Hi hey hello Hope you had a nice weekend! Mine was okay up until like two hours ago when I discovered my headphone cable has a frayed wire and I can only get full audio through it if I perch the cable ever so appropriately.
I definitely didn't just take melatonin five secnods ago expecting to go to sleep
How long does melatonin usually take to register in you?
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
half an hour but it's not the only thing putting me to sleep
--Erai-raws 100-man no Inochi no Ue ni Ore wa Tatte iru Adachi to Shimamura Akudama Drive Episode 4-5 Assault Lily - Bouquet Burn the Witch Episode 2-3 Dungeon ni Deai wo Motomeru no wa Machigatteiru Darou ka III Enen no Shouboutai Gochuumon wa Usagi desu ka Bloom Jujutsu Kaisen Kami-tachi ni Hirowareta Otoko Episode 2-6 Kamisama ni Natta Hi Episode 3-5 Kimi to Boku no Saigo no Senjou Arui wa Sekai ga Hajimaru Seisen Love Live! Nijigasaki Gakuen School Idol Doukoukai Episode 2-6 Mahouka Koukou no Rettousei - Raihousha-hen Majo no Tabitabi Munou na Nana Senyoku no Sigrdrifa Tonikaku Kawaii
He's definitely going to make one though! Sukuna can't be trusted but the rules he makes probably can. These kinds of magic creatures always have to play by the rules they make up.
Respectable goal from Blindfold-sensei The jujutsu organization he works for seems to be run by dicks and I can't blame him for wanting to tear it down.
Guess Itadori will get a bit of a training arc inbetween now and that exchange competition his school's participating in.
Oh well these curse monsters are causing a commotion.
If he can't rely on tradingo ut with his inner demon, he's going to need a power up and wow this scene
Hah hah Using fingers as a power scale That's a new one.
That was a pretty dark scene for a Shounen Jump series. Even if they were villains.
Kinda funny how black-hair is trying to turn a sympathetic new leaf because he was pretty affected by Itadori's "death" But Itadori's still doing pretty fine.
I kinda wonder if his inner demon is going to have like hmm maybe is more of a good guy than you'd really think but that stuff will be way down the road if it happesn
I could see Sukuna playing a bit of a "I'm evil but only because evil was done to me" revealing. There's a limit to how much good they can squeeze into this series' monsters and creatures like him though. Like they're called curses and things like cursed spirits, and pretty specifically state they're
an embodiment of negative emotions and energy. You can maybe justify them with better character development but I think being actually good is out of their reach.
that episode went by quickly majo tabi okay lets start
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
I am alive daijoubu now if only it would load up ok I'm lady
Tabi Bee Toe
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
This chapter is fun.
>Your body will not be able to lie Just try me bitch
Reminds me of that comedy movie from around like 2010 or so about a world where no one could lie and the one man who one day realized he could. Er I think it might've been no one had tried lying before and he was the first. Might've been like The Invention of Lying or something?
Yeah, no kidding. Is it only a lie because she herself thinks she's beautiful? I'm pretty sure I could say a line like that without choking.
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
Maybe if she picks another lie we'll find out
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
She sure has a high opinion of herself.
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
you can solve all your problems with time magic, right
Sure, yeah Just go back to a time when the king didn't force everyone to always tell the truth.
Wow a full conversation between two people told in no words
She's definitely become a lot since we last saw her.
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
Kirara really liked Saya this episode
She's kind of the person that would charm him.
Wishes like that are like, quintessential monkey's paw wishes. Wishing for everyone to tell the truth will inevitably backfire.
Hard to tell what's Elaina being compelled by the spell and what's her just being a bit of a bitch.
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
According to herself in the novel she's about 20% more mean than she'd usually be
So she knows she's already a bit inherently mean but still writes truthfully that she has a pure heart, eh
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
(her lie choices are pretty different in the anime but I think they're good choices for comedic reasons)
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
also the solution to get into the castle is way different
Honestly if you spend like five seconds thinking properly about it, being cursed to tell the truth is no barrier at all. There's plenty of truthful lies you can tell.
This is that radical honesty kinda thing always ends badly
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
Saya fighting everything offscreen is accurate.
Action is unimportant when you've got PREACHY MONOLOGUES to speak.
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
I have comments on that too soon
Looks like that nerd got swept off his feet
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
Shabby Witch-chan catching the prince on the rebound
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
yeah the nape is extremely powerful
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
alright I'll try to be quick
the anime gets to the people having an unspoken agreement to be quiet real fast, but in the original there's some fun dialogues between Elaina and townsfolk, including the bread baker and a guy on the street who makes the flat chest comment that they gave the guard instead
Elaina spends a good three days here which, while I don't know if that would qualify one to speak on how someone runs their country, makes the speech to the king a little less preachy-feeling, compared to the anime where we only have so much time to spare.
Elaina makes the truth is the sword kept sheath lies etc comments as narration and doesn't actually say that to the king.
Also in the hallway Eihemia is the one who says the pen is mightier than the sword instead of Saya and she beams while holding up her little book the whole time they're walking.
That chapter was a bit more of a Kino no Tabi-poi episode than some of the other ones. Probably because the limitation of no lying is much more like the more abstract and philisophical peculiarities of Kino no Tabi than some of the other stuff we've seen.
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
Oh important the solution to enter the castle is writing a letter not in pieces but all at once and have it signed with "the king's signature", then erasing "this is the king's signature" from the bottom which forced it to be correct. Elaina spends a lot more time experimenting with lies.
I'm coffee'd up and ready to go >>890880 that honestly makes a lot more sense and is in line with the original, so I'd buy it
>>890878 Honestly when it first came up that it was all across a bunch of different pages what I thought happened was they wrote out various truthful statements and erased parts of them to get the message they needed.
They all get to enjoy a coffee celebration but Sharo doesn't because she fucking DIES from caffeine.
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
give the girl some decaf
Oh I guess this time they did the school culture festival first and then the sports festival or sports activity like a marathon. Most of the time it's the other way around in anime.
They ended up keeping the rope.
That pose sure showed a lot of Chiya leg
>Bakers are the masters of waking up early While she's technically correct, I do think it's Yup. Too much to expect of Cocoa.
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
>applie pie
You can't spell apple pie without A LIE
Syaro seems like she'd be even worse a jogging partner than Cocoa.
And then everyone started morning jogging together except for Cocoa.
Well for the time being it looks like she's got some A-rank Luck. Or rather she's just such a trusting girl she couldn't possibly conceive the idea that Nana is responsible for the photo.
Still though Nana's probably got to lie fast to convince her she's got nothing to do with the photo.
We'll see if she's going to kill this girl this episde she's running out of targets
Oh yeah, that's true, isn't it. This is the first time she's killed someone who got discovered by someone else on the island. Which means they've got to put on a funeral for the guy.
>The Talented have the ability to evolve their own powers That's kind of scary though. Some of these powers have been kind of weak but others are pretty hack-y. Like if powers can evolve, could that mean the lick girl could really bring people back to life? What would the guy with pre-cog power evolve into? Or the guy who could time travel?
Hah hah she's playing him pretty well here. He still is working under the assumption that she can read his mind, even if she's the killer. Which is actually a great foil for her, since it measdsdddddddddddddddddd What. Oh I thought her licks had actually brought him back to life. But there's just someone with necromancy powers.
Yeah, good thing she's amazingly good at thinking on her feet. Her lying and acting improv is 10/10.
I get the feeling this girl and the necromancer guy are her next priority targets. The necromancer formost because his power is a danger to her stealth. But yeah, I had the feeling the girl was a priority because she was kinda protecting the necromancer.
Gosh this shota is a chuuni nerd.
Looks like something is eating at him though. Oh it's just a scar. I thought it was something like a penalty for his power.
So far the people she's actually killed, aside from the first guy, have been kind of dickish or at least obnoxious. But the girl of that pairing seems earnestly nice. And the necromancer is a bit of a chuuni nerd but he didn't seem like a bad kid.
Yeah, I'm raelly interested to see who her next victim is
ohh there it is also the first guy she killed wasn't really that bad
That's what I said, yeah. He was a bit pathetic but nothing actually bad. The time-travelling guy wasn't really bad either but he was obnoxious as fuck. And it's a bit hard to have remorse about the pre-cog guy, even if he was just a kid.
Hah hah hah hah Wow she really got PLAYED here.
I bet the boy's been dead from the beginning. That story she told about him in the theatre, he died in the fire. Or maybe not. Maybe the story's just entirely different.
Ah guess I was pretty spot-on, yeah. He died in the fire and she revived him. It's kind of romantic in a way. Kinda.
She's crazy crazy but now Nana is going to kill her
Really most of the kids on this island either have some legitimate crazy problems, or budding ones. I can kinda see why there's organizations out there in the broader world that want them dead. Imagine all these kids running around the world with their mental states, wrecking havoc with their powers.
Each target she's gone after has had her losing her flawless stealth more and more. Last time she got outright busted by the pre-cog guy. And this time she actually admitted it to someone's face.
Guess we'll see next episode I wonder when she's going to get found out feels like soon
yeah it's getting harder and harder for her
okay adacho adachi okay lets start
Reaaaady Comfy gay times
Wow what a dream to have in the bath.
I really like the internal narrative monologues you get from these two in this series. They're kinda poetic and introspective. Internal monologues are pretty common in LN series but often enough when they transition to anime a lot of the monologue gets cut since it's kind of narrative bloat that doesn't work as well in cinematic media. So I'm happy they left them in for this series.
Oh that was a good DOYA face from Shimamura. A good DOYA face is important.
Really though she bought Adachi's lie there, but if you look at how Adachi acted when she said yes, there's no way it's just because it could've been anyone.
Well from the PV forv next episode at least it seems like Christmas goes over well for the two of them. Christmas is a couple's day in Japan so it's risky for them to go into it not as a couple!