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The global servers for the game are roughly 6-7 months behind the Japanese servers
When you saw it previously it was the Japanese side release
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makes sense
maybe this will translate to more fanart
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tomorrow, tomorrow I will actually start writing this dang code
But I'm out of energy today
first day of actual work in years,s o
feet hurt, lotta standing and walking, and my winter shoes aren't really made for it
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also samsam, is there actually a downside to just declaring as 0 every single variable you'll use in a script at the top of main and then just updating them all as needed?
Obvious main benefit here is not having to deal with "apapap, you can't let that be anything, you already let it be something before!"
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
yes, as your script grows in complexity over time, you will yearn for small self-contained units of