracted a bit by eating some hot food, but one of the big issues with the cold is it makes it a lot more uncomfortable to make food, too trapped in blanket reading seacat
I'm becoming unsatisfied by umineko Though, I don't know where it's going for certain, especially since there's still another book left But at the moment I'm mostly a little bit annoyed
It'd be one thing if it just like, went there, but the whole book in front of this one has, effectively, the author going "it sucks big ass when the motivations just come out at the end as a confession without the means to reason your way to them" And then it's just this bullshit, with not so much as a gesture in its general direction anywhere throughout the series until now
You would have to be actually insane, of unsound mind, to throw this out as a wild guess at any time until now, and you'd be able to back it up with exactly nothing, it'd just be another guess like "Actually Eva did it because she was having her period" or something equally insane
I'm still gonna finish it, obviously, I'm not this far in and stopping But I'm a little peeved, a bit salty
I think there's still quite a bit of context you're either deliberately ignoring, or haven't seen yet I need to be broad between those two because I can't remember the precise introduction of things It's been a while since I read Episode 7
Possible I'll finish it either way
Geez louise A subway train closed on a lady with her son still on the train It's not a long distance between stops but the kid doesn't have a phone And I don't know if the family's experienced enough with the transit to just catch a train going the opposite way, especially the son on his lonesome I told her to go find a stationmaster because there wasn't much I could do to help her Hopefully she finds her kid fast
Are the stations all manned?
At least it makes perfect sense for Kinzo to be so utterly devoted to Beato after reading what's in this book
>>1039267 Basically, but probably not in the idyllic picture you have in mind There's probably someone at the ticket booth but that's like a two-three minute walk from the platform And probably a monitoring / break room squirrelled away somewhere the passengers can't see But there isn't like, a room or bench on the platform where an employee is assigned
>>1039269 Really I was just asking if there is a staff member at each one I mean I know trains and subways aren't literally the same, but we don't have that anymore The big stations always have staff, cause they double as offices for the railway itself and also have shops and whatever, but though there is a station building at every single railway station, only the ones in big population centers have seen use since I was like 10 They just have an automated speaker blurting out the names of trains, and even that's been phased out for most of them
The buildings themselves are vestigial now
I just figured if there's at least A Guy at each station, you can probably get the one at the next station down to try to get a hold of the kid or something It's just something that would be very difficult in a situation like our railway, where at this point only a handful of stations across a 5 hour ride will have so much as a vending machine, much less actual human staff
Yeah, the bigger concern is which station the kid ends up at The direction that train was going, it was pretty close to the end of the line, at which point the train might've just reversed and covered the line's opposite direction But there's also sometimes some fuckiness with the trains as they adjust for passenger demand and it might've been taken off the line So who knows where the kid gets off at, if he gets off at all
Oh, the subways just turn around like that? I'd expect like, a conductor or whatever to go through to make sure nobody's sleeping in one of the seats or something before actually starting the trip back They even do that on the bus here, though I guess busses are real small so it's not even a time expenditure, it takes like 10 seconds to just go through and check, but they do it
If the train was being taken off the line, someone would have almost certainly gone through it I'm pretty sure I've heard stories of people riding a train back and forth so I assume you can do that as long as the train is running A clearly lost kid might inspire a bit more of a look into than some random schmuck sleeping in a seat though
well at least I can't be upset at all about the epitaph I knew going in that it basically can't be solved if you don't actually read the story in JP Even then it's tough as nails, but it does make sense that someone could solve it without being told the answer
this guy saw Morbius lol
>>1039278 I was on forums in the early 2010s when the Chiru arcs were coming out and there was regular discussion on trying to solve the Epitaph I can confirm that at least as early as Epiaode 5, people uninvolved with the writing of Umineko had pretty much solved its riddle
I'm probably gonna have to re-read the whole damn series once more after I reach the end, with notes from these last few books Despite my whining, I really do think it's a great series
I've kinda given up trying to think my way through a lot of it at this point too, especially since I'm nearing the end anyway, but I still wanna go back and see how they managed to pull stuff off without me noticing Once I have the answers, I will be able to see the clues I should have taken note of
As far as the actual murders go, I would describe them as equal parts solvable and unsolvable, without understanding the basic rules of the gameboard If you think about them hard enough, you might come up with some reasonable theories, but broadly they won't make sense It might take to the end of Episode 7 or maybe 8 to really get it
I already finished 7 and I still have no fucking idea what the "rules of the game" is meant to be beyond the obvious bits of every magic instance actually being a fantastical explanation or allegory for a real, physically possible event I.E the rule of the game at its most basic is that the witches can't actually use magic, it has to be possible for the witch hunter to win It becomes magic when the witch hunter can't explain it
Well, they can use magic. The fact that something could be explained doesn't mean it wasn't magic. In fact, that's the goal of the witch - to do something that can't be explained by other means. The detective desperately looks for ways to explain what the witch does.
Yes, but fundamentally, the witch can't actually do anything that can't be explained by other means, only attempt to do something the witch hunter is unable to explain If it can't be explained, that's just cheating
That's why the red truth is not actually a weapon, it's a rope around your own neck, tightening every time you use it Sure, you counter the proposed explanation, but you've also locked away a lot of escape routes, and if you're coaxed into using too many, you've effectively just laid out the answer
It's more, there is a Rules X, Y, Z, from which all the gameboards, except Bern's farce of a game, follow And a broader "truth" to each Episode save 8 and maybe 7 which helps understand their inconsistent nature
But I will concede, I actually don't remember seeing them bring up the Rules X, Y, Z in the actual game hah hah Unless it was in a Tips I missed I only discovered them afterwards doing some post enjoyment online research
I can lay them out for you after you finish Episode 8 if my memory is correct and they're not actually defined
I mean I have guessed there is some sort of logic to who has to die, or who does the deed, or something like that, but I've not been able to guess at any of it yet I just don't get it, yet anyway
Well, without knowing what you're talking about and without you spoiling it, I can't even know if I've thought about the base concept of those rules, hah
There's obviously some sort of particular ritual to the madness, but still Is it even the kind of thing you can guess at until you're told?
No, a character ought to lay them out to you It should be Will if the sources I have are correct, but I never remember him laying them out He might have hinted at them? It might've been some of the post release content around Umineko that came out in later years Either way, they are concrete rules, and in character it's the understanding of those rules which allowed him (and previously Battler in Episode 5) to approach all the gameboards and solve them so easily
It's honestly kinda strange, a VN of all things being the kind of thing you seemingly can't passively read I may have a lot of respect for a few VN series, but the format itself does kinda get disrespected in my head, which isn't fair but that's still how it is
I desperately need a new Umineko anime. I need anything Umineko new. Higurashi spoiled us so badly. They dangled so much in front of my face and now I'll never be satisfied until they follow through. It's the ultimate denial play, the threat of an eternity without end.
>>1039303 That's what hurts the most about it!!!!!!!!!
I've been hearing the manga adaptation of Gou and Sotsu goes more into detail on the events of the series, especially some of the stuff they aren't just retreading in Sotsu It's made me want to see how that's going
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
Sea cats!! umineko sounds like it has big wordcel energy
I don't know what that even means
No I think seacats is shape rotator stuff
I remember back when Episode 6 came out there was a big thing because of the difference between 18 people and 17 persons, or whichever number and word order it was The thing is, even in the Japanese they were using different words between the two, so there was obviously an intended hang-up implied there That combined with the Red Text, does mean that careful word choice and some very narrow delineation is important in the series
oho, so that's the significance of the clock that kept showing up I knew it had to be SOMETHING a bit more direct than just a generic display of time passing during the two days
holy shit this Tea Party is really long Most of them have been fairly short, just endcaps on the book, but this one's real long on its own, to the point you'd almost be forgiven for thinking you accidentally started the last book ahead of time
book 7's tea party and ??? are pretty long iirc
I think it's ??? might be short Judging on what I recall from it's contents
That's just what happens when you're a vampire and old
But yeah, Geoguesser is basically repetitive dopamine, but I also feel like a break from reading is good when reading something this long Then again, most video game streaming is repetition
For a meta explanation it's because nisioisin wanted to make a name pun about the name Kanji 忍 (shinobu) which is composed of the heart radical under the blade radical and he worked backwards from that to make a suitably chuuni name
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
looking forward to when i can ask DALL-E 2 for "kiss-shot navier eating flamin hot doritos while playing dota 2"
nisioisin is extremely deliberate about his name choice Pretty much every character in Monogatari Series has a name that's either evocative of their character traits and/or story arc, or a group pun among family members
That's a pretty sizable cube for like 300 bucks Seems like an interesting thing to have, a third of a meter tall cube of a single element That weighs so much you'd need a damn crane to move it
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
what you can get a tiny cube for like 200 bux aint no way you're getting something unshippable for 300
then these prices must be wrong It did seem insane, but it does say so
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
300 bux + 10k shipping handling maybe
Well I'm off to sleep and then I'll finish umineko tomorrow
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
the 4 inch tungsten cube is $3500 with $660 shipping
Thought I was ordering myself the shwarma burger and fries combo from this place right next door to me but I think in my exhausted-from-work-state I ordered the "shawarma combo with fries" In the end it's the same price and it's more or less fundamentally what I was wanting anyway But I was looking forward to some ketchup-y fries and these are mixed a bit too thoroughly with the shwarma and accoutrements for anything else
is it irrelevant whether I get all of these right, or should I be savescumming so I don't gotta do all of it over again? It's the first time there's been actual player choices in this series I'm pretty sure
well, not that they're particularly difficult riddles
I've been really exhausted and tired these past few days, and honestly I've just been figuring I was physical exhaustion from work Really regardless a part of it is that But I also may have been getting sick
I mean, depending on how you classify "one sitting", that still sounds a lot, but doable Just shoveling them all down one after another, that's insanity though
There does start to be a lot of sections towards the end part, like these last few books where I really can't help but go "alright, I get it, can we move on?" They're long enough already without eternal scenes of heart-to-heart conversations with literally every other character in the series, that's like 17 little conversations of stuff that may as already have been said
I had just finished watching Pig when I saw that thread. I'm glad to see Pig is one of his favorite movies because I think it's one of mine too. I cried so much.