I think next week we should be getting the cute girls doing fishing things show. And maybe one or two of the other shows that were kicked down the road.
Oh it seems like there is some time shenanigans going on.
Oh even in this skeleton guy's memory there's still some incorrect history going on. The same reason he got labelled a misfit at the school. He gave what should have been the correct answer -- of course he remembers his own name -- but there's some misinformation shenanigans going on that's changing history.
Whenever they start talking about something "nobody's been able to do before" you just know he's going to do it.
This glasses dork is kinda funny. I'm a bit let down he's up against one of the main three so early since it's obvious the three of them will be around for a while. So he's obviously not gonna win this.
That said I also really like Daewi so I'm not that bummed.
He's such a gentleman.
wow cool attack
Gates of Babylon versus FIST
Oh here's some good fight choreography
Yeah I REALLY like Daewi's fighting style. That's super kakkoii.
Yeah I kinda figured. Whatever weird fruit they fed the MC didn't take him out for good. I wonder if we'll see what it'll do for hi-
Ah well that's it I guess hah hah Though yeah the fight's not quite done yet.
She seems to have a variety of effects with that whistle of hers. Green seems to have all the powers though, providing she finds a tome containing the spell.
Oh yeah her brain powers. RIP Tiara. Er drain powers.
PV for next episode has some pretty cute girls too
There was a rare thread on /a/ for this series and someone posted a panel from the manga. It's been so long since I'd read it that I'd totally forgotten how shoujo QUALITY it was hah hah. Like Yuki's face here is just so absolutely awful. Who signed off on this.
oh wow that face there yeah that's kinda peak shoujo quality
Kureno isn't a very common name I think. The odds of finding two guys named something like that is probably fairly unlikely. But I think her friend's just kind of committed to giving up on her crush on the guy.
Tohru remains a horrible liar. She's too earnest a human bean to do anything like that effectively.
Wow she just bowled that girl right over. Oh yeah she was already in on the situation here.
That's a really nice outfit Tohru's got.
A really nice thing about getting a modern adaptation of this series is getting an update on the character designs. They're all faithful to the original designs but are actual good art rather than >>859522 this.
Yeah, I think it's been fairly well drawn throughout. Though her clothes are always kinda frumpy.
Tohru's a kinda frumpy girl it's one of her charm points
Lately everything seems to drag up Tohru's trauma regarding her mom's passing. I guess once the dam begins to break you can't really patch it up anymore.
Is she that frumpy in the manga? Frumpy can be cute but she's almost unbearably frumpy.
It's been way too long for me to remember what her outfits were like in the manga. But her character's been consistently the plain, unassuming girl. Despite the visual upgrade the characters have remained consistent so I'd assume that has too.
If anything the reason she's kinda frumpy might be because she's wearing low-cost fashion from like the 1990s.
eah I think she's so ultra-frumpy because she's frumpy 20 years ago wearing the clothes from the time
It's a bit funny since the show's in a bit of a time period screw. I'm pretty sure some of the characters have smartphones, which would have been clamshell cells in the original material. But they haven't really updated the fashion and I think they still have those old Japanese payphones showing up.
Kureno kind of reminds me of Kyo. They've got a similar face and hairstyle.
The Monkey in particular has gotten a really cute update though. But ... he? I know physically the Monkey's a guy but if I remember correctly the situation besides that is ... complicated. But the Monkey's design in the anime ups the femininity and cuteness a good bit.
Coincidentally the title of the next episode as the episode just showed is >>859522 what she's saying here. Just goes to show this wasn't even the early-on art quality of the series even like 80% of the way through there was still some real doofy QUALITY.
Fruits is good and comfy but i find it a little dull and safe probably because it's ancient shoujo
Yeah I wouldn't say it's particularly risky. It's one of those healing-y kinda shows but stretched over a full narrative's length. Honestly even having a cast of attractive guys all burdened by trauma and their dark pasts and being the caring and lovable but somewhat bland female MC is the kind of thing you'd expect out of an otomege these days too though. But Fruits Basket definitely leans on subdued and implicative darkness rather than explicit. Like the batshit crazy way Akito is, is more par the course for otomege characters these days.
Personally I think it might also be a bit dull because it doesn't try to have exaggerated characters, for the most part at least, and attempts to capture its characters more realistically. There's a lot of richness to the characters but since it's not highlighted for fiction it probably gets lost if you're not following too closely. Which probably isn't the best trait for late-night anime hah hah.