Back Arrow Boku no Hero Academia Dragon, Ie wo Kau Episode 5-10 Fruits Basket Episode 7-10 Ijiranaide, Nagatoro-san Episode 6-9 Isekai Maou to Shoukan Shoujo no Dorei Majutsu Joran the Princess of Snow and Blood Nomad - Megalo Box Seijo no Maryoku wa Bannou desu Shadows House Super Cub Episode 6-8 Tensura Nikki - Tensei Shitara Slime Datta Ken Episode 4-9 Tokyo Revengers
They keep taunting us with this blonde girl actually dying Maybe this'll be the time
Too bad Literally Swords girl ended up loyal to the Shogun's side of this But it looks like Yuki's also determined not to kill unneccesary people anymore.
.... what
oh that's what happened with that one doctor that jin gutted
Births always seem to happen at the worst possible time
this music this atmosphere this is a strange moment
I was half expecting Asahi to be ice cold and that be one last ridiculous twist
Will be if Mikey can get here in time It's funny how they all know its his bike from a mile off
it's probably glasses-kun
oh nvm
Yeah who is this guy
Well he was able to take one of Mikey's kicks
this would be so much better if they were high schoolers instead of middle schoolers
the whol >but they're in middle school thing kinda ruins it
He took too long to monologue The rest of Touman are showing up
The shounen's really kicking in here
Also it looks like causality has more or less corrected itself Even with Takemichi mending the split in Touman, there's still all-out brawl between them and Moebius
he still hasn't warned draken about kiyomasa's blade
Joe's job seems harder and harder as gear technology advances.
I suspect even if he gets back in the ring it won't be with gear Which if he ends up fighting Mac means Mac still has a definite advantage since he's got the exoskeleton.
It's episode 10 He doesn't really have enough time to lose and redo it
The loss might be the conclusion though His last loss in the official ring wasn't a very satisfying moment for him But he's more mature and less-preoccupied with his own vanity now. A loss like that might help him put a lid on his career in the ring.
Well I was gonna say, what does Sachio think he's doing, going seriously up against Joe But the gear if anything would make it a closer fight If Sachio could actually land a hit I guess.
That's kind of how it goes, eh It always takes at least one bump to realize you should've paid heed the first time But it's good when you can get a second time.
Kind of reminiscent of Rin's solo camp segments from Yuru Camp It's really nice how open Japan is for travellers even on something like a relatively weak scooter/bike
Uh oh It's important to take things slowly when you're doing considerable climbs of elevation
Oh it was a school trip Man I guess I really missed that detail I've been a bit distracted tonight
>What's more, the frame is cracked Maybe if you didn't insist on riding up Mt. Fuji's rough trails on a glorified scooter it wouldn't be as shot as it is now
It probably wouldn't be impossible to replace all the parts she said were on their way out, and replace or get the frame sufficiently repaired But at that point you're probably looking at a bill that would be about the same as a good new bike And it gets kind of close to being a Ship of Theseus situation