Hi hey hello again Hope the rest of your weekend's gone well
*100-man no Inochi no Ue ni Ore wa Tatte Iru *Boku no Hero Academia Genjitsu Shugi Yuusha no Oukoku Saikenki *Hamefura Jahy-sama wa Kujikenai! *Kageki Shoujo!! Episode 5-6 Kaizoku Oujo Episode 1-2 *Magia Record *Mahouka Koukou no Yuutousei Meikyuu Black Company Tantei wa Mou, Shindeiru. Tokyo Revengers Vanitas no Carte
Kaizoku Ojou is a new show that seems to be a historical fiction about a lady who ends up captaining a band of Asian pirates It's an anime original that might be partially sponsored by Crunchyroll, but it's animated by a Japanese studio and has a Japanese staff
I haven't had a chance to play while but I'm looking forward to the next big content update >>971924 Well it's not a competition so there isn't really incentive to meta-fy things You can play it as meta as you want to Pan can be a bit of a wet bag to play with at times because he's got it down to a science and can instantly pinpoint the ghost's spawn room and stuff But he also likes to fuck around and is stubborn about completing the optional objectives so it's not like each map goes by in a whiz
For the most part when I'm playing with them all we just dick around Kirara loves to zero in on the Ouija board and then just constantly get the ghost mad until it's hunting us like every thirty seconds So we're kinda not playing optimally in the first place
is it one of those things where everyone is good at the game now so there's a meta and stuff i remember among us was fun until people figured out how to game the game at first it was cool because people did unexpected things but then eventually there was a metagame to it and it was less fun
they nerfed the thermometer a lot and a lto of the other clues are more fuzzy
i was only able to really find areas quickly with the parabolic microphone
The biggest problems I've had with Phasmo are that they still can't get spirit orbs to spawn nicely, and that the spirit box can be unresponsive at times Like you can be running them constantly for ten minutes and get nothing And then all of a sudden you get it and it's like "well that was a waste of time"
spirit orbs and spirit box are such inconsistent clues the spirit box actually activates so rarely
hanma looked kinda funny they drew his neck extra long
One time we were in a game, and Kirara was running around with the spirit box on And the two of us were singing Meatloaf's Two ouf of Three Ain't Bad And the spirit box just goes "OLD" at us Like this motherfucking ghost
he's so weak it's actually amazing he's been hanging out with thungs for like awhile now and he's pathetically weak i'd be fighting better than him
All he's really good at is taking hits He's nothing if not tough Although he did take on that one punk from his past and come out on top Maybe this showdown will help him get some fighting practice in though
I'm probably not very good at getting hit but takemitchy has no offensive power like zero
From some of the chatter I've seen about the series he eventually gets ridiculously gutsy I dunno about offensively strong but he like, stares down legitimate death without flinching
At the very least he might be a moral boost for the rest of Touman
I wonder how long it'll take before the people trying to take on Touman/Mikey start factoring in Takemitchy Even if he's not a fighter he's definitely a big morale boost for Touman
i guess somehow mitchy is gonna convince mikey to not become a murderer? or he won't and he'll become the new head of toman
I feel like Takemitchy is still a long ways off his goal of being Touman's number one Maybe there's a Valhalla member who can step in and keep Mikey from bashing Kazutora's head in
this show is turning out to be alright or rather sometimes it's pretty good almost enough to make up for the absolute travesty that other parts have been
My brain is broken enough to enjoy almost anything I watch so I get that my voice means little But I've been enjoying it a lot The characters are ridiculous and I like how it jumps back and forth between time periods
the show is one of the most horrific offenders in the category of "the writer has no fucking clue what's happening next issue" but it's turning out to be pretty fun now that cool stuff is happening and now that i have successfully lowered my expectations
I wonder how long it'll take the MC in this to get back to the past It doesn't feel to me like he's stuck in this future
At the least I remain unconvinced he's stuck here until at least crazy hero lady shows back up
gotta get the blu-rays for the fog reduction
>His muscles aren't built for fighting What does this even mean
i can never trust rabbits like these after re:zero
Honestly this actually works the Alice in Wonderland vibe really well Alice in Wonderland had quite a bit of royalty satire to it Substituting that for capitalism satire works pretty well Hm
Seems pretty cool to me Being able to jump into people's nightmares and drag them out of it
rim is trying to hard to eat the robot
Everything is eatable if you try hard enough
have you ever tried to eat a receipt
No, because I'm not insane Just because you can doesn't mean you should
what the hell who is this
>>971998 okay well they taste pretty bad so they are probably not eatable edible maybe but not eatable
I'd argue the other way around Or well they're both edible and eatable Edible is something your body can digest Eatable is something you won't literally biologically reject for trying to consume Rejecting something because it tastes bad is more a matter of psychological resistance
okay well if you wanna eat a receipt to prove to me it can be done, then i'll believe you otherwise and until then receipts are not eatable
That's okay, I've got nothing to prove
Nah, they're totally eatable And edible Just disgusting
Absolutely eatable
if you knew that for a fact, you'd have no problem eating one
I know it for a fact, and I have no interest in putting myself through it
you lack conviction it remains uneatable
It's perfectly eatable I don't need conviction to be correct
They're giving us fanservice all up and down the board What generous gods
of course vanitas would laugh
But also a rare moment where he doesn't have some smug-faced answer to something Good to know even this little gremlin can get wrapped up in hard questions like that
>She has an ample bosom and is fun to tease Good tastes, Vanitas
"it doesn't seem like she'll ever love me" oh no that one hit hard
I can kind of understand him there
to be completely honest in a way neither of you probably want to hear about
i almost always lose interest in someone as soon as they show interest in me and i end up brushing them off for it i don't quite understand it probably need therapy oh well
i really like the ED for this show
Most people in this day and age need therapy honestly
I feel like Vanitas' fingernail gloves are just him trying to cosplay being a vampire
I feel like earth magic people would be useful for land army forces too Military isn't just about having offensive power after all Being able to shape earth would be really useful for ground infantry
They probably don't need to be so protective of his combat puppet Although it seems to be a real charmer
having familiars like that is super powerful
Wow he wants to make a whole port city That's not exactly a small task to engage in
Yeah Transportation logistics are the most important part of a functioning economy It doesn't matter how much or little you produce, or where there's a demand for things All that is irrelevant if you can't properly move it from destination to destination
This speech might be a bit more sentimental if they weren't all completely sleep-deprived Because this is definitely the kind of goofy speech and reception you'd expect from people whose emotional stability is frayed by a lack of sleep
How sweet
Oh he's wondering something I was too Cities, especially functional ones like port cities, tend to arise organically out of being in advantageous places If this location is really as ideal as it is to build a port city -- hardly a modern concept since port cities have existed as long as waterfaring technology has existed -- then it stands to reason that a port city should have developed in this location long ago The fact that it's unused indicates something is wrong
And yeah, being a fantasy setting, this was my first assumption for why no one's built a port there Some kind of sea monster lives in the area or something
Or maybe it's a natural phenomenon Yeah he thinks it's a tsunami Well, being Japanese, he's probably well-suited to develop a tsunami-proofed city
Explaining plate tectonics and the resulting aftermath to people of this technocultural era is probably pretty hard
Just knowing basic science stuff is a huge thing in a world like this I guess his answer for keeping it safe is going to be magic though
Well he's resolved most the issue by slightly relocating the city to a secondary location He was talking about raising the foundations though, which probably would involve a lot of earth magic Which is what he has a lot of access to because all the earth magic people got dumped in his private army