Akudama Drive Gochuumon wa Usagi desu ka Kami-tachi ni Hirowareta Otoko Episode 5-9 Kamisama ni Natta Hi Episode 5-8 Kimi to Boku no Saigo no Senjou Anrui wa Sekai ga Hajimaru Seisen Kuma Kuma Kuma Bear Love Live! Nijigasaki Gakuen School Idol Doukoukai Episode 4-9 Mahouka Koukou no Rettousei - Raihousha-hen Ochikobore Fruit Tart
--Team Confidence Great Pretender Episode 16-18
And I'll mention it again, Ton did say he'd go ahead and watch this week's GochiUsa by himself. So if you want to watch it as a comfy closer at any point, it's still there.
Doraibu Last time we were on rocket to the moon Things were getting pretty intense.
Oh well that's the other reason for it to crash hah hah Of course there wasn't enough fuel in it for an actual trip to the moon.
Well that's a pretty awful situation to be dumped into. Poor Lake Biwa.
For someone who's not an Akudama anymore, she sure is on the fast track to becoming one again going around killing a bunch of scientists like that.
Swindler sure is naive if she thinks Uh Yeah, this pretty much. Same with her home she's trying to get back to. I 'm pretty sure it's going to be monitored by the cops.
Hoodlum really fits his name though. Not once has really ever been more than a two-bit criminal. Aside from that one time he tried to avenge Brawler.
Aw Pixie cut doesn't really suit her.
Ah this ain't good. Wow yeah these are some trash human beings.
Though after what she's been through they really don't feel Holy fuck They're definitely weak-ass criminals compared to who she's been hanging with so far.
Man she's gone beastmode to protect the imouto.
Oh that's the charm Hoodlum said he put a tracker in. That's not good either.
And Onii-sama as empathetic and graceful as ever. He doesn't even blame Lina for having to kill one -kill those vampires.
Oh I guess we finally have our arc villain of this season. And it also seems like Onii-sama is getting dragged into some politicking between these Sage characters.
Well we got the brief fight scene where Onii-sama's friends kinda jobbed to the Japanese spies. But they did seem to be sowing some stuff for Pixie's evolution from android to ... well, magic android. And then debuting some of these Sages and what it means to be one.
Oh she's a bit of a baka but she's got the spirit
That onee-san girl has three dots along one of her collarbones. That's not really a piercing spot and it doesn't make sense to be a tattoo Wonder what they are.
There's no way a highschool girl would have piercings or tattoos
>>899345 I could see tattoos if she was more of like a gyaru character or something, but she's not. So yeah, my assumption is a birthmark too for the time being.
Oh she's an excitable otaku. How cute.
The emotionless one also seems to be one too. Not surprising, she struck me as the type. But she seems to have emotions but just has a hard time conveying them.
That's a good thing to think about. I can kinda understand her too. It's easy to frame who you are in contrast to the people around you. But it's much harder to understand who you are when defining that solely by yourself!
Oh an unintentional punmaster That is a powerful ability to have.
Time to start aidoru activities!
The thing that's funny for me is you can tell from people's reactions that these impromptu lives aren't entirely just fantasy. Like sure they're not magically donning a costume and summoning a stage out of nowhere but they are dancing and singing a song just ... out there in the open.
The self-insert MC manager is always a fun character too. She's got so much enthusiasm for everything.
The original manga actually has a somewhat different style. I feel the anime kind of lost some of the uniqueness it had and slightly generalized the designs to more "normal" anime. Not that the anime has bad designs but they're more normal than the manga is all.
The tomboy music girl and the kinda crazy twintails one are exceptionally twiggy in the manga as well.
As far as food to eat suggestively I dunno how dango really works for it.
Oh I kinda get Hoho's mindset though hah hah
Expensiveness isn't really a factor there. She had to pick between Scotch whisky and refined sake. I dunno if refined sake is really good for cooking but Scotch -definitely- isn't.
Their manager just going around the house in a t-shirt and possibly nothing else really is something. She's a high-level slob character so it fits her but man.