Have you considered setting a notification or even alarm for yourself? Back when my sleep schedule was -really- out of whack I was setting alarms for myself when I knew I'd be dozing off before midnight. It didn't always work out but it did help with getting me back to the computer some times.
Ahiru no Sora (No 720p) Appare-Ranman Black Clover Fruits Basket Episode 20-21 Gibiate Episode 5-6 Houkago Teibou Nisshi Koi to Producer Episode 5-6 The God of High School To aru Kagaku no Railgun Episode 18-20 Uzaki-san wa Asobitai!
well we can chip it away a bit at a time the good news is lots of good stuff
appare high school uzaki fruits
Plus if we really wanted to we could skip over some Black Clover episodes since they're all filler for the next while anyway. I keep tabs on /a/ so they'll probably be abuzz once the actual plot starts up again.
that's actually a pretty good idea, we won't miss anything
appare okay lets start
is uzaki actually good or is it a trick
RACE >>869070 Short answer, yes. It's a cute SoL with two MCs that are pretty much dating in all but name. The author has an obvious type of girl he prefers but the characters are still all nice.
I like the lead-in for this OP It works really well for those bite-sized recaps at the top of the episode into the actual OP.
Somehow I don't think putting the samurai behind the wheel is a good idea. But I guess the kid's too small to control the car and Appare's out. Oh but he woke up. Guess that fixes it.
First proper casualties of the race, eh. More bandits too.
I still don't trust this scar guy. Sure is convenient that he's the only survivor of this pack of victims.
You can't trust anyone in a race like this but i bet his closest allies won't betray him
Yeah, that's the feelings I'm getting too. This little gang they've put together will probably remain allies for the race.
I think that stoic cowboy racer will end up doing some good though. And the hip hop kinda guy is probably not as much of an asshole as his attitude leads on.
Appare's such a nerd. Thinking he can take on a bunch of outlaws with brains alone.
Oh he actia;;y cit ho, tpp/ oh he actually cut him too
Full on stylish finishing move too.
Looks like the real Gil is still somewhere out there though.
They really don't keep their surprise reveals in their pocket for long in this show. Though I guess it's already 2/3rds over so amping up for a climax isn't really weird.
Korean names are a bit of an adaptation for me. It's surprising how distinct they are from Japanese and Chinese names considering the close cultural history they have.
Korean names sound a lot more normal to me than Chinese names. Chinese names are weird.
Well Chinese names are an adaptation for me too. I see a decent amount of various Asian names in daily life living here though. But when it comes to anime I'm expecting Japanese names or Western-y names so Korean and Chinese are a bit weird. Chinese less so though since China tends to cameo more often in Japanese anime.
>The media have been calling it an attack from the North [Korea] That's a neat thing that they can do with this taking place in Korea though.
This author is a real martial arts nerd though, and it shows. Each participant seems to use a unique style and they seem to be familiar with even minor or older styles that don't see a lot of modern-day practice.
Yeah these cultists sure are cult-y. I guess judging from what the tournament employees are talking about though a cult might have a well-grounded reason for wanting to destroy it.
What good friends he's made. His apartment is a really comfy location though. It would be nice to live somewhere like that.
Then back to dire. I wonder if whoever's kidnapped his granddad is gonna make him choose between the tournament or his granddad. If he doesn't fight in the tournament I feel it's a given win to the team they're up against. Since Daewi is disqualified and they probably wouldn't let Mira fight more than one opponent.
Senpai is usually very dense in these kinds of shows.
This is really nice. Petting cats is a soothing experience. I haven't seen my cat in a while.
Twenty is a big birthdate in Japan! It's when you're legally considered an adult there, and so when you can legally drink and engage in other mature activities.
Kinda reminds me of when they went glasses shopping for him earlier in the series. Though they didn't get thrown out of the glasses shop. They're not very good at keeping their weird activities on the down-low when out in public.
This is a super-perceptive family. Too bad they've sworn to use their powers for mischief and not assistance.
Both Sempai and Uzaki have little tagnames under their contact info for each other. Uzaki calls him "gloomy" and he calls her "baka".
He should be pretty happy to go to a pub with her that's a legitimate date
Oh she's just going straight for the pub right as she turns twenty.
These kinds of Japanese pubs are really great too though. They're comfy and serve some great food. There's one downtown that I used to go to a lot before the pandemic shut everything down. They've re-opened since then but I haven't heard from my friend that I would go with.
I'm definitely more for mixed drinks than beer honestly. He's not wrong that the salty/fried food izakaya serve tends to harmonize real well with beer though.
She's killing his wallet now, I guess he shouldn't be completely happy.
They got reprimanded again though. These two really can't go anywhere without being rowdy and making trouble.
Oh yuzu liquor is pretty nice though. It's really expensive because of import prices here so I don't really get to drink it.
Ah she's a dangerous drunk. It's a good thing these two are so close otherwise she'd be in a bit of a problematic situation. But I guess she's right to trust him.
I'm not positive she really planned it out. After all she'd never been drinking before, so it's not like she could've expected herself to be this way. But I do think she trusted he'd do the right thing in a problematic situation.
This does kinda make me want to go and get drinks with friends though hah hah I've been a bit socially-deprived this past week or two so I'm probably just jumping on anything that makes me feel would satisfy that need.
>>869163 I think we all want to do that after all this being cooped up due to coronavirus.
Also episode twenty of this! I think.
>>869167 Yeah. I didn't really get a lot of social activity before Covid-19 hit but what sparse amount I did get has pretty much all dried up. I'm sufficiently introverted that I don't need a lot of social activity to keep level but I do need a bit. I've lasted most of this pandemic keeping sane but by now I definitely think my head's starting to go a bit.
Apparently I might've totally forgotten a large chunk of this series. And there might be more content left than what can fit into the remaining four or five episodes of this season. So there might actually be a season three some time down the line to finish the story.
Also I wonder what Machi's problem is. She keeps wrecking the student council office and seems really freaked out. Obviously something's haunting a corner of her head.
I guess it probably has something to do with their family situation. Yeah she's probably been made a bit of a tool of her mom in this family war over her dad's finances.
I like Yuki's vice-president a lot. He's a good character, especially when contrasted against the stiff and cowardly Yuki.
Yeah, the girls version looks fine. The cardigans go a long way with this uniform too.
Yuki's sweater helps too. Honestly I think they could've just picked a better colour to make matching shirt and pants with. Or not have them match in the first place.
Hah hah hah Kyo gets to be the prince for Cinderella. Too bad Tohru doesn't get to be his Cinderella.
Tohru probably doesn't have an evil bone in her body. She couldn't act a villain even if she tried.