Thread #101262
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Search [iqdb] (111 KB, 1280x720, [HorribleSubs] Eromanga-sensei(…).jpg )
re-creators SnK boku no hero bang dream granblue eromanga sensei
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are you gonna bang dream first
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Wasn't planning to.
animegg lets do recreators and snk a bit later maybe granblue too
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is anime dead
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>>101268 You want to save 3 of 4 of the shows until a bit later? What were you planning on watching first?
jan might show up
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but there's 6 shows?
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I was thinking of saving Bang Dream for another night since people are lukewarm on it. Eromanga Sensei absolutely must be watched last because of the comfy pyramid. So Boku no Hero is the only candidate to go first.
hmmmm bokuhero firwst then snk then granblue or recreators
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samurai jack orange ok go
wheres tilde
dota maybe? do you have him on discord
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Yeah, we need to find Tilde.
I'll be home shortly my mom is enamored with catching pokemon on her new smartphone
10 minutes
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if tilde doesnt show we'll assume hes dead
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that was an interesting jack episode
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I guess he fell sleep after the game.
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there was like 6 cop cars on the street net to my house when i got home! i looked up the active 911 calls and it looks like somebody overdosed R.I.P. white trash people holding garage sales every week
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you can just look up calls like that?
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>>101288 yeah! the one for my city is kind of lame compared to some other cities though the LAPD has a map with color coded dots and stuff for this kind of thing its really cool it's a public service rendered to the public to help keep people safe and informed or whatever i like to just look it up every now and then to see if there's anything crazy happening
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You guys ready to get started? Boku no Hero? okay everyone is orange let's start!
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>>101289 interesting
boku hero i dont think jan watches but lets go unless yo uwant to save for later in case tilde wake sup
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now i feel like the intro is too much this is like 4 episodes into the season?
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Three, I think.
probably 4
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>>101292 im actually watching it this is the only episode i've seen >>101293 it helped me get up to speed!
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Everything else is on 3. Did Boku no Hero air one week before everything else?
>>101298 evidently because the non-HS subs say 04
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>>101297 it's alright then
rip Deru
deku even
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takoyami time he's pretty cool
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Deku is going to have a tough him. He has no endurance.
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who is this guy he looks kakkoi
>>101305 he's this worlds prince zuko
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>>101306 wow is he mad @ his dad
>>101306 basically>>101307 yeah
>>101307 do you like smokingn construction man
Search [iqdb] (386 KB, 1280x720, [HorribleSubs] Boku no Hero Ac(…).jpg )
>>101309 he looks pretty cool whats his power?
fire & ice
/moe/ I have a gaming problem
>bakugo this guy is explosionman?
yes bakuhatsu
>>101312 are you sure?
slightly creepy
>>101315 Yes
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At least Deku has good friends.
>>101317 what are your symptoms?
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i like this girl already
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Well at least he still has a good girlfriend.
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>>101318 >>101321
wow having 2(two) girls carry him
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I guess he likes shadow bird. I don't understand why that guy's head is a bird, his power is just that shadow thing.
well look at fire dad over there
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i guess he doesn't want to use his powers because he's salty at his dad?
yeah he hates his dad and his fire powers
oh yeah invisigirl is naked isn't she must be awkward for the guys carrying
whats the point of being invisible if you have a headband
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It's probably hard to keep someone invisible from grabbing you.
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That class B guy is going to make a ton of points while everyone else attacks Deku.
that shoji guy has a really weird power!
i think his ability is to grow more arms but he can also grow other thing instead of hands at the end of the arms
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Mount Lady is pretty cute.
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this guy looks like a megaman character
no GUTS no SPIRIT you gotta aim for theTOP
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should we granblue next?
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aizen-kun is pretty cool
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I'd really prefer to do SnK next.
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ill be right back lets watch whatever
Search [iqdb] (321 KB, 1280x720, [HorribleSubs] Zero kara Hajim(…).jpg )
ok titan massacre the zero show is alright but the mc is a bit offputting she's really enthusiastic about showing her babies
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eoten onslaught >>101345 i thought it was alright too nothing particularly special the hardsubs are annoying to me
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SnK everyone is orange let's start!
i think annie might be an eoten
what happened last episode?
titans win again
uhh thjey looked for the source of the titan leak couldnt find any hole
the titans were coming from INSIDE THE HOUSE
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titans are breaking their own rules recently.
oh yeah they should sleep at night
>utgarde keep REEE
im having WoW ptsd
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I'm sure all the rule breaking has to do with monkey business.
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if i was him i would have downed the bottle what else is there to do when the titans are closing in and death is assured
what a fucking bitch
2 titans saying that there is no way people can be titans sasuga
shes laughing cause she can't believe she got found out by that dumb fuck connie
those are spoilerss dont read
dun dun dun
see what did i tell you shoulda downed that shit
smol titan
small titans don't make sense
this whole series doesnt make any sense
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Yeah, the small titans are a new thing that hasn't been explained at all.
hello there
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>they haven't made it through the door yet >better open it
huh the eoten that ate his friend looks just like eren
what a coincidence
run you bakas and the girl should ditch the long dress
this is so comical
>we won't be lucky enough to kill a second one they've already killed two
>>101380 >>101380 >>101380
gotta marry her
spoilerswhy didn't he transform
>>101386 because he doesn't actually realize that he is the armored titan yet
>>101387 wait what don't you just need to be damaged to shift i thought they always knew who they are
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Wouldn't he need sunlight anyway?
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Dont you have to will it? like eren doesnt transform just from being cut he has to want to doesnt he
>>101388 reiner is actually fucking stupid, he doesn't know, bert does though. it takes some kind of unexplained intention to transform as well as damage
>>101391 just wanting to not die seemed to always work oh well it's been a while since i've read all this
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Maybe he'll get his drink before he gets eaten nope I guess not.
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this is probably the saddest death in the whole series
those rocks sure will help oh no abuse memories
she used the power of gay to transform
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the one and only good thing ymir ever does for anyone fucking bitch
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sad titan
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This show is so messed up. Not in the edgy this is messed up kinda way. It's just like what kind of person would write this?
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re creators?
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>>101401 basically m night shyamalan except japanese
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recreators is fine if ika can do recreators granblue and then eromanga I want to watch both granblue and eromange tonight for sure. okay let's start
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i've been waiting for this one of my favorites this season
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>final boss is a good guy >magical girl is a bad guy
>>101410 well he's not really evil he's just the hero's rival
>>101410 he's RIVAL like pokemon
go away horsewoman you're ruining it all
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Isn't he both a rival and a final boss?
yes and?
>>101416 yeah like gary motherfucking oak
wow rude
i really wanted last bossu to fight the girl
the last girl looks like she's from a murder myster or something judging by the posters maybe a supernatural culprit
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He is pretty cool though. Protagonist-kun better be careful, he might get cucked.
undergraound dark knight? underground exclusive? ? ? ?
Search [iqdb] (407 KB, 1280x720, [HorribleSubs] Re-Creators - 0(…).jpg )
this guy is beyond cool >>101433 even someone who wasn't that cool could cuck that loser
he really likes syo
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>dude what i just want to go home
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>smoking lights what kind of pussy
they aren't his though
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i was talking about mr. creator this guy probably smokes the cheapest full flavors he can get because the taste doesn't matter THAT much
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rika you better take it back calling him edgy
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He really is cool.>>101445 He is edgy though.
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can't you be super edgy and super cool
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Yeah, you can be both edgy and cool.
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kind of like HEI who is WAY COOLER than that washed up deadbeat kougami
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>>101450 Wow those are fighting words.
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>>101452 fite me girl we'll have a slap fight right here on /moe/ for talking shit about my husbando li "motherfucking" shengshun
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i don't know kougami but i can always believe in rika's bad taste
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now i'm not crazy enough to deny that kougami is cool as heck but he is about a 7/10 on the cool scale and 9/10 on manly scale im docking points for losing his head and his position over some stupid quest for vengeance meanwhile hei is a 10/10 cool and a 9/10 manly AND has those sexy collarbones
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They all seem so quick to blame them for their worlds! As far as they knew they were just writers! wow She just got spoiled on her own story.
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>>101455 Kougami has nice collarbones too you know.
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also im willing to concede kougami is a 9/10 cool when he is equipped with his badass revolver but he still just isn't as cool as chinese electric batman
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rip ost
RIP hazukashii
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Wow, I thought it was going to work.
deadbeat dad
i feel like she's about to be disappointed that her lack of character is due to dev constraints
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>she thinks video game characters are constructed with the same level of depth as anime
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She's just some random NPC too.
yeah but things are popularity based apparently so she's a popular random NPC
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She probably became a meme or something.
i wish tilde was here to provide insightful commentary on the state of japanese video game and anime industry
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oh she did the shinji thing
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Protagonist-kun got cucked after all.
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maybe its ok to get cucked by a really cute girl
they will need his amazing nerd abilities and the finale is him having 3 days to make a meme character to defeat the evik evil
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Looks like he will be important to the story. I bet his OC donut steal is mad at the world.
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phwoar look at that doggo thats the biggest doggo i have ever seen
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>>101479 that's a big doggo>>101480 if only he was ONE and then just drew one punch man
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>>101481 kirito could beat one punch man if they were fighting in the SAO universe npnp
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granblue IKA POST IT
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yes we are watching granblue now okay let's start
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the webm the sad one
>rackham has a nightmare about being a bad helmsman
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He sleeps in his armor.
>>101491 thats his body he cant take it off
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>why are these kids making explosions on my front yard
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that's the one
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>>101494 I'm glad I met her.
but you didn't meet her when she was happy
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>>101497 She's better this way though.
W O W though should i really be suprised
oh yeah this is where rackham goes operator and snipes the midget right
i wish
just put a 50cal round through his fivehead right now
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How was that a hint?
the army is weak because they can't see a thing in those helms
>>101504 they're like stormtroopers they can't aim because they can't see shit
that's less of a problem with a sword probably
>>101506 you still have to know if you're actually near someone!
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>i was the broken part the whole time
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i would fix rackham so he can fly again
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He's wearing armor in his own house.
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>>101519 well he just said he was broken a few minutes ago in more than one way
yeah why didn't they save teh guy that stabs them
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they didn't have to do any new music for this kinda nice for them
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>i really want to be friends with your lizard this guy is ton
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>>101524 no way would ToN have such a good VA
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this guy is ton except that sugita is doing a dub of all his lines
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>>101526 ToN but voiced by sugita sounds like a huge improvement
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Why are you charging him Rackam you have a gun.
>>101529 yeah but he's a terrible shot
sugita best
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how does he float he's not flapping
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>>101532 apple magic
too bad i've done my tiamats today can't do it in synch with anime oh wait i have the high level ones left
>port breeze years can pass without blowing a wind ? ? ?
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>>101535 its port breeze not port typhoon
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a lot of people seems to have hit their head how strange
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imagine how strong he is and how fast he could run without the armor
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furias is such a little shit
is this hellsing is he the major
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he's more like the minor
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kaze no kami sama
grancypher get
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GRANblue fantasy GRANcypher when is djeetapink fantasy with djeetacypher
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in 2027 when they finally run out of mobage monies
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i really like this ED
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okay eromanga sensei poor DJ she doesn't even get to appear in the OP or ED okay everyone is ready let's start!
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wow this normie is ruining her neet life
if that were me id not go even harder
utsukushii kami
they probably got to skip school a bit
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wow what an angle they made the imouto cry
are they gonna team up with the pianist to make an eroge
is he scared of ghosts
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It is pretty spooky. but no it's just a naked eccentric.
totally a rika
i dont like that dicks girl
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she just likes the fresh and liberating feeling of going COMMANDO
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>>101567 I don't like being naked though.
that's just something ypu'd ever admit
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Wow. she has a chuuni name for her house.
by her logic shouldn't they be well
wait insert art as in LN art or self insert does she want a naked self insert drawing
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she just wants more FULL NUDITY
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I think she wants eromanga sensei to illustrate her work.
she really is an elf
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I still don't understand why she's an elf.
contempt and digust
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>>101579 what else can you do when you learn your onii-chan is spying on 14 year old girls naked
she could have a bit more faith in him
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It's not about that. It's that he was spying on other girls.
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is that a reisen on a carrot looked like one
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>>101584 yes that!
i though he was gonna go for the perv angle
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wow hand holding it's only ep3
eru erufu
is that a switch
what a rika
>>101591 >>101591
>>101591 >>101591
>>101591 >>101591
that's a good way to describe rika
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You guys sure are pushing this what a rika thing!
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just look at her this is what a rika looks like
her next like if you work you die
>>101597 "rika want upsies"
wow what an offer she better be dressed not what i had in mind wow down to the maid love total riak rika
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is that all the shows?
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i guess so unless you want to watch kenka banchou otome i am about to watch e2
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sure i'll join in on that
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Oh no I see work as a game too. Maybe she really is a rika.
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>>101605 ok i need just a minute first>>101606 sasuga rika
Search [iqdb] (123 KB, 1280x720, [HorribleSubs] Eromanga-sensei(…).jpg )
oh she likes maids too huh I see why Kirara was calling her a rika earlier. yes I'm a little behind because I've been taking screenshots.
Search [iqdb] (390 KB, 1280x720, [HorribleSubs] Eromanga-sensei(…).jpg )
>>101608 i do the same thing too all the time and then just skip the ED with shows that i like a lot its only natural you want to take 1 million caps of rika
Search [iqdb] (116 KB, 1280x720, [HorribleSubs] Eromanga-sensei(…).jpg )
Well that was a pretty good episode.
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i like the MC of this show thanks for anime rika and squibbles>>101605 i'm ready for girl beats boys when you are >>101613 okie dokie lets' go!
Search [iqdb] (83 KB, 600x930, __reisen_udongein_inaba_touhou(…).jpg )
ok ready
wow what a scam
oh no wonder everyone knows her they look the exact same
>boy goes to girls' school >girl goes to boys' school
he's getting a pretty sweet deal here she's getting the short end but jokes on him he won't get to build the bonds of brotherhood with his fists
Search [iqdb] (453 KB, 1280x720, [HorribleSubs] Kenka Banchou O(…).jpg )
>>101619 but she gets to beat up all these cute boys and finally use her martial arts training she got from the orphanage
WOW HE'S going full trap modo
WOOOOW this kid is a total faker
so fake he's getting someone else to pretend to be him
but getting to be a girl sounds nice
Search [iqdb] (442 KB, 1280x720, [HorribleSubs] Kenka Banchou O(…).jpg )
it's probably easy when you look exactly like a girl already
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wow this guy is a nice guy actually
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>IF YOU BEAT A GUY UP YOU'RE BUDS this is an amazing revelation for her truly life changing
that game in the background looked kinda BL oh wow this guy
HE KNOWS but like what if he was wrong that'd be really gay how brave
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isn't this kind of a weird thing to do to someone you think is a guy
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>>101631 maybe he's actually just super gay
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>>101633 that's kinda dangerous in a school where things operate on beating in submission
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>>101634 yeah but he made it to this school so he must be super strong and also super gay!
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well maybe she'll beat the gay out of him next episode or he falls for her thinking she's a boy
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>>101636 i bet at least someone is going to get some really confusing feelings from this whole ordeal
Search [iqdb] (93 KB, 495x700, 43209a0faedb8aac7d7a384a64049acb.jpg )
thanks for anime
Search [iqdb] (379 KB, 1280x720, [HorribleSubs] Kenka Banchou O(…).jpg )
yes thanks for anime i kinda wish this show was longer that's almost always the case with good shorts though