Hi hey hello I'm running a couple minutes late putting together something for dinner but I'm around Just let me grab the list
100-man no Inochi no Ue ni Ore wa Tatte iru Assault Lily - Bouquet Dungeon ni Deai wo Motomeru no wa Machigatteiru desu ka III Golden Kamuy Kami-tachi ni Hirowareta Otoko Episode 7-12 Kamisama ni Natta Hi Episode 5-10 Love Live! Nijigasaki Gakuen School Idol Doukoukai Episode 10-12 Mahouka Koukou no Rettousei - Raihousha-hen Maoujou de Oyasumi Ochikobore Fruit Tart Senyoku no Sigrdrifa
She still some times slips into the verbal tic of ending her sentences a few syllables early Though the Gamemaster previously always did it, so it's kinda weird that it's changed up
Also wow he's only fourteen That's younger than I was expecting even.
I feel like bringing magic items into the real world is a dangerous premise.
So did the new player kill someone anyway. A curbstomp like that to someone's face is potentially pretty lethal.
He shows like 70% of the intelligence to think things out complexly but then stops like right before actually coming to the morally sound conclusion. And instead just goes ham on HAET HUMANITY thing
I wonder if the game master is looking for a moral answer from him or if she really cares
It might tie into that bad future end the Gamemaster showed them earlier in the series. Where their real world got destroyed by fantasy stuff from the isekai world. And getting him to be a bit less of an edgelord is a way to stop things from going to hell.
It looks like he's on the path to getting better though. Just needs to climb over that one mental block.
Weird final episode for the show. They teased the next player and kinda didn't leave us with much closure on the MC's personality issues. I wonder if we'll see a season two announcement at the end of the episode.
Oh the new player's in the ED at the end now.
Hah hah hah hah Called it Looks like we'll be seeing season two soon And it looks like it'll be getting pretty weird. Unless this is all just spoof.
I liked this enough to want a season 2 looks like it isn't a joke since they gave a date
golden kamui okay lets start
Yeah but I wonder how much of the plot content we saw is authentic. I could totally see the next season being real but all the stuff we just saw being nonsense. And they're right back in the fantasy world come season two.
Okay I'm ready for Golden Kamuy
It's nice that Sugimoto and Asripa are back together again. They haven't been able to team up for a while.
Ah well Man Kiroranke always goes hard. He's so hard to kill just by stubborness alone.
Holy shit
Even with his dying breath he's still playing the part of a caring uncle to Asripa Despite giving the signal to shoot her dad.
I guess it shows the complexity of people though He probably both cares for Asripa but also wanted to use her as a tool to get the gold in the hands of Sophia and her revolutionaries.
I guess Sugimoto doesn't entirely approve of Wilk teaching Asripa to be a warrior princess for the Ainu He didn't tell her that's what Wilk's final wish for her was.
This is the kind of series I always hopes get more and more adaptation It's just a consistently fun one to follow along.
yeah hopefully we'll get more dungeon okay lets start
The fight between Bell and Aiz ended up being kind of anti-climactic.
Oh huh The sentient minotaur we've been seeing in this arc is the one Bell squared off with way back in season one. That kinda set him on his path to being a pro adventurer
I guess Hermes is finally showing a few of his cards here So far he's just kinda been ambivalent between helpful and devious. But maybe now he's showing off his real deviousness.
The gist I'm getting is he wants to help make Bell beloved by the city again. But I guess he's also a zenophobe for monsters anyway too. He seems to really have some obsession with turning Bell into a hero.
We haven't seen Bell's granddad in a while. He's the one that made this all go crazy anway. Anyway even By convincing Bell it was fine to pick up girls in the dungeon.
Minotaur part two!
Looks like Bell might be remembering too His old friend the minotaur
They're doing something bad to Bell here but I guess minotaur is going to come crash the party
Yeah, plus this might end up giving Hermes his Bell's Redemption too. Fighting Asterius in the public will probably result in the same improvement of Bell's good will that fighting the gargoyle would've.
Fuck off Hermes you're not even the god of theatre. And you're trying to hard to put on a play.
Oh there goes Bell's cheap knife. Ah but he gets a sword anyway hah hah
Erryone's horny for Bell Hermes wants to make him a hero, Freya wants to bone him
All that aside though it's really cool how this is a return to the original fight that made Bell, well, Bell. Just like it was the fight that made him famous, this is the one that returns him to the city's good graces.
Hah hah there goes the sword. All he's got is Firebolt and his superknife again.
Yeah that feels about right >>904171 >>904176 Like these posts were like four minutes apart despite probably being around the same point that Hermes was just raging about his plans going awry.
Seems like a good day for the monsters and a bad day for Bell
Well his spirits are down but he wasn't wrong that the way things turned out were for the best. Even if he desperately wanted to win against Asterius. None of the monsters had to die, and he saved his reputation with the city.
I wonder how long it'll be before more of this gets adapted. There's really a lot to the story despite the premise being pretty straightforward initially. I've really liked how its played out so far though!
The title doesn't really suit this show well at all
given the content
mahouka okay lets start
I think that's in part why the official English release subtitles it as "Familia Myth" Giving it a more grandoise and noble name fitting the broader fantasy story it's telling. As for the original Japanese, I dunno. Maybe the fact that it's already abstracted as DanMachi is enough to make people not feel weird about the title/content mismatch
>When you're a girl, don't use boku Hey but girls that use boku are cute
He does make a cute girl though
There's always a plan B!
Honestly after spending most of the season fighting inter-dimensional energy-based vampire parasites, Onii-sama having to clean up some magical terrorists is kind of a low-key development.
She really just always walks in on the Maou's council. At this point why don't they have an official seat for her. Though it kinda looks like they do hah hah
It was surprisingly easy for them to get into the royal castle.
Yeah, I don't know her name off the top of my head but she's a pretty high-level seiyuu They probably wanted to get their use out of her being attached to the series.
>>904226 There's still like over two hundred chapters of the manga! They could easily do more seasons if they wanted to. I hope they want to. This was a lot of fun.