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Back Arrow Episode 17-18 Bishounen Tanteidan Episode 3-5 Blue Reflection Ray Episode 3-5 Boku no Hero Academia Episode 94-95 Dragon, Ie wo Kau Episode 5-6 Fruits Basket Episode 5-6 Fumetsu no Anata e Hige wo Soru. Ijiranaide, Nagatoro-san Episode 3-5 Isekai Maou to Shoukan Shoujo no Dorei Majutsu Koi to Yobu ni wa Kimochi Warui Mars Red Nomad - Megalo Box 2 Sentouin, Hakenshimasu! Shadows House Subarashiki Kono Sekai The Animation Episode 3-5 Super Cub Episode 4-5 Tensura Nikki - Tensei Shitara Slime Datta Ken Episode 4-5 Tokyo RevengersZombieland Saga
As far as we know he's a human bean though He even seems to have normal human eyes
a red sun rises
Japan seems to have a real vampire problem They're literally everywhere at this point
>You are my pride and joy >That's why I need to keep you locked up in iron coffins when you're not of functional use to me
It's neat how there's still echoes of the first vampire from episode one Seems like she's Nakajima, the old man who's got a thing for vampires, daughter Or granddaughter maybe Hard to tell with how old he is
Pft Doraneko Doracura
this is such an awkward conversation
maeda pls
It's a good think even after death his waifu is telling him it's a bad idea
The Sino-Russian war had a similar effect on the setting for Golden Kamuy too
He's colder than I expected him to be We finally get to see his prosthetic hand in actual though
his fealty to nakajima is pretty intense
If the story about Nakajima saving his life is accurate, I could see why That combined with the Japanese fanaticism for its military culture that's been stirring for centuries and came to a head during WWII A general who has a clear view and looks after his men like he did for Maeda, I could see why Maeda holds him in such high regard
Maeda's still speared through the side by a piece of rubble though I feel like unless he goes vampire anyway he's gonna be out of commission for a while recovering from an injury like that
>>944776 I'm not 100% on the names of the minor characters in the show But according to Wikipedia, the only female regular characters are Misaki and Aoi Misaki is Maeda's dead fiancee, so by elimination, Reporter-chan is probably Aoi
sorry tilde we'll never be kindred spirits, accoring to this anime
That's okay I don't need a kindred spirit
Being an otaku in Japan must be fun
Oh their parents are crashing all the fun they've bene having Been even I can't imagine with as poor a relationship as he seems to have with his father That his father would be in a good mood hearing he's chasing a high school student
She sure has a weird number of older guys that are happy to buy her food and ask her out for stuff like this
the difference is that masuda is actually just an overenthusiastic friendly guy and ryo is kind of a weirdo
Even Masuda should probably temper his excitement to take a relative stranger of a high school girl out for food.
i don't think he would have asked her to go if he didn't have some sort of friendship with her it's honestly weird of her to go if she doesn't have the same idea
Oh yeah this episode might be a bit janky, by the way The TV airing of the episode in Japan has a lot of Manji symbols (the original Swastika), and Crunchyroll seems to, whether out of concern or external pressure, heavily edited their release of the episode to deliberately censor the symbols I'm not absolutely positive if Subsplease has the Crunchyroll version but it's almost certain they do.
>>944794 Honestly it might be a problem going further The gang that Boss-kun ends up leading is called the Tokyo Manji Gang for a reason The symbol features predominantly in their uniform and branding If Crunchyroll ends up insisting on censoring all the symbols, then it's gonna make for a really cut-up show.
oh i wasn't orange bakabang >>944795 yeah i've been considering using another group erai-rwas uses the tv vers, right?
>>944796 I don't think so Contrary to their name, Erai-Raws is not actually a raws provider They just rip from stream services like Crunchyroll, a la HorribleSubs and Subsplease
oh that's weird
Well that's a downside to his time travelling It's gonna be hard to hold down a job if he's stuck in a coma for weeks on end
Oh Draken dies earlier than I expected him to And yeah it feels surprising that him and Boss-kun would have such a severe divide that he and Draken form separate factions
when he sees akkun he's gonna be like "oh my god i'm so happy you're alive"
Maybe this'll be the
Woah okay
this is gonna be pretty hard he might have to just relive his whole life but then what about future him? i'm gonna be straight up and i enjoy this show but straight up this time travel system sucks
Yeah these guys These are the Manji dudes
I wonder what the chain of events that ended up with him almost having sex with her was We only got the end of it
Oh she's sweet for Draken That's kind of cute
The MC here walking like he's Mikey's thirdhandman
a third year middle schooler? so like 14?
Here's some petty minions who would probably happily follow someone else if they got more power out of it
Running Shibuya is still probably a pretty big deal In the time period they're in right now, Shibuya was a cultural hotspot for youth Still kinda is, but that was a BIG time for the neighbourhood It was that time period that inspired stuff like the colour gangs that Durarara used in its storylines
Shot down
It's hard to not be sympathetic for the old man here Mikey might not've directly done anything wrong, but if you're gonna head a territorial gang You ought to take responsibility for the damage caused by your territorial strife
I think it's neat how it's taken the one mission of changing the past to save the girl and expanded it into this stuff with gang politics There was a lot of activity like this in the 90s and 00s in Tokyo and framing the personal problems in that is fun
i think the show is neat because of the time period and the themes the setting and premise is cool, but i'd rather it didn't have the whole time travel premise at all it would be better if it was just about the past it kind of reminds me of the assassin's creed games there's this dichotomy where one time-space is just annoying and interrupting to the other (in most of the games0 )
It would need a totally different main character if that was the case He's far too meek and incompetent to make a difference without knowing what's going to happen Actually yeah never mind I'm not going to get to finish this train of thought without being interrupted I'll just keep it to myself
>>944819 i hate to say it but the main character is not really anything irreplacable though the intrigue here is not very strongly coming from him he's pretty run-of-the-mill protagonist with a shitty time travel constraint >>944819 i know you hate it when i start replying mid-post but if you really think the second half of your post was going to make the difference and that stopping there is somehow better then whatever man
i'm saying the time-travel layout is to the story's detriment, and that i personally think the show would be better if it was just about the events which unfold in the past restructuring the narrative (and characters, only two of which need minor changes) to fit that is also a pretty simple task, which was the point i was getting at at the beginning of this post
now if you just disagree and don't feel it's worth it to contend, you can say that but implying that the problem no, sorry, directly indicating that the problem is me beginning to respond to you before your post is nice and tidily finished is kind of low and pointless
I wonder if they ever get off this planet in the series So far they've spent the whole of the series on it
Grim is a cute angry single lady
beelzebub from slime 300 and the demon lady in this show occupy the same .jpeg in my brain drive
This author seems to have a real sweet spot for small girls who are kind of dumb Chimera-chan and Megumin have a pretty similar vibe and they both get doted on a fair bit in their respective series
I'm fairly certain he'll end up doing a good thing It just won't be as clear-cut as agreeing to help Ah well maybe Snow breaking a bit will make him come around
he's releasing his limiter! >>944850 i trust he'll manage to mess up within the time limit
Sounds like it's the time limit of his supersuit again though
Wow he actually gets a pretty cool moment Even if he is also kinda just trashing the room I totally expected some kind of gag like his suit refusing to engage his superpowers or something
she was kind of cute when she was acting like a person
At this point I think he's more interested in fucking with her than actually fucking her Like the latter would be great and all but the former is more fun.
Also he acts like a rascal but I think he's probably sweet on the girl back home who's also crushing on him So while he wouldn't refuse a one night stand, he was also being honest about not being into Snow.
he's not evil enough
alice-sama is right he's really lucky she's willing to stay with him
last episode was pretty happy so time for drama maybe
This'll probably be a bit of an episode
alright well my comfy-meter is in the negative now
i guess she was hoping she wouldn't have to face anyone from that part of her running away
Gyaru really do make for great friends
she really should just walk him to a police station
The police wouldn't do anything about this
she just tells the police he won't leave her alone or let her go anywhere without him
i guess they just take her home maybe though
Oh he's getting worse
This dickbag isn't entirely incorrect Saying he's helping her because it makes him feel like he's doing a good thing But I don't think it's a bad motivation to work with There's nothing wrong with having a strong sense of judgement and moral righteousness.
It's also really easy to like a self-righteous guy like the MC when he's put up against a miserable sack of a cynic like that guy
I didn't think they'd come out and say she wasn't a virgin. They were kinda heavily implying it but I didn't expect them to come out and say it explicitly.
They've been pretty clear about it visually There was an obvious scene where she was having sex with someone And she had a breakdown scene where it flashed between used condoms and other evidence of post-coitus
there was a scene at the beginning of one of the episodes, where they open up with her doing it with that guy
People that make such a fuss about doing good things because it makes the do-gooder feel good kind of annoy me What's the problem, if the action is good for the recipient too
>>944892 >>944891 I remember the scene, but still didn't expect her to say it. Saying it is on another level.
I suppose Especially for the MC, who doesn't get her flashbacks or memories And even if she's more or less heavily implied it, like you said, it's different when you actually say it to someone.
Poor MC-kun though He's stuck at an all-nighter at work Japanese work culture sure is hell
Wonder if that's really true And if you can see this many stars in Tokyo Somehow I doubt it
yeah the light pollution must be whack
that thing about playing the gyaru part to piss her parents off but the parents not questioning why i feel like that happens a lot and also that kids are kinda dumb because they do stuff like that
comfy meter is back in the comfy zone
I'm glad they didn't spend a whole lot of time on the stuff with that guy And most of the episode was comfort and friends
maybe not in quite the same way, but i can definitely understand the relief and the appreciation of being able to think about the future, after being forced to confront the past and present all the time being able to even allow the future to reside in your conscience is so important, and having to live a long time forced to focus on surviving day by day, hour by hour, can be really damaging
This was another one that kinda felt like a season finale.
Light novels generally divide pretty smoothly into two or three episodes of anime, depending on the density of the material Some times they can go higher, but I think most these days fit into that pattern So it's easy for episodes 2, 3, 4, and 6, to feel like stopping points for the story for the time being. Sentouin earlier also hit its episode six