*100-man no Inochi no Ue ni Ore wa Tatte Iru *Boku no Hero Academia Fumetsu no Anata e *Hamefura *Kageki Shoujo!! Episode 5-6 Kaizoku Oujo Episode 1-2 *Love Live! Superstar!! *Magia Record *Mahouka Koukou no Yuutousei Seirei Gensouki Tantei wa Mou, Shindeiru. *Uramichi Oniisan
The PV last week kinda hinted at this Also they've been in the OP this whole time
The Nokkers have given up on inorganic golem life forms and have opted for zombies now
I remain impressed that this girl is committed to fighting with chairs
>>972295 at first i thought it was going to be a gigantic mass of bodies like a dark souls boss when they showed them here the first frame was kind of like that
well the nokkers ruined everythign this time I guess they ruin everything pretty often
I wonder what's prompted them to start hijacking humans now They've been evolving as Fushi has been, of course, but its followed kind of a rational pattern of "become stronger, larger, more durable" Changing to being parasites for humans is new and pretty different
it was already bad enough for them to desecrate the dead now it's just fucked up
>>972305 i wonder if it's because the people of the prison island made a concerted effort in taking them down the last time before it was just fushi and a little bit of gugu but now it's almost like humanity was fighting them
I kinda think it was just a plot necessity since it had none of his forms
>>972307 That's not a fun way to think about narrative Reading the narrative from a meta perspective is dull If stuff happens, you need a good in-world reason for it happening Otherwise it's just asspull or lousy writing
well i mean it's probably true yeah i figured we were looking for ways around it but it's almost definitely also because they needed to have _some_ way of attacking this time
It's not about around it, you can both construct something for plot tension but also for a rational in-world reason When you have both, it's good writing, when you have only the latter, it's just sensible When you only have the former it's just plot for the sake of plot, which is weak writing
you mean like tokyo revengers...
if i were to take a guess at an in-world reason, it's because they all fought together against the stone bear
>>972312 I could believe that, yeah Previously any random human caught in the crossfire of a Nokker has kinda just fled in terror or died Aside from Pioran who's just crazy anyway >>972315 I'm pretty sure he died
Considering the MC's lampshaded it himself, I assume the Alice in Wonderland motif is intentional Plus her reckless wandering and near inclination to eat anything food-like she comes across is very Alice-poi
she's one hell of a headache
He's got the daughter he never really wanted
wow how married couple like
Yeah Mom, Dad, and their errant child
Oh that's totally alcoholic probably A Cinderella definitely sounds like a cocktail
a cinderella is like a citrus drink that's not alcoholic like a shirley temple or an arnold palmer it's a mix of drinks that has a name but it's not a cocktail
Well I guess it's suitable for a child to drink then
now i want mimosas like a carafe of mimosa
>A ribbon sounds nice >Has two
siesta probably already knows what the sapphire is or something
I like how despite being a Meitantei, Siesta isn't really good at "heat of the moment" stuff She was frantic about Kimi being captured by that villain lady too It's a cute bit of gap moe
wow i'm mad i didn't catch the lighter
AH I knew that bit was weird
i even said "smoking indoors is gross"
Yeah, when she showed up smoking I was thinking "Didn't she only just say she was gonna quit" I didn't say anything because honestly people who "quit" smoking only to show up the next day smoking are pretty common
it was right under our noses we're not cut out to be meitantei
I thought it was just a bit!
brb bio
If they're going to start playing this series like it's a legitimate detective fiction I can play that game too though This is one of my home turfs
Same really My brain is not usually up to speed for a good hour or two after waking up
i'm usually mostly put together, i'm just an absolute asshole for the first two hours i'm awake i'm normally extremely polite and friendly but when i wake up i'm not me
These not-Japan people have some good designs The detailing on the clothes is a bit different from what you'd see with Japanese peasants of this technocultural era and the girls have some accessorizing which gives them some nice flair It's cute
The girls are in more kimono than yukata Yukata would be more like what the girl was wearing when she walked in half-nude on him I'm blanking on what they call the tunic and pants combo that the boys were wearing though
Made himself a whole fucking private bath
Cousin playing the matchmaker for her friend and her relative Good onee-chan
"come smell this dude"
big radish
You know what they say about men with big radishes
sorry i had to use the restroom and was accosted by an eight-legged demon
Yo ho yo ho A pirate's life for me
sending a boat off like that is pretty risky
So is remaining on a sinking ship
i meant the rope cutting and kicking she could've just keeled over right there
It's a good thing she didn't then Some times you make stupid decisions in the heat of a moment
Oh shit it JUNNA
the animation and art are really cool but i immediately get the idea i'm not going to care much for the show we'll see
>The continent I'm pretty sure this is historical fiction, not fantasy So by continent are they talking China
they used a sound effect that's in the genshin impact menus
I like the cut of her jib
Fun fact, the Japanese word for adventure, "bouken", literally has within in it the Kanji for "risk/danger" So she's right, all adventure carries with it some risk
>>972418 I'm sure they can bruise the goods a bit before sale
holy shit this guy is a fucking hero
these old guys are cool as heck
They were quite dashing in their less-aged times too
Well they were going pretty well for a while
Hah hah hah
Looks like these two old stooges aren't the only ones looking out for her
Yuuki Aoi!
alright this isn't at all what i expected this is great
More works need to have fun pirate romps The age of piracy is a great time for an action adventure romance There's a reason One Piece was a hit from the get-go
oh crunchyroll and adult swim are co-producers with that bankrolling it'll probably be pretty good
Yeah But the creative staff are all Japanese more or less They're basically just saying >>972441 Oh calm your tits I know They're basically just throwing money at Production I.G. and letting them work with the setting
>>972440 yes that is what producing means in this industry
there are conversational tones that aren't talking down or contradicting, you know
Yeah and there's not interrupting someone mid-sentence
i'm sick of having at least 80% of the posts i have responded to either have something contradictory or condescending thrown at them like why would i not watch anime alone if the only things ever said to me are just plain dickish and you literally never stop and think about the effect your assholery has, tilde you've literally never once acknowledged it, let alone apologized
I have literally no idea where your tripwires are, I can make the same kind of dry comment or point of contention with you that literally anyone else I talk with wouldn't blink at and you go haywire with me I don't believe I'm being a dick, or an asshole, at least before I feel I've already been insulted, at which point I'm not exactly in a mood to be polite anyway
this isn't some specific tripewire, this is basically the same problem i have every single time, that i state, and that i deal with until i'm sick of dealing with it you literally offer nothing to conversations towards me except arguments, contradictions, doubt, condescension, and disagreement
it doesn't help either that it's pretty much only you responding, so that 100% of the posts directed at me are condescending in one way or another
not that i'm saying either of you should change the way you're doing things just that i don't really have a compelling reason to show up when i mostly feel like i'm talking to myself 40% of the time and being talked down to another 50% of the time with 10% being trivialities and procedure
Their group is so big now it's like a full room every scene
It's kinda funny how in-step it is with harem comedy tropes at times Those kinds of series can get really crowded at times too when they bring in the full cast
>Dream-granting dollhouse I feel this is a dangerous item to have knocking around Especially since season one also had a kind of dream-fulfilling magic episode
>Just opens it up Sasuga Bakarina
I thought it would be more standard life fulfillment stuff But here they just want to be animals Not that wanting to be a cat is all that beyond my sympathy
Oh Geordo wants something relatively normal Swashbuckling pirate, free on the open seas
The redhaired guy really doesn't have a match -have a voice that matches his face He has a kinda waifish, shota face But he talks like he should look like five years older
Maria what the actual fuck
Mary wants to be a man, eh Well I suppose I can understand why
thanks for anime and good night you and bang should try to make up
I don't really know what to do with that There isn't really any other way I know how to converse than how I do it If that's constantly frustrating for him then I'm kind of at a loss here