Kageki Shoujo!! Episode 9-10 *Kobayashi-san Chi no Maid Dragon Mahouka Koukou no Yuutousei Episode 9-11 *Night Head 2041 Sonny Boy *Tsuki ga Michibiku Isekai Douchuu Uramichi Oniisan Episode 10-11
There is also a new show starting tonight, it's technically from the upcoming autumn season but Funimation has early releases of the episodes for some reason
It's called Heike Monogatari, I believe it's based off a historical Japanese story from the 1100s
good thing there's anime tonight, and dragon maid at that i was playing ranked in strive for the last two hours and my blood is boiling still my heart is blazing
>>>/watch?v=6OQpRQ8syqw It's got a unique artstyle, animated by Science Saru, which is Yuasa's personal studio, although he's not involved with directing this one I'd be down to try it out
without anime i would have surely overheated into critical mass
>>981335 this looks pretty cool i'm down to watch this >>981337 it's not so much anger as just adrenaline and activation i can't enter flow state unless i'm heated and agitated but i have to make sure it never reaches rage or frustration tonight i think i played some of my best guilty gear ever but i was also reaching my limits
Looks like they showed up in the same place the twintails psychic girl did in episode one The old man who was looking after them retrieved her from there
I kinda like the clear irony they set up here With the head of the anti-psychic cops He's supposed to lead the unit that chases after cult leaders and fake psychics in their HAET SPIRTUAL world But he's got a near fanatical devotion to an actual psychic
i feel like this girl can still be saved i don't think she's completely lost
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
>>981347 She seems sweet on the younger of the cop brothers I think depending on how he goes, her fate will end up similarly
i guess i can't just dismiss 3D animation shows immediately anymore although this one is definitely not like any i've seen previous
I think it does a pretty good job of spritzing up its worldbuilding and story beat moments with moments of action
>>981367 For me that moment was Houseki no Kuni There's definitely studios out there which know how to use 3D animation and motion in ways which can even surpass traditional 2D animation Studio orange, which did Houseki and Beastars, is one of them I think the studio which did this is another one I'll keep a look out for shows from now
Mom-braid Tomoe is pretty cute She's even powerful enough for it to not be a death flag
i don't think i've seen the MC of any show i've watched walk up to a dismembered enemy and stab their throat that was really brutal and i was not prepared
He was suitably menacing when he was angry earlier but his normal face really doesn't deserve the description of being horrifically ugly
this poor lich has to deal with these crazy ladies
>Parting gifts Noooooooooooooooo
Wait >Firearms He's going to teach the crazy spider lady about GUNS
wait without those rings won't his mana start showing
He still has at least six of eight Can't recall if there were any on his thumbs Might be enough to keep it from getting out of control
I guess it being episode twelve we might be near the end of the season, hence the title callback Although this is a show that could probably keep going on for ages
Time to learn some H I S T O R Y But I think the story this adapts is one of those classical historical accounts of Japan, which are hard to tell myth from history at times
This is animated by Studio Saru, Masaaki Yuasa's personal studio While he's not involved in this project, I would assume a lot of the people who worked on stuff like Ping Pong, Eizouken, and other projects he's helmed, are working on it
That's not a particularly wholesome sentiment
>And Pa always made me dress like a boy, so I am a boy Kinda reminds me of Dororo
I wonder if this is before or after Lake Biwa was named as such Probably after, and the lake is named as such because it resembles the shape of a biwa
I wonder if heterochromia has association with seeing things that aren't there in Japanese culture It kinda reminds me of Mushi-shi with Ginko's hidden eye
yuuki aoi and hayami saori naisu naisu
I'm guessing the original tale of this is a cautionary story about the vanity and moral decline of the ruling nobility, and to retain your divine right to rule, you need to remain honourable and morally upright If this current Heike clan which seems to control most of Japan is starting to do petty insults like chasing other nobles and cutting off their topknots They're kind of being a bunch of dicks
>>981431 oh but you know that's contrary to the themes of the work she'll never eat it
Also even if it's a meaty tail, I think there's something really weird about eating the flesh of your maidservant
Oh I fold my legs kinda like Kobayashi when I'm at my desk Although my folded leg goes under the other one because I don't have the flexibility to put it on top I keep a better back posture though
Hah hah Perseppone More accurately it should be like perusehonii
I wonder how many mythologies of the world have stories cautioning against eating the food of the dead Greek myth has the pomegranate seeds and Persephone They were just talking about eating meat stewed in a pot of the dead I wonder what prompts common stories like that across cultures
oh snap! she's a massage chair!
Mahou Shoujo Kobayashi!
so intimidating!
>We bared our fangs because we hated the thought of being controlled Understandable
I do know as the manga has progressed there has been a bit more of a narrative consistency to it Nothing really resembling an overarching plot or goal, but also less of the 1-3 chapter contained stories
imagine having the emperor of demise tell you to take good care of his daughter until you die
Was Kanna the chaos or harmony faction? I can't remember
Chaos I believe I know she's not Harmony
I think the only Spectator faction dragon we know is Lucoa And the only Harmony one is Elma The rest are Chaos faction, although Fafnir is kind of fringe
Fafnir seems very docile and not wanting to fight for anything despite being in chaos faction
He's in the Chaos faction because he wants to be completely alone with his hoard He refuses to cooperate and unlike Lucoa I don't think he'll try to be diplomatic He's more of like a D&D idea of Chaotic than actual chaos
I think that probably what happens after the series is that Tohru fixes the dragon war but we won't get to see that of course
I dunno about that Like I said earlier, the manga is trending more towards a structured plot and away from the episodic stories Of course the manga is one thing, who knows how much more KyoAni Dragonmaid we'll get Hopefully more, but it's always hard to predict
what is evil is having to wear costumes like that in summer
or anything other than a tanktop and shorts
japan has HOT summers too
It was their director who was saying he's not evil! That's what I doubt!
>>981472 Yeah, I'd like to experience the brutality of a Japanese summer some day Although in the suitable clothing
Oh has bearboy finally lost his temper That might be fun
>there might have been some casulties Probably not too far off A lot of people even in suitable clothing experience heatstroke in Japan Wearing winter clothes in the middle of that is asking to pass out and receive a complimentary trip to the hospital
We should all discard the masks we wear amongst each other!
The problem with taking "just one" cigarette is that it's never "just one" I've seen a few people at my job who bum "just one" cigarette from others time after tima again