Hi hey hello I'm in luck I'm still in the city for tonight. Plenty of stuff came out too.
Brand New Animal Ahiru no Sora Black Clover Deca-Dence Gibiate Koi to Producer - Evol x Love
are any of those episode 1?
Nope. Gibiate and Koi to Producer are episode twos but they're both kindaaaa ... eh If this season wasn't such a dry spell I don't think they'd make the cut. Deca-Dence is episode three but really, really good so far. Probably one of the standouts of the season.
Black Clover is literal shounen trash and Ahiru is a basketball sports anime that's probably about midling quality.
BNA is Trigger's latest work and it's been a lot of fun so far but it's at episode eleven by this point so it's almost over.
Yeah but it's all just guys. That's not particularly exciting for me.
wow deca goes really hard really fast alright i'll let you guys know when i'm caught up
It'll be fun to get your reactions. A lot of the show goes pretty crazy.
Super-competitive sports teams probably suck real bad to be in. We got the kind of romantic take on it with Diamond no Ace but this team doesn't beat around the bush. There's only so many slots on a first-string team after all.
>Nobody is trying to stop me Dude they all tried to stop you last night
Yeah this black-haired guy seems to kinda be one of those territorial players. If you discourage up and coming kouhai from staying with the team then you have less risk to your position in the team.
Another person who falls victim to a lousy haircut. Cutting your hair to show how "serious" you are seems real silly to me.
>>860267 Is this author for this female? Cutting your hair after a big change is a girl thing,
No clue, I'll go see if it's obvious. Hm, evidence points to them being male.
>>860268 To be fair I'm pretty sure shaving your head to show you made an error and are owning up to it is a cultural thing for guys in Japan anyway. But yeah, we've also had people just do more normal trims too, like the MC and the blonde guy. The blonde guy by far is the biggest loser though. Like a pompadour/mullet isn't a great look but it's better than what he's rocking now.
There really are a lot of characters in this with bad hair, now that I think about it.
It's probably in part that the main cast is a bunch of remediated delinquents. Punks like that don't really care for looking stylish or attractive.
I like this wild mane that Tobi has now though over his cornrows from the early parts of fhe series. But that's more because cornrows is just a really dumb look to me.
Having animal powers must be pretty useful. Even if you're limited to just one species.
I'm happy that Michiru has suceeded in driving at least a slight wedge between Nazuna and the creepy priest. Though she still goes along with the broad expectations he lays out for her. Goes to show Nazuna isn't an entirely narcissistic case.
Ah here she goes. It took her a long time to finally draw inspiration from Shirou.
Well she is the aidoru of the beastmen. She's got to be a proper beast in her own right.
The priest has really so far played Nazuna perfectly. Like if you think about how the beastmen have been persecuted by humans, to be told their idol is actually human would probably incite a huge feeling of betrayal. But that's not something Nazuna would really know she's only been a beastman for a few months or so.
They've given her idol activities a lot of time this episode seems like things are about to kick off though
Yeah I bet this is the back-up plan they had in case she didn't confess to being human.
Yeah here he's basically just telling them all anyway.
And with a riot like this the humans basically have the perfectly constructed justification for forcefully vaccinating all the beastmen and making them all human. Keikaku doori
>>860305 Zootopia, kinda. The MC is a formerly human girl turned into a beastman, who's fled to a special district called Anima City which is a haven for beastmen, a long-persecuted race of half-beast humans. There she meets a wolfman who acts as a kind of vigilante protector of the city, and gets caught up in the complicated sociological issues that plague the city, all while trying to uncover how she was turned from human into beastman.
hey i'm actually kinda worried that my version will be slightly off from yours but that's okay i just got past the intro screens
i'm watching on hulu
ready i'll let you know when the OP starts for me
Yeah it'll probably be fine.
The HS RIP starts from the Kadokawa intro.
oh ok then we'll be the same
This is kind of what I suspected happened, yeah. During her accident she briefly died, which, yeah. Made the Deca-Dence system assume she was proper dead.
kaburagi is really cool and i wish he was a fighting game character
I want to see more of the way they fight using the zero-G gear. It's kinda reminscent of the Attack on Titan style.
i wanna know more about the race of sentient machines run by a singular corporation
Yeah. It's a bit hard to tell what's quite going on there. Are they aliens? Earth-made AI that got way too out of hand?
This show has done gone a lot of places in a short time
Also why are there all these monsters populating Earth now? Did the entity which runs Deca-Dence introduce them to the planet? Did they come here themselves?
Kaburagi is extremely unflappable. Nothing fazes him.
yeah so he's def training her to destroy the company
Wow girl that's awfully ABLIST of you
I wonder if the actual humans that get to join the not-humans on these monster hunting expeditions are let in on the secret that it's all just a game. My assumptions are they aren't, but maybe ones like the Kurenai lady put it together from being so involved with the Gears.
i'm a little curious about why tankers fight at all
Probably more than a few are adrenaline junkies. Others probably do it out of a sense of purpose. For the Tankers after all, Deca-Dence is their home, and their last safe space in a wasteland of monsters.
i wish kaburagi was my dad
>>860325 nah i don't mean like what motivations the tankers have i mean like why they're allowed
these sentient machines (who i don't know the name of yet) seem to be pretty all-powerful
also apparently there's a whole world that's still completely fine outside the bubble too
>>860328 They're called Gears in the Deca-Dence game. Dunno if that's what they actually consider themselves but it works well enough I think.
>>860327 Judging from the first episode the governing system which presides over Deca-Dence only allow a very few Tankers to fight. So they probably take into account reproduction rates and don't let more Tankers fight than they can afford to lose. Plus it helps the fortress from becoming overpopulated.
oh here we go it's like terminator but the terminators won and also they enjoy games?
>Acquired all rights to humanity Even being clearly told why that's the case, holy fuck.
well damn what a world
So yeah, these machines are Earth-made cyborgs that overran the dwindling human population.
so this is the story of a rebellion
Gosh, how cute.
The ... pet is probably fine as long as no one looks too closely, but I think Kaburagi is in the right concerning keeping it inside for its own safety.
I think it would be kinda neat if she got a special armament for her prosthetic. She's in a unique position for body-modification.
Yeah that's some cool shit Almost worth losing half an arm for.
Ah shit this is probably not good.
I wonder if this mission control room is tasked by Gears or Tankers. Ah Kaburagi's got a direct line to them so I guess it's Gears.
Kaburagi can be a real mood at times. He's only really stayed in operation for the sake of other people.
man this world is really cool they bruteforced the worldbuilding but in a very refreshing way good show i like it
man i'm up way later than i thought i would be oops
>>860344 I think delivering the first episode with very little context but a lot of Very Cool stuff to see helps cushion some straight worldbuilding like that. Sure getting all the context is a bit overwhelming but you're already hooked from the first episode so you don't really care.
also this chick lost her arm in the first few minutes and then her dad was dead that kind of quick first-impression is very good it signals to the audience that they aren't here to pull nobody's chain
>>860350 Good the fuck to sleep nerd Go, even. Go the fuck to sleep nerd.
CEO Sugita seems to be the main male lead of the harem. We even got that bit with him saving her when they were kids. And his company is who finances her show.
Well the series seems to lean heavily on the Red Queen's Hypothesis, so the second bit ... kinda makes sense. Mr. Love is pretty awful though.
The professor is obviously one of these superhumans so of course he'd believe her, but the two other ladies are taking her claim that someone was able to teleport her around pretty in stride.
Oh she knew this guy in high school. That's pretty close to being childhood friends. Guess he fills the bad boy character niche for this otomege. Even though he's a cop.
this is a weird show really It's cause it's based on a phone game for girls but it's weird she's the producer
Pretty much all the guys are way too stoic. They're all super-composed and don't do anything like smirking or emoting in endearing ways. Maybe it's trying to give them a mature air but it just makes them boring to me.
The guy designs are a bit too bishie for me honestly
They're a bit too homogenous in my books. Aside from swapping hair colour and outfits there's very little visual distinction. It's a small cast so it doesn't really matter but it's still a point against the series.
Plus combined with how flat most of their characters are it really doesn't make them stand out. it makes me wonder how the phone game was popular. But I guess it was probably primarily marketed at a Chinese audience.