Boku no Hero Academia Dragon, Ie wo Kau Episode 5-9 Fruits Basket Episode 6-9 Full Dive Ijiranaide, Nagatoro-san Episode 5-8 Isekai Maou to Shoukan Shoujo no Dorei Majutsu Koi to Yobu ni wa Kimochi Warui Osananajimi ga Zettai ni Makenai Love Comedy Shadows House Episode 7-8 Super Cub Episode 6-8 Tensura Nikki - Tensei Shitara Slime Datta Ken Episode 4-9
I should dig out my external hard drive this weekend and do a thorough look through my Downloads folder for what shows I'd want to archive and what's not worth keeping Cleaning it of the junk would be nice.
has this show done beggining-of-episode recaps before?
Not quite recaps but I think it normally does rewind like the last twenty seconds of the previous episode
>>950324 i thought i had sorted all of my images but then i found another hard rive with a lot of anime girls on it i haven't even started tagging them either, they're just generally sorted i have a lot of work to do now that i found this other HD
if it wasn't so many good boats i'd just leave it but so many good boats
i mena he's kinda right what is going to do anything about the extortion going to do for the guard?
I think the author just wanted to make a dig at counseling as fourth-rate therapy
she's too nice she's going to die to goblins
>Standard game advancement technique You'd think as a fangirl of this shitty game she'd know not to expect it to do anything normally
>>950333 i'm pretty certain she's doing this on purpose
The narrative arcs in this series are really a lot of awful things happening and then maybe half an episode of nice events at the culmination of the arc
there isn't really much redeeming to this show is the main problem i have with it
Oh she's gonna start doing fairy pranks Dunno if this is really the smart thing since it's probably gonna get blamed on Hiro But it sure is the fun option
wow reona is pretty evil
She's bullying the bullies! You don't have to show any reserve when crushing the spirits of people like that
I wonder if this is really how to survive this questline though Sure it helps you as the player not have to suffer bullying and abuse But it did lose the guards a strong recruit and now this educator Who as lousy as he seems to be, he does know how to swing a sword
>>950348 almost certainly not but i've given up on this show being about any kind of success it seems to be some kind of torture comedy like a schadenfreude festival
and this fairy is just laughing her ass off
I think she did good here, at least as a friend of Hiro A lack of foresight, maybe, but she helped get even And that's all that matters in the end!
I really expected him to make some progress befriending the other girls but he did not except the piss girl i guess
osana okay lets start
There aren't really a whole lot of major characters to the show Like there's Hiro and Reona as the main duo The childhood friend has kind of been a staple but her arc seems wrapped for the time being And the torturer is similarly out of the focus
there hasn't really been any major plot arcs either it's just been misfortune after misfortune leading to misfortune there's brief breaks where there is misfortune for someone who isn't the mC instead of the MC
Everyone could do with having a friend as awesome as Tetsuhiko
her face
Momo really likes her schemes I can appreciate a girl who likes her schemes
>Only future is to be torn into pieces by three girls Sounds nice
this imouto is smart
Kouhai-chan sure is bain bain
kuro is angry
She's been left out!
this is a trap he's walking straight int oit
Some times a man must walk into a trap knowing it is a trap
wow her pose
is this real
Some people are just really shy Or place importance on personal moments first
Poor Shiro
I really like that
Oh RIP Hah hah Momo
But I really like that jacket Shiro had I guess it's not a jacket Aesthetically it's closer to a poncho but it's not the right design for one But I don't know what else to call it
i actually did think she was a baka
what was that face
That's a "I don't know what I'm doing" face
my harem MC can't be this cute!
I've been really digging the way they've given Kouhai-chan a chance to have a personality this episode She's been kind of mute so far
it's a romcom that isn't just 20/80 on the rom and com it's not particularly great but it is refreshing
5toubun comes to mind that show kinda pisses me off
That's because you have yet to learn to enjoy the process
no tilde sometimes a show is just bad 5toubun is fun but it's bad
It's hardly bad I've watched bad shows You just have yet to learn to enjoy the process
I wonder if Momo's onee-chan insisted on hotpot because she knew Momo was good at it Or because she just wants to eat hotpot I lean towards the latter but she feels like she could go either way.
Hopefully it isn't too long before we get more They announced some kind of project at the end of the second season But it was vague on whether it was another season or an OVA or a movie or, well, anything
wow this is quite a moment they're having here
oh no my heart is kinda hurt
Even absent, Kuro's imouto was looking out for her
it's like he forgot kuro exists for a couple days
Yeah that's exactly what her imouto was warning against!
that was brutal i like kuro and momo more than shiro but that was actually a really good moment ending with a failure to connect maybe it hurts extra because of experience but it hurts
From Sueharu's perspective though, he's still crushing on Kuro He even said that to her imouto So really this was the best choice to make It's hard on Shiro but he shouldn't jump on her just because they're in a romantic moment on a trip
yeah i'm not saying it would be better for him if they kissed i'm saying it would be better for both of them if they hadn't had that moment at all to be honest, the experience i'm thinking of was exactly like that too
and that's probably why this episdoe almost got me
it's hard on both of them i was starting to consider this show a little bit less high in my regard but that whole episode was pretty good
As someone who made dumb trip choices as a teen I think it's the kind of mistake you should do I don't agree that it would be better for them for it to not happen Making dumb mistakes as a kid is the best time to make them
kind of maybe sorta results-based thinking isn't the best kind, but if them kissing results in kuro leaving their youtube experiment then it's pretty damn bad it would put a huge damper on high school
We already canned one crush last episode Time to can the other one!
>foreign dramas and wine for me tonight this is best girl of the season now
This lady is adorable I regret that she is a fictional character
Oh no Don't be swayed by such banal magazines Arima You're plenty fine the way you are
He's a good friend
When I was in Japan a few years back the friends I was with were talking about hitting up a sweets buffet Dunno if it would've been quite like this though.
Ah here's a risky moment for him I wonder how he'll dodge the issue of him going on a sweets date with a high school girl
She made the save, but I wonder how he'll feel about it
There really isn't a good option here though Telling a bunch of ladies you work with that you're dating a high school girl ten years your junior is a disastrous idea no matter how you slice it
he's apparently pretty put out about it
Though I think he also kinda baited her into playing that part too Since he also flipped into a professional mask as soon as the ladies showed up If he's not being natural around them she probably feels she can't be natural either
what a strange scene
Poor lady I think in a different timeline they could've probably eventually hit it off and worked well together
The last match really was a stomp It'll be interesting to see if Deku's squad can pull a victory here
I wonder how long All For One will be stuck in that prison He still has the full extent of his powers so I would be surprised if he's just stuck there forever
>>950466 Yaeh I think there's a chance they could lose
I haven't really been following the manga but I peek in on chatter ever now and then There's things I know have happened and things I think might've happened, but that's about it. I know right now the manga's taken a pretty sharp swerve since the mangaka's starting to plot the build up to the final arcs That's not to say it'll end any time soon, it's just that it requires a lot of groundwork
He's a real pain of a character, but this blonde guy does have a really good Quirk Being able to copy the powers of anyone, within reason of complexity, is really strong It's kind of a weaker form of what All For One can do
Also like All For One he seems to engage in trolling and emotional attacks as a part of his fighting strategy
The three of Class B that aren't the copy guy have some pretty solid synergy
You're the one who will complete one for all no pressure
You literally never had a Quirk for like the first thirteen years of your life Now you have to learn how to use SEVEN (7) of them
It's good that it looks like they'll run the final match to completion I think it would've been kind of disappointing if they cancelled it Win or lose it should be fun
seven of them that have been pumped up crazy by one for all
okay shadows 7 okay lets start
According to the PV last episode, this episode's title is "An Incomplete Map" Which makes me wonder if a theory I had about the hedge maze is actually the case Once Emily and that other girl got to that vantage point, she spotted something that made her scrawl something down on her map And it made me wonder if the real game of the hedge maze is a kind of puzzle that requires you to draw on the map until a hidden secret or message becomes apparent
I feel like they all dog Emilico for being horrible but in reality she's one of the best servants
As far as complimenting her Shadow, I agree She's kind of incompetent as a servant as far as general skills go
>>950500 I think the big reason they do is because she's anomalous as far as the culture of the Shadows House goes That's in part that because Kate seems to be intentionally raising her "incorrectly" though
Oh I got my Oh wait never mind Yeah it's the dolls can't have a damaged face And the Shadows can't have dirtied clothing
Which means that other boy Shadow is already losing' Since his clothes got filthy when he blew himself out of his box
Emilico really is almost unbearably cheery
The adult Shadows seem like a fun cast of characters I wonder if we'll see more of them as the children Shadows enter into the culture of the house proper
There will probably be something to unlocking the cage.
Wow the shy one is a math whiz Being able to keep track of time passed like that is pretty impressive
And she's got an excellent memory
I think the writer part of the mangaka duo behind this series really likes Pollyanna characters like Emily Their previous work, Kuro, had a similarly blindingly cheerful girl as its MC
So far we've now seen two of the Shadows boys, and two of the three girls The boys were stuck in boxes but the girls were in more spacious cages I guess the boxes are easier to break your master out from, which puts the girls at a real disadvantage I wonder if the last girl of the Shadows is also trapped in a cage