Hi hey hello Whole lotta stuff comes out for Thursdays this season We've got quite a bit of good stuff to pick from!
Dr. Stone S2 Go-toubun no Hanayome Hataraku Saibou Hataraku Saibou Black Higurashi no Naku Koro ni Kamisama ni Natta Hi Episode 11-12 Kemono Jihen Show By Rock!! SK8 the Infinity Tenchi Souzou Design-bu Yakusoku no Neverland Yuru Camp
>All that humanity had spent millions of years building Most of what we could call civilizations has only been around for maybe ten to thirty thousand years at like, absolute max
At least this show is polite enough to give us a recap It's the one I probably need least though hah hah The first season's story wasn't particularly long ago or hard to follow
Yeah, the recap was useful i forgot about the cell phone
Though it's more like a crystal radio!
Yeah with all the talk he was making about "space food" but then making ramen I was thinking "isn't he just making cup noodles?"
But that's kind of what his MO always ends up being. He talks up the big, high-tech version of his creation and then ends up just making the low-tech version.
Yeah, he made really low tech ramen it's a big advantage though, having rations like that though
No doubt, yeah Preservable rations are a big part of long-term combat missions. Plus like he said, they are going into winter right now Having -hot-, preservable rations, is a big morale booster.
>Strongest high-school primate is really something out of Dangan Ronpa
Honestly I thought they were just going to use the chieftain's daughter The more kindly one. Since it's pretty clear the chieftain's lineage has some of that celebrity singer's DNA kicking around still.
We still haven't seen from Senku's friend and his girlfriend for like 85% of the series.
yeah I think the author likes his new characters better
neverland okay let's start
Thursdays are going to be a bit of a Shounen Jump night this season if we're watching both Dr. Stone and Neverland
>>909968 I know from peeking in on the manga chapters that they do reunite eventually And that there's narrative value to them
Personally I kind of get the feeling the author originally planned to have them reunite earlier or at least flash over to them, but that got sidelined by a very popular Village plot
Wonder what's up with the monsters that don't want to eat them
I guess if people can be vegetarians maybe monsters can refuse eating humans
Hah hah pretty much Refusing to eat humans for religious reasons is about the same as refusing to eat any kind of meat for a religions reason or another
The kids all got this way by going places they weren't allowed to cross into in the first place anyway Crossing a supposed barrier between human and demon world is just another rule they can break
>Ray always tries to run off and die He really does Kinda funny for the other kids for mocking him for it.
Yeah. they'll have to learn to fight and survive pretty soon it seems
It's a hard thing to have to do as a young kid like her though
The way the demons have feet more like hands is a bit disconcerting to me But I guess we've seen some of them run around on four legs That's a lot harder to do when there's a large discrepancy between the apendages like with human beans
I get the feeling you'll be able to say that every episode of this show
I'm still a bit remiss they didn't also keep the seiyuu for the lead male and female characters Because it would be pretty fun to hear KanaHana play the White Blood Cell this time around.
A lot die even in a healthy body! The body makes up for it by producing a lot of blood cells on a regular basis though.
Getting drunk the morning after a bender is probably a really bad choice I wonder what kind of life the person this is the body of leads that makes them abuse their body like this
Oh no looks like it'll be dealing with S E X next week
I don't think it will ever get better for this body
higurashi oaky lets start
Time to see where these uncharted waters take us! I totally expected last week's episode to be a kind of one-off but it seems like it'll be a full story arc.
I wasn't aware that was also a term for sneaky Mahjong cheating
Mahjong is pretty fun I've been kind of hankering to play some more again But it's hard to find the time to load up the app I play on
Of course Ooishi can pull off a sleight of hand trick like that.
It's really not higurashi without a mahjong episode
Akasaka! We didn't even get a flashback to set him up
>>910011 Was there a Mahjong episode in the original? I really don't remember there being one But it totally the kind of thing their club would play.
Akasaka returning to Hinamizawa was one of the win conditions for the original final arc in Higurashi Kai But she still doesn't have Hanyuu, so not all the cards are here.
I wonder if they'll turn the knife deep this arc and have him be the one that goes crazy
I'm not certain this is a previous fragment I think they just flashed forward to the BAD END of this fragment.
Yeah there's the first of the five more tries she gave herself last episode.
And now with Rika dead the whole village goes terminal We've seen this before.
They're REALLY upping the violence for this second half though
Oh nevermind we're just speed-running Rika's final five tries. Here comes death two of five
On a side note, really shows how still incredibly skilled Yukarin is as a seiyuu She does an amazing job of conveying the exhaustion and despair of being Rika going through all this suffering.
Hah hah hah She's just so tired of his old man ranting Death would be a preference to this
Rika is going on a death tour I guess we'll get to see down to 1
oh angel cafe episode another one of the OVAs
Three down Two to go
>>910021 Well the maid cafe's a regular feature of the show. It's where Shion works after all.
If you tell a schiziophrenic person to eat your brains They're probably going to eat your brains, Rika
Oh we're finally getting back to the fact that this looping Rika is the one from a few years in the future. Well, were getting back to it But Keiichi kinda brought that to a halt.
Things are really accelerating though. I'm excited to see what happens next week Almost unbearably excited I can't remember the last time I felt this much anticipation and excitement for something. I'd almost rather just go sleep for a whole week straight so next Thursday can come faster.
Oh sorry it wasn't showing a new post in this thread for me
You shouldn't resist the U MI DA Let it flow through you Out into the wide, wide ocean
That's definitely a problem with riding a scooter in the winter like this You're fairly exposed to the elements
I'd really like a scooter like that personally but man, with all the snow and cold we get 'round here, I'd have a bit of a hard time riding it for a good two-three months of the year, unless I got some proper cold-weather riding gear.
Also man some high-quality matcha would be amazing
Oh I remember this girl
Aaaahh Yuru Camp always really builds up the travel bug in me
A particularly healthy and well-cared for dog might live close to and potentially even twenty years That's two decades, at least. But it's still definitely a short amount compared to humans
Judging from the OP, we'll see much more of their sensei advisor this season It'll probably help with camping a lot if they've got someone who can drive a van.
It's kinda neat how different cultures place different value on what the start of a new year is Like in Western culture the important point is 00:00, when the new year ticks over But for a lot of Asian cultures, the important time is the first sun rise of the new year Which kind of makes more sense when you think about it Time is a made up construct, 00:00 is no different from 00:03 really But the sun rising over the horizon is a very real thing.
Ake Oke is a cute way of wishing a happy new year
Ake Ome even
I don't think I'd be very comfortable with my phone being that close to a burning fire
Wow New Year's Pizza
Why are mid-twenties teachers always such dangerous drivers.
Yea, stuff like that I'd like a scooter but they're way dangerous to drive on frozen or snowy roads. Which are way too common an occurence in the winter here!