*86 - Eighty Six Isekai Shokudou Episode 2-3 *Jahy-sama wa Kujikenai! *Kaizoku Oujo Episode 10-11 Love Live! Superstar!! *Mieruko-chan *Mushoku Tensei Muteking the Dancing Hero Episode 2-3 *Puraore! Pride of Orange *Saihate no Paladin Selection Project Episode 2-3 *Senpai ga Uzai Kouhai no Hanashi *Tsuki to Laika to Nosferatu Yuuki Yuuna wa Yuusha de Aru - Dai Mankai no Shou
-- New Shows Blue Period (Netflix) Build Divide - Code Black Deep Insanity - The Lost Child Kimetsu no Yaiba - Mugen Ressha-hen Shikizakura Taishou Otome Otogibanashi Visual Prison World Trigger
first ep should be all new not sure how it will be past that okay let's start!
Ah all right I'm curious to see how much of this is new content I know the first half , or at least first chunk of this TV run is a "director's cut" of the movie
I did enjoy this movie but personally I think it would have worked better in serial format than as a movie Because of how the arc plays out, there's a lot of loss and not a lot of gain, and I ended the movie with a kind of unsatisfied feeling in my head The narrative arc of the arc's story is a somewhat depressing one
I loved the movie and thought it was perfect. I don't know how dedicated I'll be to watching this if it just tracks the movie fairly closely.
Kirara was the same way
I dunno, it isn't that bad because we knew as English-side fans that it wouldn't be long after the movie came out in English until we got season two I think if I'd been a Japanese and saw this in theatres, and either didn't know or knew it would be a long wait for more, I'd have been really dissatisfied with the movie But I guess if I was Japanese I could just go read the manga hah hah
Kyojurou's such a maniac There aren't many people who should sanely jump from a moving train like that
>>992491 Either way the next arc of the story starts ~48 days from now So around seven weeks from now
Probably dad, as he said, yeah We see a bit of his dad in the movie
Rengoku's stare always unnerves me hah hah It's not like he's got one expression, but like 80% of the time he's got the same intense stare And that slight smile If he wasn't actually such a nice person I'd think he's kind of psychotic
Oh right the anime had these very Tales-poi skits for the PV material
next episode wil tell how interesting the anime will be how much of it is just movie footage
still no bang?
Ah sorry he did get back to me on that He had something to take care of and will be tied up for maybe another hour plus change
All the Pillars have something good to say about Rengoku Considering their diverse personalities I would have imagined at least one would've had something less than flattering to say about him
I recently told someone that I thought yuyuyu was better than madoka and they were very upset with that comment.
Hah hah hah I can see why that might get people fired up
Personally I think they're pretty distinct series After all it's not like "girls with magical powers which fight against a hopeless fate" is so narrow a genre that the two shows are like, singular competitors
And you know, I don't really like picking favourites I just like to enjoy watching stuff
If anything I'd say there's more common ground between Nanoka and YuYuYu than YuYuYu and Madoka
This brown-haired girl is cute I like her eyebrows And green eyes are a good match Wait she doesn't have green eyes where did I get that from Well brown and brown is another good combo, if plain
One thing I think YuYuYu does really well though is show that heroes aren't just people who do great deeds, they're people who are kind and look out for everyone Like how that girl was just saying that the Hero Club wasn't acting like a community helping squad to keep up appearances, but rather because that's their element Everyone can see the girls are good people because of their earnest desire to help people out
yuyuyu is often not clear about what they nature of the universe is at any given moment
They're trying to recover the world beyond the barrier Whatever disaster brought the Vertex and all these monsters to the world tainted the land and made it inhospitable for people These expeditions are supposed to purify it and remedy that taint
Didn't they fix everything at the end of the last series? or just stabilize it?
I can't really remember what the conclusion was last time
They defeated the Vertex, which were the beings for which the Hero Club were needed to overcome As far as I could tell the Vertex existed as the bosses and beings of power in the world beyond the barrier, and possessed the kind of strength that no normal mortal could beat Now that the Vertex are out of the way, lesser people like these Sentinel girls can travel out into the world beyond with relative satefy
So the things out there now are just like feral beasts?
Probably yeah Or like the lesser minions of the Vertex which now have no master to obey
Like I was musing about last episode, they're probably weak enough that the Hero Club could take out swathes of them without breaking a sweat But since the Hero Club gets to be retired (for the time being), cleaning them up is left to these hero rejects, who struggle against them a bit
sounds like the vertex may be getting stronger again?
I mean we all know the hero club is going to be back in action soon
Yeah, I would be surprised if they took too long of the season before the Hero Club rolls out again Especially with that cliffhanger at the end of episode one, with the Taisha people coming to Togo
But I think in this case the "gods above" they're talking about are the traditional gods that are "on our side" As much as any god is really ever on the side of petty mortals
maybe, they remarked about light not hurting them but vampires are okay with artificial light
Oh wait galeo is their fantasy world's word for garlic Yeah they're definitely vampires
On thing I like about this show is it's never really "Nippon banzai" about its cooking Like the fantasy people always remark on how good the food is, but it's always because of modern world food qualities rather than some Japanese je ne sais quoi
It probably helps freshed up the monotony of running a restaurant though Freshen up, even
I wonder what it's like for these kinds of feudal people to drink coffee though Surely their beans aren't as caffeine-rich as modern coffee, and they probably haven't developed techniques for extracting the most amount of caffeine in the brewing process But still, caffeine for a body which has barely ever had any is probably going to be a jolt
Probably not But they're both the kind to lead people along into relationships until the partner because hopeless
why are there so many did they kill themselves? that's a lot of dead dudes
Mieroku wearing those prayer beads like they're training bracelets
wait weren't those bracelets like 40 bucks a pop that's 160 dollars worth of bracelets
Time to see if they're worth the cost!
She did it! That must be horrifying
wait if you can just walk through them why is she worried about walking through them wait what threat do they pose
I'm not sure why she's worried about Hana walking through them, but maybe she's worried about possession For her she seems convinced if she lets them know she acknowledges their existence that they'll become aggressive to her
she's SUPER cursed and I guess her friend is SUPER blessed
Although her friend gets things clinging to her Yeah the old lady seems to figure her friend is a spirit magnet Which is kind of more cursed than Mieruko
i hope these don't just break as soon as she puts them on please no
nooo..... .
Well it drew out a more serious reaction from the spook though
i feel bad for the old lady
I dunno how bad I feel for her Her attemped charity for Mieruko was nice but just before she was happily scamming people