Hi sorry I am here now >>898788 (OP) Wow blast from the past There was some good stuff that aired that season
Adachi to Shimamura Akudama Drive Assault Lily - Bouquet Dungeon ni Deai wo Motomeru no wa Machigatteiru Darou Ka III Enen no Shouboutai Gochuumon wa Usagi desu ka Golden Kamuy Kami-tachi ni Hirowareta Otoko Episode 4-9 Kamisama ni Natta Hi Episode 5-8 Love Live! Nijigasaki Gakuen School Idol Doukoukai Episode 4-9 Mahouka Koukou no Rettousei - Raihousha-hen Maoujou de Oyasumi Ochikobore Fruit Tart
--Team Confidence Great Pretender Episode 16-18
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
sorry one more butts
No Butts!
Rikaaaa come baaaack I'm sorry I was eight minutes late!
Oh my downloads are stalling can we switch Kamuy and 100-man Also literally one minute to reboot sorry
All right I'm ready for Kamuy now
The Internet here is weird I get like 1.4MB/s download top, but I also get like 1.3MB/s upload top too I've never had Internet where the two speeds were so close together like that.
Yeah, that is weird I've always had lots of download and like no upload
Looks like Sugimoto is close on Asripa's tail. Almost seems to be catching up to her party really. Weird that they can't at least keep ahead of Sugimoto.
Oh yeah I forgot Shiraishi was a master contortionist.
The white wolf! It was looking after Asripa all the time in at least season one.
Oh but this is a flashback. I always thought the wolf was Asripa's dad looking after her after death, but maybe it's a Kamuy that's following her family around.
I guess you never really stop being on guard for your life after you assassinate an emperor.
Man this isn't a turn I was expecting from this series about chasing down lost Ainu gold. All of a sudden it's become about Russian revolutionaries and a historical struggle between the Russian continent's native cultures and the empire that is erasing them.
>>898816 Gatling guns have been around since the 1860s! It's probably still a stretch to imagine by this time, probably 1890s or so, that they'd figure out how to disguise one in a camera, but the actual device existed.
I guess we'll see who this guy w- Oh! It's Lt. Headplate! Man he's lived quite the storied life.
No wonder he was already a good bit insane by the time he was leading the army and lost his brain.
That's cool too since it gives him a Very Personal motivation for getting in Asripa's way since he's probably still carrying that grudge of Asripa's dad and friends being responsible for his family's death.
Man that was a good twist I wasn't expecting. This series weaves its characters together really well.
Oh the plan is a bit different from what I was expecting. I thought they were gonna demolish foundational structures and make Tokyo sink into the Nether. But instead they're just gonna employ physics for a big boom
Hah hah here's how they bring Maki back to the fire force. Since she's the only one on hand who can control the incoming flames.
A nice little arc end scene at the end there. We're close to the end of this season though. I wonder how much they can do with another 2-4 episodes.
Looks like Tamaki gets a chance at a powerup next episode. She kinda needs it, she really only ever gets beat around when fights happen around her. She's technically trained like the Sister is and can exorcise the Infernals but she spends a lot of time fighting, or at least getting fought.
I kinda thought the author had a thing for beating her up
Yeah, I feel that way too. But maybe she got one too many complaints or requests from her editors to maaaaybe calm it down a bit. Or at least give her a redeeming moment instead of always being the member of the team who takes the loss.
The NPC girl gets more attention in the narrative than the others, but almost no attention in the OP/ED.
Probably because we're in her character arc. Plus I wonder if she'd even be a regular character. The previous times they've gone back home and returned to the isekai world it's been kinda like Narnia in that decades, if not centuries, have elapsed inbetween. It might be that once they clear the mission and go back home the next time they come back she's an old lady or even dead.
Poor girl She just wants some alone time with the MC but there's just too many people around.
Glasses really is a proper otaku character through and through. A lot of the time otaku in anime/LN/manga series are kind of romanticized a bit and end up with better personalities than they ought to have. But she's really just a total degenerate.
Well I dunno if a fantasy world at this tech age would really have companies. Merchants have existed for a millenia of course, but the concept of officially forming companies , I dunno when that happened. Though well for a long time at least they've existed informally kind of as caravans and other organizations.
I still feel swordlady is gonna drop a confession or something similar before they're done though. She did after all kiss the MC while she -while he was sleeping.
So "the goods" were the heads of the soldiers they killed earlier. And it's evidence the kingdom was intentionally genociding those religious people. Which is probably going to have consequences if like before they leave the isekai and come back decades later. I feel this other kingdom they reported it too will probably take action against the other one.
These live action bits that some times happen at the end of these episodes for this show are a bit weird.
We had the season's arc wrap up pretty much entirely last season. Wonder what's left to cover from here on out. Er entirely last episode
So the god of that family of monster traders/hunters got exiled. That's a worse fate than what happened to that goddess from the previous season who died and went back to wherever it is gods come from.
And despite dodging the worst of the bullet it looks like Bell still needs to clear his name a bit.
>Up until now I've been making moves in the shadows Yeah that describes pretty much everything Hermes does.
What a nice goddess Hestia gets to be.
Oh yeah this reminds me of a bit of a spoiler I saw in DanMachi threads. From the most recent LN, which is still a long ways out from now.
They have a lot of content huh I feel like this has been going on forever as is
It has, but individual LN volumes can be pretty light on content. Not everyone is the author of Raildex or Horizon In The Middle Of Nowhere and write like monsters. A single cour of anime can probably cover anywhere between two to six volumes of LNs depending on the density of the original and the care the adaptation puts into cutting/retaining stuff. But you'd also probably get somewhere between one to three LN volumes in a year. So it takes a while to get material.
Also their familia has really stocked up on quite a variety of magic items. It's neat to see how far things have come from Hestia and Bell living in the basement of a ruined church.
Oh that orange-haired elf The one who's the MC of the spin-off series. She's showing up in this line-up of the Loki Familia.
This last act seems like it plants the Hestia Familia and the Loki Familia in direct opposition to each other. So this is probably where we get the showdown between Ais and Bell.
Seems like it! They weren't completely trustowrthy from the start despite there being some firendships there
Seems like it will run us to the end of the season
I don't entirely blame them for acting like this though. There seems to be a severe societal prejudice in their city against monsters. So if anything it's probably Bell and the rest of the Hestia Familia that are being untrustworthy and at odds to adventurer society at large. Ais and her familia are the ones acting normal and morally-acceptable.
We as viewers just know things are actually different since we've seen things from Bell and the monsters perspective. And even then you can see just how strong that prejudice is where even some of the adventurers who know the monsters are sentient and capable of human emotion and complexity still go "yeah but they're monsters so they have to die". These kinds of things are hard to worm out with just a few displays of humanity. It's actually a fairly mature topic that I respect how the series is handling seriously.
I don't really like things like waterbeds, or at least air mattresses which I'm more familiar with. While I prefer softer, less-firm mattresses, the way air mattresses and waterbeds shift underneath you makes it harder for me to fall asleep. I need it to at least be solid.
I wonder how badly this will go over.
Also springs, I can't really do springs. I can feel them sticking into my back and side and that ruins my comfiness.
Yeah I thought this was going to happen They're taking "ignore her" literally hah hah Rather than the somewhat more interpretive definition of "keep her sealed in her cell and ignore her requests.
I definitely avoid work wherever possible, but I'm kind of the same way once I get stuck with unavoidable work. I can't really stop working until it's done because I hate leaving it unfinished.
Also this outfit she's wearing instead of her pyjamas is interesting. I like the tights and the dress but it doesn't really fit her aesthetic hah hah
Change out of your day clothes and into your pyjamas before you go to bed!
... Actually how old IS the princess.
Oh yeah the manga for this series has actually been serialized for a few years now. It's a weekly series too so it's at like two hundred chapters. They adapt maybe three to four chapters an episode too so they could easily do like sixty to seventy episodes of this if they wanted