Hi hey hello Congratulations on making it through Monday
Fruits Basket Hige wo Soru. Soshite Joshikousei wo Hirou Joran The Princess of Snow and Blood Koi to Yobu ni wa Kimochi Warui Seijo no Maryoku wa Bannou Desu Tensura Nikki - Tensei Shitara Slime Datta Ken
--Winter Leftovers Idoly Pride Log Horizon Episode 10-12 Tenchi Souzou Design-bu Episode 9-12 World Trigger
There's two new new shows tonight Seijo no Maryoku is an isekai about a girl who is isekai'd to serve as a saint against evil but the summoning also brings along another girl who everyone likes better, so she happily steps aside and just lives her life in the isekai world Tensura Nikki, I think, is a light-hearted SoL taking place in the Slime Isekai world focusing on the characters of Tempest I dunno how motivated I am to watch it since I don't think it has any real link to the actual plot of the main series, but it's there
We're into the real meat of the Souma family drama now Season one was setting up the general details and characters Season two focused a bit more on Tohru and her social group Now that we're in act three they can go all out with the intense stuff
Also it must be absolutely nightmarish, as a woman To wake up one morning after sex to have a bunch of your distant child relatives rush you and say "we've been waiting for you"
She's still just a high school kid! At that age I think purity and naivity can be nice
But it's also kind of beautiful how much contrast she draws with Akito because of it They're both kind of pure and isolated in their own way But the methods of their history mean Tohru is sweet and pure but Akito is like, pure malice
I love how unironically goth she is Especially considering the time period the manga came from And like a lot of goth girls, despite her weird exterior, she's an exceedinly -exceedingly nice person herself
Nope, but I think this song was in the credits roll
this show is so unapolegetically edgy and i love it
It knows its style and commits to it
i just rememebred the ending of the last episode
Man no one working with the MC seems to like her very much Except that one guy who asked after her But it's hard to tell if that's kindness or a sense of duty
He's got some nice hair
and he looks just as young now as he did then
It's them Asian genes yo You look the same from twenty-five to forty when all of a sudden time remembers you exist
teaching her to live for revenge when she doesn't even know who did it seems like a weird thing to do
It's certainly not good parenting But I don't think raising her well is entirely in his intentions
Oof Those are some yellow teeth Man needs better dental hygiene
Secret codes eh How stylish
what the hell
Yeah is that really something to be giving a child Though she did seem to try to muster the ability to kill the MC at the end of the last episode, only to fail
what the
>>934721 It's probably a story that's happened many times in this time period of Japan
damn this show is dark
A lot of people in this show seem pretty fucked up
She's an assassin! What good would she be without some stylish spy gear like that
pretty show the plot is whack but not in a bad way i like it
It's been pretty interesting so far Assassins always make for bad bedfellows You can't trust them!
i'm curious why they went through all that trouble and then killed her unless they wanted the opposing party to think they still had her
unless blondie is acting on her own which is what i'm kinda guessing, because the treasurer seemed way too valuable but it's possible the whole reason they killed her was so she couldn't tell yuki any more
>>934738 I think it's way more worthwhile for their enemies to think the Treasurer is still alive Because then they're spending resources hunting her down and not free to focus on the living members So they feign a big dramatic escape and ensure they get her to a private place where no one will know she's been killed
We'll be getting the isekai about a lady who dies and reincarnates into a world where she only kills slimes for three hundred years and becomes OP too Two female MC isekai and they're both probably going to be pretty laidback
wait she has been summoned?
Summoning is a bit of an unusual isekai mechanic, but it does pop up from time to time The most notable one is Shield Hero
At least until you find something to do If your life is hunting monsters or exploring, or even working a trade, you probably have enough work on your plate to not get bored.
She's got a very plain-cute style to her Plus the outfit she's picked up in this world is pretty nice
>Ser Jude What is this, Game of Thrones
I wonder if she's got any latent magic powers since she's technically a saint
i'm wondering what's up with the other saint too
Everyone likes her better so she gets to do the actual saint activities Whatever those are
Which is some DUMB age bullshit They just like her because she was the younger girl that got summoned This lady is plenty wonderful
i wonder what her story is what if she knew she was a saint what if this girl was just accidental collateral
We're probably gonna see her magic power be off the charts before too long
So she's been living in this world now for four or so months then? Three months at the institute, then a few weeks at the palace
It'll probably slow down once they get over the pre-amble
>Prince Kyle said the Saint was to not "experience such a fearful scene" Wow he's a dick
lolwut the saint is a high powered healer not allowed to see injured people
Oh no he's HAWT
ehhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh nanika
It's a magic healing potion it's gonna have some kick to it!
he's definitely not being 100% i wonder why
Probably because he feels she's got -he's got a debt to her for saving his friend
i'm guessing the saint doesn't get to live a very happy life
Plus they've already got a saint A spare like the MC could just be used for whatever experimental purposes they want Places like a "Research Institute" aren't exactly known for being places of scruples and moral integrity.
Things are going back to normal in a lot of places.
Not here they're not ;_; We were handling things pretty well but the logistics of medical stuff like vaccines is handled at the provincial level and my province is currently run by a bag of dumb fucks We can't stop flip-flopping between a cautious re-opening of things and going back into partial lockdown I probably won't have anywhere to go for another two or three months the earliest Not that I really had anywhere to go, but still
something about this scene drinking and talking with a friend at a quiet bar i really miss that
>>934800 Oh yeah whoops that's not the sentiment I was trying to get across I meant when you've got a bunch of clowns talking in front of you All you really do is enjoy the show
wow high schooler catcallers
m i d n i g h t f e s t a
that girl behind her is so confused
He's -He almost made a pretty bad mistake there
i'm glad i don't have a fish in my name
But that means you can't have a cool, stylish Kanji name
well since i wasn't born in japan to japanese parents my name would have been something like Bang Trouthead or Bang Pikeson having a fish in your name is kinda lame
Yeah but you don't come from a culture where fishing was a part of survival and deeply ingrained in your culture To the Japanese having a fish in your name is probably considered respectable.
Kyaa How dashing
Now they've both saved each other from falling
that's true he probably would've been pretty gravely injured that one day
Oh no someone spotted them
empty classroom!?!?
i'd kill for a manhattan right now
These illustrations for the ED are pretty nice I like the colouration for them
>>934819 there's another one this season? i think this next show will be pretty relaxed
oh did it really? i know nothing past the art style okay lets start
whereas this age gap romance is lighthearted and fluffy i'm kind of expecting the next one to be more melodrama and serious >>934818 i haven't seen the PV, i just know the summary i read for hige sounded a little more intense i don't think it'lkll be drastic, but i do expect it to be at least a little more complicated
>>934818 This next show is the second age-gap romance I said there was yesterday They both air for Monday, which is a funny coincidence to me
He's gonna get taken for a ride by this high school girl
wow she has a lot of power in that situation good on her to be honest
Some times it's good to go for a ride
>>934824 >Come join us some time i might sometime. work stuff is pretty insane at the moment but i should get a break for a month next month are you guys watching/going to watch the d*ta anime
>>934837 Oh I didn't even think to consider that for anime night hah hah Plus I dunno if it's easily available on places I know
yeah why is he calling her tiny she's pretty busty
I was planning on watching the DotA anime myself when I moved into the place I hopefully'll have in May Since I can probably just get Netflix and watch it on the TV Didn't expect Rika to be interested in it and Bang is still kind of a random element for watching anime
wow he told his coworker that's the kinda thing you don't tell anyone it's very yabai
Definitely But I think that one co-worker is sdakfasddksa She's still toying with him a bit
But yeah I think that one co-worker is more of a close friend than just a co-worker That said I still think in his situation I'd probably wait more than the day after to tell literally anyone about something like this.
wow no papa allowed
You really shouldn't smoke indoors Well smoking in general sucks But if you're going to do it, you really should smoke outside Cigarette smoke gets into everything
so far this is more parenting than age gap relationship
Well there's always time for things
Pft hah hah Just walking right over him in a skirt
More than anything they should probably improve their living situation His apartment probably isn't great for two people living in separate beds Even just a futon still makes things a little cramped
Oh people are gossiping about him Though in a somewhat incorrect sense he does kind of have one Closer to a live-in caretaker than a girlfriend though
>>934866 if i shaved my facial hair every day i'd spend more on razors and shaving cream than you spend on cosmetics in a month
>>934866 Frankly I don't need to And I don't mean that as "I look good in stubble" Noticable stubble doesn't show up for me for a couple days, my facial hair doesn't grow that fast.
but i keep myself trimmed when it matters the last year hasn't exactly mattered though so i just buzz it every few days
>>934867 Doesn't a good electric razor take care of it and not need a lot of upkeep?
>>934870 oh yeah that's what i end up doing but actually shaving would be hard in my case my facial hair is on the dense and heavy side
the trimmer doesn't really do a great job though and i only do it every few days
But I also definitely don't shave nearly as much as I should I don't like having facial hair, I don't think it suits me past, like a couple milimetres of stubble But shaving is effort and it's just so hard to care It's not like I have anyone to look good for and I don't have the kind of vanity that compels me to look good for myself. So I just shave once it becomes more of a nuisance than the activity of shaving is.
i used to be way more serious about my facial hair but i also used to go out >.>
sometime around my second shot i'm going to redo my wardrobe and get some good hair products and go to an actual barber instead of doing my own haircut it's gonna feel so great
weird maybe a different situation but i shave as soon as i notice there's something to shave i also use the same razors for months
i have _very_ dense hair i was cursed with sasquatch genes
>>934875 Well I think you're in the norm there Plus you're the kind of person that likes being presentable, right? It's valuable enough to put in the effort to achieve it
i look like that goat dude from the first Narnia movie
i haven't cared about what i looked like since the first time we entered lockdown i'm looking forward to having a reason to do it though
I've never really cared about it, not seriously I went from being a dumb high school kid with social autism to being a depressed adult Depression makes actually wanting to look good feel like a total waste of time. It's not going to make me feel better about myself, and the fatalism of depression tells me it's not actually going to improve anything So I've never really tried to look good.
i liked Hige both Hige and Koi are (thankfully) tackling the subject from a good point of view i was worried they'd be too closely riding a dangerous line
My practices regarding my appearance haven't changed much, but I've been back to work for a long time now.
i keep myself presentable enough for my job, but with a hard hat and a mask on all day, that's not saying much
I work in a basement warehouse so not only do I barely see anyone, the people I do see are, well, the people who do manual labour Any -And they don't really care if I look a bit scruffy
this might be my one chance to brag about my work since we usually only talk about anime i did the pattern on these windows >>934886 basement warehouse? like the whole warehouse is underground? that's kinda cool
>>934887 I haaaate having to wear a mask Especially since I can't get my glasses to cooperate with them I basically just don't wear my glasses anymore which means I'm walking around half-blind, which is just inherently frustrating More than anything I want this to be over so I can actually SEE things again
i'm so used to it that it doesn't really phase me anymore to be honest, i'm kind of bad at smiling so it's kinda nice to have my face hidden >>934889 yeah the fogginess is really annoying, i wear contacts at all times when i'm working
>>934888 It's definitely not nearly as cool as it sounds It's also not a big warehouse The store I work for is in an old historic building so they can't do a whole lot of building renovation, which means the store's warehouse, which also serves as an initial warehouse for the stock that goes out to the other four or so locations in Canada, is basically crammed into every nook and cranny they can fit stuff. And most of it gets stored in the basement of the building, so it's not like a big, deep basement space, but rather an old distillery's basement that's been outfitted to cram as much stock into it as possible while still letting people move around it and having some space for desks
I also really don't like it, because there's no windows down there. And since I'm a dumb fuck and don't properly take my breaks, it's not unusual for me to spend almost all of the eight and a half hours I'm at work cooped up in the basement, with no natural light
>>934887 i think because people were using them, maybe incorrectly a bunch of local businesses around here specify "fabric masks" on their shop signs
and also the governor of texas took away the mask mandate but almost all the businesses and cities decided to implement their own not that i mind but i thought it was funny
I work for a shop that sells cameras, filming equipment, microphones, various other AV infrastructure, as well as professional and skilled amateur printing equipment and supplies
oh i should specify i didn't design the pattern i install the film on the windows
>>934896 dang that sounds kinda cool i like stuff like that and learning about all the specifications of different items
but you seem to dislike it a lot is it a lot of physical work?
Well I'm not really learning anything there My job is literally to pull things that arrive from manufacturers out of cardboard boxes, and enter them in to the stock tracking program, and put them on shelves. I'm a warehouse worker, not an actual retail employee after all.
>>934898 It is almost entirely physical work, aside from the computer work But not enough to actually be exerting, so it's not like I feel comfortably exhausted And there's large stretches of it that are incredibly mundane, repetitive, but not enough that I can just auto-pilot and leave my brain to do more entertaining things Like the store has their own barcodes for things that reference them in the system And so all new items need stickers with the barcodes on them So I've got to put hundreds of stickers on things day in and day out It's so tedious I never want to see another sticker in my life once I'm done here
But yeah good night And good night Rika if you're still around Thanks for anime
Ericanon !DNap/ivuwU
Did any of you guys watch Super Cub? The first episode was pretty good!
I haven't, i was put off by the premise of being a Honda ad with extra steps and Honda doesn't really need to advertise to me, since i'm almost 100% going to buy a Honda motorbike in the next couple years anyways and if I end up deciding on the KTM Duke 390, watching this anime will not have been the dealbreaker
but if some random person on the internet says it's good, i guess it can't be helped