Ah sorry I'm here now Was busy this evening so I was really late getting to my nap One moment and I'll have the list up
Kageki Shoujo!! Episode 9-10 *Kobayashi-san Chi no Maid Dragon Love Live! Superstar!! Magia Record Mahouka Koukou no Yuutousei Episode 8-9 *Night Head 2041 Sonny Boy *Tsuki ga Michibiku Isekai Douchuu Uramichi Oniisan
I mean sure this sets up destroying the psychic brothers as an easy solution to the problem But like, they don't even want to be in this world Just send them back to their world and there won't be a pair of dogs here
>the world will be destroyed >what did she mean by destroyed
>>979107 To be fair, it's a kind of broad statement Do es it mean the physical world, or society, or the "current way things are"? And by destroyed, even that can vaguely be interpreted as an irreversible change, or physical destruction, or any other metaphorical interpretation
I'm kind of the mind that the way we're seeing the world destruction in the prophecies isn't how things are going to happen anyway And it's just how their brains rationalize the events that are going to happen
i think the subtitles are just really rushed like really really rushed
I dunno, I think the original Japanese is intentionally vague too Prophecies not necessarily being what you think they're going to be is pretty standard prophetic behaviour
Man well this is pretty brutal and not at all symbolic
So when they got deleted in the prophet's digital world it basically left them brain dead Although they're not dead-dead, so I suspect there's a miracle left in the pocket
They did call themselves, or were called, last episode, ogres I kinda ignored it because the two we saw were way more elf-y But these olders -elders don't have elf ears
Wasn't Eris the name of the other goddess in KonoSuba
Hah hah hah I don't think you can smoke twigs in that fashion
They really need to find him a workaround to dying a mental death whenever he gets into the zone while practicing archery If it's really getting him cranky and wound up
Here's the lich-looking monster from the OP Kinda popped out all of a sudden
isn't this the fumetsu god
Sounds like it, yeah
Come to think of it, the Lich's phrasing of Grants as being superior human beings does make the MC fit that description
>>979165 Probably not I think two kids is probably her limit
Just another day in New York City
haha they're screaming in english
If she got from Minnesota to NYC all by herself, that's pretty impressive Even if she's got a BURAKKU CAADO, a kid making it all the way there is a lot of work
kobayashi has been doing this too long her common sense has eroded you can't bring someone from minnesota to america just like that
Chloe seems like a rich girl she can probably convince her parents to let her summer vacation in Japan
Kinda makes you wonder Just how many manholes are in one city It's one of those numbers that is probably actually pretty high but you never think about it
I remember seeing a few decorated manholes like this when I was in Japan
We had a real nice thunderstorm roll in last night It was also windy so I couldn't step out onto my balcony without getting soaked, but I could hear the rain against my window
for about twenty minutes i forgot that i exist and it was amazing and now suffering
Oh wait right >>979183 If you're still here, a reminder to catch up on Shiroi Suna and Scarlet for tomorrow
>The rails of fate run from your past That's not a terribly bad way of putting it
it is extremely likely that i won't be able to make it tomorrow actually i have to be in a lot of places on friday and i will probably have to wake up pretty early to do that
of course i'll say something about it but if i don't, you'll know why
Especially with Walpurgisnacht bearing down on their city If Madoka and Homura are also at that location, then everything's set up for the terminal point of this Bad End timeline
Magius' goals aren't unreasonable but if they want to basically burn witches to keep mahou shoujo alive then they're not really good guys It's not that different from what Kyubey and the Incubators are doing
I wonder if that lime-blonde girl who peppers her sentences with English is really popular or something She's shown up on occasion during the anime but has had no backstory or deeper characterization Out of everything in the anime she seems like the most referential character
So this is one of homu's failed timelines? Things are so wild compared to the main timeline
Yeah, Magia Record is canonical to the Madoka narrative but exists within one of the timelines where they can't beat Walpurgisnacht, or in beating it Madoka goes full Witch
In typical Kyoko fashion she acts like she'll do a one-off favour and then cut ties with you but keeps coming back to help
Yeah, the blue one is some kind of corrupted version of a friend of the Magia cast too So both squads have to square off against one of their friends in the next fight
I wonder how this OP looks like on broadcast television Dunno if it's the ripper's encoding or on the streaming service they rip from, but all the colours in it don't agree very well when the camera's moving around
So she transfered out of the music program into the general program I wonder if the last girl in their group will do that too when she finally gets school idol'd Feels kind of unnecessary
wasn't there a general program girl in a past group?
Yeah, kinda In the mobage Love Live adaptation, the MC Yuu was in the general program Although their school had like a billion different program tracks students could enroll in
This school has just the general program and music program, although the music program is pretty broad if it also includes focuses on dance
I guess the final girl in their squad is already in the general program uniform in the ED So she'll probably transfer too Maybe their school is pretty strict on the music program students