*Gyakuten Sekai no Denchi Shoujo Isekai Shokudou *Kaizoku Oujo Episode 10-11 Kimetsu no Yaiba - Mugen Ressha-hen *Kyoukai Senki *Kyuuketsuki Sugu Shinu Love Live! Superstar!! Episode 11-12 Muteking the Dancing Hero Episode 2-3 *Puraore! Pride of Orange Selection Project Episode 2-3 *Takt Op. Destiny *Tsuki to Laika to Nosferatu
-- New Shows Blue Period (Netflix) Build Divide - Code Black Deep Insanity - The Lost Child Shikizakura Taishou Otome Otogibanashi Visual Prison World Trigger
His naming sense is kind of funny Like Takuto isn't a particularly un-Japanese name But they've taken out all the possible vowels of it while still keeping the sound of the name
It looks like he kinda gets some physical capabilities too from this bond The way he was moving at least is no way a pianist who just lost an arm would be able to move
hahaha titan's face while she waves lenny and titan are great
I wonder how much in the past this is from episode one They obviously part ways with Lenny and Titan at some point I can't remember where they were when they pulled out the map in episode one
what was the town from the first episode? they're all the way in nevada one the second episode i think
i want to know more >>993183 wait i thought the second half of the first epiosde was the second episode for a second
blue period the file on nyaa was only 250 MB, the same size for 720 and 1080 i think which kinda confused me usually 720 and 1080 are 500 and 900-1200 MB respectivel
hmm maybe something is different about the encoding because it's netflix?
For some reason the first two episodes have horrible bitrate This is a known problem on Netflix's side, yeah Episode three onwards should have good bitrate and appropriate filesizes
Everyone always thinks they can 1-UP Picasso
All-nighters out on the streets in Tokyo are probably a lot of fun
She's smooth. Why is he attacking her back when she was being nice to her.
what the hell this conversation is intense
Some kids can be kind of petty
But it also kinda seems like they have some bad blood in the past
That's actually pretty cheap for a university
yeah that's cheaper than community college here
>people who are true to themselves can't survive in this society a difficult statement to contend with it's just too complicated a way of looking at it but at the surface, it's difficult to penetrate easily
Cute I think that stink of city trash in the wee hours of the morning has a kind of disgusting charm to it anyway
yeah no way when i smell stinky city smells the only positive emotion i can muster is solace that i live where it smells nice
Oh this is nice The idea of art being talent is always frustrating Art is all hard work and practice
I think I might've been to the Tokyu Hands in Shibuya I'm pretty sure that's the location I went to at least
Wow he really drew them
yeah this guy's way too cool for his friends
>To express something I like is scary That's pretty understandable
Wow that whole giant canvas just for a practical exam
Hah hah hah Art's slowly taking over his brain That's really kind of charming
there are actually engineering applications of sketching and other visual arts
Of course There's also practical applications of "more creative" uses of artistic skills Such as using art to tell a story or for creating visuals for film and television, or video games
Geez that's a brutal acceptance rate
wow these chords this ED i feel it i really feel it
I think this is actually the OP
well right now it's an ED it can be an OP next week if it wants you can't tell it how to live its life
well, chih-chung yung the way you localized "sensei" to "saeki sensei" was very weirdchamp of you
It was credited in the credits as the opening! It wants to be the opening!
>>993228 we don't always get to be what we want to be right away sometimes it takes our whole lives and sometimes it takes exactly a week
That was nice I'm definitely a bit envious of the MC Learning how much fun it can be to create something is always a ride the first time
She seems like a better vampire hunter than Ronaldo
her ahoge went lightning
I still think Draluc is actually kind of pretty strong He turns to sand at the drop of a pin but he seems actually unkillable That's some powerful true immortality
shes pretty dumb for how smart she is
Most smart people are
is she realizing everything now
that's right ur a baka
Draluc and Ronaldo are kinda like gay dads for John
totes awks
shot bar cafe and lunch
It's all you really need from an establishment
What is a vampire hunter doing going around cosplaying like a batter anyway
This is a powerful vampire hunter
If Ronaldo and Draluc split who would get custody of John anyway
it's a fun show i enjoy it but if it comes down to it there's a lot of competition this season and my time at night is becoming more valuable to me now that i'm working out again
i imagine if i end up droppping a lot of shows so i can get more sleep, that there's some i'd keep up with anyways
this one's gonna have to try pretty hard to get an episode 3 outta me
I enjoyed the first episode of this one a fair bit It's a good blend of fundumb and cool action
They're even throwing their own gang signs
wow what a nerd
Nerds are pretty cute
The sewers under Tokyo are absolutely massive They're cavernous to store all the drainwater that comes through when the city gets hit by a typhoon I've always thought they were a cool setting
There were a lot of simple but sweet superhero anime premises like that in older anime Somewhere along the line flipping straightforward concepts on their head and redefining genres became commonplace though And simple stories like that were left to the kid anime
I'd work for a mascot costume like that if it vommited money at me
I wonder if he'll be able to get the robot to jive while he's pretending like this Judging from its premise I feel like that dishonesty will interfere with his enthusiasm
this reminds me a bit of the prison planet show last season same type of humor
For some reason it kinda reminds me of Shimoneta, that series about the world which outlaws dirty jokes Even if the two shows have drastically different themes and settings
She looks pretty good in these casual military clothes
The turtleneck the pink-haired doctor has is really good too though I love turtlenecks
Wow a Russian jazz bar How classy
I feel like acrophobia and basophobia get conflated a lot While it's pretty common to have both, it's definitely possible to be scared of falling without being scared of being up high
i wasn't paying attention for a split second is that an IL-2?
>>993340 Less weird than sending one to space! The process is to aclimatize her to being in flight, which makes sense considering their plans for her
I wonder if vampires in this setting have some almost animalistic longing for the moon She seemed a bit excessively taken by it when she was in the air there
Seems liek it would be easy to encounter sunlight in space
Yeah, it's a good thing this series' vampires are more nocturnal by necessity of privacy than burning up in it
I guess they're getting pretty close to launch day
I wonder if I could ever do skydiving My brain definitely locks up when I'm in freefall so it might be difficult to safely coordinate with the instructors and such But it also might be a long enough fall taht I can get over the lock up and actually enjoy it
skydiving sounds fun honestly it's the way i want to go out in my old age when i'm like seventy-something before i lose my faculties i'd like to go out in a blaze of flying glory