I kind of like it when people have inane super powers like that.
But it seems like it's actually really shitty for him if he has to wear constant noise-cancellation gear. Like imagine having to deal with hearing that sensitive on a regular basis.
She's bribing him with an imouto. What a twisted onee-chan.
anyways pink is clearly not yan just supersado a.k.a. best girl since MC can't die >>98615 she doesn't love him or else she'll kill him she probably loves him BECAUSE she can kill him! that's totally diff >>98615 haha get fukt that happens to me all the time >>98618 i agree there's definite overlap but the preview made it seem lie she just wants to hurt him and the way she was watching the yan stab him and giggling reinforces my belief maybe she is yan but now that she knows he can't die ALL BETS ARE OFF i guess we'll have to wait and see >>98606 rika please respond a tragedy happened again and it's not even my fault this time
>>98614 I think actively wanting to do things that would kill a normal person still puts you into yandere tendencies. >>98614 Yeah but she's going to fall in love with him and still want to kill him. I mean it is sadistic but sadism and yandere tendencies can definitely co-operate in sync.
i see people with all sorts of cool cases for their phones like that but i'm too lazy and uninspired to use one i don't even have a case on my phone
Oh fuck right. I saw a kid punching a string like that guy always does walking home this week. It was funny since whenever this guy does it I'm thinking "the fuck does this". And then it happened in real life.
i used to do that a lot when i was stressed out before my ceiling fan broke and i replaced it with a lame chainless ceiling light
It looks like both main characters have someone interested in them.
>>98642 Right now I've got a cheap one that just gives a bit of stable protection. It doesn't even look like anything in particular; it just helps in small ways when the phone gets dropped. But I'd like one of those book ones because I like the feel of book things.
>>98645 i don't drop my phone because I'M PERFECT or just exceedingly careful with it
but when i see one that flips open like that and has these cool pockets for your credit cards and stuff i'm like dang that looks so convenient
It's doubly useful for parts of the world that have card-based payment for public transit too. Just think, you're walking up to the station entrance, fiddling with your phone. You just tap the phone case on the interface and bam, you're through. Then back to fiddling with the phone.
>>98648 it's very unusual for me to be using my phone while i'm walking at all i guess so i wouldn't see too much use from it
I'm pretty good at managing my battery life on my devices. When I was in Japan I kept my phone on battery-saving pretty much constantly too.
>>98652 Yeah but you probably have some nice purse or bag or something to put it in. I gotta keep in mind that my phone's gonna be in my pocket--so heavy duty or bulky cases is a bit problematic.
I get a feeling a bit of the series will be them falling in and out of emotional connection with each other though. They're only in their final year of middle school, that's still really young for a relationship. Never mind they'll be in different schools next year maybe.
okie dokes i'm ready to rock and roll >>98684 i dont have anything to do for the next several hours at all i would be happy to i dont have to be at work again until 10pm tonight and its 3:35 now then i work 11 hours walk home sleep for 4 hours go back to work work 11 hours every week the weekend is not a good time for me to do anything >>98685 its ok i have lots of time
we can game more later a bit if you dont gotta sleep
All right sorry was just moving last night's meal into containers for leftovers.
Ready noq. Now even.
All right, Start!
They hadn't really been covering the game they've been making this season yet. I remember it was kind of an absurd plot.
Oh no she's getting caught up in her characters.
>>98688 She's just too normal herself. Eccentric people need a nice, normal person to balance themselves out!
Oh fuck Utaha is my spirit animal though. If I had a partner like that who could put up with me tearing through a series during a date that would be amazing.
i find it easy enough to just leave off on a chapter's end but i won't use a bookmark
Also people that call ME GU MI boring completely aren't paying attention to what she's saying at all. She's got a really scathing tongue underneath all the deadpan.
that's the scathing tongue of a REALIST a.k.a. best girl
Totes McGoats
Pft. Utaha is reading Bakemonogatari.
>>98696 i imagine monogatari is a lot better in novel form
I think they're considerably different experiences. The anime doesn't do a lot of the satire that nisioisin puts in. Like there's one scene in the novels where the MC goes on a rant about underage censorship in fictional media that didn't make it to the anime.
>>98698 isn't that par for the course for what goes through that fucker's head though he's not the most serious guy in the anime either while i was watching the anime i just kept feeling like they're missing something
I feel this is supposed to be a thinly veiled mockery of something I'm not getting.
>>98699 Yeah, I guess it says something for the adaptation that they can cut stuff like that out but keep the character intact.
The novels are also pretty lewd at times--though the anime also adapts that. One of the novels was pretty much softcore wank material.
I really like turtlenecks. Like fuck they're such a 10/10 shirt.