*Kageki Shoujo!! Episode 4-6 Kobayashi-san Chi no Maid Dragon *Mahouka Koukou no Yuutousei Episode 5-6 Night Head 2041 Tsuki ga Michibiku Isekai Douchuu
Yeah I was thinking about that too Honestly if you don't really want to do two episodes of Kageki in a row tonight we could probably just do four shows
yup i think we'll either do two eps of kageki or just one of kageki and just call it a night we'll see how we feel
This week's a bit weird since we didn't get Hero Academia And Love Live wasn't airing for two weeks because Olympics So we've had a few shows that weren't contributing to the pile
We should organize a viewing party for it, with whomever wants to watch. I imagine kirara and some others may want to watch it as well. I don't mind doing it at a time that is outside of regular anime hours.
If you can make a weekend show-up that would be really easy Otherwise, yeah, a weekday afternoon I know Samu would be really up for something like that too
Cool, I'll start sniffing out when it's likely to be dropping Once that's more concrete it'll be easier to pinpoint a good day and get the word out It also gives me a chance to go watch 3.0
I'll ask Ika and Moon and Lobster if they want to watch with us. I don't know if Ika will respond and Lobster probably won't since she hasn't replied to my are you alive emails.
>>969258 I could doubly ping Ika on Discord but yeah, who knows if I'd get a response, hah hah It's not impossible but I think at best it'll be a polite no thank you Moon's still around on /moe/ though plus I can get in contact elsewise, so that's easier
did i watch 3.0 with moe? i vaguely remember things about it but i don't really remember the movie it must have been so long ago
that's true, I had a lot more free time back then I do hope that time is cyclical so that we can relive those halcyon days
okay let's start
Back when we had free time to be unrepentent weebs Now we all have jobs and real life responsibilities
back when bang treated everyone like shit and did nothing useful god i hate that little piece of shit thank god tragedy befell him
>>969264 It would be nice! Most of my short-term plans and schemes these days are "how can I acquire more free time" If even one of them works maybe I can stop being so tied up Hopefully you can figure out something that will give you some leeway too
One of these days I'll properly deal with my Downloads folder It's really getting unruly
I just download all my anime into a big blob folder and delete the oldest stuff as the folder grows too large
I usually trim out the stuff at the end of a season that I didn't find too memorable or wasn't a big hit for me But there are some things I like to archive The problem arises when I get too distracted to do it properly and it just ends up sitting there for years I still have some HorribleSubs shows that I haven't processed.
i sort everything and purge it every month or so i keep shows i might want to go through later but usually end up deleting them at the end of the season if i had more disposable, i'd get hard drives and archive it all but i only have what i have
my life and my laundry are never as organized as i would like but my images of anime girls and my anime are very nicely sorted
I've got a lot of storage space so it's not a big concern Although the current HDD I use for all my bulk storage is starting to get pretty full I did buy a new 6TB drive during the holiday sales but I haven't had a good chance to install it Plus a like decade-old 4TB external which is normally where I send all my archived anime to
i'm guessing this lady and her son are going to be a lot more important than i first thought they were
Funnily enough at the moment the mother is the more relevant one than the psychic boy Since she's a direct connection to this Shouko girl who seems to be at the heart of things
Oh that shrine That's the shrine that was on the property of the white-haired brothers' old house
This guy in the green jacket is dressed real goofy But he's voiced by Sugita so worth
Well that's a bit dramatic of a way to prove a point You could have just lifted one up and did a flight show with it
he's kind of a dramatic guy
>It won't happen again [x] Doubt
Being a psychic seems pretty hazardous Especially of the empath variety Having to deal with the noise of everyone's thoughts, even thoughts of people from the past, sounds like a nightmare
Oh right these guys were the Libertarians Although in an actually completely totalitarian society their dreams of freedom don't seem as goofy
what the fuck
did they put a thought camera in hius brain why do i feel like the scary lady knows way more than anyone else who the hell has shoko is masayuki gonna do a thing again what the hell is happening
It kinda feels like the cop brothers might be more than just imprinting on the psychic brothers
this is getting pretty crazy with all the powers lately
my big brain guess is that they're from different timelines and that july 25th is important because it has something to do with the two timelines merging or something involving some crazy psychic secret government stuff and what the hell was that giant metal core surrounded by minority-report-lookin precogs
I want to see more of Tomoe Where is Tomoe Why did she get put on a bus
>>969295 The one snag about being different timelines is that the psychic brothers are kind of slipped out of their normal time They should be in their late-forties/mid-fifities So if they're the same people but different timelines then their parents are caught up in that timeslip too
night head is the big surprise for me this season i was really expecting nothing but am getting something >>969297 i'm thinking either some kind of time recursion or the cop brothers are actually from the past too and their memory is all fucked by the government
Yeah it's not impossible I think there's a few things they'd need to establish or iron out but I can see how it clicks
oh yeah this business guy was really mean for no reason
You got to be mean to get ahead in business!
yeah well being mean to a guy who is courting demigods is not good business
Well this context kind of makes it make more sense
The OP really does make it look like some wild stuff is going to happen
By my understandings this is another one of those long-running isekai series Kinda like Mushoku Tensei There's a big scope the series can look at for teasing what happens Although with the time we have in one season who know if we'll get to big things
Another //A big problem with long-running isekai or fantasy series in Japanese light novels is they usually take a long time to ramp up to interesting things You can spend an entire season of content on what's basically the prologue
Testing! You can't expect to join an established organization of good reputation without proving your quality
wow they're publishing his memories I'm not sure I'd want that
It seems functional Like they want to have access to the technology the MC's seen in his memories But yeah, I imagine there's a lot of other stuff that wouldn't be great to have other people free to peruse
Even with the mask concealing his horrendous visage he kinda strikes a memorable appearance Partially because of the mask anyway
you haven't done that? though i usually cut it into wedges with salt and pepper but i've definitely eaten tomatoes straight up before
I haven't Honestly I don't really like tomato on its own Or even like, as slices in a sandwich But mix them into a dish or process them into sauce and they're great
it really only works with good tomatoes though which can be hard to find honestly there's a couple places i go to get good tomatoes but the ones from the grocery store for 90 cents a pound tend to be pretty whatever
Oh I guess what Mio was watching was a drama from Japan And she's really hooked on the plot now
Also some anime that might be a bit on the niche side He said his dad made him watch it, so it's a bit hard to pin the genre
If he really wanted money he could use those transcriptions of anime and period dramas they're both hooked on to make book and sell them to the people of this world
i kinda wonder why you'd stay in hotels when you can portal to the demiplane and back
lots of setup this episode but it was still decent
>>969348 Maybe it's nice to be a traveller and not have the responsibilities of being a lord of a pocket dimension
>>969350 yeah but he had to sleep in a chair because he was being tempted by demi-thots i would have for sure just portaled to my kingly estate
Sleeping in a chair is a part of the romance of adventure and travel!
i'm gonna slice a tomato from the fridge real quick brb
The trumpet they use for these next episode endcards reminds me of classic samurai dramas
I was actually expecting something like that but from the other dragon with huge boobs
They had to bring back the OG SUGE DEKAI once in a while
lucoa hasn't been around much
It's a bit surprising since Lucoa and the shota's relationship is like, the mangaka's biggest fetish He loves his abundantly buxom onee characters and tiny shota boys Maybe they show up more in the manga
I had a feeling that's what would happen to that t-shirt
>Expecting a Mayan Aztec goddess to not like bitter things
Lucoa has a bit of a boyish voice Like not actually masculine, but it's lower and throaty, without really being sensual If I just listen to the voice without imagining or seeing the character, she sounds more like a tomboy to me
fafnir has a really weird dragon head reminds me of that rot dragon from monster hunter world
Reminds me of like a Dark Souls dragon too His head is kind of like the gaping maw of that dragon that has a mouth-belly Er a belly-mouth Only this time on hi s head like a normal mouth
vaal hazak
Hah hah wow Shouto's teaching muggles how to magic
>>969374 oh right that boss was the first boss that really beat me up
Takiya actually looks pretty stylish when he's not in full otaku mode
>>969379 I can't remember if I had a hard time with it the first time I fought it But if I fought it more than once, the last time I fought it, I mopped house with it It was a good lesson for me in how grinding out in Dark Souls makes the game much easier
Fafnir is odd since he kinda still seems very aware that these circumstances are fleeting and that he's ultimately a dragon but he's leaning into it anyway
I can understand him pretty well If I was long-lived or even immortal I'd probably do my hardest to lean into every fleeting moment Because otherwise the centuries of waiting would probably wear heavy on me
>>969389 I understand they're easy to mix up Rika but I think that was an artist
You should feel blessed to even use Kanna's spare chopsticks Saikawa
Man the Kyoto riversides are such a lovely place to walk
is saikawa gonna be okay
Elma you absolute clown
I've only ever visited Kyoto in the spring/winter Going in summer when everything is green and vibrant would be lovely One of these days I'm going to defeat the dreaded Japanese summer heat It won't stop me
Yeah, turns out the otaku isn't just a pig he's feeling remorseful for being the catalyst that got her kicked out of her idol unit
It's sweet of him that he wants to apologize, but really it's probably not much his fault She had a lot of emotional baggage going into the idol business that made her poorly suited to being an aidoru Japanese idols have a lot of contact moments with their (mostly) male fans so anyone who will literally freeze up and go into trauma from touching one is poorly suited to being an idol Any possible reaction would have caused her to go haywire
>>969410 It's both a generic otaku outfit and kind of a stigmatized badge of honour Like, otaku, still nowadays, but really much so like a decade and two back, were really regarded as creeps Especially anime otaku The stereotype was they all dressed in baggy flannel and had backpacks full of all their lewd goods, had scruffy hair and bad glasses And eventually when there was kind of the cultural rebound and otaku started taking back their pride, a lot of them said "you know, if we're going to be regarded as gross for wearing what's comfy, we might as well embrace it" So the outfit became something to wear out of pride rather than just being comfy and easy to wear
Yeah, she adopts the outfit for similar reasons Like, she's gorgeous when she's dressed normally, right But gorgeous and otaku, especially back in like the 00s, wasn't really a thing. Isn't really a thing So to be true to her otaku self, she wears the uniform of being an otaku
speaking ore oreimo it's crazy how huge the OP is for that I still hear it all the time, sometimes even at music events and stuff
It's a smash hit There's a lot of songs that even from irrelevant shows, are big in the anisong or even broadly Japanese music scene
Like if you remember that show about the two science college students who were obsessed with scientifically proving love The ED for that show, Turing Love, is really, really popular There's a lot of Vtubers who have done covers of the song
>Baka mitai Dame da neeee
Maybe it's just how integrated Twitter is in the Japanese social scene but it's weird to me that someone you're close to or family with needs to indirectly talk with you over Twitter posts rather than, y'know, just talk over text or phone calls
I do kinda like how impervious Sarasa is to the scheming of these other girls
He is definitely a bit of a creep But he's using his creep powers for justice As someone who does kind of have creep impulses from time to time I can understand him a bit
People are going to make mistakes, it's just an inevitable part of being human What's important is how you try to recover from making mistakes I think that parable goes for both him and Ai here Not to particularly blame her because she's got very real reasons for her actions But losing control in a public space and calling him gross in the first place is part -is a mistake in its own right
Ah. I guess they couldn't leave happy enough alone
This is the girl who was "instructed" to lose some pounds last episode And she seemed not great this episode So this is, well, the natural development for something like that
At least the Sarasa/Ai arc wrapped up happily I'll take that win
yeah overall it was a good episode I do think this is a good stopping point, maybe i'll get some extra sleep tonight we're doing pretty well on the list so we should be okay
There might be a new show worth watching coming out this weekend Some original series from Production I.G. that I think is like, a historical fiction about Asian pirates Plus with Hero Academia airing again, we probably won't have to worry about being barrel-bottom like we've been the past couple days
And either way tomorrow we've got a full course of some of the best shows of the season