It might be out this year, yeah I believe the most recent promo stuff for it called for a 2021 airing, but KyoAni is still probably in a bit of a recovery state and then there's Covid-19 of course, that's messing with, well, literally everything. There hasn't been any new information about its release since announcing a 2021 airing, I don't think.
Hortensia Saga Idoly Pride Kamisama ni Natta Hi Episode 11-12 Kemono Jihen Log Horizon S3 SK8 the Infinity Soukou Musume Senki Tenchi Souzou Design-bu
New new, Log Horizon season three We also got episode two of Hortensia Saga and Soukou Musume Senki
how are those two they looked pretty whatever to me i can quickly catch ep1 if you think they're worth my time
Hortensia is definitely pretty whatever It's a game adaptation of what's probably a sword-and-sorcery tactics RPG Actually let me just go look Oh it's actually a mobage Wikipedia doesn't have any more detail than that though so maybe it's still a TRPG
Soukou Musume is like a not-perverted Strike Witches but instead of leg propellers the girls get full-body armor and weapons It was marginally better than Hortensia but still kind of in the "eh" category.
yeah probably not i would want to rewatch Log Horizon 1 and 2 before watching this b/c i literally remember nothing
>>909571 I guess for posterity's sake I should say there's also Kaifuku Jutsushi no Yarinaoshi, which is about a healer class guy who's been exploited and run into the ground (kind of like the MC of Shield Hero), before he realizes he can use his healing magic to reverse time and uses that to take revenge on all the people who wronged him.
>>909589 It's definitely hentai at times, yeah. Explicit sex and all. The reason I'm kind of turned off from it though is that I've on the regular seen it compared to being basically a rape and revenge fantasy where the MC of it goes full spiteful avenger on the men and women that wronged him And man, I dunno. that kind of genre is not really appealing to me once it goes -that- far.
Part of the charm of Shield Hero is Nariyuki's mending from being a cynical husk hellbent on revenge to a happier, good person And as far as I can tell this series has none of that redemption.
>>909587 oh a degen I know was talking about that it's kinda hentai isn't it
well i was moderately interested until you said some words and now i'm just feeling kinda bleak were there any good ep1's you guys watched the past few days? i might go watch some of those
Wonder Egg Priority is probably foremost in my mind for that, partially because we watched it last night, but also because it's legitimately a really interesting premise and a great pilot episode.
You might like Urasekai Picnic, it's got cute girls being gay in a weird otherworld full of Japanese urban myths. There's also definitely what feels like a S.T.A.L.K.E.R. vibe to the whole thing.
Mushoku Tensei had a gorgeous first episode and some Very Cute girls Wait no you watched that with us didn't you. I remember you having the hots for the dad now.
Tatoeba Last Dungeon is nice, it's a fun spoofy take on the goold ol' OP as fuck MC trope
Oh you might like Jaku-Chara Tomozaki-kun. It's about a kind of weak nerd who complains about being unable to compete with the "high spec" characters of real life and the girl who takes him under her wing to make him respectable and enjoying life. There's a bit of a Yahari vibe to the series and there's some cute girls in it. Also a not-Smash Bros
I remember watching it with you Season one was before my time with /moe/, I'm pretty sure, or at least back when there were a lot of people watching But I think season two came by the time it was only a few of us watching anime on the regular.
Log Horizon also became a bit of a black franchise to associate yourself with in Japan for a while, since the LN author got arrested for tax evasion (It was likely unintentional, but still, the stigma was there) So that's probably the predominant reason it's taken so long to get new anime content. Or rather he couldn't put out new LNs since there was a stigma, so there wasn't anything new to animate.
But regardless, it's been a while! And like World Trigger yesterday, they kinda just dropped us into the story without little to no recap.
It's probably because they were able, with Log Horizon at least, to re-air the previous seasons in the time running up to this season airing. Which is great for the Japanese and all, but doesn't do us any good!
I remember some of the character relations though.
The princess we've been seeing this episode, she's in a kind of friendlationship with Krusty, that blonde paladin-looking guy with glasses But earlier in the episode they said he's crossed the sea in this gameworld to "the mainland" or what would probably be China or Korea on real Earth So the fact that her mother's come to collect her means she's kind of without her main protector and enabler of freedom right now.
I'd like to see more of Scrub Horizon though Log Horizon, Shiroe's guild, has a bunch of veteran players from before they got isekai'd into this world. But it also has a collection of players who joined after the isekai-ing, most of which are much lower level than Shiroe and co. who I think are at max level. So they're definitely scrubs compared to the rest. They were a fun B-plot since they could focus on exploration and learning, where Shiroe and the rest's plot line is more politics and broader ideas.
This reminds me of dungeon, in that it kind of is something entirely different from what it was for the first few eps
Yeah. Though the author has a history of focusing on stuff like macroeconomics and political nuance. He also wrote that series about the busty female Maou and the Yuusha who fall in love and conspire behind the scenes to have their respective societies stop waging war with each other. And that had a lot of focus on economic distribution amongst levels of society and how to improve the quality of life of people through constructive means, rather than reaching for the simple solutions.
The fashion in this series is always so nice though Both the adventuring gear and the casual clothes are pretty and full of detail.
Yeah, the clothes and character designs are quite nice
seokou okay lets tsart
Wait what There's a deer and a bear in there!
Looks like there's some degenerates mixed in with this girls
These girls, even
Making a currency out of the same resource you need to power your societies and weaponry, that only comes from killing an invading alien species, doesn't seem very smart.
>>909713 Are you talking about Soukou oh bad paste sec
Hm, don't think so I swear I'm thinking of something like "<Noun> x-tensia" or along those lines
Certainly a chance my brain's just making up words though
Oh when they mentioned this Bernadette's poor constitution, I figured she was just going to waste away in bed Because there's a girl in the OP that looks a lot like her, so I thought the onii-san would kind of adopt her as a second imouto But if she vanished from a carriage accident then maybe she's just still out there in the world
Big hairbands like that are cute but also an example of somethig that only works for anime girls
Unfortunately real life people don't have the huge heads of anime girls Our heads are just too small for big accessories!
They've kind of blown through what would be an entire season's worth of plot for a different series. Like they set up that she wanted to be an aidoru, introduced the idol tournament, and then blew through both literal years of progress and the tournament itself
Oh wow she just up and died
Oh no now he's hallucinating the ghost of his idol waifu
So it's him producing idols while dealing with being haunted by the ghost of his dead idol waifu That's kind of unique
Yeah, it does look kinda like that but hmm only in the roughness and the colors the linework doesn't look too much like nanatsu
Evidently, there were creatures that could fly that would be larger than a pegasus. I think a pterodactyl would've been smaller than a hypothetical pegasus, but there was a BIG similar species that I'm forgetting the name of that was absolutely gigantic.
... They are just making a giraffe
Whoever writes this obviously knows their way around animal biology and realistic limitations of physical bodies The details about how they kibosh'd the original long-necked deer were grounded and sensible.
Hah hah hah That's a good point An egg too tough for a snake to eat is too tough for a chick to break out
Yeah I guess that is true they should make eggs that taste super bad so snakes won't eat them
Yeah. They're on the topic of frogs right not -now too and that's a standard element of frog survival strategy I wonder if in evolution there's ever been an egg-laying creature that produced foul-tasting or poisonous eggs.
There are some pretty crazy birds out there. I guess secretary birds are a bit like emus/ostriches or like those other birds from the SEA region that are known for being vicious in defense or just to be spiteful. With legs perfect for striking out and attacking predators.
I'm with this green blazer guy Good-tasting animals are important part of the world!
Anteater-type animals are some of the goofiest animals out there. Like even as you learn how goofy they are it's hard to comprehend just how goofy they really are.
>Spicy sentient sausage They're right though Most creatures, birds excepted, absolutely HATE capsacin I mean even humans kind of trick themselves into liking it since we're capable of complex thought Most animals taste the intense pain of bitterness and spice and go "yeah no this ain't worth eating"
>>909749 I guess I can see what you're thinking, but it's more that the character designs appeal to fujoshi, right? There hasn't really been any literal fujoshi content yet.
Honestly unicorns are one of those weird species that, logically, there's no reason one couldn't exist. Like nothing about having a horn makes an equestian species less survivably possible. And when you consider rhinos exist, and there's possibly extinct species that are closer to bovine species that had horns almost like a unicorn (more like a unicow), nothing about a unicorn is functionally impossible. It was just never worth evolving a horn as a horse.