We've finally made it to Thursday I don't know about you but it's been a long week for me I'm ready to just go comatose over the weekend just about.
Adachi to Shimamura Akudama Drive Gochuumon wa Usagi desu ka Higurashi no Naku Koro ni Kami-tachi ni Hirowareta Otoko Episode 5-9 Kamisama ni Natta Hi Episode 5-8 Kimi to Boku no Saigo no Senjou Anrui wa Sekai ga Hajimaru Seisen Love Live! Nijigasaki Gakuen School Idol Doukoukai Episode 5-9
Oh they're leaning a bit on the fourth wall Since this bit didn't run in the previous episode.
That guy who got forced on the eyepatch lady as a partner has a pretty weak voice hah hah He tried to be tough with the brother but it was all squeaky
Swindler's really become a real Akudama now Shame she had to lose her hair in the process.
It does make her look a LOT older than she did with previous haircut though.
Oh she did make good on her promise to sleep with Hoodlum Kinda half expected her to kill him before that.
It's not quite swindling but she is kind of pulling a Yeah, she's got a good instinct for swindling and deceit really. She was able to get all of Kansai enflamed with just a few posts and appearances.
I feel like they were able to get away with quite a bit of violence in earlier episodes without censoring much. But this episode and the one before it they've been employing some big censors for violence.
Ah it's the hair bun Imouto's got That's what's been making her look pretty cute this episode.
Oh she stumbled into the armory for the Executioners. Where they keep all their lightsabers.
Let's see how much she's learned About who she can really trust.
We're getting close to the climax! Can't have a climax without a little death Or a lot of death
I do like the generally wholesome and light-hearted tone of this show. It's nice to have a relaxing isekai every now and then. Not everything needs to involve defeating a Maou or clashing with other people.
this is a side of magic you don't see often in isekai or fantasy. Just what kind of fun play you can get up to with simple magic. It's kind of charming.
You can't just always rely on your minions to do the job for you! It's important to train yourself in a well-rounded fashion!
METARU SURAIMU What is this, Dragon Quest
I wonder what kinds of slime crossbreeding and evolution he can get up to now with a metal slime.
Wow, metallurgy through alchemy. Honestly if the ore is predominantly depleted then I dunno how cost-effective it would be to employ this alchemy to re-open the mine though. Ferrous oxide is heavily oxygen in its make-up and you're not really going to get a lot of pure iron out of it. As he kinda showed by only getting a single ingot of iron out of a big pile of dirt. And even that is probably an exaggerated amount and realistically would be much smaller.
Aidoru activities! I think it's the red-haired pigtails girl's turn this episode.
Well I guess I should've expected she was the gaijin with a name like Emma. From what I remembered from chatter about this Love Live previously I knew there was a gaijin in the mix but I did think it was the sportsy girl from last week.
Love Live likes to do these impassioned pleas that any real person would be embarrassed to say out loud
I think it's kind of a staple drama trope that pops up in a lot of stuff. Plus it might be out loud but there is weirdly absolutely no one around. Easier to say things like that when it's just you and the receiver.
The most exciting time of the week has finally arrived!
Oh I wonder if this is Keiichi remembering his past fragments again. He seemed to Yeah He seemed to a bit in the first arc too, remembering killing Rena and Mion. Which was probably part of why he was able to recover from going a bit crazy. Maybe he'll be able to avoid killing Satoko's uncle this arc too.
Though it was always hard to tell if he really killed her uncle in the original arc. It seemed like by the time he tried to he was already suffering from extreme hallucinations and might've imagined the whole thing.
Man Ooishi always manages to seem like an untrustworthy, sketchy dick in these earlier arcs. I mean I don't think he's the most compassionate cast member of this show to begin with but I also don't think he's ever really trying to be malicious or evil. He's just trying to get the law done.
I don't recall that bit with Irie having a serious bone to pick with Ooishi being in the first adaptation. Interesting he's so irate with him.
It's notable to me because Irie is in, a bit, on the reality of Oyashiro's "Curse". So he knows that while there isn't a proper connection between most of the deaths, the curse is hiding some shady stuff and obscuring the truth about the Hinamizawa Virus.
I wonder what it feels like for Bernkasstsdsds OH SPEAK OF THE DEVIL
but I wonder what it feels like for Bernkastel-Rika to have to repeat this particular flavour of fragment though. She knows from the get-go that Satoko won't come home, that Teppei will basically imprison her and abuse her. I don't blame Bernkastel for leaking out and being short with Chie.
Oh I'd forgotten about Satoko's biological dad and the false abuse call. The child services are still being awful but I guess there is some grounds for them to doubt her.
It's been a bit of a rough week for me. Thankfully my work doesn't really fluctuate or make things worse for me but it's just been exhausting otherwise. And this time of the year is always hard on me.
This set-up I've got makes it hard to laze about. The only chair I could get is a stiff clear plastic one. Maybe plexiglass? Though hopefully within two or three months I can find a place to move in to where I finally have a place of my own.
>Well, sergeants and teachers are pretty similar She's not wrong, especially for elementary students. They're the worst, most errant kids out there.
I feel like I remember Cocoa being actually pretty smart though. But maybe it's one of those "I'm smart but it only works for me" cases.
Ponytail Syaro!
Punished Megu is suffering
Also while an active brain does need sugar, processed sugars like the sugar you use in baking cookies is a somewhat unideal method of getting them. Fruit sugars and things like those are much better!
I say that despite most of my preferred snacking things being pretty high in processed sugars hah hah
There's been a lot of focus on the Chimame-tai this season. I bet Tony is ecstatic but I do kinda like the older girls a bit more personally!
The few guys in the cast for this show are always so dashing.
Sleepy at the end again, eh Rika Well thanks for anime, and enjoy your weekend.