Hi hey hello happy Tuesday Tuesdays have pretty consistently been the hardest days for me working full-time Mondays I can kinda crest off the energy recovery from the weekend but by the time I get to Tuesday I fall flat on my face hah hah
Adachi to Shimamura Akudama Drive Assault Lily - Bouquet Gochuumon wa Usagi desu ka Ikebukuro West Gate Park Kami-tachi ni Hirowareta Otoko Episode 4-9 Kamisama ni Natta Hi Episode 5-8 Love Live! Nijigasaki Gakuen School Idol Doukoukai Episode 4-9 Mahouka Koukou no Rettousei - Raihousha-hen Ochikobore Fruit Tart
--Team Confidence Great Pretender Episode 16-18
I need like five minutes from this post to do Ikebukuro but other than that the order doesn't matter. And odds are we'll get started after my download is done anyway.
This catgirl has a house right next to a landfill dump? I guess maybe the property comes at an absolute steal.
Though well it's kind of an interesting take to see how far creative applications of slime species can take you.
Catgirl pays out wow I guess she's rich from her own adventuring work. And maybe if she's out adventuring all the time she doesn't need a house in a better place than right next to a literal dump.
Didn't take long for them to run into some people in low positions of power being corrupt exploitative jerks. Wow that's quite a hazard suit.
Garbage was one thing but it's a bit much to have him cleaning actual shit on camera. At least with his poop slimes in the forest it was just implied that's what they did for him.
This guy really loves slimes. Though it is seemingly a good way to clean a good business to be in
Human waste is important to remain on top of when cleaning. It's extremely dangerous if it builds up and, well, it's the kind of thing that doesn't stop coming. We're extraordinarily lucky to have proper modern infrastructure to help us make it easier to maintain. But in tech levels like this isekai if your shit doesn't get handled, it gets in the way fast. That's a lot of the reason there was so much disease in the past!
Isn't creating this many slimes dangerous, though?
It feels like there's some kind of mechanic in place that keeps the children of slime he's tamed within his control Or maybe since they seem to kinda act like single-celled organism in how they reproduce by mitosis, they're all technically still the same original poop slime he bred in the first place. I do feel like that many slimes is something he can't feed himself though. And he can't really sell them out to the town for regular toilet cleaning since that would kind of defeat the purpose of having people clean the toilets like they talked about earlier in the episode. Maybe he can release some into the wild, or maybe one giant combined slime, condensed down, has the same appetite as the smalled one of the same physical size.
Well that was kind of a warm, nice little ending to that episode. Kind of a palate cleanser after all that shit hah hah
Oh boy we're getting into politics. Yeah there's a lot of hyper-xenophobia in quite a few Japanese political parties or political activists. Like not even just the stereotypical "white gaijin go home" kind of thing, they tend to go hard on hating on other Asian cultures that come to Japan for work or other personal interests. It just goes to show the mindset you saw in Japanese people about Nippon superiority during WWII hasn't gone away yet.
Nice that his adoptive imouto shows up more. She is pretty cute.
Culturally it seems to have endured for a while now. I remember playing The World Ends With You on DS, which takes place in Shibuya, kind of similar to Ikebukuro culture-wise, and they had ramen places that did fruit ramen in there too. So it seems to work enough for people to keep it on the menu.
Oh the policeman covered what I was thinking too. If you really want a perfect arson then renting an apartment in the building and intentionally making it a cluttered, fire-danger mess is about the perfect foil for arson as you can get.
King and Makoto seem to have a very "American Dream"-esque image of Ikebukuro. Maybe there's a truth to it, but I've personally found places like that only really ever exist for people who've already made it.
Ironic, that the group politicking for removing foreigner "meddling" in Japan got used as a front for foreign interests moving in and buying up Japanese land. Though that's usually how dicks like this end up getting used.
They deal with some pretty heavy stuff in this series.
Stuff that doesn't really have perfect solutions either.
Like I really, really don't like xenophobes in any instance but it's also not so easy to just say "they should all just get chased out". Improving education and understanding for other peoples is an important tool for reducing xenophobia, but it's also very hard to implement and takes time. And in the meanwhile the figureheads for the xenophobes can keep preaching their venom and spreading their influence.
At least it looks like this show's big villain isn't the Chinese gangs and financial interests that seem to be moving in on Ikebukuro. Since that would kinda spit in the face of the message we've gotten from a few episodes of this series, hah hah This show has been pretty "gates open" in terms of foreigners being able to make a home in Ikebukuro.
But it looks like their arc villain is some shadowy group (probably a Yakuza family) out of Kansai who's using all these disruptive people to gain a foothold in Ikebukuro without coming in direct conflict with the Yakuza who already are set up in the town.
So Yuyu and Riri are the defacto dad and mom of the new girl but I guess the rest of the squad will help with the parenting. It takes a village, after all.
Also Ton did say he'd go ahead and watch this week's episode of Gochuumon by himself. So we could do it tonight for comfy finale if you wanted to.
This girl sure is pondering some ominous complications about developing all these high school girls who are basically walking nukes.
>>899152 yeah that's kind of a dangerous thing when you think about it for more than two seconds.
It's definitely not the kind of serious to do so, but I'd
Okay scratch this thought for a moment that's a cute outfit mashup Catgirl apron shrine maiden
But yeah it's definitely not the kind of series to do so but I'd like to see them explore the dangers of Riri's Charisma skill too. If you think about it, someone whose special skill is literally "can make anyone like her and convince people of things they'd normally have a hard time swallowing" is a dangerous power to let run rampant. Even in the hands of a generally optimistic and warm-hearted person like Riri. If anything that's even more dangerous because it would make people like her HARD.
Riri's turning into a bit of an overprotective mom
Guess that Hyper Beam took all the magic juice out of her
Ah yep that's literally what it did
This series is a bit of a multimedia franchise and I think that red glasses girl is an MC in one of the LNs of the franchise.
There's some seriously good animation in this show at times. SHAFT's been known to conserve budget for important scenes in the past, and you can kinda see that in this show. But it also goes way further than before.
>>899165 Yeah that last bit was really well animated
I'm kinda so-so on the pigtails, I liked how amorphous blob-y it was when they first found her. But she's cute otherwise.
These illustrations for this new ED are super cute though. Very nice outfits.
Watanabe endcard! He's doing the character designs for the new Higurashi this season but his character designs have gotten used for countless SHAFT shows. Most notably Monogatari, but he's also adapted a lot of other character designs for adaptations SHAFT have animated.
I wonder if we'll get to a manner of confession in this series before the season ends.
From peeking in on threads I know they start dating in a certain volume of the LN but I have no clue what the progress of adapting volumes is so far. Or what happens before that point, really. They could completely detonate their relationship before that point.
Horoscope stuff is pretty nonsense to me personally. But it's like blood types in Japan I think, they read a lot more into it than I would just on a base level.
Her design really is super cute plain but super cute
I wonder how long she's gonna have the purin-top to her hair though. She either needs to dye it again or have it grow out long enough so she can chop off the old dye work.
Yeah I was just thinking this too. Not-Erio has been wearing this thin one-piece ever since she shed the spacesuit. I didn't think too much of it earlier but it's also pretty alien-poi that she's able to go around in winter in it.
This new homewrecker girl is pretty cute. Though I don't really care for varsity jackets like what she's got. Everything else is 10/10 though.