86 - Eighty-Six Back Arrow Boku no Hero Academia Dragon, Ie wo Kau Episode 5-10 Fruits Basket Episode 7-9 Ijiranaide, Nagatoro-san Episode 6-9 Isekai Maou to Shoukan Shoujo no Dorei Majutsu Kumo desu ga, Nani ka Nomad - Megalo Box Sentouin, Hakenshimasu! Shadows House Slime Taoshite 300-nen etc. SSSS.Dynazenon Super Cub Episode 6-8 Tensura Nikki - Tensei Shitara Slime Datta Ken Episode 4-9 Tokyo Revengers Vivy - Fluorite Eye's Song
the best night of the week and i just got a text letting me know it's a 3-day weekend! that means bang is available all night~
and my new headphone pads came in, so anime will be extra comfy my old ones were getting kinda gross texas heat means texas sweat texas sweat is bad news for headphone pads
Oh we're trading out Vivy for Dynazenon eh That's probably fine I was talking with Kirara right before anime and he said this week's Dynazenon was incredible So I think it'll be pretty fun
okay sorry I'm watching my boss's dog this week and had to take him outside
kumo spider he's a cute dog but he sleeps in my bed and claws and licks me which i don't like okay let's start
Hah hah hah How's having a dog for a test run
dog! is dog cute?
I am really not a dog person I can tolerate them being around but I know quite clearly I do not want to be responsible for one or spend extended amounts of time near one
I like all animals but I'm not a dog owner and don't have any desire to be one.
i used to think i'd prefer owning a dog to a cat but they're just too much for me dogs that are cool with just chilling for the most part are fine by me but dogs that want a lot of attention are a problem for me cats are typically better at not needing attention constantly but some cats really want attention i'd probably prefer a cat to a dog but really i'm better off just by myself
Now I absolutely love having a cat around And the fact that I don't have a cat is quite often a bit of a heartsore for me I really miss having a cat around ;_;
>>951117 Yeah the same pretty much. I don't dislike dogs and I can be a good human to a dog if need be But I don't want to have the responsibilities of having one around.
There are some cats around here that I feed and occasionally let stay inside when it's really cold but they aren't really my cats.
Having owned a lot of cats in my life I've come to terms with no cat is really "your" cat Even if you bring it home and invest a lot of effort in caring for it, the cat is ultimately only ever its own cat. Which I kind of like. It feels closer to an equal relationship to me.
this is absolutely screaming as loud as it possibly can "they're definitely going to use the circle to get in"
What I'm curious about is where Sensei's loyalties lie Judging from her stuff last episode, she has a lot of reasons to continue supporting the elves with their what's essentially imprisonment of the reincarnations Since she basically spearheaded the project But if her students make a real effort to buck her imprisonment, I wonder if she'll keep opposing them
She's got some valid reasons to be! Most of the rest of her class as humans bullied her, or at best pitied her And then in this world she and her family have been the regular targets of elf attacks and her parents probably get killed in the war that happens in the past I'd be probably tempted to be a villain in her shoes.
what was the name of the girl who is probably spider?
The way Shin handles his tank feels really anomalous to how we see anyone else use theirs He's way more flexible in how he moves and is aggressively up close
what in the abosolute FUCK WAS THAT LIQUID METAL ARMS
Wow Lena She knew if it was really an AI copy of his brother that it would move to defend Shin if she aimed at the two of them
Well I don't think he can forgive Shin His brother is basically just a copy of his brain the moment of his death Forever repeating, unable to change, the mentality he had when he died
wow.. it's raining... indoors... that's crazy...
Well that was A-side Time for B-side
Oh fuck Shin and his brother were her neighbours
This feels incredibly cathartic after how hard this girl has tried to be apathetic and separate from everything
she made her step into the rain she made her get her feet wet this music too this scene is great
That was the bit I saw about the series going a bit nuclear Lena just absolutely tormenting her friend
Hah hah she's shipping her soldiers That's innapropriate
i think she was trying to to run in their direction in a futile attempt to remain connected
I guess the remaining five of the Spearhead Squadron are free now In unknown territory where they can't be forced to fight Wonder what Lena'll be doing next Surely they'll give her another troublesome squadrom to command, since she's now proven herself as a good wrangler.
i still think she's going to end up with them somehow either she'll go to them or they'll end up in the city i don't quite know how but there's no way they don't meet eventually
>>951188 my big-brain 4d chess guess is that she gets fired or court-martialed or something for accessing the artillery and ends up running away to the frontlines but the alba are pretty incompetent so i feel there's a good chance she's barely punished at all
if they give her a new squad of people, i wonder how that would go down she'd have to make new friends and it was already really really hard to make friends
She's the neice of the top general in the army command It's not a matter of incompetency, it's gonna be pure nepotism
Her people killed a big brain commander thing too She's gotten pretty good results
sentouin play okay lets start
Yeah, and even if they killed the Shepherd, it seems like that more scared off the massive swarms of enemy robots that are attacking the empire So sooner or later they're going to resume their move against the empire, and so the empire are going to need a new Spearhead Squadron to fend them off
That actually is true, girls in labcoats are always trouble
I wouldn't mind getting into a bit of trouble with a lab coat girl
Night pool has a kind of different context to it in Japanese than the English words do Night pools are more places of adult entertainment where while certain adult activities aren't permitted, they're not exactly unhead of
this labcoat girl is extra trouble
She seems fine to me
I'm not about to look down on a girl with tentacles
For someone who calls herself the "Ice Queen" she's sure not very good at being icy.
six yelling desperately into a muted mic is my spirit animal
Wow she forgot the first rule of cheating You can't cheat in a way that's outside the limits of your game
Well that's kind of sweet though Six in his own scummy way was working his hardest to make Astaroth the top boss
She's ... not wrong
she's actgually evil wow not just damedame evil she's damedame and evil but not at the same time
They are an evil organization!
nicotube my favorite website
Lilith is the stupid kind of genius I can respect
such fun characters i feel like this show is going to leave a longer-lasting impression than most of the shows i watch this year
i always end up remembering comedies better than any other kind of show if i could only take one show with me into the next life, there's a good chance it would end up being konosuba or nichijou
I heard some good things about this episode from Kirara Should be fun
>Which memories do you regret Oh boy Hoh boy
They all just popped out of reali Oh now it's happening to the main gang
Oh no Timeslip
The way people's shadows remain imprinted on reality must be an intentional choice of Trigger's though It's very reminscent of the way asdfasdjaslkhfgalkdjas Shit SHIT
is this an eva ending what's going on
But yeah the shadows are very remiscent -reminscent of the way people who were caught in the blast of Hiroshima and Nagasaki were carbonized onto the physical landscape As Japanese people that can't be unintentional
The bug wings are a funny detail for Beelzebub It makes sense since she's Beelzebub But it's a bit of a difference from the usually batty wings you get on demons
Azusa has a very elegant way of fighting
Oh this fighter slime has a little slime detail on her hairband
when she tells her how she got so strong....
I'm sure as a slime she's fought off plenty of competing slimes in her lifetime
she sees the death of her kin in the air around her