goddamnit is it really alice night i mean i'm really happy because i wanna watch it but i'm really sad because i want to slepe and i can't put it off until tomorrow because tomorrow is truck night
haaaaai >>94290 you're the only one with shit taste >hurr hurr let's kill a little girl >i-it's not edgy, promise! kys my man after you finish the tour though that's too good to pass up >>94293 the correct choice is to buy your own weights and not spend $200+ a year on something you aren't even going to use more than once a week in reality
>>94288 i'm not saying that i would do it it's like how i also know that the correct choice is to just log off /moe/ and go to the gym and sign up but i won't do it i'm just saying that logically, killing her is probably the right thing to do
The Eoten Onslaught
>>94288 tbh i would probably hire a personal trainer for a little while because i am not good with form
>>94293 it's only logical if you have absolutely zero moral fiber in your being and you are an autistic robot
>>94298 >kill one little girl >stability of the universe remains intact >don't kill little girl >potentially all of humanity dies instantly at any given moment
if you want to be totally logical about it 9 billion lives and the universe being erased in a moment doesn't matter at all because they will be erased afterwards your concepts of history and existence and time all mean nothing when it's all gone and everyone is dead
see now who's edgy
you were just calling me edgy to hide your own edge
>>94308 yes it is we're watching snk. Do you also watch snk?
>>94309 they said she can make anything she imagines into reality and that she chooses not to destroy humans but destroys most things they bring to wonderland
>>94306 as if i would hide my own edge i wouldn't murder a little girl though especially not one that is nigh omnipotent >this girl has the power to kill everyone in the universe >it only makes sense to attack her! hurrrrr
>>94314 i said i wouldn't either i just said that it was probably the correct choice
minnie was in a position to do just that you're adding too many of your own assumptions into this and twisting my words to fit your perspective of some kind of idea i've created in your head
>>94317 you can pretend that you've got it all figured out and shit but i have no idea what the fuck you are on about with this post btw all i'm saying is you're an edgelord choosing to kill her instead of spare her and saying it's the "right thing to do" means you support it meaning you'd be willing to do it don't try to backpedal after you've already said something is favorable you dumb faggot you literally said it's the correct thing to do
>>94486 they won't be able to stop akko by the time she revives all seven words
doesnt the other sensei want the same thing to take it for herself
Croix? I think she also wants to revive magic. But she's going about it her own way.
I figure she thinks the data for the words is inside the rod so she can just dig it out if she analyzes them enough but of course that won't work it's magic
Uh no. Just give me a time. I had to run downstairs to get pants.
i just skipped the OP when it came up, right around when you said the time
>>94517 The anime seems to be considerable toned down from the fanservice in the manga too so it's probably more palatable. Though the art in the manga iiiiss pretty good.
this show is actually pretty exciting not a lot of ecchi shit even happened this episode at all
Yeah there's actually a lot of action in this series. 'Course there'll be a lot of ecchi as it goes on, but there's still a consistent focus on the battle side of things.
it becomes more justifiable as a show goes on to me because i feel more connected to the characters the blatant fanservice from episode one turns me off of a lot of shows but i even watched all of that one really ecchi show rika recommended me even though it gets ultra lewd like 15+ episodes in
Yeah I guess that's true. This show definitely eases you in pretty slowly.
i can't seem to remember the name of that show right now for some reason probably because i want to name it