Adachi to Shimamura Akudama Drive Assault Lily - Bouquet Dungeon ni Deai wo Motomeru no wa Machigatteiru Darou Ka III Enen no Shouboutai Gochuumon wa Usagi desu ka Higurashi no Naku Koro ni Jujutsu Kaisen Kami-tachi ni Hirowareta Otoko Episode 4-9 Kamisama ni Natta Hi Episode 5-8 Love Live! Nijigasaki Gakuen School Idol Doukoukai Episode 4-9 Mahouka Koukou no Rettousei - Raihousha-hen Majo no Tabitabi Munou na Nana Tonikaku Kawaii
--Team Confidence Great Pretender Episode 16-18
We might not have Ton tonight on account of his work overloading him with a stupid amount of shifts and him being too much of a pushover to put his foot down and say no. But he might also wake up eventually and show up if we're lucky. So having his shows on hand in case he is around might be useful. Or just watch them anyway if you really want to I'm sure he's watched this week's Tabitabit at least three times already.
Yeah that's pretty much what I told him. We've even got the Thursday shows anyway so there's no shortage of things.
>>898524 Oh I guess you stayed over somewhere for Thanksgiving then? Or were just too busy during it to have time for shows.
Weird that you do the actual dinner down there on the Thursday of. Up here you normally see people doing the dinner on the Friday or Saturday. You get that whole day off why not use it for the cooking?
I think it's probably done the way it's done here to give people time to travel.
jujutsu okay lets start
I was thinking this last week, but it seems a lot of people who end up being Jujutsu people end up being kind of toxic or ill-minded people. Probably because the negative energy they have mentally makes them have lots of inherent cursed energy.
assume nothing, for i live! if you can squish in tabitabi ill watch that when youre done and then ill go back to sleep
This OP is a good example of the good old fashioned shonen opening. I love openings like this.
Never a problem for me, I'm an accomplished master in attracting no attention to myself!
>>898538 The song's good, and I really like the finale where it has the flashback to the MC in the hospital with his grandad. The music synergizes really well with it too. Plus the Japanese chimes/wood block that open and close the song are nice too.
I like Gojou a lot now that we've seen under his blindfold It wasn't what I was expecting
This new guy is pretty cool too
He's very much in the same vibe as ... ah I'm blanking on his name. But Mob's boss from Mob Psycho. That kind of unironically serious about being an adult kind of guy. Though Reigen? also had the added bit of being a scam artist on top of it. This guy seems earnestly an "I'm an adult with adult responsibilities" kind of guy.
His way of fighting is HELLA cool though.
Oh gosh that's actually an even better look on Gojou than the blindfold. He should just wear sunglasses.
If the cursed person was wearing a watch it was probably a person oh yeah that's kind of a mess
I guess that's why it was saying detergent
The other one was crying bento, too. I was kinda thinking they were cursed spirits formed from people's negative energy from fighting over Japanese supermarket timed sales. Since they popped up in a shopping centre. They probably were still people who were there for timed sales, but were forcibly turned into monsters, probably by this guy here.
Oh now THIS has potential to be pretty interesting. Oh I see he's talking about those intelligent cursed spirits we were seeing before. They're so powerful because they're the manifestation of people's fear in volcanoes, tsunamis, things like that.
Still that said that one volcano one got absolutely CRUSHED by Gojou so I dunno, they don't feel that scary.
I guess that's a good trick for determining if someone's a Jujutsu sorceror, or at least awakened to the spiritual world. To any normal person Itadori's just carrying around an empty cage -- weird, but whatever. But if they react to the spirits inside it, then they know that person can at the least see the spirits, which seems to only happen if you can use sorcery anyway.
Also it's cool that they've got an actual practical mission for Itadori to go on. As opposed to just giving him a training arc.
I even typed up tabitabi notes for this episode yesterday in preparation.
You know you could devote that energy to maybe making a blog or at least a Twitter account where you compare differences between source material and adaptations of series you really like.
I had to tweak my original post because if I said like I originally was going to that it was -the- explicit content then I figured there was a good chance you'd go "well yes but"
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
I mean did you see all that newspaper blood? That's kinda freaky.
ALSO in the NOVEL? Elaina WEARS THE RING ON HER PINKY immersion ruined
Well it's still on the middle finger, which still isn't the important ring finger.
Oh no lady You've got to avoid doing weird shit like this when time travelling. That's like the first rule of time travel.
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
Glad none of those lines had to get cut, that scene is fun
I mean I suppose it doesn't matter since she's under the impression time operates on parallel lines here. So she wouldn't be concerned about meddling with her friend as a kid. But still! It's about the principle!
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
Who in the world recognizes someone by the nape of their neck
>You become a murderer Elaina she already IS a murderer
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
to be fair I'll add here the novel specifically calls her a Serial Killer and not just a murderer
I guess this girl lost it a long time ago.
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
Way longer than Estelle has the power to go back to, clearly.
Well by my understanding here she thought this would be enough. If she'd known she was being deceived. If she'd known by this point her friend was already broken. Then she could've set out to travel to an earlier time.
I don't see how feasible it'd be for Estelle to go back to probably infancy Selena to save her from her own parents There's a lot that goes on there Plus her uncle is a creep too >>898616 Yeah, it was definitely a hell of a read the first time
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
here comes my text dump
This is chapter 11 of book 3, interestingly enough originally
placed before the Wall that Traveler's Inscribe and Sheila and
Elaina's Auction Adventure.
Elaina watches the play of Selena and that's why she's broke
They start the past in her room and only Estelle can really tell
at first they're in the past. Elaina then notices there are no
ads for the play she saw that ate her income.
Elaina is given plenty of info from Estelle and hides in the
house, notices that the family is wealthy. Estelle's info says
there's multiple robbers and she's aware the stabbing might look
like a grudge crime, but only notes it with a (?).
Selena is a slightly more keen on the situation when Elaina
arrives so they skip a few lines (she takes slightly longer to what the fuck are these
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
line breaks are broken I hate it
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
Selena is a slightly more keen on the situation when Elaina
arrives so they skip a few lines (she takes slightly longer to
understand Estelle is Estelle).
As a result, Elaina isn't really the only one who puts two and
two together to worry about the grudge crime, but does take
until the ring starts sapping her magic to worry and go after
Selena's dad sure doesn't mention the fucking nape and line of
his daughter's childhood friend but given what he does to Selena
that adds up.
Not a real note here but the Estelle-Selena scene after the
murder is very accurate, I feel the need to give them props. I
guess one thing that's worth mentioning here is Elaina is so
shaken she's having trouble getting the ring off as opposed to
it being stuck on. She also has a really good internal narration
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
he scene upon return to the current time takes place in the
room but I think the way they show it here really keeps the
mood. In the book I didn't get as strong a feeling of Estelle
being so utterly weak afterwards and more just completely "I
don't remember what I was doing" but she did suck every last
part of her magic and then some so she should be exhausted.
The clock tower scene with Elaina crying has her narrate a bit
more though they accurate capture things with what she says
here. She also eventually bucks up and says it's time to go, but
again ending the episode the way they do really brings home the
feeling that I'm happy they went for.
I'm really happy with how this chapter gets presented, and have
expectations for the remaining episodes as a result.
Also some minor things like the play thing, uh the ring goes on
her pinky in the book. Also Estelle's time magic is blue-white
am I free from slowdown hell ok cool yeah sorry about the formatting on that it was completely fine in notepad, I'll add two little images to be finished.
and yeah, I was really excited when they announced that chapter in the preview, since it's kind of an important one thank you for anime you two
I feel like it's good that Elaina feels she can help like that but this was an important reminder that she's still a person at the end of the day Afraid and capable of error just like everyone else.
Too bad for her that's not the kind of thing to dissuade him. He'd keep hounding her even if she ostracized him from the entire island. Which is probably in part why she insisted on helping him stay on good terms with everyone.
Oohhhh shit Hah hah hah Another person who's been hiding behind false smiles
I didn't expect the lick girl to be another snake in diguise. Was she always suspicious of Nana, did it form over time as it became kind of suspicious how Nana acted, or is she a strange third party?
Well to be fair she might not really be evil. After all Nana -is- the one going around killing everyone here! This might just be her acting as a kind of "hero" to save her classmates from Nana.
Oh Thos This guy is really dedicated to being other people he lives in a cave
And his name is erased from the student roster Honestly I think I was confusing him when he showed up in the OP with their teacher who kinda has a similar face.
>Even if I rip out your uterus it won't show me who you really are inside Wow dude.
New arc time! The original arc this is going to tweak things on was the one where Keiichi and Satoko start getting really close to the point where Keiichi kinda helps fill the gap Satoko's brother left in her life. But then Satoko's asshole uncle returns to Hinamizawa and she's forced to live with him again. Which aggravates the brain worms'd Keiichi and he kills Satoko's uncle. Or maybe doesn't? It's kinda hard to tell because of Keiichi's brain worms.
Oh here's the fuckwit himself.
Honestly I don't actually know what the "win condition" is here. Like in the last arc the win condition was Keiichi giving Mion the doll instead of Rena. And in the first one it's intervening into Keiichi's problems and helping him step back from the mania that's making him suspect Rena and Mion.
Honestly it's pretty mean of him to bully her like that. It's not like Satoko can help being colourblind.
>"No getting someone to cook it for you and pretending it's yours" >Keiichi intended to get his mom to cook it for him anyway
Oh no No no no Well okay that's not what would happen but it's honestly not too far from the truth.
Wow his kitchen is a warzone.
>Nii-nii >Big Brudder Fine, sure, there's no real good way of localizing that. But still. STILL.
Satoko's way of speaking always sticks out. Since she refers to herself in the very extravagant "watakushi" and ends her sentences with "DE SU WA" It's all very ojou-poi despite her not really being ojou material.
If I remember the original adaptation of the arc this is tweaking Which to be fair was probably over a decade ago hah hah I THINK Rika gives Keiichii a similar speech after the dinner in that arc too. That of course doesn't mean it's not the mature Rika speaking but it seems to be something consistent whenever this flavour of fragment comes around.
I get the feeling if Rika's going to take a pointed involvement in this arc, it will happen later. Like how in the first arc she got Keiichi to step back from going full crazy in like the third or fourth episode of the arc.
>>898672 >>898673 I do think we'll see a lot of Rika manipulation this time.
I'd hope so! This arc is probably a pretty hard one for her to "win". Since she has to keep Keiichi from going too brain worms and wanting to kill Satoko's uncle. But also save Satoko from her uncle -- which we only see happen in the "Everybody Wins Happy Ending" arc right at the end of the series. On top of, y'know, not getting murdered by Takano.
One thing that's cool about this adaptation I think, is that this is the first time we see Irie appear. In the original adaptation he shows up in the first arc, I think. But in the original VNs, he actually doesn't show up until this arc. Maybe his name is mentioned along with the clinic earlier, but it's his first appearance here.
Oh I just remembered. There was that scene in episode two at the start of the series with Rika and Hanyuu in the sea of fragments, right? The Rika in that scene was distinctly not the same age as the Rika of 1983
Ah yep. It's a bit weird since it means she was a few years out of escaping the Hinamizawa loop before getting dragged back in. And we don't yet know why she returned. Or how she died, or if she died.
this has been really interesting okay tonikaku okay lets start!
If I also remember correctly from the original adaptation, this was the arc that got REALLY compressed down so that they could squeeze all the ... Actually nevermind it was five episodes long in the original adaptation. Man how did it feel so compressed and hard to follow in that one then.
Okay time for comfy marriage comedy antics. WAIT THEIR APARTMENT BURNED DOWN HOW IS THAT COMFY
She's kind of refreshingly calm about staring down a man's errection.
Yeah honestly this building looks like it's a better place to live than their apartment was anyway.
Hah hah hah oh no this poor girl She's so desperate to not realize Nasa and Tsukasa are married tha-
Well okay nevermind her mom just broke that delusion.